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II !

l?ar>id Mcmuj(rct11ring

rYUrso PS and Redmond MJ (2000), Method for the Resection of Cranal Tumt>urs
and Skill Reconstruction. British ,Journal of Neurosurgery. Vt>l. 4, 6, pp 555-55 1),
http:i/, see also [Anatomies. 2000]. .,

Chapter 6

Cialrzen .J, Lingcns 1-1, Gebhardt A and Schwarz C (1998) Optimi~atiun using
TIIESA, Prototyping Technology lnh:rnational '91!, UK & International Press,
Surrey, UK, pp 36-3X.

lndirect l\1ethods for Rapid Tool


Ippolito R, Iuliano L ,tnd ( iatto A (I 995) Benchntarking of Rapid Prototyping

Techniques in T.:rms ol" Dimensional At.:t.:ura<.:y and Surfav~ Finish. CIRP Annals,
VoL44.1.rr 157-ltiO .
.lacobs I'F ( 19%) Stereolithogr;tphy :md other RP&M technologies, Society of
,\'lanufacturing Engineers- American Society of Mechanical Engineer.
\1atcrialisc Prodw:t lnl"ormation (2000) Mimics sotlwurl. Materialise, J.euvcn.
13LIgiurn. http:/iwww.matcrialisL' he/.


!\s Rapid l'wltlyping (RP.J is beco111ing more mature, material properties, accuracy.
,<>:I ;11td iL ad-tirnt: are improving to permit it to be employed for the production of

L1ghtman A.l. V;tnasschc 13. D'lJrso I' and Yamada S ( 1995) Applications of Rilpid
l'rotolyping to SHrgical l'lannine - A Snrvcy or Glnhal ;\,:tivitit:s. Proc of the 6th
lntematinnal Confl'n'lll't' on Rapid l'tototypin~. June .:1-7. Dayton. Ohio. {]SA,
Ill' I (>-21.

li>PI.s. \<~m, traditional tool making methods based on the replication of models have
"'"'"" :~d:~ptcd and new techniques allt>wing tools to be made directly by RP haw
h,-, n dn .: loped. This t:hnptcr I"C'\iews indircd mdhud~ for rapid tooling ( RT) tlwl
'"'<" . .,,. 'h<:tily will be, av<lilablc llu pr~duction runs of up to several hundred parts in
til: -.::m: malcria: a~. or a mal~:rial v~:ry similar to, that of the linal pnllhu.:.tion part.
I'll 1}. I :wth,>ds pr~s~nlt:d below :tiT L:alkd indirect bccaus~ they llM~ a RP pattcm
!"'"'",! ,,._ an appropriate RP tLclmiqut: as il model till mould ~nd die making.

l'il;tm lH. l)imo\ SS and l.acan F (I')')')) Sclcctin: l.nst.'r Sintcring: Applications
a11d "1\:clmolo~ical ( ";tp<thilillcs, Pnll~- IMl~dtE, Part R: .Journal of Engineering
1\lanufacturr. Vnl. 21 1, pp 435-449.


'vkt\lea K, Lackminarayan U and Man:k P (1996) Sclt.:t.:tivt.: Laser Siult:riug

.\lkt<.d Molds: The Rapid TooiTM Prm:css. Moldin'96. 1-:CM Inc .. Plymouth. Ml .

l'oulscn M. Lindsay C. Sullivan T and ()'Urso PS ( 1999) Stcrcolithugraphit:

modelling as an aid to orbital hrachytherapy. The lntcrnatinnal .Jonmal of
Radiation Onculu~y, Riulug~ and Physics. Vol. 44, .1, pp 7.~ 1-TIS.
i::tvmond NC and Thont<ts V.f (I C))8) A Comparis,u or Kapid l'rototyping
1\H Wind Tunnel Mode.! Fabrication. Rapid Prututyping .Journal,
[\ICB University Prec:~. Vol. 4. 4, pp 185-196.

r\:t:h11iquc~ U~ed

\":111 tk ( "rntnlllLTI S. Seitz S. Essc'r K.K and l'vlcAica K ( I'.J!J7) Sand. Di.: and
ltl\cstmcnl ( ast !'arts via the Sl.S Sdt:divt: Laser Siutering piocess. UTI\1 (;mhU,
II Iiden, Germauy.

Role of Indirect IVIcthocls in Tool Pn1ductiun

l11 :nTlll wars, Rl' tc:dmologie~ have emerged to reduce the ckli:tys inherent in the
IL"-It,r;ltit>:ts and line-tuning ncccss:uy to crenk a high quality product. Tlw,;;e
fLclt!1''"'~i;s otlcr the <.:<tpahility or rapid productinn of thrct:-dimensional solid
,,hi:t. rli::ctly from designs Jo!Cnerated on CAD systeuts. Instead oi'sLvcral wceb,"
;>JlIP!ype can he completed in a [~,w days or even a lew hour~. I Jnf"cutunately, with
t< I' tccltniqll"s, thl'l'L' is only a relatively limited ntl.lgL' of materials tlorn which
l;r 1.<.>~\"\'c,; can h,~
made. Consequently. although
visualisation and
. . lil<"!t.i"l'liigL:onlt'trir writlntli\>rt are. po~~ihlc. timctional testing of prototypes
.,t"\"11 :.; lli>l, due to the di!Ter~nt 11\t:Chanical and thermal prnpertit's ol" the prototype
'111l"llcd IL> the proJut:tion pan l.l:cobs, 1996a].
:li:: ,.-:1ds to the m~xl. step. wltidt is li1r the RP industry 111 targ''' IL)L)ling as a
""'" I~ ~:apitalise ou JD CAD modelling and Rl> tt'duwlogy. With int:rca.~<:s
:II ! h; ;It l 'll":tcy of Rr tcdll!iques. 1\liii\L'I"l)US prt'CCSSCS ha\c bL'L'Il dndoped l(n
:" ,:.,, ..,,_, tooling liom Rl' nw.<>tcr, ICitilcls and Ju,\n. 1'!'14\. The most 1viLkly
"'~"'". ,d indirc,:t RT mctlwds are to us~ RP masters 111 tnakt: silinuw t"LHIIII
: 1"l"' tltJ ntlcanismg !RTV) monlds lir plitstir parts ami as sacrilieial models li'r


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