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ASME MFC-14M -2003

[Revisin of A SM E M FC-14M -2



Ttie American Society o
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ASME MFC-11M 2003

[Revisin OfASME MFC-11M-1

C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .


Date of Issuance: May 9, 2003

This Standard will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of a new edition. There will
be no addenda issued to this edition.
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Standard. Interpretations are published on the ASME Web site under the Committee Pages at http:// as they are issued.

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The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990

Copyright 2003 by
All rights reserved
Printed in U.S.A.

C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .

F o r e w o r d ...............................................................................................................................................
C om m ittee Roster



Correspondence W ith the M F C C om m ittee ..................................................................................




Terms and Definitions......................................................................................................

Coriolis Meter Selection and Application Guidelines .........................................................

Inspection and Compliance


Mass Flow Measurement .................................................................................................

Density Measurement Under Metering Conditions.........................................................

Volume Flow Measurement Under Metering Conditions


Additional Measurements




P rin ciple o f O p eration o f a C oriolis M eter


Sym bols ...................................................................................................................................


Nonmandatory Appendices

F lo w C alibration Techniques




Secondary Containm ent o f C oriolis M e t e r s ......................................................................

C oriolis M eter Specifications ..............................................................................................


M ass Fraction M easurem ent E x a m p le s .............................................................................


References ................................................................................................................................................

C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .


C oriolis flow m eters cover a fa m ily o f devices w ith v a ry in g designs that depen d on the
C oriolis force gen erated b y the flu id flo w in g through oscillating tube(s). The p rim a ry purpose
o f C oriolis m eters is to measure mass flow . H o w e v e r, som e o f these m eters also measure flu id
d ensity and tem perature o f the tube w all. From the m easurem ent o f these three param eters,
volu m e flo w and other related quantities can be determ ined.
This Standard, A S M E M F C -11M , is intended to establish com m on te rm in o lo g y fo r this technolo g y regard in g the use, installation, and perform ance o f these flow m eters.
This Standard w as a p p ro ved b y the A m erica n N a tio n a l Standards Institute on January 16, 2003.

C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .


Measurement of Fluid Flow in Closed Conduits
(The following is the roster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Standard.)

Z. D. Husain, Chair
R. J. DeBoom, Vice Chair
R. L. Crane, Secretary

C. J. Blechinger, Consultant
R. W. Caron, Visteon Corp.
G. P. Corpron, Consultant
R. L. Crane, Secretary, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
R. J. DeBoom, Vice Chair, Daniel Measurement and Control
P. G. Espina, Controlotron Corp.
D. Faber, Badger Meter, Inc.
R. H. Fritz, Saudi Aramco
F. D. Goodson, Daniel Measurement and Control
E. H. Jones, Jr., Chevron Petroleum Technology
Z. D. Husain, Chair, Chevron Texaco
T. M. Kegel, Colorado Engineering Experiment Station, Inc.
C. G. Langford, Cullen G. Langford, Inc.
W. M. Mattar, Invensys/Foxboro Co.
G. E. Mattingly, National Institute of Standards and Technology
D. R. Mesnard, Direct Measurement Corp.
R. W. Miller, R. W. Miller and Associates, Inc.
A. M. Quraishi, American Gas Association
B. K. Rao, Consultant
W. F. Seidl, Colorado Engineering Experiment Station, Inc.
D. W. Spitzer, Copperhill and Pointer, Inc.
D. H. Strobel, Consultant
J. H. Vignos, Consultant
D. E. Wiklund, Rosemount, Inc.
D. C. Wyatt, Wyatt Engineering


R. J. DeBoom Chair, Daniel Measurement and Control
R. L. Crane, Secretary, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
C. M. Annarummo, Fisher Rosemount
G. Bugher, Endress and Hauser, Inc.
J. A. Condron, Union Carbide Tech Center
G. P. Corpron, Consultant
W. C. Gotthardt, Krohne
Z. D. Husain, Chevron Texaco
M. J. Keilty, Endress and Hauser/Flowtec Division
W. M. Mattar, Invensys/Foxboro Co.
D. R. Mesnard, Direct Measurement Corp.
A. M. Quraishi, American Gas Association
B. K. Rao, Consultant
D. W. Spitzer, Copperhill and Pointer, Inc.
C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .



A S M E Standards are d e v e lo p e d and m aintained w ith the intent to represent

the consensus o f concerned interests. A s such, users o f this Standard m a y interact w ith the
C om m ittee b y requesting interpretations, p rop osin g revisions, and atten din g com m ittee
m eetings. C orrespondence should be addressed to:
Secretary, M F C Standards C om m ittee
The A m erica n Society o f M echanical Engineers
Three Park A ven u e
N e w York, N Y 10016-5990

Proposing Revisions. R evision s are m ade p erio d ica lly to the Standard to incorporate
changes that appear necessary or desirable, as dem onstrated b y the experience gain ed from
the application o f the Standard. A p p r o v e d revisions w ill be published periodically.
The C om m ittee w elcom es proposals for revisions to this Standard. Such proposals should
be as specific as possible, citin g the paragraph num ber(s), the p rop osed w o rd in g , and a
detailed description o f the reasons for the proposal, in clu d in g an y pertinent docum entation.


U p on request, the M F C C om m ittee w ill render an interpretation o f

any requirem ent o f the Standard. Interpretations can o n ly be rendered in response to a

w ritten request sent to the Secretary o f the M F C Standards C om m ittee.
The request fo r interpretation should be clear and unam biguous. It is further recom m en ded that the inquirer subm it his request in the fo llo w in g form at:

C ite the applicable paragraph n u m ber(s) and the topic o f the inquiry.


C ite the applicable ed ition o f the Standard for w h ich the interpretation

Q uestion:

Phrase the question as a request fo r an interpretation o f a specific

is b ein g requested.
requirem ent suitable for genral understanding and use, not as a request
fo r an approval o f a p rop rietary design or situation. T h e inquirer m ay
also include plans or d raw in gs w h ich are necessary to explain the question; h ow ever, th ey should not contain p rop rietary names or inform ation.
Requests that are not in this form at w ill be rew ritten in this form at b y the C om m ittee
prior to b ein g answ ered, w h ich m ay in ad verten tly change the intent o f the origin al request.
A S M E procedures p ro vid e fo r reconsideration o f an y interpretation w h en or if additional
in form ation that m igh t affect an interpretation is available. Further, persons a g g rie v e d b y
an interpretation m a y appeal to the cognizant A S M E C om m ittee or Subcom m ittee. A S M E
does not "a p p r o v e ", "c e r tify ", "ra te ", or "e n d o rs e " an y item , construction, p rop rietary
device, or activity.

Attending Committee Meetings.

The M F C C om m ittee reg u la rly h o ld s m eetings, w h ich

are open to the public. Persons w ish in g to attend an y m eetin g should contact the Secretary
o f the M F C Standards C om m ittee.

C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .

ASME M FC-11M-2003




C oriolis meter: a device consisting o f a flo w sensor (pri-

m a r y d e v ic e ) and a tra n sm itter (s e c o n d a ry d e v ic e ),

This Standard, A S M E M F C -11M , gives gu idelin es for

w h ich measures the mass flo w b y means o f the C oriolis

the selection, installation, calibration, and operation o f

fo rc e g e n e ra te d b y flo w in g flu id th ro u g h o s c illa tin g

C oriolis m eters fo r the determ ination o f mass flo w , den-

tube(s); it m a y also p ro v id e m easurem ents o f density

sity, vo lu m e flo w , and other related param eters o f flo w -

and temperature.

in g fluids. It also giv e s appropriate considerations rega rd in g the flu ids to be measured. The content o f this

c ro s s -ta lk : i f t w o o r m o r e C o r io lis m e te rs are to be

Standard is p rim a rily ap p lied to the m eterin g o f liquids.

m ou n ted close together, interference through m echani-

This Standard also giv e s guidance, w ith in specified lim -

cal cou p lin g m a y occur. This is often referred to as cross-

its, to the m eterin g o f other fluids, m ixtures o f solids or

talk. The m anufacturer should be consulted fo r m ethods

gas in liquids, and m ixtures o f liquids. A lth o u g h C oriolis

o f a v o id in g cross-talk.

m eters m a y be used for gas m easurem ent, specific gu id -

elem ental error: the bias an d/or precision error associated

ance fo r gas m easurem ent is not w ith in the scope o f this

w ith a single source or process in a chain o f sources or


processes (see A S M E M F C -1M ).

fla sh in g: the form ation o f v a p o r bubbles in a liqu id w h en

the line pressure falls to or b e lo w the v a p o r pressure o f


the liqu id, often due to local lo w e rin g o f pressure be-

The term in o lo g y and sym bols (T ab le 1 ) used in this

cause o f an increase in the liqu id v e lo c ity (see A S M E

Standard are in accordance w ith A S M E M FC -1M .

M F C -1M ).

T e rm in o lo g y not defin ed in A S M E M F C -1 M but used

f lo w rate: the quantity o f flu id flo w in g though a cross

in A S M E M FC -11M are also defin ed in this paragraph.

section o f a p ip e per unit o f tim e (see A S M E M F C -1M ).

Som e items fro m A S M E M F C -1 M are also listed in this

mass flo w rate (q m):

paragraph fo r easier reference.

the rate o f flo w o f flu id mass

through a cross section o f a p ipe (see A S M E M F C -1M ).

accuracy o f measurement: the degree o f freed o m fro m er

the rate o f flo w o f flu id volu m e

volu m e flo w rate (q v):

ror; the degree o f co n fo rm ity o f the indicated valu e to

through a cross section o f a p ipe (see A S M E M F C -1M ).

the true valu e o f the m easured quantity (see A S M E

f lo w sensor (p rim a ry device): a m echanical assem bly con

M F C -1M ).

sisting o f an oscillating tube(s), d riv e system , m easure-

calibration: for the purpose o f this Standard, calibration

m ent sensor(s), su pportin g structure, flanges/fittings,

strictly refers to the procedure b y w h ich the flo w m eter

and housing.

is checked against a traceable reference and does not

drive system:

include adjustm ent to the calibration factors.

means fo r in du cin g the oscillation o f

the tube(s).
h o u s in g :

calibration fa c to r(s ): num erical factor(s), also called flo w

e n v ir o n m e n t a l p r o t e c t io n o f th e f l o w


calibration factors, unique to each p rim a ry device and

d e te r m in e d b y f l o w c a lib r a tio n , w h ic h w h e n p ro -

measurement sensor:

sensor to detect the C oriolis ef-

gram m ed into the transmitter, enables the m eter to per-

fect and to m easure the frequ en cy o f the tube oscilla-

fo rm to its stated specification (see the note in para. A 1


o f A p p e n d ix A fo r a d efin ition o f calibration).

density calibration fa c to r(s ):

oscilla tin g tube(s):

calibration factor(s) asso-

ciated w ith density m easurem ent.

f lo w calibration fa c to r(s ):

tube(s) through w h ich the flu id to

be m easured flow s.
secondary containm ent:

housing designed to p ro vid e

protection to the en viron m en t if the sensor tube(s) fails.

calibration factor(s) associ-

ated w ith mass flo w m easurem ent.

s u p p o r t in g s t r u c t u r e :

s u p p o r t fo r th e o s c illa tin g


cavitation: the v io le n t collapse o f v a p o r bubbles form ed

after flashing w h en the line pressure rises above the

repeatability o f measurements: the closeness o f agreem ent

v a p o r pressure o f the liqu id (see A S M E M F C -1 M ).

b e tw e e n su c c e s s iv e resu lts o b ta in e d w it h th e sam e


C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .



ASME M FC-11M-2003

Table 1

Sym bols


Mass flow rate

Volume flow rate
Radial acceleration
Transverse acceleration



Coriolis force
Natural frequency
Mechanical stiffness spring constant
Total oscillating mass


Oscillating mass of measuring tube(s)

Oscillating mass of fluid within the tube(s)
Volume of fluid within the tube(s)
Density of fluid at operating conditions


Period of the tube oscillation

Number of cycles
Time window
Relative density




Density of water under reference conditions

Accuracy of the volume measurement
Accuracy of the mass measurement
Accuracy of the density measurement


L 3 t -1

SI Units
m3 /s




ML -3


ML -3



m eth od on identical test m aterial, under the same con di

tions (same operator, same apparatus, same laboratory,

3.1.1 Range of Flow Rate and Pressure Loss. A lthough capable o f m easuring a large range o f flo w s, the

and short intervals o f tim e) (see A S M E M F C -1M ).

flo w m eter selected should p ro v id e the requ ired measurements w ith the accuracy and pressure loss consid-

tra n s m itte r (secondary device): electronic system p ro vid -

ered suitable fo r the application. The am ount o f pressure

in g the d riv e and transform ing the signals fro m the

loss w ill dep en d on the sensor design, flo w rate, density,

flo w sensor to g iv e output(s) o f m easured and in ferred

and viscosity. For a g iv e n flo w rate a larger sensor w ill

param eters; it also p ro vid es corrections d erived from

p ro v id e lo w e r pressure loss.

param eters such as tem perature.

3.1.2 Flowmeter Performance vs. Flow Rate.

u n certa in ty o f measurement: the range w ith in w h ich the

C oriolis

true valu e o f the m easured qu an tity can be expected to

flow m eters are rated at a prescribed standard, or "n o r

lie w ith a suitable high p rob ab ility (see A S M E M F C -1M ).

m a l" flo w rate, at reference conditions. The perform ance

is determ ined at these conditions. The o vera ll error in

zero offset: flo w m easurem ent indicated under zero flo w

flo w rate, as a percent o f valu e, w ill typ ica lly increase


w ith decreasing flo w . The overall m eter perform ance

zero stability: m axim u m expected m agn itu de o f the m eter

m a y be p re d ic te d fr o m in fo rm a tio n s u p p lie d b y the

output at zero flo w after the zero adjustm ent procedure

has been com pleted, expressed b y the m anufacturer as

m anufacturer d u rin g the selection process.

3.1.3 Design Pressure and Temperature.

an absolute valu e in mass per unit time.

Th eselected

m eter design pressure and tem perature must m eet the

requirem ents o f the application. M o st manufacturers of-



fer flo w m e te r options that a llo w a w id e range o f pressure and tem perature conditions.

3.1 Flowmeter Selection Criteria

3.2 Performance

T he selection o f a C oriolis flo w m eter should take into

account the range o f flo w rate, perform ance require-

The expression o f perform ance varies d ep en d in g on

ments, and the flu id parameters. The fo llo w in g are m ajor

the param eter to w h ich it applies. For specific recom -

co n sid era tion s that are re c o m m e n d e d fo r r e v ie w fo r

m endations on the accuracy o f mass flo w , density, and

each application. Special applications m ay require con-

vo lu m e flo w , see paras. 5.2, 6.4, and 7.3, respectively.

sultation w ith the m anufacturer.

For other param eters see para. 8.

C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .



ASME M FC-11M-2003

NOTE: Manufacturers' performance statements should be given

for specified reference conditions. If the conditions of use are significantly different from those of the original calibration, the meter's
performance may be affected. In such cases, the manufacturer
should be consulted.

and zero adjustm ent, can be o f an y typ e, but should

p ro v id e tight shutoff. C on trol va lv e s in series w ith a
C oriolis m eter should be installed dow n stream in order
to m aintain a higher pressure in the m eter and thus
reduce the chance o f cavitation or flashing.

3.3 Physical Installation

3.3.1 General.

3.3.7 Cleaning.

For certain applications the C oriolis

m eter m a y require in situ cleaning, w h ich , dep en d in g

The m anufacturer should describe the

on design, m a y be accom plished b y

p referred installation arrangem ent and state any restrictions o f use. See A p p e n d ix C. I f needed, strainers, filters,

(a ) m echanical means (using a p ig or ultrasonically)

air, an d/or v a p o r elim inators or other protective devices

(b ) self-draining

should be placed upstream o f the m eter for the rem oval

(c ) h yd rod yn a m ic means:

o f solids or vap ors that could cause dam age or induce

(1 ) sterilization [steam ing-in-place, (SIP)]

errors in m easurem ent. C oriolis m eters are gen era lly

(2 ) chem ical or b io lo gica l [cleaning-in-place, (C IP )]

placed in the m ainstream o f the flo w but can also be

placed in a by-pass arrangem ent fo r density m easure-



(1) Care should be taken to avoid cross-contamination after cleaning fluids have been used.
(2) Chemical compatibility should be established between the sen
sor wetted-materials, process fluid, and cleaning fluid.

3.3.2 Installation Criteria.

C onsideration should be

g iv e n to the fo llo w in g points:

(a ) the space requ ired for the C oriolis m eter installa-

3.3.8 HydraulicandMechanicalVibrations.

tion, in clu din g p ro visio n fo r external p ro ver or master-

T h em a n -

ufacturer shall p ro v id e the m echanical operating fre-

m eter connections, should in situ calibration be required

(b ) the class and typ e o f p ip e connections and m ateri-

qu ency o f the instrum ent to enable assessment o f possi-

als, as w e ll as the dim ensions o f the equ ipm en t to be used

ble influence o f process or other external m echanically

(c ) the hazardous area classification

im p osed vibration frequencies. It is possible that the

(d ) the en viron m en tal effects on the sensor (e.g., tem-

perform ance o f the m eter m a y be influenced b y vibra-

perature, h u m idity, corrosive atm ospheres, m echanical

tions at other than the operatin g tube frequency. Consultation w ith the m anufacturer m a y be appropriate if vi-

shock, vibration , and electrom agnetic fie ld )

(e ) the m ou n tin g and support requirem ents

bration problem s are anticipated or if th ey occur.

3.3.3 Full-Pipe Requirement.

flo w pulsation, consider the use o f isolation or pulsation

In environm ents w ith h igh m echanical vibrations or

The m eter perform ance

is im paired if the tubes are not co m p letely fille d w ith

d a m p in g devices (see para. 3.4.7). It is ad vised to consult

the flo w in g fluid. The m anufacturer m a y be consulted

the m anufacturer fo r guidance in this case.

for in form ation on the m eter's perform ance and possible

3.3.9 Flashing and/or Cavitation.

m ethods to pu rge or drain gases an d/or liqu ids from

the sensor.

The rela tively high

flu id velocities, w h ich m a y occur in C oriolis meters,

3.3.4 Orientation.

cause local dynam ic pressure drops inside the m eter,

For p rop er operation, the flo w sen

w h ich m a y result in flashing an d/or cavitation. Both

sor should be m ounted such that the oscillating tu be(s)

flashing and cavitation in C oriolis m eters (and im m edi-

rem ain com p letely fille d w ith the process flu id w h ile

ately upstream an d/or dow n stream o f them ) should be

the flu id is b ein g m etered. P lu g g in g , coating, trapped

avoid ed . Flashing and cavitation m a y cause m easure-

gas, or settling o f solids can affect the m eter's p erform

m ent errors and m ay dam age the sensor.

ance. The orientation o f the p rim a ry device w ill depen d

on the application as w e ll as the g eo m etry o f the oscillat-

3.3.10 Pipe Stress and Torsion.

The flo w sensor w ill

in g tube(s).

be subjected to axial, bending, and torsional forces dur-

3.3.5 Flow Conditions and Straight Length Requirements. The perform ance o f substantially bent bending-

variations in process tem perature an d/or pressure, can

in g operation. Changes in these forces, resulting from

m od e C oriolis flow m eters are g en era lly not affected b y

affect the perform ance o f the C oriolis m eter, particularly

v e lo c ity p ro file or flu id sw irl. Straight p ip in g lengths

at flo w rates lo w in the m eter's range. U n d er no circum -

adjacent to the m eter are not typ ica lly required. Some

stances should the C oriolis m eter be used to align and/

sligh tly bent C oriolis m eters m a y be affected b y v e lo c ity

or support the p ip e w ork.

p rofile and sw irl, so the C oriolis m eter m anufacturer's

3.3.11 Cross-Talk Between Sensors.

in form ation should be consulted fo r specific requirements.

3.3.6 Valves.

I f tw o or m ore

C oriolis m eters are to be m ounted close together, interference through m echanical cou p lin g m a y occur. This

V a lves upstream and dow n stream o f

is o fte n r e fe r r e d to as cross-talk . T h e m a n u fa ctu rer

a C oriolis m eter, installed fo r the purpose o f isolation

should be consulted fo r m ethods o f a v o id in g cross-talk.


C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .

ASME M FC-11M-2003



3.4 Process Conditions and Fluid Properties

3.4.1 General.

can affect the perform ance o f the m eter (see para. 3.3.8).
The m an u factu rer's re c o m m e n d a tio n s sh ou ld be ob-

Variations in flu id properties and p ro

served rega rd in g the application and the possible use

cess conditions m a y influence the m eter's perform ance.

o f pulsation d am p in g devices.

R efer to paras. 5.3, 6.5, 7.4, and 8.3 through 8.5.

3.4.2 Application Considerations.


In order to select

Viscosity Effects.

Fluids w ith h igh viscosity

m a y d ra w en erg y fro m the flo w sensor d rive system

a m eter for a g iv e n application, it is im portant to estab-

particularly at the start o f flo w . D ep en d in g on the m eter

lish the range o f conditions to w h ich the C oriolis m eter

design, this ph en om en on can cause the oscillating tubes

w ill be subjected. These conditions should include:

to m om en tarily stall until the flo w is p ro p e rly estab-

(a ) the operating flo w rates and the fo llo w in g flo w

lished. This ph en om en on can induce a tem p ora ry alarm

characteristics: unidirectional or bi-directional, continu-


ous, interm ittent, or fluctuating

3.5 Pressure Loss

(b ) the range o f operating densities

(c ) the range o f operating tem peratures

A loss in pressure w ill occur as the flu id flo w s through

(d ) the range o f operatin g pressures

the flo w sensor. The m agn itu de o f this loss w ill be a

(e ) the perm issible pressure loss

fu n c tio n o f the s ize and g e o m e t r y o f the o s c illa tin g

(f ) the range o f operating viscosities

tube(s), the mass flo w rate (ve lo c ity ), and dynam ic vis-

(g ) the properties o f the m etered fluids, in clu din g v a

cosity o f the process fluid. M anufacturers should sp ecify

p or pressure at operating conditions

the loss in pressure that occurs under reference condi-

(h ) the effects o f corrosive additives or contaminants

tions and should p ro v id e the in form ation necessary to

on the m eters and the quantity and size o f fo reign matter,

calculate the loss in pressure, w h ich occurs under op-

in clu d in g abrasive particles that m a y be carried in the

erating conditions. The o vera ll pressure o f the system

liqu id stream

should be checked to ensure that it is su fficien tly high

3.4.3 Multiphase Flow (See Also Paras. 6.5.4 and

7.4.3). L iq u id m ixtures, h om ogen eou s m ixtures o f sol-

to accom m odate the loss in pressure across the meter.

3.6 Safety

ids in liquids, or h om ogen eou s m ixtures o f liqu ids w ith

3.6.1 General.

lo w volu m etric ratios o f gas can be m easured satisfacto-

The m eter should not be used under

rily . M u ltip h a se ap p lica tion s in v o lv in g n o n -h om oge-

conditions that are outside the m eter's specification. M e-

neous m ixtures can cause additional m easurem ent er-

ters also should con form to an y necessary hazardous

rors and in som e cases can stop operation. Contact the

area classifications. The fo llo w in g addition al safety con-

m anufacturer fo r additional details.

siderations should be m ade.

Care should be taken to ensure that gas bubbles an d /

3.6.2 Hydrostatic Pressure Test.

or solids are not a llo w e d to accum ulate in the m eter.

3.4.4 Influence of Process Fluid.

tested in a cco rd a n ce w ith the a p p r o p r ia te sta n d a rd

Erosion, corrosion,

w h ere specified (see para. 4).

and deposition o f m aterial on the inside o f the vib ratin g

tube(s) (som etim es referred to as coatin g) can in itially

3.6.3 Mechanical Stress. The m eter should be designed to w ithstand all loads origin atin g fro m the oscil-

cause m easurem ent errors in flo w and density, and in

the long-term , sensor failure. P ro p er selection o f the

lating tube(s) system , tem perature, pressure, and p ipe

flo w m eter m aterial can reduce the instance o f failure.

vibration. The user should respect the lim itations o f the

P erio d ic inspection and m aintenance should be done on

flo w sensor.

the flo w m e te r fo r a p p lic a tio n s that m a y cause these

3.6.4 Erosion.

types o f problem s.

3.4.5 Temperature Effects.

A change in tem perature

du ring flo w . The effect o f erosion is dependent on m eter

size and geom etry, particle size, abrasives, and velocity.

w ill influence the response o f the sensor. A m eans o f

Erosion should be assessed for each typ e o f use o f the

com pensation fo r this effect is usually incorporated in

m eter.

the transmitter.

3.6.5 Corrosion.

Static pressure changes can

C orrosion o f the w e tte d m aterials

can a d versely affect the operating lifetim e o f the flo w

affect the accuracy o f the sensor, the extent o f w h ich

sensor. The construction m aterial o f the sensor should

should be specified b y the m anufacturer. These changes

be selected to be com patible w ith process flu ids and

are g en era lly insignificant.

3.4.7 Pulsating Flow Effects.

Fluids containing solid particles or

cavitation can cause erosion o f the m easuring tube(s)

w ill affect the properties o f sensor materials, and thus

3.4.6 Pressure Effects.

The w etted parts o f

the fu lly assem bled flo w sensor can be hydrostatically

cleaning fluids. Special attention should be g iv e n to corC oriolis m eters gener-

rosion and galvan ic effects in n o -flo w or em p ty-p ip e

a lly are able to p erform under pulsating flo w conditions.

conditions. A ll sensor process-w etted m aterials shall be

H o w e v e r , there m a y be circumstances w h ere pulsations

id en tified b y the m anufacturer.

C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .



ASME M FC-11M-2003

3.6.6 Housing Design

those ap p lied to other in-line equipm ent.

(a ) The housing should be d esign ed p rim a rily to pro-

In ad d ition to the instrum ent calibration an d/or per

tect the flo w sensor fro m the effects o f the surrounding

form ance checks, the fo llo w in g option al tests m a y be

en viron m en t (dirt, condensation, and m echanical inter-

p erform ed to satisfy the m echanical requirem ents:

ference), w h ich could interfere w ith operation. I f the

(1 ) dim ensional check

vib ra tin g tube(s) o f the C oriolis m eter w e re to fail, the

(2 ) optional hydrostatic test, in accordance w ith a

housing containing the tube(s) w o u ld be exposed to the

traceable procedure as specified b y the user

process flu id and conditions, w h ich could p ossibly cause

(3 ) radiograph ic an d/or ultrasonic exam ination o f

housing failure. It is im portant to take into consideration

the p rim a ry device to detect internal defects (i.e., inclu-

the fo llo w in g possibilities:

sions) and v e r ify w e ld in tegrity

(1 ) the pressure w ith in the housing m igh t exceed

Results o f the above tests should be presented in a

the design lim its

certified report, w h en requested.

(2 ) the flu id m igh t be toxic, corrosive, or vo la tile

certificates, w h en requested, should be available:

(b ) In order to a v o id such problem s, certain housing

( 1 ) m a t e r ia l c e r t ific a t e s , fo r a ll p re s s u r e -c o n -

designs p ro v id e

taining parts

(1 ) secondary pressure containm ent

(2 ) certificate o f conform ance (electrical area classi-

(2 ) burst discs or pressure-relief va lves, flu id drains


or vents, etc.

(3 ) certificate o f suitability fo r legal trade or cu stody

For gu idelin es on sp ecifyin g secondary pressure con-


tainm ent, see A p p e n d ix B.

3.6.7 Cleaning.

In add ition to the ab ove reports, the fo llo w in g

(b )

and m igh t leak fro m the housing

(4 ) calibration certificate and perform ance results

(5 ) certificate o f su itability fo r sanitary applications

For general gu idelin es see para. 3.3.7.

Care should be taken to ensure that cleaning conditions (flu ids, tem peratures, flo w rates, etc.) have been

selected to be com patible w ith the m aterials o f the C ori-


C oriolis m eters directly m easure mass flo w rate, and

olis meter.

som e can m easure the flo w in g density o f the process

3.7 Transmitter (Secondary Device)

fluid. Paragraphs 5 and 6 describe the u n d erlyin g princi-

C oriolis m eters are m u ltivariable instruments p ro v id -

ples for these m easurements. Inferred m easurem ents

in g a w id e range o f m easurem ent data fro m a single

such as volu m etric flo w and concentration are described

connection to the process. The electronics are typ ica lly

in paras. 7 and 8.

located in an enclosure, w h ich m a y be m ounted loca lly

on the sensor, or rem otely, and connected to the sensor


u sin g a cable. W h e n s e le c tin g the m o s t a p p ro p ria te

tra n sm itter a rra n g e m e n t and o p tio n s , c o n s id e ra tio n

on the principle that inertial forces are generated w h en -



should be g iv e n to the fo llo w in g :

Principle of Operation.

C oriolis m eters operate

ever a particle in a rotating b o d y m oves relative to the

(a ) the electrical, electronic, clim atic, and safety com -

b o d y in a direction tow a rd or a w a y fro m the center o f

p atibility

rotation. This p rin ciple is sh ow n in Fig. 1.

(b ) the hazardous area classification o f the flo w sen

A particle o f mass Am slides w ith constant velo city,

sor, and transmitter, and the a va ila b ility o f special enclo-

v, in a tube, T, that is rotating w ith angular velo city,

sure options

o , about a fix ed point, P. The particle undergoes an

(c ) the transm itter enclosure m ou n tin g (i.e., integral

acceleration, w h ich can be d iv id e d into tw o com ponents:

or rem ote)

(a ) a radial acceleration, ar (centripetal), equal to o 2r

(d ) the num ber and typ e o f outputs, in clu din g digital

and directed tow ards P

com m unications

(b ) a transverse acceleration, at (C oriolis), equal to

(e ) the ease and security o f p rogra m m in g

2 o X v (vector cross p rodu ct) at righ t angles to ar and

(f ) the m eter diagnostic capability, and w h eth er there

in the direction sh ow n in Fig. 1

are output(s) to a llo w rem ote indication o f system errors

T o im part the C oriolis acceleration, at, to the particle,

(g ) the available input options (e.g., rem ote zero ad-

a force o f m agn itu de 2 v o A m is requ ired in the direction

justment, totalizer resetting, alarm

ack n ow led gm en t)

o f at. This force com es fro m the tube. The reaction o f

(h ) the capability fo r local d isp lay and operation

this force back on the tube is co m m o n ly referred to as

the C oriolis force


AFc = 2ov A m
(a )

A s C oriolis m eters are an integral part o f the pip-

in g (in-line instrum entation), it is essential that the in-

From the illustration, it can be seen that w h en a flu id

strum ent be subjected to testing procedures sim ilar to

o f density, p, flo w s at constant velo city, v, alon g a tube


C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .



ASME M FC-11M-2003



Fig. 1

Principle of Operation of a Coriolis Meter

rotating as in Fig. 1, an y length A x o f the tube experiences

C oriolis forces (an d hence distortion o f the tu be) on ly

a transverse C oriolis force o f m agn itu de A F c = 2u>vpAAx,

exist w h en both axial flo w and forced oscillation are

w h ere A is the cross sectional area o f the tube interior.

present. W h en there is forced oscillation but no flo w ,

Since the mass flo w rate, qm, can be expressed as

or flo w w ith no oscillation, no d eflection w ill occur and

the m eter w ill sh ow no output.

qm = pvA


The sensor is characterized b y flo w calibration factors

that are determ ined du rin g m anufacture and calibration.

w e then have that

These values are unique for each sensor and should be

AFc = 2wqm Ax

recorded on a data plate secured to the sensor.


5.1.3 Coriolis Transmitter (See Also Para. 2.3).

H en ce w e see that (d irect or in d irect) m easurem ent

o f the C oriolis force on a rotating tube can p ro v id e a

en erg y and process the m easurem ent signals to produce

m easure o f the mass flo w rate. This is the basic principle

a mass flo w rate m easurem ent. A ls o , the mass flo w rate

o f operation o f the C oriolis meter.


Coriolis Flow Sensor.

C oriolis m eter requires a transmitter to p ro v id e the d rive

is usually integrated o ver tim e in the transmitter, thus

In com m ercial designs o f

p ro v id in g the total mass.

C oriolis m eters, the generation of inertial forces through

A d d itio n a l param eters exist w ith in the transm itter

continuous rotary m otion is not practical, and instead

softw are that should be con figu red fo r the specific appli-

the necessary forces are generated b y oscillating the

cation. O ther coefficients must also be entered if density


or vo lu m e outputs are required.

The smallest d riv in g force requ ired to keep the tube

5.2 Accuracy

in constant oscillation occurs w h en the frequ en cy of

oscillation is at or close to the natural frequ en cy o f the

For C oriolis m eters, the term "accu racy" refers to the

filled tube.

com bined effects o f linearity, reprod u cib ility, repeatabil-

In one class of m eters, the flo w tube is anchored at

tw o points and oscillated at a position b etw een the tw o

ity, hysteresis, and z e ro stability.

anchors, thus g iv in g rise to opposite oscillatory rotations

in mass per unit time. In order to determ ine the accuracy,

o f the tw o halves of the tube. In another version , a

it is necessary to calculate ze ro stability as a percentage

Z e ro stability is often g iv e n as a separate param eter

section of tube is oscillated in a rotational direction and

of the readin g at a specified flo w rate and add this valu e

a transverse C oriolis force is generated. M eters can have

to the com bined effects of linearity, repeatability, and

one or m ore tubes that can be straight or curved.

hysteresis stated in units of percent of reading. A typical

The m ovem en t o f the flo w tu be(s) is m easured at

equation fo r accuracy:

variou s points. W h en flo w is present, C oriolis forces act

on the oscillating tube(s), causing a sm all displacem ent,

Accuracy = (0.20% (zero stability/flow rate) x 100):

deflection, or tw ist that can be observed as a phase

where the combined effects (without zero

differen ce b etw een the sensing points.

stability) are 0.20% of reading


C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .



ASME M FC-11M-2003

5.4 Zero Adjustment

R epeatability can also be g iv e n as a separate param eter, expressed as a percentage o f the reading.

A fte r the m eter installation is com plete, a zero adjust-

A c c u ra c y and re p e a ta b ility statem ents are u su a lly

m ent m igh t be needed to overcom e the effects described

m ade at reference conditions that are specified b y the

in para. 5.3. It is recom m en ded that zero be checked and

m anu factu rer. T h ese refe re n c e c o n d itio n s sh o u ld in-

adjusted if the offset is unacceptable. Z e ro adjustments

clude tem perature, h u m idity, pressure, flu id density,

should be m ade according to the m anufacturer's instruc-

flu id , and flo w range.

tion. In general, to check or adjust the zero flo w , the

m eter should be fu ll and all flo w stopped. Z e ro adjust-

5.3 Factors Affecting Mass Flow Measurement

5.3.1 General.

m ent should be m ad e under process conditions o f tem -

R efer to A p p e n d ix C for a list o f infor-

perature, pressure, and density. It is essential that the

m ation that users should obtain fro m C oriolis flo w m eter

flu id rem ain stable and that there are no bubbles or


h e a v y sedim ent and no flu id m ovem ent.

5.3.2 Density and Viscosity.

5.5 Calibration of Mass Flow

D en sity and viscosity

have a n egligib le effect on the accuracy o f m easurem ents

M o st C oriolis m eters are calibrated against a traceable

o f mass flo w w ith a C oriolis m eter. C onsequently, com -

standard b y the m anufacturer, and calibration certifi-

pensation is not necessary. See para. 3.4.8 for other vis-

cates fo r the m eter m igh t be p ro vid ed . The calibration

cosity effects.

factors determ ined b y this procedure should be noted

D en sity and viscosity variations can also induce an

on the sensor data plate.

offset in the m eter output at ze ro flo w . Thus, it m a y be

The calibration is the process o f com p arin g the indi-

necessary to check the m eter zero at the process condi-

cated flo w to a traceable standard. The uncertainty o f

tions (see para. 5.4).

the calibration can be no less than the uncertainty o f the

5.3.3 Multiphase Flow.

reference standard and an y errors that are introduced

See para. 3.4.3.

du rin g the calibration.

5.3.4 Temperature.

Tem perature changes affect the

A s the C oriolis m eter is a mass flo w device, it is prefer-

m echanical structure o f the flo w sensor, and com pensa-

able to p e rfo rm the calibration against a mass or gravi-

tion is necessary. This com pensation, based on an inte

m etric reference. C alibration against a v o lu m e standard

gral tem perature sensor, is p erform ed b y the transmitter.

com bined w ith density determ ination can be used in

H o w e v e r, large differences in tem perature b etw een the

situations w h ere mass or gravim etric m ethods are not

o s c illa tin g tu b e (s ) and the a m b ien t tem p era tu re can


cause errors in the tem perature com pensation. The use

A C oriolis m aster m eter can be used to calibrate other

o f insulation m aterials can reduce these effects. Check

C oriolis m eters. The calibration o f the C oriolis m aster

w ith the m anufacturer on insulation recom m endations

m eter m ust also be traceable to recogn ized standards.

and procedures.

The sam e uncertainty ratios are needed for a m aster

Tem perature variations m a y also induce an offset in

m eter calibration as fo r a gravim etric calibration. Care

the m eter output at zero flo w . Thus, it m a y be necessary

m ust be taken so that cross-talk does not affect the cali-

to check the m eter zero at the process tem perature (see

bration. (See para. A2.4 in A p p e n d ix A fo r additional

para. 5.4).

inform ation.)
D etailed calibration advice, calibration intervals, sug-

NOTE: The temperature measured in the Coriolis meter is that of

the tube walls and may not be the process fluid temperature.

gested procedures, calibration levels, and an exam ple

o f a calibration curve are g iv e n in A p p e n d ix A .

5.3.5 Pressure.

For som e designs and sizes o f m eters,

pressure changes can affect the flo w calibration factor,

and com pensation m a y be necessary. See para. 3.4.6.

(Consult the m anufacturer.)
Pressure changes can also induce an offset in the m eter

6.1 General

output at zero flo w . This effect can be elim inated b y

Som e C oriolis m eters can p ro v id e den sity m easure-

p erfo rm in g a zero adjustm ent (see para. 5.4) at the pro-

m en t u n d er m e te rin g co n d itio n s. T h is p a ra g ra p h in-

cess pressure.

5.3.6 Installation.



cludes recom m endations for den sity calibration. Density-b a sed in fe r r e d m ea su rem en ts such as sta n d a rd

Stresses exerted on the sensor

den sity and concentration are covered in para. 8.

fro m the surrounding p ip e w o r k can introduce an offset

in the m eter output at zero flo w . This offset should be

6.2 Principle of Operation

checked after the initial installation or after any subsequent change in the installation. Z e ro adjustm ent (see

C oriolis m eters are typ ica lly operated at their natural

para. 5.4) should be p erform ed if the offset is unac-

or resonant frequency. For a resonant system there is a


relationship b etw een this frequ en cy and the oscillating


C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .

ASME M FC-11M -2003



w h ere

mass. The natural frequ en cy o f a C oriolis m eter v ie w e d

as a resonant system can be w ritten as:

pfi =

the den sity o f flu id under m eterin g conditions

p w,ref the density o f w ater under reference condi-


fR =

w ith

6.4 Accuracy
m = m t + mi


For density, accuracy includes the com bined effects

o f linearity, repeatability, and hysteresis. D en sity accu-


racy is expressed as an absolute valu e in mass per unit

m p Pfi * Vf

vo lu m e (i.e., pounds/cubic foot, g / cm 3, or k g / m 3).


A c c u ra c y and re p e a ta b ility statem ents are u su a lly

w h ere

g iv e n for reference conditions, w h ich are specified b y

m echanical stiffness or spring constant o f the

the manufacturer.

m easuring tube arrangem ent


6.5 Factors Affecting Density Measurement

vo lu m e o f flu id w ith in the tube(s)

resonant or natural frequ en cy

6.5.1 General.

total oscillating mass

The m easurem ent o f den sity can be

influenced b y changes in process conditions. In certain


oscillating mass o f flu id w ith in the tube(s)


oscillating mass o f m easuring tube(s)


density o f flu id at operated conditions

applications, these influences m a y be significant and

manufacturers should be able to qu an tify the effect or
g iv e guidance on the lik e ly im pact on the perform ance

The m echanical stiffness or spring constant o f the mea-

o f the meter.

suring tube arrangem ent depends on the design o f the

6.5.2 Temperature.

m eter and the Y o u n g's m odu lu s o f elasticity o f the tube

Tem perature changes can affect

the density calibration factor o f the sensor. C om pensa-

m aterial.

tion fo r these changes is necessary and is frequ en tly

Equations (3), (4), and (5) can be used to solve fo r the

p erform ed in the transmitter. H o w e v e r, due to non-

flu id density, w h ich is g iv e n by:

lin earity o f the den sity equation, the effect m ay not be



en tirely elim inated. In order to m in im ize this effect in


(2-n/R)2 " V

precision applications, it m a y be necessary to calibrate


at the operating tem perature. L a rge differences in tem perature b etw een the oscillating tube(s) and the am bient
pfl = Ki +

tem perature can cause errors in tem perature com pensa-


tion. The use o f insulation m aterials can m in im ize these

w h ere K 1 and K 2 are coefficients for the density m easure-


m ent that are determ ined d u rin g the calibration process.

NOTE: In certain applications (e.g., cryogenic liquids) there may

be a transient temperature influence, resulting from a step change
in process temperature (thermal shock) that will momentarily influ
ence the density measurement.

K 1 and K 2 are tem perature and m a y be autom atically

com pensated fo r b y means o f integral tem perature measurem ent.

The frequ ency, f R, in Eqs. (6) and (7) can be determ ined

6.5.3 Pressure.

b y m easuring the p eriod o f the tube oscillation, Tf, or

For som e designs and sizes o f meters,

b y counting the num ber o f cycles, N c, d u rin g a tim e

pressure changes can affect the den sity calibration factor

and com pensation m a y be necessary. (Consult the man-

w in d o w (gate), t w:





f = Nc
JR = w

6.5.4 Multiple Phases.


The den sity o f liq u id m ix

tures, hom ogen eou s m ixtures o f solids in liquids, or

h om ogen eou s m ixtures o f liqu ids w ith a lo w volu m etric

For som e m echanical designs, Eq. (7) can be replaced

ratio o f gas can be m easured satisfactorily w ith C oriolis

w ith a m ore com p lex function o f f R.

meters. C onsult the m anufacturer fo r design limits. In

som e circumstances, m ultiphase applications (particu-

6.3 Relative Density (Specific Gravity)

la rly gas bubbles in liqu id s) can cause ad dition al m ea-

D iv id in g the flu id den sity under process conditions

surem ent errors and even stop operation. The degree

b y the density o f pure w ater under reference conditions

to w h ich bubbles or suspended solids can be tolerated

results in the relative density, d , under process condi-

w ith ou t influ encing the den sity m easurem ent w ill de-

tions, as follow s:

pend on their distribution in and cou p lin g w ith the

d = p

carrier fluid. For exam ple, large pockets o f air in w ater


are m ore troublesom e than h om ogen eou sly distributed

C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .



ASME M FC-11M-2003

bubbles in a h ig h ly viscous liquid. The su itability o f a

The transmitter m a y be equ ip p ed w ith facilities to

C oriolis m eter for density m easurem ent o f a m ultiphase

support a field adjustm ent w ith the m eter filled w ith

system w ill depen d on its intended use. The choice o f

one or m ore liquids.

an appropriate m eter should on ly be m ade after careful

The p rocedu re necessary to accom plish a field adjust-

consideration and consultation w ith the m anufacturer.

m en t sh o u ld be o u tlin e d in d e ta il in the in stru ctio n

6.5.5 Flow Effect.


D en sity calibration is usually car-

ried out under static conditions (i.e., w ith ou t an y flu id

flo w in g ).

O peration on a flo w in g flu id can influence the density



m easurem ent. Fluid velocities that g iv e rise to such an

effect w ill v a ry d ep en d in g on the sensor size and design.
For precise density m easurem ents at velocities w ith in

7.1 General

these ranges, it is advisable to p erform the density calibration under flo w in g conditions. Som e m anufacturers

C oriolis m eters directly m easure mass flo w rate and

offer autom atic com pensation fo r flo w effects on density

den sity under m eterin g conditions. Th erefore, th ey are

m easurement.

g en era lly used w h ere m easurem ents o f either or both

6.5.6 Corrosion, Erosion, and Coating.

o f these param eters are o f im portance. H o w e v e r, there

C orrosion,

are applications w h ere the advantages o f a C oriolis m e

erosion, and coating m a y affect the mass and stiffness

ter w o u ld be v e r y beneficial, but the desired m easure-

o f the m easuring tube. These effects w ill induce errors

m ent is vo lu m e under m eterin g conditions. C oriolis me-

in the den sity m easurem ent. In applications w h ere these

te rs

effects are lik ely, care should be taken in sp ecifyin g



e ffe c t iv e ly


fo r

v o lu m e

flo w

m easurem ent.

suitable materials, selecting the m ost appropriate m eter

size (lim itin g v e lo c ity ), and w h ere necessary, a p p ly in g

7.2 Volume Calculation

regular cleaning.
G en erally, installation stresses do

D en sity is defin ed as mass per unit volu m e. Th erefore,

not influence the density m easurem ent. H o w e v e r, for

v o lu m e can be calculated fro m mass and den sity as

certain sensor designs, there m ay be a m in or orientation

fo llo w s :

6.5.7 Installation.

effect. In precision density applications, it m a y be necessary to calibrate the m eter in its intended final orienta-

y = -

tion or to p erform a field adjustm ent (see para. 6.6.3).


6.6 Calibration and Adjustment

w h ere

C oriolis m eters can be calibrated dur-

the vo lu m e under m eterin g conditions

in g m anufacture an d/or b y field adjustment. O n ly sin-

the mass

gle-phase, clean liqu ids should be used fo r calibration

the den sity under m eterin g conditions

or adjustment. The m easuring tubes should be clean

Equation (10) m a y be incorporated d irectly into the

and free o f coating or deposits and should be flushed

transm itter softw are p ro v id e d the C oriolis m eter is of

im m ed ia tely prior to calibration. D evia tion fro m these

a type that can measure both mass and den sity (see

re q u ire m e n ts can resu lt in s ig n ific a n t m ea su rem en t

paras. 5 and 6). Since the mass is m easured as a function

6.6.1 General.


o f tim e (mass flo w rate), the vo lu m e calculated is also

6.6.2 Manufacturers Calibration.

a function o f time:

C oriolis m eters are

frequ en tly calibrated b y the m anufacturer fo r density

m easurem ent using air and w ater as reference fluids.

qv =

The density calibration factors determ ined b y this proce-


dure are g iv e n b y the m anufacturer, usually noted on

the sensor data plate. If a precision density m easurem ent

w h ere

is required, a special calibration m a y be necessary.

6.6.3 Field Adjustment.

The advan tage o f field ad-

qm =

the mass flo w rate

qv =

the vo lu m e flo w rate under m eterin g conditions

justm ent is that it can be perform ed b y the user w ith

the process flu id in the m easuring tubes. The user should

The C oriolis m eter m ay then p ro v id e the vo lu m e flo w

k n o w the density o f the flu id in the m eter to an uncer-

rate calculated fro m Eq. (11) as an output signal. The

tainty o f one-third or less than the uncertainty that is

calculated vo lu m e flo w rate m a y also be integrated w ith

requ ired o f the meter.

respect to tim e to obtain the total volu m e.


C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .



ASME M FC-11M-2003

7.5 Factory Calibration

NOTE: The calculated volume flow is based on dynamic mass

flow and dynamic density measurements made under process con
ditions. Volume flow in this form will, therefore, also be a dynamic
measurement under process conditions rather than reference conditions.

7.5.1 Mass Flow and Density Calibration.

C oriolis

m eters are mass flo w and den sity m easuring devices.

These tw o param eters should be calibrated in accordance w ith the recom m endations g iv e n in paras. 5 and
6, b efore the m eter can be used fo r volu m etric measure-

7.3 Accuracy

ments. O nce the m eter has been calibrated fo r mass

flo w and density, a theoretical prediction o f the vo lu m e

Som e C oriolis m eter manufacturers publish their ex-

accuracy can be determ ined using Eq. (12) described in

pected accuracy for v o lu m e m easurem ent. H o w e v e r, if

para. 7.3.

this in form ation is not available, the expected accuracy

7.5.2 Volume Check.

fo r vo lu m e flo w m easurem ent can be calculated from :

The expected valu e o f accuracy

for v o lu m e m easurem ent m a y be checked b y p erfo rm in g

a volu m etric or gravim etric test against k n o w n stan-

V = J (m2 + ep )

dards. In add ition to the standard calibration certificate,


on request, manufacturers m a y be able to p ro v id e test

data sh o w in g vo lu m e flo w rates and correspon din g v o lum etric errors. These errors can be determ ined using

w h ere

the mass flo w calibration data and the precise calibration

^v =

the accuracy o f the v o lu m e m easurem ent

em =

the a ccu ra cy o f the m ass m ea su rem en t (see

checked b y means o f a field test, w h ich should be per-

para. 5.2)

form ed using the C oriolis m eter in its operational instal-

the accuracy o f the den sity m easurem ent (see

lation using the process fluid.

ep =

flu id density. The vo lu m e determ ination can also be

para. 6.4)
The terms in Eq. (12) must be expressed as a plus-

m inus percentage ( % ) o f reading.


8.1 General Considerations for Multi-Component

7.4 Special Influences

The density m easurem ent m ade b y a C oriolis m eter

is a function o f the com posite density o f the process

7.4.1 General.

flu id in the tube(s). I f the flu id contains tw o com ponents

C oriolis m eters can o n ly g iv e a com -

and the den sity o f each com pon en t is k n ow n , the mass or

puted valu e o f the vo lu m e , and as such, the reliab ility

vo lu m e fraction o f each com pon en t can be determ ined.

can be o n ly as g o o d as the m easured data entered into

B y com bin in g the (in depen den t) mass flo w rate and

the v o lu m e equation. O n this basis, any variation in

density (or concentration) m easurem ents, the net mass

the flu id or in process param eters that influence the

flo w o f each com pon en t o f a tw o-com p on en t m ixture

reliab ility o f mass flo w and density m easurem ents w ill

can also be calculated. N e t flo w m easurem ents are lim -

have a com bined effect on the reliab ility o f the calculated

ited to tw o-com p on en t system s (e.g., oil and w a ter) and

vo lu m e m easurem ent. For specific effects o f variations

are useful in a w id e v a rie ty o f applications. For exam ple,

in process conditions on mass flo w and density m easure-

flo w rates o f each com pon en t o f tw o-com p on en t systems

m ents, see paras. 5 and 6.

7.4.2 Empty Pipe Effect.

such as w ater-an d-oil m ixtures, liqu id-an d-solid slurries, su gar m easu rem en ts, and other tw o -c o m p o n e n t
A C oriolis m eter m easuring

systems can be determ ined using a C oriolis meter.

liqu id flo w w ill respond to tubes becom in g em p ty or

In principle, a C oriolis m eter w ill m easure the average

such as w h en liqu id is displaced b y vapor. I f this w e re

density o f m u lti-com ponent fluids, in clu din g tw o-phase

to occur w h ile there w as still an y indicated mass flo w

systems. This is g en era lly true in the case o f slurries

present, the calculation o f the liqu id v o lu m e according

(solids carried b y a liqu id ). H o w e v e r, m easurem ents o f

to Eq. (10) (see para. 7.2) w o u ld be erron eou sly high.

a gas phase in a liqu id stream, or con versely, a liqu id

This prob lem can be a v o id e d b y incorporating a suitable

in a gas stream, can be d ifficu lt to m ake due to structural

lo w -d en sity cu t-off setting, design ed to inhibit an y flo w

influences w ith in the sensing elem ent. Consult the man-

m easurem ent unless the m eter is p ro p e rly filled w ith

ufacturer if tw o-phase flo w is to be m easured.

liquid. Consultation w ith manufacturers m a y p ro vid e

8.2 Immiscible Mixtures

alternative m ethods o f elim inating this problem .

7.4.3 Multiphase Fluids.


A n im m iscible liqu id is a liq u id con-

L iq u id volu m es cannot be

taining tw o com ponents, w h ich do not m ix. The total

m e a s u re d r e lia b ly i f th e re is m o r e th an on e p h a se

vo lu m e is the sum o f the in d ivid u a l volu m es under


m eterin g conditions.

C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .



ASME M FC-11M-2003

W h en tw o com ponents do not m ix, w h eth er th ey are

w h ere

tw o im m iscible liqu ids or a liqu id and a solid, the rela-


= net mass flo w

rate o f com ponent A

tionship b etw een density and concentration can o n ly be


= net mass flo w

rate o f com ponent B

defin ed b y Eqs. (13) and (14) g iv e n in para. 8.2.2. Exam-


= the total mass flo w rate o f the m ixture

ples o f these types o f m ixtures are starch and w ater,

Variables wA and wB are defin ed in Eqs. (13) and (14)

sand and w ater, and oil and water.


Mass Fraction.

in para. 8.2.2.

Equations (13) and (14) describe


Net Volume Flow Rate.

By com bin in g the total

the relationship b etw een com pon en t A and com ponent

vo lu m e flo w rate and v o lu m e fraction m easurem ents,

B respectively, as a mass fraction w expressed as a per-

the net vo lu m e flo w rate o f each o f tw o com ponents


can be calculated as follow s.

pA(pmeasured pB) w ~in
Wa = ---------r X 100
famasured (pA - pB)


pB (pA
pmeasured) w mn
WB = ---------r X 100
tyneasured (pA - pB)


= qv, t X Va
qv,A =


qv,B =

qv,T X PB




w h ere
mass fraction o f com pon en t A in relation


w h ere

to the m ixture

qv, A p

mass fraction o f com pon en t B in relation

to the m ixture


density o f com ponent A


density o f com ponent B

p measured

the net vo lu m e flo w rate o f com ponent A

qv, B p

the net vo lu m e flo w rate o f com ponent B

qV, t =

the net total v o lu m e flo w rate

Variables pA and p B are d efin ed in Eqs. (15) and (16)

in para. 8.2.3.

the m easured density o f the m ixture

8.2.3 Volume Fraction.

8.3 Miscible Liquids Containing Chemically

Noninteracting Components

Equations (15) and (16) de

scribe the relationship b etw een com pon en t A and com ponent B, as a v o lu m e fraction p expressed as a per-

A m iscible liqu id consists o f tw o or m ore com ponents,


w h ich m ix co m p letely or dissolve together. The total

v o lu m e o f the liqu id m a y be differen t fro m the sum o f
PA =





the in d ivid u a l volu m es at m eterin g conditions.


W h en tw o liqu ids are co m p letely m iscible, such as

alcohol and w ater, the mass fraction (o f either liqu id
com pon en t) versus den sity is usually read fro m table

PB =



X 100

values. It is not possible to obtain a general equation


that is v a lid for all m iscible liqu ids due to the nonlinear
relationship b etw een mass fraction and density. It is,

w h ere
pA =

therefore, necessary to d erive an equation fo r each m ix

v o lu m e fraction o f com pon en t A in relation to

ture. See A p p e n d ix D.

the m ixture
pB =

v o lu m e fraction o f com ponent B in relation to

8.4 Solutions Containing Chemically Interacting


the m ixture
Variables PA, PB, and P measured are defin ed in Eqs. (13)

The relationship b etw een tw o soluble liqu ids that re-

and (14) in para. 8.2.2.

act chem ically is com plex. See A p p e n d ix D.

The v o lu m e fraction is a sim ple rearrangem ent o f Eqs.

(13) and (14).

8.2.4 Net Mass Flow Rate.

8.5 Special Considerations for Temperature and


By com bin in g the total

mass flo w rate and the mass fraction m easurem ents, the

The p reviou s equations and discussions (as w e ll as

net mass flo w rate o f each o f tw o com ponents can be

those in A p p e n d ix D ) assume constant tem perature and

calculated as fo llo w s :


pressure conditions. In any liqu id m ixture, tem perature

qm,T Xw A


and to a lesser extent, pressure, w ill affect the density


o f each o f the tw o com ponents differen tly. T h erefore,

corrections are required. T y p ica lly, pressure has a sm all

= qm,T Xw B


influence on the density and can be considered n egligi(18)

ble, particularly if the pressure is alm ost constant. A n y


C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .



ASME M FC-11M-2003

influence can be characterized b y m akin g a calibration.

The tem perature m easured is the tube tem perature. For

Tem perature has a m uch larger influence, and on-line

precise correction to flu id properties the actual tem pera-

corrections are necessary.

ture o f the flu id is needed. It m a y be necessary to m ake

C oriolis m eters p ro v id e tem perature m easurem ent for

a separate tem perature m easurem ent o f the flu id for

m aterial p ro p erty corrections o f the sensing element.

these applications.

C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .

ASME M FC-11M-2003



The density can be m easured d yn am ically using an online densitom eter or, if the flu id den sity is constant, b y

C a lib ra tio n in v o lv e s c o m p a r in g the o u tp u t o f the

sam plin g m ethods. I f the properties o f the flu id are w e ll

m eter under test w ith a suitable standard. There are tw o

k n ow n , the den sity can also be d eterm in ed b y m easur-

levels o f calibration, described in detail in para. A 2 , as

in g the flu id tem perature and pressure w ith in the vessel.

fo llo w s:
(a ) Type 1 standard calibration, the details o f w h ich

A2.4 Master Meter (Reference Meter)

are specified b y the manufacturer

A m aster m eter can also be used to calibrate a C oriolis

m eter using established m ethods. The stability and accu-

(b ) Type 2 special calibrations, the details o f w h ich

are specified b y the user

C oriolis m eters are calibrated in the same m anner as

racy o f the m aster m eter should be fu lly docum ented

any other flow m eter. C oriolis m eters can be calibrated

and should p ro v id e adequate uncertainty in mass units.

using gravim etric, m aster meter, and volu m etric tech-

I f the m aster m eter is a volu m etric device, its measure-


m ent should be con verted to mass using the density.

The density can be m easured d yn am ically using an on-

NOTE: Calibration properly refers to the procedure by which the

flowmeter is compared to a traceable reference and does not refer
to changes to scaling factors, sometimes referred to as "changing
the calibration."

line densitom eter or, if the flu id density is constant,

using sam plin g m ethods. I f the equation o f state o f the
flu id is w e ll k n ow n , the den sity can be d eterm in ed b y
m easuring the flu id tem perature and pressure during


the test.


A C oriolis m aster m eter m ay be used to calibrate other

A2.1 General Considerations

C oriolis meters. The calibration o f the C oriolis m aster

m eter m ust also be traceable to recogn ized standards.

W h en calibrating C oriolis m eters, collect data from

The sam e uncertainty ratios are n eeded for a m aster

the transm itter output(s), w h ich is (are) in depen den t o f

m eter calibration as for a gravim etric calibration.

a n y d a m p in g s ettin g s. A s u ffic ie n t a m o u n t o f d a ta

Calibration o f a m eter b y using another m eter o f the

should be collected du ring the test to establish an accept-

same operatin g p rin ciple should be accom plished w ith

able calibration uncertainty.

caution. Because i f the m eter perform ance is affected b y

There are three m ain m ethods fo r calibrating flo w m eters: gravim etric, volu m etric, and b y use o f a master-

an y changes in the operatin g conditions, both the unit

meter. In each case, tw o operational techniques can be

b ein g calibrated and the m aster m eter m ay be affected


in the sim ilar m anner (bias), w h ich m ay not be indicated

(a )

in the m eter calibration result.

steady state flo w : data collection starts and stops

w h ile the flu id is m aintained at a stable flo w rate.

(b )

A2.5 Calibration Frequency

batching: data collection starts at zero flo w condi-

tions and stops at zero flo w conditions. In this case, the

A C oriolis m eter should not d rift i f it is correctly

run tim e should be su fficien tly lon g to account fo r errors

installed and used w ith clean, noncorrosive, and non-

induced b y flo w rate variations at the start and end o f

abrasive fluids. The frequ en cy o f calibration o f the m eter

the run.

is go vern ed b y the criticality and nature o f the operating

conditions. It m ay be appropriate to reduce or increase

A2.2 Gravimetric Methods

the frequ en cy o f calibration as data is gathered. For fiscal

See A S M E M FC -9M .

a n d / o r cu s to d y tran sfer a p p lica tio n s, this fre q u e n c y

m ay be prescribed b y regulation, or agreed b etw een the

A2.3 Volumetric

relevant parties, and m ay be once or tw ice per year.

The C oriolis m eter can be calibrated using an estab-

I f the m eter installation conditions vary, for instance

lished volu m etric m ethod, such as b y collectin g the test

as a result o f p ip e w o r k m od ification in the vic in ity o f

flu id in a certified vessel or b y using a volu m e prover.

the m eter, it is lik e ly that the m eter zero offset w ill be

H o w e v e r, the collected quantity (vo lu m e) must be con

affected. This can be corrected b y conducting a zero

verted into mass b y m u ltiplication b y the flu id density.

adjustment. A zero adjustm ent is needed i f the m eter


C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .


ASME M FC-11M-2003

run, the tem perature should be h eld constant to w ith in

output at zero flo w conditions is greater than the m eter

zero stability specified b y the manufacturer.

1C (2F) and to w ith in 5C (9F) fo r the entire duration

o f the calibration. The flu id pressure w ith in the test rig


should be k ept su fficiently high to avoid flashing or


cavitation in the m eter an d/or in the v ic in ity o f the

T h e p ro c e d u re s a d o p te d fo r a ll m e te r c a lib ra tio n

meter. Ideally, p ro v in g should be perform ed under the

m ethods should ensure that

norm al operatin g pressure and tem perature conditions

(a ) the m eter is installed in accordance w ith m anufac-

o f the intended use.

turer 's recom m endations

A4.4 Installation

(b ) the m eter under test, and the test fa cility itself, is

filled co m p letely w ith test flu id

The recom m endations outlined in para. 3.3 are also

( c ) the c a lib r a tio n is p re c e d e d b y an a p p ro p ria te

applicable to the m eter installation du ring calibration.

w arm -u p p eriod and hydraulic run-in tim e

(d ) all transm itter con figu ration data is recorded prior

to the start o f the test



(e ) the m eter output is m on itored at zero flo w before

The fo llo w in g data should be included on a m eter

and after the test

calibration certificate:

( f ) th e te s t f l o w ra te s are s e le c te d to c o v e r th e

(a ) a unique certificate number, repeated on each page

operatin g flo w range o f the m eter w h en it is in service

(g ) the calibration o f the reference is current

alon g w ith the p age num ber and the total num ber o f

(h ) the uncertainty o f the reference should be one-

(b ) the certificate date o f issue and the test date if it
differs fro m the certificate date o f issue

third or less o f the desired m eter uncertainty


(c ) the id en tity o f the p arty com m ission in g the cali-



A4.1 Flow Stability

(d ) the nam e and location o f the calibration laboratory

(e ) the test flu id data such as product nam e, density,

The flo w should be kept stable to w ith in 5% o f the

tem perature, pressure, etc.

selected flo w rate for the duration o f the calibration test

(f ) the unique iden tification o f m eter under test

at that flo w rate.

(g ) the traceability o f the calibration facility and its

A4.2 Zero Adjustment


First, a zero flo w con dition should be established (and

(h ) the uncertainty statem ent and calculation m ethod

checked) in the calibration stand. I f the m eter output at

( i ) the relevant am bient conditions

zero flo w conditions is w ith in the zero stability value

( j ) the output channel that w as used

specified b y the manufacturer, a zero adjustm ent is not

(k ) nam e o f the calibration operator

necessary. H o w e v e r, if the output at zero flo w conditions

( l ) the con figu ration data w ith in the transm itter w h en

is seen to be unsatisfactory, a single zero adjustment

the calibration is perform ed

should be m ad e o n ly at the start o f the calibration and

(m ) recom m en ded calibration factor

not b etw een runs. It is recom m en ded that the flu id conditions be recorded as part o f the zero adjustment.


A4.3 Temperature and Pressure

D ata fro m this fo rm should be available to the user

Variations in flu id tem perature and pressure should

after calibration. A typical calibration certificate is g iv e n

be m in im ized du ring the calibration process. For a single

in Fig. A1.

C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .


ASME M FC-11M-2003

Date o f issue:


o f ___

C ertifcate No.:
Date o f test:
A uthorized signature:

S upplier:


Type nu m ber __________

Serial n u m b e r__________
S ensor c alibratio n factor

Transm itter:
Type nu m ber __________________
Serial n u m b e r__________________
O utput calibrated:

m A pu lse d d e n sity serial, etc.

Test Conditions:
C alibration flu id (product name):




Temperature o f te s t flu id :


Pressure at in le t to te s t m eter:

.B a r

Facility traceable to:

U ncertainty o f te s t fac ility :


Percent of Flow

Flow range:

Indicated Mass

M ass Reference

Observed Error,

Specification, %,
& Pass or Fail

m in ________________________________ m ax___________________________________________

Pressure drop at calibration

c on ditio ns:
O ther con figuration data at w hich c alibratio n w as perform ed (may be printed on separate sheet, be lo nging to th is certifcate)

Fig. A1

Typical Calibration Certificate

C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .

ASME M FC-11M-2003






B2.1 Appropriate Use

B1.1 General Considerations

W h ile the principles laid d o w n in para. B1 serve as

W h en the C oriolis m eter is used in critical applica-

safety gu idelin es for m eter selection, there m ay be situa-

tions, such as in offshore oil and gas production and

tions w h ere all o f the above-m entioned criteria cannot

in the m eterin g o f flam m able or toxic substances, care

be s a tis fie d . F o r e x a m p le , i f so m e c o n c e rn re m a in s

should be taken to v e r ify that the in tegrity o f the m eter

regard in g m aterial com p atib ility due to the un kn ow n

c o u ld b e m a in ta in e d u p to te s t p r e s s u r e o v e r th e

nature o f the process fluids, w h ich w ill pass through

expected lifetim e under true process conditions.

the meter, then secondary containm ent m a y be required.

W h e n C oriolis m eters are specified for a particular

In som e cases, the severity o f the results o f an unforeseen

application, special attention should be g iv e n to the fol-

failure to contain the process flu id may, in and o f itself,

lo w in g specific areas.

warrant the use o f secondary containment. In this case,

B1.2 Materials

the fo llo w in g issues should be addressed regardin g the

in tegrity o f the secondary containm ent offered.

Care should be taken to establish that suitable w etted

B2.2 Design Integrity

m aterials are selected for com p atib ility w ith the process
flu id (s) b ein g m etered in clu din g cleaning fluids. M a te

E vidence should be available from the m anufacturer

rial in com p atib ility is the m ost com m on source o f C ori-

d e m o n s tra tin g that the con ta in m en t v e s s e l has been

olis-tube fracture and can be tota lly avoid ed at the sensor

designed specifically fo r the g iv e n purpose and in accor-

selection stage. Standard m aterial gu ides d o not neces-

dance w ith a recogn ized standard.

sarily a p p ly to thin-w alled, v ib ra tin g tubes. M anufacturers' recom m endations should be considered alo n g w ith

B2.3 Pressure Testing

standard m aterial guides.

In ad d ition to the p rovision o f design calculations

B1.3 Velocity

dem onstrating the suitability o f a containm ent vessel,

it m ay be necessary fo r m anufacturers to p erfo rm tests

I f the f lo w in g flu id is a b ra s iv e , the f l o w v e lo c it y

on the fu lly assem bled containm ent vessel. Tests should

should be lim ited to ensure that the rate o f erosion is

con form to an established procedure and should be sup-

w ith in acceptable limits. T hinning o f the oscillating tube

th ro u g h e ro s io n can e v e n tu a lly le a d to ca ta stro p h ic

p orted b y the necessary docum entation and test certificates.


B2.4 Selection of Appropriate SecondaryContainment Pressure Ratings

B1.4 Flow Sensor Pressure Rating

To dem onstrate conform ance for the flo w sensor pressure rating, the manufacturer should p ro vid e the fo llo w -

G eneral gu idelines fo r sp ecifyin g the pressure rating

o f secondary containm ent vessels are as fo llo w s:

in g in form ation on request:

(a ) M a xim u m continuous containm ent pressure shall

(a ) codes to w h ich the flo w sensor w as designed

be greater than the process re lie f pressure.

(b ) the design calculations and test results, if per-

(b ) Containm ent burst pressure shall be greater than

form ed , pertain in g to the codes m entioned in subpara.


plant design pressure.

fo r the w a ll thickness, pressure ratings, unlisted com -

The secondary containm ent o f a C oriolis m eter w ill

ponents, etc.

on ly be subjected to pressure under abnorm al conditions

B1.5 Pressure Testing

(tube fracture), w h ich w o u ld , from necessity, be fo r a

E vidence should be available fro m the manufacturer

lim ited duration and a single occurrence. O n this basis,

to con firm that the full-assem bled sensor has passed

it m ay be possible to accept a pressure specification for

an appropriate pressure test. This evid en ce should be

the containm ent vessel o f the C oriolis meter, w h ich is

available in term s o f a certificate or a test procedure.

less rigorous than that o f the rest o f the p ip e w ork . Such

W h e n the above criteria can be fu lfilled fo r any g iven

com prom ises should o n ly be m ade w ith in design and

test code requirem ents and b y the w ritten agreem ent

use, secondary containm ent should not be necessary.

C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .


ASME M FC-11M-2003

b etw een the end-user, m anufacturer, and appropriate

th e s a fe ty o f the C o r io lis m e te r in s ta lla tio n can be

regu latory agencies.

enhanced b y installing a pressure sw itch in the second-

In cases w h ere the process design pressure m a y be

a ry containm ent fo r use as a trip alarm. A ltern atively,

higher than that o f the secondary containm ent pressure,

a bursting disc or re lie f v a lv e can be used.

C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .

ASME M FC-11M-2003

The fo llo w in g is the m in im u m am ount o f inform a-

O p eratin g lim its

D en sity

tion to be specified b y the m anufacturer fo r a C oriolis


m eter:

Tem perature (am bient and



V iscosity

M anufacturer

F lo w rate

M o d e l num ber(s)
M echanical

M easu rin g principle

P rim a ry m easurem ents

M ass flo w / d e n s ity /


tem perature

Tube dim ensions

Ranges o f above
O u tpu t signals

Perform ance

Tube geo m etry

W etted m aterials o f

O v e ra ll dim ensions

A n a lo g

W eig h t


Process connections

D igita l

Special m ou n tin g

D isp la y

requirem ents


Electrical conduit

A ccu ra cy fo r specified



Secondary containm ent


Z e ro stability

P o w e r su p p ly requirem ents
M a x im u m cable lengths

R epeatability
C ertification

O p eratin g influences due to

Safety and electrical


tem perature

C u sto d y transfer or legal

O p eratin g influences due to

trade approvals


Secondary containm ent

O p eratin g influences due to

G eneral docum entation

gas ratio b y v o lu m e fraction

Sanitary use approvals

Pressure d rop under

C E d irective com pliance

specified conditions

Calibration traceability
M aterial certificates

C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .

ASME M FC-11M-2003




Vb =

D1.1 Relationship Between Density and Mass



X 100

Wa +





D1.4 Net Flow Calculation

Figure D1 is an exam ple o f the relationship b etw een

den sity and mass fraction for tw o m iscible liquids, w ater

O nce the mass or vo lu m e fractions are k n ow n , net

and ethanol at 20C (68F).

mass and vo lu m e flo w calculations are identical to those

Pure w ater and pure ethanol have the fo llo w in g den-

g iv e n in paras. 8.2.4 and 8.2.5.


W ater:

0.999823 g/cc


0.78934 g/cc


For exam ple, a density o f 0.78934 g/cc is g iv e n fo r a

mass fraction o f 100% ethanol and a density o f 0.999823



D2.1 Relationship Between Density and Mass


g/cc fo r a mass fraction o f 0% ethanol (or 100% w a ter)

in Fig. D1. O ther interm ediate values o f density can be

The relationship b etw een tw o soluble liquids, w h ich

determ in ed from the nonlinear curve g iv e n in Fig. D1.

ch em ically interact, is com plex. A n exam ple is sulfuric

acid and w ater; the acid ion ization changes the solution

D1.2 Mass Fraction

density. A s sh ow n in Fig. D2, the relationship b etw een

concentration and density is not d efin ed b y a sim ple

The valu e o f mass fraction, expressed as a percentage,

curve (i.e., a single den sity valu e can correlate to tw o

is d eterm in ed directly fro m table values or the curve fit

different values o f mass fraction). In such cases, it is

o f a graph sim ilar to Fig. D1.

im portant fo r the user to understand the relationship

betw een density and mass fraction and to w o r k w ith in
a su fficiently n arrow range o f mass fraction in order to

D1.3 Volume Fraction

correlate on a single value curve for density.

The net vo lu m e o f tw o com ponents that are soluble

is d ifficu lt to qu an tify in absolute terms. I f a volu m e o f

D2.2 Mass Fraction

com ponent A and a vo lu m e o f com ponent B are m ixed,

the resulting volu m e does not equal the sum o f volu m e

The valu e o f mass fraction, expressed as a percentage,

A and vo lu m e B. This results from a change in the inter-

is read directly from table values or the curve fit o f a

stitial occupancy o f solute m olecules in the mixture. In

graph sim ilar to Fig. D2.

practice, users m ay need to k n o w the vo lu m e fraction

b efore m ixin g fo r better v o lu m e -flo w control.

D2.3 Volume Fraction

Va =


The determ ination o f volu m e fraction, expressed as


a percentage, before m ixin g is calculated in the same




m anner as that described in para. D1.3.



D2.4 Net Flow Calculation

w h ere
VA =

the vo lu m e fraction o f com ponent A expressed

O nce the mass or vo lu m e fractions are k n ow n , net

as a percentage

w b,

mass and vo lu m e flo w calculations are identical to those

g iv e n in paras. 8.2.4 and 8.2.5.

pA, and p B are d efin ed in para. 8.2.2.


C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .


ASME M FC-11M-2003

Density, g/cc

Fig. D1

Data taken from the CRC Handbook.

M ass Fraction Versus Density Curve for Ethanol and Water

Density, g/cc

Fig. D2

Data taken from the CRC Handbook.

M ass Fraction of Sulfuric Acid Versus Density

C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .

ASME M FC-11M-2003

T he fo llo w in g is a list o f publications referenced in

York, N Y 10016; O rd er D epartm ent: 22 L a w D rive,

this Standard. Unless otherw ise specified, the referenced

Box 2300, Fairfield, NJ 07007

standard(s) shall be the m ost recent issue at the tim e o f

H a n d b o o k o f C h em istry and Physics (C R C ), C R C Press,

order placem ent.

ISO, 57th ed., 1976-1977

Publisher: C R C Press, 200 N W C orporate Boulevard,

A S M E B31.3 Process P ip in g

Boca Raton, FL 33431

A S M E M F C -1 M G lossary o f Term s U sed in the M easurem ent o f Fluid F lo w in Pipes

International Vocabulary o f Basic and G eneral Term s in

A S M E M F C -2 M M ea s u re m e n t U n c e rta in ty fo r F lu id

M e tro lo g y (V IM ), ISO, 2nd ed., 1993

F lo w in C losed C onduits

ISO 10790, M easurem ent o f flu id flo w in closed conduits Guidance to the selection, installation and

A S M E M F C -7 M M e a s u re m e n t o f G as F lo w in P ip e s
U sin g C ritical F lo w Venturi N o z z le s

use o f C oriolis m eters (mass flow , density and volu m e

A S M E M F C -9 M M easurem ent o f L iq u id F lo w in C losed

flo w m easurem ents)

Conduits b y W eig h in g M eth od

Publisher: International O rgan ization fo r Standardiza-

Publisher: The A m erica n Society o f M echanical Engi-

tion (ISO ), 1 rue de Varem be, Case Postale 56, C H -

neers (A S M E International), Three Park A ven u e, N e w

1211, G en eve 20, Sw itzerland/Suisse

C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .

C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 ,

0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call
th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .



9 78Q791'828267

K 12903

| C o p y rig h t A S M E In te rn a tio n a l |
P ro v id e d b y IH S u n d e r lic e n s e w ith A S M E |

D o c u m e n t p ro v id e d b y IH S L ic e n s e e = In s titu to M e x ic a n o Del P e tro le o /3 1 3 9 9 0 0 1 0 0 , I

I 0 7 /0 7 /2 0 0 4 0 8 :3 7 :1 5 M D T Q u e s tio n s o r c o m m e n ts a b o u t th is m e s s a g e : p le a s e call j
| th e D o c u m e n t P o lic y G ro u p a t 3 0 3 -3 9 7 -2 2 9 5 .1

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