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The course I will base my assignment on is designed to help students

understand and develop appropriate college skills while pursuing their

foundation studies. The course contents are prepared to provide a group
study of the educational system, college expectations, study skills, and the
acculturation process.
Aspects of time management, teamwork, goal setting, writing reports and
managing stress are also part of the core element of the course.

Describe the collaborative strategy you have selected for this

course. You do not need to provide the details for the strategy (for
example, if it is a case study, you do not need to provide the complete
written case study).

The collaborative strategy I use to accomplish all the above is to give a group
fund-raising project where all the core elements of the course can be
accomplished. Most of the tasks involved to accomplish the goals need to be
discussed and formalized in a discussion with all of the members of the

Determine a plan for how you would apply this strategy in your
chosen course. Develop an outline or calendar schedule of when you
would implement this strategy.

Week 1 Students are asked to brainstorm / plan what they would like to do
for the project
Week 2 - Students are asked to survey the product/ place or whatever it is
that they are going to do for the fund-raising project. (Skills needed teamwork, managing time)
Week 3 - Students are asked to arrange particular meetings with suppliers,
college personels. (skills needed - teamwork )
Week 4 - Students are asked to submit a proposal to the lecturer advisor
(report writing skill is needed)

Week 5 Students asked to prepare the materials for their fund raising
campaign (skills needed - teamwork, managing stress). This would include all
their posters, flyers and banners.
Week 6 - 11 Students have to do all the promotional activities to meet the
target (skill needed- goal setting)
Week 12 14 Students are asked to prepare a presentation and hand-in
their complete report of what they have done and how they have channeled
the money that they have collected to a worthy cause. (skill needed report
writing skill, goal setting, managing stress well)

Explain why you have chosen to use that strategy and how it fits
with the learning objective(s) and your student audience.

The reason I have chosen the strategy is for a an obvious reason as the
activity itself would facilitate the students learning about managing stress,
achieving goals, teamwork, writing reports and most importantly managing
time. I have outlined the skills needed for each week as above. It fits for the
most part of the learning objectives for the course as well as giving the
students a chance to enjoy themselves while doing it. I believe this would be
a better strategy compared to giving lectures.

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