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Commentators on Aristotle
Bibliography 2004-2013

This bibliography lists work on the ancient commentators on Aristotle published from
2004 to (the first half of) 2013. It is conceived as a supplement to two existing
bibliographies covering up to 1990 (R. Sorabji, Aristotle Transformed, London:
Duckworth 1990, 485-524) and 1991-2003 (J. Sellars The Aristotelian Commentators:
A Bibliographical Guide, in P. Adamson, H. Baltussen, M. Stone, eds, Philosophy,
Science, and Exegesis in Greek, Arabic, and Latin Commentaries, Bulletin of the
Institute of Classical Studies, Suppl. 83/1 (2004), 239-68). The three bibliographies
taken together hopefully offer fairly full coverage of the scholarly literature to date,
although they do not claim to be complete.

Revised versions of this list will be issued in due course. This is v. 1 (July 2013).


Ademollo, F. Sophroniscus son is approaching: Porphyry, Isagoge 7.20-1. The
Classical Quarterly 54/1 (2004): 322-325.

Berg, R. M. van den. Smoothing Over the Differences: Proclus and Ammonius on
Platos Cratylus and Aristotles De Interpretatione. In Philosophy, Science and Exegesis
in Greek, Arabic and Latin Commentaries. Edited by P. Adamson, H. Baltussen, M. W. F.
Stone, vol. 1, 191-201. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2004.

Berryman, S. Necessitation and Explanation in Philoponus Aristotelian Physics. In
Metaphysics, Soul, and Ethics: Themes from the Work of Richard Sorabji. Edited by R.
Salles, 65-80. Oxford: Clarendon, 2004.

Chaniotis, A. Epigraphic evidence for the philosopher Alexander of Aphrodisias.
Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 47 (2004): 7981.

Charrue, J.-M. Ammonius et Plotin. Revue Philosophique De Louvain 102/1 (2004):

Chase, M. Omne corpus fugiendum? Augustine and Porphyry on the body and the
post-mortem destiny of the soul. Chra 2 (2004): 37-58.

Ct, A. Note on Syrianus use of the divided line in his commentary on Aristotles
Metaphysics. The Modern Schoolman 81 (2004): 5766.

Dufour, R. Comment se produit lcho selon Alexandre dAphrodise (De lme 47.25-
48.21). Dionysius 22 (2004): 19-28.

Fazzo, S. Aristotelianism as a Commentary Tradition. In Philosophy, Science and

Exegesis in Greek, Arabic and Latin Commentaries. Edited by P. Adamson, H. Baltussen,
M. W. F. Stone, vol. 1, 1-19. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2004.

Gutas, D. Avicennas Marginal Glosses on De Anima and the Greek Commentatorial
Tradition. In Philosophy, Science and Exegesis in Greek, Arabic and Latin
Commentaries. Edited by P. Adamson, H. Baltussen, M. W. F. Stone, vol. 2, 77-88.
London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2004.

Hadot, I. and P. Hadot. Apprendre philosopher dans lAntiquit: Lenseignement du
Manuel dpictte et son commentaire noplatonicien. Paris: Le Livre de Poche, 2004.

Harvey S. The Impact of Philoponus Commentary on the Physics on Averroes: Three
Commentaries on the Physics. In Philosophy, Science and Exegesis in Greek, Arabic
and Latin Commentaries. Edited by P. Adamson, H. Baltussen, M. W. F. Stone, vol. 2,
89-105. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2004.

Haswani, A. Taxinomie topique. La classification thmistenne des lieux chez Boce,
Averros et Ab l-Barakt al-Baghdd, In Words, Texts and Concepts. Edited by R.
Arnzen and J. Thelmann, 245-258. Peeters: Leuven, 2004.

Hugonnard-Roche, H. Remarques sur les Commentaires dAverros la Physique et au
De Caelo dAristotle. In Averroes and the Aristotelian Heritage. Edited by C. Baffioni,
103-120. Naples: Guida, 2004.

Karamanolis, G. Porphyry: The First Platonist Commentator on Aristotle. In
Philosophy, Science and Exegesis in Greek, Arabic and Latin Commentaries. Edited by P.
Adamson, H. Baltussen, M. W. F. Stone, vol. 1, 97-120. London: Institute of Classical
Studies, 2004.

Kupreeva, I. Alexander of Aphrodisias on Mixture and Growth. Oxford Studies in
Ancient Philosophy 27 (2004): 297-334.

Kupreeva, I. Aristotelian Dynamics in the 2nd century School Debates: Galen and
Alexander of Aphrodisias on Organic Powers and Movements. In Philosophy, Science
and Exegesis in Greek, Arabic and Latin Commentaries. Edited by P. Adamson, H.
Baltussen, M. W. F. Stone, vol. 1, 71-95. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2004.

LaChance, P. J. Boethius on Human Freedom. American Catholic Philosophical
Quarterly 78/2 (2004): 309-327.

Lautner, P. The KOINH AIHI in Proclus and Ps.-Simplicius. In Philosophy, Science
and Exegesis in Greek, Arabic and Latin Commentaries. Edited by P. Adamson, H.
Baltussen, M. W. F. Stone, vol. 1, 163-174. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2004.

Manolea, C. P. The Homeric tradition in Syrianus. Thessaloniki: Stamoulis, 2004.

Rashed, M. Priorit de l ou du entre Andronicos et Alexandre: vestiges
arabes et grecs indits. Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 14 (2004): 9-63.

Rashed, M. The Problem of the Composition of the Heavens (529-1610): A New
Fragment of Philoponus and its Readers. In Philosophy, Science and Exegesis in Greek,
Arabic and Latin Commentaries. Edited by P. Adamson, H. Baltussen, M. W. F. Stone,
vol. 1, 35-58. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2004.

Rescigno, A., ed. Alessandro di Afrodisia: Commentario al (De caelo di Aristotele,
Frammenti del primo libro). Amsterdam: Hakkert, 2004.

Rosset, M.-C. and M.-H. Congourdeau, eds. Jean Philopon, La cration du monde. Paris:
Migne, 2004.

Salis, R. I movimenti dei corpi celesti nel commento dello pseudo-Alessandro alla
Metafisica di Aristotele. Padova: Tipografia La Garangola, 2004.

Sharples, R. W. Alexander of Aprhodisias on the nature and location of vision. In
Metaphysics, Soul, and Ethics: Themes from the Work of Richard Sorabji. Edited by R.
Salles, 345-362. Oxford: Clarendon, 2004.

Sharples, R. W. Alexander of Aphrodisias: what is a mantissa? In Philosophy, Science
and Exegesis in Greek, Arabic and Latin Commentaries. Edited by P. Adamson, H.
Baltussen, and M. W. F. Stone, 51-69. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2004.

Sorabji, R. The Philosophy of the Commentators 200-600 AD, A Sourcebook, vol. 1
Psychology, vol. 2 Physics, vol. 3 Logic and Metaphysics. London: Duckworth, 2004.

Thiel, R. Aristoteles Kategorienschrift in Ihrer Antiken Kommentierung. Tbingen: Mohr
Siebeck, 2004.

Wood, R. and M. Weisberg. Interpreting Aristotle on mixture: problems about
elemental composition from Philoponus to Cooper. Studies in History and Philosophy
of Science 35 (2004): 681-706.


Accattino, P., ed. Alessandro di Afrodisia: De anima II (Mantissa), Alessandria: Edizioni
dellOrso, 2005.

Barnes, J. Les Catgories et les Catgories. In Les Catgories Et Leur Histoire. Edited
by O. Bruun and L. Corti, 11-80. Paris: Vrin, 2005.

Brisson, L., ed. Porphyre. Sentences. 2 vols. Histoire des doctrines de lantiquit
classiques. Paris: Vrin, 2005.

Chiesa, C. Porphyre et le problme de la substance des Catgories. In Les Catgories
Et Leur Histoire. Edited by O. Bruun and L. Corti, 81-101. Paris: Vrin, 2005.

Frede, M. Les Catgories dAristote et les Pres de lglise grecs. In Les Catgories Et
Leur Histoire. Edited by O. Bruun and L. Corti, 135-174. Paris: Vrin, 2005.

Gerson, L. P. Aristotle and Other Platonists. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2005.

Guldentops, G. Platos Timaeus in Simplicius In De caelo. In Platos Timaeus and the
Foundations of Cosmology in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Edited
by T. Leinkauf, and C. Steel, 195-211. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2005.

Hahmann, A. Was ist Willensfreiheit? Alexander von Aphrodisias ber das Schicksal,
Marburg: Tectum, 2005.

Henry, D. Embryological Models in Ancient Philosophy. Phronesis 50/1 (2005): 1-42.

Ierodiakonou, K. La rception byzantine des Categories dAristote. In Les Catgories
Et Leur Histoire. Edited by O. Bruun and L. Corti, 307-340. Paris: Vrin, 2005.

Ierodiakonou, K. Metaphysics in the Byzantine Tradition: Eustratios of Nicaea on
universals, Quaestio 5 (2005): 67-82.

Kenny, A. Les Catgories chez les Pres de lglise latins. In Les Catgories Et Leur
Histoire. Edited by O. Bruun and L. Corti, 121-135. Paris: Vrin, 2005.

Libera, A. de. Lonto-tho-logique de Boce: doctrine des catgories et thorie de la
predication dans le De Trinitate. In Les Catgories Et Leur Histoire. Edited by O. Bruun
and L. Corti, 175-222. Paris: Vrin, 2005.

Longo, A. Siriano e I principi della scienza. Naples: Bibliopolis, 2005.

Majercik, R. Porphyry and Gnosticism. The Classical Quarterly 55/1 (2005): 277-292.

Marenbon, J. Les Catgories au dbut du Moyen ge. In Les Catgories Et Leur
Histoire. Edited by O. Bruun and L. Corti, 223-244. Paris: Vrin, 2005.

Morison, B. Les Catgories dAristote comme introduction la logique. In Les
Catgories Et Leur Histoire. Edited by O. Bruun and L. Corti, 103-119. Paris: Vrin, 2005.

Panayides, C. Ammonius and the Seabattle. Ancient Philosophy 25/2 (2005): 474-

Rashed, M. Les marginalia dArthas, Ibn al-Tayyib et les dernires gloses
alexandrines lOrganon. In Scientia in margine. Etudes sur les marginalia dans les
manuscrits scientifiques du Moyen ge la Renaissance, Edited by D. Jacquart and C.
Burnett, 57-73. Geneva: Librarie Droz, 2005.

Reeth, J. F. M. van. lments de thodice syrienne de Jean Philopon au Causa
causarum. In Les Syriaques. Edited by R.J. Mouwad, 151-164. Paris: Harmattan, 2005.

Salis, R. Il commento di pseudo-Alessandro al libro della Metafisica di Aristotele,
Padua: Rubbettino, 2005.

Sharples, R. W. Alexander of Aphrodisias on Universals: Two Problematic Texts.
Phronesis 50 (2005): 43-55.

Sharples, R. W. An Aristotelian Commentator on the Naturalness of Justice. In
Virtues, Norms, and Objectivity. Edited by C. Gill, 279-293. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2005.

Sharples, R. W. Implications of the New Alexander of Aphrodisias Inscription. Bulletin
of the Institute of Classical Studies 48 (2005): 4756.

Sorabji, R. Sordid Deals and Divine Names in Ammonius Alexandria. In The
Philosopher and Society in Late Antiquity. Edited by A. Smith, 203-213. Cardiff:
University of Wales Press, 2005.

Wilberding, J. Aristotle, Plotinus, and Simplicius on the Relation of the Changer to the
Changed. The Classical Quarterly 55/2 (2005): 447-454.


Adamson, P. Vision, Light and Color in Al-Kindi, Ptolemy and the Ancient
Commentators. Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 16/2 (2006): 207-236.

Arampatzs, G. Paideia kai epistm ston Michal Ephesio : eis peri zn morin I 1,3 -
2,10. Athens: Akadmia Athnn, Kentron Ereuns ts Hellniks Philosophias, 2006.

Castelletti, C. (ed.). Porfirio, Sullo Stige. Testo greco a fronte, 99. Milan: Bompiani,

Dane, J (trans.). O vnosti svta: Jan Filoponos proti Aristotelovi. Prague: Filosofia,

Hoffmann, P. What was Commentary in Late Antiquity? The Example of the

Neoplatonic Commentators. In A Companion to Ancient Philosophy. Edited by M. L.
Gill and P. Pellegrin, 597-622. Oxford: Blackwell, 2006.

Ierodiakonou, K. The Greek concept of sympatheia and its Byzantine appropriation in
Michael Psellos. In The Occult Sciences in Byzantium. Edited by. P. Magdalino and M.
Mavroudi, 97-117. Geneva: Pomme dOr, 2006.

Kapetanaki, S. and R. W. Sharples, eds. Pseudo Aristoteles (Pseudo Alexander),
Supplementa Problematorum. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2006.

Karamanolis G. Plato and Aristotle in Agreement? Platonists on Aristotle from
Antiochus to Porphyry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.

Lamascus, L. Aquinas and Themistius on Intellect. Proceedings of the American
Catholic Philosophical Association 80 (2006): 255-273.

Lautner, P. Ammonius Hermeae. Ancient Philosophy 26/1 (2006): 237-240.

Lines, D. (ed.), Eustratius, Aspasius, Michael Ephesius et al.: Aristotelis Stagiritae
Moralia Nicomachi.a Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 2006.

McGinnis, J. Positioning Heaven: The Infidelity of a Faithful Aristotelian. Phronesis
51/2 (2006): 140-161.

Sharples, R. W. Ps.-Alexander or Ps.-Aristotle. Medical Puzzles and Physical
Problems. In Aristotles Problemata in different times and tongues. Edited by P. De
Leemans and M. Goyens, 21-32. Leuven: Leuven University Press, 2006.

Warren. J. Psychic Disharmony: Philoponus and Epicurus on Platos Phaedo. Oxford
Studies in Ancient Philosophy 30 (2006): 235-260.

Watts, E. J. City and School in Late Antique Athens and Alexandria. Berkeley: University
of California Press, 2006.


Adamson, P. Porphyrius Arabus on nature and art: 463F Smith in context. In Studies
on Porphyry. Edited by G. Karamanolis and A. Sheppard, 141-164. London: Institute of
Classical Studies, 2007.

Baltussen, H. From Polemic to Exegesis: The Ancient Philosophical Commentary.
Poetics Today 28 (2007): 247-281.

Chase, M. Did Porphyry Write a Commentary on Aristotles Posterior Analytics?

Albertus Magnus, al-Frb and Porphyry on per se Predication. In Classical Arabic
Philosophy: Sources and Reception. Edited by P. Adamson, 21-38. London: Warburg
Institute, 2007.

Chiaradonna, R. Porphyry and Iamblichus on Universals and Synonymous
Predication. Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale 18 (2007): 123-

Chiaradonna, R. Porphyrys views on the immanent incorporeals. In Studies on
Porphyry. Edited by G. Karamanolis and A. Sheppard, 35-50. London: Institute of
Classical Studies, 2007.

Clark, G. Augustines Porphyry and the universal way of salvation. In Studies on
Porphyry. Edited by G. Karamanolis and A. Sheppard, 127-140. London: Institute of
Classical Studies, 2007.

Delli, E. Entre compilation et originalit. Le corps pneumatique dans loeuvre de
Michel Psellos. In The Libraries of the Neoplatonists. Edited by C. DAncona, 211-230.
Leiden: Brill, 2007.

Dillon, J. What price the father of the noetic triad?: some thoughts on Porphyrys
doctrine of the first principle. In Studies on Porphyry. Edited by G. Karamanolis and A.
Sheppard, 51-60. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2007.

Edwards, M. Porphyry and the Christians. In Studies on Porphyry. Edited by G.
Karamanolis and A. Sheppard, 11-126. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2007.

Gavray, M.-A. Simplicius, lecteur du Sophiste. Paris: Klincksieck, 2007.

Golitsis, P. Nicphore Blemmyde lecteur du commentaire de Simplicius la Physique
dAristote. In The Libraries of the Neoplatonists. Edited by C. DAncona, 243-258.
Leiden: Brill, 2007.

Goulet, R. La conservation et la transmission des textes philosophiques. In The
Libraries of the Neoplatonists. Edited by C. DAncona, 29-62. Leiden: Brill, 2007.

Hadot, I. Dans quel lieu le noplatonicien Simplicius a-t-il fond son cole de
mathmatiques, et o a pu avoir lieu son entretien avec un manichen? International
Journal of the Platonic Tradition 1/1 (2007): 42-107.

Hadot, I. Remarque complmentaire mon article dans quel lieu le noplatonicien
Simplicius a-t-il fond son cole de mathmathiques, et o a pu avoir lieu son
entretien avec un manichen? International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 1/2
(2007): 263-269.

Hasnawi, A. Boce, Averros et Ab Al-Barakt Al Bagd, tmoins des crits de
Thmistius sur les Topiques dAristote. Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 17 (2007): 203-

Hasse, D. N. Spontaneous Generation and the Ontology of Forms in Greek, Arabic and
Medieval Latin Sources. In Classical Arabic Philosophy: Sources and Reception. Edited
by P. Adamson, 150-175. London: Warburg Institute, 2007.

Karamanolis, G. Porphyrys notion of empsychia. In Studies on Porphyry. Edited by G.
Karamanolis and A. Sheppard, 91-110. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2007.

Lautner, P. Perception and self-knowledge: interpreting fr. 264 Smith In Studies on
Porphyry. Edited by G. Karamanolis and A. Sheppard, 77-90. London: Institute of
Classical Studies, 2007.

Lpez-Farjeat, L. X. Determinism and Free Will in Alexander of Aphrodisias and the
Arabic Tradition. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 81
(2007): 161-177.

Luna, C. Mis en page et transmission textuelle du commentaire de Syrianus sur la
Metaphysique. In The Libraries of the Neoplatonists. Edited by C. DAncona, 121-134.
Leiden: Brill, 2007.

Mansfield, J. Out of Touch: Philoponus as a source for Democritus. In Democritus:
Science, The Arts, and the Care of the Soul: Proceedings of the International Colloquium
on Democritus. Edited by A. Brancacci and P-M. Morel, 277-292. Leiden: Brill, 2007.

Movia, G. (ed.), Alessandro di Afrodisia e Pseudo-Alessandro, Commentario alla
Metafisica di Aristotele. Milan: Bompiani, 2007.

Natali, C. Aspasius on Nicomachean Ethics 7: An Ancient Example of Higher
Criticism?. Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 33 (2007): 347-367.

Papamanolakis, A. Lchelle neoplatonicienne des vertus chez Psellus et Eustrate de
Nice. In The Libraries of the Neoplatonists. Edited by C. DAncona, 231-242. Leiden:
Brill, 2007.

Pazouki, S. From Aristotles Ousia to Ibn Sinas Jawhar In Substance and Attribute.
Edited by C. Kanzian and M. Legenhausen, 163-172. Frankfurt: Ontos, 2007.

Rashed, M. Essentialisme. Alexandre dAphrodise entre logique, physique et
cosmologie. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2007.

Rashed, M. Lhritage aristotlicien. Textes indits de lantiquit. Paris: Les Belles

Lettres, 2007.

Reinhardt, T. Andronicus of Rhodes and Boethus of Sidon on Aristotles Categories.
In Greek and Roman Philosophy 100 BC-200 AD. Edited by R. Sorabji and R. W.
Sharples, 513-529. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2007.

Sharples, R. W. Aristotles Exoteric and Esoteric Works: Summaries and
Commentaries. In Greek and Roman Philosophy 100 BC-200 AD. Edited by R. Sorabji
and R. W. Sharples, 505-512. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2007.

Sheppard, A. Porphyrys views on phantasia. In Studies on Porphyry. Edited by G.
Karamanolis and A. Sheppard, 71-76. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2007.

Smith, A. Porphyry: scope for a reassessment. In Studies on Porphyry. Edited by G.
Karamanolis and A. Sheppard, 7-17. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2007.

Sorabji, R. Modifications to Aristotles Physics of the Heavens by Peripatetics and
Others, 100 BC to 200 AD. In Greek and Roman Philosophy 100 BC-200 AD. Edited by
R. Sorabji and R. W. Sharples, 575-594. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2007.

Sorabji, R. Porphyry on self-awareness, true self, and individual. In Studies on
Porphyry. Edited by G. Karamanolis and A. Sheppard, 61-70. London: Institute of
Classical Studies, 2007.

Strange, S. Porphyry and Plotinus metaphysics. In Studies on Porphyry. Edited by G.
Karamanolis and A. Sheppard, 17-34. London: Institute of Classical Studies, 2007.

Valente, L. Names that can be said of everything: Porphyrian tradition and
transcendental terms in twelfth-century logic. Vivarium 45/2-3 (2007): 298-310.


Achard, M. Themistius Paraphrase of Posterior Analytics 71a17-b8: An Example of
Rearrangement of an Aristotelian Text. Laval thologique et philosophique 64/1
(2008): 19-34.

Baltussen, H. Philosophy and Exegesis in Simplicius: The Methodology of a
Commentator. London: Duckworth, 2008.

Benakis, L. Michael Psellos: Kommentar zur Physik des Aristoteles. Editio princeps.
Einleitung, Text, Indices. Corpus Philosophorum Medii Aevi, Commentaria in
Aristotelem Byzantina 5. Athens: Academy of Athens, 2008.

Bergeron, M. and R. Dufour, eds. Alexandre DAphrodise. De lme. Textes &

Commentaires. Paris: Vrin, 2008.

Bods, R., ed. Porphyre, Commentaire aux Catgories d Aristote. Paris: Vrin, 2008.

Brunschwig, J. Le chapitre 1 du De Interpretatione: Aristote, Ammonius et nous.
Laval thologique et philosophique 64/1 (2008): 35-87.

Chase, M. The Medieval Posterity of Simplicius Commentary on the Categories:
Thomas Aquinas and al-Farabi. In Medieval Commentaries on Aristotles Categories.
Edited by L.A. Newton, 9-30. Leiden: Brill, 2008.

Chiaradonna R. Hylmorphisme et causalit des intelligibles. Plotin et Alexandre
dAphrodise. Les tudes philosophiques 86/3 (2008): 379-398.

Cook, J. G. Porphyrys attempted demolition of Christian allegory. International
Journal of the Platonic Tradition 2/1 (2008): 1-27.

Cordonier, V. Corps, Matire et Contact: La cohrence du sensible selon Alexandre
dAphrodise. Les tudes philosophiques 86/3 (2008): 353-378.

Ct, A. Simplicius on idoneities. Proceedings of the XXII World Congress of
Philosophy 14 (2008): 21-27.

Dillon, J. Syrianus polmiste : Mtaphysique M et N. Laval Thologique et
Philosophique 64/3 (2008): 641-649.

Ebbesen, S. Greek-Latin philosophical interaction. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008.

Falcon, A. The Pre-History of the Commentary Tradition: Aristotelianism in the First
Century BCE: (Prolegomena to a Study of Xenarchus of Seleucia). Laval thologique et
philosophique, 64/1 (2008): 7-18.

Fazzo, S. Lexgse du livre Lambda de la Mtaphysique dAristote dans le De
principiis et dans la Quaestio I.1 dAlexandre dAphrodise. Laval Thologique et
Philosophique 64/3 (2008): 607-626.

Golitsis, P. Les commentaires de Simplicius et de Jean Philopon la Physique dAristote:
Tradition et Innovation. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2008.

Guyomarch, G. Le visage du divin: la forme pure selon Alexandre dAphrodise Les
tudes philosophiques 86/3 (2008): 323-341.

Helmig, C. Plutarch of Chaeronea and Porphyry on transmigration who is the author
of Stobaeus I 445.14448.3 (W.-H.)? The Classical Quarterly 58/1 (2008): 250-255.

Jaulin, A. Remarques sur la conception de la nature dans les 2-6 du De Fato
dAlexandre dAphrodise. Les tudes philosophiques 86/3 (2008): 343-353.

Lautner, P. Methods in examining Sense-perception: John Philoponus and Ps.-
Simplicius. Laval Thologique et Philosophique 64/3 (2008): 651-661.

Lavaud, L. Matire et privation chez Alexandre dAphrodise et Plotin. Les tudes
philosophiques 86/3 (2008): 399-415.

LeFebvre, D. Le commentaire dAlexandre dAphrodise mtaphysique. Les tudes
philosophiques 86/3 (2008): 305-323.

Rashed, M. Alexandre dAphrodise: de leidocentrisme comme actualisation dun
aristotlisme possible. Les tudes philosophiques 86/3 (2008): 281-284.

Reisman, D. An Obscure Neoplatonist of the Fourth/Tenth Century and the Putative
Philoponus Source. In In the Age of al Frb: Arabic Philosophy in the Fourth/Tenth
Century. Edited by P. Adamson, 239-264. London: Warburg Institute, 2008.

Renaud, F. Tradition et critique: lecture jumele de Platon et Aristote chez
Olympiodore.Laval thologique et philosophique 64/1 (2008): 89-104.

Rescigno, A., ed. Commento al De caelo di Aristotele. Frammenti del secondo, terzo, e
quarto libro. Amsterdam: Hakkert, 2008.

Schroeder, F. M. and R. Todd. The De Intellectu Revisited. Laval thologique et
philosophique 64/3 (2008): 663-680.

Sharples, R. W. Laccident du dterminisme: Alexandre dAphrodise dans son contexte
historique. Les tudes philosophiques 86/3 (2008): 285-303.

Sharples, R. W. Alexander Aphrodisiensis, De anima libri mantissa: A new edition of
the Greek text with introduction and commentary. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2008.

Sharples, R. W. Habent sua fata libelli: Aristotles Categories in the 1st Century BC.
Acta antiqua Hungarica 48 (2008): 273-287.

Sharples, R. W. La Escuela de Alejandro de Afrodisia? Dinoia 61 (2008): 3-46.

Wear, S. K. Syrianus the Platonist on Eternity and Time. The Classical Quarterly 58
(2008): 648-660.

Wilberding, J. Porphyry and Plotinus on the Seed. Phronesis 53/4 (2008): 406-432.


Arabatzis, G. Michael Of Ephesus On The Empirical Man, The Scientist And The
Educated Man (In Ethica Nicomachea X and In De Partibus Animalium I). In Medieval
Greek Commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics. Edited by C. Barber and D. Jenkins,
163-184. Leiden: Brill: 2009.

Balthussen, H. Simplicius and the Subversion of Authority. Antiquorum Philosophia 3
(2009): 121-136.

Barber, C. Eustratios Of Nicaea On The Separation Of Art And Theology. In Medieval
Greek Commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics. Edited by C. Barber and D. Jenkins,
131-144. Leiden: Brill, 2009.

Barnes, J. Drei sonnen sah ich : Syrianus et lastronomie. In Syrianus et la
Mtaphysique de lAntiquit Tardive. Edited by A. Longo, 59-92. Naples: Bibliopolis,

Barney, R. Simplicius: Commentary, Harmony, and Authority. Antiquorum
Philosophia 3 (2009): 101-120.

Bechtle, G. Metaphysicizing the Aristotelian Categories. Two References to the
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