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by Vanessa Wattamaniuk


Core French



July 29, 2016

DURATION: 75 min lessons

Desired Results
Established Goals (Curricular Competencies)

Express themselves with growing fluency orally and in writing

Recognize relationship between French letter patterns and pronunciation

Recognize the importance of story in personal, family, and community identity

Narrate stories

Exchange ideas and information using complete sentences, orally and in writing:
-describe people, objects, places and personal interests
-describe a sequence of events
-ask and respond to questions on familiar topics
-compare and contrast characteristics of personal interests
-express simple needs in familiar situations
-express opinions on familiar topics

Students will understand that:
What are the big ideas?
What specific understandings about them are desired?
What misunderstandings are predictable?
Big Ideas
Listening and viewing with intent strengthens our
understanding and acquisition of Frenchstudents need to
understand that intent and effort is what helps them grow

We can have meaningful conversations about things that are

important to us in French conversations in French dont have
to follow a script about a subject they dont care about. French

Essential Questions
What provocative questions will foster inquiry, understanding and transfer
of learning?

How can you use French to communicate directions, and relate

events or plans?
o Students will practice this as they relate their own
experiences travelling, when they describe their hopes and
dreams for the future, and when they explain their tour plan

How can French be used in order to persuade?

o Students will practice this as they try to persuade their
classmates to buy their tour plan

is a way to express yourself, and so it can express anything

Stories give us unique ways to interpret and share knowledge

thoughts, and feelingsstories are an access point helps give
students the desire to understand

Acquiring French provides opportunities to explore our own

cultural identity from a new perspectivelooking at the ways
that people of different cultural background do things
differently raises valuable questions as to why we do the things
we do

How might French be useful when traveling?

o Students will look at this when they practice providing
directions or explaining situations.

Predictable misunderstandings
Simply being in class will result in an improvement of your
Frenchthis is not true: intent and an open attitude are
French is only useful for directions, and to get around in French
speaking countriesthis is a misunderstanding. Not only is
French useful for finding jobs in Canada (and elsewhere), but it
can also be useful for understanding different perspectives and
cultures. It can be used to tell stories, make references, and do
just about anything.

Students will know: (Content)

What key knowledge skills will the students acquire as a

result of this unit?
the meaning of certain travel-related words
the meaning of key directional vocabulary
how to pronounce certain travel-related words
how to pronounce basic directional vocabulary
how to conjugate verbs using pass compos
how to conjugate verbs using futur simple
how a rubric works
facts about a French speaking city or country due to their

Students will be able to:

What should they eventually be able to do as a result of such

knowledge and skills?

Narrate a personal story

Identify and correct errors in their speech (when listening to a recording

of themselves)
Spot markers indicating if a word is likely masculine or feminine, and
become familiar with common exceptions
Use pass compos in speech
Recognize key directional vocabulary
Comprehend and follow directions given in French
Give directions to others clearly in French
Describe event in the future
Express desires or needs in French
Understand oral instructions in French using vocabulary that we have

Write a simple tour plan in French, detailing activities

Read, pronounce and comprehend basic French stories
Write down basic French sentences that they hear
Answer comprehension questions about simple stories in French
Self-assess using a rubric
Orally explain a subject that they are familiar with (their tour plan)
Interact with their peers in French
Comprehend basic travel related questions
Convince others that their tour-plan is the best
Ask questions to other students about their tour plans

Assessment Evidence
Performance Task:

Through what authentic performance tasks will students

demonstrate the desired understandings?
By what criteria will performances of understanding be
Students will prepare research about a French speaking
country/city, and then they will prepare a two-day tour plan for
visiting this place.
On the final day of the unit there will be a travel fair.
Students will give information about their French speaking
city/country, and explain the activities of the two-day tour they
have planned. Students will have to convince others to visit
their cities or countriesin French. Each student will get to
vote for the trip they would most like to go on, and the trip
planner with the most votes wins a prize. While the
presentation is going on, no English is allowedtherefore
visuals are strongly encouraged!
Students will have to hand in the written portion of their
research about their cities/countries, as well as a copy of their
two-day tour plan.
Assessment will be on the accuracy of their research on the
city/country, students proper use of directional terms and the
futur simple learned in class in their travel plan, as well as their
ability to describe their tour plans, and respond to questions
orally when I circulate during their presentations.


Through what other evidence (e.g. quizzes, tests, academic prompts,

observations, homework, journals) will students demonstrate
achievement of the desired results?
What provision will there be for formative assessment?
How will students reflect upon and self-assess their learning?


Students will demonstrate their achievement of the desired results

through their engagement and ability to complete the multiple activities
particularly formative quiz on day 4.
During all of students speaking activities, I will circulate and
formatively assess students ability to complete the tasks.
Students will have multiple opportunities to self-assess:
o They will have to listen to a recording of their speaking,
transcribe it and then identify and correct a minimum of three
o Students will get instant feedback of their comprehension levels
when playing Simon dit and completing the Kahoot quiz.
I will look over students self-corrections that they will submit which
will also serve as formative assessment.
I will formatively assess students by observing their actions during the
Simon dit game.
The instruction drawing quiz will serve as formative and summative
assessment. I will be able to observe both their knowledge of
vocabulary, as well as their listening comprehension.
The relay will serve as strong formative assessment. Students will be

able to identify their own strengths and weaknesses, and I will be able to
observe any difficulties.
Providing feedback on students drafts will serve as formative
Finally, students will demonstrate their achievement of the desired
results through their engagement and ability to complete the
performance task which includes reading, writing, listening, and

Learning Plan


Specific Lesson Outcomes

SLO (students should be able to..)

Teaching Strategies

Express themselves
with growing fluency
orally and in writing

Students should be able to

Narrate a personal story
Self-identify errors in their
Know the meaning and
pronunciation of certain
travel-related words
Spot markers indicating if a
word is likely masculine or
feminine, and become
familiar with common
Use pass compos in

Hook: I will give students a 5-minute

presentation (in French) about some
of my coolest travel adventures
(South Africa, India, Romania) as
well as photos from my time living in
Montreal and in France. The
presentation will include photos. This
will be the introduction to the unit on


Recognize relationship
between French letter
patterns and
Recognize the
importance of story in
personal, family, and
community identity
Narrate stories
Exchange ideas and
information using
complete sentences,
orally and in writing:
-describe people,
objects, places and

Pre activity: Students will get a

worksheet with vocabulary and
images, and they will have to mix and
match and use their knowledge of
French as well as their deductive
reasoning skills based on their
knowledge of English in order to find
the correct vocab word to go with the
image. After time is given to complete
this, the class compares answers
afterwards, and will take notes and
practice pronunciation. I will have



There will
need to be an
device for each
two students.
Since these are
available on
students will
have access to
There will be a
with images of
and the French
words for
them. Students
will match
these to each

Both teacher
assessment and selfassessment will take
place in this lesson.
I will formatively
assess their
speaking when they
are sharing their
travel stories.
Students will selfassess their own
transcription after a
review of pass
compos and certain
I will collect the
d transcriptions of
their travel stories
and use it to

personal interests
-describe a sequence of

students try to divide the words into

two groups: masculine and feminine. I
will correct any errors, and students
will point out patterns.

formatively assess
understanding on
the proper use of
pass composif
there are any big
I will address them
with the individual,
or the whole class if
it is a common

Activity: Students will practice the

new vocabulary by telling a partner
about their best or worst travel
experience (true or invented)
exclusively in French to the best of
their abilities. They will record it, and
transcribe it.
Post Activity: Together the class will
share what they remember about
pass compos and they will then
look at their transcription, and either
underline 3 times when they used
pass compos correctly, or
corrections they made in using pass
compos in the right context. They
will hand it in.
Use a growing variety
of strategies to increase
Express themselves
with growing fluency
orally and in writing
Recognize the
importance of story in
personal, family, and
community identity
Exchange ideas and
information using
complete sentences,
orally and in writing:

Students should be able to

Recognize key directional
Comprehend and follow
directions given in French
Give directions to others
clearly in French

Hook: We will play a version of

Simon says in French. I will start by
leading the class, and I will insert
directional vocabulary (droite,
gauche, sur, sous, devant, derrire,
ensuite, aprs a). Eventually
certain students will lead the game for
a short period.
Pre activity: I will give a short lesson
on how to give directions, and the
simple vocabulary associated with it. I
will also review the grammar of
giving orders or directions. Instead of
Simon says, I will have written
phrases on the projector that students
must do (eg. Tournez droite).

Paper and
pencil crayons
to draw out
A PowerPoint
with certain
key phrases to
help students
of directional

I will be able to
formatively assess the
students by observing
their actions during the
Simon says game
Students will be able to
self assess both their
understanding as well
as their ability to
convey meaning by
sharing their directions
at the ending. The
feedback is built in
when the other student
has to repeat the
directions back to the

-describe people,
objects, places and
personal interests
-describe a sequence of

Students will have a chance to analyse

the difference between the words, and
develop a way to remember them
(e.g., the G of gauche, can only be
made with the left hand).

I will otherwise
formatively assess the
whole lesson

Activity: Students will draw a map

from their homes to school, (or some
other place that they frequent). It will
include any landmarks that they can
remember. Students will then have to
write out in as much detail as possible
the directions from their house to the
location, as if someone was asking for
Post activity: Students will have to
read out their directions to a partner,
who will then have to repeat five
steps back to them (in English) to see
if they understood correctly
Express themselves
with growing fluency
orally and in writing
Recognize the
importance of story in
personal, family, and
community identity
Exchange ideas and
information using
complete sentences,
orally and in writing:
-describe personal
-ask and respond to
questions on familiar

Students should be able to

Express actions in the future
Express desires or needs in
Understand the project
criteria and how to go about
starting it

Hook: Snowball activity. We will sit

in a circle in class. I will have each
student write down one
hope/dream/wish they have (and are
willing to share) in French, but they
are to leave out their names. Students
will then crumple up their papers and
then throw them around the room for
20 seconds. Each student picks up a
paper, and then students go around the
circle reading the paper they have.
They get two guesses, and then the
person has to reveal themselves.
Activity 1: I will give a mini lesson
about futur simple. I will give several
examples of conjugations and
students will have to determine the

Students will
require slips
of blank
paper for the

There will be
a PowerPoint
with visuals
and examples,
aiding my
explanation of
the futur

There will be
a handout

I will be able to
formatively assess the
class by observing
their ability to
determine the roles of
the futur simple based
on the given examples.
I will be able to
formatively assess
students on their
sentences they wrote in
future tense.
Students will hand in
their exit slip including
their project plan
which will serve as

-Compare and contrast

characteristics of
personal interests
-express simple needs
in familiar situations
-express opinions on
familiar topics

rule. Students will also take a closer

look at several irregular verbs. Using
their wish/hope/dream from the hook
activity, students will practice using
the future tense.
Activity: I will introduce the project
and explain how students will have to
work in groups of two to plan a two
day tour in a French speaking city
or country. I will outline the criteria,
show an example, and show how the
future tense can be used to explain
their tour. I will make it clear that
the goal of the activity is to persuade
their classmates to choose their tour
and city/country.

outlining the
project, the
s to present
on, as well as
a detailed
explanation of
how I will
mark the

formative assessment. I
will meet with the
groups to address any
problems the next day
in class.

Post activity: Students will find a

partner, choose a French-speaking
city or country from the list provided.
Students will have to submit an exit
slip with their project plan, including
the tasks involved, the date they will
complete them, as well as which
partner is responsible for what. They
will hand it in as they leave.


Express themselves
with growing fluency
orally and in writing
Exchange ideas and
information using
complete sentences,
orally and in writing:
-describe people,
objects, places and
personal interests
-describe a sequence of

Students should be able to

Understand oral instructions
in French using vocabulary
that we have learned
Conjugate verbs in the futur
Write a simple tour plan
detailing activities

Hook: Every student will get a sheet

of paper at the start of class with a
table. I will then give them
instructions like dessinez un carr
sur la table, dessinez un livre sous la
table, along with other instructions.
This will test for listening
comprehension, as well as
remembering the vocabulary. I will
look over the results of this quiz in
order to see if any subjects need
further clarification or if any

Access to the
computer lab
is key for this
A sur, sous
quiz handout
will be

The drawing quiz at

the start of class will
serve as formative and
summative assessment.
I will be able to
observe both their
knowledge of
vocabulary, as well as
their listening

A Kahoot

The Kahoot quiz in the

-Compare and contrast
characteristics of
people, objects, places
and personal interests

individuals need extra help.

Pre activity: The class will be in the
computer lab today. Once in the lab I
will play a Kahoot quiz to help
students revise the proper usage of
futur simple. I will then remind
students about the project and give
them the class to conduct research and
start a draft of their two day tour

on futur

computer lab will serve

as formative
assessment. I will use
it to address any
with the futur simple.

Multiple three
stories at a
similar level of
French will be
prepared, as
will the

The relay will serve as

strong formative
assessment. Students
will be able to identify
their own strengths and
weaknesses, and I will
be able to observe any

Activity: In pairs, students will

research things to do in their chosen
cities. They will start writing a draft.
While they do this, I will hand back
the exit-sheet/project planning sheet
from the former day, and will have a
small chat with each group as I do so.
Post activity: Students will complete
another exit slip that explains what
they accomplished today, and what
they still have left to do. They will
make any revisions to their project
Express themselves
with growing fluency
orally and in writing

Recognize relationship
between French letter
patterns and
Recognize the
importance of story in
personal, family, and
community identity

Students should be able to

Read and sound out and
comprehend basic French
Hear and comprehend and
write a basic French story
and be able to write it down
Self-assess using a rubric

Hook/Activity 1: French Relay to

practice listening, speaking, reading,
and writing. Students will get into
teams of 3. Each group will be given
a short three paragraph story that
they have to answer questions about.
Each paragraph is on a different sheet,
and each paragraph can only be
viewed by a single team member. The
first reader/speaker must read the first
sentence, of the posted paragraph,
then cross the room and whisper the
sentence in their team members ear.
Their team member is the

Students will selfassess their tour plan

and make any changes
before handing in the
draft. This will be

Narrate stories

listener/writer, who listens to the

speaker and then writes it down. Once
the first paragraph is written, the third
team member has to read it, correct
any errors and answer a
comprehension question. After the
first paragraph is complete, each
member switches roles for the second
paragraph, and then again for the third
paragraph. The first team to complete
all of the comprehension questions
correctly wins a prize.

Exchange ideas and

information using
complete sentences,
orally and in writing:
-describe people,
objects, places and
personal interests
-describe a sequence of
-ask and respond to
questions on familiar

formative assessment
as it helps students
learn how to improve
their work.

Activity: Students will have the rest

of the class to work with their partner
on their project writing a draft. I will
circulate and give help where it is
Post activity: 15 minutes before the
bell, students will have time to selfassess their tour plan using the
rubric I provided. They will then
make any changes they need to, and
then hand in their draft at the end of
the classbefore the weekend.


Express themselves
with growing fluency
orally and in writing
Recognize relationship
between French letter
patterns and
Exchange ideas and
information using
complete sentences,
orally and in writing:
-describe people,

Students should be able to

Describe events in the
Recognize common travel
and directional related
Orally explain a subject that
they are familiar with (their
tour plan)

Hook: quizto test

everything we have learned so far in
this unit including vocabulary, review
of pass compos as well as futur
Pre activity: I will hand back the
students tour drafts with my
feedback attached. I will go over any
common mistakes with the class. I
will then explain the activity, and how
I will be marking them during their
presentations the following day.

quiz will be
prepared on
what has been
during this
Students tour
drafts will
have been
marked, with

The drafts that I hand

back to students serve
as formative
assessment so that
students are able to
Students will
formatively self-assess
themselves when they
listen to their
recordings and correct

objects, places and

personal interests
-describe a sequence of
-ask and respond to
questions on familiar
-Compare and contrast
characteristics of
people, objects, places
and personal interests
-express opinions on
familiar topics

Activity: Students will get into their

partner groups, while each partner
takes turns asking their other partner
about the tour planin French. They
are recording this. They will then
write it out, and together, find three
errors and work on correcting them.
(and make note on the exit slip)
Students will then repeat the
procedure. Once they have gone
through this process twice, they will
have time to work on last minute
changes and preparation for their
project and presentation. This activity
will help students be aware of
common errors they make while
speaking. This will help them with
fluency in the long run.

Students will
require a
device which
they can find
on their
phone, or
share with a

Pre-Activity: Students will have 1015 minutes to set up their
presentation, and go over it one last

Students will
bring in their
own supplies
for the

Peer assessment:
student will informally
assess the tours
organized by their
classmates by casting
their votes

Activity: One partner will man their

travel agency for the first part of the
activity, while the other partner
circulates, looks at and asks questions
about all of the other tours. At the half
way point, the partners will switch.
Each student will get three votes that
they can cast for the tour that they
would most like to go on. At the end

I will have a
marking sheet
with me,
along with a
set of fairly
questions that

assessment: I will
assess students ability
to make themselves
understood, to use key
vocabulary that we
have learned, as well
as to persuade the

Post activity: The class will gather

together and share common mistakes
they made, or ask myself or the class
any questions they have about setting
up tomorrow.

Express themselves
with growing fluency
orally and in writing
Recognize relationship
between French letter
patterns and
Exchange ideas and
information using
complete sentences,
orally and in writing:
-describe people,
objects, places

Students should be able to

Interact with their peers in
Comprehend basic travel
related questions
Convince others that their
tour-plan is the best
As questions to other
students about their tour

-describe a sequence of
-ask and respond to
questions on familiar
-Compare and contrast
characteristics of
people, objects, places
and personal interests
-express opinions on
familiar topics

of class, the results will be tabulated

and the tour agency that managed to
convince the most buyers will get a
prize. While the presentations are
happening, I will be circulating and
asking questions (in French) to each
of the presenters, assessing them on
the oral portion of their presentation,
and their ability to persuade the
customer to go on their tour.
Post activity: Students will clean up
and will hand in the written portion of
their projects.


assessment: I will
collect the written
portion of students
work and assess it on
their use of proper
conjugations, as well
as their ideas.

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