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Global warming ,

disaster causing and

pollution effects on earth

Global warming is one of the main problems

on is due to the increase in the earths
average surface temperature
affected by
greenhouse gases. Now a days global
warming is the main reason for the damage in
the earths atmosphere. The poles are
melting, heat is increasing and the days are
becoming too hot than the usual temperature.
According to the scientists, global warming is
mostly caused by emission of carbon dioxide
and deforestation. It can even cause the
natural disasters like floods, earthquake,
tsunami, storms, etc., the earths climate is
changing day by day and getting warmer now
than it was 100 years ago. Sulphur dioxide is
another harmful gas that comes from power
stations and vehicles. It is very acidic, which
means it eats things away. In the atmosphere,
it mixes with droplets of moisture to make
acid rain. Trees die when acid rain falls on
them and on their soil which means it is very

dangerous for living things to survive. There is

a layer of helpful gas around the earth called
ozone. It protects us from the suns dangerous
ultraviolet rays. Unfortunately, the ozone
layer is damaged because humans have put
harmful chemicals into the atmosphere which
has made a hole the layer and the rays are
penetrating onto the earth. This can cause
many diseases to people such as sunburns,
skin cancer etc.
Disasters are another threat for our lives
on earth. Natural disasters were very rare.
But now it is quite common everywhere
they are called disasters as they are not
natural. The main disaster nowadays
common is flooding. It is also linked to
global warming. Flooding is caused due to
heavy rains and these days evaporation of
water from seas is more as the heat is
more. And due to the heat ice in the poles
also is evaporated which means a huge
amount so water is collected in the cloud
which finally pours down all together and
fill the lakes or rivers near to living area

they fill up and flood out. Next threat to all

living things is pollution. Whenever we
think about pollution the contaminated air
comes into our mind first. Poisonous gases
are released into the air through the smoke
emitted from industries or factories. They
produce their waste in the form of this
smoke it can cause problems to humans or
other living creatures. Sometimes the
same waste is released into the water and
it contaminates the water bodies and
causes a lot of damage. Another source of
smoke releasing is the transport few of the
gases released with the smoke are carbon
monoxide and sulphur dioxide. People use
fossil fuels- coal, oil, petrol which are
harmful to the environment. Another kind
of pollution is deforestation, it is done to
make space for constructing residencies,
buildings, offices, schools, malls, etc., due
to this there are less trees and plants today
there are hardly 30000 trees in danger. So
only a few plants left to clean our polluted
air and give out fresh air.

Next cause of pollution is human needs

todays people are damaging the
environment for their daily needs such as
roads and buildings. And then waste
produce is a kind of pollution. People make
large amount of waste production and then
dump everything in the forests or empty
areas, the biodegradable wastes
decompose on their own but the nonbiodegradable substances lie on the
ground for many days or months or even
years. People make garbage and every
household makes a lot of it every day.

In Britain, every family makes about

1.75 kilograms of garbage each day. Over
one year that adds up to more than half a
ton of garbage! In few places the garbage
is thrown into the water bodies, everyday
thousands of tons of garbage are thrown
into the sea. The sea bed is littered with
garbage, such as bits of plastic, that never
rotten away. And because so much of
garbage is made, its a problem to deal
with it all. Some of it is burned inside the

furnaces which is another cause of

pollution. Now a days the
chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) which is used in
refrigerators, air conditioners, coolers etc.,
is the main cause of making holes in the
ozone layers which people dont take it

The effect of all these things to humans

are it can cause disease like asthma, lung
cancer, allergies etc., and the effects to
plants and animals are ozone in the lower
atmosphere do not allow the plants to
respire as they block the stomata. The
chemicals come down in the form of acid
and they contaminate the soil and water.
The chemical waste of industries released
into soil contaminates the water and leads
to the death of aquatic animals or plants.
The contamination of air, water or soil can
be very toxic to any living being in the

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