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Rennel Burgos



Restoring Jali Lands at Wardell

This restoration is taking place in Australia in a country called Bundjalung, and the Jali lands are
part of this country and its history. This land has great cultural and environmental significance
and value to the community. The Jali lands are home to 38 threatened animal species, 5
threatened plant species, 8 endangered vegetation communities, a number of scar trees and many
cultural sites. The ones in charge of looking after this Wardell restoration program are the
Wetland Care Australia and the Jali Local Aboriginal Land Council. Funds used are those of
Northern Rivers Catchment and management authority which is used for managing the
ecological and biodiversity of the Jali lands. The reason for restoration is because the land
contains a broad range of vegetation communities and wetlands and also because there are
cultural values found in this lands as well. Other groups who joined to help in this restoration
were the Mibinji Bush Restoration Crew, Newtrain Green Team the Ramada Hotel and Suites
Ballina.The restoration I looked at was done on December 3rd, 2010 in the Bingal Creek where
an infestion of shrub like plant called Paramatta was overtaking the whole area where small
plants lived. This kind of plant is more likely to out compete most small plants for resources such
as water and nutrients in which eventually other small plants die and the Paramatta takes over the
area. So what the restoration group did was to remove this kind of plant by killing it at first and
then removing it from that area and planting other kind of productive trees/ plants. Most trees
were provided by the Ballina Shire Council for re- vegetation for it to improve vegetation areas.
The Mibinji group found it useful because they were also able to train in the reducing and the
number of wild animals, since they were over populating and were not allowing other species to

Rennel Burgos



reproduce or were excluded from the area. Now because of what has been done there are other
species that have returned or are starting to reproduce due to the control of wild animals. The
restoration program or project is still ongoing and they have several areas where there is
Parramatta grass that needs to be removed. One of the coordinators mentioned that most of the
group members have taken this as a job because they are now helping in pests control and proud
people restoring vegetation. This groups mentioned above, planted 100 plants to celebrate the
World Environment day and well since they have done as yet, it surely means that they will
continue to plant a several 100 plants more. This was the project being the green grassland
vegetation are the Parramatta grass and the second picture is the removal of it and re-vegetated.


picture below shows clearly

how the

Parramatta in the left have over

taken the area and

will eventually spread to the

right by seed

dispersal either through wind or

animals taking it

from one area to another since

its seed is sticky;

this type of plants invades pastures and replaces other productive types of grass.

Rennel Burgos



Australia, W. C. (2010, December 03). google. Retrieved from Wetland Care
Australia: Restoring Jali Lands at Wardell :

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