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1. Comparison between open loop and closed loop control systems?

2. Write the advantages and disadvantages of closed loop systems?

1. Accuracy: They are more accurate than open loop system due to their complex construction. They
are equally accurate and are not disturbed in the presence of non-linearities.
2. Noise reduction ability: Since they are composed of a feedback mechanism, so they clear out the
errors between input and output signals, and hence remain unaffected to the external noise
1. Construction: They are relatively more complex in construction and hence it adds up to the cost
making it costlier than open loop system.
2. Since it consists of feedback loop, it may create oscillatory response of the system and it also
reduces the overall gain of the system.
3. Stability: It is less stable than open loop system but this disadvantage can be striked off since we
can make the sensitivity of the system very small so as to make the system as stable as possible.
3. Write the advantages and disadvantages of open loop systems?


Simplicity and stability: they are simpler in their layout and hence are economical and
stable too due to their simplicity.
Construction: Since these are having a simple layout so are easier to construct.

Accuracy and Reliability: since these systems do not have a feedback mechanism,so they
are very inaccurate in terms of result output and hence they are unreliable too.

Due to the absence of a feedback mechanism, they are unable to remove the disturbances
occurring from external sources.

4. Explain about Mathematical Models?

5. Explain the block Reduction Techniques?

6. Reduce the block diagram and find the Transfer function?

7. Reduce the block diagram and find the Transfer function?

8. Reduce the block diagram?

Step: 1 by eliminating the feed-back paths, we get

Step: 2 combining the blocks in series, we get

Step: 3 eliminating the feedback path, we get

9. Reduce the block diagram?

Step: 1 shifting the take-off T1 beyond the block G3 we get

10. Obtain the closed loop TF, by using Masons gain formula?

11. Obtain the closed loop TF, by using Masons gain formula?

There are six forward Paths

P5= - G2G1H2G8G6
P6= - G3G8H1G1G7
There are Three Feedback Loops

P11= -H2G5
P21= - H1G4
P31= H1H2G4G5
There is ONE combination non touching feedback loop
=1- [- H1G4 -H2G5+ H1H2G4G5]+[ H1H2G4G5]
1=1-(-H2G5) =1+ H2G5
2 =1- (-H1G4) = 1+ H1G4

3=4=5=6 =1
Using Masons gain formula

12.For the control System whose signal flow graph is given below,using Masons
gain formula find Transfer function?

There are six forward Paths

P5= G6G7G8G5
P6= G6G7G8G9
There are TEN feedback loops
P11= -H3G6
P21= - H4G8
P31= - H1G6G7G8
P41= -H1G1G2
P51= - H2G1G2G3G4
P61= - H2G1G2G5
P71= -H2G1G2G9
P81= - H1G4
P91= - H2G6G7G8G5
P01= -H2G6G7G8G9
There is ONE combination of Two NON touching loops
1=2=3=4 =5=6=1
=1-[-H3G6- H4G8- H1G6G7G8-H1G1G2- H2G1G2G3G4- H2G1G2G5-H2G1G2G9- H1G4H2G6G7G8G5-H2G6G7G8G9] + [ H3H4G6G8]


Time response specifications in Control systems?

Delay time (td) is the time required to reach at 50% of its final value by a time response signal
during its first cycle of oscillation.
Rise time (tr) is the time required to reach at final value by a under damped time response signal
during its first cycle of oscillation. If the signal is over damped, then rise time is counted as the
time required by the response to rise from 10% to 90% of its final value.

Peak time (tp) is simply the time required by response to reach its first peak i.e. the peak of first
cycle of oscillation, or first overshoot.

Maximum overshoot (Mp) is straight way difference between the magnitude of the highest
peak of time response and magnitude of its steady state. Maximum overshoot is expressed in term
of percentage of steady-state value of the response. As the first peak of response is normally
maximum in magnitude, maximum overshoot is simply normalized difference between first peak
and steady-state value of a response.

Settling time (ts) is the time required for a response to become steady. It is defined as the time
required by the response to reach and steady within specified range of 2 % to 5 % of its final

Steady-state error (e ss ) is the difference between actual output and desired output at the infinite
range of time.

2. Explain about Steady-state error and error constants?

The steady-state performance of a stable control system is generally judged by its
steady-state error to step, ramp and parabolic inputs. For a unity feedback system,
R( s)
sR ( s )
E (s)
ess lim sE ( s ) lim
s 0
s0 1 G ( s)
1 G(s) ,
It is seen that steady-state error depends upon the input R( s ) and the forward transfer
function G ( s ) . The steady-state errors for different inputs are derived as follows:
1. For unit-step input:

r (t ) u (t ), R ( s )



s 0 1 G ( s )
1 G (0) 1 k p

ess lim sE ( s ) lim

s 0


is called position error

2. For unit-ramp input:

r (t ) tu (t ), R ( s)

ess lim sE ( s ) lim

s 0

s 0



s 1 G ( s ) s 0 sG ( s) kv

; kv is called velocity error

3. For unit-parabolic input:
ess lim sE ( s ) lim
s 0

s 0

r (t ) t 2 / 2, R ( s )


lim 2

s 1 G ( s ) s 0 s G ( s ) k a

; ka is called acceleration

error const.
3. Compare Steady State Errors?

4. Write short notes on Damping Ration, Natural Frequency?

Natural frequency, n

The natural frequency of a second order system is the frequency of oscillation of the
system without damping.
Damping ratio,
The damping ratio is defined as the ratio of the damping factor, to the natural
frequency n .

T (s)

s as b .

Comparing with standard equation, a 2n and n b .

5.Differencebetween PI, PD,PIDCONTROLLERS?

6. Explain three types of systems on the basis of different values of ?

1. Under damped system: A system is said to be under damped system when the value of

is less than one. In this case roots are complex in nature and the real parts are always
negative. System is asymptotically stable. Rise time is lesser than the other system with
the presence of finite overshoot.
2. Critically damped system: A system is said to be critically damped system when the
value of is one. In this case roots are real in nature and the real parts are always
repetitive in nature. System is asymptotically stable. Rise time is less in this system and
there is no presence of finite overshoot.
3. Over damped system: A system is said to be over damped system when the value of is

greater than one. In this case roots are real and distinct in nature and the real parts are
always negative. System is asymptotically stable. Rise time is greater than the other
system and there is no presence of finite overshoot.
4. Sustained Oscillations: A system is said to be sustain damped system when the value of

zeta is zero. No damping occurs in this case.

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