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LaKeisha Neal


Setting: Educational/ High School

Location and Size: Large Suburban
Type of Distance Education: Fully online courses (The school has traditional
classroom courses, as well.)
Position: Web System Administrator

LaKeisha Neal
Policy and Procedure Manual

1. Academic
a. All courses must maintain the same amount of rigor of that in a
traditional classroom-based course to ensure that all students receive
a quality education.
b. Skyward Family Access will be used to monitor grades throughout the
semester for all students enrolled in Wylie Independent School District.
c. The enrollment cap for each distance education course is 20 students
to guarantee that each instructor has adequate time to review each
assignment and give feedback to students.
2. Faculty
a. Core faculty is given priority when finding instructors to teach distance
education courses (Simonson, Smalindo, & Zvacek, 2015, p. 289).
b. Teaching a distance education course will not constitute additional
compensation as they will have the same workload as a traditional
classroom educator.
c. Distance education instructors should have virtual office hours as well
as physical office hours to ensure that they can be contacted and
provide assistance to all students. If chats, texting, video messaging,
or any other form of electronic communication is used, a parent or
guardian should be present.
3. Students
a. Two or less distance education courses can be taken in one semester
and/or year.
b. All assignments should be submitted through Blackboard by the due
date set by the instructor.
c. Students should ensure that they can work all online tools needed to
be successful in their online course(s) before the course starts.
4. Fiscal
a. There is no tuition fee for taking distance education courses as this is a
public institution.
b. None of the resources or software required for each course will require
payment. It will all be free resources and software.
c. If a resource or piece of software does require payment, please contact
your instructor for further information.
5. Accessibility
a. To be in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
( and
the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
(, all programs, services, and
activities offered by Wylie Independent School District must be

LaKeisha Neal
accessible to and usable by persons with documented disabilities who
are enrolled in the district.
b. The parent or guardian of any student who may need special
arrangements to meet course requirements must contact the course
instructor before the course starts.
c. For more information, you may contact the Wylie Independent School
District Special Education department

LaKeisha Neal

Simonson, M. R., Smaldino, S. E., & Zvacek, S. (2015). Teaching and learning
at a distance: Foundations of distance education (6th ed.). Charlotte,
NC: Information Publishing Age.

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