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Why is there a new or renewed interest in the field of project management?

The project management field has evolved in the past 20+ years.
Until the 1980s, project management primarily focused on providing
schedule and resource data to top management in the military. Now
the field has expanded and has added greater responsibility. I dont
think there are many fields out there that dont utilize some form of
project management to implement or update new equipment, ideas, or

2. What is a project, and what are its main attributes? How is a project different
from what most people do in their day-to-day jobs? What is the triple
A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique
product, service, or result. Basically, its a task that can be large or
small and can use little or many resources to complete. It can take a
little time or can be a lengthy process to complete depending on the
task at hand. Projects are different from what people do during their
day-to-day lives because a daily routine is part of the operation of their
business. Its something that will always be done to complete their
daily work. A project is something that is temporary and is used to
improve the business. The triple constraint is the three main pieces of
a project that have set limitations. Scope, time, and cost goals are
those three main pieces. Even though they have set limitations they
are still considered goals and can be shortened or lengthened by the
company at any time for any reason. The scope is basically the task at
hand including the product and services that will be used. The time is
the length of time it should take to complete the project. Lastly, the
cost is how much the project is projected to cost (The budget).
3. What is project management? Briefly describe the project management
framework, providing examples of stakeholders, knowledge areas, tools and
techniques, and project success factors.
Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and
techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. The
project management framework is basically anyone that is affected by
this project. People like the project team, users, customers, company
staff, supplies, the sponsor of the project, etc. There are 4 core
functions, which include the triple constraint (scope of management,
time management, and cost management) and quality management.
The quality management basically says that the work will be up to a
specific standard set forth by the sponsor. Then the facility functions,

which include human resource management, communication

management, risk management, and procurement management.
Human resource management is exactly that, effectively utilizing the
human resources you have available to you. Communication
management is making sure you have constant communication
throughout the project so you can direct your resources in the right
areas at the right time. Risk management is identifying, analyzing,
and responding to possible risks or hazards so you are able to react
accordingly. Lastly, procurement management is the management of
acquiring products and materials from your company and outside
vendors for the project. There are many tools and techniques out
there for project management. These items include, but are not
limited to, computer software, spreadsheets, reports, charts,
checklists, diagrams, etc. There are many different ways to judge
success or failure. Some examples are the main objectives were met
or surpassed, the project result satisfied the customer/sponsor, or the
project met the triple constraint.
4. What is a program? What is a project portfolio? Discuss the relationship
between projects, programs, and portfolio management and the contributions
they each make to enterprise success.
A program is a group of related projects managed in a coordinated
way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them
individually. Or, grouping projects together to be more economical
which saves time, money, and resources. Project and program
management are considered more tactical (i.e. are the projects running
smoothly and according to plan?) where portfolio management is more
strategic (i.e. are we working on the right project? Is our money being
invested in the correct areas?)
5. What is the role of the project manager? What are suggested skills for all
project managers and for information technology project managers? Why is
leadership so important for project managers? How is the job market for
information technology project managers?
Obviously the main role is to complete the assigned project according
to the triple constraint. Project managers need to have a wide variety
of skills so they can approach each project differently. Four of the most
common skills needed are application knowledge, project environment
knowledge, general management skills, and human relations skills.
Leadership is very important because you are in control of the project
and need to know how to direct people and plan correctly for each
project. Project managers are predicted to be the highest demanded
job in the next 2 to five years.

6. Briefly describe some key events in the history of project management. What
role does the Project Management Institute play in helping the profession?
There are many key events in the history of project management. The
Manhattan Project was a huge $2 billion that the military led to develop
nuclear bombs. Another historical even that directly affects project
management is the Gannt Chart. This chart is still used today to help
schedule every step in project management. The PMI has helped
project managers since it was founded in 1969.
7. What function can you perform with project management software? What are
some popular names of low-end, midrange, and high-end project
management tools?
Low-end software like MinuteMan and Project Kickstart are great
inexpensive programs that allow you to do Gantt Charts a lot easier
than current productivity software. Midrange is a small step up from
the inexpensive products but can do a few extra things that can be
vital in the project management world. Not only can you make Gantt
Charts, you can also make network diagrams. These programs can
assist in critical analysis, resource allocation, and project tracking as
well. Finally, high-end products allow you to do almost anything. I
think youd only use higher end products when youre working on
multiple projects or portfolios.

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