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Colds and Germs (K-2nd)

Lesson plan developed by Sarah Tudor

Objective: The students will be able to see the spread of disease and see the importance of
washing hands.
Overview: Show how diseases spread and how to prevent disease. This lesson took about 30
minutes with a 25 student first grade class.
Subject Covered: Chemistry

Some normal flour

Sink to wash hands in

Background Information: I used these books Germs make me sick! by Mevin Bergen and
Germs make me sick: A health handbook for kids by Parnell Donahue M.D. and Helen Capellaro.
I also used Chandra Green, my sister, who gave me this activity. She filled the gaps I was
missing. Chandra is a health educator in Craven County.
Motivate! (Engage): I read them part of Germs make me sick! I asked them if they have ever felt
like the boy in the story. I then told them they were going to get to see how we spread germs.
Activity (Explore): We discussed how our body fights disease. I had them dip their fingers in a
bowl of flour then pass a dark colored balloon around their table. Their fingerprints stayed on the
balloons. They washed their hands. We talked about germs being on our hand. They really
thought the flour was germs!
Safety Tips: I made sure no one was allergic to latex balloons.
Closure: I did a quick summery of the body and why we should wash our hands often.
Assessment (Evaluation): I asked them questions at the end to see how much they understood.
For the most part they did. One girl asked me, Then why do people die that are sick? I was not
prepared for this question. I told her that some diseases are so bad that medicines cant help. I
dont think that is the best way to answer her, but I was on the spot.
Connections (Integration with Other Content Areas): I think that this spreading idea could be
used in a history class. They could discover how disease spreads in other countries and in our
own. They can include math with statistics and graphs. Of course they can write papers on this.
Illness and Prevention Grade Level: First Grade
Subject: Health Education

TEKS Correlation: This lesson will teach students about the different types of germs that cause
illness and disease. It will teach them about common illnesses and diseases and their symptoms and
explain common practices that control the way germs are spread. (TEKS for Health Education:
External links to other sites are intended to be informational and do not have the endorsement of the
Texas Department of Health. These links may also not be accessible to people with disabilities.
Overview: The purpose of this lesson is to help students understand what makes them sick and
keeps them healthy, and how they can keep themselves healthy.
Rational:The student will benefit from this activity because it will help them understand the
importance of good personal health habits in preventing illness.
Duration: 30 minutes
Instructional Objectives:

Students will be able to name types of germs that cause illness and disease.
Students will be able to identify symptoms of common illnesses and diseases.
Students will be able to identify common ways to prevent the spread of germs.

Books: Germs Make Me Sick, Melvin Berger
Germs! Germs! Germs!, Bobbi Katz

Procedure: Use the following questions to guide a discussion with your students.
What are Germs?
Germs are very small organisms that we cannot see with the naked eye. In order to see them we
need a very powerful microscope. Germs are everywhere. They can cause sickness in people at any
age, from birth to when we are 100 years old.
What kinds of germs are there?
There are two types of germs that usually cause us to get sick, bacteria and viruses.
Bacteria- tiny germs that are a made up of only one cell. That is really small! We are made up of
millions of cells.
Common diseases bacteria cause:
1. Strep Throat-infection of throat
Symptoms: sore throat, fever
2. Some kinds of food poisoning-infection of the intestinal tract
Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
3. Viruses- also one celled germs, but are much smaller than bacteria.

Diseases viruses cause:

1. Chicken pox
Symptoms: skin rash, fever
2. Flu
Symptoms: fever (usually 100 degrees or higher), chills, runny nose, headache, sore throat,
cough, and body aches or pains.
3. Common Cold
Symptoms: runny and irritated nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough, general achy feeling.
How do we prevent the spread of germs to other people?

Hand washing
Covering our mouths when we cough or sneeze
Wash our dishes before we use them again
Keep food that needs to be cold in the fridge
Cook foods, especially meats, properly

Why do we need to wash our hands?

Hand washing is important because it reduces the spread of germs from one person to the
next. By washing our hands, we prevent germs from getting into our bodies as well as passing
them onto other people.
Because germs are everywhere it is important that we wash our hands so we don't ingest
them when we eat or pass them on to someone else.

When is it important to wash our hands?

We need to wash our hands before we do the following things:

prepare or eat food

treat a cut or wound
tend to someone who is sick

We need to wash our hands after we:

go to the bathroom
handle uncooked food (particularly raw meat, poultry or fish)
change a diaper
blow your nose
cough or sneeze
play with or touch a pet
handle garbage
tend to someone who is sick

What is the correct way to wash our hands?

Use warm or hot running water

Use soap (preferably antibiotic)
Wash all surfaces thoroughly, including wrists, palms, back of hands, fingers and under
fingernails (if possible with a nail brush)
Rub hands together for at least 10 to 15 seconds
When drying, begin with your forearms and work toward your hands and finger tips, and pat
your skin rather then rubbing to avoid chapping and cracking
Apply hand lotion after washing to help prevent and soothe dry skin

Have your students show you the correct way to wash their hands. Make sure they count out loud for
15 seconds. It seems like a lot longer than you would think!
Assessment: Have your students draw pictures about the methods to prevent the spread of germs.

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