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As written by

Edited by the


About Abdul-Alhazred, the original author of The

He is the mad poet of Sana, in Yemen, who is said to have flourished
during the period of the Ommiade caliphs, circa 700 A.D. He visited the
ruins of Babylon and the subterranean secrets of Memphis and spent
ten years alone in the great southern desert of Arabia the Roba el
Khaliyeh or "Empty Space" of the ancients and "Dahna" or "Crimson"
desert of the modern Arabs, which is held to be inhabited by protective
evil spirits and monsters of death. Of this desert many strange and
unbelievable marvels are told by those who pretend to have penetrated
it. In his last years Alhazred dwelt in Damascus. In 730, while still living
in Damascus, Alhazred supposedly authored in Arabic, al Azif, which
would later become known as the Necronomicon.
Of his final death or disappearance (738 A.D.) many terrible and
conflicting things are told. He is said by Ibn Khallikan (13th century
biographer) to have been seized by an invisible monster in broad
daylight and devoured horribly before a large number of fright-frozen
witnesses. Of his madness many things are told. He claimed to have
seen fabulous Irem, or City of Pillars, and to have found beneath the
ruins of a certain nameless desert town the shocking annals and secrets
of a race older than mankind. He was only an indifferent Moslem,
worshipping unknown entities whom he called Yog-Sothoth and Cthulhu.
All of Necronomicon belongs to him.

Preface of the Theme

The essence in the Mythos is that the human world and our role in it are
an illusion. Humanity is living inside a fragile bubble of perception,
unaware of what lies behind the curtains or even of the curtains
themselves, and our seeming dominance over the world is illusory and
ephemeral. We are blessed in that we do not realize what lies dormant in
the unknown lurking places on Earth and beyond
Now and then, individuals can, by accident or carelessness, catch a
glimpse of, or even confront the ancient extraterrestrial entities which the
mythology centres around, usually with fatal consequences. Other times,
they encounter by their non-human worshippers and servants, whose
existence shatters the worldview of those who stumble across them.
Human followers exist as well. Because of the limitations of the human
mind, these deities appearances are so overwhelming that they can
often drive a person insane. They are portrayed as neither good or evil;
within the Mythos, these are concepts invented by our spec

Structure of the Mythos

The Mythos usually takes place in fictional New England towns and is
centered on the Great Old Ones, a fearsome assortment of ancient,
powerful deities who came from outer space and once ruled the Earth.
They are presently quiescent, having fallen into a death-like sleep at
some time in the distant past. The most well-known of these beings is
Cthulhu, who currently lies "dead , but dreaming" in the submerged city
of R'lyeh somewhere in the Southeast Pacific Ocean. One day, "when
the stars are right", R'lyeh will rise from beneath the sea, and Cthulhu
will awaken and wreak havoc on the earth.

Despite his notoriety, Cthulhu is not the most powerful of the deities, nor
is he the theological center of the mythos. Instead, this position is held
by the demon-god Azathoth, a mindless but all-powerful Outer God,
ruling from his cosmically centered court. Nonetheless, his avatar
Nyarlathotep, who fulfills Azathoth's random urges, has intervened more
frequently and more directly in human affairs than any other Outer god.
He has also displayed more blatant contempt for humanity, especially his
own worshippers.

Hierarchy in Cthulhu Mythos

1) Elder gods
Created the ordered un civerse, and employed the Great Old Ones
to serve them. After they rebelled, they followed their creations to
Earth then imprisoning them. They also warred with the Outer
Gods during the early universe.
2) Great Old Ones
Immensely powerful being who arrived in Earth thousand and
million years ago, because of their revolt to their masters, The
Elder Gods, they were chained in various places on Earth, stars,
and various dimensions.
3) Lesser Old Ones
Servants or Spawns of the Great Old Ones.
4) Other Gods
Gods who protect the feeble gods of Earth. Some of these gods
are Great Old Ones and Outer Gods. Only Nyarlathotep is a true
Outer God.
5) Great Ones
Weak gods of Earth who rule The Dreamlands. They are human
natured, and can be surpassed by a wise mortal. They are
therefore protected by Nyarlathotep, from harassment.
6) Outer Gods
Ultimately powerful, personification of cosmic entities with near
limitless powers, chaotic and incomprehensible. All these gods
dwell in the centre of the universe, in the court of their sultan,
Azathoth, where they dance and sing mindlessly to demonic and
tenebrous tunes. Their messenger is no other than Nyarlathotep.

Chapter of known Races


Extradimensional beings that appear as orbs of darkness.

Humanoids from Mars.

Beings of Xiclotl

Slender, tall, gaunt proto-humans of great intelligence.

Horrifying, oddly plant-like, carnivorous giants, native to the
planet Xiclotl, and the slaves of the Insects from Shaggai
(the Shan).
Gigantic, worm-like creatures that inhabit the earth's
Translucent, bluish, oval-shaped creatures that can float
through the air.
Beings that resemble smaller versions of Chaugnar Faugn.
Resemble bat-like, hornet-like human corpses.
Cat-like beings from the Dreamlands with abstract, multihued bodies.
Like those from Saturn, but far more terrible.

Brothers of Chaugnar Faugn
Cats from Saturn
Cats from Uranus
Children of the Sphinx
(The Burrowers Beneath)
Colour out of Space
Crawling Ones
(The Worms that Walk)
Dark Young of ShubNiggurath
Deep Ones
Dimensional Shamblers
Elder Things
(Old Ones)
Fire vampires

Fishers from Outside

Flying polyps
Formless spawn of
Tsathoggua and Knygathin

Sub-cult of the Brotherhood of the Black Pharaoh.

Gigantic, squid-like worms.
Appears as a shapeless, plastic entity glowing with the
colors of an unknown spectrum.
Appear as human-sized worms.
Appear as ropy, black tentacles on a pair of stumpy, hooved
Ocean-dwelling humanoids that appear to be half-frog and
Gigantic, worm-like creatures.
Dimension-hopping humanoids with rough, leathery bodies
and huge claws.
Tiny, extradimensional, flesh-eating creatures.
Appear as five-sided, oval-shaped barrels with starfish-like
appendages at each end.
1. (Flame Creatures of Cthugha) Appear as tiny points of
light that ingite everything they touch.
2. (Fire Vampires of Fthaggua) Appear as bursts of crimson
lightning that set fire to sentient beings.
Enigmatic, prehistoric, flying race associated with GolGoroth and the Shantaks.
Appear as floating, semi-visible, polypous horrors capable of
controlling great winds.
Appear as gelatinous, shape-shifting, black goo.


Fearsome, underground-dwelling humanoids with kangaroolike legs that inhabit the earth's Dreamlands.


Corpse-eating, canine-like humanoids.


1. Six-legged, furry, rhinocerous-like creatures with an affinity

for cold climes.
2. Hairy cannibals that once dwelt in Lomar.


Resemble mermen with possibly one or two additional arms.

Gof'nn hupadgh ShubNiggurath

Transmogrified, once-human cultists of Shub-Niggurath.

Great Race of Yith

Resemble tall, rugose cones with four appendages: two

claws, a trumpet-like limb, and a yellow, globe-like organ.


Horrifying, furry giants of the Dreamlands with a mouth that

opens sideways.


Quasi-human, rhinocerous-like quadrupeds used as beasts

of burden by the denizens of K'n-yan.


Small, vampiric creatures with webbed hands and feet.

Hounds of Tindalos

Extradimensional horrors that can enter our universe through

any three-dimensional corner.

Hunters from Beyond

Hunting Horrors

Resemble huge, immaterial serpents with bat wings.


A race of early pre-humans.

K'n-yan, Natives of

Technologically and psychically advanced humanoids who

dwell underground.


Vicious, wolven creatures of the Dreamlands.

Larvae of the Outer Gods

Protean beings spawned by the Outer Gods.


Resemble small, flying iguanas.

Leeches of Yoh-Vombis

Parasitic Martian creatures.

L'gy'hx, Natives of

Cube-shaped, multi-legged, metallic beings that inhabit the

planet L'gy'hx (Uranus).


Beings that may alternately appear as vortices of energy or

dragon-like dinosaurs (Ghatanothoa may be a particularly
powerful one).

Men of Leng

Satyr-like beings that inhabit the Plateau of Leng.

(Fungi from Yuggoth,
Outer Ones)

Resemble human-sized, winged crustaceans with globular

heads covered with cilia.

Miri Nigri

Amphibious humanoids created by Chaugnar Faugn.


Plump, toad-like humanoids.


Toadish servants of Cyegha.

Nameless City, Denizens of

Alligator-like, seal-like humanoids.

New Great Race of

Yith (Coleopterous Race)

Resemble human-sized beetles.


Faceless, bat-like humanoids.


1. Extraterrestrial, carnivorous monster held in captivity by

king Ossaru in Zothique.
2. Extraterrestrial, aquatic creatures that feed on the lifeforce of human beings.



Tiny, rat-like creatures with human-like faces.


Appear as sand-encrusted, skeleton-like humanoids with

large claws.

Serpent people

Serpent-like humanoids.

Servants of Glaaki

Undead zombies that serve the being Glaaki.

Servitors of the Outer Gods

Beings of varied form that dance mindlessly about Azathoth's

throne at the center of the universe.

S'glhuo, Denizens of

Tall, bluish humanoids with blank eyes and boneless fingers;

actually entities made of living sound.

The Shan
(Insects from Shaggai)

Resemble large insects.


Elephantine, reptilian birds of the Dreamlands.


Resemble gigantic amoebae with numerous floating eyes.

The Space-Eaters

Spawn of Ubbo-Sathla

Large, formless, black protean beings.

Spiders of Leng

Giant purple spiders that inhabit the Plateau of Leng.

Star-spawn of Cthulhu

Resemble smaller versions of Cthulhu himself.

Star vampire
(Shambler from the Stars)

Invisible, levitating, vampiric horror with a myriad of suckers

and two huge claws.


Mutated humanoids descended from the Miri-Nigri.

Terrors from Beyond

(Beings of Ib)

Green, toad-like humanoids with gelatinous bodies and

emerald eyes

Tree Men of M'Bwa


Huge lizards of the Dreamlands.


Degenerate wormlike creatures; survivors of a now-fallen

civilisation in Hyperborea.


Yeti-like bipeds that inhabit Mount Voormithadreth in


Xo Tl'mi-go

Pale, eyeless, leech-mouthed, and sterile hominids.

Yaddith, Natives of

Humanoid inhabitants of the planet Yaddith that resemble a

cross between mammals and reptiles.


Technologically-advanced, centipede-like beings that inhabit

the planet Yekub.


1. (Yuggs or Yuggya) Beings that resemble white, planarianlike flatworms.

2. (Yuggya) The offspring of a mating between a Yugg and a
Deep One hybrid.


Creatures of the Dreamlands that resemble

small, elfin rodents.

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