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Questions for Candidates

for Howell Township Trustee:

The Livingston Daily asked Howell Township trustee candidates to answer the following questions
about their candidacy/history. Their unedited responses are below.
The reader should keep in mind that:
1. The candidates have not seen each others responses prior to making their own response.
2. The candidate assumes full responsibility for all his or her responses to this questionnaire. Their
responses reflect their best efforts to answer the questionnaire honestly and directly.
3. Not all candidates answered every question. If you do not see a response from a particular
candidate, then he or she did not answer.
4. Republican candidate Christy Alicandro did not respond to the Livingston Dailys requests to
complete the questionnaire.
5. All candidates are listed as Republican except Lois Kanniainen, the lone Democrat.

Photos from left: Matthew Counts, Elizabeth Meyer Dean, Carolyn Eaton, Dar Howard, Lois
Kanniainen, Harold Melton and Alice Miller.
1. Describe the qualifications and experiences that make you the best candidate for the trustee
Matthew Counts
a. Fiscally conservative businessperson with 15+ years of managing cost controls, IT operations
management and supporting company revenue growth in the private sector.
b. Im an incumbent who has been on the Howell Township board for 5 years. I have the
experience and knowledge working with the township residents and board through a difficult
budget period where we dealt with sewer and water debt.
c. I sit on the Howell Township Planning Commission. So I have additional experience with the
Township Master Plan and understanding the direction the township is headed.
Elizabeth Meyer Dean:
I worked in politics for four years at the federal level, but was very involved with local politics as
well. As the Constituent Services Coordinator for Congressman Mike Rogers, I was able to hear
from constituents on a daily basis about what matters most to them. I believe this gives me a unique
insight into what matters most to residents.
Carolyn Eaton: Have been with Howell Township since 1999 in several positions including clerk. I
feel all the positions in the township are to serve the residents who employ and vote for us.

Dar Howard: I am fiscally conservative with 4 years of experience as a Howell Township Trustee. I
am familiar with the local issues and concerns and have helped the township emerge from the brink
of financial failure.
Lois Kanniainen: I have served 4 years as trustee, in these 4 years we have gotten the budget
under control, going from wondering how we will pay our bills to having a surplus. We have been
able to rejoin the Howell Parks and Recreation, bring back the Township Clean Up Day, reinstated
raises for staff and many other accomplishments. I feel I have been part of getting these things
done and still have things I would like to do for our citizens.
Howard Melton: My life experiences of hard work and communication. I have had many different
jobs from basic and complex wiring at Western Electric, welding, building motorcycle parts, cutting
trees to thirty eight years of building roads and parking lots. I have performed all phases of road and
parking lot construction such as surveying, clearing the land, hauling material and parts, as well as
placing steel, asphalt and concrete. I have also operated sophisticated automation and heavy
equipment from rollers to cranes. I am a commercial pilot with multi-engine and instrument ratings.
I've also been a flight instructor since 1982. To be a good flight or firearms instructor you must have
excellent communication skills and be able to multi-task.
Alice Miller: I have been working with the public in this area for 43 years and understand what is
important in their lives. Most people want a government that works to keep the area safe, provide
services like water and sewer, keep the roads in good repair. Also zoning that meets the needs of
both citizens and the business in balance for each other for the future.
2. Explain what you believe are the three (3) most significant issues in the race? How would
you address each one?
Matthew Counts
a. Fiscal Discipline Recently the Township Board has been able to right the ship of financial
turbulence we encountered during the economic downturn due to sewer and water debt. We
need to maintain strict fiscal discipline to ensure we stay on solid financial ground in the future.
b. Managed Growth Throughout the process of our Master Plan review many residents provided
feedback that they like the country feel of Howell Township and they dont want that to change.
We must properly manage the growth of the township as the overall area grows. Howell
Township can be great home to business and residents alike.
c. Resident Services Also through the master plan review many residents provided feedback that
they would like Howell Township to become part of the Howell Area Parks and Recreation
Authority. Because of this feedback the board took the necessary action to become a
member. There is a millage vote August 2nd which would allow the Parks and Rec Authority to
provide an improved level of services to the community. I encourage residents to get out and
vote if this is what they truly want as a township.
Elizabeth Meyer Dean: Fiscal responsibility, accountability, and transparency. All three of these
issues can be addressed by voting for someone who will approach all votes from a conservative
position, who will really understand all sides of any issue, and take into account what is best for the

Carolyn Eaton: Cohesiveness, accountability and integrity. Our board works very well together, I
would hope that any new members bring an enthusiasm to the table to see that Howell Township
continues to develop a financially secure and a positive livable future for our residents.
Dar Howard:
1. Township owned properties Continue to try to fit township owned properties with desirable uses
that will benefit the entire township.
2. Inherited sewer bonds Continue to pay down sewer bonds through working with developers
and also increased development usage. Seek to never again put our township in a position
fiscally where large bonds (or any bonds) are required.
3. Township roads and maintenance Continue to make good decisions based on common sense
when deciding what road maintenance is necessary.
Howard Melton: (1) I believe the people want someone who can be trusted to be a good steward
with their tax dollars. (2) Can be trusted to make the sound decisions especially when those
decisions are tough and could be unpopular at the time. (3) See response #4 below.
Alice Miller: (1) Road repairs and development; (2) collecting payment for land that is in the arrears
for nonpayment of taxes and sewer assessment; (3) development of the area that meets the needs
of the environment along with a sound fiscal management.
3. What differentiates you from your opponents?
Matthew Counts: My experience in both the public and private sector.
Elizabeth Meyer Dean: My experience in politics, especially my interaction with constituents, gives
me insight into what people truly care about. I am very involved with the community, and want to
make Howell a better place for not only my family, but all of the other families in our community.
Carolyn Eaton: Experience.
Dar Howard: Experience as a Township Trustee and a small business owner.
Howard Melton: So far, I haven't met the other candidates.
Alice Miller: I think I may be the only one who was born in Howell and lived here all my life and
know the history and challenges of all the growth in the area over the years. I had four children that
graduated from Howell Public Schools; three are still in the area.
4. In your opinion, what is the biggest challenge facing Howell Township and how do you plan
to address it?
Matthew Counts: In addition to the items I listed in question 2, I would say we need to sell the
properties the township bought back during tax sales so they can be effectively developed.
Elizabeth Meyer Dean: Sticking to conservative principles is absolutely key for maintaining our
community in Howell Township. Fiscal responsibility is vital, and taxpayers should know that their
money is being put to good use.

Dar Howard: Looming bond debt We have made great strides in reducing bond debt over the
course of my past 4 years. Sound business decisions based on current and expected growth
should allow us to retire the remaining portion of our debt without bankrupting the Township.
Lois Kanniainen: Our biggest challenge is to keep the momentum going, this can be accomplished
by keeping the current people on the board. We work well together and proven this by where we
are today in comparison to where we were 4 years ago.
Howard Melton: The long term water and sewer debt is going to remain for some time to come.
With continuing careful management of the systems resources and revenue, then we can maintain
quality service while keeping operational costs in line.
Alice Miller: Keeping taxes as low as possible is big challenge. One way would be to have a sound
prudent annual budget.
5. What are the top 3 programs/projects that the Howell Township board should (or does)
support? Why are these programs/projects important?
Matthew Counts: See number 2
Elizabeth Meyer Dean: We need to make sure that when it comes to development, we maintain a
fiscally responsible approach.
Carolyn Eaton: The Howell Board is in support of our rewriting the Master Plan, which will be more
in keeping with the times. There will be several additions in it such as: a new integrated zoning
district that allows for a more diverse use of commercial properties; future planned walking or biking
paths along the central area leading out to M-59 and a more user friendly format.
Dar Howard: (1) Retire sewer bond debt; (2) Retire water line debt; (3) Divest of Township owned
properties in a responsible and useful way. These 3 items are important because I feel it is our
responsibility to operate within out budget and to be debt free without increasing taxes or fees.
Lois Kanniainen: Our important projects would be to continue with the Parks and Recreation
program, keep the Clean up Day, continue necessary road work, bring more industry to the
township to make more jobs, and to do what we can to make Howell Township a place where
people want to live.
Howard Melton: Howell Township doesn't have many programs. Not too long ago, our Township
paid the city of Howell $50,000 to allow the citizens of Howell Township access the the city park and
lake as part of a test program. The City of Howell will report back to the Township as to how many
people actually used the park. I visited the Bennett Center and asked if they are getting a lot of
people from Howell Township obtaining passes for the lake access. I was told not many at all as
most people that came in were not aware of the passes. I hope this arrangement pays off, however
I do have my doubts. In order to make this program work, we need to get the word out our residents
can use the parks and lake. I think this program will need to be reviewed next year. If it proves to be
a beneficial and economical program, I would consider supporting it.
Alice Miller: See number 4 above.

6. What, if any, additional resources are needed for the township to reach its goals for the
upcoming years?
Elizabeth Meyer Dean: Additional resources are not the issue. Several recent millages have failed,
and our residents in the township expect us to live within our means. We need to reach our goals by
budgeting properly and spending responsibly.
Carolyn Eaton: Howell Township needs to continue the work to sell the properties we acquired at
the tax sales continuing our growth in the sewer and water districts.
Dar Howard: Continued economic/housing growth would be helpful.
Howard Melton: If youre referring to future revenues, the State of Michigan has revenue sharing
and a low interest program to assist communities. At this time, I do not see any reason to support
for any new mileages.
Alice Miller: I hope none are needed. Present taxes are efficient.
7. What, if any, support does the Howell Township board need from the public?
Matthew Counts:
a. I hope residents understand the board is made up of other residents. We are just like everyone
else, trying to make the best decisions possible to ensure Howell Township is a great place to
live now and in the future.
b. Input from the residents. Provide feedback to surveys that go out. Get out and vote.
Elizabeth Meyer Dean: I think that the public needs to be more vocal about issues that matter most
to them and their families. By letting the Board know how they feel, we are better equip to take
measures to ensure that their voices are heard.
Carolyn Eaton: Howell Township needs public input and meaningful dialogue at our meetings.
Very few attend the board and planning commission meetings I would like to see the public take an
interest in their community at these meetings.
Dar Howard: Understanding that we are your neighbors trying to make our community a great
place to live, raise our families and do business.
Lois Kanniainen: I would love to see the public more involved in their local government,
participation in meetings and letting us know what they would like to see happen and what we can
do for them. Our new township webpage gives the public the ability to interact with the staff and
officers - so hopefully citizens will let us know how they feel about what we are doing.
Howard Melton: I believe all communities should have active citizen involvement. This affords
Howell Township residents an opportunity to address issues and it will also help the elected
representatives know their concerns.
Alice Miller: Howell Township needs to keep the public well informed so they can participate in
decision making.

8. What is the relationship between the Howell Township board and the townships
administrative staff? What steps, if any, are needed to ensured continued success or
Matthew Counts: A very positive relationship. The board relies on the staff to support the township
residents and ensure the day-to-day operations of the township run smoothly.
Elizabeth Meyer Dean: Working together with the administrative staff ensures continued success
for the Township. By continuing to foster that relationship, I think everyone, most of all the voters,
will benefit.
Carolyn Eaton: Our entire staff has a good working relationship. I would hope that continues with
any new members of the board or staff.
Dar Howard: We have a solid professional relationship.
Lois Kanniainen: We have the best staff ever; we all work well together. I have never felt that we
have a problem with any of them. They are top notch and very well trained and cross-trained. I
would do anything I could to keep them happy.
Howard Melton: I havent specifically addressed employees work relationship with our township. I
believe most of the township personnel know me or know of me. If issues arise, I am confident staff
members would have no reservation contacting me. I am expecting our ongoing, professional
relationship to remain friendly.
Alice Miller: They need to work together for a common purpose to serve the public.
9. What do you plan to do to ensure the board is open to assist all township residents?
Matthew Counts: (a) All board meetings are open to the public and there is a call to public agenda
item at every meeting. (b) Weve recently redesigned our website to help improve communication
with residents.
Elizabeth Meyer Dean: Listening to constituents is essential in any elected position. I will make
sure that if elected, I will make sure to take into account the position of the residents.
Carolyn Eaton: We have our meetings on our new website and encourage our residents to check
out what meetings are coming up, attend and voice their opinions.
Dar Howard: Just this week we launched our new website with a lot of great information and easy
access to township information.
Howard Melton: As always, the residents only have to call or come in to express their concerns.
After all, we work for them, not the other way around.
Alice Miller: Residents know me well and can contact me anytime.
10. What is something about yourself that no one knows, but youre willing to share? (For
example, you play guitar in a rock band.)

Matthew Counts: I like to run. I run to raise money for charity through my church and the Hope
Water Project.
Elizabeth Meyer Dean: Im the mom of a 3 year old little boy, and can sing a mean rendition of Let
it Go with him. Were bound for the big time!!
Carolyn Eaton: I am an artist at heart.
Dar Howard: I am an avid mountain biker and outdoors enthusiast.
Howard Melton: I've lived in Howell Township for a long time. Many people know me wherever I
go. They may not always know my name, but they do recognize me. This is one of the great traits of
living in a place like Howell Township.
Alice Miller: I co-authored a book on genealogy.

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