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The mark allocation for this course shall be as follow:

Progress test/quiz
Final exam


1. Participation:
- Class attendance
- Participation in the class i.e. discussion, questioning etc.
2. Presentation
- Thematic presentation
- Consisting of 5 persons per group with total of 7 groups
- Submission of group folio 10%
- Presentation of the topic in the classroom 10%
- Theme: How do you perceive your career as a Healthcare Facility
3. Quiz
- A set of 20 objective questions test
- 1 mark per each question
4. Final exam
- 10 subjective questions pertaining to the course
- Using the Blooms Taxonomy Format, the questions build up from
lower level thinking skills to higher level thinking skills
- Question 1 to 5 employ lower thinking skills
- Question 6 to 10 employ higher thinking skills
- The questions have been designed to achieve the four learning
outcomes intended by the module 4 (Facility Management and

KNH 5073 Operation and Maintenance Management

Nama/Name: _______________________________________________

1. Kenapa Pegurusan Fasiliti penting kepada sesebuah organisasi?

Why Facility Operation is important to an organisation?
A. Menguruskan kewangan organisasi tersebut dengan lancar
B. Menyediakan organisasi tersebut supaya dapat menjalankan misi dan
C. Meletakkan organisasi tersebut di paras tertinggi
D. Memberikan kemudahan kepada organisasi tersebut
2. Apakah tujuan Operasi Fasiliti?
What is the purpose of Facility Operation?
A. Memberikan penjimatan wang kepada organisasi
B. Memastikan pekerja dapat bekerja dengan selesa
C. Memastikan fasiliti dapat berfungsi seperti yang disasarkan
D. Memberikan pulangan wang lumayan kepada syarikat
3. Operasi dan Penyelanggaraan Fasiliti adalah di bawah subjek:
Facility Operation and Maintenance falls under the subject of:
A. Pengurusan Projek
B. Pengurusan Fasliti
C. Pengurusan Kewangan
D. Pengurusan Waranti
4. Pengurusan Fasiliti memerlukan perhatian berkala dalam bentuk:
Facility Management requires the periodical observance in the form of:
A. Bulanan
B. Tahunan
C. Mingguan
D. Harian

5. Pengurusan Fasiliti yang berkesan akan menyediakan tempat bekerja

A good Facility Management will make the working place to become:
A. Cantik dan menarik
B. Selesa dan selamat
C. Selamat dan efisyen
D. Kemas dan berkesan
6. Di bawah subjek Pengurusan Fasiliti, ada beberapa aspek yang dititik
beratkan, seperti:
Under the subject of Facility Management, there a few aspects highlighted
i) Manusia
ii) Teknologi
iii) Tempat
iv) Proses
A. i dan ii
B. ii dan iii
C. i, ii dan iii
D. Kesemua di atas
7. Apakah cabaran utama bagi seorang Pengurus Fasiliti dari sudut
penyediaan persekitaran?
What is the main challenge for a Facility Manager in regards to the
preparation of the environment?
A. Menyediakan persekitaran yang selamat
B. Memastikan aspek kebersihan terjaga
C. Memberikan keselesaan kepada umum
D. Membekalkan servis terbaik kepada organisasi

8. Apakah tanggungjawab seorang Pengurus Fasiliti dalam memberikan

servis terbaik dalam pelan Operasi dan Penyelenggaraan?
What is the main responsibility of a Facility Manager in providing the best
service under the Operation and Maintenance Plan
i) Menentukan aset fizikal sebagai inventori
ii) Menentukan jadual penyelenggaraan
iii) Menentukan pengurusan kewangan
iv) Menentukan kaedah kerja terbaik
A. i dan ii
B. ii dan iii
C. i, ii dan iii
D. Kesemua di atas
9. Apakah fungsi Real Property Inventory atau RPI?
What is the function of Real Property Inventory or RPI?
A. Unit kewangan sesebuah organisasi
B. Sistem yang diperlukan untuk inventori dan penyelenggaraan aset
C. Salah satu cabang pengurusan hartanah oleh Pengurus Fasiliti
D. Sebuah manual urusan aset
10. Adakah Operasi dan Penyelenggaraan Fasiliti yang berkesan mampu
memastikan sesebuah organisasi dapat berfungsi seperti disasarkan?
Will a good Facility Operation and Maintenance be able to ensure that the
organisation to function like it has been planned?
A. Ya
B. Tidak
11. Kenapakah Penyelanggaraan Fasiliti sangat penting kepada sesebuah
Why Facility Maintenance is important to an organisation?
A. Menyediakan persekitaran yang selamat
B. Memastikan pekerja-pekerja dapat bekerja di dalam keadaan paling
C. Fasiliti tidak akan berjalan di peringkat terbaik jika tidak diselenggara
D. Menjimatkan kos pengurusan sesebuah organisasi

12. Operasi dan Penyelenggaraan Fasiliti atau O&M memerlukan pekerja

yang berpengetahuan, mempunyai skil yang diperlukan serta terlatih.
Facility Operation and Maintenance or O&M requires knowledgeable,
skilled and trained staff.
A. Benar
B. Salah
13. Apakah tiga fungsi strategik bagi sesebuah organisasi?
What is the three strategic functions to an organisation?
i) Pengurusan
ii) Operasi
iii) Kewangan
iv) Pemasaran
A. i, ii dan iii
B. i, ii dan iv
C. i, iii dan iv
D. ii, iii dan iv
14. Apakah tujuan utama program penyelenggaraan dari perspektif O&M?
What is the main objective of maintenance programme from the
perspective of O&M?
A. Memastikan penjimatan kos kitaran hayat yang berkesan
B. Membaiki kerosakan yang berlaku
C. Memastikan peralatan berfungsi dengan baik
D. Mengurangkan pembaziran tenaga kerja
15. Pengurusan taktikal yang berkesan akan memberikan impak jangka masa
panjang kepada sesebuah organsasi.
A working tactical management will give a long-term impact to an
A. Benar
B. Salah

16. Tujuan utama Pengurusan Operasi di dalam bidang kesihatan adalah

The main purpose of Operation Management in the healthcare industry is
A. Memberikan kawalan keselamatan terbaik kepada pesakit
B. Mengawal kos dan memberikan kualit servis yang terbaik
C. Menyediakan aspek keselesaan kepada organisasi
D. Memberikan latihan kepada pekerja kesihatan
17. Dari sudut Pengurusan Penyelenggaaan dan Kos Kitaran Hayat,
kenapakah sesebuah peralatan perlu diselenggara?
From the perspective of Maintenance Management and Life Cycle Cost,
why does an equipment need to be maintained?
Under the
A. Memastikan peralatan tersebut berfungsi dengan baik
B. Memastikan peralatan dapat digunakan dengan sewajarnya
C. Memastikan peralatan tersebut dapat digunakan dalam tempoh masa
yang panjang
D. Memastikan desain peralatan adalah seperti spesifikasi ditetapkan
18. Kerosakan peralatan boleh dibahagikan kepada dua iaitu kerosakan
rawak dan kerosakan tetap.
Failure of equipment can be classified into two, random failure and regular
A. Benar
B. Salah
19. Penyelenggaraan Korektif adalah bentuk penyelenggaraan:
Corrective Maintenance is a maintenance that:
A. Yang memodifikasi peralatan bagi menambah kecekapan
B. Yang membersihkan peralatan yang digunakan
C. Yang telah ditetapkan bagi mengelakkan kerosakan berlaku
D. Yang dijalankan apabila wujud kerosakan berlaku

20. Improvement Maintenance atau Penyelenggaraan Penambahbaikan

digunakan untuk memastikan kerosakan dapat dicegah sebelum ianya
Improvement Maintenance is employed to ensure that the failure can be
avoided before it happens.
A. Benar
B. Salah

1) B
2) C
3) B
4) D
5) C
6) D
7) A
8) A
9) B
10) A
11) C
12) A
13) D
14) A
15) B
16) B
17) C
18) A
19) C
20) B


1. Define "Operation Management". (2 marks)

Jelaskan maksud Pengurusan Operasi.
- Operations management is the management of processes that
transform inputs into goods and services that add value for the
customer. (2)
2. What is "Maintenance Management"? (2 marks)
Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan Pengurusan Penyelenggaraan?
- Maintenance management is an essential part of life cycle cost (LCC)
where the maintenance aspect has to be taken into consideration in
the earliest stage of work to ensure a good and cheap operation. (2)
3. Engineering Support is undeniably one of the key areas under the
subject of Operations and Maintenance. State the one of the task of
this area. (2 marks)
Sokongan Kejuruteraan adalah salah satu perkara yang penting di
bawah aspek Pengurusan dan Penyelenggaraan. Nyatakan satu
tugas unit ini.
- To ensure effective implementation and control of technical support.
4. Why Operations and Maintenance are combined into one common
term or O&M? (2 marks)
Kenapakah Operasi dan Penyelenggaraan disatukan dalam satu
terma sebagai O&M?
- Operations and maintenance are combined into the common term as
O&M because a facility cannot operate at peak efficiency without being
maintained. (2)

5. Janitorial and cleaning is one of the functioning aspects under the

Healthcare Operations and Maintenance. State its function and why it
is important? (3 marks)
Penjagaan dan Pembersihan adalah salah satu aspek di bawah
Operasi dan Penyelenggaraan Pusat Kesihatan. Nyatakan fungsinya
dan kenapa ianya penting.
- As the building is turned over to the janitorial, custodial or
housekeeping staff for interior "cleaning" and maintenance by using
environmentally friendly cleaning products and incorporating safer
methods to clean buildings and provides for better property asset
management and a healthier workplace. (3)
6. Differentiate between Corrective Maintenance and Improvement
Maintenance, and how you would employ them. (5 marks)
Bezakan antara Penyelenggaraan Korektif dan Penyelenggaraan
Penambahbaikan, dan bagaimanakah anda akan menggunakannya.
- Corrective maintenance covers all maintenance aspect which is carried
out in order to repair faulty equipment. (1)
- Improvement maintenance is used when the equipment need to be
modified so that the condition improves. (1)
- CM is employed when the equipment is found at fault or damaged. (1)
- CM can be classified into two categories: unplanned and planned. (1)
- IM is employed in the event that the equipments need to be modified
so that the condition improved. (1)
7. The Service Contract Management is one of the important areas that
need to be observed by the Facility Managers. Discuss what is about
and how can a Facility Manager take advantage from it for the
betterment of his service. (6 marks)
Pengurusan Kontrak Servis adalah salah satu cabang penting yang
perlu dikawal selia oleh Pengurus Fasiliti. Bincangkan apakah ia dan
bagaimana ia dapat membantu seorang Pengurus Fasiliti untuk
memperbaiki servisnya.
- It is an agreement whereby a contractor supplies time, effort, and/or
expertise instead of a good (tangible product). (2)
- Contract management plan: As part of the contract mobilisation
process, it is advisable to develop a contract management plan,
outlining the key issues within the contract, including deliverables
through SLAs and KPIs. This plan should detail service delivery
methodologies. In addition, the mobilisation process will establish

systems and processes, including those for review, and will set up the
supply chain required for service delivery. The mobilisation process will
establish the platform for contract operation. (2)
It is the responsibility of the Facilites Manager to maintain an absolute
knowledge of all contracts, their terms and conditions and, together
with the host organisation or client, ensure that those terms and
conditions are appropriate as the contract progresses and as the
business needs of the client change over time. (2)

8. In order to minimise the risk downtime due to failures, as a Facility

Manager, the best method would be to employ Preventive
Maintenance from the start. Illustrate how Preventive Maintenance
works and how it can help you in achieving such milestone. (6
Dalam usaha mengurangkan risiko masa gendala disebabkan
kerosakan, sebagai seorang Pengurus Fasiliti, apakah kaedah
terbaik untuk menggunakan metode Penyelenggaraan Pencegahan
dan bagaimanakah ia dapat membantu anda dalam mencapai target
- Preventive maintenance covers all programmed maintenance which is
carried out in order to prevent the occurrences of failures before it
interrupt the production (2)
- Indirect (2)
o Condition Based Maintenance (CBM)
o Detection of failures before breakdown
- Direct (2)
o Fixed Time Maintenance (FTM)
o Cleaning, lubricating, fixed time replacement
- Or diagram below: (4)

Condition Based
Maintenance (CBM)
Preventive Maintenance

Using human senses i.e.

look, feel, hearing etc.

Detection of failures
before breakdown
Fixed Time
Maintenance (FTM)

- Using off-line
- Continuous on-line

Cleaning, lubricating,
fixed time replacement

9. As a facility manager, you are required to provide and manage the

warranty to your client. Synthesis the relationship of warranty
management, its impact and in what terms you as a Facility Manager
is affected. (10 marks)
Sebagai seorang Pengurus Fasiliti, anda perlu untuk member dan
menguruskan waranti kepada klien. Kaitkan hubungan di antara
pengurusan waranti, impaknya dan bagaimana anda sebagai
seorang Pengurus Fasiliti akan terkesan.
- Warranty is a statement of assurance or undertaking issued by the
manufacturer or the contractor concerning the performance of the
product and parts supplied by him by way of sale transaction to the
customer, for a certain period as stated in the Warranty Card
accompanying the product. (2)
- The contractually agreed warranty period commences when equipment
is handed over to the client and this is confirmed. In the case of a fault,
the client has the legal or contractual right to correction by the
manufacturer/supplier. If there is a conflict, the opinion of a neutral
expert to estimate the extent of the fault and the damage caused may
be sought. Following the end of the warranty period, warranty claims
may be fulfilled at the discretion of the supplier. (2)
- A warranty implies that the manufacturer will either rectify and/or
compensate the buyer should the item purchased not perform
satisfactorily over the warranty period. Warranties increase costs to the

manufacturer as a result of the servicing of claims during the warranty

period. (1)
The warranty assures the buyer that such an item will either be
repaired or replaced at no cost or at reduced cost or that a monetary
compensation will be provided (e.g. a money back guarantee). (1)
A Facility Manager is responsible for the ongoing operational
management of the facility in your case, the hospital. This includes
the subsequent warranty management of the equipments in the
building i.e. the hospital. (2)
Any relevant example. (2)

10. As a Facility Operation Manager at the hospital, you have been

tasked to ensure the operability of the building. Prepare in detail of
the operations decision that you need to take. (12 marks)
Sebagai seorang Pengurus Operasi Fasiliti di hospital, anda telah
ditugaskan untuk memastikan bangunan mampu berfungsi dengan
baik. Jelaskan bentuk keputusan operasi yang perlu anda ambil.
- Tactical decision (1)
o Short- to medium-term impact (1)
o Example:
Workforce scheduling (1)
Establishing quality assurance procedures (1)
Contracting with vendors (1)
Managing inventory (1)
- Strategic decision (1)
o Long-term impact (1)
o Example:
Location/mobilization (1)
Type of technologies to be used (1)
Organisation of labour and equipment (1)
Amount of long-term capacity to meet customer's demand

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