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Concept of
Health and

By the end of this topic, you should be able to:

Differentiate between health and wellness;


Describe the characteristics of a healthy lifestyle;


Identify the personal responsibilities for attaining and maintaining

health and wellness in an individual;


Identify factors which characterise the health and wellness state of an

individual; and


Summarise the benefits of a comprehensive health and wellness


Let us begin our learning of this module by first considering a concept which
may be familiar to you.

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Figure 1.1: A common wish during birthdays

How do you feel when someone conveys an affectionate greeting such as

illustrated in Figure 1.1 above? What type of message and feelings are expressed
when we greet a person? I am sure you would agree that the message implies
wishes for good health, abundance of wealth and happiness. Such greetings
establish a sense of pleasantness and enhance social interactions especially on
joyous occasions such as holidays, birthdays, weddings and other celebratory
events. The pleasantries conveyed through greetings transcend gender, economic
status, race, religion, culture, as well as age. Reflect about the times when you
personally greeted someone who mattered and likewise, you must have felt good
when the good wishes were returned. Expressions consciously or unconsciously
represent a value we attach to being happy, healthy and prosperous for ourselves
as well as those who are dear to us.
Considering that, the expressed intention of greetings is mainly to convey
goodness in an affectionate manner, the wishes acknowledge that a multitude of
elements are important for a true sense of contentment and well-being in life. The
contents of well wishes combine at least three elements in this case, happiness,
healthiness and prosperity, to be bestowed upon its recipients. The context of a
greeting conveys a wish for a delightful state of mind manifested in the form of a
psychological feeling of joy, freedom from physical infirmity, and an
accumulation of material wealth to signify prosperity.

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An important inference one can draw from the foregoing discussion is that the
well-being of a person is dependent on a combination of factors. Hence,
happiness, healthiness and prosperity are collectively desirable elements for a
sense of well-being. It is difficult to be happy if one is not healthy. Likewise, one
may not be able to relish his/her prosperity if one is not happy or healthy
enough to enjoy it.
In the following subtopics, you will acquire further clarity on the concepts of
health and wellness as being vital components of well-being. In addition, the
contents of the subtopic will also cover characteristics of a healthy lifestyle,
personal responsibilities for attaining and maintaining health and wellness,
factors that characterise the health and wellness state of an individual and the
benefits of a comprehensive health and wellness lifestyle. We hope that you will
enjoy this first topic and gain a lot of knowledge on health and wellness. Let us
delve deeper into the lesson!



Let us first look at the meaning of health. Later in the next subtopic, we will look
at the concept of wellness. Hopefully, by the end of these two subtopics, you will
be able to differentiate between health and wellness.
How would you define health? As you may be well aware, there are people who
may not have an actual idea about what health means, though each may
express it in his/her own unique way. Some however understand what health
means but are unable to express the concept clearly. Let us look at a formal
definition of health by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Health can be defined as the state of complete physical health, mental
health and social well-being, and not merely the absence of illness and
WHO (2003)

As you can infer from the definition by WHO, being healthy encompasses a wide
span of factors and is not just about being free from diseases.
Since the established definition by WHO, there have been additional
explanations to help further clarify health as a concept within several
dimensions. Currently, many people describe health as being a multidimensional concept encompassing different aspects of personal life. For
example, Donatelle, Snow and Wilcox (1999) consider the concept of health as
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being a vigorous balance between the social, physical, psychological, intellectual,

environmental and spiritual dimensions of a person.
Today, health is regarded as a dynamic and ever-changing concept that is very
much dependant on personal choices. This implies that a person can influence his
or her health either positively or negatively, through life-style preferences.
Conversely, there are people today who experience an on-going struggle
between choosing to indulge in negative habits or maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
These components of health will be described further in the subsequent





Based on the definition of health by WHO (2003), identify the

status of each of the following characteristics of health in your
own personal life:

Physical health;


Mental health; and


Social well-being.

Cite any major differences between the WHO definition and other
explanations of health.


Now let us continue our lesson by focusing on wellness. Over the years, new
discoveries and technological innovations have improved literacy and
understanding of the significant value of preventive and promotive aspects of
healthcare preservation.
Consequently, expectations are growing from merely being healthy to aspirations
for a higher quality of life. People no longer accept that being healthy and
disease-free means subscribing to a pill-popping culture. Rather, they wish to
be stronger and fitter and strive in sports and recreational physical activities to be
reassured of their superior wellness state.

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Historically, the concept of wellness was first introduced in the early 1970s to
represent individual attempts at perking up the existing state of health. Dunn
(1977) first used the word wellness to signify an active process in which a
person becomes aware of and makes conscious personal choices to achieve a
healthier state of being in all important dimensions of his or her life.
Edlin and Golanty (2010) further summed up the concept of wellness as being a
proactive and preventive approach designed to achieve optimum levels of
physical health, as well as social and emotional functioning. It can be seen as a
commitment within personal limitations and potentials and a process of
continued striving towards optimal health, without merely focusing on the
absence of diseases.
From the previous explanations, it is hoped that you have noticed the subtle
differences between wellness and health. To summarise, health is a state of
well-being at a particular moment based on the ability of an individual to
perform basic activities of daily living. Wellness on the other hand, is an active
process through which a person becomes aware of personal limitations and
makes conscious choices to gain more independence from the constraints to his
or her contentment for a successful existence.
Are you ready for the next subtopic? We will explore the significant
characteristics that reflect a health and wellness lifestyle in the following

Differentiate between health and wellness.

Reflect on your own state of health and answer the following questions:

What are some of your concerns regarding personal health issues?


Write down some examples of activities you may wish to do to

improve your personal wellness.


Compare your answers to the above questions with those of your

course mates.

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After reading this subtopic, I hope that you will be able to describe the
characteristics of a healthy lifestyle.
Now that you have a basic understanding about the concepts of health and
wellness, let us deliberate on the characteristics of a healthy individual. Before
we proceed, do ponder about the kind of life you live now and what
improvements you wish for yourself in the future. Chances are that you will opt
for being well, having an abundance of energy for your daily activities and being
free to pursue your dreams for as long as Gods given lifespan permits.
Why do we need to choose a healthy lifestyle? A healthy lifestyle offers a choice
of living behaviours which maximise the state of wellness and decrease risk of
illness and premature death.
Choices for leading a healthy lifestyle can be influenced by a multitude of
personal factors as well as external influences. Examples of personal factors
range from internal to external motivation, personal values, ethics and cultural
influences, religious beliefs and fear of life-threatening diseases. On the other
hand, external influences that affect lifestyle choices include environmental,
political and socioeconomic factors. The characteristics of a healthy lifestyle will
be determined by the effects of the choices a person makes in response to
personal habits and the external influences that will shape his or her health
What can a person do to adopt a healthy lifestyle? The immediate choice may be
driven by the degree of internal or external locus of control within the person for
the desire to change. A person with strong internal locus of control will be
inspired by a personal wish to adopt a healthy lifestyle, regardless of how strong
the obstacles are. A person with a strong sense of external locus of control, on the
other hand, would want to survey the worth of external rewards or approval
from external sources as a reason to commit to change.
Sometimes the external source of persuasion to act may seem trivial or intangible
such as idealistic thinking of wellness after seeing a model that we admire or a
chance reading of an article on health and wellness strategies. At other times, the
desire could be more resolute such as making a strong commitment to change
dietary practices after a disheartening observation of body weight on the
weighing scale. Whatever the motives, closing the gap between aspiration and
accomplishment requires a firm commitment that is executed gradually in a
consistent manner towards desired goals.
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Humans are very much influenced by social factors. Many of our motives and
compulsions are driven by external influences. We all wish to look and feel good
especially within our social circles. It is a common human trait to be acutely
conscious about body image. But a person who has invested time and effort to
maintain a high degree of wellness will project self-confidence and will not easily
be distraught by the negative opinions of others.
The nature of relationship a person forges with other people as well as
appreciation and tolerance for diversity are also important factors for enhancing
the state of wellness. Light hearted humour and open-mindedness help to block
out negativity and promote positive thoughts in an individual. These wellness
behaviours contribute to the development of a positive awareness which can
reduce stress and have significant influence on the health and wellness of a person.
Based on the above discussion, we can see that lifestyle choices can be influenced
by numerous circumstances, ranging from personal factors to external influences.
Whatever the nature of influence, ultimately, it is up to the individual to act.
The following are some guidelines that characterise healthy lifestyle choices:

Eating a well-balanced and nourishing diet;


Maintaining a healthy body weight;


Regular exercising;


Able to control stress;


Able to manage extreme emotions;


Adequate rest and sleep;


Maintaining a healthy balance between work and social activities;


Engaging in spiritual nourishment or worship according to ones faith;


Avoidance of smoking, alcohol and abuse of recreational drugs;


Regular health screening for early detection of health threats;


Prioritising personal safety;


Making an effort for continuous self-improvement;

(m) Maintaining an optimistic and positive outlook at life; and


Being an active advocate for a healthy environment.

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Reflect on your current state of health and work on the following:

List down as many factors as possible that have influenced your

current health status.


Draw up a personal wish-list that would significantly improve

your current state of health.


Personal Responsibility for Health and Wellness

Let us continue our lesson. It is hoped that by going through this subtopic, you
will be able to identify the personal responsibilities for attaining and maintaining
health and wellness in an individual.
A utilitarian perspective of health and wellness will subscribe to the assumption
that people should take personal responsibility to enhance their quality of life.
Alternatively, giving in to adverse sentiments such as negative thoughts,
procrastination and feelings of self-pity will only depreciate the state of wellness.
In the next subtopic, we will examine some of the attributes which impact an
individuals personal responsibility for health and wellness. What are they? Let
us look at Figure 1.2 for the answers.

Figure 1.2: Three attributes of personal responsibilities for attaining

and maintaining health and wellness in an individual

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Now let us look at these three attributes further.


Personal Responsibility for Action

Individuals who strive to maintain optimum health are often able to
differentiate between modifiable risk factors and non-modifiable risk
factors that have an influence over their health status. What do these factors
refer to? Let us look at Table 1.1 for the answers.
Table 1.1: Modifiable Risk Factors versus Non-modifiable Risk Factors
Modifiable Risk Factors

Non-modifiable Risk Factors

Refers to factors within the control of an

individual, whereby he or she can take
action to reduce or prevent the risks of
adverse events from occurring, such as
choosing to refrain from smoking.

Refers to factors that are not within the

control of an individual, such as increased
vulnerability to certain diseases due to
gender or as a result of advancing age.

Realisation of modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors will help people

to adjust their physical activities to suit their personal capabilities and
limitations when making conscious choices to improve their wellness state.
With the right information, they can make strong personal commitments to
modify their lifestyles and avert negative behaviours that will impede their
quest for optimal health.
There are several guidelines to enhance modifiable behavioural patterns
such as:

Engaging in regular and effective physical exercises;


Not smoking or indulging in recreational drugs or alcohol;

(iii) Eating wholesome nutritious meals;

(iv) Striking a healthy balance between work, personal, family and social

Shunning excessive stressors; and

(vi) Advocacy for health-orientated policies and programmes within the

family and community.

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Concern for Others

Societal elements have a strong potential to influence the health and
wellness choices of a person. People-centred individuals tend to enjoy a
greater sense of wellness compared to social recluses. The former readily
exude an aura of social connectedness and possess a tendency to be more
comfortable in adapting to changing situations while remaining committed
to their wellness goals. This group of people also seem to be good role
models for others who may wish to participate in wellness orientated
activities but are shy to do so.
Good individuals show a caring attitude through words and actions that
reflect their respect and concern for others around them. In addition, they
tend to be un-critical and do not impose their own values by being
judgmental towards others. They are more likely to be socially aware of
variants in health issues among other people around them and act in a
socially responsible manner to fit in with like-minded individuals with
similar goals.


Health Awareness and Sound Decision-making

Although it is said that psychology has influence over physiology,
achieving a high degree of wellness does not happen overnight by just
wishing or being positive about it. Some people who are in a hurry to get
fit, look for shortcuts through the means of commercial fast-track
formulas that are being peddled in the market. Disillusionment however
sets in after awhile once the promised hype fades and they realise the truth
about the no pain, no gain maxim to reap benefits from exercise and
physical fitness.
An individual who manages to sustain a wellness state over a period of
time is a person who consciously chooses to set aside dedicated time and
energy for wellness enabling activities that are well within his or her means
of achieving.
The difference between failure and success in sustaining a wellness
programme especially for the long haul is in the sound awareness of
personal capabilities and limitations. Informed choices based on facts to
support decision-making processes help to sustain interest and endurance
in fitness activities over a longer period.

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The success of any programme let alone a fitness plan is to design a

personalised course that fits individual needs and takes into account his or
her current state of health and fitness level. For the successful execution of
an effective wellness programme, a person needs to have a compelling
desire to change or adapt their present lifestyle for a more healthy option
that is well-planned to suit the individual.
For beginners, a good preparatory step is to get a proper medical check-up
and sort out any other issues so that their chosen programme would be of
the right intensity and physiologically beneficial. Usually health and
wellness experts are able to advise beginners on the right plan based on
available resources as well as their current state of health.
Last but not least, individuals should gather appropriate information by
reading wellness literature and through consultation with a health and
wellness practitioner in order to make informed decisions for a
personalised fitness programme. These tips will help you to decide on the
appropriate exercise routines and related rehabilitation methods, dietary
modifications, current state of health and targets to achieve short-term and
long-term wellness.


List five examples each of modifiable and non-modifiable risk

factors that can influence wellness in a person.


Identify two examples of negative thoughts. Discuss how they can

impact the general wellness of a person.


Discuss with two examples how self-centred behaviour and a

judgmental attitude can impact the general well-being of a person.


Recommend general strategies that would encourage more

teenagers to participate in health and wellness activities.

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Now we come to a new subtopic that looks at influences on health and wellness.
Hopefully, upon completion of this subtopic, you will be able to recognise the
factors that characterise the health and wellness state of an individual.
Clearly, there are numerous factors that influence people to pursue fitness and
adopt a healthy lifestyle. Most people who are consistent in their efforts to
maintain their health do so with the firm belief of reaping a range of physical,
psychological and social benefits for themselves. Then, there are fitness buffs
who take up fitness activities after being inspired by good-looking role models.
There are still others who indulge in fitness activities solely to develop their
physique to draw attention to themselves.
Keep in mind that a realistic awareness of motives is necessary to maintain a
rational balance between the expectations of benefits from partaking in sports
and fitness activities and the risks associated to personal well-being. Besides,
participating in a wellness programme does not necessarily shield a person from
the risk of illness nor bestow permanent immunity from all major ailments. It is
just that the likelihood of developing an illness is far less than those who neglect
healthy lifestyle activities all together.
In the following subtopic, we will consider specific factors that cause people to be
susceptible to diseases, regardless of their state of fitness.


Predisposing Factors

What do predisposing factors mean?

Predisposing factors are characteristics in a person that motivate behaviour
towards certain habits or acts.

There are over seven billion people on this planet today. Although we are all
unique in our own ways, we are also similar in others. All humans have similar
physiological needs yet there are some socio-cultural and individual uniqueness
among us.

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There is a popular saying that we are a product of our past. Our unique traits are
in many ways influenced by genetic factors passed down from our ancestors.
Blood-linked family members are particularly vulnerable to certain diseases that
are genetically inherited. Often close family members with these chronic diseases
pass down their genetic predisposition to their offsprings. Genetic traits can carry
risks of serious chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, mental disorders
and serious blood disorders like haemophilia and thalassemia.
The good news is that even though a person may have genetic predisposition
towards certain types of chronic diseases, following properly designed and
comprehensive health and wellness programmes can reduce the risks or delay
the onset of such conditions. Although you may not be able to avoid your genetic
predisposition for certain diseases, you can still make lifestyle changes to reduce
the chances of developing them. For example, if a person has a family history of
diabetes, it would be wise for him or her to start early in life to adopt suitable
lifestyle changes as a preventive strategy to reduce the risk of developing
diabetes later on.
Aside from genetic factors, the general nature of emotional responses of a person
in dealing with his or her daily life also has a significant influence on health and
wellness outcomes. Usually, a healthy person who is emotionally resilient would
be more able to rebound back easily from incidents of emotional trauma.
Apart from these dispositions, social and environmental conditions are also
significant predisposing factors that influence health and wellness. The nature
and quality of interpersonal relationships can influence a person to be positiveminded, loving and well-adjusted. But on the flip side, it can result in a person
indulging in unhealthy and risky activities such as violence, heterosexual
practices, smoking and alcohol and drug abuse. Conforming to herd-mentality
and peer pressure are some examples of social influences that shape a persons
action. It is believed that children of alcoholic parents have a greater risk of
becoming alcoholic themselves, but if their social environment is altered to
become more healthy and positive, the risks can be easily neutralised.
Another predisposing factor that greatly influences health and wellness choices
are values, attitudes and beliefs that are instilled in a person from early
childhood. Children of health conscious parents are more likely to choose healthy
activities as their natural recreational pursuits. Alternatively, children brought
up in a family of obese siblings while practising poor dietary habits and
sedentary lifestyles, will be more likely to perpetuate such poor practices as

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Identify the obstacles that you may be facing yourself in pursuing a
regular health and wellness plan in your life.


Reinforcing Factors

Now we will examine the role of reinforcing factors that influence health and
wellness. Do you have any idea what they are?
Reinforcing factors for health and wellness are elements that help to promote
and encourage behaviours towards health and wellness options in a persons
They are regarded as the reverse of predisposing factors as these attributes
provide added impetus to enhance the chances for certain traits to occur readily.
Usually, encouragement to persevere with a health and wellness programme is
greatly influenced by reinforcing factors. For example, displaying gory pictures
of cancer victims on cigarette packets will help to reinforce abstinence from
Some reinforcing factors may be due to external or internal motives as they may
be linked to a variety of personal reasons for persisting with a wellness
programme. Examples of external drivers may range from wanting to look and
feel good in the eyes of peers or loved ones, to conforming to a particular social
group that espouses the importance of health and wellness.
Similarly, people with an internal sense of reward are driven by a personal
commitment to maintain their wellness. For example, let us look at marathon
runners (see Figure 1.3). What motivates them to pursue their sport?

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Figure 1.3: Marathon runners report a sense of runners high

caused by the release of endorphins in their bodies after a
long distance run this motivates them to complete their run

Identify at least five potential benefits that could motivate an adult to
adopt a regular health and wellness programme.


Barriers to Wellness

Do you agree that sometimes it is very difficult to make lasting changes to habits
and behaviours? Why is it that some people are successful in maintaining an
exercise programme for long periods of time while others tend to give up after a
short try? How about you? Which category do you fall into?
There are many tangible as well as barriers that prevent the adoption of healthy
lifestyle behaviours. For example, economic factors can be a major obstacle for a
person even if he or she is very passionate about leading a health and wellness
lifestyle. A person with an average income would find it challenging to spend
money regularly on a costly fitness programme or having to purchase customary
exercise apparel.
For some people, health and wellness activities are regarded as secondary
choices compared to physiological and security needs. In addition, the nature of
occupation and work schedules also influence the continuity of a health and
wellness routine. Many people who work on rotating shifts find it hard to cope
with a regular exercise programme, particularly due to disruption of their
circadian rhythm.

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Furthermore, urban settings have been identified as another major factor that
impacts participation in health and wellness routines. Overcrowding, pollution
and lack of safety measures are major features of many urban settings, which
then discourage fitness activities. Playgrounds and recreational parks are scarce
due to the ever increasing premium on land space. The emergence of commercial
gymnasiums and fitness clubs does provide a conducive ambience for fitness, but
often these exclusive establishments are commercial in nature and cater mostly
for the well-to-do.

Discuss strategies that a shift worker could adopt in order to pursue a
regular health and wellness programme.


Lifestyle Influences

So far, we have considered several factors that can influence positive behavioural
changes for health and wellness initiatives. In this subtopic, let us examine the
effects of personal lifestyle choices which motivate action or delay participation
in improving ones overall health and wellness state.
Generally, the choices that people make have a significant impact on the quality
and length of their lives. For example, decisions to indulge in risky forms of
behaviours can lead to detrimental consequences even in the pursuit of health
and wellness activities. Inappropriate selection of physical activities and extreme
forms of recreational indulgence increase the chances of adverse reactions and
freak accidents.
Other risks or undesirable consequences in sports include doping to enhance
performance or for recreation, smoking and alcoholism. In addition, a sudden
change in fitness levels of people who shift from a sedentary lifestyle to pursue
physically challenging activities, obesity, indulging in high risk sexual activities
without safety precautions, excessive hostility in competition, uncontrolled
aggression and poor adaptation to stress can also increase the risk of dangerous
There are some people with delusional thinking who believe that they are
immune to negative health effects as a result of their risky behaviours.
Unfortunately, most of the time these are the people who are likely to drop
dead one day.

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Discuss the detrimental effects of smoking on the health and

wellness of a person.


Do you agree with the expression that health is wealth? Discuss

your opinion with other learners.




What are the benefits of a comprehensive health and wellness lifestyle? What can
you gain from this lifestyle? Each dimension of a wellness activity contributes to
a set of bodily changes for overall health benefits of a person. Many of the
positive lifestyle choices a person makes today will yield short-term health
benefits as well as contribute to the overall well-being of the individual and
For example, physical fitness due to regular exercise and proper dietary practices
will lead to improved cardiovascular fitness and enable a person to be involved
in team sports with friends. In fact, this will improve goodwill and cordiality
within their social circles and help reduce stress and increase self-esteem among
group members. If you make it a routine, this cycle will lead to higher levels of
personal physical conditioning along with improvements in cardiovascular
fitness as well as boost energy levels. Your actions will also help to perpetuate a
healthy culture among your friends and family. Such efforts will lead on towards
creating a healthy and happy community.
There is an extensive list of benefits that one can gain by maintaining a high
degree of wellness. Some of these benefits are listed in Figure 1.4.

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Figure 1.4: Six benefits of a comprehensive health and wellness lifestyle

These six benefits are explained further in the following subtopics.


Improved Cardiovascular or Heart and Blood

Vessels Efficiency

Can you explain the functions of the heart? The principle function of the heart is
to pump blood through the circulatory system to enable oxygen to reach the
body cells and remove waste matter from the cells. Therefore, an improved
cardiovascular system will maintain this function effortlessly throughout the
lifetime of a person and enable the individual to function with minimal strain.


Increased Muscle Tone, Strength, Flexibility and


What can good muscle tone provide? Good muscle tone provides shape for the
body as well as the ability for limbs to move and act to fulfil daily activities.
Therefore, increased muscle strength supports economic activities that can
improve the quality of life for an individual. A physically fit person invariably
makes good choices in life, as well as enjoys flexibility and endurance against
stress and fatigue. A well-developed musculoskeletal system also protects the
body against injuries from strains and sprains. Bones and joints support the
bodys movements, provide agility and strength and protect the body from

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Improved Self-control, Self-efficacy and


People who have better control over their health seem to exude a higher sense of
self-esteem and feel good about themselves, just like in Figure 1.5.

Figure 1.5: A person with high self-esteem always feels good about himself or herself

Such feelings of goodness and self-confidence can positively impact other areas
of a persons life as well as people around him or her.


Improved Stress Management and Outlook in


A healthy person is more likely to have a positive outlook at life and be able to
control stress and change perceptions that lead to an unnecessary build-up of
In addition, the person also has the potential to recover quickly from a stressful
event and is able to think clearly about options to withstand pressure. People
with self-confidence are generally better equipped to face challenges and
setbacks and see them as opportunities and growth experiences.


Improved Interpersonal Relationships

Did you know that successful interpersonal relationships often require complex
social dynamics? This includes an assortment of physical and psychological wellbeing being present in an individual. An internal feel good factor is an
essential ingredient for a person striving to maximise his or her social appeal.
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Decreased Mortality and Morbidity from


Did you know that high levels of physical fitness support a well-functioning
immune system? Our immune systems can protect our body from infectious
diseases. In fact, reduced stress levels and proper rest, good dietary habits and
exercises improve cardiovascular fitness and optimal body functioning, which
can delay the onset of chronic diseases. All these forms of protection help to
protect the body against premature death and promote chances of rapid, full
recovery from ailments.

Describe the benefits of a comprehensive health and wellness lifestyle.



Congratulations! You have successfully completed the first topic. It is hoped that
you have grasped the basic concepts for an individual to take personal
responsibility for his or her health and wellness. The next topic will further
expand on the concepts of wellness and provide you with a holistic view of the
eight dimensions of wellness namely; emotional, environmental, financial,
intellectual, occupational, physical, social and spiritual dimensions.
It is hoped that the understanding gained from reading this module will enrich
you intellectually and at the same time, empower you on a path of personal
wellness. All the best!

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Complete this personal health history questionnaire:

Personal Health History

Have any primary relatives (father, mother, siblings) suffered

coronary or other atherosclerotic disease prior to age 55?
Yes 1


No 3

Do not know 2

No 3

Do not know 2

No 3

Do not know 2

No 1

Not regular 2

No 3

Do not know 2

Do you smoke cigarettes?

Yes 1


Do not know 2

Are you obese (> 20lbs or 9kg over average body weight)?
Yes 1


No 3

Do you have medical health exams once a year?

Yes 3


Do not know 2

Is your blood pressure 140/90mmHg?

Yes 1


No 3

Is your total cholesterol 20mg/dl?

Yes 1


Do not know 2

Do any of your primary relatives have high cholesterol?

Yes 1


No 3

Do any of your primary relatives have high blood pressure?

Yes 1


Do not know 2

Have any of your primary relatives had cancer?

Yes 1


No 3

Do any of your primary relatives have osteoporosis?

Yes 1


Do not know 2

Do any of your primary relatives have diabetes?

Yes 1


No 3

No 3

Not everyday 2

Would you rate yourself as a physically inactive person?

Yes 1

No 3

Not sure 2

Scoring to assess risk for developing chronic diseases:

High risk
21 29
Moderate risk
Low risk
Source: Adapted from Donatelle, Snow & Wilcox (1999)
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Based on your score levels, prepare an action plan for healthy lifestyle
activities for yourself. Present your plan in class and compare your
plan with others to identify similarities and differences in approaches
to activities and priorities for wellness.


It is said that investing in 20 to 30 minutes of regular exercises per

week can prospectively hinder 20 or more years of being bed-ridden
during old age. Referring to the preceding statement give some
examples from your own life experiences to support or negate it.

Based on the definition by WHO (2003), health is a state of complete physical

health, mental health and social well-being; not merely the absence of illness
and infirmity. Health can also be understood as a state of well-being as a result
of vigorous balance between the emotional, environmental, financial,
intellectual, occupational, physical, social and spiritual dimensions of a person.

Wellness is an active process through which a person becomes aware of

personal limitations to health and makes conscious choices to gain more
independence from the constraints to his or her contentment to enjoy a happy
and successful existence.

Some characteristics of a healthy lifestyle for an individual include eating a

well-balanced and nourishing diet, maintaining a healthy body weight, regular
exercises, being able to control stress, having adequate rest and sleep,
maintaining a healthy balance between work and social activities, being able to
manage extreme emotions, being an active advocate for a healthy environment
and others.

Personal responsibilities for attaining and maintaining health and wellness in

an individual include assuming personal accountability for actions to restore
health, showing concern for the health and welfare of others and reliance on
evidence for sound decision making on health matters.

The quality of health and well-being of an individual are influenced by

predisposing factors, reinforcing factors and barriers to wellness.

Copyright Open University Malaysia (OUM)




Some of the benefits of a comprehensive health and wellness lifestyle include

improved cardiovascular or heart and blood vessels efficiency, increased
muscle tone, strength, flexibility and endurance, decreased mortality and
morbidity from illnesses and others.


Personal responsibilities

Barriers to wellness

Predisposing factors

Body image

Regular exercises

Cardiovascular or heart and blood

vessels efficiency

Reinforcing factors

Conscious personal choices

Healthy lifestyle
Ideal body weight
Interpersonal relationship
Mortality and morbidity
Muscle tone

Sound decision-making
Strength, flexibility and endurance
Stress management and outlook
Well balanced and nourishing diet

Donatelle, R., Snow, C., & Wilcox, A. (1999). Wellness: Choices for health and
fitness (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Dunn, L. (1977). What high level wellness means. Health Values, 1(1), 9.
Edlin, G., & Golanty, E. (2010). Health & wellness (10th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones
& Bartlett.
World Health Organization. (2003). WHO definition of health. Retrieved from

Copyright Open University Malaysia (OUM)

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