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A simple man that I am, a simple mind, one body one mind one spirit, all in one.

And yet, as simple as I want to be, I still am not, rather I am one complicated
being all because of a lot of different causes. We live in a time where the flow of
sand will not stop; through the limited space of the hourglass, rather it continues
until its completion. Sand is material and limited in its quantity, therefore TIME is
NOT ENDLESS and upon its consummation it proves to be VALUABLE. We are
creatures of spiritual nature, we are beyond time, not bound by space, and we
are greater than any matter or anything in this world. Yet we were confined to
this body, to the material, our power was reduced to nothing, for nothing is what
the material world proves to become in the end as it all started from nothing and
to nothing it shall return, and us alike. We were bound to a limited time, a defined
space, our true self hidden from our view, we were given a vale of incredible
design and intelligence, a design that lives by itself but in order to be free and
not bound by instinct like the other animals we were given a spirit with free will, a
reflection of God therefor fulfilling the words So God created mankind in his own
image, this spirit of unmeasurable power was given to inhabit the material worldly
shell: the human body.
Yet we then ask the question: Why were we confined, why where we defined, why
were we given a shape a recognizable appearance when our creator, God, is without
a shape, cannot be defined, no space can contain Him, no time can define Him, why
are we defined, and why are we here and now?
Our greatness reduced to shreds, our life reduced to pleasure and pain, yet our
existence was given something more, something critical: Our freedom of choice, and
the choice is not limited by God because God gave us the only choices that exists.
Good or Evil, God or the Devil.
Angels, creatures of unlike beauty, of godly wisdom, of unmatched grace, populated
the immaterial world, in peace and love, and everything was righteous and clear, and
yet, somewhere, something happened, and in the heart of one, pride took its shape,
and began to pollute his soul, Why cant I be greater than He, Why cant I rule over
all, Why should I serve Him, and so the darkness started to exist and slowly his heart
got consumed and eaten away by his pride, and so he raised and spread his desires
and infected others with the evil desire, selfish desire where God had no place, and
they stood against the Creator.
And the creator seeing the darkness in their hearts for they were created to be light,
they were one with God, now they refuted their creator, and like cancer defies the
body so they defied God, and the Heavenly Father felt disappointed and sadness in
His heart, because He gave everything to those that He loved and everything was in
unity, and so He dammed his creation that defied Him, and the sunlight of the
almighty angels turned to darkness as they fell from the heavens with a strike of
lightning, and the heavens wiped over the loss of a part of the One.
Darkness consumed the hearts of the fallen angels, pride grew in their hearts, and
evil desires, but then something happened.
In His kingdom a new creature was created, unlike anything before, with all His love
and care He created Humans. Unlike anything until then, He created Humans, a being
of life, a being of creation, and of creative powers, He created humans, a being half
divine, half worldly to whom He entrusted heaven, He created us with power beyond
that of the angels. Half divine, half worldly, the full potential and power of humans
limited, the unbound was bound, life and time and space, but why ?

The angles fell down, and hatted humans, why would God bless these pitiful
creatures, why would He create them, for what purpose. Humans were created
limited and bound, with a simple mind, a simple way of thinking that could reach the
deepest knowledge, but humans were tempted by the slandering snake and because
they were material they fell slaves to their senses, imagination and pride. The apple
was pleasing to the eye, good to the taste, and it gave knowledge, the temptation of
the fallen angles to become greater that God spew its wings in the minds of us and
like a seed in rich earth started to grow and developed the imagination, all starting
with the temptation: a direction, then through the windows, the body s eyes and the
taste, it proved to be too overwhelming. And so Adam and Eve ate the apple, and
they saw themselves naked and when God wanted to make things right, they thru
the blame on each other rather than thinking at least of apologizing because of their
prideful hearts and so they were vanquished from heaven, and the earth no longer
gave its fruit willingly but from then on, man would have to work for his bread.
But! And here is a big But, God is beyond our understanding cause our understanding
is limited yet I believe that it had to be this way, this is why humans are half worldly
because they had first to be tested with matter, and the problems that a material
world brings in the hearts of humans. So that they, through experience and many
many failures, they rise up to their true self and true power, to their true place that
beside God, one with God, so that they wont fall into the same trap the angels did.
We are limited, we are nothing, this is what God is trying to say to us, because when
we realize that, we give up to ourselves, we give ourselves in the hands of God
willingly, we stop to desire, we understand where pleasure and delight take us, we
understand how our hearts work and where true feelings come from, we see how our
feelings get exposed, we understand that it all starts from our hearts. In our hearts
there is God but near that heart is the Devil. Our simplicity lost, our grasp of reality
becoming a illusion, until we wake up and understand that life is a difficult war, not
easy in no way, and we must clean our hearts, and our minds that got infected with
evil desires, desires that came from pleasure that we felt through our senses: eye
sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste; Now we are confronted with these and in the
absence of God, these flourish and place our minds and hearts in chains, our
imagination tricks us, for we use it now to seek that pleasure, and every time we do
the chains get tide up more and more; Some of us will find that pleasure of the body
will bring only chaos and pain, and yet there is a kind of pleasure that does not hurt
the heart and mind. We must seek to overcome, and understand ourselves, our
nature, our purpose and then raise up to our true nature: beyond time, beyond
space, and we will reach that complicated simplicity as we at the present moment
are intelligently stupid.

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