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Maura Maldonado

Conceptualizing Social Justice

HD 361

As I reflect on classroom discussion and course material presented on the issues related to
race and social justice, I realize the extent of what we see and hear from main stream media, law
enforcement, and politicians is not always an accurate portrayal of the truth regarding injustice or
inequity. Groups like the Freedom Riders, students who were active participants against racism
and achieving social justice on the bus lines were portrayed as militant, trouble makers and law
breakers. Coretta Scott King an activist for civil rights, but not recognized for her own
contributions until after the death of Martin Luther King Jr. Mrs. King brought about social
change by presenting freedom concerts. Through poetry and music, stories of the civil rights
movement were told. She also encouraged blacks and whites to defy segregation acts. Political
activist Angela Davis portrayed as a Communist, militant, Black Panther, and indicted for
supplying weapons to execute a crime. Until this class I never really heard about her academic
success or her fight for the equality of women and prison reform.
Racism and social injustice is still prevalent in our world today. Social media and those of
power have control and manipulate what is shared including at times the truth. Negative
portrayal of specific groups of people on the larger scale trickles down and influences the
masses. Opinions are formed and action is taken toward others, another reminder of the social
injustice of manifest destiny. I feel the impact of these actions or racism on families can prevent
individuals of a family from feeling like equal and valued members of society. Individuals in the
family can feel angry or bitter which may lead to violent behaviors. Racism can destroy the selfesteem of individual family members. I believe it may even cause division in the family.

Families can feel isolated and excluded, this can create resentment and mistrust of others. The
feeling of resentment may keep families from interacting with others which can increase the
level of resentment or create fear. Racism can create stress and anxiety. This stress can have a
psychological impact on individuals in the family which affects the whole family unit as well as
an individuals physical health. I believe that ongoing racism of a particular group of people can
prevent individuals from having an equal opportunity to better their lives.
Throughout history there have been people who view themselves superior over others.
Beginning with the Native Americans, people of color have fought oppression, racism and
discrimination. I feel the beliefs and struggles that were fought for and defended by the Freedom
Riders, Rosa Parks, the Brown Berets, Dr. King and Coretta Scott King, W.E.B. Dubois and the
NAACP, bills signed into law like the Civil Rights Act of 1964 originated because of ongoing
racism and unfair treatment of others because they were viewed as less than. I believe today the
new racism is to deny racism. There are many people who will say that, things are better
racism doesnt exist. In the work force there is subtle racism, individuals not promoted, extra
work loads, the first to be let go. As mentioned in class, in court the majority of offenders are
African American or Latino. The accused are disproportionate to the population. As of 2008
fifty-eight percent of the prison population is made up of African Americans and Latinos yet they
only make up about a quarter of the nations population. Economic status, the color of our skin,
religious beliefs, physical appearance, gender, sexual orientation, these differences create fear
among certain groups of people, fear of the unknown and lack of information creates division.
History shows us that the fight against racism and social injustice has been the subject of many
wars and uprisings. Personally, what I hold onto is that the fight is not for one specific group
of people but for all who are willing to fight for equality.

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