Sie sind auf Seite 1von 81

A First Aid Kit of the Future


Articles from Bob Beck's original
"Take Back Your Power" papers.
Letters from people who have
been helped using The Beck
The Brain Tuner: Excerpts from a
talk given by Bob Beck in 1983.

Robert C. Beck, D.Sc.

"A Radical, Safe, Proven and Inexpensive Approach

to Health Using Microcurrents of Electricity"

Take Back Your Power

A Proposal for Health Researchers*
by Robert C. Beck, D.Sc.
Revised November 2004

This research paper is based on laboratory experiments reported by

researchers at a leading university proving that pathogens-viruses,
bacteria, fungi, moulds ... are neutralized by microcurrents of electricity.
Since 1897, at least 20 patents have been filed related to electrotherapy devices.
Since 1991, researchers have been reporting the health benefits of:
1) Using micro-currents of electricity for In-vivo (non-intrusive) blood
electrification, and/or
2) Applying a time-variant pulsed kilogauss magnetic field on the lymph
system and/or;
3) Ingesting ionic/colloidal silver and/or
4} Drinking freshly ozonated water.
Despite escalating feedback from health researchers about the success
of this technology in regaining health from debilitating diseases, there is
no funding source for formal research projects.
This paper includes informat ion on how t.o build your own devices to
theoretically neutralize pathogens in-vivo.
Bob Beck's papers are presented to spur further research using this technology.
These devices should be considered experimental. They are not a panacea as
lifestyle choices are also a major factor in determining health. Researchers must take
full responsibility for their experimentation with this technology.
Health Researchers include:
1) Health professionals who respect & wor1< with individuals who take
responsibility for their health and
2) Individuals who take complete responsibility for their health.
"Most men occasionally stumble over the truth, bvt most pick themselves vp and continue on as if
nothing had happened."
-Winston Churchill


Overview of the Beck Protocol
Introduction to Research .......... ...... ................... ..... .............................................. ...... 3
Blood Electrification . .. Summary . ................... ... .......... .......... ........... ................. ...... 'I
Exact Means and Methods to Help Maintain or Regain Health .............................. :'-{)
Code of US Federal Regulations ................................................................................. 6
Chronic Diseases Linked to Viruses and Bacteria ....................................................... 7

Blood F.lcctrifkation & Colloidal Silver

Science & Vie Article & List of Patents ..................................................................... II
Magazine & Newspaper clipping .............................................................................. 12
Excerpts from Patent#5, 188,73ll ........................................................................ 13-14
A Proposed ExperimentaL'Thcoretical. Nou-lnvasi,e. ::-lon-Pharmaceutical,
In- Vivo Method for Rapid Neutralization ofiDV Virus in Human Subjects ...... 15-16
Improved Schematic for Blond Electrification Unit with Colloidal Silver
Output and Circuit Description and Parts List .................................................... 17-18
Location of Preferred Sites for Blood Electrification ................................................ 19
Original Schematic and Parts List ....................................................................... 20 21
Expanded Instructions for .. . Blood Electrification ............................................ 22- 23
Pictures of Electrode Preparation and P lacement. ..................................................... 24
Total Cancer Remissions ..................................................................................... 25-26
Blond E lectrification- The J:::asy In- Vivo Way .................................................. 27- 2R
Recommended Suppliers ........................................................................................... 2B
Making Your Own Ionic/Colloidal Silver
Currently Preferred Silver Colloid ~aking ......................................................... 31-32
A few Unique Plus Traditional U~es for Silver Colloid ........................................... 33
"Ba nishing Disease with Three 9- volt "Batteries" by Mark Metcalf ................... 34-36
Form of Colloidal Silver Used by Soviets as ..>\utidote for Germ Warfare ................ 37
Magnetic Pulse Generator
Ilow to Build and Suggestion~ for Lymph and Ti~~ue Neutralization ................ 41 ~2
Location of Lymph Nodes and Organs tor Magnetic Pulsing Sites .................... 43~
Water Ozonator
Ozone Revisited and O:wne Generator Design ................................................... 47~8
Quick Summary- The Four Protocols .................................................................... 49

Background Information: Robert C. Beck. D.Sc ................................................... 50

Appendix: Testimonials Letters ......................................................................... 51-62
The Brain Tuner: Excerpts from a J983 Lecture by Bob Beck ........................ 63-86

of the
Beck Protocol

Page 1 ol86

An Introduction to my Research
Cl Copyright Apnl 8. 1998 by Robert C. Beck, D.Sc:. USA - Revised August 2000

blood without punctunng skin. Tccbmqu~ developed

sincc 1991 (Beck) huvc cosblcd bundn:ds of previously
sick and dying subjects to regain health and become
symptom fn."t:. Pn;:,.;ous suiT'= rrom nunlCfOU.< '~~"'-T
condit.JOO> an: now again. Many bOO undergone
1 Relieve that auyooc using thi~ I. nnw ledge \\ill be freed
every medical treatment known with no cure<
rrom sicknc~s. infections, disea.'IC$ and tOw, the third
Electrification. rediscovered and reported many times
most common cause of all ca.~ualllcs in the US and the
over the years, has been mentioned briefly in journals
fir.;t cause of deaths tn lhc third world.
since the I MOO's then suppressed or disbelieved.
Elcctrification"s 111051 recent rodtscovcry \\35 in 1990 at
1\'e this tested and true lnformtuioo bas the
Ein>tcin College of Medicine by Kaali and variations re
potential to relea~e a person from d~,endency on doctors, patented. (J::xampk US Patent #5, I KX, 73!! in 1993).
pharmaceuticals, medicine~. and hospitjj}S. This
tccbnolonv also has the potential to rdcu>~ us from threat
My rcSC(ITCh shows cv-.rything necessary to luke buck
ur incurdble diseases and biologicul warfare agents. Even your power and tree anyone fmm slavery to disease. If
cancer disappears when interleuken and interferon are
vou choose to build vour own device for electrification,
again produced by u restored immune system.
ihere's nothing else to buy beside~ a few electronic pal'ts
which should la~t indetinitely. After that the only cost is
Yet experience shows that 85% of the ll()pulation will
for replncement batteries. Excellent professional
IgnOre. disbelieve. or ,;gor()U!jly resist these dutu: they're iru.tru~'Dll> ure offered by several ethical manufacturer:
too simple, cheap. effective and rovolutionary This also
if you"re in a hurry or can't build your own.
requires assumin~: responsibility for your own health.
You 'II oee why this dynamite truth mu>l be suppressed to
A n obvious problem is this could tlccimutc hospital,
preserve multinational corporations.
pbarmaceutical. doctor. and "health care.. incomes "A
patient cured i< a cu..<torner lost." Also it could overload
What is it:' It's now scientifically establ.tsbcd mild.
Soc1al Sccurny rolls "'ith healthy citizL'Ib oer 65. It
:.<~fc and >implc elec:trification ncutrlizes bacteria. genn-. restore> health and '"ell being ness'' to anyone who
, UU>CS, pamsitcs. pathogen& fungi and other foreign
applic.~ it cum:ctly. Combined with Kilogauss ma!!netic
mvaders in blood. R~-sults are rapid, dirt cbcup,
pul~ing oflymph and organs to induce back c.m.f. which
comfortable and without side effects. ~edical ..cures"
scavenges latent and gl.'fl!linating pathogens. and silver
once strove to mntch cxp<:m""antibiotics to the lc"
colloids to contrOl secondary and opportunistic
11erm< they Inlied bcfon: many disea.~s evolved&> >lrdin- infection~ plu< deroxificauoo witb OLonated drinking
restr.tant. Today 's m:w paradigm is harmless, infallihle.
water, lhl> b provmg to he one of the best ways to stay
and hasn "t encountered any resistant micro-orgamsm.
healthy in the 21" century. Full in~tl1lction~ and easy
Unlike antibiotics and vaccines and their targets, you
plans for huilding your own devices arc avAilable.
don't even care wbut Wl}1hlng i~ called medically.

1 Believe the amazing brcaklhrou~ you'll read ab<>ut in

the following pages is proving to be the most important
medical disco'ery in decades- or perhllps ever


Although uOI destined to be ''politically correcC except in

Row? Average adult~ have cight pints ofhlood harboring the underground. and generally doubted by skeptics who
hill ions ofllnstile pftt.hogcns and vi ruses, plus l.hcir
haven't tried it or arc threatened, you cun easily use this
nmtntions-tbc progeny of thousands of invaders. Your
dam to hcul voursclf tmll your friends. It may never be
blood nurma lly circulates past a given point in under nine approved
the fDA. But hundred~ of ti.tlly rccovcrc(l
minutcs. So when you attach clccmldes directly outside
patient< who've u<cd clcctrilication arc totlay's li-ing
arterial pulo;c points on one wrist, a gentle biphu>ic
proof that IT WORKS I 1pcr:l'OIIally lune nothing to gain
electriC si1mulus npplicd for a few hours introduces a
from th1s.
comfortable 50 IOOuA (miero;~mpcres) into your flowing


Thi.t re.,earch is offered for Educational Research a11d Informational

P11rposes only... not imended as Medical Advice!

ReV1sed November 2004

Pege 3of86

Blood Electrification ... A Proven Protocol?

January 12. 1997 Copyright 1997198 Robert C. Beck, D.Sc.

Climaxing centuries of medical research, an "accidental"

re-discovery at Albert Einstein College uf .Medicine in
1990 resulted in a reliable, positive, reproducible anti
recently patented (U.S. #5.188,73 8)prolocol to help deal
with diseases including AIDS, cancer, gulf war syndrome,
biulugical warfare plab'UCS plus emerging viruses.
Essemially it consists of passing micrvcurrcnt' (50-100
J.IA) through flowing blood. which ha.~ the potential to
diminate infections and is proven to re5tore damaged
immune systems. This appears 10 bave been suppressed
because electromedicine instead of phannaceulicals
drastically limits profits and rc-empowers patients'
sovereib'llty over all diseases. Stmngely. it was neve
again mentioned except in Science News, March 30,
1991, pg. 207. The only cos! IO try tbis research is the
cost of patl' to build your own instruments or to purchase
them frum a reliable source.
Hundreds of thous.mds of men. women, and children
receiving state-of-the-art medical care die traumatically
and financially stressed every year with "incurable"
diseases. But tltis breakthrough consisting of mild
~l~ctrification of blood while still in !he body is pmving
for some to be reliable, simple. rupid, highly cfTcctive and
inexpensive. It requires no medicines, pharmaceuticals, or
uul.:lide intetvention. II can be used privately and gives
people back to themsclvc:.>. II is vastly superior to
antibiotics and other known treatments, since
electrification wbcn properly applied has no side eff~~b.
Lifestyle changes to improw hc~lth arc, of course,
important as well.
Cancer treated by currently acceptable allopathic
"'chniques (swgery, ntdiation and chemotheraJlY) costs an
average of$375,000 hut patients seldom survive five
years. With self-administered electrit1cation., typical <lOsts
are under two hundred dollars. An optimally funvtioning
immune system has long been known to eliminate cancer,
yet cancer is generally treated as a separate disease.
F.kctrification in tho.: labvratory is secretly proven to wmk
wilh a variety of diseases ;md no "antibiotic'' or "chargeresistant'' strains of infectious invaders or side cft'ects are
yet known to c.~ist. Rut you may never see electrilieation
mentioned in a politically correct or estahlishmoot-

Revtsed November 2002

serving media. Results would be tou fast, cheap,

rcvolutionaty and user-attainable. The adaptation of this
laboratory research for use by individuals is now yours
to try.
The author ruts spent seveml years researching all
aspects of electrification and can suggest do-it-yourself
app:mnus and simple techniques which have the
potential to safely eliminate pathogens, bacteria. \-irus,
parasites, fungus, and genns which dc,astate health and
are immune system destmycrs. Many previously dying
paLicnls have come forward now completely well and
symptom free. Anyone can do this for himself if his
unconscious death-wish agendas or disbelief in new
discoveries or blind faith in the medical estahlisbment
are overcome. If the user assembles his own system
from scratch, everything should total about $50
minilllum up to S450 maximum depending on which
d~iccs you make for this one-time inv~-stmcnL If
working instruments are purchased from manufacturers,
this cost could be more. F.veryoue using electrification
should experience some health benefits immediately,
even ifnol knowingly afflicted.
All four and essential clements are fully
described. They are:
(I) Building or acquiring a functioning batt.cry-powered
blood clcctro-purifkT thai attaches externally to the
Radial and Ulnar anery pulse points on one wrist.
Suggested use is for a minimum of four to twelve
weeks with daily electrific~t1on of two hours.
(2) A very simple and inexpensive instrument for
making any quantity of Ionic Silver Culloids l'or
peonies ensuring help with tltc immune sysWm.
(3) A high- intensity magnetic pulscr which d~stroys
any residual germinating or incubating pathogeo.s in
lymph and othLT organs by inducing back e.m.f. in
tissue consequently pn:v~nling self re-infection.
(4} An ozone g~'tlerator easily made with rropicallish
store components Ill charge drinking with 0,.
Ozone comfortably detoxifies hy oxidation any
wastes which tbe body must eliminate to regain

Page 4 o186

Exact Means And Methods to Eliminate Infectious Viruses, Bacteria

and Other Pathogens to Help Maintain or Regain Health
Copyrif,bt 0 1991S Ruben C. Bed . D.Sc March. 1999

Tlte complele pmcl!$$ is described here in detail to allol" anyone to sucu5'Sfully achiel'e recoleries and
insure that the currently proven methods wUI never agui" he "'o~t" or s11ppressed.
1 t Olood clcctrific:~tion for a mmimum of2 hours pcr day FOLLOWS:
for a mmimum of four tolwclv~ weeks. Apply ~alt
How m n o Th i$ and \\'by
w;uer moi~tcned ckctrude~ over Ulnar and Radial
1) not: blood electrifier and ionic silver colloid mak~T
anene~ on opposite insidet. of S(lmc v.'Tist. A VclcroO
arc usually combined in one ~mall plastic box typically
and cla.tic srrap holds el~trodes tn place. You must
3'h X 2Y. X I mch (etgarcuc pack ~ue) c.ontaining ooc
ck.:tnf) blood for 1\\>0 boun every day for at least four
outlet for wrist clcctrcxles and a secood for colloul
to tweh e weeks. This \hould not amerfere with other
making. A single 9V transistor rddio battery drives a
awvotics. A;, yollf blood cuculates nonnally, enough
voltage triplcr, and a singlc-IC-chip switche~ the 27will be flowing along this puth in the for=n until
33 V from negative to positive 3.92times eacb second.
most blood in your body i~ cvcntuully treated by the 50
f\ biphasic square wave with sharp rise-time output is
to I 00 microampere cuncnt flowing intemally. About
ft~d to a 3.5 mm jack connecting to two 3/32'' ~tainlcss
3 to 5 milliampere is nl:4'essary ottbc skin to overcome
steel or gold- plated electrode; I long ~'jlch covered
rc~t~tt'e 1~~~ through tissue before current reach~
"lth lwo layers of 100% cotton Oanncl>atur.tted 1\'lth
dilured salt water. A potcnl.iometer allows u.~rs 10
~ 1 Onnk 3 to 5 ppm self:-<nadc Ionic Sih cr Colloid daily.
3djust output until oomfortable. Red and green LED's
Co>tmg under 1 per gallon, colloidS arc shown 10
sbow polarity reven>al (essenual for safe blood electriea.<oly control opportunistic infection~. This helps your
ficarion) and overall sysi~'III funcrioning. A grai n-ofommunc system.
wheat lamp indicalcs currcnr flow when making ionic
311\ pply your magnetic pulse gencrntor for a minimum of
colloid. Precise lll~Jctrode locations arc dci~'Cil1ined hy
::o minute$ daily by positioning and pulsing coil over
carefully fet~ling arterial pulse points on opposite
lymph nodes and internal organ~. l'ul~ each lime it
insides of same wrist and ~itioning saturated clccn.-.:bal),t~'l> itt several second intervals. Pulses ofbigh
~ precisely along tb.: paths where arteries come
iot~'tl>lly time-varying magnetoc Ou~ generate a
closest to surface. Locations are critical. since the
mea.~urnhlc back e.m.f. in adjacent ris<uc thus ncutnllobjective is to supply maxunal currem into blood and
i7ing any residual genninating nnd incubating pathonor wa!:le it in suiTOuoding fle.h. Tyrlical impedance
gens. Without this st~'Jl, sufferers httvc been known to
measured from electrode-to-electrode may be us low
sometimes ro-infcct themselvcs. Comentional penna
as 2000 W. Adjust output lor strongest comfo1tahlc
mmr magnets cunnnt be substitulcd for this purpose.
level. Schematics, parts lists ond instructions lor a
4 ) Drink U> much 07~onatcd water ns you cun comfortably
three 9 V battery design arc dclailcd in Ibis paper.
inge>t daily. You must generate fr~~h ozone yourself
Anyone can build his own system: you need nothin.g
each ume and drink immedialcly >ince 0, has a halfexcept replacement batteries However commercoall~
life ot only a fcv. minutes. All known pat.hogcns and
available systems arc inc~pcnsie, reliable, and arc
cancers are anaerobic. 0 , aids their chmmarion by
useable immediately.
oxidation and ~pocds your detOxification nnd recovery 2) Ionic silver colloid< of CK~o:cllcm quality and freshness
wtth no discomfort. Consuming 0, water flushes
ure eusily user- made as follow~: Pure silver (.999) or
pathogens, wastes and toxins from your syoiem.
better yet, .9999 (4 Nine) 14 gouge l0.064'' dia.)
clcctro<lcs providing anode and cathode about 8'' loll{!.
nrc immersed in distilled water. Some prefer 'golden"
coUoids, ea.~ily made by heating 2 cups of distilled
water 10 the boil in a non-mwl container. Immerse




Rev1se<l November 2oo4

Page:> ol 86

~,fver W!r;;s

'2.7 ~JJ Volt DC ouw.a f,;r

~ 15-2(} minute; tu ['Wdll J m 5 ppm. Tile co!l;
U>d actkJJe


will protmhl; be cle::~r :Jill 1f tun lon_gcrwi[ tum a

gckkn ydo!.l*, S:ir evcry wv. ml!l'l1Ci. Stme- s.Cv~r
illllic.~clloulal sik.:r m dark lnmvn OOtt:e,. Keep mn
of light <III.d Jo 1101 reli-ierat~.
[If u~mg J rnmmllli:tunxl unit wi6 Con.stanl ('l!)l";1'1, ::
'" r.<. W."1lC$S'"'j to h~~~ the walcr ti>r ~rmdw::tiVlly.

Fv\low the milllufa<:turet'~



w mille Hh1gh


supnl; HfilE in a bm. J /4 )( 4'1, x 11 w]th

_'\)Magnetic P11fscr f!::.~ cdt'Omdyuwful 1>YJl n~ul.n\l

llib;:m:;tmg or in:;uttm:tw palhog<'fl~ l:>cinr

cvnndly p:tm:e;:;\t.ln lymph, Plem::l Jh-"'", S:..-:n_


kldmry, tWMU::h musck:. .md tdwr twnw. his ..-a>ily

mad bj jll)rdta~ing m: wm;!ing ~ ~2.5 n!llht:III) wi'
;md riri>'in!! 11 "ith a <>5 :n 70 Wrt-SecnrJ:! Ot~lco)
Jle<:tromc f<arh m '.w.,D.;" {A .\de ~ ,s CV' \\_;,,;c C
B if, rrnornFarad>, mf m mfd~ ;md V is in Vo!ts ) A
>elf wound md~tmcc o:'~l W T frl1 cr !tiAWU
pi= !,;lllli;<"e100 Irnli''"J "'"' wo,-ks welL A 2.5 :nH
~"' '>01'i!ktr cml!!'----fM't <.x:>l! n pn:uU:t. The co- i i
~imply wired bctW<:en cne ~le<:f:!'O(;c of lh;; strohe f:a11
bmp and t -~ eulL'-'--ilor.
The de>ke, Jf ,e.f-made, C<,-,t~ JP[I\'tWimatdy $100
and is Vi*li) m<l:l\' J)<)Wt:rul than $5000 ';) $7000
cor.n;.'rt''l!l devie0 vffM Ius mcamraNr ;:ro;v;;::: Th,
npen ~il luck;; l! i>teel w~~&~~'T .,;v~al i'i:!:! a;to th<; air

1>-fu:P !l'-11>1 ttl:.~ &h:;wong the i1;-,;,blc ~"mrgy j~Oing

inw y<>ud:>dy Jmmj): usc. A typn:l finillcd d.rA<X
te.<IS 600 mfd. ,<;,() -350\', 36.73 W~S. 43_ H3 Ci:ruiS,
150 Am;:r;rc' pc~k 40.:YJO Amp~~ Tum pul;e c:ise
\Jme - LS I:UJ.-TO,'<c;onrn:J~ fUllie duro({'!! - 2.1 minioec-


;::xtu-c.:il epphcato.- wil y;.- din-.;,. I Jll\ ;Jn;;k on 11 ~

4) tkonk,NJ .lJrinking Jtato: Before lildin),' !hi< fimtl
>I"P 0 th<: ''mag,~ !om''-"'" had A">me V<l!) '.illWrnfurtWk ;wnrk \\-hikth~ .,_-.;:,., dctoxif)c~g. Oy drir.kmg
o=~-ch~rged water, &eJ:lll: of the benile ef nztm~

me """has :::::su"f!dw:: (()1 ~~~~}.


umiclcol!oi;hi shn:t.]

or.ds, pJlClf1tion --9" i~ tiw,:e. Along ,.,;G_ i\ \ ac

0, iUJCC!ion-. tnJ :Olood hubhl!ut.

Oxyge-n R= iWl Hype-::hnitc Cba--.>Olen. are ""J"yOO

and =J~ ample aud in;xpensin. !\ll1~ of""rx.:dieal
OXY'1:' oiJcnlica11v vtt!Oil1il o).Xygefl} I'U!Uire m~:dJ<:a)
p=.::-,pth"lm; Omniz.::d WliWt IS made 'W!1 oxygt,; .n
anbient air and ccob rtotilmg.

em ; owm
)tj_p!:y in l..'\'piN! ft,J,_ 1_ aqu;dll!!!l s.crco_
f't-;femod 1' \he 20C mgtbwr :;U:nnb, Me<::{ $:.c~dm
!bl-imJ; i:lzoniz-cr "'-"?d with;.::; aqoorium ll<n!IQr PIU11fl
IAvdJ m<X!cl< u.<flg aluminum, ;:;:;..'Ul cr terJinlt.' i.~,
&.umina ''"'tiDe ekxtroacr..) A::. pmun~~. thr;;~c:gh a
bub':o!c-rr.nkirw: '&1.0-M, '' is p!lil~ tc.rn11gh thll\NJ wnler.
!)"l'crnlin~ <::n 1he- '~ qf 1h~ M{><:e m:tkcr ;t\1 buy,
wt,.- be-.;omcs "H>~' m n few minutes ;u:ul musll>c

!'ff.-{KfNG YOVR OWN- )''jt


w;,cl;; ionmediatj;y Yon"""

we 61' ;m,.e;,,.-,: m '''o blood

m:y;;cn ealllrnticm "'1uch pftc:,_ r;l1ld..,.; l 00", wi1kn

I".! note.<; Be aware !hut ol',.,...''"'kt ~!lhoug;'h cheap<:.: l'i
UN"" citdh~ "'' n _gPQd g_mdity, ce~JJ----;::orOIW high

\Y>illb<C wmnzer

. .

Cw~tWn ktld

'-'"' B f"IIY erplamed

m ilii~ p~per.

'O.Dil: OF FEDERAL REGULATlO~S 21 I!IJ7.65 Subplltt D -Exemptions, Pangtapbs {dj & ~l

.xdude~ :md eumpts frorn regulation:
Ucellirl pmcmWneN. m;;ludrng ph;ni<:iam,
lllid \J{Jt01l1ctrists.. wh1> mannfadure ;;;:




t:ter dcvli:e:; Jolely fer me in thctr pr;Xhee..,

l'fll PcrwJ~s \1<)\J) l'lliillut'<.ct~.~re. prq:rnre. ptopaga;~ ".:<.mijlOut\d, or JlH"-"'eilS devices ;;oldy tbr :.~>.e 111 re:;c;ru:h,
;;chiug, or an;.lym;.. and de t:<JI introduce sucu devic-es mro >llllfWl'C".dl distributioR

se of this device therefore appears legal and exempt from Flt>\ reguJatinru; wil*u you cnru;truet it
ourself fur rc!iearch :mdfur usc ill y(lllt Ol'l'll prartk<'! But do!lblc ebecl:: ylJut lt~eal, wuuty ill'ld stMt.e

.:-gulationli for possible exceptions..

'M'ARJ'..ThG Ifynu <IM /U with A IV.<; ,1r ymu immNne '!plem ;, :>-i'ritmtly<f tmtiyou chf'fi!W! W 1'11' this

fMJ!Mm, .# V. uhiollle to "-"Jrli ,._.frh 11 kno>rldf:-ble hntmk he:Jth pruclilio..u lfyour rymptomt <-kw and }'<>U ;
~top tlw prl!(l"aln premillturely (after m>{r ihe minimum ;,chd><k) your l!,r~ may n'lllrn ~ tlnm e!l<l'l: 1t is
'lmpmttmt til conffmle tlw pT<Jgfam fur <m e.!dended perW to rn.wre the immune sprtem hu> im "J'POTtunily 111
~" the n~ry tnngth and <kal with tJw Wxim; ;md pa:hogRm lhaJ nmsi bt' expdid
tJcvettunenl rqr~ SUJt<, yrm m=l comult alml<fi.:a/ doclllrfl!'r <my di<oeu~&

t{..,.,iSfid f!ov!'l!iifi,~C<I:llr----------------------------pp;;.,;Ci1''""'"""-


On April 22, 1999, "Spreading a New Idea on Disease," an artide by Thomas H. Maugh IT,
appeared in the Los Angel$ Tunes. Muugh. th.: Time..; Medical Writer, suned:

"l\1ounting evidence may link viruses and bacteria

to everything from gallstones to Alzheimers'."
U1c article included the following quotes:
''At a nmo when rrm<':':i re,'re:IY.:h


011 ll::c geretiz 11ni)J:rpiming:< of di:re11W, re;ean:bers >!!)', it ':S tune to

~ <:&1! r:e.";JC! vdh g<::nes W prudlCC ;::hrvnic dtsr;a:;e -

take;; irt1lh lwk at hew an old ke ... nf:xticr!l

Already \m;;;:.'ia and vin;se&havt been firml; lmked tc utcelli, LiverCililtCt, cervical cancer. lookemin uud
Kaposi's MXOff\fl. Strong evidence B t:llih> nnfoldillg for other discasc!!:
l:p!demiolcgJtb lla\-e fuund that a tt:iiJMl} nfhea;rdiscase paticm; have be::; mf~ed With a cr>mm(>:ll
b&ctd'ium and Canadiilllrewan:htri> Td:;mtly reJX!r:d a mro!mnism by whiCh i': Y>uld trigger hmut di[case.
~ome rescarch::f" ~uopect ilia: a; ma..1y a, 80% of all case> c: hear: ;:lis.._':IS<' atl': hnk<.'d to intbtlm;b.

Penn~y iva:na

ocicntms have l<mnci the sl!IDC bactenwn in the


<>f pfflienl:i with AlJteune( s



h!vlqgiM;;; have >tmng evidence that a prcvmudy


bacterium can produce ludney


"M<Jr.e :;;nt;.:r>~ly, other cc,;em- .;h;;:;. have Jir.S~ ml\:cll<r"t'. to a i;>c~'lll'. ~1'Xtr.:rm of dJeases. :auging fram
Crot.:fs C.wt%>J~ and irritable- OOwel ..ymJmme to obs.os;;n'C co:np.U.i~e d~>oJ'd<,',r, sc->iNphrenia. nul!ipk
sderosts iiJIJ ..nhr:itis .. '

-My gut fe:h:ng is ;lmttht mow we look, t!K mDtC \\e are lPJiugtu find micromgadsms tha: have taken up
re~<ku~..'e m tM lmmna bOOy,~ (<did brologist Jial B 1\i">h ofWcrw:n Wyoming Colkge. "Some IDJY rm brt
doing any hum. but e::rs may be doiLg qum: a bit''

Why -shouldn't tbe headlines ruad?


Blood Electrification
Ionic/Colloidal Silver

Science & Vie Magazine"'"'- rwe

~whlie cells (leukDCytffl) kill l:uictl.'ria and

fung~ by ~kct'rocu!ing WetrL Disrovered by Jacque>

Sd!ren:tcl and Karl Heru; Krause., Ga1eva Umvfnlity

H<.Hplial, Swil.nvlaml, this defense nwchru:.tisrn. i>
1nggerod ru; J(V]tl :.s ~ uf the white cell detect
lhe mkrobe's prt:i>tll'IU:\. This sigaal ac:intrus an

enzymatic system on !he :eukocyte's


rompmmdofa ''sl~i( e<Myme{!\ADP 11 oxidize)

and co-enzyme (NADP Jl), the n=tiMI begiM ey the

enryme "wakmg lip~, recewingekcrtoosfromilt ro;;m;ynK. and !rlmi:pO~theru !htougb the mernbrnne_
Ej~ cut of the wink <:ell, thi,; electroniC ffux K
focused rowm-d the bzctena wiL1 oxygcrunokcu!n ruul
tllemicrvbedie;;. Thi~d'se>.'""'J m1ghtDpe!! !V:"W l!rl<"-~
ofre~b oo JUlmlllllty de{i~e;:~.."!;:s m 1!dcm:; wht>
Me deprived oftbif .:raymati<. <>ysten:_"

Trwwli1kdJYrrm Sciem:e & !1e. Issue 972. SeptF"'be~ !99!1 ;mg~ 44.
T&fcp!J(>4i;. Ill ----tri--48 --.tll--48 ami Fax- () f---46--'!3-48--f,J
Looking attllk totally 1n a "physiC"" or ..engin.xdng" pmbl<m1, a few !4Ynttur00 electfiHtS can llct ~

tf1e C(julvalcnt uftrillhmt ofwhltr reU~ and rn~~torc functioo m one's immune ~ystwl!
The elctttrms !.'!.llit pc.nnlc~t.

- - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - --US Patents

Amumg!y ;irnilm dbcoerie~ ":Jnv bee" FWk by g,irous~; and .w: " p.:rrnat~nt "'"'"II in o:hc 1:> Pllent Ofl':ce
~mce T.e I ~if:'k Why d(Y' 'l " bw cl rturw' M:my work fur more tifuttivdy !h;;r; n;><rmiv,; ~~;:;.;;;.ties r,.-:il
bfiw no ~~de cJThc:$ au (I p:ttu:tiud!y no cni<l~.
Sim:e ,:::., Abruhw:n Fkxrery;:mp~gand~ flm:kd bi ph;m:m.coou:~: U-illf'iltii DV<W..T Jctw D Rvt;kcfc!!cr in1 9 hJ
ebmnatt ele.:trom;;Cs;me ftm !o;-;nx~nd :medkal1JJXI'I'Ctsd\IS, rW>C:nobc:r bv~ ;:;<A pr~w;(l b~U:uwgh
<li:;eov:orle Thoy arc t:sually C;scrdit;o;d l :51erul d,~ pl!blic ;pcnJ; b11!icm ,,f d0Har1 anrmallv w:::; "mttdicinv<''
lhiU illll)' i:l\:at<: rtm~ ~;OO""'IfOC! than the orgU:ml $)~Ji.
fk'fc h a 00ntiensed refi:rence ;,s: ofl.JS Phltnh 11-'!ticli Dmfi:i!!lkll n.t!<:ilfcht."1 !llh)' find in\(:100:~.;0

Dnoct oppllt~ti(IJ\ of tl<11rid!y tu kill"' ilm'l'lill>tC \f!krm>fg~""''"" '" 1iq<u.!

l! K~ah


3) Lathrop




~) Myor'
f>) Jmte'


7) DawO<m


59~.733 (10~7)

8 l Lo Conune
!i 72.23 I (I 90 I)
11 Awlicauom of]l.b!K!k fidd> lo LJJ u1 Att~mmtc Mocr<> OtfdV!"""1\IlMmnn



UT Applic~tion ofM~gnclic r,chl '" 1h rr..,.,mn' of ( ar.c~r.
i) (\>om




5) Gordon
IV AJ'~""-"" uf ll:d Mlg:otti< l'id;l, l;> !"00""" ,;th,,- n;,J.,~;;-r:a! filfoct~
l) C3dcs"
-l,(i0.\813 {f;," Ii:om)
~; R;;ab~


')..hli~; Cell~}

3\ bl\'1




\ R,u,.,~ """""" (,;,cu;;;,;



MARCH 30,1991 Page 2G7

A SAfiRYfT 81.000



?.sppmg 1~ AIDS ~oms with low-ohagu alm:kG

currem t:all ~ ~ Its abiiily to ide<::! tmman
whl!fl lliOOI:l celt5 ~ 1n me tabwato<y, repoo:s a
rooooW !MnatlheAllert--EinS!e!r ~ cf~
In \fuw Yot"' C,ty,
W11~am D LyrrE<ct arid '1'5 colluag.Jet found inm
tMpoSO<ro to 50 1:1 100 mlcro~"'P"""" of tiee!nqtr,
compa'111tllo'! to mat produce~ by a e<of'Jiruc pJo;:nm~lwr
'*du~d the irllecli,ity ot the AIDS virvs (HIV) by 50 to
95 perw.1L Tl'eir eJ<PerimenW, """"~Tibe<:! 1\<\'!rch 14 'll
W;:mr.!ug1t>'l, !lC" lit 1t'.e f'k~ Jr~Wr--l'a~al Sympnsum
o~ Ccwt:n.ricn i"ne'Bpies, sh:>wed ltm\ 6e s'>vci<_e<l
oiruSM lost rne anHy to rrm11e ;w C">Z\'Tf'"' ~ to
rne;r re,:u-od!il:lk>n, a'>d Ciillld no Dfl{l(il' uww the wMe
cells !o &umr loqe!t>e<-.twn kB)h'l\qrn> of vflli mfBcti:n_
nw R'lcting coo!d \e3Q totwW of "np'anl~h!E! e~ectrtca~

Shocking Treatment proposed fur AIDS


d 1ha nffiiorfs blood wpjliy,

"""'ll~ ""'l'Jfb 1'W 21MI1 ~ ct
!J;'/"'';; IJt;cil F.W 18 snwkhg


t!$~~:i;;lly ir.~e c:~rrMl

~uoo!wt! mlrwt~s tc ~~>;

WuS. 1'/0:ct\ CWll!l~ll W~IOS


now E "&W de.ctriGal




prnoeos fur

blood or v1rusos may svlv~

At 1tm A1bert Eicol!!i" Coll<!g~ oi
Ml!:l.dne ohfflOY!Xl<.Qty Sle",'ffiKiJiil.
M.O , ,,;& 'oo",;;llatrtoo! I"<> "'-IPS





m1 bbOO ~;o;if iGSi! M~t

ht'wfi&fr Cllp:!hli\y ailsJ be"'9 ro.~;ml
by t vuy W-$wi w""nt ~
trunu zp;;&ar! IU lnv~ bmld
>aiuatt: '"ee cf mv, ~s we~ N
liepo\i~-w11K~1 h<Jmh; bt>OO telL
Ksal !;UU~O!ll 1la: "'flli'! "''-" )"W'S

lt!b";t belore a virus--;J;ectroc~1"9

d~vlc~ ts r~ady fur use e~t ~llirnalllly,

11e prodioto. it coo!d be "'"d not ~1M l

purtly b,OJJd, bl.n to teot PQOpl!i wit"
rues. by r.haotel'og toe( Nil:!d 001 :1


w~O '"" t:;Qy, "-'"t-tn;;


1 "' "ru&-ol m:;

""d lhn m~urn<~1g
it '&)'

illwwfiJIIle 'i1ffil ""'ff!' hf ~ M

!My M abe m ieng\irell aml rtXOOl

d!W!ws ytf;:dysis.-lke hloo<! inmlmatllll n Y:V-JrJeciW

:mJenl!, Lym<n :;ay:; ;,-, !ldcd,I)O, t-c SIJSKIQIII tt>al t:klorl
banks mgtll 1.100 <l'ii.:lneey to .:~p HIV, ~nd W'ICC rs

1eClo;>Brn m:ghl use



ll!tlhe basts ior an AIDS ~c,~e. "O' ac:cnU..ts W<Ji'l<i"'J

to e~a\e contracepllv<!l dtNilXJ$ ihat n;,pel sperm with
electricity, ~s new <>tudy abo hlnl& at a li'%WP19 side
Me:. ?J'::>le:;lion "93'fiS' hiV
Repr\nted wi:1 PfiWI'\%1:11 frxn SCIENCE \!:;WS.
::-.e wookJy naw'll'II;Jazl1'8 of i>de'lCI',
C<:i'Y"illlt 19!11 $ci!)11Ge Se!Yli:<l

11m (f.Wij(j ;:{NOS~~( :NQs'

--------------~~~~"~~~----------------------YOUR HEALTH!MEOICINE

Scientists say electrtc current may help fight AIDS




p---.<4if?<>.> >.ew Y~L ~iol

<;<ml!r ill' Wtlltljl o """' 'HY I<J

~"~J! d"""'iro!
'" "Wile the k,\kt

fight AID$

utw.-- aaJ

&l"f th~;,


re"'h <!R QX 'llilaillt

~t~J:'<> \h1hatn l)l"""'
Mt Stw>O! 'lt.uli J:~c Alb<..,;

ole<:"'il'al ""'""~' ~:m wo.tkon on MUS pat!~nt's hln<d "~ldd

lh~''''"n~:kvcdwu'"" be .r~atcrl wit~ dcnn;;~l
gc~"""d irnmuH Cftdenty "-'~' <o.nvi<k '--"' Md)'
-wLr.: w~ ~"' ,:,.,., ,t
sy"<l" '"'"
n, *P rmm ~ lh~y pLm e!<p'-'0<' ,;,., AID$ Y1H$ "'"
10 ""
to tilt' mv ;<tnt< <>fi!w iabm~""'Y Lftll._'>;!<l~tlt% 1<
''+" ~w m AJ:wl """'blmdl clectrJeal ..,rr~n ""J <hd.c
fn1m pm:tpk '<'Lll Jl!rubmed :'m dll<' wit "b "
tkoi c~:s """'~rn-,hk h '
r !<V< .n<: "'-'-<<x>,;fnl. Vi"m. 1\' jQprl1f11: !1'. \.,


,,,;:her& l>"JX ,t coul<l


an<l a%~tia(t
of pothol~gy a<
bntttm, llhnd :he ntw

~olhli'f'."' t~ ch<:mol~~:.

y<k ore no<:~"'-"!!"" got fd

"""'v"'lJ r~

~: !k :1mll', 'o-w

<id cl' ''"'"'&h cf ;\ 11> lwf; the

f'llktl! !~ad & oorma! hk Tin
'~ (1>)1 a "''"'' h>! "' ~-w '"'rl."

H~ ~d$:d a! lh """ '"

tkotrc-1 ""'"IllY lw; w wxk

Schoo< ~f !~d>oine
"'"'c effect and !i1~' ;\ ""''i1'-"
'~"' w~i ..-. tret "'ms "'"F.;x:ti>e:' K1.:1i <,
Tu&>dl)' tb~! ionia)
kdmiqu< hiiii be<m u:.od "-"
fW'~ihJy cnvulviTI~ s 1n the medic.~l u<e <>f d(>(tlt!
iaborawry !e,l< hmc hown
d<al;-iJo- 1ype ru~chtn~ m wbidt current 'aiJ L~nwn, mt /\If\ neatrnent fi"' r-cd~'Uig horpe:



Unit-ed States Patent

KanJi ~- i<l~.~-~- --~-,-~~-Al_'IU(~rft>G

c1 n




t:l;lillh'"'> S41'V1Jt1J

Date of i'attmt:


!<WOO ~~!OR QTH""'



&!t..,)Ji::Wf, l>t.A.WJ,-,;1 A'-'<',

~,mh, {j<)l



J,l:lj A;:>pl, )W,,

1-'W .. w~~" o.c wu

"""' ?ll~tt4 u:~::t>Jin~.ll ""\i)(J





C.o<i><:<1} ,\v~. -



It, 'xnJWI>=

u:n'l v.s-SK .............. - t!t>IN~

OT11:1t t'::BL!CATIONS

?r~Hn.!V tiW Scd01y J\lr 'Al:;>e~~ Hlttkpy it

Mallp!:lt, vn{ _!, (1511), tv.~. "h>w;tl.\\t"..e., :J:
~ St":lpi\1$'\'l.m wiili ~t ~1.~~::
f'Jomir:Jjl~ --Miwl:tn R. S\1-'MU sf ..t
J~llN>il. c:i! tho~ l<V<til:l$>Uli>~ f"lbllill!l<l h> 11t

li>f ~ h>-lit~~ii,w..-IIJ:,~



h.!. (l,.> --""'""'"'"'" ;:!010 1W(V~ MlK 41/00

U.S. U. .-. .. --""""""""'"""' ~IM4<1, JZ~J4!Q V..;
1U/42 \, ll~/7~;!; l11!/1M; 204/i::>li ~C4/HI4;
~!)flO; 11/VJOJ 2l(l/l<G, ~:U/V, 42U#,

"""''" ~~;;;,;. ::r Hl\tllt. s:.,;>le::: Virun<'

~Lowen lit sm.'~'~"'' ct-,,1.

Prlr<Wry lilwmt>;..--Rdl,>ort A. O=>~>P

At:"ir.MI lf-.;o--'111!-.m \.!'-" Kim
AIIO'"'\'< .~t & F>~lwk> W, 6~1ur


FU!d M S~ .... "" ,..... ~" :1Hl/l4:1, 74>, 144;

~~!/41~ t., t.lJ. 'Ml, 1t4,
4t:vn. ;


:m, "-~~.


fS. Fdt. t9tll. ;:p. ~:il<-4!S~ "M"'*""'"'"-' cf P~"'"-~>'

:c=AA <li Clin~'. Mill:tiftri<>k:gy, """ rt, tx'll, :;., i'eb.

!nj, PI'- 31M~~, ~Vho:<>JI.'!Wllk w,;~~tion <>f
I'WJ:dt>..W;.,..- Vil'W with M~J..r~ lll"" D~"'- Lgh::
~.v:! U"-"""'dl-y"-4Min A JDC;-i<i< .:: a!.

tbufu\.<4~Ntii>rM o/$M ~ lt::,~;t, A>~-<>.

~l\4/J'll, IM. 1%.

F.:b, 23, 1993

f'VXE;UN l'A'l't:biOOCUM!:h"tS

l'H'l:;;:1l0\1JS G-Qh1)!,}CftYMl:llciO:J
k",.-'D S\'l>'tiOM rof! 'fR:tATMI>".".'l: Of

001:1 fL\}1~



1M..-..,._.. Cltrl
US 1>A1'l!.loT f}(),::UMID--"T.S.



~~ iho-:t:~;,; bomg uea\1:-;J

r'"re ::til!fu::e.'<!::_

U.S. Patent 5,188,738

SYSTEM FOil TR.E,.\.l'MEJ'<'T 01' lll.OOD A.';ll!Oil



This;, =mio!Wion..;,p>rt pp!b~~ <>f vP<" I.J.Spo1on1 appkcalbn Sor. No. 07/562.,1'2! flled A~g. 6,
!9~0, """' obandcMd
ThiS IDvernioo. I'Ol:&!>os t~ 00\~l ~Y <XmdoJCllvo meth<>d II.Cd <)'><=> emp!oj'ing ~y """""
<lu"""" v=cls pmvidod with ~lec<rically <><n>~uctlve
sod"""' for ""' in ~If bl<><>thnd/or <><ho:r b<>dy
fluids and/<>! >-nlhetidlW& such.., thsuo o~me
e;um "'di=r =nont by ol=>.ting =rreol electric

Rev1sed November 2002




In .l'l!Wble and startling dlJ;;:o;lvcry at Al!::>:rt

bnstcm Cnlkge d M.x!icnw, NYC in 199;), it wus
'hown that a mmu~e curm:: (50--HlO micro;:nup;;\~)
t:aUaltcr ot,te' fV\lteiU layer, ~>f HlY viru:< 'II ~ pctn
dish s~ as to pr&Vnut ils later artacluu>::lt to receptor

Bks. {Science ,\'i'ws. Marth 10, 1991 pg_ 207.) It

may al:m revcn;e Epsteifr Bart (chre!L'>C l'a!!jj:\.C
~yndt>JIDt), !:epatili5,L!l~ GillC~r anc mat~y
nrhers. HIV-?>mlllvc users oftln enclosed
mfL'flllittinn may C)IJ)El'l a dmmatk reductwn uf

ill'it'l~d m thJS pllfW.c.Also mdmlulme prov(lli

s...+emut!.;s, pam lnrn, eledrude co;tmuc:ioci and

cump!Mc ilh:ructiocs. Elcrtn:mi~ and cou:rollcd

e1ednpt'J11liro approachti< mdyeasily mlllre

vm.dns, antibiot:cs and pharmaceuticals Ou;;kte_
In a public kctur~ (Ott. 19, 1991) t.1ewnmr
prof'6"'ed tl:us theoretical do--n_,.,,.n;elf method fM

t>Hn;mating HlV. pam,;ile;, fi.mgt, yrraJ and

pmliug<no; ;n vivo. Snh.<>eqLOOtly, ius origirA:
modal:ties an:! proto;:o1f lllli'C be"n refinul,

~)'mplom~ afiru- ahoc.: 45 day> This

I! rrm;niHt!tlf
ifo wdl pnmm CUTe for SM/i.ebite by .applkutkm

timphiieC and made ur:iverhll!ly aftbrc.abk. Th~

three Sllllpl: tret:mcnts u,;C in atlldcm arc .-;ffi:red

"[ <'ft:CIIic currElfi linn il>':ldni/y neutM!i;;r the

wmom\ !oxitiry. (l,.;mad, July 26, 193'6 pg. 229.)
A nci there lllil)' \><) ~everal <:Jther di~e;>.>;(:t ;h yet
undi~cover;:d o:unte~rec viruses neorraLzable w1th
tffiJ disoowry; pehap2 moce fmptismgly. evoo :be

ii;r re!ien:rch

("{lmm,m <;old.
T:U~ H:ry simple :mJ valid blor!d deauns treatm?ill

prov<Jd of ueal promi>e as a powiee m?t:l-::>d jhr

Jmmnbil;z:ug known ~1rnms- of HJV stll! present and
oontamiuali-q; ~omc Euqpe4!l ar:d US :.tood bank
IT\erve suppbe~ It w~fi fu:rther m~ggesteC :l:w
mti:-<:-wd hL-nan HIV oam~ routdn'(\W<T h:.

umo>-ing t3en- >_llood. treating i;; d::eu:itally anl

returning 1\ by methods simihr todi;.;lyrl!; or by
~urgkaUy 1mpl~n!:Ltlg ek;ct.mde arrey; wid: mima\ure
batt:n<X ~inside blruxl v:>scll; a>; de&erilx:d in
{)$ pau:nt #5,188.7;\8. DeS. Kaali, MD, f!JOJCC!cd
thar "y;:ar.; of tc1ting will be in ord:::r lwh:re S!lC~ a;o
m v#ro (bkhld removed for Leeatment) d,;vi;e can h:
mad.: te~dy fo-rw>as;m:ad u;; ;JAmgevity, D:.
1992, page 12. J TPu P"-l)N' n'!~to~l;; au al!t:nH>te do1!-yoorself appr!'alh fot de~tni :.;;'ptm!'yL'lg biN!d

wuh IIi> dia/~si;, implarw:, <r ~

"wi intenv.,;tioH.

In th~ wnttr'> opini,m bod: bh

~nd lyrnph ;;ml be
ci.l'an:d H viva (which me;~ru;. r
: 1sn't xmrwed 0:
skw eve-r pJ::hltrutedj O!n\p; y, ~
y and
letXj'<'!loliwly with similar bu<
,_ mvasiw do--t~
rootvdftechruques tks:.cibed h -m AJ :lre full~

f.."UJ1'C~& tr>

determl.!:le ilie ~xtcnt 1n

whwh chey rm;lify imown eJect~<.'"li~~itive

:nhng;m:-; residmg in b:Ood, lyu:Qh, and other toody
ciume an;l fi,_,-ids. h>l\owirg IS a o;;.rmm(lry of ocve.-.d
yea"' of testmg with ttn n<.n:..iatwgemc do- it-youn;~!f. :.~mpk and ~xnerttive experimental
oolutwt: :u the :-ver---escalimt:g ~mcurable8 ..
dilernm~. There i1N! tw lmo-'>!n side effects Wu:e

miltlt.unper.; cu1'hmf:!J 4pplied r,. skin aNt much

J;:ywcr1ho-nlhmw itr f'!JA approved T,'\S, CES .and
mnlick .o;timN/QIQrj, whkh have bMn ill stt/tt dai~v
u~u:fol' ft#lltyy!llln:. B:rttery rep1aceme-?t nn!S are
<~bout :<,;o no per m()nth r<r d>er or a!x>ul Ht per
day fo; a typl.ealJQ day "spmltaooilu~ rcm,s;;;on."

Ne pharma.:.ctmeJh, ohots, or mcd:icruious appear


0n:: compact i;l?ttery..-.pow::red hkod ckdring

11h:tun:mrrt ill basict.lly a nuniatcrc mhy- dnven by 11
timer dllp s=-: to -4 Herl<, ft>; 0 to 3JV 1twt
~J.ju8tabk: biphadc OlC:pU! mir-irnizm eledruJe site
.-mlaWn. ihe ~rihe.J ,yskm delrvcr:; ~limulatton

ilirJug!t uortru~ll} circuldlmg blood via ele~-trc-des

pllllXd at ~dectul ulc> c. n "'TVI or rum. Opnmo::n
dectn.:<"' posiu:.~ns are '.-hably !ocnlcd by fet:hng fur
iiLCO! pube (Pf!gE l' I MGTO'CIIillllt treatment j;;

ofmch kw amp!itudf:'

II-: creates .lV d:scomt\Jrt

when 1\i:OO H directed

1 w mtmotra:ed tt> iw.e

het.h:ty blood c2Jb or

no harmful shle eif~cb


------- ------Piiw>c::' 15 ol tlf


A ruawr ol>>taek tofui> simple, pwv~ and<Ji::.,n,crJs

solution 1s Jisbdid. Treating llf'V'TUXJJmltei.y !20
mil:m"~ pei day for foor to twelve \'eebi s)o.uld h
1hc >nikt'\ upir'.io!l el'fCcu~eJy neutrullte well over
95% ofHlV ;;lu~ any otl\:r electro-sen~itiv~; wruses,
psrruiw~, ba...'t~rm, pu!ho-S"..n~ or fJcgi in hlvnd,
Ir heavy mf<:ctl(t.:l, s.'-nrtcr apphcati-:m htnes wili
pr<::-ent streiS.'<ing pmim~ts "irll toxin; Simply u,;e;;
fvr n greJitcr u1.,.mb.or of day> (1f alw ILb'<lSI: om:mzcd
wat:-r In time, in~ ro<owd immune syctom p!n~
~ihcr colbid may r.arull re>rdwJ. pmblenu;, Jn the
~"'jledalease <)f diab<:tkally !Njlll!reo.l cireulalioo
longer tre:m11e:nt timc~ may be indica:ed, {S::e
"'"PanJ,>C m&r:...--t,on" page;; 22-:3), In:mwbihacd
vmlse> m~y be expelled mtm-ally tbrough.k!dn;;y:;
aru:llivt!t More -rep;d ncutrnhtalicl\ io poSi!ible but
nv1 ~unrr.wdcd b<>rnu~e ufpotentiill cxce'ISJVe

i<)Xin climhmwn (HenJJ'im~r'$1iYtldnmc.} T-ccll

<:;,>unts \4'1naUy drop Jr.ltirJly ':lcr,a--J~c ,,f iysing and
-;cave~ging try ma;;:n;phag~ but sh;mld rro:7>'11f ;md
w.cre.<.'l<t ater ll few rtmufuo, 'Cwre i~ wo much
controversy an;uuC :00 PCR M\t and it has nul been
pnlven ll.'l a rciiaulc mcasuroow::!J frw fUV
llll:em/gt-rmirn:uing fHV re;etvmrs in body'~ lxmph
or of ter tismrcs lWd glands rr.ay :heo:eth-"\\11": be
ncutnllized wi;:h a 'ewnd m\d w,1arate d~vice by 1he
stntegy vf gcner;;:mg a very high ml;msi';y !~ 20
kilopt:Ss) ~hart tiu:'tut:m 1-10 1SI magnelic pulse of
:>~3Z Joules by dL~d:;aq;in_g a mud<(kd stv!be light's

capw::ttcr throu;;h ;u: ap;:;he~.<or coil held agamsi

boJy iocuh0rn \lVct lymph !lOde,, thynnr..,_ kidney~.
wieoo'.d> and otb~posoiblc mteroal sites of !utent
iilfu(ti::m !S~e pagt 43), By tb~ ph;.si.cs of Eddy
o:~.::TI-ntback em.f '1nms1bnoor a:tion" (l~, law)
the de~wed cntl'lia of-:nini:num current a:(bced
lhrcn@t mfo;<:!cd tlo~:ro en che ocdcr of> i00p.A
ohou!d be ruaJHy liiD!ined. Seve--a! ;ro\se; :-~:peat."d ar
tach~~~"' ove1 '1\:Wrdl week;; nmy in&rr1~ a rehJI>I~
"(!verloll" for >U~-~t~\ful di:w"" 'l(;UtraJiz;;:i:::m, A
magnelk '):nlscr'' m v~ry smn ';~build. Full
mstructwns we on page 41-42
.':>UbjeCt;; m-"11 assemc n:qym "'Y for their OWl!
hcrJfh_ !u todlly"& s<k'lcty.
~tioueJ lc- kwk
fer <11Wwe111 O;:i!y :<)a medicd
Uuiortunatdy rurren! rttedJC<~l atttces have bc::u


uliab!e 10 cure Wl man: illne~w:s today

"Ulm<.: ''tlworetic"! w.btimu" m- hl:ing diiJC!cscd under
-c;m~tit,rtunal firtdom of speed: g-.,:;u'>..J:lW\JS, D~ta hi
offered only as themiltic~l IHldno medical claims
art made ur implied. ''S>;:e your helllth prnkssivX~l !"
An;:tlllC at hh: dis~n.'U()JJ ;md ay;l!llleJ ro~pornibihty
:;OO>_id be tree to bcild, u>:: (oo hiru>;el!) andnct:\V<.rl his
"r~'i!rcl!.. Jemlts. With !his di<t:i. ;;:;rmerrr~e -wit!:> a btt!e
klh.wtadge ofeb:!r001c~ shook: coofidcntly be able ro
ill%mbk both :!mort-ti.:al blvndan.1 us;rug dca:ir,g
moJaE:!eJ. m ~ thre1"- h01J!:.' Co~t; are widely

nV11llab!e. AfterllJJCmbling. ue \lflly additiocal co:..._ mfur

hatll.'ncs If dcctronk:nlly .t~lillolkd, "be&}'' ort.:clr~ tally
ilh\e;<lte, cail an ' Am!!tl'llr Rrn,ho Sup!>ly' Ant- (vel low
page~"! m find a hum naho uper<liut. hobl::y&t tlf TV
rq:mmttan. Aftcr".'{'>Uilimlu.'ll5 remiw;l(!ft<' ~-.JW()I
may wish to intereo>t their &xw-s. But hcadv,sed tn~t
ciM:IHmic eures ttlily t>e , tg;;r<JM'iy ~~ ,,.
:J}tlC'OO ~uscth:rc- h pu'Wntly :lOCteC:hd::y nor drug
c;utti' p;rcfil it: tb~ ~~ru;ive ,,;:fiU'".i mt Also the 19 I 0
R:fukdcller-Flexner Repor:: atwm;xe-d t<) di~t
ckc.m:rrucdicit:x "'-ith mtcctt<> give pharma;,.vlllicalr a
1'm dct\nitdy ll<'f31l\tC!hllgfimd,, Thh WliS
md<:pcudeatly devchlped by me, Boh J:kck, at my
J111>'Ute 1!"-pense mld <Jil' ikely lor )beoreti,:al.
mfOrlUIItional. a:td edacatmnal purposes only'' acd
wirh abwiureiy no pr(Jfl!ID(>!tve.
Kon FDA approve-d devkcr .JTC tHegn! to nse within
tfK USA ex'~P\ iu ht<:le bo"'n FDA loop!lolm;,
Rt:5fat::iwr.< are allowed 1u liSC anythingoopan.mts if
safe, !lwy bmk! it the:r~;ve; MJd dm'<'t odlthQn. {Code
cfFederd! Re-gulations : i 807 A:i.5 snb\K'ctioru !d~ &
{f} St't: ac:nllll. tell\ ill fouuhlle <ill page 21 ). Althc>ugh
we wtll vff101 ~wm~alupd~>>ts ;md alway& welcome
kedb:.:.:'- fron> uo;ou, pkms~ r~-t lhC''i>-nter' $ prwacy
&t!d m:vcr attapt IJ) contatt hun for athlttiora1 hclp,
actvic~ or ittf0!1llatiol1. 11:rythlng uscrs need m know
is indu:kd !Jere-in.
Foodbatk: SOTAI!F>truUHJnts Jnc gm!JetS fcedbac"i:

from mdividuah and h'alth !lfll(litioner,; oo thle' use

ofTbe BcckPrmO"'d.


h-.;: 2S0-7i11----1999,:t: wmin~tf~

Thil l1 124119\l(i :;chcrnatic de>.cri;>5 t "Plant Growth Stimulator'" lmprvvcd ~in.;~ tn} l99l de>Jg::;. U:;e:r terted
fQT o'cr 11\\J F~r:,. il is saUd ~tate (m> wluys). u.~eo three (not ~\vii} ba!Mkl. umk~o tolloids, is much smaller,

L1;hter. ,;!lunL with battery saving fuatm r;.

!I !I 1rH >'""'

~--"" '"'"'< ""




' "'""""" "'i.. ...~

' - - -,

""' '" :;"'



.. "'" ""''
.. ,_.,



. ..


,.,_."'' ,,,., .._



'~~ S:;.~-' '!!~<-




r: ~-n >-:-

Copyrighl 1996 ltohrrt C B~ck, 05:C_

fina !><'CIJoti 1.t: IB) 0f the l "-1358 dual tp i~ a 50 vi'lt peak 10 ;:.eak ;quar~ "-ave ofc"Uir:m::w Tire ,~,...;
(l11Al n;vUlill:l pok11t; aoc pru>-ik> .l~? Vo>:U DC\Jufpul .>fkw ~dance_ Thi.; d;o,~ivers a Bll'lu._.;c, >har?
rise time .,.,.,,"" of ~4 Ht fnnl L-nli,;al) fur :1"" hiologkul ;;ot>.oc HWemd ""'illl~ S<e<'l declroJcs sat\u't!to:i ,.,lh &>!;
""""" before applying. Slw:tp ,;&e lmw :;; c<:m:.Wenld tm::~'41Y J.O pt(A0 !.tigb.or udci liam.!w:Uw. "" 1.l:w &timalrn,
~lthffilgh 'lU!mduf' w;;vcf<ml'l> will fuvj diife:retlt
nc :lri:nl ~i= '~!I cm:entl.wut>d Tl Volts DC m.lput L'llm !I w~ ?.CA {or Z..:inmt) }sd f<.v r.\pid "!l5a1hl:: cC
cxceHed co!lmdal ihcr in \WIIe:I. A :'rw l'UIDJlc v"Vde in ~ (h. of "'(l()!l'll;;ntp~..:t( w~h:: !:lliliu. -1 wn


~011\=~r<:::li-:i ~::

Op amp 5<:<:1illl U I frs 4 l{;t o~dlbl<ll' h.:;uen,;y b -~~ b;, C 1 (0.1 uf) and R i {2.4 "'" \V,_ hi~ ;::\mlig<Jt<l<l a> ~
~ompara!or with hy~terewf dct.::~mined by R2 (150 k\\i). Charllllll! qnd d!5Charg.ulg ofCI is doll<:' by the 1~0'' our-of
pha<;<; >Jgnal through Rl, RJ Jnd R4 prvviJ~ ~ 'et point 111 th~ V+ !-0 lh~ ~vrnp.1mtor. I hi> im;ures a 50""' oi11ty cy~\c
'*'l'""'e w11~ an amphrude of' .;t.ghUy k-;; !han the ~ :r;: Vol\ ~--rr~r
faA, l"-C ~eo:Gnd o:cm;.'<>n:!<J<; ~ _wJ D inv~r; lh; oulpu! ofucillmor l;:lfl A -$0 Volt p~.U.. wp""->-k,;ignal will be
!,'<>llfrnl= ber..-een lb.;, op Mnf"<c m i~cir oo;tpur ~eing :~if r,ut-of p:!l.lst;. l!lA'b ,,neu! i lin:med tw
;l(l(etl!mmc~ R5 (i 00 k\Y l ;mJ 16.W WJ and iq;:; to illdi; ,,J,.al o:Nr o 0011lfmt
ll:K pnwv- ffld<ctlfw < :01
d' a biwbr (red gn;e;t) LED (CIU j ;x.,l !he &<'flE". wmhiuatir-r; oftW<) J8 \blr
l-"ll\lf Jrode>, D1 & 02, '" nh }'4\ iJmittii J,y C2(22 uF, H Volt). Thh ~n eh!- .j;n.:x it a!.IWfl:Uj'":kn!!y
dm!bled when the J.5 m!n p!ug:,
ertX j:lck. The-:-et':>re'!he I'FPt Cs;;h <:::' .vi>.:JJ ~r.<n ~um h mer ~21
Y>lb If U:!~ are dim D~ cxhn'
M. :cp!Jl.: "d1 fhree irel21 9 \'OhA!ka:::x :Mil. < C2 u'oc ao; a hw),l{t .ILDWS
th~ l(l Oidccr 011 a\ I;!{ ~CY'
r,..;rvals only as t'cc >(lmm: "~~e outplll WVlm't:' aNy.
Gscn; flnd tlu; newer cie<ign h,g; oati-;fa"'"'l' "IT011b!c fwr lUI{! ilWJt el'fkl~Ul.




Revlsiml N<rembe< 24, 19916 COf'{1gl>J 1S9'li1SSS ROO<Jrt C !'l<ld, D ~k

NoW. Ttese del" ilk fcf lhu'fcli:;al, infOI'mational and instroctlrnml prutpo~es only #fflJ a"! '101 tot\! oors!!'tle(! as
mcdu.l :xMrn CvnM<II wlh yrn;< !ic.;r,&&:J mEK!K:al pmctllion;r. Humlreds ha\1<'1 !xNn b.;,rt ~~s~futy if :!vpM:;a!ed
e:>am~; i!S

~vose CMOS nr--;~:,;J~-,-,-;~;-,"-.~, ~--T~------T,,-


1 '- h!>;! w l4 """" 5% ""lSI"'


~!.il!i< obn o; .. r.~ 5%



'100. w 14 """' 5% ,..lskir



: VI!H W .-..,-!ape< pol Y, WI

---- --

' 0 t 'flf W V (cr highelj

- ----------------------

------I'Q, ~

"""""~ <O~o



Tvr nn



Bu!l, 6.BII aG75 A


; Bi<cllr LED -Gro""

~Jill' ,.,~~'\0




:' P!!N 274-2Si ':li015!l :' j1


: ll&'l 274-J.$2 31$1 $!; : Cl

: 3 iit;;l,-w 9 \1>l !lit'4 <l\1:,

: ;lloc


---------------------------:' '~ v :>alkl!'r 'M'J$ {df-oo -m:

-----M,.,_ .,;,


"'"* ;wn. a..................


_ , <illm llill:ro, ttct;~., (1;),,,,

7<!tll Ct!llt Itt d ~tilt~




'$ 1.W




: !l.l>fl:?r..-'32[















: Ja<ll<: f;:r d<111' w:<.~$;~~)$. <Z.S:!'m t;;3/>X' rtl(lll~''~'~ !lit<:

ci!OO ~ wh :U

RSII 1/'ll-012

J;rll~~t~ ~flbn\!<1




18 Vo~ Zanor diodes (NTE51127A)



'' 0~6


'1.2 mf 35 V (or~~ ailotrolyt~ caplllli!OC

f-- --------------





'' 150 w y. "ale ......''

"--'' il2!t W r. w.:t 5% ,....,_...

<:0.0W~ W'0"'





Elli?Jt~ lho K ~Hr ::,

;L\H5S) ,<''"X<\ :eae;r;ly.
1k k>rntou uH'm k I ''

.............. -----












.,-,,. '""


Map ot-Biood VesS(t!S ln Extremities for Optimum ElectrOOe Access

Orllfs At>attiW ~,;.. $40, 641. 5il4. S9i

_.,,_,.. :i~ .(

f ~ Jhl--Thto ~""'- ~""'""" l\I:Ji4



;')\ w

c:olol'-',, NA ~''"""'

~' .... f.'~""""" .. _ , ,. """' ""

P-"r'-"" Ali r.,,.

~p(- !''"-'""'"' "'' -"'""""

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W4'"'''"'" ...
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''<-'' / ''' <'- ?r->),1'<"' ,, "'' "-"'

,._ ~.J ..,, .,., "~ """"' '-




Rft:&oo Man;fliC, 1995 Copyngh! li 100ii1999 Robert C. Sed

Not$: These daltl are 111tendOO for a!fotmal:ionat ins!ruct>Onal, and research purposes only and
a~ 'mt lobe crnstn.:ed as mectcal advice. Consult your licensed medical praclltiorer_
CHANGES shea r.ce'li\lu~ edr.ions Putt;e Rep,!itic" ""'" irDm a 6.1 Hl 1o -4 hz !Not crt:lcal) C2 from 1"' b;> 0 22uF
Voltage from 3& V01ts to 27 Veils Tremmerrt :me incfeasej :o 2 hovrs dally fur at kl;l~l 3[) !lay~> lmpri.'VW eleclrooe
desig~ ~nd smgle wnst placem~:mt SW2 tWdect to extend oanery life. Th&re :;~reNO "errors:' 1n th"J schematrc.
Hurtdreds haYe been :lnstructed succe!ISiul:y whe~ d~.;plocate;:l exoctly without ~ser atlemmili! "lmprow~ents.


'' ''
,-,, '"'



______ f'~




- " ' c ""---'


__________ ..;

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"'"""""'' ""


' .;:u
--------- -<.---"kl-.___..._


ill Fllar.r! type lncar!OO~ l!lhJ &.3V0.075A1ype 131/ ;aana&amJ umondil'lllten

Rek>y' 5V SO!l mil PCO 11\<)\,rt DPr--: Seloctll S;t.l:ch S"<15"'2C 7C l!)3 & 04. Ze~ DiOdOO, 1lN ;;, Wa> "--TE 5J27A

R5: 1OOkll 'h Watt linear Dot.;n\10"

lE01 &2 CQ!l'bitW<Jas BiCcloc F

& G'e!lr1 Jl' tM')o;) hot.S'f'g; Radio Shack #276-0"

SW2: """e&" SPSTI/omentay ON

Tnialum PusfL&b;)f\ Radkl $1mr.\ 1#21S--' &7 I

Rev.sed November 201}2

Csilronics Pfi8 or eauivalent.





Dl<S(1UJ>Il0NS, SOURCES., Al\"1) ('UfHt:'\IT PRICES

Rlw!shm r.ll11rch 13. 1006. Ct>pyright ~' 1SS1f1 {I!)!) R:Pbert C. Book, D.S<:.
'So:o Th.e dill!! ~rc r,,, \heQcolloill, !ll!O.:w~tum"l ""''fu.<,UU<'f121lillpu.-pc:'~' <lf!lt Jmd am nPII" he coo>!roed"" oo<ldi;al,
Coru;alt w1!h yo~~r hcco;od med1cal praolltloncr. Hundred; h<1vc b~on buil! ""'"""'full; if duplioat..d exacth as sb.oMt.





i R4


I "''l""""-'Y '"' "'"



01 &D2

@ 0.'1!! ,0004



2,$6 .~



!W'.b, I>.'JV 0 075 A


5 II


ooil PCB Mounl DPDT Select~ Swrlcn

~~~-~ ~='":___



! nror weil. zm.ataw
llVfi. illml ""OPSTi
SPSTl:Uwnitl!ffl !lllliiil!!il'f O'i pud; bl.rt!oo ""td!
EFI$\III",t1 "lett'

Blltwy lmiJer, 4-Ai\ oolb, Ratfu Shaek


4 Aka~ .. M ro!i bmttonss, #ZNi52

3 Al<l!lM 9 V t~r~ 1)1:-e 1604 t:

I Custot'!'l printO(
' Tel!ll Cost 1M

I 210-353
14 for




RCV'SOOf1 J<;i'IUi!")t 15, 1997, Ccpplghl (\') 199?1996 Rcill!lt C Se<:;i<, D.So.

PllliCAtmONS: ThJ !'-;0! mN"' with

'lli>_iact; tL<:.:;card,ac r=>~. Any ;;lc;;::rca' Mgnal~
r::u.y mtcrf~" .,-,ith "d:;m;:md'"' type henr: ;~#til 0<uoo

ileatih prof~._;.,ruW: ThOOm:n, the mn.<t dm;mgitlj; ( 4 <,;

time> lililfC llddic:iw than ht:rmu) ,d \kadly oub~ka!O~

<>jfilfuwcti~'!l. Single: "Th:lffun:=n \<;;anow ~hmt1d be


tM:epble 0" ):01 tliie on pregnum wvnu:n, whlle

dnnng N ""-"!! h=d<>ns t;;:~;;!linery
PS<Or< MUST JWld '"gesrms l!llythmg contor"':\j
JX>!C~.ualiy 1<.uk mcd1CHI<ID1-. ukmine. ai<A..Wi,
re>.-'t>:Wonal dr~g~.laM!bcs. f0< ""wr.Y C:;p kiv:rc
<:ar:mg bec~w;c ;.,;.md d<XJrilicnvn n1n CfW-"'
C~)l!>rJtion wju;h ru~l;e,; e-el~ 'r:'XUJ\:T,;na pC:I"Vkus tu

<..f Wu;;e lmo"n., disnqm. normal ~atdiov:~s;u!M iw,ctiml.

vcgc:arbu <::..'10 &re "'-'-SSill!l ..c~cm; e""~nm.l aum>f'
!W'd ab.:>lut;;ly u;;ce~~'ry t<x the s-~cccssful r-.bui.tq
of A~~";~V~g~-.i lifliilkS. S<:"""'Udary gai!L >md hi4kn
3gcm!u (S)!:'t'l)'rJthy:nmtynl<:h:U, work :c""hlll'""' free
l><:m:fm, fimlnc~l ~"''"~~. etc! ean play ll""ge mk~

,,jh many :.w:>.~S1Y ill paucnl::.

St:f'r:RlOR ELECTRODES Em::xtlknt, c<)tlW.Iliem w:ul

, "Mtly r;uperirn- c:(:<1amles, 1~k i.-.criiuiw:;.-, 0m e.; """'mmU qrnmtil:<!< .,r e.oruu\ly lm:m~ cllemiud~ in
mruk t>;{Kllt-mldering>:>(ltlll(.:1mg 'Wire"; 11 trl'<h d l" L'll''
plasma T"...; 0Ttr: i lk ~;m!(..,; <hCtdosing. See
loug ;,.,- "'31"' diu_ blallirr. nrt f..,-,ru typ~ 316 >lt.r :@M ~t..el
Eloxtm;><~~ General Phw:wrr..:nun fn:r "'ian:pulnin& rOOs esa.labk fu:Jm ..-dOng $t!pply ~lmC'!i (CaltlCfO!I
C~CJ; :md T~%Le~

J.C. Weaver, kmmnl afCdlu::.r

Bio:h<'ll:lrS!TY 5 ! : 426-B~ 0 993.) The
r~riSer C-lln
..-a..,fC dec!rL'j><Jr.Liicu AWJ,J akuhi.>l 24 hows
kih~ u~in!l mtd ""'-"P in ""md tlmt bgh ;>:>ti:!My,

Wehling Supply, 1100J Dale AH!., 'fuu;l<;m, CA 9()68{) j

''::..'1~_:.- Clc;m" flux b.cforo ;G!<kring (tmc ch1nod.ol
hydr~_wh iMI( Reid.) S.l\rutlr .. il:is-...Jutc TWO tight:ek':l>.lOjMg
\ayo.:r~ o" ;Yll"lcng ~brink \Ucilig "'"" ;nld~re<\ ;~""" 10
pr~vclll fi~'<ing.hreakmg an,;! :ead/oo??ct ion< :'rPm




vjtlmim a-< ,._e:J a~ )!!Ilk food!: om h~ ~ pr;>tik:m

t)l} J'.UT plu::e dcdrodNOt~ olin imdon.;, M;rosi;r___,:;,


>CIITI', ~U1:;

cmrt:o:r,_ m- oun'>um. Do 1\0T ad-.-am'<'

<>ulput JIO;tillU<Ie In uncmnfrtubk lcv"b. All rul!J~cto

"'lit vary. 'e-.-er put OOro mew:l rm <J:i!!. 11"' rrulJTlclic
putY.;r silonld 1:1? odf~ \C us~ an;wl!ere "" b;hl)- "' h,..;l.
llink an 8 (>.< ghns :rf ffite;al. cr j::lf'\i!laNy w.-..-.awd
\\1lrer 15 min<MS l:>Mnre at~ ilmootli~~-<;)y /l:I;N<inz e~ch
~$kx: :m-J :k:::k arlea~t h:!!t td<litamal gli!K1 d&.ly fer
tlulliin dnnr.g 'neu'.>itl~wn" and f~.r ruw w;;c.,
!:Oere;~fin 1111~ '~ .

"'!""""'""'' lgnuring iliis c::m camt

:>lltt" .c ;l:Jln:Jlf-0: fwm vnflu1hrd roxir WJ>!e,;. Wht<n

<lilwlufl'ly ,;w;miil/ ikug> 11111st be itr,gesurd, do so a f<m'
milmics <ifiu eketFijleittkm lheJo ""'u 14 /wHl'li lufn""
n<JXI .~ttNtrm.

Ih,ifojoc: *d' dugg1sb, fiill!r, dJny', iro'oy_ hwultchy

tig.>t-fu."-<).'<1 or rkiD), :lliu"'-""lS, hlo;;Jk:-J m- has fln--hkc
~ymptmm <)r ra;hss ;iller ~xf"l~\C"-.. r;:;e pul<ii4J prr
M:1Si<M and! or ;hom;r, app\icati:->,1\ of elu:trifi~a\i;:m

Vn:mt more 'C,<lkf----prl'i:habl)' Uf>fl'/td--ln S;><'..J wa;k

o~idation arul diopo<al, Use V<lwm 'iUllen "''""
:rcslJ'f! pa~w~1s ,ith itrpavffi bJ
ac bcr lirnckm
Start slcv,iy M JirsL obout W mim
I'"" ili!y :" ret'.ucc
<klc:<if>e~!:on pn:J:<OJ:ffi,
To Jvmd ,.Jwct_ j)()ility, ll'<~ onh
ckwncr De> :-lOT a.'> any Me-<>::

with NeOO <!\ ;\(t,

ouppi If"

a:v OK ,.-ilh wdl-m-;uk:-

[!CII~':"S!Dffi i itr0;.,;, lighl\, )

RC\I!Hlil \loveml}<ll _'1ml2

,.n;:s with blooU

kd JNWCF pplY,

-1.-,w\<\-Vr u,,_,



PREl'ARATIO'i FOR US-E; Wrap :lrM <>t f01rr twl1f of

100% ~-ott= tlannd ammul r,-.Ss, Spiral--wr::p wL}1 strong
thrNj otm'l-..,g from wne :<Jik 10 ctld. Tt!(ntJ::; pi:-rn::h dNh
ewer rut!'> cn.i "'' <:Sto Jca-.c n;:. nwml cxpm;X :>y
6 or._, illiib oflhr~ad TIGHTLY Jilll niT <:::d ofmd. then
:,-;:llml '"'"'?bad tO W!rt :mrl t,~ w1lh four knot!; then <1l1
cff CMXO> doth "~end rko~ tc piu.t\~1?p> C,-eat crul anJ
l-na~x 'ill: Fray<- (!:'abric & s--wc-e wpply <tc=)
tv f>' ""~"' mv:tw~- Sn:ur~w bcforo =h ~"" l.u!! i!Oitrton
vf wa :mit \!Wl ta!lb salt_) Ad<! ~ few drop~ <>f f'olluidill
Silver frr disinttctant. S~-c.x f;x H!ne. Tap~ w.d:ing wet
~iedrodeb tighdy over arknci p~lbf 1:tM wrfu P"P"'
modong. Trarn;rDftllf m ;.!~""* ~ ()t il1ke !" wldv
~tr-.Kh ct~~~j~ hr.~ WHh dh1 ofVekn:!t- Jl cOC~ 10 fu.<ll!<l _
Fl~;mdeo ,m,.~ dm\l'.y nmlt>ttn pred,..:ty alOll{! bhw.d
'"e-i<, oot ~&-.,.J!li; "":er ~<I h.!J;;;:;\ll (wen~ ad_>u~'tiJ fksr,.
Thig msum hdl:t't eleclfic~l ;c,::l\l~t~,i:y pa!-h~ v;~'tx:ubtng b!O!JO and in;,;r;s l'sY lt>w >kin lmpemc:c

( ,, 2Dfllli!l Rinse end :l'o:;Hlry d""!rodt< a::dM:n ~ficr each

""~ kl:!VF.R a1lo"'

rnn-,. metal to

t,_HiCll sbr a; this vdl

bllf(<,5 as '"""ll "'ci <:T.wm. !!rot hen\ ~iov,-l}

Tr.e nbjec!Ive ~; 10 gct mr_: ;uu1u CU,'Thr.t into blood \'O%clS.
!PI kal: ic over. tn 'lil""e'' '"'" 'l'l:zr:dore ~e;er""' ""i
,:;u:trode wjth a--tl>lll ~(l'. -,-.,d,or lhi!ll abcut It!$ ;mill_
ELI!CfRODE- PLACl PITS: Locate l>!.md >vssel
pmh< (NOtw be e<m-'ll'>-. llh ,~~;upun::>xre. ('iaplnan;;.::
p<~ potnhl oc e:t\1,.

",;"' (Wlrut te Ra."'-1) nr d~~e

wri<l ID tfm:"e:m 1:>)' W~L~~ fsr ml<\ml\::J pub<o, Scrub efllptiN"S, "'1%PT exOOilio'S, !'l($b~s. hoi\;;, c.:ul:mud~
tklrt rtv~r clu:otn <itt:O "'it::: ~lli!:i tOlp ar.<: wrucr PM1:i:m xa':.erl t:m;;,;~. et:.) W;th \""C:y 1-way mfecti<IIK go >lUI'.'>:I:'! dtKlrodc h1111):lhwi.~>~:;. along MUn.: l.mmeh of '"a~ m>t to overload 'hody'& \\>X<C d<spo;;;;l ~bihty.
R~dml!lfWT) AT' lung, I'' wid~ ela~\JC otwlch~b"ndvmt:
Drmking omu~~bubblco:l water oxidizes w astt> lil!.d of><itt!"
lWl' 1. lei lwgth ,,f Y,'' w1dc VdcmW ~e\\n tn ~ods (f J~toxification. 1A1th cucuJa,mn.. impaired diahctic_~_ ~tc,
oppor,ne d;lc< ma.k~:& M c.x~dlent wmt hand for h\>kJing you may wish tnaxlctd.'W:;"km time<: Again, h<IVe 'mb_:~ctG
~k~tmd:: mugly in place_ P:a\'t ..-..~, e~,,,u~~ fr!Jmoon
drmk lot.; uf wJtet. R,;,:tnt chang~ 111 !b.,m:ucal ;t:t!ltlu:>:
ulnar anJ md:ol puh; JX>in:> '-"'- <>?."""R .d:ko< f' 1l!!ildc uf being c-..rrenlly te.~tl'd suggw;~ continuing 1he prntacDl for
WmE 1oloTlfL 'Th.-r. wiec el~" cal:-k !!U?lugglld, tur.
~-.-.;ml w-c."kt. ('l,:,o l>.mlth practilwncr w:lb cxtctllliv<il uti:
~w!!i:h ON auJ <W.v:IlliCe ampltuik ~~ lu ma..Wn.m
of boll; :he bl...OO. dc~tdk~diurr aud uagnelli; puhx,;r
crigin::i bicod dremficr de~ rmW momemwy ;;w \kvi,.._, rqmrud to Slwing !Jelllth From !he He;,rt liiC to
1 ''tr:;;r sW!kh .uu! g~ \J;;;t !he red tud gw~u hgln t1:Uittiu!f ~ prclnng<X~ u<e roe!I\W'Cthi: >1-~ pathogens iwve
dioJM fhsh ;o!l,;rrmtfly. Tl>is v~rifi~o \lu\ pt~b.rit-y ti !;"""" "C!Jit;)!iDd. Ht p;xtts 0111 ib~ ~-, cf SW;>p:~.g too
gva=:g 4 time< per "ox:un;l (t..q,eoz:y in "JOT critic:)
tk wMbt raflmsenr ha,e bet1l Cea': wu.h.
lUld that 'mtteu'f aro ni:l (;..>0<; Wh;,n LFO' s doo 't light, He :':a ~uggeoted building up \D IH<Ilj! the b!O<Jrl
rep]ao;e all duw 9\' alh!me ba'!:le:ico. Whoo the -.::vhit<- diOctliftconoo dc~ice tbt 6 day> rcotinuuu,ly to n~utrnli7c
wc:mdescent bulb dhro or ~ppcar8 yellowi~h. M !\'lily l>'ll 'I the loug:et-lived pathogen~. Rem.,mhcr to r-emo!~ie!l
chdJng. replnu all f()(lf AA (:ell~ Z~n~r d10de> wlll d~rtrodes r~gularly. 1f Y"U a\:>'>llllllciy must ingc~t
e-x!mgtlbl\ LLD\ wh~ the thre~ 9'V baHorr; , ini!in' 17V pr~ocnpti"" <:llgo. d<.> "" i:nuuelliatdy ujler turning Mf
fu---op~ bckw <:OV af::e7 e\kndcd '-"'~ _:...e,-el IH an,y
~:,tmmenr =<i>-"<>,.-2:4 ~-.NIU hefon: ne>:! tr~me,;t !o lc!
el~e hrg.:< (h:m J.'_:,. loag l>y U':" w:i;k 1\l avuirl
~km<;::~l ~onccmralioni ill blvoJ p::~>me J.,.;y t;:. ""-eo:



d'"-'lfMlY>g ~t.rreut lhw~ sum,:;r.diql 1>&.11~. Ct>l111!!<!

exact!)- ovcr W<J<Xl



Apply ID-crs of <\ih WJFer W

Rmnunlw-. <f ~ni_\Jed~ <:Vtf f(d slixp;,, slugpsh-, b!l""->,

eaclt rlectr;;;;;k ~ Nlt!OII wv;:r "" nealerl to keep ~olton
nausonus, fumt, bloated N ht~Jn..hy, \If !Mve t1u-l1ke
;~n-n>; damp ~NI i::.n.tro qHimt:m <:Utr:::Oi fie" !.ma
:rohcticrm, !h.::> may be mgeC""mg ouffit~JI!I -abr m'.ake
Jcv1cco ru- ~ >llh<!'"'mte. IY<:t only <r:e C>atrery and r><;> rd.a;-'G.
f<lt <!-ec".l.l:~ly L=hing :ox mo. W" wh:,--p::cl t::i> a~
ml >rre mu:-1. s:nater El.wlfift ~-""'<! 1 te!ll'2 d.lil:r fm 4 ;kto;,i!:C~tivn plw c.~.dcrp ::::_ n::laa>n J;,c lo de;:triticati 011
we~ !lr lnnzor 1~ indwated iSe~ .;ba:;:a.:ll on page i >i.)
Ld lhm r-col ami ,rul\ilize tbr -45 mmutco hefor-e dri,ing
SETT~G \UL11\(a!:: l'i'<>l' WWe amplitude tOI\trol W
ifind:~. Jfth,. d<:toxlng b&i>f".t'>, trw every
minimtlm ( t'OUill~r-clocl.. Wl~r) and plU!): in ckclrr>de cable
.Wr'<>fld day. Tr~a!mcnb arc oh""" IIJ ;afdv nemral;?c
,;,.m,.m:e d1al Jl<>wly until fooH!IS a "lhum?Jrrg" n!ld vifu,;c-~, [<le'_g:_, b-ao:lcria, P""""'"" ami rmcrobe m Nood
ll!!:glll'.l).. Tutti !b h,gh as lo\et:;':>!i" em! rlun'l adv,lL('(' lie<> '..15 paten!~ ?5~!~g,_'f3!!', :J,t!~l,l!i-2, :.,;}9.684,
=;>tnurl;e t" ..-t.e-1'1: il h omc"mfurmhk Adju>t .Aqge 5,!1~ 4! 1. \ 'i~J,\!86, 4-/24,079, 4-J%5,89& arul mho= ~>
penoc:Lcally wh<.m M..'>:~lmMizing In comfort "'vcl )l\et u:dl M num~l''-h<} ,<l.ful mdi~i:l..t;,J:k<; wd;::h ;ne p~>entiy
~~ mt1lU!i."!<' h 11 rc.rmd > [<;!,;] d:if!lfffif ~1l%tKru.
htt(~ ~u or Slq)preS&"C.
"'ltb rune. Yol! ::ru::y 1:1C\tl(i: liUk oc no =sawm t.!. full
SILVER COLLOID: Abo, mgetinpa fuw o:r. ,-;f --: parts
;:::;nplitwk **'1llclt~M<;!y. bill fueHa? wiJ1 ~ imiJ;:fng up
flct' .mi!!iun ~a""" <:illlo!d;~;~ver '<;II' &:.>lllrie~ druly om 8'"~
lma>.tmum ait-r ""'"'r"l ffi!M:l:tt'l' .n which time mr.p;m.&e
~ubject~ 11 "..,.,-_,__~;:; mt~cl mma::c sy>tcm" and =mize
Ul1l be dtt!\.'ll;co:l 'fyprul adilpk<! d.xtro&---w---elcelt;;.u:
nt eEr"ll:lA' ()pJYJ:Iurri>!i~ mlioutcm, dur~ :'t'C.J"'-''1' 'll\as.;,
m~--"' lilli""dann is vn th( order "f 2(1(:(/!J. ;'y;:.kd
-:his r.:-ael~ ;;~b~l~w.;;:: ;, pre-l n~ roclmol11gy ~nrl "4\::k
<;ernformhle mput (to slin) L; -.lmA, <Jnd maximum
OlNlt is coniJerOO 1mmunc froll'i FDA h;n~~:umnt Silvt'f
!Ol11bt~ mpu (full amp1itudJ ~~ - 'lmA. However, lhio
colloid can f(lsi/y b~ made al hum~- d~nmlytically in
~-.;~ marg:m althoug_\1 hrun:d<.Z\ 1s unne<:essary li!Id cdrr
minuws a-...d in :my tk;--in:J qwmtitie< ami puns p~r rrulliun
bot unco:.m:fvrtahk: Curr~nr fk>WII hmugh i>!=d ;, much
;lt~lh fN uuder ;~ pe-- gn!ton plu> con of "'al.::: it i>
h::m-M"(han th!o e:cl<rnf>i ;;-.m,t he.: c uf riB> =-S':liJlttO
rhlind:m:o tu pul'<'ha-;e- - tOY- high pri<::<:, :Jnl~M ecku
throl:gb skin, t::ssun.ndNcod v~ alb, hut 50 tc , ~'(J)l-4.
pf<::lto:ms, m;wllic <.\>lh:o: -"' no ,:.& dfe:::K SJ)-v~::cu11oid&
thll' bt=d ;~ """'-'"l't'l!]

WO(, '( pl'<4M:;: ;,L,;g l\.'lM '" 51mintt~ u~:lnl1 rnher kOO#ll

fttf.QUENCYOft'!SJi; Aflr1:
rn,; houB dwly for at ktn I j,,
:::tr~ Th~ Jnniting nwwr i3 .L.

~ul>jc'~ !e;;ctjv,~

0 cl~rilil'l' for alxmt ntltibimiu.. N,; re-~wwk .<mmmt can o\\1'4oM: ;x ifiimv
x;J;s \Jot judgmrn! UHfi -ei!J:H l:r'f'ICI!lly. lJ:Sl-ill.l', IX Pf'-'k&>I<Jlhl! m:eJiGi!


{d: .mf.r.l, C'ahlrr", skm

injee:in11 Jl:ofor


mili"i !'""



lllfutrm:::mm oo


23 61 !ltl

Preparation to Use the Electrodes fur

Blood Electrification

' ', ;:::::s;,:

" '

Step 1: Prepare cotton sleeves or colton

covers for the electrodes.

Step 2: Place the cotton sleeves over the

electrodes, A dropper bottle IS a
handy way to wet the cotton and to

keep the covers damp during use.

Step 3: Place the covered e!octrodas

directly over the two arteries on
the wrist the radial and ulner

step 4: Hold the electrodes in place with a

wrist strap. Thlsone is made of
waterproof 1eoprene with velcro to

hold It firm
Ensure the wnst strar does not get wet

De tween the electro,_ s. If il does tho ourrMI

wif travel betwe"''l H t'A'O electrooes rather
!han througt< th~ sk11 :;, the arteries

To1al Cartt;.er Remissions through Blood Eklctrlflcatlon combinad witll Silver Colloid

Ot'f1N'OO fur


ar.d EduelltloMI Purp1!1!1es Mid aro t~ All1hol:'s Op!nl1!11ti1

Sw;;k, P Sc re R~.ll>lt..$0 M~y, 199B

COflY'i9ln 19% Robert C

Opl#in> e.rpus_;ed jn this l'lrik1e are b~ed M! ih<luuthM\ fuM hil!ld exp.lrience Q/Jd du
rltmr oj tl!h puhlkarWn. l A! so pi!bli.m:d m E>:piore! Maga;ome:
My arch!>Y$ t!\ll'Qir, t IMW.lizing I'<:('("'' :}:om_ ~;a!
d.:ca<J:;,; ~g~ detn"hln!' cln auUc~r,u:oo r.:"ctil or""- older
!Illil1 -..-tu. wa~ ~true+ by t,ghtuiog, ;n;rdn.d, d
""*""~u:::ti~ F""w a thitil ><1 Gf tmh ~~w " nu_,r,-,- lwaJ of
y; """"'dark~~" '-in g:oo;s'y me~iz:ed, 11\C'j)Crah'c
ctll)cet'S ,Mi:,hod. lie threw 41'\<ay Ls gl"""'" ,rul """" and
<1Jlp<;3re1 !llll('L Y''-"b-..'l >1M'-'"" t>ii!ly h~>W~Y 1\:;:rt.~e fir;a
um~ ~~rr Thb f><:odmte.:i sce.~tih ar.d y(ru,; :<rc.>t ai""""
ea....,ung;,d W!!k l:ughl-" !ll"~"l ,.oo t>ihl>r" lmmm
e11pen><:nb in"~ abandoned lirer-,.H imagar m WMobv;.;,
re>l~ red ~h w"h hall 11;,.1ltning Wll$
~ay Th,- <u<.::<O.a! j;tr.era!ecl wk~ o~uhtion. ~u f""
'~c:gia> al 1b' hm :'l~s my>ler', remli!\\'J :;k-q;ing unt~
1990 when"" l'J)oundmg d'""'"""Y w~~ re;:><-:md 11 '\lbert
l:iliSI~ill {(;lif?t ;::ofMed:cin<; il; ]\.")'( b}
KM]j dUd
L:-maro ~ "'"Pfl>ingl)', !tit '""'-'kl:rn"ry dalt -<T'>
"VP'fl'mly !IIlmedia:.tly t\Uf'Pf""'M !See- _'drncf X em: .....,..,
)0, 19:#~ pg 2fl; artuLO'!gtVi/J Ikt. l"':n pg 12)
i\s a 1i01ally =x,m>-4:1 a-d unpr""-.c".ilHe ,,uLomo o:': e
wn:e.'~ Jd(funr;ly;i rese:rrch i\lo 'i:l~rxl1'lf!1[cstioo"
~>l!l:\ ill1U'O """""m fm- ".IDS ( CUJr<:IICit "h<.>wrng excellem
re5UhS). t !<hing nm;;bu of 1l<Df' pre;.iansly unknoM\ \u
m~ o.tpmmdep<:rl:kmly rerxtmg "srontM4:1111
renlli;wns ., of U'J:tfl'!0110 <U.';r di"'-"'"-' lm:ludh>g ,..,,,_.,,,._
\t<>s! mwl"'" rm <)Jct;!.-1\ m<!<:,c.>IIOII, vr lime oT
~t~ ii.:t"tm;J after subjM:H 11M .elf-~dnnniHerai '"'aMre:<l cinilY<><II,..,jf bk:OC tma!m"'lll JID"'e"" fomt d~~mi.Ml
m US r.mrut #5.1 RlP-'3: &uf<i to Dr.;;.."'..., KMli m '93.
We""'"'- ftt'<led In finJ uplrn;dions .,. ro wily : ~
wu;;oo. Th:s pre!im:mif'
cffers a i"-""'~bl~ thoocy.
Mag:ct-.c "'-"SS!J! li\i~~51! u.-l!h ~~n<:r wcmc ,.~..-<U<ntly
l""""n a);1'm in l'Ji;4 and ,b>;:iim:: m IJ~ P;:t.:?.!
-!!4 fi~5.HVS plu. rr=y other rwnc du.~g hack oe ! %:90'
I1W Sm"eir d<><lorur~ J""-"rih~ remc,.ing hlotl<i fro:;: aru;
M!h cto::mfyhg it, cll<i :ctmning : ;,_,!he ether am1 m J
f!ftlct' "'"'" la) \<:> J1Jil;.'b_ I! 'ISQ d""C:hs $\1'\_'l<;'llly




""Pl~nred .d~~

elctr."<"-"' ctrm:uhen; ~rmtuinms c_runtur~

wu motde bh-...--.d
Th1.e >ililihl<'s ~reterrtil
appro;u;! ka<e< !ill blu<J>.! ill !he b-.A ;, totally noh"'''11:!1), {:{l!;b Jlf<lrl'M~lly "'i>!hh;l' ,_ ' Rafc:~
<K~lllilpll-'bsd m A:tt>UI I'Wnlh "'''
''"' buuro (Aft clay
~sa< <'fit ?'kit ohmit hi;~-d fe'J\'!11~" ;-_ \~'<&"-'
~ whib bioot ihwo nc!c;;h-.-;~J$-'1 till> -6f>ce
~-dumt ofrlw dtldrficct :orenrm
;; brrJJ::h lrt&cy from



"'T>I !!.> e.l\:hl'" W'irhor_-: mu:.wn"'

<i<K\qm, ctQJ;: pathoflon;, 'iru=. '

furJg J""'- 1end w- <.lmtp)lh!lf h<->g;<.

''"*'"' neluliqnts m

'"""' !-"' ~nd

au be tNrl)y

fWt nntaw:riJy


ob-.ervml m blooJ with Qr.ldl<::d ~d phll.t-~t\tr!ISI

mkw.,;qry. TI:< <mtue pre="""' simple lil'f'liJa.\m Jtl!
flil1> lis:.>; :"..Ji; ~'t>l>cd :~ m~ -\II ~ l(j)f!nwlln
TCU5 i'"\1''- of illp!r,r; I (Vol. 7 4] \ icl ,h !hi-; pa;:><:-. AbO
nmpk om;truorihru rc,,. ...,lfm~J.> ;lira eo:>~~ds ot fur be:wr
"-i'i'\hly :~'ftil YUII ~"" nw:~lly buy &IV giw~ in V"\ 7, lfl vf
bpiur.:.' ~lw Exp.<--"" Mmv, l..::;u~ #15. Back.lM!J.JeS:

Box 1151(>._?reocolt AL o/,!f,; V28-541~14;YJ. Yw

rm:: a::} gl:;;.~ M Wp "'"'~- i'lW u 3 ppm wnir iee~mlytc
~vc: tl>lkicl m oboc;t tw.:. mmmee anywhere wilh ~ ;.hirt
poc-ketln~:,.,~"'' hy 'imply mmilll$ ;;JV (thtee \N
\;j;J\;i~t rw;'i<; b:\tteoi&.o) betw<e:~ !W.) >JulTllcn~!ht <.ifpu:b

s,;""' tuevor "Stc1w{'J ,<i!'t>> wkc:ergei m WlJtet. To ;late

m;my "'pont:mem::o !'Oill.!.IOWn>" ,,-en-,.._.,. <>''"iunu~bk'"
illn= Jldnd1"ll mv k~~ been R';xm:<IJ by u<ern "~-<!
=a:rllt15 of r._l)_j~ ''h!OX>d )"!flfic.atkm" w '"" wm'mled

with iug.mlior. ,-,r ponui~-!l"Um; mst:mtly ""lf--m~dt

"'"Ja 61(1'<11: 91U<:>i:l plm ::'.l~Jndk r-''~tl<m and wtm:td
d."!lll>JUg woter: ;;;,_,., NIJW <.>f d.=,; of t:1~nd< ->it.: 100"'
1j'Jflll'<'lll min>cbi h;;; exp~neoceol mfenitm>, P()l,j,_ ihl.
p-l:Y'U!II.-r.ia, l'ff hl1': 4 ~~J>O;> day's ('l'XbnlYIIY tn "'"'' :hrf:e
jd>f& <'Vici<.>IWt l~""l'lY '"M~ts res<orod immc,.nc i>}fll=o
er drnmatiudly imfl"'"'cd b' ood fu::t:innm;;. lt is 11~<)
frh:ina:ic.~ IQ Mlo th~t StVU5! pe.t ""'ntre '41"" ."cir ~;rtf;
n~"' lefus<, ro irm_l> wnt;r :f '.livu ~Alvid "Il\11 l<li!Ju\.
Tdr~ tc '"k-ri:n..-.aml ,.yJ: Pf!iVw~sly reci!Mng Mr"<;ti-,:;s

""' drn::mn;:ally lt 1;; a;; though "~ Ctemm !:ad kft a

s=l "h<i~\ ,J_,_,.., mrtbOO fm- IlliillkinJ. v:. 11nal :;- cx,rn;wr
th ~dvwwy- nWttm'>ie di~,;-.w;, fl,;;;w,a~ u since 11:\*
begilmirt~ c>f tc. !i> avmd legoj'""' lh= Ill: ~re hdng
vif~wln:-Jler firs ammldmenl fc><OWm ,;f ~p<<:eh rlghh lind
$hm\ld WI! he C<>n;t;n.W Wl nwd:cJl advt::<;.

H ha> ;oo:g lxrrHlrnown ;:,~;


<If GY!n4<~ d;ing <>f

illltm"::<l :IM!< ,~,~a] \llOilY kwe bK C:UI<lot <ee.rd limeS.

dtv'ing: tmtJ hfedme re>ni11ng iF ~ipO>llimeow; l'il!ll!5MC'Jh~

gornx~Hy Witheu! >h<'~,- ~mmkds;v ll1ld -cdthout ever "*'*'*!:g
1 dftotm_ An Ofll111"1ly :-:nctJon!D~ '""""""" syv:m
'1-.'ill<ilhlw au!cmaiiMl!y "h 1Th.lles =- <)fwhkh ; -e
<JJ1j,.,h;l<bm 'hW>> ~ware. Scwc.-11' F''-'ffiiS"li broadspect1Ulll 1lll\d~l immiillok;,.'lc~f 1?NJI1 hk mterf~nm and

uncrk 1kin ~r~ J<Uducl'd h tealllw munu1w >y;t.-.-.,. bu!

wu~ d wat llv~"llllis fur ld<\011"' "-~lh alr-eady >J-lrnl;ke
or ";oh1 ,, d<,wn" <l~timl;~s

' ~n~h "'-""Y sllCh "~""'f"'Po..'.e&

ro..Jd 'P""d ""'"" O!la . r<o\<>i "--."""''hQn, <k~


j;,,-,-,,,; if,_
!hroug:- NV<:<Ub""-Se&------<-

er p:.lkl[,e.!h v.hith ~vulw

my.-u" m'i'.IY<m<ml ---atf

<>! whith ,;urrenCet to:! OJ..,


Fer f.tr10QS

!lllilblll \o _.e!f-awmmble ;!;.~ oimple ~kctrifier (o\wll' t;m

),ildmg l"""ffi ~ud :;;:~ttl! Hirnp1rtie.> 11m yrww,ug
r>.e<Jlent ~ud reliabl~ t=bm:atwn l::.k>OO ~lec':rificatirn: ;mJ
~"hmd g~nrro:!:ml; ro~dy to uoo. \1m <emil wttdy t<ruw
fwm $ 115 k :02\;0. Bl>l ffli', lirulr.1 l:rr<:kti-.r-YJ!;h ~
po;WM!IIf inc<\tl'ect tiJld f"A)' U<Wer ht l'DA "f'p"O\'td
i>ec1n'<!! of th~ rnilhnm ~f ilo!fa"' run!
needed to 30IT


t!uuugh an --.pprmJl proc~,; rJd tilt blh()ll; in'lat<d in

lft:iltrnwt fM".htie>. p!:::.m\liO.:u.kfJs, :m<,l r: dmi.d,
clWwrono "'}IIi?'"""' TI1h dJo.:ovU'y pvfi l"-'"""' a""
J,oe<k~' b"'lk to rik mdivt~l Tht tu!y Winw:ns li~ hi too
rupd Mn''icuum <W<>'d!:hk try int<Vas\!lg
1n!!!h fm lbshin ""d cxk~ was'.e-1 (fkn:l!6mef<
oyrnlrorn ), plm ;:p-\ pPt~nri~b- \\il\.W 'ut>oltantri
th;riug tl<.>OO ekc:ci.'kaJcn ""'-"'H"' ,gUy ~'<! .,.,n
ahl''-"f''Hlli dwo "' el~cu :.rorntwn (See J.C 'k.:i!w:r
I:vHrJ-\UT 1n J'~Unw/ '-'f Cdlular IJiY-ik'tMi'lry, 51 ~26
tl~j; 1493).




whaco;, pN!rtr:ac~u!kal$ aml wiT~

m~Hohen:fure be ti'.w~:t'"" for at kl.! tw:: """'before
>fuctmg and J<:>r 'c:~ dwat;on of ~:OOd ele<JrJkatJon ,.
mtynelic f'"lilg >lwl milliJm>"1 Mlb~:; in yoor hh><1d
tiliwrul wllKh m:JY bee=~ !oUc at 10X !h<:ir ll!J'mlllf

iihoccnfi~~ricn r;

now be~ """"''sciJJJ:. u'ed uc:ildtyc.urll

"'"'-"'.d tiN w.:>.-id. On<: e~..-npk:

~:en%~1 ~= d;m~



of all vi~tml5 in h dnn:l wmlct. ani k>~ !eng b~on

knm!l w b~ N""W hr tll papilbma Y!rll> rdectnl'iw!ioo

(ht po(onfal

fO 6m:l\fla(U Se$1'

i<r...:t 'fellow ttt~.-clm;'

coexbtill ln cw blond U>d ma.y handle ilmu-tlli!mf-le ,,!h,r

<ln"ll&f J>c~vious1y ,-._n,tid~wd m~tn:b!t!.- El::i>b or ott<."'
('i)S>ihly JleacliW!liy :Jlin<:ef<'J bidopct.: W<ttbr.;
"(jq"g~r'- pbgw m;cy be =i~~".:i wme<k; per <eilW

m' C."'I-l f War ~:;-11J:wrn: d11~n=- ''hkh are curremly


to dll o:tler km>wn C!}~:t<rnre>.ll'('i\rl!d flQ'"-""l. ;;;;.!lcid;; ami <mme llli.Y be ~ft~otivc q;nlftlt
a> wdJ e~.f<.>I1:U:\'Mtc_; m lThl~y';; :;;o;;nlf)<,
n:tiifum<.' nt dollar& ll-"t J::ee&;d (() d<:> ti"' '\O'<tw-cb j,wltl<:>fe
fi"'J?:., m be bdpui.
LJC fl'.D>t <e>JaonJb!o tlwr; Jwt: 1 wnifioiltW1 ie""
st~rpmtm&)y <ri'tc~tiw fur w nl~ny ron<ht~rrw !ito ..- th~ now
i'W"--'11 Wet thm w!r.JJ >:>.'"""""'..\;' ~:wE..i:l Wreet!y into !Jl:vd
t ""rIll!() <lib,. OOcly lo.,me like ;m.tms 00 lnmd:s~
of frel,
vr ory:;m) \lit pm;~!\1> 1\~tmla~' II mtcrob~- pi!th;:,gen,
1\mgi, t""".Jitte~. ,.;r:Jes. t~~>.-~;:na. JJ. -d<i"llS a.~d




1\lrti,gll hie fonos ""d u

byprw!w.e:< m m~ opin1<:>n. "..-:e <L
"'i!h Royd Rifu. Huld!i C!.uk "' ,.,
!i_<'f;xflYI:- '""ult> wx fu<!M m rem-eJmr;~k mldl!r k"lt1 witlt1t"

!o;;"'' 0r<mgh vcw;d walh rbm w:wmllla:l'c"' Jf tq,;ue._

E!ocmcrd .-nrrent< m Wood
be m"lll!~tt'Ju-i!h !n AC
m><rovo!r mctto: ty m ctr::>;> ll<irg pmiaft} frn,ulated
hypudcrmio h'>d;,, llwerted -~ uKU.S -.<part :.Ow 1t.\l ,;~m<
an:<try ('Jm-k'~ '\yD<-1'11 zap- m.~.IJlm; tt hen<l>!~t:IMJ :>U l Hz


Ooun; anJ -$50), oo~er-'l of ;w:mple ;or;;. mmrrt!y crmm"'-

' !L><d<'f' and 1lir

, n~vcr lx ~
,. roo.h!i""S~"'"""'"" nf ~7 '<-'ott;
na;:.c~ "ul{>H:whl<h

U!U.'l de!it!~r '-4> to '"'-'11'Ul lfillii"~l' cc,; !tle&?'Jfl!hi<- L"Jtrei"JI

m~' den u; flT<>duce 1lw roque,:.! 4
100 """""'-ornpero~
mNmilly lhr<>tSh hlo<:x; '>lkr t4 "-' dihk s?ri~; n::sOotmte

(wm,ikr&<i w"Y ;;:.;:t",.,'fi !oo fligh tube eifu;::rw) nctca' .')

!W<liSO.WS ()nly -1 (.V f""k tO 1"'-'l rude: k..OO t-2\.100 ohm>;

a! pahm,_ TI"' syrmro---zaprer's ; unm><:lsur~b!e
:ttt1y ;a h!i00ds1;fl;li"J m;d rhynmlly , ::mnot proJ-"'-'~' the
e"~! 3010 !IJ( \lAR'JH>red int:m:ru!y. f!f;lug the ~yn<:<o
~ewer rna; mJ:;- m;H~ reudu..ts "f ;mtt.;:te pp;..e!\Ce
radioo;<-.tlly l-'l:J;,-mnawly the hv; bng~ rC."1"-'ll r;;d..,-,;r[)ed
on& 2N! Hill '"ere and o;ill &'ill t.e nb,.,tv<:d '-"- M0<>l ~!ld
m:=-or~ blood iii<>'_,;no:;,s, Tu fanmon M ~n.
dt<'trificJtiPn fe\;41!\'1 cow:m-<;;wuec <olt water ;;ct\ffil1;l!{
:>bini= ~kcl dectrn.le norer ov.x 3_,!:2" wide ;;nd C" li>n~
~..,a.,, uw~t '>e c.\l'.-f_:::- p~oil:cnd dtttctly "'"r "-lid
['t~K:~dy ;, liw "'Jh >P~:Pfk me,nl pul:;c
ma>.iae,. <..'IU"'ffi! mto i>!~ hy ill! r.tJfi'u>illg it iniD
mrrvo1ruliuu nsouc. Square or roumi TEYS. F'AG, EFC.
FMC, M~. clcclr<X!W' work ('nfy ~!ly ~m,J o~nn\J
1\t\lel be '"' ?ret"""d fu~lftlff>Cm pulilb"llp\1111.-r.
rtru: < -3.9 V:; b:phai Wlti; 'l'--W{l rl,.; ti::w iiUd 50'% O:.u.ty
c-.;cl_r Rsre ,, II<'' ctJ:a;d, al!oough mllth lrig_her fr,'que<lri<$
a:d ~ev:aml) higl!e: huill!lllia< of tllli """Iltml ;QIIJre
ompm ""' OOg,--..Ces by '<bt ctli<1F wb'w cc"""""' tavel
momul !1m uubd<k of~;mwa:: of ~~!t::'IIIIHy """"" i~
OOwtt'>llilted ':if li!th!JII.? ~ bulb i11 '"'" hmd wlnle 4:W:hmf
a Tcla c;ill W<!b III< YM':er ;md u<>i jlcttmg ~kd
Careful eledr'i\~~t1on ~auv'" :w k;wwn lumuful ~:de e:llect
1 hMl!iti oens u; tl~~ue. Hlx-d olcc>>'i:tie6 f<>t :~.,;:4 ''o""" J
~ rur tllree mootb! '-'= ol.\w:"-;od ro hv" for \H>II "'""' ~
monlh ~<.tt1: ..ahA und..-<:<:n'm elm 011 mict~ ~lites
1'11ik lht 4~~rage E!:~ M~cc;::.;oJ" dww- b10<:>d ls urHler 4
day~. Jln> "l!\)ll~ly '''"*~;>< tlli!t e<C~ ~P'l! bi>cites <'Wr
<d!y m><' rupirlly b;;. m;ul ~!(11!" 10 mauy h:lS!>l'<,



l<>:'l!f. ;uf~**Xlii, Ul\Hbi<>ti' .reshtan( art(! e-vc:1 y~!

un;:liwmwed mvadt.n

L"" ali ;v<:Ullio!I"'J tdew., t!m u;.;redih: br~ak1k<>~>;:~

brtn>!y .,,..,-;\100 mr:ml ridiC'de- 11ml <~jectmu b.=.,_.,. II m ;;ou

ru:rt!ing, elfu<:ti,'t i:.:<:';fK"-'-'"'e, simrk n; f"'*\;Jl:"'-':"' be

bdu:nbk Alm;w llllinrrt~1Jy Pff'Pk ~lmj)Cy

'akc ws,_.~i!ity kr !.he;;: '"" 1 health. They !l:tiilk
~~~ "!)oc'w?' -lp;;ld kn<m ,dun's "b.:,t" f{lf :."J:nl s~
JKcq>Ulllllt <:>f l!fc.._;J tlttmlie!!ii0n, throiwf> Wd <>f' m<m:h,
l~fu,r tu

Gj"'" il<>'k


1u enhu<ia~d!G ace~~ fro;;; ili%<:'

WM ''t o;t\iWij ::<:po:;-ienv-C !1m m<HIB. lkil)j; p-rofil-

rrllht.\\"<i, furl ~M~~h;JrrLd mNt romot ;m\1\li:w, hk~ thh.

Rut >.t IX..., have c..,- 4w.\3.~.ith -mcriiwy.~ Sk:ptk~ h\o;:
ool;- "-' o~t !hi& wdwolo;; 1,l dw:xt!y e<;>jey 1mmonwl}
O<tlc'1' h~~hh

Tcle /ni,A
V-ntffl" i>l ~ r<*~attl1'lt. p."
g11in from lllh:

J~ !"'""''! Tlw: <:;-er,;o:



1 ha<! nothln~ t<>

Blood Electrification -The Easy In-Vivo Way

ReVISIOn May 1998 Informational use only Not intended as med1cal advice. Copyright 1997199 Robert C Beck

Several years of experimentation and many reports of successes have resulted in simple, fast, proven
ways to implement this most important step in self-healing.

Electrify tv.o hours daily for a minimum offuur weeks.

I Build or purchase a


device, or put finishing touchco on a ncarly--<"omplcted kit

2 Prepare and label a sea-salt-in-water solution for electrode wetting. Use 1/~ teaspoon of sea salt in a 2 ounce
dropper hottle Greater sall concentration can cause o>II!otic :;kin bums, irritation and ra,h_ Add water and few
drops of colloidal silver. Let salt di;;olve_ Hlter through paper mwel to clarify lhts storable conducttvc mtcrfacc
between cotton covered electrodes and skm_ NEVER let hare metnl electrode or any small area l>fmctal touch >kill
d1rectly, or it will burn_ Use natura! salt only. not table sail conl.aining 10dinc tOr goiter and aluminmn and silicates
to insure easy pouring.
-' For best electr1cal conductance o~'rub skin at electrode locatilffi> with ooap and wa\Cr to eliminate skin oils, gnme,
dead skin ccl!s, c\C. Rinsu and dry. With fingertip rub a drop of salt water into skin at each clcclrodc site.
4_ Ret<errmg to lllmtrat1ons on page 19, carefully feel for puloe> and trace a hue about 1 inch long at each wri" s1te
precisely on top and in line (paraliei) "ith located blood path;. Pulses on Ulnar locallon opposite thumb are harder
to feeL Never place electrodes over new lesions, cuts, abra!<iom;, or sunburn Muscle twitching in palm and fingers
i' normal and experienced occasionally.
5. Dip into bottle to saturate in1tially Position wet electrodes not over -3/32" wide 1-~<" long to wri;t precisely over
traced pnl'e paths. Slide each from forearm side underneath a snug \'' wtdc :;tretch elastic band with VelcroQ<J
retaining overlapped end>. One electrode positiom on radial (thumb) side, the >ccond on olhcr (ulnar) ins1de of
1111~ wnst. Curr<.--nt i> cl>nfined to blood in lower tO rearm_ Very little electrification i; detectable doc" here thu~
makmg it s.ater for hemt -pacer users. The wrist electrode piaccmcnls arc more convenient and fa<ter than any other
6_ Put larger unit> in pocket and run electrode cord down sleeve or :;trap We smaller electritler_______,;ingle battery unit<wtth :;tretcl1--band to foreann. Plug in dcctrudc>. tum on and mivancr ~lowly to comfortable JeyeJ. I prefer the
:;mall, convenient, unobtrusi~e unit that uses one instead ofthe three 9V battery units. Neither int.::rfcr~s 'With
nmmal a~'livities.
7. Re-adJUSt power occasional!) to maximum comfortable leveL You can now even sleep "ith i1 on without fear.
When the treatment (about two houf!; per session daily for a month or more hut only after detoxifYing) is done. tum
II off and pm it aside unnl to morro". Wben red and b'IC~TI LED's flash aHcmately with electrodes nnplugged you
knc>w it's working properly. Blood clcaming can be ;peedcd with heat E'-'lmplc: 'Happing forearm with electrodes
m hcahng pad >et t" high_
R_ Keep electrode< wet by re--m< cuing 'With drops of salt water occasionally uoing c yc dropper. When finished,
nnsc wrio;ts. Wasb clcctroJc"
1e>dically with soap, water and soft toothbrush to clnninate >kill oils and wil.
akcd salt Discl11oral!on at ends is nonnaL Wile11 ,-ayed or worn_ di<card old
Soaking overnight will disso'
with 3 turns of 100% cotton flannd. Wrap t1gh1 "1th a few turns oftilread to
covers and re-wrap stamle''
end, spiral hack to beginning
"'- Electrode> should ]a,t for month~. but "ire k , break and must be replaced
[Editor'> Kot<:: If skin i; partlc
dy sensitive, try usmg conductive gel on the elect i~' or rOOnce the amount of salt
m the water to mm1m1zc skmlf _dtion. Apply a healing s.ahe after each ;e"i""]
Rev1sed November 2004

Page 2/ Of 86


ilt!iidc the box?

Preferred cltctnT"-.,.3 illll3t _g<--nillllh;: a ~ .'< Hz {m>t criti;;al) l>iphMic ~ru.rp.n,..,.tJmc quare "in::.-e, ;py pc2k
~c,-eru; mit mmp.::r~ m10 :<low r~J.stan;ce lM;;: &I ,kin
:;>rrbc.; ~- ~OOOW impalllllu:) whic;, nr"!r ;.,.,.,, in wmw rcs>ffi~.~c de!i,m. the =c&"'-1) 5-) 10 ltlO ~ncr<lillilJ)il<m
!lu~<uglt flowing hllll.ld
adjmtaHe ~Apll1, SO% dt1ty cyd, capab!~ <.'f ;kl!Vetll;lf;

Bad!} clehf:;,te<J p.~ticr~ l\liCh .., illll--blc"''l! A tDS , ilici.Jct Legin at leH thru ;:o !l'wutel e>~ ,;;:co!ld dl!y ar;l
fb4 hy :b.nkmg Wt. of pmv wa~cr. prd"ctuh!y o:mniZ<.'d \:;.x~u>e 1heir sy,..:r;< will go inlo rapid >ktcxifu:.t.i:.m
,mniug phy;:csl pmbkm.s called Herx.~enn~r'> symlromt

Uw!1'i (llktng A'"< 'i ::..OC:caioo~ sbcnkl nmumlze such presmn.. ~~- blc~nl ftlr ;It i0il!r w:o dlY" bd<::r.;: <tnrril:J1l :rnd lhoi\1
mt.'lll!.S mc!AIWS coff~. Wll, nkQ\ml, toha<:.<:c, -ro.---r11troc'"'! drti;l~. ::tc., d:urcg thf ~~vml ~ks of rc;;OH'fy.
f.1e<tA!!On>lion" '-1 ~!:oc.n W Jllcr;!>~: ~!V' Indo llfli<J 20X of .W}"Jling Jru:-k, 'ibvl, M >tJg<'m~d m.,~ ~~ming
;:nublem,., This d(XU~ by J.C. We:v<, H!iJ'Vard-_'illT Jr C.diulvr lJ>xiwmitry. '51. 42-6-~35. 199"1 l'J!J1'1!~
1:!\XJl!lg e5H:Illi~l nlUilid!llOn~ ol:uuld 411<~ tbonn ;:nmeJilli:!y aft" tW1ling_ uE denrillimtnn Mid w~it 24 ;u:rur:, before
next h;oc-.d droming. Thi len. tf.uir resiJliCf ili:ca} :0 :ninicrrum ;c,.,], in pla<!Illl. '>cli>re ~"-tlectL.I)'in;r

If d~hl111og b;e<.'1!Wi Gstmbing, pl.&t"'-'d "'-'Cll!LOI"t .dowl;.. Sympm:re mil.~ include k"', glrld!!le3S. d1u.ira~,
heaJ>;<:l\c>, light-".ca<kd, YlllJUenes<, n~U"-'ll, rum: rashe.s, emptmn>. Pct>mg, hoi!&., rongh.r.g, kidrl<:y and im"r
d::tv.:wnfurt, (II; he.<;, geuerai malahc. il1fltrmm;:iGn~. licqu;m u:ina;jon, lWd ~\ggisk.<"> U>e c~~don w:h<lU dct=mg
l"'li<:cts wid:> unpaired h<cr or k!Cucy Ll'dion. Snt reme:ml>cr it"s fut 'wttcr to for'-t W.l.1!ts ow .-,f your syi&."l:ltlmk,.vm,:: lhe>n ;tor~d >vhw:C' they may ha>~ l>eeu i>id>ng for Y""""
Tfc:;, <r' mitW di.co1uJ'<.:n 0\Cf'UM Jo~~wi~'icmivn w11l pn.,frv.-01} ;illl:cr your healtb and ?fPVoke yoor defret~
mmd-#.'1:; ;Uch a~ 1!1./et)'Ull~'t uncunoW)ll~ c<>llllictmg d<1lh wislws. Th;,; g~1l(t't~l-" '-'lllb~> nmi~eable :mtic:y and


For "Electronic Parts; Cheek yovr local electronics supply stol'9.

for Complete Units.

Robert (Bob} C, Bed\, D S:::. work-ed c1ose'y With q_uss Tmlage of SOTA tnstrume'l!s Inc. in
the years preceding his ve,ss;ng He re::omms-nded SOTA as a sup;JI!er for The Beck
Protocol I.JIIlls.

Contnct SOTA at: 1-80

W1te PO Bo,; 20019.


224-0242, .250-77-G-2023 Fax



:lcto.," BC V2A SKJ


28 01116

Making Your Own

Ionic/Colloidal Silver

Currently Preferred Sifver Colloid Making Apparatus, Means and Method

Publlslllld fw !Of~ eM Edll<;ati<>nal PU!1X>$Ho Only, Not Medica! A<tvlcq.
Cpyrlght<D 1993rilllill! Rnhe<'t c. Beck, D.Sc.. Revl$lon 23 Febn.ary 1ti1
To <.'11'>'lyl.Md rapidly mak<: tm!imi!cti qulnt!lles of
good quality ;alvcr colloid conc~trJttr fro -l I"''
gallon (p!:u;; wotcr cGS!~) you'll Mtrd ttve 9V typi'
!.P< 1604 regular ~lkalme :r.utsb:sr mdw battcrie~,

th,-e, hl~


lew.\ CD.Unecttlro\, 2 iU$1!::.<ttOO

a."'ligaturciip;... 1 "'gmi,.,.....Jf-vibca.C 24 volt 4!J mA
sub mirn.a~re inca_'lde:scu1t bulb, a !Dot {lf 3-''32"
lm~t-:;hrink msu!at1on tubing, l 0" pure silver w1rr,
and a font of2-conductor $1rnndcd insulated wire for
chp-tcads_ Th1s should co~t under S20 ma~~:tmum ftlr
everything anrl take> ahout35 minute~ assemble
froo >cralc-h. This design;~ 1d1ot proof am! o.;mp~ en

usc-_ It rr.akes an odorle>>" ti\Stelcss, cv!(u less, fu~t

illlil powerfo.J m~tl3~tic and r.>tltr of :he rtw:;l
remarkahl~ healing :;gent; koown. U;mg a hen:
m;;::ho.:, Jhe entire coEo1d makiC& pr<l""-"" ~>~kes
about fifteen n;inutcs ;xc :6 oz batch {,,r ~3-~ ppm
laborstory te;,tW conCC~ttmtmn ru room lempe:atm c
when w;;ug the salt method.
{)~tin- Hl.!lp-Cfi co:mectorchpt; fu~

the b&terie;;,
Sold~nhem in sene-s fred to bhckJ ro pwvtde 27
"'->11$. Conut;ct a NV m;:arul;;&,.,!ll hunp in !!eric;
wltl; <:llher {po;;i:r-c o:r n~gat:v~; rr.Itp!_;~ !cad. Solder
a n:d ion\dal~d alligator dip 10 tht pP~-rt:ve {an<.:od.l)
lllld a blacK insulated thp 1o tlm C~egati-~ (C1lthorlc)
~mduc1Dr kad wife';. b~uhu:ion ,;; ~hrunk ovor
w!dercd co=c!kll"lS using a heat gun or umtch. U~e
OJ\'LY pure silver (,999 fine) or bett~r .9999
electrod~s. ld4 gauge IAWG) is the preferred ~ize.
Purt> ~ihw l:; soruthmes m:cilable at electror:laling
>.U,:'>j'll y cvmpanie~ ftTJll:hn~~. pcecinus metals
dealers, Ctl. Do NOT Sterling silver {.9275 or
otJe::) l\mcc Sterh:l$ oontain;; vJpf'er 2.:1d ni~keL
Nu:kd CJn\x tvxk ffARNT'>'G' Slcrlffig is
!HXlltfimcs pa;v;-,i "11 for ek:..-;,<yJ:s with
CO!nmtfOIL cvllokllllllkac; J:W, ?J! igt~rn-<IOC~ cr ty
enlrepltuC\!fi! wh'-' Mt' tly:ill: : J1 corners :mJ save
money. DiS<:.ail.i them as h:\av
' Use mly triple
illiillllert oc ile-wm:<<:J Wll\i% i
'iecrablc mlloid
Sir,gk disti!kd wa!?T mlikct t: '(St transparent
mKh:ol!o:di. Tap v.ater IS 0111 -1itabie for cxterral
appl~<:atw:h. !>..">it .xnWns cl:lw e wh,c-1: :rrndllco:>

SOmf' AgC:. Th:s g)ve;; am!lky flllpeamnt~ J~ wit

mJ} ~alt (::\aCt) whk!: sllrm:d be ;r.oided.
Htnd ttfp ~.,Js of siher eltctrvdc wir<M to chp cvet
run of plastic or glas:; co:ntait:cr L-eave abmJI 4

mcne> l'fbare de~tr-ude' s'-!bmer_gOO iu the ~VDrku~g

selntmn {wa:t'I.) Spa~ing between electrode~ ih nut
criticaL There tS nu ()[l--Uff switch,~(> pmcess Sllnts
Jmmedtately when alligator chps arc both aita~hcd to
submerged w1res, however IThl>l con:uoatCJ!l! colloid
mak:LK Jn have switches which mus1 h? WI when

f'toce;i'; ,tup> v.-heu e~th~r o:r both dip> ar

d;soonT'eete<L 'Yield depe:Jds oc '""dicr c:md~Jctivity.
lli.L-iaoo area of d~~~ode;;, lllll(lWlt of curre::rl, l!tld IfhuP 1,,'1uw;; YiH':lly, pro~d and {cr ('Ctre!lt
flew fur ahillJt 1 :i-15 mll;-,;les wlili h<::a: nl<lfwd, ther,
romcve diJ*, sir, and yoo're&ne. ffbulh d.xffi't
light cryouS<"e fll11y a faint redtfuh gl.w,, pn!Cet\1
longer. Fifteen mmutes actMrtioa of ~16 ono!' w.~tc:
hmugltl w o tml, giv~ -J-5 ppm (paris per mill ton}
K!e:lgtll limiciOJUOJtial s:lver fhocld he dear, P:~k
:re!bw Indicate\ 1>- hgher ppm. Any dJ..~ ct>ior
!>!::tould be di:>;,;n-CeC a~ Cuu m:::ny impurities !:l"e

The pr-.:f\:rrt\1 method for making ionkleolloldlrl
silver)) W htuf tb~ Wilter Bring 2 cups of -disrille-d
water to tJ:u. boil m a non-metal con tamer. CO\'L'r the
~ilver wm;~ ab(i\lt 7,5%, find lef the llnit ruu for 15 !<)
20 minutes to produx 3 to 5 ppm Ove-rdosmg "ith
ru-.y am()~\1. i;; ~outidcrcd mlitt>ly for ~!e..:tricall}
pmdv~ed ttmidrollmdu1 ~h:u, but ~ilvec
PROTNS t:Ull be l!armful, h'iliJC, an;;! sta:n sk::::.

The :!4V. 40 mA mtmul\lre bulb acts m; an Hie~ I
h?llam, C!ll'l'l::tl dmm imb::ator, cum:r,r lirmta-, mtd
hatt;;ry conditten clwd. fn-r the apparntm;_ I fcmul
;m;:raft "'graill<f ~v.h: !"' lamps (Pl-1::clgwn Lamp,
Inc. part #J02J8) ins,, ">hb fir SOt each. You can
momcatanly shru:i:-clt " dip--haGs tcgeDctwithout h;;nn; the bn); h1 ~tmp!:' !'ght bnghtly.

AI>< the visoallmgh:r \ whlle opernting _gives ""

<a:curalc ir.<.hcation of )l:t t<Xlduttivit;..

Make ;mC sU're colloid; only lnclecnical!y rum~mdu:.iw ~ontuJnef!l s;tc3 a:; dark brown gla&s.
never m memt SuggcstOO.adultdowge uftonici
colloidal silvu cu11 b;,: on;; t !"!ern! OL ;nlutioo

daq:etl)4;; and tomple.'< ;kvice-s. Hnwevec jJ d('e~

oot work v,1th m:>t<~ls such1h gokt "'nich require

6 to 8 oz. of"''lll.;rt;t'ke:l not

mo:e than thm: time, in 24 b.o1J'll Coa@lt y=r
he~ hi: ?f'Jf"'-~a!. An R mmce gla$S may tv
ing<$ted d=--ot!y wrth nc harm or ride cf!i:cls

modl. hay:er ;im~~ Th.s stand alvne llpplll!T>CC works

fill hy i:sdf, anil =-'tlr req.rir~s l-ull h voll:a!tC, ignir.on
colr., ITIUlsfnrtm:m, undetwatcr ~pdTkmg, <lf
"plugging :in-'' It goc~ b your p;,d_et an;! vd:l wor'"
a_n:r.vlwre. Jt i~ c~sent:al fm ~krilizmg local :JriukhJg
waterwht"n trcvdiag. \See ax~yiug ~u_gge-s!:ed

accnnli:lg to s:m:.e ;Ntrees.

use~.) Y<YJ <::ull


tcmprt"t<tures Tl:t!J-e h :wheat or waw; an,J il

~added to

eleetmde wires after m;e W !ertlove dark

QHd;;: occurrit~;J; trn M~<Eie (Jecaur.c 6e nxygen
\jrrcdu~ed dectn>lytxa!ly) m>idum; :....her. Cw"
small ?'-""~ of Y. thiclt nyloo Sootchl"''ghC"
1a!chen U:(Hiting pad ro ;:oli$h the ~ih-m- wires, thtm
;<itpe -..,ith p10;1"" napkin to ~ silvet ready fur next
;He. A fresh set of 3 alknlme t:n:~:1e!. "'i!! mflke
hurub:d,; of 8 oz. bmi::te\ 0f ~'--tlunute ::dl:ver
;;Dllmd beiO~ \::lr:tvry replu;:emerx i:r:eon:es
w.:ces>ary. J>eriud~ally ,__.betik battcri<'S hv
mome'lrtunly o,_\'Jvrt-cir.:cilmg llP> uf !'.l!i2Jhr ~hp;;
!~rio oboervc wl::uteness and m:tertuty of light.
W:.::n bulb opPt!!rs >igruli<:antiy dum:ner n,Jc"-'1
ycllGw><.h aflrr t1rtlC, :llpl""""- al! 1hree alkah:ne
l"..atteric~ Pry srap ccnn"cwrs oft; trpt- 3 lle-o:\ re11s

rogethu, and replace suap--on clips_ Be VERY

tr.reful ;;.;:_n ro aush or dT:T:acc L'le fragile iittk m~rk$lnmp.

Stnrc m a f',_affi br;;m-n ronmber KEEP AI},.'AY

fRO,_l LIGHT~~ eve::; TQiJID light will degmd~
,;olloiz'~ fllp;dly by luruiag solutirn:; gr:ny (If bla~k iu.<1
as cxposur~ tn llghl Cm:kem; th~ silver in camera
film Ligl1t :mnalso nfl"JtNlize pr>iliuve cffilrge:;: on
si!v:n h'n'> that belp keep p~cticlm; in ~fl'i\OU.
Keep col loia:; ;;,:.ollrut do not refriger-..w or lrt


rr.ake auy ~ttd ct>nccutmtim in

plllis per JID!l;on h~- e!> ut ht.;lm

~:mot sha~.-1:

D()n': :wid p!"""''rvativm;, mmemls, E07A, prnk'tns,

gdatnt, <X>hmng (:wmc rm.killY ao:'.d yeUnw dye to
make 11 appear"gohku" !l.lld ''''~'lllhlney to sbw
pre<.-.>p1tation}, or any other substances. If puRhascd
at f!ii4kct pried;;, cornmcrt:Fll <:0Hoid, C.">uld cosr up
to $60 for 8 o7__ of ger_era!l;.- v;,.-;rty infurior prr.Ki:Jcu
Some ~vatlab!e oolloid1 on hillay's marker whrn
enluatcd pmve: to be prncriti!-llyworhlc:;s, 1,At a
recer.l health expo, m my -'Pinioo_, out <)f eight
i:W.i:-Jds res:ed onty tw'l W-In' tffimd to be af.eqtale iJ:
guility, mnpen~ion ;md ;;oru;<mtratiun Man}
conmn~c~ aJdiflv<::& s.wh a;; FDTA. e>->laring anC
g;::latiu for >uspem.;:m.)
This pcpcr <kscribl'S w <::uyw~) for :myme to make
his ov.-n for only a mua!l fm<.:ti<Jll nfa penny. It SCer<lf
ridicult:>c)S lu Nly 11 fur higb pnteo. Yuu <'im nnw
afford ln U:S<: cull <lids urtwcrsally, sm;h >l-.1 in hnmd!j
W.Jtw fvr steri)i1.a'iOJl ilA a d~smfc~unt prny. rinw
for fJHJI and vl>getabl~. fungu10C. bJ~tencide, pial\\
spray, pet healt'T asr,u,--HIKL ami t,mdrerl cf other
applka:its. Side efft,ct-1 crowrdosmg 11n: c!;umcd
tl:lkll<J\-Vtl, illld ffli\lJ\\U\t ~tro.itw. nf dis>;\lllt'-Cll-USitl{l
;mthcgerJ> ne~r devel0;J.
M~t~~t u~en

A!Wt i:Yalu~tmg !illlfl) different hsl:runwnb and

paper <Je,;,dl;,e~ .,, il-: e easily !I-.e ~~
perfm:ning, least exp~nsi~X. s;IPr !<%! illld m"#l
cmll~i~nt method lbr prot~W.:''
"cOO <{W-:ity mlY<!"
;;vlloids pr<;;.:ct!y <,h..c!oscd. it I h0..---n fully tested
and foc-:hl!U work much bett;;:1
a ext----en~ we.

m~thOOs. thJ~

you. f 1hcrillg is geu~rally ntL-.ttossary.

ingp<.t lact<.~fflteillu :.ldduphilnR,

bulgilricus, y<~guri. etc, t(l n:pk.{lr.h. frien(lly
lutestimd fl<~ra.

A Few Unique Plus Traditional Uses For Silver Colloid

For informati<>rl and iiducatkmal purposu ontr, mrttoodlenl ~
<yright@ 1\I!Jil!t99B Ruben C. Beck. Revision 2ti R!bft.latY 1997

When }iJ!J cmmol a sot:.'\:e qf}Xnny~pcr-go!lon

~it-your;;elf si:ser colloid\~::

arlached lHw w

yoo: can uu it tOr hundreds ofhro-tiih

llU;l!UVCl:le.:'!l upplil'ltinn~ A f= are ~;q,ge;.ied bore.
You can:!"' most purili:<d "<Iter to make ooll<:"id for
mdtutnuland extcmal uses bul dmillcd t>< ~e
iontZ>ld wat\lr ~boold be ll\leC fo:- inten'al

Add to tu~pected drin'kmg watcr wh~n trawiing m

cattlping. Ctlll<tid sprayed Olurns heal rapidly witll(mt
Si:a1"ing. Safely stcriii< any:hlrg fnm:t tooth"'!f'.t>iws
w J\lfGieal ms~ Use tcpJGSI!y tm ::uts,
WOI..nds, ubracion, :ru.~ $:nlbum _ uwrmck~,
bandage~ Spmy on gatb4J,;"(' W pr<.:~eot C.:ruy o.:k>h
Mi~t kttel'en sponge;, l\J"'el~ ctJti1g boards to
ehrumale E. Co!i {ll5~:H7 and s.Jbrumella bact:c:1a
to prevl>r_: fo(nj IX't>omng, b'lhtnint<'stinal
mtlfiiiiffiill:hn, alld g.._":lltal~:m~:-: infeG':!<.ll.lO

Add wben wmrung, preserving OO!tli!J{;. r_:,_., lik;;:

pettuide on ziu ar.d 11ene.Adt :o juice~. Mil:< Moll
delay ~"fl\Jihng, :futmMti.rog. dN~Ti;mumg. dahbering
(!f <t,:ndlmg_ Spray ir: shoes, betwew1 tees, between

kgs w stop mc~t kin i1d1, athlwe's foot, fungi. ;ock

11\":h. Din:lnhh (',m:dmll; pooriass, ~(in rushes, ew.
Add to bath water, g;Jrgle, dc'!;cl:;e, ;;;oll!u irrigaticn,
!Imial fpm) and rieahl wuterpic i0h:ri<Jn~ Cuts
dO\\<lrtime drnmancally witt. cok\~, IlL; pr.w:noma,
~taph, >trep, msriratury infectiCI:$ and r:'ll!l0 v:n1L're;.
Stun itch. tytt :mJ ear inHu:::rrn:s, SGII'le JU("lie> and
wart> vmu~h .vlren to!Jnid is sprayeJ cn body an:rr

batlnllf> u,..-, wnh Q-;if; on fillg-ettunt h>er.ail. and

ent fuf!kJ. Keutrahze tooth J.xay m1d 1-:a;t breath.
C<>lloid sWpf hal!!o~is by ehnnr;lting b:wten;J;ce<:p
n throat and en buck oftongv:: llulila :mhbict.h:s. "hct -:ollOJd .-:ever
putm!t ~-,rarn-re~h1!.ill! patt.::og~~- IC <!V<;(V;O
Put a fus dwpo <m Band-A;d;
VlJrten hca!l!:;t times 1-I~aLn r
umwler lV ned fM mjcclimh

bu.:tcrisl inita:w:ms ~: ~ , ,

rdhge:mor, Jr.
xlm-age bo J!llerbrs. Su.:-p mil*


1 bandr;g~ t<;

-"-'iwmds might
l!:iUChe!., tllG!lt::i

jshed. Soak

r, aud food
and woOO ru:.



sum:tp, cn\elnpe and tape moi;wmng:

wells, pmm mld pasre pol$ to pre-v~nt bactma!

"""' !!1, cdJrs, &'f>Olhng o:r YW!l!lg. Add w walm
)m...,,; paiutt, w;dlpapcr pa~te, J'"hw;rte:, deac1iag
-md moppmg sob;.:ion1, e<:n_ Spruy pel bcddmg ami
let dry.

Sproy O;:J top of <:'>lrterrt~ of opened jam, jtlly" ami

CN,diment 1amtam= atulwsidr !id~ jct<:w-c
rqJ!acing. MiA a ht!le u pet water, l:m:-d:nfh&, ~u:
fluwerva!!ell. AlWay>' add to swamp cooler water
Spray mrcrmd.-Jiuner fJters afwrdea."'>ing. Swab air
Jw.:ts md vctlm !o f'l\'v~nt breeDing_ >ites Ji;r gt'lffi>.
(}o;e routindy m bumlry fiual rin~ wakr <md !\hl-'1>;<''\:
befun: packing ~way ~Al dotl::.cs. Omr.p clothes
or rowels Nld w<~she:otbt w1ll ool ~-our 1Jrmi!d~w.
Edimm:Jt: unw;mted roicr;:wrgm:mus m planter S\)ila
and hydr-opor~:.~ ~y,tem>. Spnyplanl foliage ro hl:JP
fuug~. molds. rot n.nd moot plant ill:iiik:B
Trcal fl'-"'1~, f.;.untain.s. h\mHdifi~r;;, Jn-cuuis, hot
tubs. bath~, illshwashen:, ruccculating cooling rower
wawr. gyrrma~inm foot dip"' and batil and shwi"ct
mat;. Spray watd> bands and g1cves. and unde:
fingcrr,ll] lo pmif'dically Trent ~!wwer stal:.S, tubs,
fo:ats._ amm:ll wat~nrg tro\lgh>, shaven< tv il''oid
:rading germs. Rmse fruit m:!d vegerable:t> Y.:fur::-



Put m cook:ng wat""- H!!lllilr.and

animal shamp!XIs lx:come d!sinfi;~t;m!S. Prevert

WlfT'elS, d:-ape~. "'il:lpaperfH)l!l mild.owmg. Wipe
tel <;phone molltr~.,;~=. pipe itemS, 1:-'.eatlphcLe~
heariug ~,d.., eyegla:;~ fm~ hai>ilru~ht'S, ooru!K,
lodas. J:'xc-e!lent f<>r diapers and dl:lfet n~h.

Do roilct seat<, bvwls, ttl; floorn, ~mks. urma!~.

doo;imcbs K ~ll per1>i~tem odors Ru:so invalid's
pillowcase<, ;heels, tO\\'Cis ~o.l

There- are


rlwtRmd:J of other e,;scmia1 !.!S'!S

fer dus ridiculously iucxpcr~1C, rilorles>, laswh:tli.

colorless. tc-taay beeJgr, &nd cll!Jly

pow,;rful non<,>xk di5 't'ch:lm :md hcalmg agee:_
Yc'l! '!I fu:d tl:;;t a ;pnn
cmtmg hotlk of
<.:olloid soluttor: n'w.j O 10 UlCtt \l.Wlnl health
enlnmcanent to:J! m } ' ~.:::.viwcmcnt.

Three 9-Volt Batteries

Pan 1\.vo:


0J1loical SliVer 1/indlr-m:<:J

by Mark.M;;n:a.!f
lk ~ "' tim.!<. d'til "'""-2 c;ii!I do, ihi>l lift ~'""~from a
<h>'<Ltl ~up Ym. w~ kn~w th.."< m>>et !~-'<' /$ a~ claw hi/
d<ary;~ thm: it "'' !!je Llk tk,, "' dtA-mca! 3nd wfw,
ddvkd K;H<m> t,<. c!th~ rile dwmiJ.If\..,; :Nil! rim~. the
!/jf:! !ket
0.: V(- H~nl Prv!::.mmt....


f)"''l d rhysiobgiooJ

""'''"ett. t'CLA

In !"'" l%\le ("<cw.'l)t,; 1945)1 wn>tc M ~1t<p.ta; tbat FAA

;.;!ettl:we :mJ ttl lll"ll} ""'Y" ''pcrio; I<' a:i c4wo mho ,W._---3 1<1
rro:mok wdL~'- n_,, "ho.;p!lll" "'"" ct,tcn:illlly W~l hbO 10
"!"lrttle <.ad JNtlld>k .,; a Jllcl' ill' =ill. TM bop~~' ! wM: <>f
wts 11 <:clk,.d!il :inver ll""''"''~ WHh t you'-""' m>k virtW>Iiy
o::th:>"!u.l ""'"'-IDW. pf & hitMsl quahty o'!lkmic< 5!lv<'T f<:rr lh~

pn1x cfv..m.,-

uo.>TJ' yoorft=lt!fil of tlr'""" iWil d;mxc ""bitt ynulhoolcl <>!gatd

'" "!!.o;dh" ar.d ~llh'frD!D<)tmg prw:tioO'. "):mill< dn;> luw~
Joe~ """" ry C<>llo..J: $il"""< "'"""f~"turor:: whwh iw; re5ultcJ
m <<r.fu:;l<:>r anti fror "'l""'!\:b.%e rn<l 'l;.)!ff\:0= u> u<:UW>ilwr_
W~ oun hcfl ;;v<:;-2 =nimipd.hiln by ;mrting to a &:pee
Ul\J1tt!&fid!lljl: abm\ ldfen>ri iYI"" @ d IGidal "'ih :;, rmxf.;t:;ti011
"-'~'-'><A~ isw<' uf ihfu.~, 1md !f!<ll:\i.ttc'"
fmt "'"tie b'-'ii"' A :>Lmd o<m>im nf '>M:C f!;t!'tid'-" Vlo!
&at w1\bm a :..,~id *";'" tlw p>;.il d g:a.vsty. """ ~ nt
"'&.--l>C=r. f<rr ""} lellJ;ll\ yf !!E<. ~ f'l"lide:> m .s\ h: = I k!,than 1 r;;;;.Oil (,! !O(l!l d "11 trd.'J Wh;n Ired! l"''J~~" is
~""""' thN<wh pi<!F "t<>lloid ,.,,eJ;; it th tim"ll of~
ghw vfwc Dm:klrg ire;bJ:1W0> ""'"-""it
t~ ""~""""
.r;., m<."e nw=itrm !tum b; oatin& fk""""" jm<.-o "'"''">l<ktul t


pred't"''-em f<Kl<l.


body ""' ~"'"""'" brge

"""'wm wi1~

Clneml;, "'e rl><prcyla <>f"ho 'Cni'.cd St~t~< 1W Wttdic-~

1>1, 70CJ pa ;wnon roc J"'ll u "''"" ~w J.i,coser-411 'ngltc':<l
m<.;ot:\ m 1M wNtd. lf<:<Ynlly <JUt hral:!! ;l<>Ohkwil H Sttnil
"~- A~~rJ llllltnmy "'=' !h< t~Jrd 'e<Nbg """~'" of d:to<e
:~Ld o.:~lll in :'"~ I ,naeJ 5:ato <!! "'"' icl~t~ioos (h<ct 1ben

tt!lflS A., "

'"Had "'" b~ !t.g<c partld~" Wsm !;;. f1l' ""' d
.WJ;j>C'Il>iun MJ &nth ro ;lw bottom <>! \fu. ..:mt~mcc TJ o'r.'ll)y


In iht ~ ,[ cuJ!q<da1 oib?i, ok or por_;:~ "" pulled ~;t"

m "aw; by 'P:>Iyi~g a :..W
~'"'""!~ cl"<\trk c"llireill. _f!ivmg ewt pNttck "" oleone cllmp.
i'r"~ eha.<p~. thol!gb lung ;4~21- ~' n.:t f'WDU!tm, Jfflb.>th
clnyl(,jb md tinw will ~"'"'~ac<>l\:iotro l~<o Ot<t cha.!p. T 1k l"-'>
;, rof:m:<:! !;, a' "(\l;;,.,g out' :lf "pluting um"'
:-<c.w, wl\\k
oilv-or w l:.!!ht =:rhe, :t i ""' :mm;
!" \o~ht "<'l:SI!lw "~ eam~ru 'ilr:_ !fnken to !lwl)r;:t ""~"'
rrnthlay Cillib>~ <n:ttnWT n~. cd]!f'<);,~ >.Jcr _,~ k <Xf.Uted
m ruidae j; bGutlG mlll~ l!!d\,.__'1>, ;,nd"' <m!?IOUI ,n;t
'lf!Jt1W!l tffic, th'~ \'-""-1d lok~ ab,ul th:eo <k- lllli ~11\y mc;ru;
>htl culloidd <ih1.r ;hnu!J b~ ;:~re.1 iu :imed ,., Opw;j\kl
Many wlh .. ~e! :>~lwr ..-::=ufu<;,-,; da:m, 6>#. if b: &ilvw
pa'iiok< m\0 "ioo kge:lht :~Jog brew wliJ h~ mj1mouo :ro
;h ru;,;"' h<>al!h T!.co <:1!<1'- can be fomiJ b ""'"Y '"'""""
l:~thMk.,_ Vil!Wt~ !'u!':om io ''l'P ,eJ: :"
In solutiOll, tl".tttilh::
""'~'will dWlW';,., the <il!l.W tin. :.zt Vl.!l'h'-"'l'i ((U)(Al
m:t:''''") '11u> ]lJoticl~ ".,., "~'~u :ru~t lh< ocM M"'J .,.- illc road
ro ""-'lin!&J ;, the wm it\\c
c,;o;,r,. ..... b' ;, <.!lH!h-S! jNlfhde!! ffiM!el ;., h
J;,;Jcd mn while >Hl; n - ~g < ch>rw:tet:<>UC,
Rodu;ing a """"' d ~1otall
bee 'TIM a dm:d c;t" mi~'""""~'c
paUio:a- greody cm:ruk ''
"' surfaoe "'"" w{ ;;, hcu h!g
lffilV'"I"t c.;, wh~ kop111n-.' ~UMlbll ~bmtlxJdy

Uri) O!!!!Opi-"W.Y)"''"""!lfu;;

Witt :be riffi('l~ act ~r wiring VgMhc"I thn;e 9 ;d: httori~.

_,.,.-,oJ:\ugwr}' profuuml OOgi~' !Q h~~p:~L On:lirn:ry pwple;u~
OOk ""' ~nty oo l!mi llam.:kc, hilt End J,.;m""hei oOOo,.d
wil!uhc puwer h;. t"'<i Glbuo; ~M :.~ ~ !he bea; '" ni <::r:h
w>l1nM\.;~""'- l he!k- every<.!; ;><A1!k f:mlth;;ir,-,-,., oov
e;en <<X-""'1''*'& tlw .m;ny 1<1 )>i1] ;mnnh, pk<ili ;m<i
;-"oey"k ollKahk h !;1:>- m.:.:~ nun;tk'< fowl Wid<' "luro L<>J
!(>< l<l::g<:t p>'"i<ill <lftit>".
The t"!'Ub... bm.l.wi &--llan"""-"g<<L4' nC incurobl<': ~ ''
'ndu'!') bJlw ~' orumbk. TIK <kdly, m>ll>g<Offi~ n<-eme
"'Justty l:>eg1n 10 mu::hle T1K w.<i nd :':'" Till=y w"Jcll buy<
prim~<hc TV 3d< ~gw,, t.> cr=d<> fkn': cxrcot dwu
lni<l<rn~i - w~ rM:
lyn! '"""""
Th~!~ <"-"lclt w:.:l ;to the~,- b<W 4> t\>j;hton p-s1pk =~- tn:m
LJ'J~kmg i\ <llJ"rnu:lv<''' W!l:lff."im<o Ow, 1og off w\\Ntbl silv<r



'''""'f '"'"':!

rutnlii&>lu"'m ""' "'tile~="' a~<- "~ ~ltre$ tlli ,u.,

t-e !\f""-".c-.l w ~"'dy.:wka "'" ~, ,, p-t"""'s,
;u>t.~; U)J)j dA "HhN.U!~iullCll 'n :k l'
'wh"" cdl-~ ;i).,-

"""' on;o.,.:iy "-:Prre.m.ed

Oru: of*"" m.-,,, df~



x n m>1 ""' ou

;c w >k is oelhng il
at>.>.uldy """"..:rlai mcvw ~<cli :~,,
'"' dutbonl} "Rill gu
d> tn rr""l\w;; 11\d: it: :M (-VUr< <>! '
1Ul<li~o <>I ~ir;g
i>mdw.-!>, mey di"-''''Cffd thM d;- e'er
l!f,g prrdu<c,_.w,;) Vl')l
Jildf f\&U'"' )"CU ]O)l')) Ac<,;.:ty_ lh~ e, crt'> ~t>~:d <lS a ,)n]\ "
-t9<etC whr Onfinm !Wl. q;: fll'&_'

mir;m:;J dbn iWiJ c<mtS;><mJmglj

b(,n:e J=lJI

1 ~;c~

"'~'~mtute tl~;c


!l " ";>mrnO':l

.;[>ttl;~ ~~~


a hltt'~ ..;

,iuJ<;f kf.::e dnnll:ng,

~ <il~' d ectr o<k 6m 1:





fk<'"'"" <~e ' iksr particle~ nre ' JW~td, t~q omvn" ''Jinbin~
w11h oth~r dement in the ;ohlt~n. Tract d<lli!enh ~xh\ ownm
dl'l!!ikd wlet, hl!d whc~! the Clo:lfi:d Mh'Ol panv:!e~ cumbm~
wttb l iif'~~''"' tt~ demem, lho "'l~ti<m .,;;~: '"'" Oije vf a
~<rn1fwt of NhH "h gn:y, y~ll<>w, groon"' br;
d!!:i"'!llh<t ilwt d>X>= i< Wtgcly Me ;w;m: Onee k '"-~ ~o.iy,
iM sll~<rr '"'""%," <t:llxnd ia ~ ey iinm;;m albdrnl:'11o m
o11dhlrt X tli!hih>< .t,;~lli;~<' Tt&<dl.m.'nhw eolb;d
L;, c"<ll~<:! :W. bu<iy, >ift::-trr;~=1 sJwrp.ruckslP.?-IIllW"'It l 2&
:mg:onu;m (cl>oui tlw uze ill 15 ni<mh) <pidly pm thiC'Jjlh :lw
Lrnn; ;md ;rrr;:;"""' tioo<l
wh= clwy :nml..W
St:t abt>\\1 11 wed: b<fu"' e!im~~d:<>L





(;QJJ91dal Sthu
T~e wnl
yd!o"<' colloah! ,i!,m" """-"'"" m aw>t
m=ufutrun:f' " n"' ~.IS~ it !S more ~ITcoli"clh:n <rthcrtyp<,
butbcnule !l lm:i ~ iMg<Jf shdfbfc befure fullmg <'Ul ofwlulion,
n.,. mabi1i1y m "'llu:rion doeiill 't amomatkally uaru:,iatt mw a
>mlllk:- c~mtliMd f"'"itd" ~;:re l;lemee-n th" i'1WOt km an:~ :t~
trn<:< d~nw !I \rr:; :L-~~: '" ll m~y ~. ~;mpi} t!nl U:.r


lfltt ek!!'<n1 whd> ;);~ >iker ho; ~c>m<>:nd w:th :~ ntt:t Wlltr
mi.Wk lrt :Jk...,-,""'-- ,.,


~ff.ww .;;.;J];kl;U cit '<U s no\ a


pm. !h: ,.,.,,.,

'!'--''"'"'-"' ,-,; Oll4>r, \:ru: ;,filnh:w:;,

aru:lllqhim mW5::r.moo Mnzty'

A dinc:twonhp: ;;f1h.: Y"n.-m- o;lloidaJ JJv;r i~ ,g bitk> <t.~
!lll~ ~~ Mh~f ;;;:>)\11111\l Wi ickl A 1.>, J-.e ;eiJ<ffi" ><>];/W,; h llWlY
JJf'""-'' b milkL W!""' ntill,g ~27 wol! g--"--r"'~"''- " " htl<fu! lo
redltti' <he waut -,.cl,~~>:>~ !!> m<hg<~\<' .:te r::ach ~..ger tchwl;.,-,
!l-"' -1liU til<; l""-'0"' ,;ol :th"" ro.::u""' I <:"'-lkn '1 i:ill:! any mcdkl
c;i.Icnec thlr: :'w. yallow oo,Jilld ;, mo_-.- dtiocr:w ihan J p\ver
coJoli)(] cmimd. Penplr<W~ ~1way~ ~l~~~~ and r<>llljlM'i' thcdl\:ort)
ofthe y~llow nod eil~! solufion:. f"'" thomselv.,;,
lo ~ llw ydln~~> "'lutian, m~ ~tall, ll8ITuw ~b"' witl1 6 to
& oo~tes t>f disull<ld wcl;cT u,~ ~o pJjne s:>:n!l&1. Th" ""'~'
~'" ~m "''"d:untty Jt .; Jcc, ;vn<n ~;;.,lit--" oc~nlioo u
;:.doed, '"~ p<0<:en will kkc ab<111' 45 mu:.m<&.l: "'ill pnm"""
~ o:<~~trolioo of "''rtN<h:rJI'.d) ll J'l'f!l. Kee;> M 1!;,{{ <:t tb<


..,,J..,.m, ,- I! v,1ll wwntllllll;
"""\y ly;,v;n
bhck !fthi> hol'f"'m, Jw:t
x oar




Mid <!art

Maki~tglfith Glt~t<mrntii>l>> of CQIIqjdJ! S11Yr

h""-dmg 11r< ~ \m<t o t<mh h:gh<:J wncfflltrnri&, d

"d!o-d "'!v"' ""~ he 'WI!: :a~Fbcu a~J ,.,,_.: y fut 1"'<'~1~c:Jg
~oornri" A Hllltt1tm:!il k::w"" }'"-' '"oldalW<I''-' bell: he V>H<T

The hudy's tll:nlity 10 pre~""" th~ nny mcmsm oo11oidal !ilv.r

mkc' 'ilvor build \1(' in !h10 \J<xl) u:upv~Mblc. The Envtwrun~nbl
Protcd!o~ At"''Y'' Po1<on Control c~nlc-r rqlml; a "Nt>
Toxiwty" linwg. for t;Dlloiffi>! ~ilv"" ln fuel. 11 app""-"' tha.'

harmJ<,"""""" ;, on dth allf'~l>ftil<; coll<y_J,J f!hy~i<;.l~,

reg,_mkH d eor'.wnt >'"-' &:np.c, "'h"" <:-;<mming' NHk "'
wlici:ai mmctt>J 1hml ~ J<:x:,,, \'.ecid> fu.:xl m>re, [ ""''~ m..,.,:,
nkh: ;,ad ~ Nl"-'11$,1/w 0$ tnct !Il.llm<~ls ~" me >nff'i"'Mm!J
fu.t_lftk jlllitlek">llli' r::mll ouw;l> 1"'-' Ultl-C<>:tl <lm:l ~..,,._.,,
Sill<>:: fue OOdy h\tl l Vwt\ 1\<."<J (c.< <ll'li>r----10 ffiilHtain 1&:
"''""""" s;'f-lml >md Wp~rim: of 1'\'lf<, ~'>y ~'h. o.::tJ J!1<;
;v <h.: ~~arrno:ruc,., nM= of <olWi dJ cmwing: fue !mcy (cut b k<>d
i;;~l~ a co . .cul) i! >!Itt: ttl W4X:U !lw talk>ida! <i!.wm~y .,..,Jj
,sfu,-, ,wJ;"'" "" :mt.
bq '" prcv-e ~pHi~! ;c. rny;ei ( i made a l n nunc~ wlm.(m nf

:-,., n-..

"'Oil over 250 _ppm >11ld drAI!l: 11. lropnuod ilm pruc.dure f."u
day' 1n a m" l ""-" ly dm~k tl1 Gll" olen! of ti~ 16 ounce
I d'.d nm ""~ yngun. "'"d ..'l'hihs, or
PUJp:J:;t!e fl); ffl~-l!di)' :~~reria loss on any way. The o~tiy 3iJ~
dln:tw"" ths: t ><<~flci t.> kcl )>,.~! Ttu<r>.le'""""" oo~.Jli.
tt>L";>1'11_ Dr.J? ph"HU;t<>t. fUu Same,,_ R.Ph , ".'4<1"_,. ~17<11,.,

g:b'"' nf a 5 rpm


ofp.;ilw~"-"' mf&---,_,i.,.-II<WH,Ji<:'fi'

"""*w-" a

cmy Mfcr

si"f!;_!e ci!lkd f"-"h:gttt ..!'WBkm$ IY olfwr {mi)/)Wkf '"e killed

=--~ 1>;-=I!Bkhi tilwfr4!Ul Uf'<! lfl'ltJhlc"'""'"*' fl<>>W\W,
Jon'*' !wrm t"'!W' c'fii ~; <>~" fl'fffl.l1,~ ht>:seria.~


1-Jy WH ~pe!:lt!'<>m "'"" ~ h:tk dfft<<m( 1 <) """"'J

i],..,-.,,. in

J!,. h'-'- ynl bJ kft ooo "" "_-illdf '"idMJ.i ~ ak--r f.,-; 1.:; !,-,.,.,.
1,)-,1;;t;: 1 pd&.': it u,c tire

rxrl day u Wlll n:>m(!ktt!y lim.~- I mille

om"''"" b~n""' nftlw .wm :md r>lm:;.tQ it 1n 4g).,;s of

higl> ooo.otH""-K eo!kotda! "l~er. bm~ day it get h<::-Hcr. 0TI the


d~r. th ~tern had bec~me

cut 1-i<o\ ",;ng1e rml

w"" ln<t

llrm f<Sa-ln. as 1f n had JuSL bcm

Th" "c<mdtlo;>Wor that w.,; cut

Jn.:tbc<.-!l ploeedirrneG.iau!y"' m-dimll) W!:W:I". Mam 11ft"~ ~cn:lo

hl.i,>!r::<ly fill..,. Though 11:\efh:I'.I\!:W.\i! Jl wnn:: f:oo>lk <ad.
it"'"' ""-'";:.d~ .Oy~r.;;
l>'slS if:hffc g ,.,.,._eoll.lli? in <il>u tht i~ :Nd !!J !h. """Y
D:'<Q 4flh lift f'AW!SO. il>elf Th m:>f<1 t>'.omfld;('~l
i.\vm S,-1W:WK vr~w...,ity. ~mi ~~1-,._,,-.Ji hv e.,Jy Cltrv m:4
L'M.>, (4"'"'' 0! ~il!Jeehlr,Mil.*"""* Wdrm,t~~
"'" C>f<::"<";e wilt d<kr
Dr_ Hoo\:1.-;;r W!<!'tl:, $ilv.rd"J
f!IIWi! ffttm fnl/ J0n.<r i'(JUSrnJ: '"');""&"""' Jt pm"'<>fd ""l/<ff



ji"?'> t>: {Nne. m;J <JUJi"'"i~d lit~ l;,alng<>f trt;w;;d

,._,.,g, by

,,,_ 5'! ,!JP"''~M

''"''T "p."'fi'"mdt_y Mmuicw,< lwei 1~1:

tlr.'! ''' cr~-"'~ lng\- ;((11~0!tro:!OO\ Wtfu 1\i in n;JJd, f._.'''"-"ell

!m~me;; ~f pwc= lim~ Luid bouffiden; u, orea:e ony d~;,rc-d

.He M~v "''""' noJ !l:m.


mW1rul pmc~.I'-

l'OT every !(J dcgrr~' thut th( "''ls JS hrot;;d ahrno ro~m
"'mP'"'''''~ t72 Oogreen the ffl'11 l' ~,.,.,. Juub'-"'>: If 5 p~m
~cnlld after""'"" \n:tlllltii ofoc,,,,, ' , '"'~ ){, ('llU;<s ill"ttu-

Dr llechrr di=v=U that tho >ihcr ~- ;t>. I'"'"'"MV ~ rww

t:oct of ell grow!!. *hen kob liito !Iii> cdh uf ohi:ctrc"n!
'"fhi!Jit! "v//;, $'''" f<>!.' he wro.c '"p.~'"'f a J!,..::t"'' 4>W
-"'l'f"'-i">tf! =r~mom <>!
,r!:_f.-f..,; abi. !~ wi!t<p{j at
(> j;l'::>l MM. tkA J:ffi'w;;" ,. ,-,,~ the-\'>{"<- N//r ;>{(vt UfP'
"",\-$.w.' t\4 hid h-iN n: - ,( ''"" m p;tii<:ah ""'' _!U }"'f>>

ii: 7Z d~g;e, &2 de"""-,. ...wl:

idiY<Jr ;n ?<'''' "t<

y ..

9JIU:. ~;

.kgn.-c< "'"~ld

u,e "'

th:w" :>m)lk leew&y

~~ 72 a00 211 <legit'" !hihn

"" ll<wliog ~- du

11=<- i> ~.u moo! h ooll

oo\ u<" "'*'-'; """"""" rf W pd

:hr= hh a >lai'lk:w '"'"I ~"'''"

,m'""- Vse 3Cm~thmg

. ; W!ott prnlriil;p'"'-'t't

m b~ a~d othc oJt ;imw< m a"""-'' Y>Mt~ ~ny lw,'Yn


,u. "'

Tk il<wh:V jm:\l"fl"''
",. ,.~~ <'-""'l<td-WtH<f"""

.J ,~,. u~ ro ..Jh-nc~mg '""'-'

"'""-"'lll"ftt Hl\t mJ Fill 11$1'ffi


d 26

_!,.'_':_ ed S<"ml<, t\b!Ricr ct!' !he pl:tliiTffi.O'"lL!!l ctr.ojtc~ffic'f~OC, wroce

l <i! V tha< "~,t,'1P(1!ill/{ c'-'11',,;"; <dwtr !<> hum'"' -'"'rje<:!\' has

,,,,., d,no in o !mgv numb~r f ''"'~Y wr:!r n.ronisl>ingly


tws.,/rs, Fi'' nwrm.t! ild>tmllwl'mion <Waif; ,,.

hyp,>dfrmlca/1;, II h11< tho ild.-tmtng' of mpiJ/y _fatal
pare"''"' wlllwM lvx;,- aeiiJn an 1/! hvsl 11 L qwte slab/e. Ir


pnJk' I>' ,aMI!$ _fl'C't te~ rimPS the lethal das,, !ftelanl<< "r
<l!phthn~ wMn. "'
I <ec.>wOO a ~o.:: fnsn a m.on wt.h a ?hlJ. ~~ OO"'!'bter >donee

wOO lml ,,,..j ::u; ~:tl "-'"tide, ttlll<ie surue cu::Cid:il 'iher.,..;
appllL: w, 1~" flffip;-.m 1>;> a oh-.>mc
:~10:::-i<.,-,_ lk 'aid :ic
intt.:ti<n w om afy dine;;! .mn>e4i.!.le__;- ln TI.e "''.""~ cf <.<ir
...,...,.~"'"!:<"'- i1t l!Wi!:t.<:M: .u ~int ili>l rolb'.dal 5ihw >In
;mt rkl <Jf tl:m l''"lwc "'' ~i< """'-"- I bffi W.zn '!><mdcrm,- wmrt
lllJ'I"'ooci t;o 1"" pbq<>t '"' m; r.,w11 =:h ln: Md n:l' put !lc """"



Tiw: ?""'''~"' ,,.-.+..:r "'"' "V"" ""''' lk' ...~dcl m"'-"'Y m<>J\.'nl4-!y Atviinl""'' !'t:y.~ ~"" Hw, "'"''P"'''d' ill W~
d Jl! tht- bw:~ ftll'llm m \lw UmtW Smm-. Sr>l!:ill '\l;lit;et.,
SWlmiill', Sru<:llkti> irn >. i,-jj~ 1-'.lilbma, <Jtrnpic. Ait ftmm~:.
C:w~ r,.,tr.n Ahlin,., i\J::llia, kL >-: , -'"l'2" Air:w:es ru:li P:m
Am lb ax- WwtWI!t<ll' iil!ert ro cunai; <>-'l!4!f\;<;sve ~~"''*'* k
(s,:i, Y<A."A USe>.l- ,,Cvu w--..t.,---purifc:r.>-:<1
th 'I'"'*
11\<llJc"' ,b the So!!."-" JJ~ nrun ~"'" fc'::l:lfi>t- ")'Mi:~

'"*"' "''

w;j !UL'!( :t<l<k ~:ro-.~ the"-" wee) ,-- ~""-

S:.., fu_-,.-;W '"" fl-,3!,-, ro"Pio "WI<'f m, tho ,at\...""! omJ mo>t
r~m.-'li'ulrm-dic_,.., ~n

eJfiit: Ycu lll them dut the 1"';'<')-"XIM

w.': g~: II=. lfrll~y'te too s-~phl!tief>:t."<i til: !b~t t~ii 1b.<'!:ll :J~y
will g.:~ ~ tlanr.~. ~.-~ha1~ d""'"'~ l!kc ~rgyli~. "otu:~lly, thurc "
m, rccc< of llflyone ever contracl!ng orgyno fmm wllwd.U s!lver
(,O,!]:yn"' ;,.,, h:.rmk<> andinfrcq>""'l o4$mdC oonJittou ln whicll
1<\'m~ l'ody P"rts 13k<> en a >l!ghr ;,;,mh o~t <iuc m tl:c !'l"''"lloe
0~ cllent.:CIII ~cmpo:mrl" cf ,.h\d- "'"""


unly ;- ;~mpnR'l:t.

Aqc;--;:w.c..d no: setm 1~ botU~r !l:i<J:vyr.,, "lAue 4lix:.J"

ofEtirop<.. wl.o "'"'""' ::.....:tt,.,- roogh the p;~""''/tht Middle

"m"cTb '-'' $i/.<:t:
S:11rri--if!J! Vtltk C<ill<>i<b! ~il>-..""""' t ;o e:rul u;a~ illem1d>r f'f o. ~tm:ty, I W~'!hl !:IWC only
'1\wt: ~<: lw"<e ?M <>f fu~ "~"' pw----<rinl ""':l-"'41 r~:-u<U'< r. th
,.m]d m my <i<qxY>J.L (Tcd~:,mJJy. ;;did&libu edll k rude
'"-" , . ,ktynf ~""""""' l!qlliih, m<eiudb~ t-.w:wd omup, h>l t m
tm ~Jmg ""J'u-ru;< J;; Jlw, '" lh~ "'""~',; '""""' c>f ~,..,.,:._)
h" """"'lab! dinlnJ t..'hl 'hid) H c!<kr!) pcttoow, Dr.
Ruben:O. Bed~,- m,_---m;-,; u ..,;, <lf d>~rdoctwJo mN lm.:.J:Iy
Hl".C- t""-1 '''''""'--'- o,mg tl\c ~'"')-; , "'" ,_.,__.,. ,-;_,- </..: m;_ai!
";,-_ c .,-,d <ijl{l Jyiu& COJ!Nnl :i:;JMJ ILK tt"fllll fi>4L :'I'lw volwge
meJ f.x ~;,::ru.;dW"'IJl!U<.lli1' i~ t ' ON l<'~""~t M:>wmur, _i
W;!o thi""clni'l'--"'- Dr_ EltL"<cr wa" h
. ~'-"'-- i;:J;H::K--l.'t>iok
broic:n b:mm;------<lll~ ;,fth:
r.:~~rior.; 1o <O<J""<>'~
as "--ell a;- h<;;; ocm~l bo~e f=lwc
J h"fta~s whld- hod
pe.-iocL<ly lirikJ I'-' heAl '
In SOUl<!-~~\' M lAO !h~ <HVor '
~"; .mpl,.crtd in the
body. lu oth~<', he
the" mwJ
tlk protmdillg
dcctru<k_ On"" Ehe \\~U~d h,ld h~~l.
t M implllnted &liver
win: "'"~ cailily \\:thdm\\n 11\lm thew; J ID>>millly w.!mut the
l!eO<i f<lf "''1FT) m ane,thc'la"




oblln~ ,( nww,,~ JUH \> con:o.>' ~-fu::!i,-,,

~011J. ".1{! <~/tim MfJillll.fms liM tto !'""ted..-~,,

R<garillu;; :lie

Dr. J:kck<:r

sm.tiriY"' the eiwtnOIIU) ft<!>tr.IVI>id' ;iiww ~"'- mdmiinlj, <umo

thai"'"'" n!>J."<II" to o/1 ktiltwM Ollnbwtks.' C'<frW"n'~!i tho

S$ft1Y of w>ortlng" nl< tl>c body. he ndded' "fn II<><'''-'" were
,my unde,.,mf>/,< ;i,k ~~~~<'/.\ <!{ thi' .rlwr lh'nlmo<l ''Ppurenl. '
Unde. """"'8"'-"'~ C'lJ><.htium il wMld b~ go~d t" remomh~,

lhal siher ;:oulf from 1964 '" ~a,;,.w c()jjlljjj 90 pw;:enr "lv"',
mne !''""""\ "~""''" Nld orw pm:~ui '""'"' ~\\<Of which a.-e
<w;wn m hlw b~Mfidi:O pmpw:-t~, '' uwd ina ecllo.dcl rute.
'fk roi.:r W\l1JlC h;l.>f ~~ k '"-'-''-"<d llt\; \he;> we:c do"" a:d
dliry boti>r< utin;. Yl:nt h mmt:n~ ptm:':;- ~' "-" 1:\lcl:e<:ror.
""'''<k<a"'n "-!1: it fiO'. t f'(lmm<mdaY>~t t.'>Oi ""'""-~
~AM: l1lf w;:h "-'-"~"n trr.<kr Mt:.rto! !titil<:.t<m< Sih""'
.-le:~n.k '-<iru i mucl 01~ io """'
'Wb~t II't C*"':li4)j

S!Jnt Jm?
k <,k,.,_4J>'i btrro.ct wd!l!lli trcr rcth0ltioo.< m- il{t \h.:
~. aw;t w fu:f, n~ J1Jic:!;1Nc ~...-! l! doesnc: stmglli di<'
ym. Me4i-d j'""''-"J rrpi)f"'.S w-:ct 00<\ttneN"<l sruJi,., -~V
:he IQ\ bnWruJ Ft:N Jn.lirnt.IJ<> k.>m"'" ,; d'frd~ fkm ;m:J
.,- : \ ldmill.!Ml!lll~' c." <:<-llmid .-ilv-cr Jn
l~ii\WJ;. C<>"o'J~: "-'l"t b~~> ll\t usM witt g""d "',.,..:" u<kr

'"'"""! ,.

tho ,,,; "'vrranmq heal6 ~are c.-.;~,-,~;'"'~"-;,.._:

oo, "ear l::t """'lc re..--ogn_ze oollo,;;i,;J .:- .,..
nr r.<lt m!ly !I"" ""-"""' t::.edio::w on Lmh, tw a!.._, lhc """


l rr, oJI" ~ wfl~~ lf\~'O~:ak ~~H!olos o!a ool:o:<! r.:1 oulo! "'-"'P<W>~'
h)' oll'lolr tlru'h~~ !Oemooi""' tv th "'""' of th~$)1;1~ ruoMMr or ply
b~ ~~nnng 14111~

llohom This creales two problems: t1J \"loon



mlloid&l .rlw", leS!I sill'<lr \IIlii ooter the body ile<'Jmse ito attac!IOO to



N't\e oor'"'"~' 121 5ih<erl""t'd"" lhal "''"''toe twy 1'Aii101JI t11a1r

ekd:OCS!dmrge wi1 h""oli!Oilr difficully ;n !!O""~,ll;;~ llw olvrnac~ Wail ()I'
~ ~llfl:lh/!l!l $~111.\~W!S )JIM m'> <>liM ""'"'> ~381.o oonbro"> ~l'd <'D
a' 'l:hlrVAI ;t"'r;o "'':;'! ::an "'""" ~:ol'>iJ o.f. lhllr~klw. 't'W! mn'tllttM ~~\k ~'<'~ , ;et "" o~o l ;l!lllliOO o]'j'o> !!! 0 e<'Q 9' JW
o'ff<lS, '>Dl Ooc.,;od I<!',--;:;--"''
) 'X?C 18'1111!1Jt#<JIC'o"'!SS-YA11J ,.,,_,.., !i5Ul 00 OOJl. HH& 1$ !l'llf"
1 'Lwi>1Cct&th mHe:Jltl; ~ D i - ' r;, "''""' ~'ftllu w.m &d ~-.w
'" tl<l cct'lifl- ~ !,;g\'t ~ QAI# u-.-mw h ""'If'>~
~ <~M~ RoUW '"'"' in ~ ~ romj)ti;m1, Wffi h tit
~ <1->1e mJJ 00 ~~ h $ illl>til tlWI>l <:OOO:Ii%Wrll<llm will


4 kot!ollo> (ll!Mll) "m-Ali It' wkAii PW<wriilii MN:t

""'!)~ ~~ro 6S tmu m - mct!1Jrlg onoore, :=ot, !wid~"""""
5 1'..mrnnt li MlopeOc ~"' w$ ~t; St""'~~'~ $~\:iN.

.zn.,w d

fiwe ,-ti }&I~'"""""""'\'<!""*',~; 1UB

W.?~llo T
"C~l ?re;;a;at-,;;0$ c: 511...-n f'horrmK;

&'t Mt;ftw /<e"""


I' "-~'-'""""""" ~, S r'J..;;~- n Mom~" "Co- >~>w ll

!;e< !Oll'l ct>e ~ <1l'"lliM" '-" !il'W ; 'orwmm Ill (II'NI'. vle. tht> rwn <Wr~
ard 11
oll'\1! ,_., 'Jdood, w;bo~ tf wwvc;-,~
""'' dis!incty """lle;; ~~
a. Bocl<er ~ ct 'To
thi J<iy, plilolb noo m~~'M ;~r.; m~no'l\1
infecton ,;;,Qfvlrtg OOiO OM \0 :
he~ lillil,..rcllrNJffliMI w/ln ~"i~Jrl,tt;




and wound oare Wltr,ou! su=-

g_ "SUver am the ~"l"'lilrung W~

and"'"""'"'~"' (/"""Row~ e;;

JfllWlh, b<111ith, J~~ ~i!Se~ Ule Mii'J~~

iJI $li'll''," ~-.-~~ t'JJMMUM~~' Vol

Pf!9 36 of BB



"The hRchs were not paranmd. Th; fnrtat of
another "final wlmlon' wa>,. mfat-t. mcrmmmg ~\!21)


iutclligemx repcrts now CQllfirm.

the Sovwt Unwn !;00 taken the J>.azt



and developed n;wr furms ofto!lic

warfuro. By themid-1950'~ th~ S:wwJ;: h:W
produced cm'"gh Nau ncr .,- !'US to poi'-'m the
pojllilrioo uf th world ~eveml :imcs """'' Hugo
\tockpi!e~ flf Jl\Hlh!:>., pla!,'llt\ m:d 'dc.sigr.a- ba,~'
wen: l1l place it eedc_ Soviet o; the eveol of 'll.>ar.
harnen of poi;;cn groon<:l wm.dd tsolalc Soviet ci:ms
from mvaders_ Mw:e fricliK-ning, >he &>vi01o had
developed new offensive sy~km5 of germ w1i!'fur~
fOr genoci:k
-~rhere w htile &fensc ag:tmst this kin,J of atrm::k,
:mJ wbat few ntideks exiot """ wi!P.'Jdd fr\lm the
p-A'>l!e as military >reB. One o:thc heft e"atupk~
(;(!':tis io. \ioddyn, a ruhstance that riw 'Sovtets

dJsoo>.<en:d in their oatclhte >tm: of C=.:JJ<JS!ovakia

way bck in tfw 1950's. .MtvHlyn is a form cf
L;.olioidulsi!ver, odorless, u.<;ixles~ and chcape.r tG

p;od!!.ce thae chlonn di~mfect3nk ()nc part ";J<:r

1:-Jlhvn m powden:J \i!uvidyn in w;.~c.,- h11-; a

gemm;ida.: d"foCI b a tiudy of infu~tOO ~>-ellA, 11
com;:J!<:Wly dc~rroy,..; typhus. malana, chulern, rued
amu~bl~ dy&en:::ry. D1id;:mg cmrtaittcr~ Wthhed in
Mcvidyn ma:ned ti,;ir gmn-figbh:.g ahihbes fur
1e:Vera! week!,
""M.ovidyu.<.eeow t1> !x a eost-dfediw
prl1pllylactlc fu:r mos! u(ili~ ''illl.oor-bom d!~~~~~e5 L'w
i'lf<:ct the

ThOO W01ltL To tlv: a;am,i~Pmcru dtJc.

SJvtctnulitary, \iuvidynalw dismtb<:Wti t'~-er; g=n

WMfar~ boc:eria Tr the Sovict an>efldl, even '<heir

''e'Nest dcsiguer l"''~~Jo>.lu otb:r Wllfd>, Mov1dyn

wa~ too good The C7eclJ fm.-'tr>ry wa& ~crubleC
ani' carted back t" f'l<: Sevier Union. T" !\us day, the
Mo~idyn furrrrub seerr~..\ lu have '>~co. suppresscd

IT.Jm the 'INtld. b\rl thenoo have rtjl(lrt> of gem!

'\\4rfare expcnmt:tl1t. that went W!l::lfig. Every cmmtry,

iadndi.:l~ the Umted Srntes, ha.~ ~ lffl ik.ektons :n

ib t:l<JR~: whe11 j1 rome;; to 1"1:5C.:t.1\:h oo \>apmu; 0f


Exept from; The Smrf"l War Aguim;t tire Jewx C 1944 by Murk Aarrnw.. St.Ma..""1ln'~ l'lcs>,
! 75 Hftlu\ve-., New fork, 1-,'"\' 10()!0, t-.'<ge:; 293- 19<t ISB:-. Q--3 i 2-11057-X

Magnetic Pulse


f\CV!f\lon January 15, 1987

Gopyng~t e

19911'999 Rcbflrt C. E:\et+,, D Se

HOW TO B()lLD YOt:R OV.1'.'

Kate: Tbes" datu. for i.nlfmlllltiorull and
ln5truttloual purpose' only ~~,,,dare not tli be
construed as medical u.dvio;c. Consult with WIJr
ll~cn$cd health practitioner.

In l!x>cping 111\l: d<:Ht-y,Hlnr!f I!J(:;\,j)~111if hypntht<~Jcnl

llpp'l't!lche:. to .~e1tc._hdp, tlw Gimpl~:tit .wd mP>t mpid
menm; for o{}r~mmg a capaci!ur....Jin:;hwgothMtkal
mag;\!iC pu\.e lymph and tii>Stro pathngtn neutaltur
wO!Iki he K fmtl aru:l :motl1fy a mcd !lmdil.llllnt: ;>o1ah1e
b~~ry =d ~c p<.>.,.~:<.1 <.:.kwtwnie flw:." (1;1>\>N:: liyh;) fw:
cametll3 Tkse QfC <~Ujtn.rml ftt ~wilt' me.: VI, y;aJ ,;ale~.
rawn $h~ cr in ;~:nk b(>l(CG a1 mec cJmen: atoxc \Jf
pu-~h1~e J new Vivilar (trurtd) code' : 91)0 ($22) e)u'~'J
:.1 S.">ffi<" prorcJ....<Wilt. c:~mem sto;vs 7hil U<illl!""":, bght
wq;!rt, ='<J'<'-"''"" ;;;md r;x\w~ f::<sh b "NY '7 ;1
\htHe<.tm.l:< (Jouko cakul~i: a~ !'\o CV2 w"e:e Cis m
"''"'''Farnd;" mf or mili. and V :~ ,r Vulb! puw~r :.W. s
Rad:!ly ava:la.hlu an<! ea:.iJy ll'l>iif;(;t It w;do well
("'OOlgl\ !hr ra-1 Hse bm rtlf!!1 on NH~ w h:t
great<:! t:pC!1lt1llg """JR'TIM than 311 At'/OC HIHI
Califu:mia swap mect prices fzyt ibM nrobco mnw from
S4.00 lu ahuut $U.\X( t::Jiw: SUt\00.} llre wri.!er fuuurl z
OOzeu oc/Jc st~ alJ m goo;! wurkmg t<A>rhli<>!> Q.rry
fotlf AA ba\i::r;;s w:C:: y<;u "" you rnn t\:$1 Dash <mia
bd0> pw<:hR'<lnJ!. Ai:n<N :my hrend ur mw.Jd d
rornparat>:e output fJffi"Cf ( 17 w 35 '1\mt-\ettm:ls; $);1)Uid
v;=\. 17efunb{p:dect munNih 115ft!;; q; '"''" w.
INPY QJNrming (lie) apaM!if_l{
Hru ,.-ind lhr uppik,.;,wb>i!, Juul VHS v:&r.:aw:!.t
n:c>"" :rre ~rn.ap, ::;~=h f~ and ado.jud:e ft>t tln>
"f1llicaton. R=.;r.c 5 "~"'him lb;;!l, rumm"" re~:~
and dise<m:! &bo .. lk SL'RE $l!t."<!bj"' >poc:S (i:" USild)
Jr\1 oon--wndncliv~ (['Listie; nr ~")o.tem v.c:l c<>l w<Jik.
A\o'Qid ..::C-lltll' 1ffiglh \ V<;

!4<: Ted; w"-'~h "Ill)-'

tbln 1 dia and ..-on 't hl>ld ~u(lkict'ir

o;;1rc Drill'''" hol~ du'lUgil hub ~nc !llwngh ~n!("- 9[


~ubs !!IC)I<'f


rwo .J.~ dli<CS fro::: '_" lh,ck ]'llt!'ti<;,

metal, [>lyv;0(l(! N >l'f'f Jib~rbMrri

;>IJ '4 ~C!ll<:c hole

>11'~ iru;ide lead w1re
~'lOll b~ pulled through, Thcoc '\1 L .er<'' rrru't sandich
re~t~ f\ang~~ ligh!ly ~o !hey wnr
~rr or spilt rn. wire
pre, sure builds up while windm,c .gresscs. A2'' (or
lonycn v,.20 machiilll nut and h
tlh wa;hers through

ond an,,thcr W' h.l~ off--<:e!ll-er ''

C(f>len< w;ll damp f.ange stifti'nern and reel ami aloo

provdc a shaft to bold in a w.riabk &peW drm mN,w or
"mular wmding device if u,ed, Ren][)ve b<>lt and
tiffeners when finished.
Specij'ieo.lfum: Cmnpletdy fill ta)X' &pool with 1114 or 16
c=d~'ll ooppc:r magn.~t win; (13.0 ln 160 luiilli) wvuml
im" the l" d!a. hub omd 3-~'(' OD spo:ol ;;iilia ;;;ap w;.w,

1\.'r Wl'\' .;>f ;i.'lC $~11!JX' cnamc; msulalion \0" from end~
andlm. Pol! m,..<J<; end ofnmg-u;;! "'m: th:wugn hub ~ttcl
' ffnd t r>ut~\Ce Ah;>u~ I"'';~ ~h1mld t"::l ~;cl

c.o::, stiff~=. a~d :mioh~d 00::. Now rokl""

end> a[ 4 fl. a[ hemy lwo->,>:..."1: m.lcruirm CL>rd tu cacil

oid< nf ~oil A ,/J4 fini<h""- c,,J wegh.> -1 b 3 flZ, h~s
"0.01~ r llihcr;ry jn(j-'-"t"-~C..:, 034W rcm!mlc.::, md
1alw.> -20 nrin!Ns k h;mJ<.! ~,r - ~ minn':es <>.~h crill
me::n:. An wv:ellem alwnnlli,e '~ an AMS tmm.l air---c<:><c

n:rn:owr !r.t.e!or ior Mmc a..diD, MC'M EhxtrVID,,

Cuu;;rv:llc., OH45459, (800} Y.JA3Y.i ~-at!log #Stl ~1.
Jf, gl!!!ffl.', [J 55\\~ 2.59H_ 2-t:W' :L3_ $11.} 65.
Strntle mmlifltlltlou wtl:l!Sb s;mpty of wbng ili;;
fir4hilil applwalw Wll ;nth 4 iL loolli m ,.,.-;\%be\ weer,
ei!hm ilMh tube f'k:ctrode Be extremely !!mltious wh;::n
wmkiug Wllh f4! ''!>ell h-no\e a ~:ml,e'~ ""f''C'%r C3f>
held ;o ;v;Vhn! h;gl:rw1mg<,. dm:qp; fvt r iw.>g t.i.u>!: ~rr
Wb!:1 ~.,IT,'" &:fun.l11!XI:!fying ;mJ \t> ~vvitl ~hock, <hmi
om 1::e
by phn::io ehp lead~: din%11y ~:mm :he
tim;' tu\xo Rm:~r t.>rCl'lWH) fins .>hm:1 ::~~cr. To
\\'.61!11! Nil, un!Jcr y,jtl;u: wirt from i11>h h<he
ekctrw:les .tmd :;<mn.."'d: rm.: k.!!d ,;.., imm e-m\ m rh~t
:<Jle of We Ohre.;! 1:-e: ,,\ho:t k.'!!!! from evil t(lib!o w1n;
yuu j..,;t r.nnov<1 fi:om mi:Y" 1mnbtt- t:annec::oon,~ wi\J:>
1"1>"" Tiri~ placer yoor C) II I>~ _,er/es v:rth :he llafh mlx


and enabln the lamp :n act a> 111 ienued Sll> rolE;- or
"'thyratron"' Owt dump!> m::Ht "f cap~<-ivu '-. ot..>ruJ =~rgy
L'wough l'(li! v, h\:n fir<.'t' LanlP w!l1 .ul! ta>l< <Jell k><
brightly. Cover :lt~<h Wlft:kl"w with bl4Ck rlllXJ Mi:lt
W1re-11lm wall Jold0:'!ng ron. Rep lao;;.: v~w;. YVli 'r aoot!
Is It Wilrking property? fl. _good way t11 t~!'.l t":ff'".gt" r-f
pui""'J !Wignctic N"!<l:lf!:V " to !~y a ihin -""d ll%hL"' (01:1!,;
M:rungly attracted 1;(1 rrmp ;t) tlnt on top of coil. '"'"(Iff
cemtr. A I" <ila, "fC:II(kT .. J"h~1 w11h 118'' qmte:r hole
\\\)t~~ well Lcllho nu~t
tul tharg:e for about ten
:,.occmlo m until the ,n,_, 1 ready Ii,ght" Q('OnMs en lh-<ll

flaih huti!Y' and OOw the >a&llc:r is ~kldu.--d~ try

hidy C!Hrem rqmhiorL A :!5 Wliti---'I'tllll<J wn!>t fl1l"\'i
:h!i< ., on t fOOt veril(:f.,:lj., Tmnk of ;om pulsed


~uil & till: "prilnruy'' !Jf II tlll~""fomu:r aml a::.:-ili-:r,e;

>'nndm:tive n=t>y (living li>we in::Lille.:i) "'~the
~;~-~ m wtncl' ~11"""1 '' wju,.,cd wkn <:ur by
xi!'~ linw---l'll)mg rr-.agncti:; ~:::es of flax_ Y:r<ll' d()-i;-yo;,.n;:;'f mtgneti<: p11he ~<:r de'"'~*'- a ll"lWS"-:!'lltle
"l!!"d illl~n,jzy se-;eroi fhu!'& {;m~Z n:er\' powerful
iheing ea::h :;yd;o lh= $7,JOC.OO Germ=

''\1a,;_relnlr~"',(r, io."k<:Sj'Stem ~m<>tmn><'r, .,- L:.rada '

-'-{\lmur:ono~ d:.:<c~-; .,.,,:J.;ly ;;:o;hitiwd <11 h<J!i~ll<'
m"':b::a! ex;Jm.. mme ..-f which io nrory'; ,.:-ww{i;tl'llQO;gb

t<.<r patbog..::r' llel.ill"ii. -::rl..-.c__ ?'~- S<Or& aro al5'> _U,wtwns:J;.;imi;,.,- to t.':c "Diapuls..D- miracl;:-womg C_oa:;;;g
mod,.;,'}- whm CL~_;_ IS apphcJ. md !ivd ami ntiler nrgan;
:<cg;;lsr ;;errna,.,nl >llilgnct>. nn m;m.,r i'Qw !)IJW~rfu: m
Gau;;;; llb>olutety -..-;:; "'" W(lr<" f(lf tlli~ ap;:.;Kac\cm:
cegardl<m r>f c!uimo >in;e ooiy a lime varyin:f 5KC
;nduce> a >Ngnifk;am ~lJITI'111 en tis'<U.C. Maj!nm;c fiel<:W
anJ therefor_, mduroJ cmr,m> penelml" alll><.-.Jy ~~n~.
'-'en.,; anJ
in pruximity ro ooil !~ft'ectlve ~ppw\. ~
mel!';> (le<:p) aced. ean thacrr~tica1' y ne\ltr;llit,e el<:<:U'I}jCJbitiv~ pa!h<-,Jil~nr; ~~;I "''1!5~~ such ;)13 h.:t)X',; R HfV,
lmJMtlti~. Ep;lt;in-Barr aml r~~ibly rmmy oth= ~ yN
undir;covcred that h1de w//h/11 ne:Ye shcatlw and are


Ihere fore untnuthahle via immune

w~tcm, ~<,h\w

cc\lj, or

injectable>. Tbi' Illitj ""WUill l"r th~ llllf!''~~iblhty '-'f

curm_g many known chroni~ inf("tkms via

IUltihiQtics. or any pn;sU\ly knuwn

liOU~~U(lOOa] 1~<1!tnCII~i'<)\hCt \h1t11 Ck~\ro\h<:rllpy. t'10

pubcr <.m My oi(Cll d\lily. Thi~ P""l= m 1\i\fu tu "'~

a;;ywhere on :he lreaC allO lxldy exr:tp: with cardiac
p!ICtm~aMr mer;, !>ce piijjt 4:l fm lym-ph lowlioo:.. /..(lp
ites at -: {) tecllt'l<.i \\\\i:.rVab fur- 20 !tl!!luUn daily.
To rue rrr~r"" fully inou!awd coil fln ~in~t b,'>if) <'\::Y
'~mph phmdo and :tfhcr S!:le<:~ locatiom i\UCI!AS Rhcwn
nnplgc 43. f_,.:t r1w!oc build t'fi 1<.1 fuJJ -th:u-ge !abom-4 m
111 beCIH.:-cn pubes J 11-11d :!lam while _r:>r=m.g coil
<'YCr encl> "<r1~cu:d >ite Subje;ru; wil~ fed 110 ;>:-y<;ical
tehclll!km~ ex up! r<x- light "t '<' illrmg f.c\~ pl'-<H of
d?clrifcJCQ~ l?xp!ISUNI k<l.rh

ar crm.~ safe

heraU!il! intrm;;lry vf this ~lit: {'Jli.<er b lWi<'h fo,.,._,.

J/lun }tfagmilk NHrl<.wr f?e>imam.'i' '"'uti!g in !'tmline

u.<r uf 1rns cf rhollMtlll& tf/~ '"' ll!.ou!d ,;ubju1
0d '';;e,tad:l)-", !UUH."--"-'>, !!lup:g::t~

'.ilJ?hj f1u-!i\:e

ii\-1t'Q~ llf--ete-<~&; With d!>

1 i"O:'K (W(!

J;v;~ t;!a&~


numl>et<"lf p<.~l$<;,;,

1::W ofhl(l{ld

d.:;Fi"g I~" ami drink <MOOi!lcd W!llcr. If 'll7mm:


vqy ~ }'O(Ir>tiyruml lo n:prutall

ro"''im:' after &VW-a!IW.-'!lL!H til !Mill\; f>CUI!'\Iktlllkm.
When w-mg, tecp coif Si!'W'I'ui /M a.xzy ['Vln t'r,!{}if
cmd;;, "/clchm, ~!w /apt; nmpul'er.f,}'hppy dirk>,
ht;mmparim: nM&Jies, we, srooc ::; rwwmful m;:rzr.nit
fwld =-:. J~ms w;l """-~ magnetic <.bt;: ui wdJ .p
>;-,;h(r l'llffll!Y p<f<.:~d m~ih;i~>e;; <\:> "">manlki)Rik>U
~renJiptl)', pul_'ffl1'. aw vy\:med !0 ems;; dttply roo:OO
ly:npC. m>d li>>OO pathdq;y md )KfS&i:i} r;w!J d~-al
''mh<mrui' a, wdl i.Htany othermtcn::'b&>.

,._,; viruin f-" ,,b <ht/.d proL.-'I'tlbly 00

1~d v::iliAC Jhi~ tu ~r.w :mtre;y oo~n. ;mw :,-o" 'It
rmly jiM clxml 40 :fuL rmh~~ [11 ucu. ~t:: .;;f 01.'knline
klonro tn Mnmuy P\IIYIY..C& .:.~Klose coilln plutcc
;>;.p .'.o....:k !l!:>e!i.!d~ble ;aru:lw-ch rmg. Wiffin tnmh:,g
nun:;.:"''s ~d;jmt. if tiwn;'; oo AC adapte it i~ '" ~ihu "'una!J re;;hwgNbk leu~d
~w::-;:;ydif' ~aw:ry J Bcomme".C the mandacturm-'e
~riJ, Pf."l'~;'""

pker that is fur 111pcriur 1.(; m:lkmg ooc wnh


,;1\ll 1\ m<:<U4ft:t; N:IOttF, 33(l-<15{1\', 1!}.75 Ji~o4:1,J3J (;auf.~ m 15()- Amf><'"'-' P<'-llk; 3 l /150 Amp<lJeTum~. pul~e n'c time ~! 8 lllkrostcQmis, puhe dunrt<nn


~2.5 rniilher::ilnd~:

lifmimr 250,00'J cydc~; and

pc:w:Lratc,; thmugh tl~ue
How much slwuld till; ti!St? Used ~kotnmic tmbes
u,.;t -\2Jl{l w -$\U.OO. Thm h lb. Spool> of#!4
mawtn Wll'<: r<:U>il for If') 6h ea. You' 11 neeJ -! -!~ lb., 4AA<~Ikt:!rn~ b.ukncs. $?.R9. A 11ft. #14 X2-l,ire 15
amp ~~: (-<tcruon oord ,;osts abNit Sl.OO and "1~k<8 1
Sc1S of l~d<, nr uow herrv:ydnly p~ak~"I win:. VHS SpOOl!
~50~ 111/bolc~alc wire frum $25\l tu S4 35/lb, In I 0 Jb.
R,lU~ at racrfic Wire & Cable, 1228 S. Village Way,
Suma A no, CA 977G4, (714) 558"l:\L;.,_ ~(!Th; "'-'d;
d~li\trry. Tht total cz>s: is arl'1md $1 00
PolMrity: filhcr ,iJc of the ~mi-Kcrth nr ~"uth Pole-'1,11! crcm :t>e nK'e""''ry micnmw:ren!;; :U clecuicl!y m
~;-.c. F(l!' t.fO)Oll.@C<l ll'le, it h p<m;ib!e !hat it is be:!er b
""" t,;e N_>rth (-) t!l &->1#1>----<<oekih,f; ~ide as !his pole:.>
kmmr. t,-; have a bruanc-:;.-;g clfc<'l Tk &>u!l> l'de ilf a

i> kn=n to

hr.~~ ;tntml~tinb cff~;;t_









INTESTI :s/~l,---"


Kidneys ant:! Adrenal Gland
are located towards 'the


back of the body.

Rev1sed November 2002

Page 44 Of 86

Water Ozonator

Ozone Revisited
&;;,;;:a y~vlll.lliwu vi VW!IW i~-''" fua!..,hil\l i: i>

as ~


t'crnp.)', 0, \\':cri <l:r:edy

.J1(!<GWd m -a:n >lmulta:c-~.1;, ,;,iili el~~

(brpb;nL '"'croc.::-n::nL. iu >Mtrie;;) Pf''''kti:ii a :ruly

ret1>11"kiiDJt> '>.'>M! k !Ulill O.}VA.'m Cr.y!J;f!!ll(O.p/ll.l
"f!1#>ilf phliNfp/4 !if!W;.ifinuifm.

r.:e<JSn:v:nenffi o!mv.

<k:imati: m...~~;s in b!t~-::hlowgen within minuu:s ..:;ing

meh~r> !ikr die !'le;,cor A! I\T'l1-4D 'l'ercoot O.~.:ygfll
Saturlltlun mererY' MMy difibent ''0-"".cniz.e"''' ;;uld ut!tb <:Xp<.>> fm priu:s up t<:~ $4,701J i'-"e '$rgt> h.;a>:

sv:tc"""'' ::w~1 pl<tg iutv A.C, a:::l! ~ u:llvcroaEy ""~
mfenur t/li<uff'idd systcll:lllt~ml bolt!OO oxygen imread
of lb~ pf('f\'1'1"..4 high vcl!nt,"!:' wx corcna unlivns tdr f;:r

:sa oupcriat <le:;i~'1l

rmdmmfrft'Mf, mom ~rlliltli4d 0, Wm ,'lth<"'
avt~~J'Ihk hom;: unlt!\.lt,; ll '~ry ?O'Iah'~ thr~~wt!Y.

ozmre producth::m.

De~tnt>e4 h~:~

:.)'litem. Ynu um


10 utili::c "ill:wr

lntU'I\Ill b:iller;~ power, rr {at itghi<.T j)<JW!;\ied input It

put tq;~ by myooo for a fraction of the cr>s! of
wp"of-!h..,_!iuc owuimr~. A >;e;;ond chrapcr hvt slo"c.t
do"'t"yrmr~df OO~lflll W1USAC puwcr <July b abo ghown
here. !1 \!JJCS im':\1)>.1Hivc putts for !he hudgct"mimlcd bill
>nil work> 1uprwhly. (J, unlike o!:hcr fonlll! of oKygen
carrie." ne,~Jtl~e decrr~! <:hf\!g% that spenflcally
""~'li1r<:<'l tr.:c radical damul!"'' ~~:aveng?. em% link ng
and redmcy:~ d"fllei<XI ~ell~. lome ~Hwr ~olloids alw
greatly assJ~t thi~ ''rejuveniltlon'' procc"" by rc~tunng
free ckctroo,_ 0, rupidly oouve:rts (oxiditer.) a\l known
toxm~ <U~d wM~.c~ long pl:"Cl)tot m vour body cells I<) BJl
aml CO, w!rich tlush "ut e~~Hy ruld mpidly W!tJJOIJI "
mil wing cobntcs, lymph, sp.lcm. h >cr. or kidney
~au b~


cw W!J UlhCr !n;Oir!l\lillo

Build a compact. Liue-JniJ.epen&:n! AC.'DC L"" C"~t

Powerful Ozone Cienerawr L'smg Ail Nc>t R~quiring

Bo!lkci O,.;ygen

; l'iin,gro by-produns. ox<ck:i' a>d


with uir rmd wld C.1mt'a dioch>lcye- have b<i= t~oteC mill
rr.und n~gligihle and ~;m;t'Co; m vzuniorecl drinking
water. Bu: ::c~ Mtint prud""""' """;mted byproOO~lii
min!' mr. p>= "xvga> <lo.e> not<.(, lu b~ sal~, >1:!11 wrth
botdOO ""Yg<'" ""d pure w!!-'-Cr oc:,. :: nmking o,
cft~d li::r uurmuo;culn injecr
in.ulflmi;m, dire<: I
b:~oJ inl'usiono, or 'Aith bep~rin
~uto-clia: y;.;s
(hn~:t:g bloxt '~ a '.~\'\'C' fer-,_
__,_,.,un m"autohemuth~r'~ry") ~'1.1cCc~:.:.



me- fu:lm the same

oxygen arc idml"-""- ,-

;;mh 11\ 'll!'Jllie:-s ,.],.. cn:Jrgel:l\!,))j.\ by fKct...'Udmg tim

"m;:4ic;d.gradc" l'.X';'g<'n i~ scc.eho'w ~diffi:..-e::::!"

Ambic::t air .,...,..:,.s w~ fur dritb.:abk 0,- l1le c<>likf .and

....-m,- rnd th~ d""'"'r ilie L'On!OO:ner fur gnmt"'
p:W..1W..t~ flm ilK smalbth~ ;olu,-.., ui H,O bein_g
~;I;(:[<;<:, \-.\>,: 11)<)>,: ;:,me;<; di>>-3]W& fa;;t.;:r ;md thE e011ger it
- bcl:h ' """ aw -.~-c:a_ y-.~L'.,h"'(
~- ' ._
u: .oc:
o- Pdypropylrx tul>e~ ','.'i:lt a1n:.oc:e -a! rr.y bo:1"rn. ThiL
-dun ;:-ca;ti~ X'ttle' w~ ak::m.l ~s ,:,cll but their g'"C>ll.c;"'"rrt""f taka D -'-ittle kl=ger fu:- >at"-'o:t.=. i"u:::>."'""'-il'"
::>l'f'!f )'T-''


Pyrn ,;orrt=rs we 'x1teT

Row TQ t:s;>
Subm;:rgc air;;fc'llil (JJ boffilm and "btlbb;c~ ~IQ OtlliC~
-<::urrtmneno of';, ..:c p!u-; '..<,</Old l<m wurer m a hu:;; l>ottle
f<X -1 :0 5 mJ1UU:.< Drink ;:::-r..edlatvly sm.;~ 0, *!lhmll
ot"bi:iz"' ~""""' 'c~ watm: 1m!;~ half-M~ o! aboul
tl\o<'11l)-' """"'~' w retuillJ; ilill Jl"'ency fur =-ly a >hu.It
lin:to.; Benefit, S\Mt ill mitMCf! atl{i <If<; fa; SU-)).;rtQr 1:0
mJuy 11th;or <.:xp~w.i v~ pr-Wue>~ ,;ll<:;mcd lfJ provid~
''b<,umf' ox) geu ( thl<>rit~; C!O) "' prapn<J\my
'V r.amin 0" Mtd:11 i iucl nxygen l>om;ren;. Own~ ,;mnt>t he
>Wn:J wluch J~ "hy a,~youc nc.xl~ hts own g~ncrator to

make 0,


bi:J\ll'C miug: fur the bet poibla

re:;ull. N~Vt:f dire.:lly hr<:atbc ozon~ m OZOfli.>:,;-d air rn; ,,

dm:n~g~~ (oxiJim~) lun~t 11~~11' ~v~n m ,;n:Mll <iUMiitic~.

,Vd/cor Pmiltm Bennett.;~,... 1'/"'''"'m<m. CA 94J~Y.. II

rN/flJ 71 r1.u YJH

FV hMI'Id GMA 18 (ia.

Mnr V61< Deofmflic.l, 2!/fJ! 1/.;rM>. C"r" M<'w <.'A
~lciJ! r/14! 64Jr"N4H
S!ri,IIJ< Hlh, /J)Zll!:rr&nr Blvd., Ciankm Ciw,., (;,I


r .'!J,'


TIS f'mp!rtri F,\h, h/75 Bmf>khunt. fom,mm h>l!.;.

tA <)/4}/i.l9f1Ntt

Fi>lilmtd. ;;n;y licu-hor Blwl, &,mJ"" Groot, CA

.VJH #'"""'"""he. 1'0 ,;,,~ lW/9. f'ct~litl<m SC
VlA 8K3 Cconi114 1-WfJ-J24-f.I:N2 2511-!7111(}1)



'\jJ:)' fl'.l\lblc gas through Itt> ;oil{! water ,.,..;,



flnlllly, ~1'1 pi'(>{_'>"'' funer i<X~ntrvl~ 01 bohhl!!'\?;
: 1m.t<, \'1.4 fmm -z.-:; mfn.rt"".
lt' ..l (m dct;!;ib.

flu"'""' nK *"n '*

E<n.mrb! M"""'"""~ Vt,t"<> \, "'"'u' ~ 4, 1'l\iS. TniYB%1<. 126-541- 192\l Fn. 4JS-.HJ- i 01!>

!'<It~; >\I'a~~ drink "r ll~ <>ZOO..ud WMH wllhlll M miiWIMi all -liiag. Cal!tit>a: P., m<1 .....,!!) h""'Ule h> ollNWMd
f'-" Ttw dWm!e<tl. nct!woiim> that~"' it pii'IVl' t dl'"'"" k. too"'""': fi>~ hmg &<>ue nd ~u. tiily rAll><l d:<ru"l:e.
C~mn:t~tll ...



in thh .. rd~r:
12 t V-12Arfpere-:;ur rsd'argeabl~ -l!lld_.,.; d
WJ.tS~ tllr.INy ~~1- ~~ ho~r ctla<ge)


lr-.lta 'vw ho:ew

$ 249

S4l Arnp sheri fu~B!l. female $1)<'1de .181

1e22 GA b~~~ry conneCtors'

$ 315

Crynnecttlr !I!! t'!)ilratlf! IJghl~r

Allie p:!Jll nml Wale jack
~: V OC t()

$ 25C
$1" \10


Aq'J;i.!i<Jm ootffi:alkn oorrp

~~ ~-;; \'<2WiierMOOc;



w:er r~n bil~< !OP'tlrr~;;

Wllli Ulll ~-rt O"t

lll!1biiml ill; :11$n $1>

OOiifleil il


~ ()~i$ ~ ilOW\'


Ah:rm ~;;ad tJ( <lff!lffi'>I'IC! r'~ <!:J

,-., tlotllis, Kc>Fdllllli:i25l$
Nc~ember 2tltl2

J=-:l.l:r's ";:<\~: Be(:m ''!!! .'Sttfl!j %~ ~:~ r!C<ln'rrffi':lerl

Ire '.\i!le' O;:enalil" :rod\;$'! by SIT/i

SOTA 14m a oornpleie t:

Ot.ooue:_ a&U!!tatie G-200 q; o,

25 ~ ll!lnbte riastr lil!fwe l>.Jbr>g' (,


$ 120rt
Total r~tail pri~e for <Limm~y profurro~
$J$l~rr: (Ooiy $3211 \'riloln~'l


0emJw !.lllldef tcy;J moO& zw ft


tarwas cam""" ~ag or ct~er MlJil CMtv!~ Cllre


:l:;JH_ powsr!;-.,r.d m~el liP'N"C

AC a<:hpbr\J I';;le col!ll (t;n~~I'Y%


;~-: Sp;i-;_,,.,,or~ :.oo 'l'li' SPST s

Fry's El!!:rrrncs S'lo kil rr.ns oiJ sysl!if" liJ iliJo<'!CIW bree. t,'k~
!Je\wee~ Mtrery ~rd iflwJ~JJt. '0, 'llllf med a p~ ldlltOll o


Fw lflfu'l'l<lii"__,-, ccll 1~o:K

25>77:~-~;)fl Wt.WS(b

$ Z49!lr>~ 1-c os he
VI b mmkffi c'5ing mid "-""""'
'n V4idl \es& illa:: M~ pat

-m wih 2 lrui!Hl air fMllP- The

/'limll El p;_l!'tr <ire~

2:SC-i7>2'Jn or m


Page 4!1 of 86

A New Paradigm for Instant Healing
FortnfOI'matiMI.IIt lii'Jd EducatiMl Pufi)QSes Ort!y. Ntrllrltllnded as m$dlel dvJee..
Rmision July 6, 19$7 Copyright@ 1Wl119B RoOOrt C. Beck

heres a:e;uluhcnJryili>--il-your;;df, sak, uatutdl., roo~it-e protoco: ~J w bloOO dtctnft:a!um pvt

fwtll k> 1\l!,ea:x:llffi a; 4 f'{l~~il::lc &>l.dicn to lllf<:ctmn rlii-Wftt;. ll ~ pra;;t.cnlly n>:ll;ing. Arn;~Uotal fOO<Ibaa
,;oo::ir.:: <orne ~'<"'-~ arc hov:ng ~ur;c~> in the wRr "$fli!!SU\JlJS. <:ANCEll. HHPA:'HIS. Ll'PUS. EPSTE;)1."
BARR, G1.:1.F WAR SYNDROME, GIARDIA. a~J O'kn< imL:rimg tl!c oc::nmoo ~old. lt3niL'rod tohum1lllily :m
inforrntb.!ll unly, empv,.mTn<m! for cv,-yrnre whn wis;,.,, tn be l-ed:tliy ap;ain.

HOW? firur s:pflfate D\lr()vcrn:qr~ combwtd m lhio

Mtlllng I" !1'9' c:t:llpi p1t1t1 glf4 !Nvwrid.
I,Oio!fii(>n, reodstdiU!I! t?mt

"~"' 'cxkt~C


ifyqtuhdt yrmf"lr:ij !JiiH h:tl'<!

MUM peD{Ile huvt ltmw11Ncfulif <iutk-whh~ mani{t!!lfd/ m. Jir;bdief,

"difeat tkt nortlwtlox imder. ~ Rut ;.wu mwa ~Me lxtck ;rmn p<JW(!( anti ill<m<'

~ilfiJ f# ;vm ""'"' hrofth.

What are rhe fvurt"asy


L Rlnl>l'l R!u;!rlficatitm: lnlixl lalm;atc-J!)', mknxurrcn~; a"' imt'wn to cl=;;al\; ~L Vlnt~K, parnsll~ funp:l, bact>.::Jia
W'd *~""" in hltli!<l })m<;klscd by matt revoCulionary p!IE:m> and r<=ar<;> onr fW<I yean, \h;lddu I H9T!
dlC>Se 1:!:1\!kthrooghs wcrr km er ~L<pprcnOO The metr<Xl "'""' rds:ov~red by Emit:= Colle;;e :!fMcdkiruo for
AIDS in 990, tlmllilcnc\:d, Bloo.!


f'ul~d ~111\f

nkdrif;~~ti<m ml;n~

Magnetk Flclds: Ex:~mat:; .r,mll<l>l

2 h<l<If_, daily for a minimumoffunrw twdv" w=ko_

nagneh;;:n..~;ee nfly~ spl.:;;n, kidney & hw hel["


rn;Wralite g.r~ lal~IJ\ ,rr.C incul>m:ing abe~

block:::g ""~inl\xtion. Thh quclem dis~MC a:imink
t<'IJ, restores lh~ :illlJrurnJ >;.>1= ac.O SUf'?!l:111 detoxiilcsillm. ::>cnnan""t magnet:;, no .ftlillf"f how- ;;trons, v..ll! Dill
nor <li!MC! ;;cawn11e p&tl:rogen~ wiili iru.lnced \l;uj,.-emf C\\f:'tll\8. \\>u m11::-r lmve n ;;''-"'P tar.c-- a.ying magnctK

). lnnk'OJUnbJIOI Siler; Pmn~ p0&:~1!<111 -if--t:-,~J~ ionif <:r~lloids gxul\y :;;,;;A in ~.imilffi(ing ~li koowri
jla<hogcnt! md grunl .<gum& Cf!X'-'t\!ni;tic infuuoo:;, Thi' ,;e<'1Jd itw:n--:~ $ystem" '$ ~)'OO',p.'>l!c w:1l :1.C;t< I, 2.

a:-d 4.
4. Oriuklng 01.unM!d Wlllfr~ PY<wides m;ml, $Ilk, totally m>:urnl <:elitfXYgUlltl.iun wlth"'ll free ndt<-t~l .Li!Wig.
Umvltft") dclm:::if:.cW<!1Ji oxidnri(>~ d waite~. dciK\ ;md nrtll.ltn:<i;:~>d ;x;tlv)!u:t>, t~ll ano<ot-~Y;;) n.:clu<:co all m H,O
CO,. A ;ow-c,,st, Q, ~~"'stct " fullv clnc!'ibc<:.
Tlwse four du4>-your~lf t"d~ ""-' fuHy di<dtFI'<i wilil detJA;d ill.>.mrJ!ed imlrn<:!:om for u,e Ut:.:<Z,j logcilicr ""d
fa::- !wo hmm; a d!l} fur a! leu! fuur In ~clvc we;;k;t, 1l)c;. ~limincle a11 of\ '~e~iOtr.l <md "ioon<al;>l~" ~ Ycnt only
e~.e ~~ thro forr"Jllnu:mom! hmtcccs. Some i"'*"'Wi may netld e~!ffi r~v. :iqnicis.. Inc.> \u:t:crl!lo pln> ~;"1!milw B
and C ib,;in!! =o'Wl)'.

llavt tkfsc fuur ptl>Vtn cures been lamw11 previouly? AJ"Pl'l'l!miy, !rut "'r' in o.r;;birulti"" Rd111*' di,co;e:ne;;
lw:( xoo n:porkd in in(diea: j<>e,~alo and p;rtem< t<>r o''" :.00 yes.--.. Moo\"'"'" bt, i>:nord.., diskJ,,-,;l or
'\11ppn:s3<.'1l by doctors'"'"' pil~rnnocntkJ1 ca'1ch \J!l f"'""cy on rdJtet: ::~veru.i{l~~ .:stabh~h jltcbb:- dwna:n by Jll"U
S!at;-uf-tln--nt ummy a"' rre I932.;> SEch nurJde -~,.,_,,., ha'~ 1:>oon rrul"fl'!'dcmly n.Ui;tev=d mu;y tn:u::t ""d
P"'""" effe.:to>c. K<>w ".'! folfl wmbin;;C ili4'1'api~" ""-' f<re>et:ied tCr fi/W(I!Chcr> t~ ""P<.'";;!bilif;-. fu: rhdr"""'

\\hy !ulm't rcrrt:nl't'h 1'l;1'!(ffilcd this bcli:-e no.w? When actnilu~d, th,.se diitu cou:..J m!errup: HMO profits; di:m:;ll
m;dKffi--r>h;:ll':'11Kew.ivah car'J:b. Am1 b1.Aogicill warf< pbguc;; elim rna>='* Jr,,;;;, wir~ otit to;pital and lw!ihh ~"f'\VJ 'll~j;l.m<'l1!:1., ""tmlllA 11~\[(liilC~ "'liU:hiJwlmn~; cinmatG<.~Jy flbatc _,;;:.\;""""dUd SUfiCrmg: film itnped
W~:.ial ;;c\1!:1ty fmnrc~ "jlh :;mtl ~y. The'e <1.11;) Mr f'Oh!!cally eo:r~<.''-

Tbls tc~luwlugy might pnT


the pafu>nt' S\J\W

ethical health prru:titillncn te k("tp their f-i1ppocratk oaths tty ghing

n!) uf serving the Al'tlA, FDA, and Jrug tartcl!i for profit.

Bob Beck's Background


toot>) C. Beck, D.Sc kfl IliTh world m Jwe 2002. H(l Wilt a giant

l!ID<.mg men ..Mfut his m1elled: but more impwtmtly for h1s. gencrau:;;heart, He
devel<,1f>OO what t::lln'>f" to he lmr;wnas The Beck Pm!orol and gave it to the
w<;>,rld :w ti:tuMO who were suffering wmdd be &bk w fmd rdief. A !ler Tctinng
from a Ci!reef a;, a Jeadmg physicist ~ Sp!;llt hi$ QWJI rroney lo make It known
1mt microcurren!} of e!ectriciry are a :Jinl;'k avd i!J~~"e l<>vl 1<., ffi'ip U$
re)re he<>!d>
.Rolbert C. Beck, BL.. D}k. 1925 2002

Bob Bee!;: u.'as widely kru:.w.:1 far his ilTh:rnn:e:r::atio':l nf altered iUrte& irl bmin rescau:h, lw;

d<:vdopmeru of state-of-t:he---;n-: met:.!;Jll! du:.:nbtllm:.lal!)J:l;,. and hi~ irr.~atigauon c? TcW

He haC been a co!Thultw:.:: to Slilll:!:< Co::por:uioo. The CSK Office nfSurfae.:: WcajX>:try on tf:e
subj~ct of ELf. detection, and wa> a Senior ~1affSdentiH at J:.";:riug R.eseat\:h lntt1U!e. Hs was Acting
Chief of Rw:liolo_gical Defe~:JSe, OCD, i~: Loo Ans,c,1 from l'fSS through I 963.
He- dt'Sigi:ed aJ:IC bui1t extremcly ~eu~ihve magr.etomcterr kr the 'Ka~ }He had also been a senior
!cc3lrcr :n the graduate schO!Jl, Ucivorsity o!'South;ro Cahfru:um. In L%9, Rnf:l founded th~ M:miwr
.Electronics Re:;cardt Corporation arul the AlphaMetrk:; Company for !he manufheturing of ethical bEG
biofeedback Jn.>trumcnts.

As a univ~mty ~tudent, he designed and patented the [0\\-voltage ekctmnk tlash (Strobelighl:i.
1946) He owTis ~uveml other patent:\ uwolving electrtr<Jptical byst<ms
Bub served on the lk>acd ofDirecvm of the U.S f'sy~h\,tt<lmt.;A~~(>e/miou for SCWJ:! years and was
thtm }.luttooal PrestCcnt !Dr rhree oon~etut1v~ trmt\. H;~ ~,~-as ~:J<:Fchmrman of the l.osAngdeo USTA ant'. has
been a pwfe~,;iu:ul memb~r of the Audio Eng:;.:o~"'llJ< SJttety, ti-le S!ldety of Mmion Picture and Telev;~io.::t
Fngmeuf(<, the Btoltlgtcal Phowgrapher~ A,;<.>CIJtJur, w:.d mhtlf 01'jll\tlizattons,

In 11!12, be Ccvdoped tl:w Bcrin Tuner Rt'l<iar~h u.<nng 1M Bra-in Tuner is mentwned m SuperLFA~ming ]Of)(; by Sheila (}.;tranrkr & Lyr.a Sch~, l!i94 "'-.J '" tdt!ga H"-'"'- Po-w!-r -~y 1ilcl:ae!

I 994. His tnrLoc wu~~ wi1'1 tbt!Yui;; ~~ J,,,:u.'l.\:<d 1t Ener' Mi?ili'"-"'" The Sdemi_fu: BasL<, b;;'
L (>sd;man, 2001J.

Ben Ueck WJJ, the recip:e;; ofinternathnal awards for 5..--iet(-e and E!t'-'t:-um<Xl!Cme 1r.cludmg:
\) C~cdmutd 1'1'0 !TIT< W'11Tllil" Jfth; J G. Galhmnn> award krt s:i~tilic achievement from the
1,; .::>. P!l)dl<liLHUt;; A~ ' !li!U)fl~be lalel!t in 199_
2:) The J,)b!l Fetz.'r Fnw

-<m plO<!e!Jlf\ awMd ;n 199J_

fn rtdt.lm&" Bnh lud 1111 ,_

hWe ~peakm.g: bacl\grow><.l---1\e:al<.h ~haws,< .--tal &!cn::en>.af~,

- q:,Jkgeli. He "-liS m!ecv;ev.ed <m ~everul t: NtDil aud radio shDWE.

!he Or~ T<lfUll\ <ltllYtt>ite,

Succus Stories with The S&ok Protocol
Jiumko" io <w h of_ww for Jhorfr:g Jww Tkc BekPml<><-"1 i~ MJpw,gyou O"<'Y('Q'l<e heJlth dalkrtft"''

Cmvernmen<S Xfte tffl; UW'Oj u:sfimmt.u;ix mv lll!sleadir,g ,mdtku:pnw:. J? truJ<)J('U undr:rsta<~<i th"t
what works iorr4w pcrsoa is not >w<:r:ss,:v!l,, :Jw :msW<:T}or arwtlwr Tk&cii! I<!Ui!W)niuk mY l'l.ffl ta h.!

rortstrucd <1 m4/kpl ,-,dvfce. CopleJ ofd! ttSitmrmiAJ/s we rmjlle.

Th Sharing He'J.l!h fh;.. ;h~ H~ ]{>4f11, \l''Ww.;;!Jarmg:-.c-,hh cern
Led!'y's Story: Cbronk Fatigue- Syndrome
In my bte lc~"" thr<Oq!foh mid !Wer:tlic.< 111od bulimJ~~,,n
Afkr e<mquo,.,ng tlmt, I wM ldl will' <11:
addic~:o,-d" '~"J"' mW doc;hrJ.;;. Foo 7 ye;w.; llhffi wHh tho
Ckcn~ Fa:_.,-.e 5yudmmr lo a Y= J "'""' lrl1r-' V'""

<:allllg d!wl<:kt

~"":len: f;w l-tl':lln:l: i.rn "!I '1'1Mdctit tm~'y :;; J %111

J)<M!o l ldi my ph llrl4 Vllf WJ 3\i Pi><Fnls. The mn!LM
omonrt <>f ''~S waLl MmJ m~ J>tn Mnf""""- 'kllw llixlk
i=k """' ' <eahze \lu; ill:)' ""?""nco was 2 lni"'"'ii g<C'Jnri fo,

rw.:"""'r r:y ili"""'; trt'thi:l.-itlf !i::..lth ~th o-', lli:pcri:l1u:

1< !he \>e;;-: !ffic:Lr'l H~N ; !Wlohed c:~y ~"<Ool ;,: ~l:mU:ifJ\c
'""'-".;;: ""d f;'Oa! :ttal!:h?: 'e <>.ro !1'\'"'411& Ihe:;;
Yer.r after yc"r ut 'in:gglm1? wi'.~ m} illness lmtd
~v~rything and ~J'K'fl' ooJJo~ onss. L<>c>kmg back (hindsighl (,
>lloh a g;~) ! -.ahorelblltt.e Jblkwm;? thlnJ' ! J.Jd 11"'00
''" l""f'ff~ my h--'<J:., fur mt lk<:k ~d:
j Ce>:O:s ;:i<hey '-"d hw' ;o t'l.ltli:- '-'lln::hmkli-g
Z) Mm;ovm,;c lk !IlOOili in my !r..Jii!h ..,;: ie:c:dy1n; 'f\l'IM::Iy.

!) E1111l!Jood """"""
dw lxzlrobg I wool<! oot 11<cept till<! 1
mn; ~.>Om< ~rrl<'tkonl i - J11!"?~c=, ""Trw 1l111Wl
'kek ffi!i!lJ !hi::>\"' !
~ ~:,,
>lju\ftn :'eel ~~.d "'""""' Y.. ~<If tn b"ol. We a\\ illv<> ~'"'"'
r11m ""~ ;mgcr drm we nOO'J m twQ<:pY, ex;;re<> and llti<.><> m

<''''9''"""" 'lli'"




After dcmg all th~ ob.wc. I <><~< l!)l~>tl~ccJ to Rob Btd:,

inf>wnati<n mgard,ug oord<h' dlv<!f, ~Jood du:tnficI!C!!! ,.,.J
ly:nph Pf,;omg. : ,.~nt tn ;l-""~ w.!h I"" 111y "'Per:ruce_

t.t;r =m Wcr m;, :!--,, ili:\l~

>\'ili:k !'fl'~l!'lliil ws


t k\1 ~~h~ egom. llF<"ffi wnh 'tnm '<.'$" fw a k""t 7 F-l!!"t

!il>!l i'
henc\.fucnw~tclh>< 1>\"0 ~ysi>dctw


k:fmo :mrlzft:ec ~lecaifrol!!w:n

L~"' /"'rre ::.illd:~al ::Mm~-e
f ""' .:t~d fllcn12

C~T..... !llo>;;! W~'lC lf>-1ot:m:;lly ohc.p;;l Wllh

link :>.C!l'!ty ond ~ bit "f ~ti.;J;iut
Hl>rdly any wh1te blood cell~ I m11 , ~Y<Iom l
Med:um ba<IcYi c<>Ullt.
:"k Fn" Rw:K.;;; IJ"""'!'<
f>r.ud< IUtrboro: =i M.>N ;;;,;;
!d> <:i' dW"';' am! n ! j fn:k "-''Lim ciwfm<> hbz>J '-"II! (im<lHI

Mctlium ln~b co""t

I""" oG ~"~itd bei:~u"" !he n:<"l!' cnr.":-n:ffi 'low: :d1.

Free Radical d~tnage wns d~anod up me.anin.g: lli~ aging
process Md becrt ~l!Jwcd, Wilh m"'"' red hloOO cdls I am ,lbJe
~' abso:b. mere o><ygen ~mct nl!'.;iooo, ~he dra>~ti<- 1rC0:~1&: .n
--~it~ "1>1.~"<1 ..ef >!'O<:>WM. II~:~' my i:nruutt <j.<lem rn..ll<i<.JmJ ;,.
~( tn ::> j...ti <1f d~w;ng 41 :ru, YHIW:i' rJJd .r~or h<:b<'< >r. <l.e
t!Md, fu R00en (, lk-.:t. > ;;;;;;""""' k oa}~ tho: Re \m:lrit,
>>ru""'' de - <>miiw4 111fffb;Om<c m lk body % tim lb
no kn~"*' <l"wwiwluwt ll <0ru: !\ 10 lite uok
mckafung.,.,""' t;,ood rhG ".,.,..1:y -.:'>at dl"'""" ;, my
APfru"-'nt"Uf th"<'t wtA!\ .;~1\er rn:; =>i"'-', fu,;guc lind
'"tPf C1ViugH:lll1 Jmo; w!rh a v;ngLncc I mtunmU 10
pul>in~ and the fangu,. and ~:nn mgo rn\ """Y- Shortly af\.>r
<ll'!'J>ing. ihi:-cm,iliJ5' b'L l,)y v._'flolml!l!l0 Whlk
npp;nglle h3d guy~ tr<: ne&.nlicm! w tl!< l;>:><ly ow dn iffi
,.,,~.;.; 1'l e'ea~ .-..>e:.fgp Wi1h <-;"Jld:ih~>;>;<'tdly, :~c b<dy ~~
loofP! '""" :hroto ""'-'1-k; Wna d<~;'p,q; pui<rng I>N "'""" ll:m
;~r ffM! > t<'g11n1 !b.:;t "'d <kl~ food (Wt1l') "-'
<W.! llicy ''""' grow l nll 'i"!hmw ro ~u the hin.OO
t:~nil=-"-'n a~i! a~J m~~~"""" f'.'\1<: g-;mrnrt;,r ""-"" o.~girg
h"""' fur (lflilllUill be4iiL Z:he '""' : ''"~""''-~ "' """ oll :ie ~b&d

":f"""'' "

fH:Y!~ cnr..>fu:l """" "'Y ,...~~m-

All 'tht ~b-~w "11.' "'i!!nm\ "''*'Stile Cdlo!do1 S1l>er. M}

hu,hund" l1ve blood aoolym 5hO,.cd a m~jr,r hacteria problem_
lie IMk u,rr,oidaJ Sihcr iilr hvr months, On '~-" s;,crn\J "-"''lnf:
h1s hiood !ibo"<>i 'c-ry li!!k b!l<:ttria 'n1;vlJi,r..n;mt~.

I ""'l,y w;.n::mer.d ~locd ;u~c:tiliu;oiu:: ...,..J m"gru:ti~

p.Jdr>& ; h""" C;;ux! tbe"" \vo ;ru&w,; to h... cr, ~~to:~-.,
! v,;. ,r; dl '""'""'cia.; uf ~~"-'""")
!tmn.,..,J.>,r<m !5 JOlliiley dOOA\h, <o drn'""' wtm:. yoo
.&d lttlf#>'!Jbk .,)h_ EW.Caw yw;,dfln.:l 6or.""""' on
"'f"""'"'J ~hoio;e.lfy.;u d~ !IN fed ~-<:m\(.,:nh'" ;u!h
=cthir.j!, tim-" ,.;;ay. 7h~ l:!ed p;.>Wo~. un\(; >m:
Xf'<'rimcm: dcvi'-'"' :Ocr<cru1ly, I Wi'li! nrn or~oc=d with
l~~~ I rhq~r to try tbem Boh iJtck anJ ltM lh<;nU, han b.:e.'l
Ut11tjJ thcMO Jc; <Ce; COn\ln10l"ll' {r r'W! !t'-<'11 )'V>mo t<; W4ke
""""Jt~n ar<. r.v ~..tie die-..: .. ::hcck ''"t h'!! or lee\"'"'
"" Wf!< (If '-'i<M hfurt; Y"'' ~lk a <h:ch..:n
YLt ht~h\l i> c~ )<'-I 'J'l Wt 011\ hU\1 fr<>lfl ellclJ
dbs, 1m1 dlmmrety :us v. ~ h>> rn~ J,;,:i<k

!:'iwvnt's &rup 'lnth HIV

Overeoming Mul:tlplf Problem!>

j~ 26 I'HJ "'"~~ fmctul

<bv. WMk btilc ht"l"llil

l>r h<'M< ~,;.""" >ln'F<Y ct tilO'
d 44. f rereiv:1 ~ blood
tro:W:\l:UCR \Yjhfn flotm< I ftl! I wa~ !:rilllmg ;,_,my u;_- Whctl
fu ..!h ~ ,.1\hHJV itcW:} 11\6, i wos rullfiing
from ~l<twiw<xl rn ..,.,.- ~mot ... pm; ;mJ mllmp>' -ll<:JV<'S



'>(lfS :t1

m; tl:Wl. It pq>ric ulo::r, """""'im, wrn ...... n

;,\q;,\1f. """~ ml FOi,-,., a00 l "~' Aw~p W"<-.1 My !;.,..,- wol>

ct> btl, I);,.) dooiN tru:uf',ffi J W~Hfl ai:,lNJJC. l 'k1\S- LOW :llidn&

u Jf:1: cl f"'!Jru!f.W!d::t-!0 ... "";:lkwmg }Z pi!"" ad>-y.

l:n "f~~;,_,, ; '}';{.,1 Ht,.,CJctl w Ef!J- kc>il>cr lliill <hdn'i
7-i,k I ""'-'M lit- liroafh ihc Clrisbnas >O:c>n Hc<:m"""'"'<l

"""' t> Cv ""'""'-" 11< ;"'-lrJr< fu-a t:IJ,---='<.wk ,-.sll ~>be i~l; h
;ooJJ ~!;:- n:.- l ..,.;., -wh-ut "ll'<' Cgc,o_ ttd"'--o;" li'lfo """'~ le>
l~;r rn 3" "I .td ~ '''""' ro mt;,; Christmw; w;tll =n;- h;si>Mt

hh> t'Jit<khil~.-...-, a-,J th,.,- >"'''''* Ou: ' ''''"" ;:-m m: <m
a c~~; dlt-' <!'"gWlic 'cgcbb:c., "'.J. fruit w'th !"" <>f fi-L.,h
o~rm<: 1 u-.:~ >ctd ; n~c;,ded da~-y prodUC'_;, wh('lll ~n<l mo:;rt I <Mt

f"lr but n~ <;.>~nod gcods_

Tr ""' slorlL..::! m~ <>n sevcrd lhcrapir.; and J wr.:l <lit~!!

On Dcernber u~. I oiarl:<d bl~od

prut<~ribd me<!iation.$ and tt.e magnetic pul~i"- Wa~,n thr~e wooke I t1:


l wa' v.alking mile ~ day. My moutb bli~tern (l1<ltpCo)

de!'fd up. Wiler, they .-.tum oollo1dal silv...- ~lea,; th""'

Wh"r' m) life IL!<d<>dity? Lm livm,? a fJll hfe bU' l'ln
hing witlt the susmn oflJI\'. If pwpW in my town ~;tww r d \:Yf
~.h, t!m i'"''!""\od mo
""' J d~tt -~ a> yot kn<ow I ik a !ot cfya.":: wm!t, I'm "'nno.J, I
lo<:>k mer my N-o y<;n~~ !C'l"dc;h''.J""' 1 cw<~r 1\:! wfdl"W' .
;m<i t ;.-,.,\ :'"""""" M; lusMJ ~~~,; 1_pu, \hr,x (l.ado:rmm; r~

""t=d I'm '"'"'the"''" o ;;;""""

'""'""' l eratu:ue -:e "'' -:.~nee:;crni<>.l W:!\ik gi'Uil;-' l,w, V'

tme: 3ob llec\ sow<>.h)-Edimr's '<>ttc

"-"'L""-'"> lm:dw: rqo, ''T <:.t'l'\ht &: Dk n\\1: ll:r \l!\ll\1.::&:>
:r=&<;;unillillliope <m..,l,Tc< o '*'hi& pWWrt oo

T..m.' "-' 'M;w

oftte Yew 11mb N!hd p,-;,.., """''"'-

OvemniugCFS lWd F!broroyulgin

""'J """'!

H><Alht Th<- b~<ili-<tm\qlll<m an>\ k><

<by """"" fc :>llcJJ a ~wmt 11~; il. lh k' hme m 9 V""'- 1\-e
F; g::;;;J'' \(
ft"!#l" ';rotlmtilt. r.t.M"vdgu.,


h,,.,ll, ~ <:(Uidi:tt, 11q l w~ IJ:l:JJf: :w. , ao>:"JJ Oi) vrm)

.. kt !l:.e .ud!l omh :5 pp.n) o<m~P "'' '' .:..:~ dth."t'v~

n:ry Iii thi!.""

.'.1; 3e

_g j""' """"J!( ,_'r:f-b}l'.


c w' (&il_fi>mU1

Revlo11d November 26152

I am ~ M ,i:2f <Jj \\'hom 1h! oJlniW <>f 19\15 '<t> ci.j)ilOW<J

wi:ll high w.;:l_\.. l:l'!"-"bymi6 'Ill': -!\lld l;uplm<;) ,,,.,.,_ l
,,II-=& lrom ,w,., 9!'-"'; <lqm:t$loo, h4SW aOO ~l'w~.
i\ =:zmJ
d:a~ ""'"' 6 C.LL [Cl:mm:k
t.ympi:wfu; I,m;l;wrn;o.j A ;\,rJ. A wellk.Mwl\ l1!111~<mffiogmlidd
m~ I Mi:l ~~IS &1Rln1!111 r.nk: J dJffi:!W! J,ogr,y,A
Nmw ')l'Jkllm::t dcl:lms e>ffil:td my Y>ht:,,-,. nti111r 1fum ttlb
ili:. -wd rllk $!\d Jns\ go bw aOO tr.1e>yllfe l 'H>; {U,kct
"""" fr.r<i.l<Y~g whik T"'-n , ge>t >ll!W'!<' .ml dlJ 01"1>< "'"''''''h
"" my ~""" f,-: $ "'>' ;; hWll' hnk b>1h "' <k,.;Mll ""YID""'i>
h'<<::rlillllh J ;.arm u,;;m; Pt:io Thxt > .:Cvi...:i> r.h!c~ l t'M! cruly
aOO alw =li;o ,,:d "''~ 4 ru. {I( :n..o1tb~ oi!~ft L'i "!'"'} m;; ){!:); 4 n:trUh~ """'l'L~ n:Xu:t & ln;;t ~""' >.>f RC'.err
O<mus:; wM~r &lly T:l!t:m wo :h "'-'"':,. t:> i!tA'
1 My <klp:'er:on lm< '="bcJ. my 1!,111 i ~:..,-


::.. My tli~IW ho" 'om>hcd. r.o ffi()(' ;wx:ecy :m:ac<s3 My tMhJ> w-.::-~;ww, my br:vk hnrlcrn~ib "'" ~<ii:'l:'l:lclt:_t,
4 My rnp..d h"11 k><t io" th!ng o(tn~ past. ro ;,r.~ticm
S. My :ml'g~elwn "' lflM, ttl)' Jrlwne d tou ~"Jt.d """'~. ~o m""c tbvwid mll& f~>r ttt(>ntb,, Jon 'l n~til ilie:t:\.

'1 N<> more h;f\dacl)@, tnr ~ mnmh

And, y~u may n"l "'ml to prmt lh".l <iepo>1ted "mnge htllc
... "dwp~ cabras" thrwgl1 my hdncys and "bo knows wlmt
tbt in rh~ h~tllroom. That -.~nl <lli fur nbout 3 months al><>1 willu<> f,,- another h\000 te&t next y~at <ent<-~imc, out of
"~""'"Y 1M l "'" in oo hurry V."oy b"" """'"' fcding as good as
J dft.l um <J()oumefit '"""' hcoith proi:lems ~f the pilOt-

for "" re& af !H) l!fe l ,.;.:__: '"'-' 'n <:<>11.-..dPJ ~::ver. ~~~<;
fk.'.JC J<W:ce~. tit'~ dct'th' ru,,, ~"""'"'~ .r:od.r"'~Y a~d

!ha:k m;. C: :..tu:- guiii:g :Ue e Yif-" d,--odic..,_

~d.e <1m

ur Y"~~,- '"' "-'''-


! Mc ur.N :mlplllh~ j)UI~mg ''' """"~ Leihth<:s -- por~ly

expcmroem:l' - it haw& <hom mil;~ i &m 't lm--c liTlY
mww~aei\J.!h ;:r<::tkrrs "tl1 r w Nm1;>klcl '"''' m"-~!h drilo
d~lmll!Jl' P'"ll''",;- 2'Ul <0 fur. li;M 3 f~ h<"""""""
"lld a %w kt>ol!'k day early Wl bm illl the J v~ fdt
?J!)J t frcl :1te Wil:'tbudm" '* Dr Sdrul=';; f<>nMk!iro<, 11><:

blood d<1riticw.i>.m ""'hbc mag.m>nc puhmg. dri:n'i:il})"

U>JlmJaJ Zber && wdJ Jt d:nnkng lm< tlf >ntn Ww: l'llim\Rcl
my u::ercy I<Wd

l'roshrte hln Clellrs

t .,--(r;_,,- c.<m""''l IDeu1 :be w:d!. : h:l-~e h;oJ JT'Vft>.U" I"''~
b~r afrec ''' -.g ~nJNido1 ,.,;,.,. .nd <loi::g
:;;f h. oM eleCirifiw.ron, Ihe!" n "'"" Jy_ai_; ?/'"-~ ;,_ hom tW<:
{x m1o:a .,.._., -Y~"'

1'11\l'C 52 686

Cdluliili- Infection
rm wwnl! 11.>"' bc"'"u"" I w.lld '"" \r my ""F"=~ f"
>tkn!ly ~y Otj:l'.M.t hcr.>k>ng 11 \<1
wm1d S<> many !irtl<$
wct m o~r hn<y !...~ oimp!y lO(>'!jll >'>c ~i:lllal m1rJKk! p;
tt.ty eoc.e our way W", ;xw..pbc?llcy-----..\ 'l v.v 1111t liOm o~~'"'
tt~;;,ym:;_- Mt mbnu tiN 'Jmr liJ thankn rclbt: ,- ~uei~n


X. ko '" :h MY of my mL'l!i:le for wJ:uch: !1m'" "'"~

'In ~me !U)IO!c:-i.><tO o!l<1 smtl:>nm vL"llii that :


<vhJ(J- l1dug m Ire Cmbbe:m, ny ~l $ ik<t._ot pur me <:n m:m;

<WU\ll'!tie>J'<'rttlMtmJ; (G~-.,. '" ycu um'; ,. Jm 11 iuiil m>i
!1>< ")'""'"l'U>m,.) L.-c
J:~Wr IO<J:iq,< lib> '11w nigh' of tte <k~d.~ W'~' m;' !!l:~Jl)<mc -'Y'tem c<mplrlc;} d"kojcl,
TagH'l! ~y,;tru>i.: wmdda.__ dtroll""' ovtr M<! Jaj_""Y i:".f""'Wil<,
smol! lr.l<'hlw,e j>eQb]""'"- >l"l6 a y:o,-al ><1~1Ju_g <lf '""":;>ut
cxb~UVJI" l f;lt ~espera<:e wiTA !tt.OE!lec w&}


;,,ru;,, ~ :'ixm1 ~ ~tur~f>"'-' "'C..Jga-y ..-rn, wu:udJy

tte diu><-~w; oJm:t~ J>_, C"VL> u,:ional mo&cao

t,gll> '" unravel

:mil JE<1 g<ct') '"'fii:V>' '-""~' the lli><1 vm. Sm the c~r>Jid!\
on.H~n ""eft Mill ~"""'' c~nlm1 ar..l J:fithir,-ll -,.,.., trkt
>c-,-nJ m wve my itcnufl~ ~~~"~"' llglttiog ~h""""

L>' 1r-<1 UXf>J-.w J,_,,._. llli.'(ri-<>:1 my ,;ciJ,Jiti< :mG:tr>n_ 1'.10

dl"""- ,1lk<t:d '><IlL \ow:r IOf>, ft>.u:. my .,_,.,~~ 00 :lw il.:l.kk;.
O<WlSJ,_-;1,!!}, 1k C:nw to th~ <>;ru1 wgm; *" llch. 1'*"1 U:ll
JK~""' '"'k r ~m rumm<:f tl"h..,< ~ """' Qf "''"- '"-"" !It-if,
)Ml.1tr bC>I;. \>.-'b,ae'!ie:"J W;W;' Li>ffl\ my Jd1lxJ01 N!0tri '-"1
my lih;lc >o rrwoh tint th lymph wruld lk>w hl; \))()t)d. J
6&.1'! ;x:y anrrtmn (() il



onlm::! tLy 1 iocod ~ fhnd- AJ o,-c:;-,bc

'"'" Mw: too :ao:. fh~ :~y., from tire tllro<>J m my

"""lili h.ocl.

inh,w: the lympl .>ystem_ I Jidet Jeilize rhi> mrJI n m;m!h

,J:1" ,.-hea "'"~ legs nuncd \JE :--c.U"""' w.-elkd u;. Any ,),g"'

to !L~c ""~""-

""'h o-dNhi!>iJ tAtmg na :.

im"""'es th~ sv.-,-,Jkn rW_ """-' On oe<tolon, : ;uoc plam lme

O..'l!ErO' lt1 ;cm6 !te iwt:n& ""~"' ~11uh <r~> it lli'>tb

"'''"''" J med 1!1~!1~ 11-.:np ou~b u, OVir~. am:.hivt:c>, [li!cll

("'m.:h rn:mded tk gr""'-"<t T<>li~f from 'tc"-'"?) .pJ 1Y'iroll""
pw=d<-- ~wthmg workd!
B\1! :.w =w-~c-~ pul~mg 1<>fri a!! itchmg ir. th>: cre> V-horo
""' 'rph<><:l. Tho tM;p::;;lk P":'ns '""-""'mdJ kilhd '"'
Ei: -ciru. b...._'Wrw, wh~t.>-vor. ;-cc "'hci v u:muu_ !he mJ


11ciilll,? MC~" j!!<' iliiill;l ">'and IK:4kd M) natmal 6kit ct>kr


Tttu 4w ;-,.lumpath m1"'*'t<l me 1t th 11(:1; bl.<.>-lil

h..:lr "-"Jthm abhorllimc

~kth fic.rt:oo OOvtcc nJ ::tL~tHffilcieci. 'Oh

hn\w!. wblt
l.ud of omd--<o od IS lib m>w!" I:.~ fl~t l WI> Wliimg :~
U)' anything_. :u; m~ ~.w. ""'""' '<J ;pi -...~" _lb.> :L-,;c Jew
do%"'"' my l>ildy OJ<=tng thwugbu:mbk o2etox-:k"
h<'ml>k Ow~ il1lll trud "'"'" >1 bctfu<e, ufter dl, =ythin;; !1:1>
!Cr1Nt wo< dwcr go::q m k:: m<: or ewe"""' C)J dJV l'r>w ,.,,.

Pulsing & Colloidal Sliver Clear\




b,._,fw,J. """';', 'Honq :. -:IM>IIIl>tlqg I "'" <l<-m>YtltL~g 1 -

llb"d e'$:""-71\<Lh-M Me ldJW; me a:-.ntc"il>dy.! f",,b?i

lOr ( mi.-:Mv& 3 urn"' a! :J) minuw ln~c:r-~h fud d~~s J.r.d


druM .,.-_.,_.,hird rup <>f CclloldJl S!lv<r _1 rimm. ~ d"y f~r 3




t:wt ..,,,... <iliv:.E ~

I woke <~rand !Th n;;:'dnly




gnu: Tln vrd&}


Onu, "" lfel! 'xl!trv.l..

l ~"'~ vmtinad ro ;~e) !nu-&w:~gl;- kiter ever ;:,;:,;:.

Alknv<> m:><~th:> til.: ;>,'\Wtup,;lh

'"'"'kB-.1 my tt\o~d w:><k

ngvn 1111 #3'< amcmlwd lil ibl ~ "-'h<"p;inz \lll!'f'!Vc.,.,.mttlw """''"" anJ'mria 'k'' "--dttceJ bf r:.n,'
"ith-N! !'m wmnlng: Jotill ''"" lho blo~d ~'tt:nfu!
rei!gJOJ;ll (m? J hours C<cr., day m>.'.J.-0.kbeE"O': ;
""?" <>f i!v"-' O<Jj.,__dil_ l COOEitu; ,_., >!upwvc:. M,_- 0<% W~
dtP.( ;:-,)" h"'' ;, gbSS), mj kin h 3zal:hy ;md pct>pk '1\:.0
lw><" t>('ll$e11 me Gcw<m-al mo>mh ""-j '"H<:> l'"" Joel

i frel greW Y<>u h~I1->00 me

Th~nl;,., f<" "*Y ll"Ji"l'Ok

d\1'< kf'-"" my l:!ooJy rar:OO cl=,ng otl!. t nm o "-""ilipcmturo

..-..;:!illh ;um 1''"',-ro My knt~ !.w""-J a 1 ofs:ufl

"'en l~llq;h !l:lY ~M'l hmg "-&<l:>iugtwi bd:lxe 1 -~,
l v.nt \id:, p;,llike ha\ mg !.1;, """ >'!r abm'\ Et~>
~"'-';;h>~g ;:p :mu c-f Slufh>ul flf my lfuy ! ><n h"-1! (() gct m,
b..tU..: !a pooEd my fflU. m t~o Eominge & h'''"~ it 11p M;-

"mse. ~<>nlinucd II> rut <.'KL.llHeu.,;r_ \f<r-wbtk. I c"n''-~!100

d"ir.lmg <Xoll().!<fal --r '">'1:lh:= eol,qihl ,,lvtr b:h-~'''''Y day kctp'm:> f'.art<hda tm<kt
cml!~<:Lm1 .> ~acn 't bad ,1((\fu <lt!k !lu ''"""' l &1rlc'>llilkmg
i!. I "''"tld>t't OW.'ll :<>du ""-'*"-''-*'my (olbidl \-",.; :md I 1hmk
..,.~ Ot(cl 00\ be ~hirt c>f the ~' l~ng 1h w~ """' Q~r

'"'""'w' hore:..S. ro lli\~cfuL



Sfm..--:ng Health FfOtll the Hear: Inc

-..... w. ~ hMinghc;;lth. '--"<:.nn

-----..,,a;]& 55 difl

Eyes Clear with Co!laldal Silver

A!hicks Foot >md Ear-lufeetioo O~rOO

We inw M)e}'erl ro mm:h <Uperimeclmg 1>'i1h car

c<>)lcidol """""" ami !eel .., dc:m msjJ~ ;mJ oot II Ms bee>: S<>
"proJ~e~ r!w. cds, mJ !hill &cs. ~m ru,.,.,
e f.rl~!"M: ructi<ll>S"" =~""ed .,.iren "~ used ~otNu$ ~
My mctn,c g;J'<O ~' a ""''f'l} tu ny oot, ~R<ll run nmmn; oo1,
~>J "'" going :n rum,'" go b:>d fhr """""'! !lib: !k fu:lmg: .,f
lx.Ug dam 100 l!tllci>

V.tth b!;><l<h~"tnfu::-.rt"";'! fQuru) ""-1at~! rtfuf fu:m>

,rnR;t,,, I<><* Whm u: mnmwd amoo:(b 11# ,-cl!vdlll "1"""
cleared ir "f "f"ia lllmNI"" til-t.
A kw ,.,,,-b, a;m ; v:nw .Wwn wub M 'nnw"-deubn ..1 dd 001 wmrt m !!" w lh< M<-Wr fur ;ru llll!ibt\llk
~ / ~ nw litwdlyT''"'"''t;,, hod ngW ap.m: ail>!f
mmg ""~ >c l tn<:d \fu; tnlhl<W ~ h W11W4 Wlx
wUJling m ~ uf 4 ffil!h--,, e"""' """l'k d\w;m;, 11m
~ i"lllj ~ w1s n<*=hiy h:ttcr wi!ilin 3 h(>cyl ~ml
fuulinme'* - ?WN b :;:4, U,-~ Jvw v-;Wt *'-*>~

"""""'"? noo


T ~'*"" a
m ="""'T aru;l a ;><:h~ """"";ful tru""'l
cbmg: a fie' li!kmg"" a d.--mi. But".\>\: nv"" rmwt:ili1~ cll:mge
I lwve nooce<l is m ~SJ"i e 1.m<l!lared, regukr =vh
rollooiaJ <1Jfl'i' as ""<:~~ ri::w; TWI"' ;tdy I <1m W ey;:;
dmppcr arul pul ><:w"ll dr"~'' ;_,_ mnmil>g wW ev<m:ng TM
fim 1 da'!4 my eyos mrng 8J;:!Hly, a!\rl ill ~ ""'""-"1! l W<>i;<~p vnh"

h;M ~t.='=;;IJ m lhe """'on mmy ~ Afll'r 1bi>t

ITIJ"9"". wiri<:h W\'TC

,jzy"'hJ~(w,_ J\-..m~d<:<J<-crs::

"''"""""' fturn =Mtl!J wamct Jm=, w'l Mrnh chemk,U<,

;nl lll<"'" <!)' ~t;m, w'Rh prqipMr,~; didn'! fclw,
~~Jy "<:ff H!WfiY "1He~ I didn'i tl:nk ihm ;,_ 4<\ 'fl-11: dd
lcl)- .:-:.<Jld l:uv<>
whlre <F& dl-"t :tc-p-;ckltm-.1 !-,,.).
\b a~"""":'<' ;'""" ;Ls! I ~;WJ li:H\41-"' my


1-'Z ,; ,M ;n.kkg ,.,JLt,uv,

3fiJ lt2 dL"\illed wmu. Th :t:M lrlu 3 drupe "! 4'.>ih..-.w-.' ;ihw
~in ooJJ<hdcl ~11


~><: ,.-r=c.=<::m-- :h; ""'U1>;>q ,; oc _;;ll!lll.:.---f

h:ne lhl ~ 0""'

J!:rflllf)JY! AI:!$ m:w- J.!Kr whd rk<~ir-g.

There \'illS p:!jf uC~"-"<!: ::U,t 1 CUJl<! \l.l." W\'ill Jlltj hilt(
"f'P"-"""'Ij ""'''"'""' c~c,.,;d ..,_,lh h>d,-,--j;!
gmr.; M::now


1"'-""' 'u1

!\;;,..,- <vd;ill[ m m;: tf"'ohl rn-~omiJoo, rtw;. zw

b:Jok ro Jom>:~l ' hv<' ?~nrl z p:~in,:~-se~ \Jill "tfl' u:1:el

.,-,._,.-,Ji'j yJ 11uut\<"' <>.>'l"i:>: ,,1~~-

OJ>< aJrlxl ~'hW"<bml }.h I'&;)!S<C<i &'""' au bade m

n:>IT_-,, '"'-"'' =--ing "~\h ,-,lb>lal >~lvd Thj

4'\l '10 l<ng#

;K-rr rAa:bl pvJ.;,. uo~.Ju' 1to.n;mita rh:m. :rut

~.,- r ''""' J:!llph. whl dwlft ,.;n. u d "1'1"':~4n11l:e if oc
.,,,... "'fl*-'.h wa~:. fut :ee Y<::i :,--oqptsJ.. d ''- I -n: ::,w.tlmdr~ eilwt I Ull h,wing so mw:h fw::__ fdin; .,_, d"""' """
x o ~'"" oflh "'"''~!

rd. iru1


Colklldlll Siln:r Faw FtlOt Problem

J m dJOJ1 : 5 jf<JJ tb~ opmw be-L"~"" IT!)' hnk '""" wnufu
cr"-"'<, bhxd :m.J wool~ """ haol -\ tir~<, m(II11J;s ilgf 1 ;;:nl)'!d
~~~;-er wlh:>nl (1;), eWl ~~~~~c we .:~wA ,,-,; >ap;;oJ fn' ah<1U l
toj a day k11' 5


Bepwmllf 1hc- ~<:mJ-,,- Fl<h<~ ""l'IW~ an<J

'-1/Jdml J f~w thy& :lk> )p~n cmd: h~nl~d oll'll oll!l m;: !!We I'"-'
"'""' h~ppy ''"'-"'~:ram
i\i- a precawm; l ~ptay lwrv-<<u "''
' '" ery we"-"<<>! eo
Wlibllq _,,- C"<C't.(j """ h w""""'r .l!'J c
~iJc hct<dil ;, n\y 1MB~ '"""'-[( bc\ln t

__ , to w(l}k ("\-A

&im<:< "ill> aa irncr ar in!Whi'U W\W\Jr, : gu "-""-! I hen JB

ii~Xid!mJ. ~i1 '-1-.4 1 thin\ wv< >jiiM f"""mru l bc1h
bq;m t1> ~Jd !<Wt "'mitm 1<> l:bt I"N:r fw 4 h<Mh l;;.td> ;,i
d.-,;r )F,.d liq-Jw<~e mng <{> 1 Wlltk<i =:~y "1fr 11>1l wm~m1m
Lvat:<l ('!). AMM Xi "''"'-"" l:w.-'< I Ql!lli' h t m llrA ~ hwll
d \l.J~ ....,ldw ~~ tk >"><:! l IWA 1 NI:'.<:X d:>W a~tlm C'itl)
C1"'fl:C <:J k"''" fx \bt til u( ;;., :by W ,:tn '! twnn :"e kwr
Vlt ;;mll'l Dy trw '''ll~ 1'd tke J """"'~then: """'NO
ffiS':\l:JI"' /\7 1\L. inm; ~~w! WI 100 oollci.hl ;C;# l

""m """' llm 1:mp!<~ll ;o IX.>: wro WHhffi 1.3 hooru'

Azk ~ 1bc:a ::nd y<>t(li !r.: iJJIJ \!uu ;r }<1"- ""'tty iiLvr Jn
lf<'<K ""' ;mix->r,-, :'>M }~U U>1'\ t~pwi A :<l !:> >).;; 1P ~ff'it!
Jmrrove:~:wu: oulllilr.d!rd )f\tlhl;,: ""

f'.S- !<q:;c"ly "')- r,c,,Jilllur !(Cl <l%p!!M ti!OOg:ll :0 G"Y 0001!

OJ! Lc "-:.::,;; 1hl> gl"y nul to .;<Uy !lw <;>;;,,,_--,,;- ,;.z.: ?,d.,;,
m hi: 1kt1 pm-b: Ht hilo. W.:11 ww!lj. Jf!1!JI-'l1'f fn:;;: fu-- ~eu!y
n rmoit :'0" Hc ""h twA
Ibm >l<lp~ h



;t:r dJ.y ku '--'-wk ;vA


Skin Color Res.tond

: w,;:11 t<> '*""'~ :oy dlY<lr '"'~"''" """".;""~"~' \ty
ydlnwi9\1 ~"~W' """' ""k>f~liXJ 1 ~" hul.-m1oe ; 915
JhlppnNe ... ftS:N'.:-$ my 111r1 m"
Jn" '""~ t
\npl)<\u~d iJkr ~ d!U!k ~ v.l>_-,Jo glJ% nf ~ :' ,,- ,-.,lk~d f.,.-


~ .~w

'Cll'i'i;ldcvo illly.-1.

Flu and Athl..te':s foot Cl<alr

WL& vh,t,!lj;i\uotrnln 1 ~~a;'led g<llmg

ch~- Jdl ~~k t~~lc

;., Jill' hock >t my Jb<>"-'- VI'Mn l acnv<d"'


' "od""

th~ full bl;:,wtt iln Ccns:tlettl ctH-'tJl~. ~nceu~. f~' o:r,

,;%, yuu
;t_ AnJ l 'u"~ c-..,.uln -, >h~lc Jt fried dxum;,



m;- bam<IOO~e <-<:.Y"'"" pe;fWr

~ecythi,;g, ad w!itng
\W>IhA. Tlle::t ; ffi}' fr,~:d~ bo i-Wp\l('<i ir; W the '"""u~- He toh'.
..-~ ;,bMt ~'--'11m;k.l "h~.,- He l>.<Ju~b ;, clooul ~ Mlf galbu
{which ~ dronk] eve'} day frr nk"" a we~k oiKi .1""":~: ~ The
flu Jgapp~~d along witll ~ '"' ~" i!>g c>:-' of ~thlctc -, ,;,._.t
1 ""'"' hW ft>< abrnH i 0 :~-, ,.., ."-r1ulher effect wr:s that my


mutadl<O grew obo"J o i 14 ~~ ' Jrrch OVER_'..jJGHT'! We>ko

L I' . Ai!J..r1a


tte o?\'t m.;.r,irtg ami had l

brnJ<laL ,, "a;; lh< wdrJesr '

hme m~ C>WU unit to make cC>'
\:tetter -


it bd(-n: i cuuid cat

.g _Nee01e~s t~ ~ay 1 '"'w

:,1 ;tl\er ~~d hav~ ncvoT ldt
D.C., Calij(,rnia

Rlilvis!!od November 2002

1-'age 54 of 86

lhn:ml:llt L.Yme Di'""*'

Onr fil\)W:J% "'h'l Oomg ?J ups, l!H! pai~ o:>1:it b.d<
''~!l\ll !bigb. I f"kl% off a !lloi:'d-~ ''' tlnr k,J
o::q:rn><kd abom : l'
ilil ~riginal file. An ,0ruC!l1U:\~

t!Xk :olmw l ~~, to 2 ut.m\h i"< row! h<'llhntt T"""" " June 5.
[<;>~7 l ham hu Lymcr fr.:e fur { mt:mlh ,,..,._ "'" ro.;tmug
oympwr_. r thai hio\'e incn """ym~'ll necor grnili of n.


)><Htlid h::]sew tkwlq>W Jilt:: 4 dny~--'lb dt."'~ Ly=

C;:;oa>e iul'~rtl <ymptom_l h>v ik!OJ~iJkd ;::1<1 """""id for
20 )'-"'f$ s; 1 w;w, ;:onful<lli! my imzm:nc YtNU ""~ <.vp
MY m.-~rk; I be~- lli:Og tutLnd :mlit:Nk' a~ll iWIJ<:>Xlml>. The ""'lf'<:w!' d1d n<>t <Wp llw ml~w:ty d" pml
..-.;:! fl\'Mlt of :1< hllii'0C. The 1/ornJ"y "'"' !h< ne~l-<~'f'- I
~ th<ll a~tihk!k'\<
;,nly e\<'f' rlw SplrWc<~e B-ll<)tet::~
"'h"" ,;';;it 1!"" blcood >tream The hu~,.,_,_,._, fu,,,dHt, ~:m
>c~~m llle dood<treom,p.,l+m.;~ nrul tllo di->1: " bad;,
Orl<-..: w '.1r. "*""'ttl!>, .rd:;ct~ dre iooffcti~ I h.ew U
""" too )"' fi" a'llibk,tke M ,-!'i; ?""'! &~ywa~.
My L"l'.cT"'5-/ W'* if<F.~- Tha1 ni/P< l <:rnu.dn~ "' 00wt:
tm:w~o:: :.Ct~O nw:u:f We b"lliye
T' in di~m<>W::
"'"'"""' ""dd e~1\:ly <to;> lk dm!l<:tt~e J f=d Stv;.'"n days
of no wi.U h<1J what"'-"'''"' alA <lnly groe!l d.-:nl.'. ttl!
t'o<ld ;wt:!~ bycrqen ;x::,<i<h 1:m\h>.. Th "'~"1-0 fu><
d..we1>1f!!l.t me hlc, \1Y krn.'iO<. hiD arJJ bd had iltn+l'N\1
u-,;:mlh w t~e pNru '"I""'\ <>m otb<'U anclilres,;e;l
lfflk 15 ltlin~t<. :f~<;f)'.L.ylhe b.C"-1-ia "<'-' b ~ii1Cre:"t


f!&ct'< haNk abt>c_<L, bb:ko. Wt1~tl' cn:i dt.r<.'!<. Pino .;;rrd

;:mluc'$-!h<'y W1!\ cvcrp.-J:nrre, rm 42 ac:d w,.;ln JW<i

<~ :4)" 9<l cr~..- oid frw:mi wcll;;,'f w111 :t <;:-.Wt "'~"
<>.1>hing fuf rt< ID L'Cf' Up \\ ,t, ffim. W!y IWWf;;;;wnl ''"'

pJllli'"l My taruls $ccl fmgw: <::Md Cfll; mm c ;, "'2'"'""

""'":m, l me en'} <{lilllllf<l gr""""' acd epc<l!<d _gl~!ll<


1\:lH ,- -:.~WJts :<.0 &1 H>l "'pS>< \,)e tll!)lf t.; fe<<l ~~O('fh 1

t;cv.l m tilk~ mny dl Ut gw"d fkags I kvt ~4d


g;,., m" kwlmy hrn~lh.>: i;; ,>J,., knm.-, fur ::<Wf'Il'ng
pa<huw~" TJned JV '"j~ctioos ,r ~7.0"-" fl't <r.~ weeL ll

Jidi1't wad:. Lh: ~m:".ptt>ml

l !luluJ!ht I wt$ t WJIUlet_ Fh-mlly 1 ;mlk;l tir<: ll':?JX'<'!'J:lm<.
in< ,, fbri~ Ti,.;;y fa~"' me hoi; w;tlill! """ hou<
'(}_,- D.w;d, llc sure yoo '1'1H 00 hoolffl"" 1rnmy vlc-r. kmo
w_i-11 :.'11& hkrc:lllE><>~-oTh<m' c-o ;'(> :~; <.~ l:<~;~u"'
they av wmld-.-mnown.11 f,.. h;I;;Jng tho"" w,.w "'''
dllgm""<~ ;w rem:1.<..1~Cly 1lL !lm' ""' '""'~ nw 11.> -'"' ~ dd:.c:
lilrn m"''" .,!>-<:T. 1""' by
I ltJt. making m'f ""'''
O>L"i;'a! Sihe I .UIIerl uJnnz it ;:)!\ ~,;;ll!---<~ !.tb' "4>Xnl.
"""'Y 11> n>til\1tt hd~ it unJcr ttw :~ng~e fur <l!W mmu>e.


"'"*'J W i!CC'J). ".>.1-,e,J! wd<~ up. l

;uFpcl OO! d bod

a'lrl rw. ;:ml \\!;:; dwr 'h<.'t>C:::l[ '" the !lOJ~hb,y;; t!l>t I woo
hal<i'd. :' w& ~ drotl!rt, Wiw-r. ! rlid "~i.e up, 1-;<<l }t-,K,y
!Ill>'''' and !l looi rr><. t' o~ UUn<.tc\' P ~om moe IDYO<>!h> ;;~

tim::<~gh the p3m

d nHm;; up. T:or 11 u "'"' a villiln ,rw:

f<ffil.~. Oc_~ rn=i'g"' JM.llif:;', 1 w.

t:t"' Jrc':lm !!' roo! ~" Jc 1001; lhrc.c d

be$C """"';'-$-


E.:":.'; Jay l



IC><hn'0>!l!\- <>: ~ ~~p~ im.J IT'll<'

\JJ!tlf\ 1M;:..,.,, J:c-eryday there"'"'

ThJhh<:r Tl!e blur= of l'"'~ we:c

-9 ''~<I phycd oot

~zr J), ,;j!~~t lo

elliJll!! 'Nhor_lguL
<> MW ::.,J""L.,_ """'

h;md' anU c,:, ft

Eyes Clear with {'tdfcidal SiiV<lf'

1"'' ewl'tl!:~)' vbitiq; my

0:\'M.:'.;-. Sb, h"" ~ X~ll;:~:JI

oi\vcr rnlth~,t. ; IH'~ nh'"'" h;l tro'Jb.k wi:!. -r-..1' ~ :y?s

lhl>" wou!d G"'tll rer~cdl<'li)-. TM Jo;:~,- wou td f!'M :ru
at~:l:n"lk dt<![)l' f& \k'!!', whid> <li<k 1_ se= H Le~l born lilllth
fuH<nlu:n i/Td j!ld if(\ Mn ~lone
WI::; 1 first :m-lcd d (;r-"'1ny, NK
"!<'' ! wQh ctp
,.i!l~::nfcct<:U, '"'QIM-:. ,~.,_ Tht i''.t<'<ll!VIl '""' "' N:.d r!H\t 11
'~""'"d 1:(1 the k": ttk nf P')' J!(1llt wbffi was S\~Olldl ar.U hurt
'" toctcl>. W!"l" l Joili:erl in ttc mmw I ;o.a>t '" lKnif\?<J \U.l l
<.rJ:<L wh\ch _r,ut W>Y~ J---" C0"1ifuWL l hoked Jr,d= i
""" ""'h:irrns.<cd ; ldue;wcssed_ . """' my tl:!o!ld'; birthdtty


f>ll!j ;,. lWU days.

J W;>.L dtif>'i~<W bN:ill(:.' I b.-,., :'rnm j>M!

cxpcle""" th<ll .1 wo;W w.k" wOfll< or twtJ 1v iK~: So J

tlccde<i ti> ;zy ln)' (iTanr.y, w!td<Ll ,,h~r. l e'l'f"'(( tlv Jklui<l
>lo" ;,_ Mltl <l:Hik;og 8 <>1'11<'(.! &-'~ ~ "~rm, lhOO&IH"ljiy
!Wli:tW iu my rruJ;tth. lbtOlH, and "'"ma::lo b:lmoJ.'-"''t I ;rot ln
ert"<K~ ill\ iUld my m~;.J ~'t,'UJ.&1)<l f,-,- '"' \x\wr. J mrceJ i"'m
J~l t<:> hopefuL 1 l'lu1 ~ahd "b.rge ""'"-"n bali '-" ! :md
~<~p<d " '" :!t.e
f1W of !be "'-'~cn<~:>tie ;tdt- "' ~'tc no~~


~nd ;>'<.I J'~l 3 dmp~ ill~ :F~"PY 4\l.ilWCl!'"~,:!mod~

01110 :~~ wCt<:>C \:4:.: 1\ay<'2 o;;,d ;>,f\ Ot:.t h<>u! I "<.>ked JUy

cyes" e' ~ aifwJ;- := owryfltn Al'lrn- """ W.urs "" "1"">

''fl!"'""'oJ uc..,.o.l whct> <h~~~od "'~ J jX\ilk<l tho 0.ndagc !'~
M.l' h:>t:l>y surpne fue ""~ .!lng w:u; ~e I :m<r:d nom:ll
WM WJlr twc, ill""'~~- """"'"u Jikt < Jv.a"''' "a' ;'""'

l!\md am~oJ tlwll~ \\> c<>lhi<h: !lhet. ; "'"'" m :lw Jl'lrlY

\\l!h t.tb: "~'

l' ~ b>w;t dcinbng 1t ~' "')- day "''"' foo I """el M<l =h
tinre l drink ot, ,, tllun~ moe1d .:.-d Z"~ me c'TlC'l!':' : -" f1~m

11rW <!f even gruri"Y <ll

"'"'"'il""" ""1 pkMfil>t!

VW, lhi:isk Cvlm>.'>w

fJon to Mnkt- Larger Ammwt of Co1!;)1d:d Silver

... lJ~cd f;;r Cats Too

l\-l<:n:rard ! ~~N 4 gr~,;


""> <>f -ntkatt lil.V

of c,,:,"w ;.;,.,. "'thnr- hi\ ill& ,t ,:;anuolJc> dr

W<C ,,,;c:n:.fliln<'d, ~"""" J:nJ tky .-ort "'!"'r fuc ;emv1y

!lkci:q; !he fll!X(()f<' wh1k the ~cllci(i; ""'f=bg. \\t mate
IW'ge q~"" kn;;Juse ue ~"- id 1'1!1 oni:tt-.>.1< "-M\::
I btr.-. IS"""" ar, mc,yl. '"th '"""'Whehh ""*""' Tr. m:-.or m tb>'.r w~\or *'""'day !-= m:<k ~l:uge
<:li:ltetencc :n cheshNM. __ l'luo "ew;c ,;n,s..,lw,

*""" :u le:>-S! ;, g..Jhn a w{")..

,. m<\:

.c We-

Hdptd Alle1.iate Cb.ronk J,'atfgut< Syndrullll!

Btondlial A$tlnna

; bq;.x. he !k;:,; p::>Wtol-i:mg re.ud lroo:: cluan~

i1:ip.1~ wyr.drom<~ b<>hlgf.t "" hy ""-""H} ""' ;,rl,cr>t.c"tll!

f"'''<mg '''"'" Ji!lum A..,,;,..., alkfgi<> i !e>Ola rieo :f

cflcl>.tu~ ln::lllffi""B W !!d fl;y!cl: <>f ilie men! pcis<>oc.,g lu.t
two ~ :~wr 1 ,,;r hrl ~ ""'J"' plhcc-.:: ,.,th infcrbJll> n:d
n ~Mho!:':: ~~e ~~ 1erc= zm:"' ;<t.~g-"lAib ~n mhl,.: 1~ Jar ...U:.g tffl ~Jwd eJ.o;:!l'i:kr JD<!
tl:'l.f{W::~ pn.:~c 1"'"-""'~rt. l U! h<ot<c'r '""" I ;,.w "' ye-a.-,._ 1 w<>
..-~~b bw, }.,._,_,-n,-, "'Y c-::org:y :tC look a ilic I :.u>d !(
wle" bred: frcm rreat""'llli "" ;ID;, I ccu;~ J~m"' rh< """"""
M mv illergy trea.tmtmt> in m-W:r !<> ul h<>th d~i~~- nm
;>r~hl<.m ""''<d. I ""~"''"' u'<C of tb~ electriii<-r lnld rt'.!\g:>etk
pul"~ genemtcr for anothr momh but still hail i<}'lllplom' of
the >hil\fkJ I'd boe carry1ng, l think. """" my tccr'"'- Tk-n I
do~dcd tn ""'-' rhc blood e!ectnfkr for io~er oeo:;lom- from
flln 14 hours a day. five days a weok l cominued !hi rouhnc
for aix:>Ut 3 mont~s and nntccd P""'t1vc c~~ngc' m my
>ymptom,_ lteok a break again, bmln four WN:b I f<:h t:r~d

I mrd"'""'- !lie bfoo( docu1fu>< n h:/p rrty lm:mdticl.

~~K ooagh II luii hdpcl ""' rdu<>e :uy fi;,...-;1 mA <blly
:mgll 'Yj "PI'""irrW~!' :S'S J.> '";;g.Ln~; "f"tb- an: m;c
fre"'*"'-' =<'. o<tu-:lff
<.>:'tbt :he"'!- 11s bl:x.d C~rto:dfM


h$ kt~ twlr.Y tbitgs kr my :-.t'f<:.b .:;,;tud!.n;; !.hi! _,.dh>" i:y

'"~"my !CJF ~mvir,g>. m}

diu hcd> hlsbir ~u,; h ""


;Jl(lt<;hy. mt h.;;d,.d.-0$ <>rc u; ~' :.tmng :mJ hc.d fM1.r

m.,, !okrn& ,, f)'lenvl; my eyr.<ig, ~ lx:act; im<1 tr;y bt>w1
r..:o ~~' ~~d ,,,.,..::,. 2-J 1lir.e. li'l Jny


r u.w<l tlw ''"'''"'"" f()t 1"hoon ewryday ,;,. fl~n rr.of!!bi!

;:nJ dmnk ::t "'" of co!W!dih >ilv<rr A fmr ''''" momh., 1 ~std
th,- t>luccd dNmfk~r.i<1n four nmu." wock, but ~MY11~<' tn

drink t mille's ~f N!f;ndal Alvr on a &lily lmslN I h"~ been

u<irJg !he l>l<x!d <'ktti!Gcation fur~;,"""'''"' anJ l will
IQ do ~01 wu"Jd rwomnwnd thh dcvoec w &n~one wl\o wam:l' to
inlj>t<WQ tl:on hortlth wah out~ quu;k fix.


.IS. A/bena

and 'ympwms won;enc<! a b1t That wao Deoemb~r. and 1

m:11ted myselfwlth hnth dcv1cc< "'" m tb= day< a wcck !"
keep my '"MID leY<:! up fof ili~ il~>lidayo. in IMUary ;md
Fdmm) I resuml S Cay ~ wook<r-oal!lk'l!<> a~d fdt bi''Jfl
lll011 ee, ~ut my 1ffimlL'1C ";.>lc'm >!ill "'"'"'': n:aJr ;" 1\y <m ;,,
o<>n t..: th.t :;;uir.t, J lffi'<l.a progn~m bu:"n &> N~uro :.i.:k

2000, "" :.u.r=n~ rm_-.; ~fnouro: "!rmtn -mogrammi"g ond

a;'>t'li<d ki~,.,inbgy. "'~ liUic-;. tlr~ """
my ~hi<
=ob im:;ro.-o1 >InC my t:::W:?f ..tvcl tw
>.T:ilized. :
~~ tc Bo> fk;;k ;;.-., dovohpi~vh.::
b:UOO eleu---fitr me lrn<y<Ctic
JW!>1!;'f bt~"""" tht;
t.dpocl "'" ~ ~ -C~ m:d I~"~ NCOmm."'!lill \t~s use x


= .,. . ,_.,.



BootFingel'li& !VIagnetit Puis~ Generiitm'

A ttll-gct: !!dvi.><d "'"' at. "i""'<~lio>rt ;.; tM o.Vy OW! fut
Dli?J}'tm:"s v()lltr'JI.-1\!rr .. bcod!n_? vftl!nmg .md 'i:~ fl-og""
thl!,;i<h:'"~ bctedlwr; 1l ;'lcrt. ~w km uehij! ,J,,
tlllig\lo!ir pY!..: )!%<rr"'-<'c~ m; ldi hand !<.".rl We tuf!~eo~ ~ow
~~ys I d% 't kW-'~ :c hl.<C <J'l!YG I run ""'Y h"PPY Thi< i ~
rll A11rng f:C>Ul \It~ ter.:-t.

Li:ve-lllood C cit Aua]Jli~

Hqmti!h B
Q=tb: 1a0 25 yc-.w. I b.~ h;r,>J ")' u
cl,m~:r.un~.!wrt;;:l ;lillWlgi,


i: Jap; m 1 row"

:01~ Wjct.VTlll



~'hllil~.l-NoolJgctmigrniru; ~lmd1Mn !5
l =ugh 1-k)Mtiti B wfuJe W!><dmg \1j dM:tJtiii:d r Wli$
~iug l wW!'I.;wt n;l 11f. f hod ts l<lh Jro_w, J,-,c
"'-'9'Rt:le8 '"-"' d011U"" t;, jre\ r\d ;>f j)w; dro.;;fo \ fm.d f<> h::
"""'rut k~-""'" d m; JJ<-et- n "il<i l ti:.o. hm kl\'.ct-1\
;~U;s :w.J f""''m'~i,l f
1<> >. t.-"1!" ptoclili<>"<'t -,.,+



: = ""-""k "'"WJt \\J ]m,y., 'l'lm1 '" wlc

""""h w
uJ:e. The )loW ~k;;trfi<mtm<' md. 141! m~Jf't<\~ \)\ll!ll\1 wim
<AJl;nd;-J ,;jj;.!:" ct:,i <M<WXU\ Wttc't trn: f,_ ftt \ilt X<! lh'if; ,

hoY<: trbd I !'0.11 m ml ttftlw hi'fliit::5 B

""'"'"f: OL {\!(;~\Jill

(II>!% ~\\J


ifl Jh,, f.<<>ld

>llll 'Y'"l'""''H !i!op WIWf\\

<h.ys. r;: g\'1' """<h\1.-lt; "<:diw+ I ~'' I

JCTh.-Thkr nrb~ <:Wll)- all <MI~t m U..: '


m;,pcllc pul..:
m: :On 1\reli.~g
lf..'V" Calif;,,.,:.,

rm1; )'WI <>lJ ...-41 &'cl<;phi:; MW:l <>adn= ~"'-'~! 4

yt1\B-'$') j lmh ~, "ret<re<J rh'"""'~'"' wh., dm.'\> Jhc
hbJd ,-dl Md)'Sll !il fin li"' paot k>>~ ~ 1 hav~ hid my
blood <e.k<0 wd; <> <h tidd m=~- A\ Jim, my
b1<W<I m<twa!ilii o rutmb<:r of llfl"bh:m w;th raraK-.> in
M:hi<U-d SUIJYl$. I smmn Mlq,; haM Cll:eynle< and mk:
ru;turcl Jl!'-'<l~ct. om! '"Y hhhl .>00-C<! l .;;as nwtmg Jlfl"S'Wf! !be u;,W thdotic"' ite.1tment;. I ilic> smrml IWI! tN bieN!
tkttrftcr JD<! doo wlillg ct_,jhli6! >iheor Afler """we~ .my
b'oOO l'l;;._m-.o '-'''" omupletc!y :k<s, c" "'ll"" <:>f ""}' "'''~"""" l
I:W >!'.ore ='l!J'- 'fl>:rrl ~~ :\-.~ ""'@1c!i:: ""'~ j'tn<m\19t w

,Ja.t <!(J \il:'!<I\IS Ni'<lllr. lr.

m:- q>ii:Gn <~.c'<'c:ificsLilll "

d<.l\n,>.,l;. +e '"~Y '" p.

r;: ..,, ~,,,,. -""'-- "'Y blxO:: "~"'"' d.u 'u "'""'~ v lror I
...,d 1" use the ~ni'_,; >g.>i'.

Pain Relief
~ ~ffi h~>-)U iU::HllUb 11\l~W% >'

~::wm:~r m '"~'~""b l"'~ ln arthnhc .

Riivlsed Novoifibiir 2002


'll4;ulttl' ~ui>o

"'J hcni,.!ul J""-"'.

Dr. 1.10 E,-,,w:/,-r


bll of !l!l

Back From the Dead

Skin biopsic; and blood lc<b fi-om two separate labs
confirmed l had cancer. On my arms and lc~" w~rc 'km cancer
lcs10nS Through my ,em; flowed other malignant cells -less
YJSiblo but more deadly. A rc<carchcc at the cancer clinic at
UCLA told me flatly that without treatment Jlutd "~ month' to
a year of v.-asting away before I d1ed. His word; fell like
hamm~"T blow,. A younger '"'"archer advised agarnstthe
expenmental chemotherapy describing the pamful "de clfcct<.
Your only hope lS alternat!Ye therapy."' he said.
Cigarettes. !Jquor, cholesterol. a sc<IL"Tlt"') lite- I had
done eveJY(lnng wrong but drug abuse. Who could I blame~
My tl"t mdinatum wa.' to give up as I knew nothing ab-out
alternative therap1.os." With the help of my friend. Pc"tcr. 1
waded through many 'surr-frre cures and narrowed my choice
to the research of Rob~-rt C Beck. D.Sc. Beck's documentation
was!DlpressJVe and cned real medical refoT\'Tlces a~d patent;
"" well as ca8e hiStories. I had justread the media report>
about" nev. electrical dc.icc that ncutrali7eo snake venom and
I like gadgets. so I decided on the Beck umts
I followed the Beck pcotocol: drank freshly-made
colloidal silver and used the blooJ leemller and the nwgnenc
pulse genemtor faithfully. The resulJs we-re immed1atc
Diarrhea. Sinll;itio. blccdmg, achmg JOJnts - fluids oozed from
every orifice. All of whteb the Beck papers pred1cted apparently due to tbe flushing of toxins. In my ca;e fmm
alnmst fl fly yean< of hard hving.
After five days, the deep profound pam in my anns and
legs ju>l stopped. Aflcr hvmg m pam for so many months. I
was able to stop taking morphine. The <km lesions were drying
up a< well >1 discontinued all medication except ,itamin/
mineral supplements.
On the tenth day I remrned to my borne in Mexico. My
energy level had doubled aml my appellte came back. It bad
been so long since I'd felt hungerthat I mistook !he feelmg for
8tomach pain;. 1 >1opped losing weight.
Once home I completed the recommended three weeks m
August 1997. l bave been sympwm free ;incc Lhm and I'm
)!aimng back my weight To confinn the results. a blood rest
came bad. negative- no 'ib'll of cancer
So what really happened? lam stlll the skeptical scientist.
I feel compelled to consider the other vanahles. Months before
the ITcatmc"Tlt. I had hep.m simplifying rn~ life. Instead of
working 12 hour days 1 shl!l down my bu.,mc'" 1 moved from
a confined apartment above Ill) shor "' a <pac1ou;, bright, auy
place with a 'pce!aculacview. I no" see dearly that strcs; and
overwork alone can kill.
Followmg the Beck protocol, I" >'pending time every
day doing something 10 take carL' "I
<elf In addl!LO!l to
usrng t!Je nmts, l was lot> '
J ler. takmg .<hort walks
and! cut down un 1he smokmg and
kmg. l a"are
of how light, au and food affected

Revtsed November 2004

Another !Dlportant factor .. fnends. l.<>w and ;upport cam~

in the form of chicken wup, pJcking things up for me, gtvJng
me ndc,, and encouragement.
All of the abO\'e clement'"""' 1mportant bull be!Jeve the
combmation therapy I ha; ddimle therapeutic value.
Srnce I completed !he treatment. I ha,e the Beck units
on tluee other people with different problcms-skm cancer.
Herpc< .<implc~. Hc"tjlCS Zoster, and a chrome urinary tract
1nfecnon. All have bad major 1mpm,cmc"Ilt< or complete
William Dowling. MeXICO

Genital Herpes
Hello' l had Genital Herpes- plea>e notice I use the word
'had". as I am no" symptom-free~ I started on the Beck
Protocol1o January of 1997 For a three week period 1 used
the blood electrificr hehmd my knee" for 45-minutes a day.
and I drnnk 2-cups of colloidal silver water da~ly. 1 also u'ed
the magnet1c pul;e generator c>ery day for 15-mimllCS per da).
1 had one hcrpc< outbreak during thi; time Then l used the
=it again in July 1997. I went on them for the 21 -Day
Protocol for one hour per day, includmg the magnetic puloe
gcneratm. wh1ch I on a swollen lymph node on the righl
SJde of my pelvJS area. I 'zapped" 11 for I0-20 mmute> a day
w1th the magnetic pulse genemtor. plu.' 15-minutc; all <JV~"T the
body Since that time 1 ba\e had ~0 SYMPTOMS.
It took me two times on the 21-Day Reck I'Tutucnl for it to
\>OTic hut it d1dl I have an active lifestyle and am athletic.! am
47-years old, but my gulfnend says I have the body of an I8year old. Somellmes 1 ooeffio it Stre" or sunburn tmm my
outth>r acli,ity u.'<tally complicates my condition but I still
baven 'thad a Herpes outbreak. I never feel the tinghng m the
l)1Uph in the pelv1< area anymore
liard to bel! eve I no longer have swollen lymph. 1 plan
contmumg a healthy lifestyle and remaminj! ')'mptom-frcc 1
D.C.. Jf{,hmglun

Diabetes &

Colloidal Sihcr
Just a note to let you know the blmd dcctnflcatton ha'
had a great bcncllctal inllu~"T!cc on my wife's diabetes l can t
get her to pulse bur she'll take the coUoidalsilver She has
been using the collo1dal "'hc'T I(JT a couple of years Prior~' 1h
usc she was in the hospital a number of times a year for
infecllons m her tOet She lo<t her big toe in thcproCCS>.
Since u;ing the colloidal .<i lver 'he ha; not been in once
for that problem She did hn ve " deep mfecnon, whicb
"ouldn"t heal pnor to the mlloidal sihcr. Once <he 'tartcd the
,;her "atL"T !he nun.c wa< ama.<cd lhat it didn "t get worse and
at present 1t 1s almost com1 detely healed.
1 also love the bh>d ~ cctnfieatlon and uec it about t\Yice

a )Cat
B S.. Fhmda

Page 51 o!86

Colds Clcan:d
I have been u'ing the blood electrifier !Or about I '->years
!t ha< had the mo>t po>iti,c dfcct oTI my health of any

alternauve therapy I have evor tried. In my early childhood

double pneumoma and other cllildhood disOilses put me in tile
ho<pital <c,ut time< b) tbc time 1 wa; two years ofage. 1 had
consmm cold<_ sore throats. che_<t ntlmenL< and allergic! rhis
continued right up to my adult years.
Smcc u<ing !he blood dcrtrifiL'T rlt!d takmg "lv.,- water
dail)'. I have been free of colds and aswciatcd '"'l'iratory
compliCations tO,- a year and a half. There have been occaswns
wl!cn I feel the early symptoms of something lr)mgto d~-vdop
but notlung does. I use the blood clcctrifiL-r two bouTS daily
for one month period> and then one month off. I take l ounce
of 'ihcr "atL'T t"1cc daily_ I ha'e mcently pun:hased the
ma!"'etic pulse generator for deeper lymph cleaning_
I bad a blood analy<is <lone about a year ago using the
dark field microscopy method and it >howcd my bhtd to be
~uite clean and b-ee ti-om actne virus and fungi. I attribllle this
to u'mg the blood dcctnticr. I conclude that tbeoe theore!Jcal
heallb treaunerus for blood !Uld lymph dcanmg have been
respo!ISible for restoring my lllll1111n~ system so that it can
propcrly fimc!Jon_ A recent hau analysis showed that I was
deficient in four mrnerals necessary for proper health and
metabolic tunctJOU- l w11l continue to take VJtmrun and mineral
Thanks to the folks that make these units for theu research
and dc\clopment' in new altcmanve health areas.
N U .. Sa1kawhewan

Prostate Cancer
I' IT had pro>eatc cancer for 9-ycars. Gleason;, st:mm of
cancc-.-" the 'bad one My doctor u'cd to talk to me about
bow J1 will be before l d10. Then I went on Robert lkek's total
proJ,<rdm fur 2 weeks and di<co,~rerl tlml the magnetlc pulsmg
keeps my pain nwny. l went oiT pain medtcatwn I'm 'ccmg an
Oncologlst but am refusing treatment. I use the blood
electnller fm 2 V, houn. per day and t!Je magnetic pulse
GenemiOr 15 mmutes tw1ce n day_ I lake nu mcdtcatwn except
llcrbs. I came oft the hard med1cme thor would have killed me
liT d 'taycd on it
When I "cnt for a I'S,\ test (prostate cancer teS< marker) it
W<-'TIL up 400 points, reading IOH6 ( 4 i.< nom>al). My h1gh PSA
scares people to death However, my cancer Doctor was
pkaRed at~""' g<l<ld !look_ I belie'~ I oan hcp myoelfgoing
with what I'm doing. I usc the mll<-'llcllc pul'c generator on the
bad spots. 1 went easy on t~e blood ele,r fier for the first few
wcoh bccau;e I got nau,oatcd from tho ltor med1cme.
Now I'm workmg in my garden a I
and 1 feel real
good. I uoc a pendulum to check m' h,
Lf ll w1ll accept the
electrical field. I take the herb> ju" b_
'go to <lcep. 1 take
;oxins ill!d oxygen
herb' <uch "''clover bln"oms 10 get r

Rev1sed November 2002

(35 drops once a day). If! letup it gets back at me_ I don't
want chemoth..-apy but have had radiation and foWld thlllll
can be worked out of your body It shoots )'Out white count in
half_ M)' count went v.ild after being on t!Je units. Rut what''
Jtnportant tome nght know is that I feel ft.ettor and can work in
my garden

Disappointing PCR Results

It is with some regret and d'"'l'l'"'ntm<:nt that l have to let
you know after a hvo month inlc'n-'i'c II'Calment rownrds IIIV
with the magnetic pulsing ill!d blood electrification plus the U8e
of collmdal silv<'I (5 ppm and up) l ha'e gamed no benefits
whatooe~er On tho contrary, wc',c nociced a major drop lll
CD-4 cells (which was to be expected) but woro1 of all the
viral load from 308,000 increased 10 ov..- 3XO,OOO w1th
1ncma.>ed 'ymptom;_

Due to the nature of viruses and electromagnetic tr~atment

I would expect th!S treatment to be either wurking fur everyone
or no one I would app=iate an unbiased reply.


Hay Fever & Congestion

I was domg remodeling work in an old motel in town I
IC!t Ill)' head gclting stuffy - the start of a real bad sinus att.1ck.
I already drink 8 ounce' of collmdal 'ih-L'T morning l!Ild night
A lol of other workers were getting sick. [think 1t was
from the old structure but 1t could have been fmm a rcg~lar flu
bug gOJng around. l didn't got tbc flu b~t 1 d1dcomc do11n w1th
na>al prubkm; like Hay r ev<r. I decJd<Od to w1re up my blood
eloctriti.,- as 1t had bee-n a couple of weeks since I used it I
drank five glas'c' nf colloidal sihc'T a day for three days and
wore the electrJfier for 4-hours per day for three day' and the
problem lhsappoar<d. I am back~~ nomtal' I till drink
collmdal 'ilvcr morning and nigllt ill!d lwve nm ben sick smce
I started a year ago.
Thank< !(JT tbc bcs! all-round-unit in the world.
J.J.. Idaho

Relief from Chronic Fatigue

l have bad chronic fatigue syndrome of a vual origin for
16 year;_ Las1 year I used !lob Beck's dectron!Cs diagram 10
bu1ld my own blood clean,cr and I abo built my ""n magnL-ric
pulse (my background is elec!l'omcs).

I used them both for 2 month>; for a total of90 bourn on

the bhtd clcamc-.-_ Even though it wa' somewlwt diflicnlt \11th
all the dcan,ing reaction> I'm glad I did it because now I feel
like the v1rus bas boen completely liminated because 1 don- I
have the ongoing llu-hko '}'TTII'''"'" mymorc. llughly
rccommL"Ild the usc of this prc,Juct for any problem ofvual
andior bacterial ongm.
M.F, Norrh Camli1w

Page 58 of 86

Conquering Ca:ncer
Thir!e"" y~am ~!!'' ! w:u; .lea~ wuh kca"' con-~r a:-.J
Hv>d" ma.,lot!ony M cu lncast. mt,U m(l:.J/; ago 1 ~,.,.

!lw ''"""~' wa;: li8<:>1. T.;;,ts cor,fttmOO I b!ld 'l" \<> 4~ mt.t
{.fr.Rc..- m my lxme:-.---,lrun, oot hlp, ~nJ """era; l~. V.\' ltJ?
W>< ><' 00<.11 lliJ 00 liS" a Gl!l\~ Md w>J.dn '! v.>t.:k w:t;nt.ll th

era ttto.- r ,.,;_,_ d ~ltct!'o<ll\tct~?Y a:td '""'""!!'~ Sc-<m

m<->tk lip;>. my <k>c"t<,,- mld mt d>.rut bJ:Jod dcemtkamm &.d

""'WlNto lymph f'\1hmj;. :w 1ord....O d:wm_
I .o<>-1ed wJ!h <ll:ly 5 m~-:ute~ ~ iby wJh b.:dl the b\V<>d
~;~..lriik:.uM "nd rmgee:k """'"'S I gn".J<mily .u"rc'"oo !h"
timo"mi! l "'" ubl~ ~~ u;o !hrn> m 1 ho"'-' ~ dq I<~>< !he
magnono """"" >,en~rawr R! .W mir_ule< ~ cla; l<k"k """ cup
(If Nlwldril oiL.,.,- daily, m:td l 3 oup of <>.mnate.d -..Wct dt!l}.
A"'"'' f(>\lf W""'-' my ,.-.,Wf inHtc.l <m Wp 1<> o )X<k~ ?fAY
w1b bn. She in>io%01 w:tcr a donG'""'"" w!.Lil he"!' a~d W<
prize in the !"'lb crw;p~tih(l<l! I am 66 }em nld :a.d
,,&y I "tlt:l ?<> r"' '"'"1\>------<lp II> 41) fJl\llt""'- '" I M ;vMl
":all :>t my >tt><}tt'jJI fo:: 15 !1'<1<~ ; am ~ ~ >tt::min
~~d mm<tJI "l?l'lemms rni fia% ""<IDly 'W1>on ok nuw ,1:
my dPotw ~f'i< ctwoked mr ol<>ed nmg a ,~a,-,f:~kl
m"m:<>rc, ;bt WIW .,., f."n<~Zed ,;: til '!Lf'h:"'fJnen1 m !IT}
?1\N\l >1:& irtkm<JY'f41b dt><~o.- wtHb "'" w... "'itb anurh.,
;:>1/:-m l>> H:i hulL ~-\<Xrnt bo!.e OOrtU ,~>._-.,.,'> !he CI!W<\[ !J till
pre;e.~; l'm ;>pJinmtk '" my J<x:~" >~g~ ; ~"""" wtll b~
tbe h>&; !Ill&' to ~oa,- I'll L";;p i~ W.l<;h ru i<.:t y;m J;:;n" ::;y


'"'!:'"""..,,._ fnml

'""'<'OUt who ru.,, bew "'"'"""'ll Jo <irux 'low roM ill

19'!1, 1h< it~, !hmg I rockmt h rl>l!: Jo h; a thll<!:C\111 attitu:"e

anti clnmbty w;:ns to 1hv 'lw ""I) hils Jtl h,"l \lflll,? :h
Bt If~><~ "'..t ,~;;o ;t.~ ""11< w;;::~z Ill f!W "ll he; w!'fu<,,
nJ m~ts ;J.~.d I>Wk: <If ll lwr \'l'i>.<Jl pU\U<o r\pyoo~> "<'i"
lvff io Ch,cog.- '"'<!h J hk~ry<illy ""- c=y o!Lt:
~llt!!B<, in~we ~"'" !:ill'rl !1 iH>l g:w "F ilw >W~el "'"' d
P"\JJ: f>$!fl>l!. She '"-"'' e>m \liWlf gr>i~ b::~~ Vld
00"""'"1 .;;\ft;:rt brr~d' '"'ilia\:> Jibor.
!1). ioo1M ~lw:l me w how J~ h= to <I iii\ ill~ .!kd :l>lits.
Ho <h~w<>o' ""'her .brktkiJ oi<Nilsatlpk~ nJ ,.,;z<> 'Wr hm4
!<'"""- H did~-~ !ool.lik J<> hM \!:>4 m..,j; c( n ;:h"nw \;011.

o;;qd "' eho h ' y ;md "''""' wi1i11cr.

\Vf~1l firotm<-i k<, k mcd ~ 1"1 :>-ow hi< Hl!'<'l):L!lu
co"'eib::L I octoe w.ill Jo""" ;;thel'S l w_>fl: <~'Hll *-"-'<me <>f
the '''"" 1hcp; :ir.t ch4V.e; arz, tb,:i; ~hcr.ali'W1>, t gue<>.
"'hen Y'''- kellLv JOOc " ll-:>pe. ym. )-,.;in m frr.<lt'mglner nr


ht~ :w1r~ .e <>I"'' hH:tw M'l'l'"" ofhr '" ..,,ly. v.illeh

h4\ t.itf~romo: i."l how o I""ISon '" ,w,., - ''<"-' wtl1 e<t!li:<'l"lt,J
v.lli>:ru:-r"' ~"' tbc)' wm >.m.ive
Jo Jt'W Out fi ltlgt JV'il.ill"n '~' i
"'h"t %0 "'i<il~~"-:k Jl'-~'c t'tlW!U<'f '"
:m. ''" 11ms<r has 't'


H ~r bb<>1 MJRP:c


!bt <ll<k(>;k

fi.n: Hmpk' tlk~h ~'\ ''''-''"h.s o>;c t.

""""" h~t fLmw, !""ruing ru ;.;"'":' 'Y



M;my tk bhndclennflor lfu!Y<'"' fnmdl)-


S1 y<t~Th "'~ and i',r;--du!d ald'c.r bfu.k ' ' 1
r~momtfr~"" ~a Locna,;oc 1 """" ta;; " p~Rh en my b""j._

die $.At ,,f '"" ComldiM '<>omt>" [Alxm ', m dkomd,rj lt

wm.\:1 fl!ITI: up. """V v>t J>."" ns r.:.y h.-1! n>~:>:ed ag.Uw it
Ocm t;, y~B 1hinf' ukJ ufl ,.,n, of Ol:aw:o. hTf:>.;, M:n1..
;opR d.o_ n~n l r;t_cttd oo :he bl<w<l .:lo.,.,Sl?: lfurteJ




~n>ond ::ro:n the

g a P"'"t;"" <~0im:)j.;

,mf tO< wil!i:lw1ontt>


gradual I; f<il w>:: mmtt. ! Ci<:> ntl.."'td <kil~; .1 g;:u;; t.~'-'f ~r

"hcr onTh'1\l mw I pJt
th fltle.'l ox\=11! l w.s
,;~h-d ";'""my hcl. no lo'<'!l';"" ltcllod "'ilhin ono m<.mllil
'\1(11>1) Cane I<><>
it h,., hen I 0 m:>mll< "'J'\' o.:ld 11:.1 '""" a "'~"" o~n bt
fo>.m<i l hawc:t b~ffl iid.. ""' fmt I Iii' !bH1~ ''" c.:>IJ A
frce:r::ds 9t%h\~dd;;ught:r ~"" 4&gH"<:d
!'lnnonudOO::<. ; W'-"' iltr" a&;pie ef quart. d ><:>hoih~ ;jJ,ct
d 'lliJal 'N<> (:}"l!'I<Uiil ilfler th= h)'S <If g~rg!i:::g ..m

""= ""


dP.1l;cng d! "":lJ.!iJal w4!er.

Another J>ulst- Point

HU"': ! my wggo;ti""

J<>'&~lfu~aaelt, Su~

l~'rkrd; !loonru~:> bkW<i cell>.~ H<

dun,;e(<:< & d1d:twly '"p;~t<n:.ts "he.! myhd )o h;

r_:j_ nboo! J<> n:mllywmb; ha_'1l d {<'tti"i!: t>ott.-r at.d ilit wi11 te
a >"-rvivot.

f;, l"'Ml:w' pull~ pv~

1 =1'1 f"rtd

the mML .morf w l uoo lh put"' po:>:W oL II huok <1! ..-.-y ltud
bctw<Nn the th.rn':> ;mJ fn,fingor.
1 "''''"to ~ pra,'!iHII"'-'> fm o.wne wf<Willl ~atmenh "-'
<;UN leg <:Th.JJ!"' lift" $eeml >Mieioo.< ph~ '<la.0.irt!t J <ai<l
"We ,.,-<";'! AAI!Jig 1\ll.V''hom "' l ;>rop<>>O "'o ~"<W);ir,< the
o<<>n" wo blood ~'.c,.,lritk"m:a My C:iiy cka~ om; >h>nl~
N..:awe q<.>~~ c<pkmve wh<fh .rl=tC~<" mt dtcmfC<.rri<->1

"'"' hilppnting.


Jfurses Cle,.n:d of Fu~ns

!nrmg lht w,~,.,, m; ~ hor= oil ~rted -~sing rwhn
cr thnr lm.t The vi:" (bgnc..;e<:l the l'f''Lio;m ;u a lil".gu; ~ l

<k:itbl m :zy collo.JrJ iiha <d:m thas lll'-A":.I!,'>IJ. ~ JJ:1J:W<l

nne "''!' d {Q))(>,dal ''"'"' 1\L 1ft:i' h""ir, e;u,L <.tn In :wG
week< nU 1.1u p!!!d"'' had,- .;w<0 + ,-_ii thcy'<f ~"":s lwkd
bealthy "ll"~'

Symptom1 ofChr(Jk Fatigue Syndrome &

Pp;;ttin Barr Disappearing

Befuw t ;:a :1m rrry t~an~L I jc.l .,.,.,., h> ~" ;'-"'-' .;,ftt
)'<H are aU r~"y ~n~,..,.; p..:c!jlk lc'" to:mfr<JLI !e> iind pOU?k
':~t ~or.:: ~boot chcir pro<lu;;:<'> p-e:furm;m;;;~, eopoJ~Uy wlen :1
.;~~:tnt<> w ~ pwdu~l. c"at "hti!lh-re;~""'- I h'P" Y'~-' dl! ~~e
,he &.;,., of"''"'"" a"d <he toot of health
7h? beginnmg uftlli< poSi December l got kk and gut
~orog<c>oi"d)' worse and W<lt~t, and ooly now ilm<!>l at tho <md
t>fM_ay m l fwlng hotter M:- <~mptom' indu<kd C<>nOll
lo-w-gr "de IO,>u, %nstitnl swollen _ghllids lli my ,..,.,;-~ brunoh1~!
typ~ c<>ugh_ hor::rendous poun<lmg hendacl!e,, vimrnl i~lhihty
10 'lep. I tnod evo:ryrcmcdy that wa' rccommcmkd '"me
ll!Jd nothing worked_ f had homble mghtmare., af whicl! I Md
no h!>loty. The reaUy srrange tiJjqg lS thar !Ometrme< I 'ii:lt
inored!l:>Jy ,.,,~J _1 hod '" m~''h cp~rgy. Bu\ afl<'f ilN:~ml:>n
1997, l liter~ H)' c<ulJ !'-Ol m~vc at lirnes O!l.lj 4"ilh diffieulty

C(Ju)d 1 rr.lse my arm pam!le; to !he fl(J()r, '"""c ~'Y ~"'-d \'>'<>UIJ
Jmve bo.n "'lp<JIS'hic. I didn't fJOYC ,lw M:rcng\h tr \HIOh A
mte diM.'-~ the ,i::k_ ' had i=p!IM h.oart pa1pitu'.o"" .00
=xii:t macks thai;'"""' "'-''<fl<- a: ..-.y tie lli!~iftg ""lhi~g I<>
slf-o5S.. I t~ "'''d wffll' "' my
My .;bulc
o.~ly .,._ i"""'-diOI.y ""'"-'- md 1 ~oold bi!J"dy w1lfk it! c(Emo. I
"'""]~ ge: a pi~cll<J """'" fdir-1! "' !ho "-'f' <>f my thgh
-..-!Ko --2ey ""'''""'"~ m my !;>;"> """) punl <m dw bothl<m ~f
m; f.-u "'' ""'' I """""'"<:hie"" =~d I wOU.:d <'"' t:w)'I"'!O!IDg
r=~ :::1 r;y d-.;:wl61f lllil'k> 11m! bw11: 7;:d;, ;n:ll(, n0 Jlr;:h;.. I
g.otmy J>"PD;l ""OIJ' ,1 -""';k, ] NUhl ~h >'\Jil\<"ml>\;!
omylhr:g ---~\~':\~ WlJ a bnt f ha;! ~~'- My \#'W'01Md
,;, i>c~vy whlw film V'>-'tii \!-A; """"' ! wa~ ;m;>M.;hk to~"'- l
"--niliw 10 ~ u: tim ;wm\ 1'-kt:t it hurt my
~'<; 10 Jkle.~ 'fu !!le filG <>!' !a.J. O!l. d;: piW!l<'. ! ll"-'J A~\,



"'"" ''"'""""'!}

!Whg ,.;; fu.

rr.,: "'.~m,.,_,a '",-,plain 11 kP
hk l """"w'M1<11l Imm !wOO t<s 100 >EJh n.m illil! "-t<V
;;.-;,.,Jfus a!l ov<:r me liDd ""tiU =~l> d my &my.
);.lGw tlat ! 1-:nuw lb.>t. '>fl1J"li< rd;~h: w Chroo;: hmpw
<mJ l'l*lcin l!m, l kno-w Hnt l'"" lad thb lbr !WKh 1,.,$"'"
ilitt hclf o year. A& l .,,,;_ I il'Mdy lmd dtfV'mJ;n-<01=
0)1-qr "lf"'""'- '} "'!'"""'- Wl!l\." :n~saml)- ~001"'% arA f::>Wf. fa
''""'' 7 Y= :w~l m:;~r !11\<J ilum ti. 111 tl1 mm.., >Oil~.



'"""" 1
"-""il: 1W f!i!b
l'mrcA mmw=,
4 """~"' ,,., lk bb>d <:W:uiiler h~ 2 +.cLts p!t J:;n &
<:<Ji.kili:kl. ,;i!'Nt Wiltw l<lt'flh"" 4 ():'. ;;<ft dAy), ht- IP~;p"'!i.:
~"""" g...-T.~rn1m (1PrH>'l. :!0 nru:~.<>.~; por d;;y), ;;m! omu;:ted
w11er (2?1""'- ; ""y~l :v<l wt::::".Wme lC:I':rot'rntn: :cr at<r.n
~ weck>, m~al wmt \;~\;1\f\1,, """'*'''~( ll#: "'' "'"'"''"''
hd k"""""'d ~nd \h,;t <.trn; !:md; rowe. ,,,,-.-,g.." t: .,..,.,,J ""
ba<C lw 400~< 2 W&\',S, t.UJ lM:t l.Lt::: w J!!?f\W!Ii:l..~1 :>tMt..
Tins IP~ h~~~~ "'~ ::m-ttc: ,(>,:ding. I . lmg much"'"'~
tlrt.N w;ing: the
C'IWIJII''k ' hJ.<'to~ 'I lm&.td "'~d.~ ~*''

P'"'-'"Cu! Al :::ue,; w~.> 1 \\11\- re.,:t- 9"

of;o"m'~~~ "lvc(t::.-l; "Gw. ~""' J,

WI'M<"n w~ bv))' wM te:Cilltt rr.e! ll<:


gubgtd ht>W mu~b CSWa>dr 1:<" dPn1< ',

Rev100d N<Wom%r 1002

I il!!d 2.

i, M!<llP :0 4

bc.s --, the "-'" n~<>.i .c_~.; l" ~ "'~.,-u\cn. ~'W. MJ!l
uoC1J< t. ~r.d ;>tan :o ~Jil1llm? Gll";l: i; w>1" J'm \O:J%. >ctt~:
J kh<' olso wruplotdv <'hN!pX! my d!~. ~ (l-il' 1l "'-'1Jff, ""
wltik flwr, oQ wbu, """ ,-,., tap w<>l~. iWJ "'' J.uty pmdJtt'
l do "'" Ol> l.Y '"L"'uir ceembks, lnH', ~od b'fM!$. I jrwX\1 1
1Ql_ nainl). U.ffll: jui.Jo. ~"'-''(!" pi~c. e>"JJlt jttiN i<ild p4J'~>:>~



ln :!:w ;;mwl juje.; t ,_,wily !ttch"k ei:h:r lx"t~ l't o1<:-ty.

lmte 5 sup~' blu~ ~'RM ~l,vl.e tablet~ a do~ I jw.l im\l'lOd Wlm
Py<--nogcnd. I V\'W Olld dnnk m)' c>wu wheat ,tl:lM JU\~~. i
Jriu\; il nboot -1 or~ 4av' a wccl..l drink the addvphi!t< fwm
iL I sprout who~! along wnb oth~r be~n< l car lul of saht!On
l \,~ ~'tl<<WJ "'''l-llu(l8 at ka<t !O m\1\utoo a dny 110:1 f~llly
guc>d ilflrm<m:!&. r pr~y to tivJ ~ !~tl uy to b thnk!ul (,,,the
""';;.ll tlt' og;! in :,;;, u'td iiiX'~pt thio n> O<Jt.;tthir.g 1b~\ I m
go1hr"11gh while du'~t ewryth>ng th~tl oan to oWI'<:roJll ''
l'm nmlly gnMfil' t:hut !'m h.~d:: tMUgt; 10 havo fc;un.I
om&.bg 1hat iu<t r.n~;;~ .'1cljl~d IM h~..J

Progn."i!! Not!h from J.-an

Coltol.dal Sihcr:
Tk bhd f.'!!frJ\1 u"' W'"" ""1!>: rool "all by m~ !mth-:-A< ~u.r.

tu~ <~fr:rhoine f!"')'-d wib !,iouco! "t k~

w1ltl in <>-"T<!on-h!oon 'I yo! figured
0"1 h<fi> w tOOI><;e <4o OO~e<'f1t lhl whm n - .;h-, !'rub"--::.

W wi!W ,h,ho,


"<m: a put oflk. ~=- we~~ OJNcl\'<ti .,.,m ,,.,]Jadal

.,hn ;,km jl!"OOi~!lill hae ;h"''r<=rn 1<rtJ ""'' f.d!.li!le'~ '001.
nd <h!>ill!!F d~ ~~~ "'"-

B!twd IL!tctrlfkt- and MaADetic 1'ttls1: (;("{leratnr:


ftct Llfiiy 1V, :l"}-.. "fh:mg bttl nn 1te.e u:-4 Tin

~ g:-JIIIYW Nd: '"' my

fW. Truly amarin;;. Bdh ri~

~OOm.h"''Y ~!=m:dmmdcl=.

I fuv.,1hie Tkmagt!t'U

;ml'lf" gc-ruH1N tups sWmoch lrutlbk Jefid! M~ ""'"'"" am!

rott :tJ'\!1. dO>:t"<ld hh a mirncl<< lfth1>- 1< .,.y<hn'ill<rnrti;>-----f

doo 'r 0 .,1 My ;;,g<:n aM :tanfs ! """":-t>mb an<'. aslup
"""" l9B---lli'1 "'~00' ~k~tnf:e,!!i-;;n!
v,.., h' I""'} F: TI<ltmf2 yc!

Sharing H~alt1 r -;:,-n !t_e Heart Inc.

-www.sha" ,o:tealt':l.wm

:br "'"' ho"' l

>'Y that the

Page Moree

hf>.l, a

nl'" ~b<"'-! ~smg a ;vn:er ~<Mna~;r, !.nn r~;r~d

eaguuer, age ~7. wit~ 9"0 ~ellllh T1trtt y.;an ag,, I

!ll<;.,J frn1:11 On::mc> m ~ remmo rwal 'v1m:;nnba""""' wt"""' ;:Mbrr itld tdln""' """"' =-l unpclhr..-d. l b~!!l ~ ttd~r ra<;\li<--,.
b~ to!W :1 ir.m t:b r.ill>b;. l "'""'''"'"' ., i>.~. :>:.d JM!wn

Mttill:n womhtole ~< xce'mp "-'-"'' My g<:><t u m be

:-~~mrcllly :ak~m ~. iU "'""-t, J:.>J m lwollt
,.Y.,!<'ffri I amkt l\1 a { lltrn\ot:<l "11\u UMlll' dbtilkd >nlk..tlm Tdrm< tnh J;!y, lltua!ly &OOw. ! l

1!ff_ Till;

fir; fi!'WU


1 fu<b.d 1 ,aa& !><~:< "';' "' Qe l:ui~ Wt :< b""'d

~!fJm; ~~ lh\-~<c.ud =trip. My"""" w.n uiw
d:!riwr onlcnwd a ~rrong odru >! "' wu";d ,~ i:fl 'lit ~

IN (I( t~nq ill'"'-''!>

On tlu f:gblh dfiy

or the lhl JS do o:hr res.Oet>t' il1 tl:\e 11Jitf;llijt

hnme where th~ ll~i.A seeond vu<e ilf >lnngles t!tol wu,
not g~: wlds

C'leansing witfl Ozonatcd \hlWr

h'-'lllcd "ith the" U<<' <11' c!111oill;!l .,]vor to1ol1ed a fnond of"
fm!ld in Ontruin who lmd 51\ffim~d fm 2 mo.ath:> "'ith ~hill!(!c$,
T ""' 8 oot>> of ;ofkid~l ~.:vor ;m.;l "'>!>on <>eder :;..., OCtJlU
,.;,-..,. "~' wut uf wmm""'"r.' nd '")' '::icndcl'~~'"'' tl!.rt h><

f:ten.i J> e<1remdy lmppy ctt.J :Vd> ~he has ~ !leU'

.~:.><: <lit


I ,,..,.,. =th r<>nt t- "' !>f ;;clJwhl n1>i:! 10 Ornw:~ w

1ht SE1ft ot ~ goo-.i frknJ W!i<> Jwt jut!W.Ot>llt l<W.,{<.,j
shmgle wide in the 1:lJ::\ipWIL b ""-~JI-!iM with Nooi Jub:
<md ~.,.-~:nda: <i1w:< +~ Y>:ot/"" iqe dca<"J up,

n. u.,.,;p-,;,

Infection- free ... still t~nd ffi)' dog i;; too!


ben..:; ached ~nd ! il'\t f1.mitb u;

lh<mrh I wae ~1ting 1~o tl~, I wok y, lc'r<~>n ''' eollniJul

<ilvor sl~ ''m~ ~do~ ruKlo\~pt
a!! ni~hl On tlw ~mtb
day my 1/dtk-c wa1 !ll.t ,,. th"'-'gh! ""d ~ bhddet J.n.Jb;;.o.c.t.w,
Oifil;nu:d :'lll ~~- ;;. m;l;.; nl;'l';;'"'-' :.:noq,.,- u,,_ ,.,-.,: iln
d_'1lfik. mo!Mm ()[ r= itnr.=* c::lnh.orry juc'\0, (finlw
ttm11 day, m. bl;;i!Jw JXI"' ww ~""" h-.rt mr J<:rum itP'ltm;
~m:3 "'"" """' -\t <w >!!l:W 4d l n;l!<'ri..,ocnlwilw;; m
"""'J\mg.l dt<idm 1\HIIlf! til<: 1"'1 (&""'!> W<Xb "" ! W'\!&
b, m,;: e;mt;m::y : "'ill :mobil llif "-"l""ime~U ft>ll}OJNW,


Here i> a follow-ltp from my la>T t:ctllllonial O\'et Oile ycr

ago, I am now ~} yan; oiJ. goins olrw;g NW lh(l!lking_ the
l"'J "''~'Y ,.,m)<: I am "ll"""-"<1 !<> 0 Eve~ inoe ~""l! ;:,1-,~
ll'o:xl ekw,fioariM, :l11!mly fut :mt.lo.!.c~ ,;::,lli>,JfJ. ill": n""-. i

Ocv< ""' b=:o !\l "ith ~~.y kir.d ofin:l~. ll's o .ru:redihcc
o ~'w~y; "-"--.:! 1<\ j;ct <;))ci; :nd rb h t J mict '"'"'"= ~f
wtk<uW >lhW ody My <jlim at1 ~""'!\Y le\.el; = hgt

My &>g hod Mmlt in:~mm:d ~ oo I j!IIW illm w=

rolkmbl <ff- he, ~"''" t~ r""" t '" ;vt<- M~ ,~m J'"""''
k."l<<W wha a pi"~ df<K" i> ;hl:wtl
C. C. A.ii,Yi1


1n Jawury d1997, my \!<~y~.,.H.:;J

iHup" Z,.,.wr) Tlw ohingks "cnt tc r~e \~I\; "<k of
11er fa<ee ;m.;l mto her blind ldl eye. lt ww; pamful and aa~wti
11or much rre.~ The m'dkal d''"'"" tuld u~ Were w&s t> till'~:
fqr ~tlngk~ @J ~o coold mly pr<~Scriil~ 1 ~.._,..,.~,!'tl ~"' """~

lY-'-'b~c lhe Joc:rr fiin<hny mo+er 'mi@' g<> o-ver I "' two
"'-<ll:lh, m il ::nar W<a twt-}V~!'> So ~ c..:rr-=t~:'. ,_ fr ~~J Jl

Orr.arlo '>'he- WJ; w~ wt!h b:rlt\; >,111) a!terrnlive hclimg

me,lm<:J& Sl~ had Wl;w<l ~ fri""J ~W had sLilgles b)' ~g
cub:i<kl ;11\,-r :m.l Rctl<N~y w.>d L "'"''" J;,y; till: Jl~ti~gk;
wee d=M up <b.d lll<i>::

!k """''~J ~oi<kl11 oW~ wvoY.~d mt dde-Jy m<'1ht wh>

re:: In lk ~;!!~' kir. fWrnary ~1d b-.,-.~ he ::,p
ShoW~> mker. to 11>< .{'u,. n,,,;\IL i)"v m;hr.:.C.noc lrhl afttr ~
lrl?N~ ..,_~

Planter Wnrts Clean'd

J <huwcd 4 1"'!,"'- fa,lb'f<lW"'U phnl~' '; wart<, w~kh
f':;n;ng fiom :.".e- :lccw-~khl 't kill. 10 >OOL~b,'J~ vC "'' '''""'""
dul>. my JTe;Hts ~o;'. f.rnily to prow th~ bt$:n: t~~J t~ftl'
n:v>ll> . Ji<h t fill!"'" the
rm=Jw~ of::.
41;. fur o::t'l m<:lllh ~I go: l\limlllif:tetub< anywrry l rr=l k
bk.wi ci%ritl"' &;ry rv, fu:>m J lZ ro 4 hovv. for 4 <7$-


t._,,.,, "

11- I 14\lk 0 bred fot ;:,~..:- -.,,.&._ I .r..d ;, in ~ """"'!

m~rn;er fN !!hum ant- mom..t ~rril me rugk it:fm" I """'1 4>
:,CJ 1;idc:d e m~
,,.-,J piw:J !:>)' vwe. "'lk-.,r ~Y f!lill.
flcy :1\H Vltt Ta1:: l ;.,, .<:<a, (I J-J '"' u! ~'<Jilo"'-" 1...-.:. J


NH A,,..,.,,

taV lhc <.!0<-~<>r '"'" f'!'tp~nflg 11:> llhip h<.r"!:t> W1r.nipeg fur ~




~ f~ur-hmrr am bulan""

trip. Wh~"TI l got to th~ n~,piml I UtncdkJ the tnp aud 1he
opecauou a ~ hh.,eC i>c
N(T haw"'"' ivcd ""
~-P'I!I ocf thls tll.1lrut\n:k I wa' J'"IVd Ita-! #w "'''"~tl haw
l~ :v i!m m:
ic W<l fun1 ko, , wmr T~<n ill< ;,.,..,
v,;oo:.d :tea; mc<J[rtl t.::. ;e< tr, ,lt.\J pr; l''' <-ft. M it



My '""""''h hW 'hvwn tbtt '''""

'J'I'"<l "!' lk J;e.>Jj'* illbt<Jhj(1 t.<liW;
~"7 J~y od d~iy @:1\Wo h<'l' CP
~i We "'-' sb:C tv w~:;; :WJre -.-;'
whl.:h k u;;e;i '>e5:>r<> lho ,.,:~Je~"
:o...icla' .a,="'"""' ~ulu "' ,.


;l'i<t w-..s mOO "'

Wnrt~ C\n~< l'\u~


o\ 'i:# mwg th~ bbcd e'.e-~~II;oc and d.-IDlting wlkidal


nr fur ifi>


r,..., ,,~:~oi 111c tnow\11g:

, )FxdJGriot.IU o!J >;L1 '>Ci<*"

Il Rtsolltwa ofw.m m. tl>,;, s.Jdi!.:t flf'!1 ..-l:i m,;J;:,g d

. ,.,, w 'b::- ht"'?'hi

g.:;&i "'""' b-'"nUlih

4pcr<hy In E
Jd ct h.,- w<>'l;,r

5)1-'&t<ii!l;);<:!fll\hl<'!~\ r.~,,

"W:ri!ThOJ .~ tok~

><:J Milllh ~~~~ dcce,

0j 'iliFf d!ON>i>od ~r:

~~ De~rw~ ~~g:u w;vmr

.~at.~.: ho~v_,

woig;; hfli!l$h a<od :l':-t :e;;~ IMd tu t~><TA



Lung Canc(!-r

Candida in Cbct:k


~lfll!fW'd my (({I!
a/uJI# dyfntt
J'1 ha'" t ( - If> keep ''" lii".!!, ~
; h"~ '<mg
TlmvdJ~t<:r. "'""-' rk nw:;u:hf JN]Il<;l
t&iOrtrot lilt :lka: rrqtw m~J tfotmd .Ua ruli;"' vain
.--<O-ywj= l hid tl;, Jn4>, ""'llk"Y "nJ nilieJJc_ "'"' > 6r "'
p_>o.:J.. Ali c;y ifleu(~ J ~ N !L: <1mk tr.":N dw<J, ::<. Z~'\ )'W-"1.
f==- Bc:W<.:<:F p>>.y<l'f ,<ru) tnj. milcl::iu,; w4 :ill lhe
drink r truly kJJ~"" ;,_ h wtly ;
.Jrill tlwc
T1lc\: G a kl: of lhitj)(ll t-mr><:- {)<; 001 l .:;-;m iild Mild, TV,
N.L 00 lh !rum:k), ""'* ;md J9 iin>h<w, dmlli'P Ill rel't bM,
.00 sliop. play fJlW<ilk m \ll.>4,; Vli'J:\1 lilA C'N" ~ ;it. I
k>w He ~tJ oo!h~ m !>ffiir! I '""'-' :.!<>': h11h= macbm:o. if
h~ cll ill rt!:< rnr.A I hry?~o e ;m ;;m:<.y a~ 1 g:t




& Asthma

J -,,., tfui'P'"''J " -.;, f.bromyllg;a ;,hoot;: ymr; "-?ft

.&--ec~ -<r>
wmc Jccror~; deny \"r nLll:l:M: ni


it.. I '""tamly t.aC


"'"-mg. ' ?<M !G paW mi)>( ,,(the

! V>AA\\ "! lffllmf
mod1 rehef I.-_..-n <r~tliti<otltll d<:n:W<~ wM \<lltl m l tmdod 1Jl
f~fl<. ; C<lL~ , 'lc"fl ; """ o:~.:rtmcly 'irc.L


palU "lWl.g<tuellt ffi'\Coad of U<ln~ p;ncl_!l!et;

l abo lricd altmmrive mo<li~ine. 1 ft,unJ \mi hdp m<l

was resolved w ll!lving th10 the rest ofm;. Ilk A rrwml ga""'
m~ Ruh<ort Beck, \"Jdeo. Be<'!< tlkcd "~out oollo,dal ~u"'~'

blood ~kori fltaliu~. mid m"'lllene lymph Jll!)!lllft.

P...fl<r ~ wed< on the- l~n<>tl e~t.t", ~ ;l.utd kdttg
k!!cr.. I ""Pfld lliki~g llt~dicl!bti -<> hc:p m~ 5\~op tmd J NnJ
pilil: froc ,-'\;;,,- '>'>c~ll startW expor..encm;; "'""" fl'CO a::A
'y-np;m,.. ~ Ai':.~r 3 wed-. I ,;,; t J,"<:at"
I ,,.,'C'Jcd "' ,-) u>:~g the Uilt-d ~-O:tit:J.-;dc'll fu~ at

,ght-L<<w Ilr:~J rh;~ ""''" "'""' J>:-'.1 "'"" &J "''

ln 1:+71,1 "''-'

:'.~ooood "rth

""- \W~ro.t'li"'

!hyroi~. V.',,~

:-.uli"''-'-'ti'lc i\\\iaw. ; hcl P'M'ttm n~\IM\-> ;md lmir lo>;;. \we.

SIC.~ }-eat t<>rJd I <k>&,op<:<; ~>etC "JJ::r.,>k n:""ri"~' :. h'"'"'
all><n ~dP''"' fk'ln '''~lb d!\\?f > uv.d!l:.:
Tk"' f"'no; tri;;gtttdl:boknt ~- a"(! ull$.1il11> !"'-"' '~
"'-Y hetV<Ci':l ~Y'",em, 11 w:v hlrl !'>lm!:f,i<l!-

'"l'" fi<>:

Spec ;,;m-e; >FJU<id: "').hlt\ple c""""""J eu:r.trkhy '"


Ah-.- '''"'th"' y= of -rutl'dl!g_ ""mmp""''""'k hl1)\: my

rub9 aaJ loob.>J m my eye.;: -wru lltiw ,111'\dkl\'~ ''t:L>ld0~

clhi""w <leei<Jps rout wbdz ptfll'{ ti# mh.s!lrwl 11-ilh;,~ 1
ft2J ;, ~ -'<lie..l!n! ",.!bmi'; tG<i"'" h flm i<~telf mru !lw
b"""'Hr<'am. Omdi<h imp~~u bttm\ f\.!MU\"11.1 "1l>ll! wat n!
,\<;cr :oln1g ~ fe-N ca;:ryl:o~>ri pills, ~ 'brnio fo-g' wbbh I wn
"-~0-ru-t fli. riio"WO~ .. Sigh: Wll "~.fl'l<h ~llllikt-(y k!;;mn~
!Wre ''~' 4.
I 1'-'~ha-.:.: rogr.~~-t r~- &;; i;<Y<lVIIOC ;:.:u:l f'".ll!i<ld dH
"'h0~ int<>dm:.
1 i1cre 'W.'i:l "'d"" ;cn<>"-"'n st'f -'-"my
bdly. Wi:!:..rn a:.,.- .'::<rors, I re,, even btuer !ball >:>eL'f,. ~'eM I
rohctl my ~IW~'- Later tht ni.o,tlt, l .x~u~d brea!ht t>tr.r The
musi<>n m my ,..,,,,1<,0 <ytcm ,.,.,. ll''"~' ;;,,....., ~-..mlida CJ!I
trnvel through til<' bi""dme3lll m wfoe'. ulh~"< P""" m tho
boll~, I >trtrJ blo~d pulsmg a'"" weok6 lau:r. Tweo!y



for lhrr<: da)'o Md slwwiy


up tn 1 hn"r


1 e:><penen~od an 'en greater seme ofwcJl,bcw!; !!IItl

<.:W!);y. Pc"<.'f"llc I"""' J~ily '"'d ll<>oked rne>re ulmt. Howeve1,


IDQ!tth );u;rr, l

M<qrriocd to filld the

~;rnd1da ,l~w\y

pnwmg h~ch J """' ~'t<onJ:r:e w ...h 3 wo.k>. of ~u'.>llig \cd_c..'?

lll: r.JU<lhla t~ dccc 1M 3 """""' clmg """""~ 11:::<!
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)'!)!' ll'.~k ""*'-""'!

>Jml%""' ,, tht "yf"' ""'~

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;mli>': ."""-'1!Urr h.J~< "-~ thr alx .. whm In)- arr
JMMt.Jm ""' mil""""' ml <:mmrim<.'<ll \bC i: to gct relief I

Child's F~~

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51 AH:ww

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;pi!NlUJ.( !n:;; sav:J


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p.<: Whil~ "' !ht <;;:, l lud :.n g;lflll!! '"~low 0o.-:bq
.=J~ ~U:kiriahmor fcm \lrtl\!,. ~' ; h-J<h.n """"d '" ,..., 3ll
:te my :"ftC Vt"hrll v.,e tt:"h<-,_: Lucc ehw! ""'"""' h.;!;
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a dily for

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'livar w n trlle n'Jty/hwg ""'" ,.,u ""c

to. ka><! h001e w<tli<,H!


wilt ~ """ 0""'L Tlw ""'~""'"bore Wil8 a iN "f """!> thf~d

T!t!>tcl &.> ~otrehe b: ;;m<yillg coL"Jda! ,;;,~., (CSf,n my

,.,., ;~><] ~denny !rnv-~ l!wud m-3 hmf "-hi!elm:)mg
"W---::fi>Ure auJ v~m &u.-"1'?"..,-..,; -.,.ut L s cs -.Jit>tJ
iwl-y ey"l' ani "''''' ~lib~ <;,m)'d (""~ -~ i:,cn<: &trr.:-~ ,
,:;um-< ,.,.<! xot l;lbiiln. Sh~ '""'~ "' -..,..,-o=d >!!.~
vn liwr OOyfi:wmh U::::ctc0 belly ~:1110!! , Fiieml Sd~dy'$

ta,, wau.'f "ith CS. lf

t:w ~l1ffilgh h

<Alkd 41 {>A:k il.!r 1p N ,;;:lwd J th<:: h..J ~ "''''l''''~rure of !DI:t

lhlwllng With n Silver Maker

""'Nitd ~Jl)l <.bt<<tt~ wnh cs_ "''-'"rl


~ 1m cf &ruff "ad

" worl:.'!' I

I nc,-J kMwlcdgo. Tharok

lomi11~! ~nd ournl!h'~S.
D L, ~flil.lVilrl

Brain Tuner

Excerpts from a talk given by physicist

Robert C. Beck, D.Sc.

This talk took place at an

informal gathering in 1983 to
introduce hi newly developed
Brain Tuner



History of Cranta! E~l Stimvlatlon (CES) Technology

and The Devdopm~mt of tt.e Beck Brain Tuner


TM Mdiction Withdrawal Process


The Polffics of HtJth ern:l Addictive Sl.lbsta!"iCE!S


--------Research on Addictions ard the Brain Tuner Technology

------------------'Bob Beck's ~skm to Design a Brnin Tuner
---------------------------------Research wilt! Frequerties







Bock's Brain TUOiit Freqaemas



------ ---

------------------------------------- -

Graphic. FFT Spadrum Analysis in the Frequency Domain of

origlnal ao:.l the improved BTilpro.


_ _ , ' ' ' ' ' --,-----i

TENS D$v:oos and !he Politics of H&allh



Early Roooarch Sto:lles


Bob Beck's Early Research


'T'he M;nd as a Holograrr



. Utw of The Stain Tuner




P:acament of the Electrodes

Ho>.v It Should Feel


, ... Length of n SessiOn




Olher Bereffts: Memory, Depmssoo, Arooety. Insomnia


Learning Disorders



Pa'n Rolio'
Why Beck's Bmlr, Tuner is

r:ot FDA Approved

Becks Bibliography

i Appendix




Book Referen


Magazine Ex:





The Food aml Dr11g Admlnistrntior~ n the U.S. or the Health Prote:;lion Branch in

Canada !<avo not evaluated !1-1m litaralure. The Beck Brain Tuner a.""Jd t'lis p.-intea
,nfunnatiof1 are not L1tended as ;oodi::a: advice and are not intended to Cl.Te or

1real any specific dlooase.

Government regulators state thm you must COflsutt a rnedi:::a: doctor for the
!reatm!ml of any diseases.

Research Studies
Pleas& note that the research and studlt~s mferrod to d..tring the
talk given by P.obert C. Beck, D.Se- are no! soec1fic to t>le Bre.~n

T.mer. The research bibliography referred to s specific lo

Cran al Electn::al SLrru!ellon {CES). Ths 1s !he lechno!ogy on
which the Bram Tt.. 1er Is baseeL -rna bibliography Boc Beck
rdN"S lo is on page 83 lo 85.

2002 Sharing Health From the Heart lnc.

History of Cranial Electrical Stimulation {CES) Te.::hnology and the

Development of the Beck Brain Tuner
raul lyl~r. who W>--S a: 1ha11une Chid" oftlle Deltnse NJCiew Afri"rn'"f, Radiulugi::a! D~ . ..sua!ly
?"!h me t:p ailhe !iirpmt :ttl w..,hmgton ;md take:; m~ ba<.:k tt,> the plare.lnFccrua:y 11e .wid. '"1k{1 hav;: y\ln
seen lh.; art!{ok m the JHima.:-- Omm magllZI!le em M::g Pallexson's rn;.g;c blrrk box?" I said, "Ya ~n~ i.ill.d,
w~u a-en 't ;..<.>c..~ lntt;n;-,tedT I said, "Ya.." He ;airi, we~J v.,ti\e yp_;'n; nl!l in California,'' be said, ''why
dJn'l yo;. look her up ar..d ~'"' lffuere'~ llllylh;ng we ;;a.1 d<J kr her lk get llus fh,og btokenloo'ie ;,ml i7ll" til;;:
mmn~~~. , "\f6w :his W<'--~ "" h<.....-,;;;,! ~flb:t bJ Pi!<! I TyJ~r. wht' ;~Uenh ,.n of mesa confurcr:es, tD be of
l.'t<>iS'.~--.c.c to )i!eg. So when I gN in Los A'lgEie 0 I ga"e her a calL ,r_:ro.Juc;:d my !!elf, satd tl:at the fu:ln-w
whu """' ir~ ch~e oflhi~ ;;tlff 1\....-t'' Food ;wd D~A<:.:ll1Fi;F4Wn u>h~ if be cancxu:ua any CO'JJ:1:$}' u
hdping you to g:t r:.ppmval oc ,.-nat hl!ve y<aL She;- >IDJ., "Well f cannot inlk to a:~y;, l bnve a tJnt:nwtwl
:Lo.mgement w!lh L;.,e ~E.T" (1\'>"urv El~<.-vtnc 1'1-erapy Gro~p) At :hal tmw \l'.('y were n:.m: the Jo!::n:l Wayne
Airport "But un.d..c the cecuru>lal1l'e>. v.e- can n:.ll a "'""tin g."

Well thi~ wu.'-. p~>, pr.e r-fth~ mostrnna:rkliN<.'-oectings I rmv~ ever ~tttmded 1r. my entire life.
At one end of the !able "a> the pnnc1pl.; in"<'Stor whv ,,: th1s tim<: lwt r;~ised aboul3~ mJllion dollhr.:! In
tk'<elop :h~ "BI"c"- B,x Bram Tune:(' , .. -;:h.; neurd dte!!\:ltheftlpy device. Thew w~re three or the staff
'""ienti,;t~ aT'd lhe pr~s1dent vf lh~ t1nrmciai '-'Vlllpull} called TLC. A very bOO ~gy, Ihe tmddk woN. was
kverO-;:;e, l tl1ink ;t wa;; I umer Leverage Corpoftltion, it had nothing !0 do with tt"''\lcr :ovmg car&. \1eg had
been bmughttothJS compuny m ,.!,ugu~l of 19Sl to- develop ilie devJCe, whkh had be<m boil! f<.1t' her by

Sha<.lkmun ln'\trumeili> iTJ E!lg)'illd.

The h1story of this i~ thai Meg Pmt~n;0n. wlule workmg ~~~ un abJI.l'ffiinal st..rgenn at the Tung Wa
Hosp1tal in Ho"g KmJg, had come acros5 Dr. Wen aud his use of eleetl\.-"-:lC".>pU11cture tbr anesthesia. Dr. Wen
hud dianvere-d. quite ac~denmlly. thnt lllal:l}' of his patiems were on heliJin. At lhl~ ume 1970~ 1972. a $500
a day hahn in the United St~>tes wouJ() ~o~t le~~ than a pack of dgarettes in Hong K<Jilg. And ahoutlO% of
the gro~s populallon thai wnuld go tl10ugh lh~ Tung Wu Ho~p1tul i11 H<mg Knng were heroin addicll;_ So
dning hundreds of Mugcrk~ ~month. a c.ertlrin pen:e~ of these people who were herom addicts beg;m to
report, "l'rn not fr-dmg any dl'lUlmfhrt. f don't huvo withdmwal pam;;_ I seem to have an altered state." They
woulo go back ou the street after surgery, gd a fix from the!r ci'!UHI mother' aod find thnt the fix had"~''
given ti:t~m tile !\llli.W cffeer. 11mre were a m.nrll::><:r of fights bccau...e they thmtht tf.e1r herom w.a.s bei!!f cur,

, but !1 was a ve;:y io.tcr-~stmg political 'iitl.tillion.

The Addktliin Withdrawal Process

&1, Dr. Wen <.Ld what au;- cool seievtistwm.!ld do. he bcga.t:l dain;rat ~tudles. 1\.-iega r;<C:;. rn d1gne>~
[<>t .1 momcntht.'e and wy :hat herou :Jt op.w.:es WI a das,~pi-.uR mPrpbiue. De:wm <lnd the nllrt!IX'r oft'te
syc:herics t!:hlt are ll1U!lHfal1md m tb<e phtL'TI!ACel.ltical b.O'.!S~mply ner!,ad the body's
prodndiou of ll~ <:::Kbrph~n. llcta~hlcrpt.m; ""~ diS<.'l'>er;;<! l!F>!Il'ul I975 a~ a p&tfikil!cr t1ar :be body
mam.. fuctur.s. It is aOOm l fJ;J rmn ;;s effuetive as mo..rphille as n pai.'lkille:. v,;-n~--. yuu t:t-m 't ha~e -it you get
t::Y:: !ikh;;:-s and puins. the Wi'bdnt; ,.], 6e ~t001a;;h {;;U!llp>, the nuu;eo, tht' ir.srnt-_:li~, ~1! bf bcsc ::.amble

wtnc;s :hat trend WJtllGmwa.L V en you giVe yPm body n:JUSive .:O;es, ur ~""" ;!l'llLl ::!Mes m ti:lc
beginning. of noy of tho opiarc~
(o>\':1 w: Jave roo rncd:,' So '
lxx1y is ill agony !'CCathC tlw;~
endorphm comes fnm en: ,;n;:k

_ part M 11\e brair :hat '>")'l>. 'hui:d mour;fl lr<L--.;rl:lttcr>.' 'i:np!y >aY' s.::mt
-, y<.LI gct off Gft!::e rub5tar..::e, ,~t-en Y"" 11) '- kick i: ::old r.rrkJy. the
'0 fa,:_,)t!5" '--"' the !rain .>mlply d:m 'I proioc_,_ x endorphins. LM wnrd
'"-'' :rru! nry1m: a-ftc mmph:-ne !t <imply n .'H rndcg<.:no:r;; Dr!lli

morphine. Abont five or six years ago there were some 40 kno"'n neuro-transmitters. scratonin being one of
the most famous. At this time there are over 2.000 that have been identified and they're still counting. So,
the brain is an exceedingly wmplex little factory. Remember the days m ~chool when they said, "Well
you're worth about five dollars, you've got DNo pounds of salt, :.ome potasslUm, some carbon, some
hydrogen." Try to buy a gram ofmterferon for under 8 to 10,000 dollar>. The body l'> far more complex than
thi~ set or chemJCals that we held so dear in grade :.chool.
What Dr. Wen did was to hook the rats on heroin, have 1\\o groups: one control and one active. He
would cut off the heads of the rat~ and run chromatography (electrophoresis chromatography) to find out
what some of these trace proteins were in the control and the sample. The control group, the rats that had
been hooked on heroin and suddenly cut off were pretty miserable rats. They showed that it took maybe a
week to three weeks before the ncurotransmmers WOOtld again reappear-the exact range of time that the
withdrawal symptoms occupy somebody coming off the narcotic. The rats taken off heroin cold turkey and
then with t\vo little dips ... were g1vcn clectro-stimulat10n around Ill hertz ... showed that within 40
minutes of the time that the voltage >vas applied, the brain's ability to produce it's own neuro-transm!ttCTs
had been rehabilitated and that Wlthm three to live day~ Jt had reached normal. [Editor's note: we do not
believe animal testing is necessary. We do not suprort ammal tcsting.J

The Politics of Health and Addictive Substances

Now the implications of this were rather stunmng. How many people do we have in this country who
are on valium--uppers. downers, legal narcotics that arc highly addictive. You probably remember that
during the American Civil War. when morphine was invented to replace some of the other opiates. they said,
"Oh, here we have a pain killer that is totally non-addictive."' They've said this about almost every other
drug that has seen the light of day. In fact, boys and girls, 1fit i...n't addictive they don't want to sell it. Did
you realize that thCTe is a 13.6 billion dollar legal phannaceutical trade in mood-altering drugs such as
valium? And that there is about a 20 billion dollar market from the same drug manufacturers in the Umted
State; that ~xported to Mexico where they do not have these pharmaceutical controls--prescnptions-1khJch
comes hack onto the streets of the United States? Jhat is close to 36 billion dollars a year at the reta1llevel.
Now nobody wants to interrupt thJS trade.
Tobacco is 4Yo times more addictive than herom. TI1is study was done here at the Veterans
Administratum Hospttal, Sepulvida, by Dr. Krobcr in 1974. It had been found that Gl's coming back from
Vietnam who had several habits--tobacco, hcrom. others, could be gotten off heroin within 72 hours to a
week. But 1! wa' almost Impossible to get them off of tobacco. So a study was done which established that
the withdrawal time on tobacco could nm up to two years. That it was 4~i' times more physically addictive
than hero1n-this lS hard core scientific data. Would you like to sec the American tobacco companies stop
paying tdxes'' The1r net IS around 27 billion dollars a year. These arc big dollars.
People a~k why the>e devices are not exactly legal in the United States. Well, getting back to the
story, we came to this conference table hoping to exchange some information. I passed along to Meg and the
rest of the people (who mu;t remmu nameless, but this JS thoroughly documented) the fact that Paul Tyler
"~"swilling to assist this group in
tting this device going. Now, since she had bc~n in this country, they
had nnsed 3Y. milium dollars to I d a prototype. At the time that I met with these people in February of
1983, not one deVIce had been b,
:Meg had b~cn in California since August of 981.

Revtse<:! November 2002

Page 68 ol86

So 1 asked them, "How;; Flllrpattmt stctw>?"' TCJ~y n:phed, "Well, .ve reah:zed Lu: auc: we pa!Ctl il
we 'v; grveu the MX-rrt a\\ay, ~" w1:1 pla:t -au tsing the s:ra:cyy uf caminuauc~ in part If y.;u.>. k110w whalth:.'l
~-in oth~~ wu:r& dw:; wcmhi cMtinue to mOCify !he pate:a1 a8 k>ng a~ pu;<o;ible witt C~XJtml.mtion
amcncimcnw so .w nut OJ gf't a patent. Ihnt me!l:C!t that Gey had no ;:>~;~::..t "'Veil w~E: IS :he ;;taiL~ C!fyour
prototype?" Agmn thoyrcspvnded, "WelL. we"re, yada, yada, yalla ... "I :hen ::.~ked, "Well are yon gobg to
scll ttlese devke~<r- Rc~pot1$C, "Ch, we drrn 't kr.\J\1>~ we thml<. wo:' n: going to lease them/' Next qu'-"'tJOn,
'Well hown:uJth'!" R1Y1f10nf;C, "Well-we 'II put a pnce tllg of about S50.00:J ol' e<1~h b<>x and the doc!At" w!ll
h-e oo rhc franchJSc agrCIA"IJGnl. They required to charge the penun $8.00(1 if he has no insurance for l 0 cluys
usc of the box $10.000 it' he h~ inounm~e coverage. 1 have the letter here that w~ut to th~ l'caneh!>ee!:. And
yet rhey had no boxc~. A numbe-r of people had bought temtory for thi, ine:ludmg W11liam Parker of the
Parker Ho!i~tlc Health Center unJ o1 number of other people that by this time I had meL They had been
~>romi;;ed delivery of the Brain T uJJGn; by December of 1981 and here we are imo ! 9R3 and not ouc box had
been delivet'C(L Some srmnge thing~ were happenmg here. And after listening tu th1:. for about nn hour, I wa~
prep~red. I had armed a bncfea;w_
l had <kvt<.'e~ wtw}! I had w;quixed. had snmggk'C: into the Urned States from the USSR. !rem
!'iill&nJ. from Gcrm~ny, fmm f:,,glaud. I stilt have tome oft~ese. We have lhe origmal de\ice; tlat 4ave;,ecn t.sOO by Dr 'Wet~ !!"! Huug Kvng, In olhct won:'.s !l>.(' cf tt.e Sllll~mmnlru.:rmnent devio.: tOM:
~e.g h;Jd used at the l't>iltlr,acqr; (;inics in England. So, rt turo.c.-:'_ tmt tha: *-~ tm~sm~ wrm are at thC> :::.':.Je
v.~ nut e\-en ;Jw&ret'!at lh;s tec!mol()gy was ()Wr a h<md!\'<'- years old _ . Clad b= :~;;;::d it: :h;:- So.viel Umon
fo: uvcr 20 y.;:,.ars ,.. anc td boon .ved '-'tl the e()utinont fur 15 yeurs ... JUj"j m Gn:at Hritam for 1J yea;!;.
They lho:>ght L"!at they h~d an onginal idea, wlucl'. Ullgbt ":lave tw.cr_ p3tcr.::a:;le. The'>C dzvio;:s ;;ook:
ab:sGiu:cly we.:: ih !x>oJt <f tht> rharmm.:eulical.-:'~-ug indlhl;y, the liqt:.or mdnS's>j. the Jobac;;Q iru:lu:ffi:y, the
drn:l<'""- ,..h, mab a g:eul de~! of nKJIK'j'. \lr In::~ ym, w~n1 \he p:-.:xrip:ion ':'t'fill::d, usuall>,' yo:: :ta~-e to pay
!he doctor o (u;, lf"fJi!!<la me::cy. Why an:: lhm.e cot bmog used, fur =mple, ill aico:mLcrelmbilitat:ou
Ia 1%9 :>orne friends. of mbc, :~::w ittc:ldi ... J diet: 'i m~..;l t!10 people nutill started re>c-:m:hl'lg thi~;
area---- had heard about the gen.erw ic:-m "cl<:-tro slti!p- tlm &M hcing \!rod m the Sov:cl timon for
ndd:H:ttoo ;md tilcnh<:i umlrnl. The gnvenunenl gave these f'C'Pk a l:lti uw.ney, rellt them w !he Soviet
Umoo, and they came hatk wrth one cf the urig;rml deVIce.<> tim! w.::n;wwd for "'clci'tro-fltep." l! seemed th:rt
ihe Sov:ets hru:l trouble with Oeuen:h who drnnk 100 much vudk.a And at !Ius boop1hl Ill Wadlingtun, which
n a hrmoc!:old wrud, lhey wne treatmg American Gew:rol4 .vho baJ !he lmhrt of 1oo ml)('Jl scctt:h, b:mrlxln
or gm. They brought !he devwe buck tr> the Unik'rl Stlh:>: m !i!C'C 196'1 cready I'I 1!} ;md hegnn usmg lt ill the
hr.>pital with addict;, Ws illle of the lll.!.>St fmicinatiug p..;yuhnpoUtie&l niOf'<M that Kille! ged <lunng the five
mrmfu> !hal I w::s nctuallyTel;<:8rchir, this datlL Tb.: CIA came ar.mnd and said, ''What aro }'OO do!:Jg"!" My
bends said, ~v.-i:::ll, w<: l-div" ih~ e:ectrook devioewinchJppStectiy n re:;tming >bn:t-ttmamemory loss~
"J"h:, CB. sud, ''Ynn can 'c de tha:_"

Tiw ;t:JO?!t: who ~ere -uc:.>rking l>U tfu: pmject were di~~;:d- They took tl:e Cev;cc 10 C"1'!danrl, Te:un
!0 fn~ \'er:~lmtrum~ (\:mqxu::;. ~ow v:~:u :nti1i~ the lligh-".ed:mology cquipmonL Vero builds skunk-w<rk
d,-,;icO% like s:.ari:iglu SVOJ!el>. viewer;;, b;gh tc~;:hru>logy m1c::ocomp!.!~en.. Tl".cy 're rme ()f the higb:mt
tt-~::-... gnvurnmcnt s,-,c-ret,"""'"'-, Jppliers m the world. The v-:o:: p:-csub:rt of t!:u~ ct>u:t;)a:xy ~p!it off and
fuunded a ~{)tparJ.tion calleC: "-.- -,:r..-ystel.m; lucorpomted A.nd bnrugh: cut11 h<..mufut htlle device, w:)kh
uutilnx:.::ully wa> the C~dilla~
:Je e:rtire field. a\mut tbe s:zc of a pack of o;.:_ r::cte> tirot absolutely cur::d
w:ldictiens. They t!lougb.t, "\\
-ere going w tave tmnkct> forthl>."Thcy n a g(>t FDA ;tpp;maL lt';



r'age 69 of B\5

b<"t<~ 14 Y<'ar;;. FDA grrnW.fa:tte~ th...'Ol ur.<kr So---ctxm s:oK of the- l976 Congre5lilllmllAct. They,
""H::y lfwt :takt ;his aroo:.;:xl ill dry farms, namely alcohDlic r::o'ul:rih1atioa =:e.'":>, there sl:mu,d he a

Ne-w m Cahfnmia a!,m~ there are a':l:om lWO Cozcu ----it's a big inrlu~;_ry He
kmx:kfti on OOoc:. and ;h\:I'Cuas r~ 1m!~ axc-pt_(l!lCe. finally, il kll;;w wtm had worked fur ooe of:lnose dry
f;urus told him ;he sxn:t He ta:d, "Yoll know if ~"nl<h;ldy G~lffiW m here who Jas g<JOC IIL~nmoe, we can
run t~p rbom a $9,Q:itl btll oo lai:o::atnry iests ,iJ;;ne ___ pa:hclvgy, ki<bcy ;est, ?!cod teTI. you name it. He ha:;
to he in hn't' for .>t l?<>m a wecl:. and a aalfhl :4 ilil;s bd"Ne we bt~Jk e<?en <m m:rtckv:isioo-<~.ivcrnsi::lg
!:mdgel al()I_)C, 11x fl(flillll gelS g;lo''JOC up_ . the f:;mily's hllflPY _ - lw gflffl !xv:kto '':o:i;__ 75% pftllem will
back& ide within six rn;mt!b. Ytru C<"ne ic hzte with ij .:ev1::e P:n~ will t<"l'!al!y -re;;;orc ;hem in five day~?
Why, w~: ;m; a fume !usc. we are hem to mak.rmnne-y for o;n ~fiCkhi>l:ler1;, z:cr outofhcr;:yoo bum."




Rcse!U'th en Addictions and th11 Brain Tum:r Teehulllogy

Sow fortuuotcly they had "Pffi! a grelri d~""'; pf !{h.>-:tey in ahrolutdy and totally doc:um:ntmg the
effe\lts of :hm ht1ln dc-.1ec. 1 hey f('l,(,-,d lhal 1t :xvased K\JfW\)C: !>YciMJil m t11rre to fwc days witt~ ct~ronie
ak'Oholu:;;. Tbi.; v;ofk WM

de,;,.~ Jt tlw Un>'''1iity

cfWJ&;{>IlSl" !111<:\hcal S:;hm,!, r,t the Lomkarc:> ).1edi:al

Cc!lege and at !lw Um>.:::r>ity of rzx:;"-. "low my af }'""' wha ,_., de-rrlt w'!h ;looholism ki1ow !hat il !1illll1ally
takes C!glltyeats for It,. shorHerm m~,~!'fll)<y to l:;.: fl,llito:~Jght t= vftvilll JhAineru::e The ;hmi~lcrm
menm.:y profile of llll nlcr;!;olie lliht.lulcly lllnpllnt~ the amglll!l: qf 0-;;gemrufion O:>e of the test'. IS fuc maze
}'CU have to gc thmugh a m;we witlwut liftiJg tlx:: !XTCil from thl' fllirt''- Tile ntt>!'<"s !he hclJ
scct!<)ll of the lest where you lmve to look a1 wonh nn I'll!! p11ge, then the page if mkcn I!Wf!J and ynn have to
remember It on suboo..JllC:'ll fX',!!l->S An aln>hqh:; wil! uYYl!!ly M~~Y-V ;1 pnfik uf almruu. toW irnlinlity lo pass
these two fuce!s In all of!hnr mih;e<:hl l drm 'I lib; to YJY ;tli, 11 ~ rather ''P<:Mit}\ 99%; of lhcm--~Jhcy ...-.:rrc
ahk .. wh~-rc !he;. had a bosdme nft;:hls , , fbr exlmlple. "1-ilere fue pc:mx1 had b<:f'r> !<Hid lege, bad taken
rim &nne or a :;imdar te-;; and hl\J bec--..lf!le an aknl><.>hc: fm 15 ;,reJn
wber, tbry lmd 1\l'i'=~ tn the migmal
r~" the tbnrt-tanu !U\.'1nor; wa~ tnlally rest(lre\l m five dnys ofu~ing !In& ht1lc box 40 mim:t:::> s day.
Nuv; th;:; 1s v.1W aud .,,,,_m<:Jerfui. All of!hn emerged durmg !<t-.m<: of lh rcscm-dt I i{IQ':! quitc a bit of tnne
m the lmHl:n:d llb;m-y dUClA, :.nmc tum: ai the Ma:riilibrary, !JS(" County. Some cl the pape:s,
parllc:ularly !lJe wmkctoue ill the 5o'fieJ Union tmd ill the Drienl, w~'n: oo1y ;wadable a1 fuenatOIJ.'ILme~l!cal
'"chive~ a! BdhN.dil, MJryb.nd. &!, llmve compiled " biliimgmphy-:1 isn't m tl:e fnml fomt---and IDlY of
yuu who are ht"'~lth prafp!uua!!ls nm get aroJ'j of1t I'm rtdl trymg to get 11 on the wortlprOOI!limr and
then,':; an .,.,;ph;s"_m ufmfommtiou ;u e!.."<.ltn:r-mcdt<:'lOC l:rtc!y, M nnyooc knows, and 1 n;.- Hn!pdn!e 1t. So,
evury wt'cl\ my fueu<h ~em! me m ka;t ll!10thcr Jozrn rdf.:rr:nces tm !!:ris partwular' .:>p!C. [See pnge 21 fw
the h>.bht;grlif>hJ.J

!<Jlt, ~

Nr>w it became li!'P"lf'CUI after flpenililll! a 1!-'111Jt deal of ':!1'\1 "'1!1' "Aeg !!'at -nolhmg wa~ gmng tt>
h1l;JPro in thi~ particular 'iec':'-'r She bad he~ C!:!,giu~ c!:m:e down w her li!tlehocxt oo Ferulcaf and 1 spenl
mauy ar> aftcmoon Wlth them api,lUlffig what! bad fmmd mdep<mdmltly-~cxplainmg the differ :nee
h-ttwnn D'llHiar:1 <-'lirrem and o:nrHact vu~, "'""'. fhc m:ly device Meg haC hrought tc Llis com:tr; wro ihe
P':lJrnl<!cnn. whid1 W<' were ah:c ,; rimmughly egt:u:moo:, ar:alyae aud do::umcuL Ah<:mt Clc toll:' of '.he
engmal SJny 'WllL_ma:r; !ape reul!Jer. 7ht is tim dc;;ce tlult w:.> usci! on Pctcr Towrw.:ud \l;!x;: X \lit~&
fll>"'" m '--'<!a ho;cpitd bed type.--- lmm ro the John Wayne Airport. He iud taken a :mrn;sivc dm;c u!:'hnrt>IU
t;,fm~ ~ lell L.mdun. e:r..ugr "-'
r him <;e tlli; -Smtes. H;: w;m alm:btcly gr.:eu ,.,,;~ ydmwv:hen tlwy t:.>uk
!um t>fftl::e pbu; __ when Meg
:hill device m:. hi& !:wad ., :.nd w:':hin Jbout --l t mlffiltes, uf co?me ail of
)'<>'<>< !nxe rem! tti.; sk-.:ry----<: ~ ;,E
epn.'lted i:J J'c:ntkow;e, ifs bcon repriGed ir< "'m' rcagariae, ho:> wa>
re<nhilllate::l---,afti'r n~ 'd spenl .l c:ue in >-ari<.Ju~ cl:ui~ amued the wcrld Pet : mvm:end ::llllilly g0'. off,

R!i'!siid f..:m..,----Eer 2JJ2

k:ckerl :he l!ahita:rn:l i~ r.ow happy, he,t}thy, e!ean, prod~.<emg agair ard <Ill vf ili1;. is h:oto:y. A~ any no::, they

wue- gelbg results wiU ttc rl~>rl~C m; primitive a~ 11 wa~ and ir began to ;:pp<;?;thatUc xunN'\('()Im:
therapy group, tfwll'la>.'lle\ group were not goinJ! w pmdu.c<: any;hinf\ Tl!ey W<:: <:!tl~cr umble N nnwJlmg
to do it. :'\imv tt;;s C:Qnkl !carl to a grea! cf s:petulat;oc; as ro who got :o "-iwm. wbclhcr !he Msfw Villi

lr!volvd or some oftl!e phannaceutn:al l'..onses or have ynll

.By :he way, Me.;( & reasan for not at;:ep:ing t1w go\'C.-runtn!'~ t::.ff'(lf ~L'lL~ 1hat ~he l'itntOO an e~"mr~ty
category. Paul had cooveyed to hct rha1 "Tf yQu will came in uud0r tiK gr-andfather d~lJI>W, 11 v.ill get yDu
approval by the l'DA. v,hkb will permit a111maJ and human cxpcrimtntation." Meg ah~nlutely aod wtally
<eft~~>~d to de tllis. She wantMd ~new :;stt.gory Jix neunrdcctric therapy. notrcc.lizlf,g that th!>. cotegfory t<ld
h0:111 pi':t'rr:pled by CbS, wluct Js Cran:al Ele:::ro S:inruhu;Jti and a lcrs; lis! of ger.~ric t~nrs. We tried to
0;plm11 ro l'.kg d!m ineq }!;~ t3cre at>? e>tdj <.ader 300 r:wcsugaton stilt woridng fiv the hmd and Drug
Adimm~trm:icn and !his is an accurate figure There me ovcr SO,{)()() dcvins awaiting thcirffiV>:7ligaUon and
:>ppmva\ ffyt>U haY! anol:het 5 tv 6 mil!IOO dt:Jl;r:, .:;)d tml yeaB to Wai! ~(Y(ll Jfwe g<'{ you B\ the frJill ;rf
d:e :m---t\'B cut going W 11y. IIH ~he ab~olutt!J motsWtl tim ~l:e wou!C mr co:nc ir undertbe grnndfw:hcr
d!moe ftn a TEP:S :mit Ailh<){;gh these dcvke' Ju a j!J"tet deal ::nt>rt !hru:o .my TENS um1, t:wy ~not make
claims for whut they acmally dP b~cause !llis w0uld put them in a new category. And J:bis mean~ humm:~ m1d
ammal ~~~ts. cettificamm, all of tlw research tint goeo on and on and on 'Hid take~ a ttemendous a:moum of




Su. 1 decide>:!, "Well :et's re>=h thi~ thing a httk bt: fur! and btmg out 4 hr,lX thi!l y,.j!f dt> ~orne
j,>QOd." V.bieh 1 61d.l gave a"""Y a number of\he,;c tQ frl\'lli$ m:td used them as gUJ.\1e.J pigs_ Tt worKed, uud
we fed it i~' va>tly superior w the $50.000 Phamuu:on device .... doctor~> have 1Ued the umt The hi~tory of
this i8 t!m! some doctor will buy Ofle unit and pas~ 11 aroood lift<' !hen tho; n.:.xf order will 00 for 3 or 4-, tLe
ncx: wi !I be for I0. :he next o~w "flll \),;, to:- a ooup;e of doZ<>:~. So, i:'~ 3 du::rut:.ghly !<:ted, >ia';Jle approa:t:l.
Tll:c'a no p:aee!m, wilcl1oaft. '" 'mayoe' ill i:. Tiw eum;,l ~tudie~ ln>.o ;xovol that.H w.m....~.
61/1 r.ov:, anodwr very inter;;i!ting Hrmg I;appencd. I1lcr!.; had been an nngong debate bemCI!ll
Roh~- 0 fkl:~rwho 'I' a~ Chit'fofOrthcrpeCi~ Surgery \tt th-: 5 ) = VA Hc:;ptal, li"J4 ~1uoect of his
Dr. AEdy HasS<Ot:, Coltu:1hi;~ Umversity, :::. lr> ,~ti~b. fu:c_"J11(.1C8 wnuld reh~jiJitate, re)U'\'Cnatc and grow

limbs bad. OTJ qmpm:sce>:lamiT!ltls. Okay, Bcckff Y.~M using .u;tuiilly anachc::d -ckctn.xl~> und puttmg current
dimrtly inW the ~ystcm. Now he and I have ~hared several coutCrence~ in CanuJa over the years. He's a
bnlhtmt ma~h<:'s rad:tcr h1ttc>. Ar ouc time he ha<J been noullllili.-:d for a Nobel Prin fo1 his work, but
bxaa'!C' h<::-wat a little out<:pllken, liL: sm:s.e of rhe tt~: c! cut Jffir:ily, he g.o: 1n erjoy a rr,1her early

.retire.!llffit He w<% also tp.:akxng am en the -:act !hat rh:; fllll"~l' lim:s were causing !!llduR d~>.sk"" uf iilue;;;.
here illite cnsb;lm Umted St.atci;_ Rut. he had a student mm:x!Amly Dassett who ha1 !nJdc .,. adenl<:.
wbeil has bee-to a.;<.:ep!ed by th.c n'!l;opeilk mairt~re-.un e!h~>:nl physiciJlll& A httk rn.gndic p~~ddk. wbicll i
put 1U'ar :he ncr.-Lcnu" fra.:::ur~ ,. '1wh, u:Ju;;es a cw:rent mto thalar<'<! b-y illductu:<t. New here w~ bne ':wll
scvarat~e appr,'~- We hav~ a 1tk vngomg d!llC<Js~..:m :ike Dr, S:lllk and Or
etiJer one of them without l!a"
them abt"J!utdy a~s:m:mate th~ )ther one.

This cti;;cu.;siou [Bcx:h

5ent tc Grea: Brifflir' t;1 tim:. o ,

~ilbm. Yoo

.;;m't get an,und

Rassett r~scarcJ. J he~m11e so hea!ed that soo flmdS w~e ll!un~rOO and
:l whllt v;as :~a11y _gong m The N<!Ults cf t. wac l'Cf'<'r:cd fur !he tlr;;t

'""'"''""'"""'"''~'''""''"'"''",--------------------------------------------------,p,,,,"ef~ J!8B

time pubhc!y at a cunference in Quebec last year by the principle investigator frum Cambndge_ A per<;on of
female penmas10n by the way, who finally located the secret frequency that was causing the tissue to
rejuvenate. In the case of a rat they would amputate an extremity and put on the electrode. The blood
seepage would indifferentiate, go to the area and start growing the tissue which had been there onginally, as
though there had been some type of architectural pattern that had restored the memory of the RNA, DNA
close to the site to reproduce the proper tissue. lt dtdn't turn into kidney tissue or bnun ttssue or testicles, it
mmcd into whatever happened to have been there before the amputauon.
In human beings. young children, they have gro"'n fingers back_ If you follow this-it is an extremely
dchcatc subject because they're not Sllppused to be doing th1s with human subjects. But when they get off
the conference, they will talk to you abo Lit what has actually been going on with this.
Now, they ran many, many, many animal srudies. They held a frequency constant and varied the
waveiOnn, they held a voltage constant and varied the frequency, and they held the voltage and frequency
constant and varied the pulse <epetition rate. One of the three magic numbeT~ wa~ pubhcly disclosed at this
conference a year ago last Augu:.t Ill Canada. It was very much unsuspe~'led. It was over 2 kilohertz. I can't,
well, 1 can give 11 to thi8 gruup----2.72 kilohertz. When that particular frequency was m the shotgun etl"ect of
the deV1ce, the limb re-grew_ When it was filtered out or when the slope of the curve was altered so !hat that
ti"equency was not predommant, it didn't grow. Now there are three other magic numb~rs, which caused the
rejuvenallon, the heahng, rap1d re->timulation of the neuro-transmitters. These were developed on another
government grant prugr.un and I am not at liberty to tell you what they are.

Beck's Brain Tuner Frequencies

But, they are in the little box that we built. We did very elaborate spectrum analysis work on al! of
the umts that we could beg, borrow or steal. These arc computer printouts, spectrum analy:.i; sheet>, of ove,two dozen bnun tuners ... We found the majority of these devices were hit or miss-they didn't have the
magic numbers but they had enough fairly rough hannonics. You know, it's so ridiculous for the people
selling these devices to claim certain frequency effects. How many engineers do we have here'? Well, you've
played around with radm ___ uh, frequency is a useful term only if you're deahng with coherent wavefOrms
such a~ a oinc wave_ lfyou have a square wave, by defmitton a square wave has an infimte number of odd
harmonics, right'' That's what a square wave is. So that means if you put a \0 H7 (hertz) square wa~e into
somebody, you have every other odd ham10nic of that from DC to light iftl pa~ses the system. Is that
correct'? So here arc people puttmg out square wave boxes that they say will tune from X number of hertz 10
X number of hertz and they're looking at the pulse repetition rates and confusing them wtth the frequencies.
1\o"' these are thmgs we find absolutely abhorrent, ... Well, we hope that in these years where more
and more people are talkwg about electronic medicine--which has to be the med1cme of the future--that
some of these basic mtseon~eptiuns will be clarified.
So we began exp~nmenting m earnest. Thank God 1 had access to an IQS '\1odd 401 Spee-i:rum
whKh is probably the n1:-st advanced thing that! could get my hands on for under S50,000 at
Hewlett Packard. And then we be 1n looking at these frequencies in earnest. We ehminated the need fur
ever tuning the dev1ce. Ho"' llllUI fyou are familiar with the AccuScope? I'm g_ing to use this as Wl
example. Terry F1shcr, hke there <f us. realized that perhaps the most innocent ,,eople with whom you can
deal a.-e med1cal doctors. And h~
re these two dials that have various frequen: settings, w1d the docton;

Rev1sed NDvember 2002

Page 72 of 86

vcry-;eldom read in~"nl::to::r;, S:J Jeny .:ame Jj) wiua :nar>:-eb~.e> idea. He .;;:ot s:nr.e 6~ o::~lort'd SX>':~h.
i!tck~ tnasking tape ru:id ~ut tittL d:Jts ;hat an:: rod and o.rauge ami grtren ami yel!ov- and pltte ilse dob
<l!l m~ dial. r.owwe Cllll tcll the doctor rua:-~3::! np theyelluw CDI wt:h 6e yellow dot il:lis mrule J:: a!IJ1l'$~
ithm proof 1Lid so :here \1/lTh :10 n~ to talk cf specific frcr;:.~e::teillli ... ~hich is ridiculow; w!Jcnyrm'rc
delllr-t with illlything t>thcr thanune WJVes., anyway. Yot: ;natdl the dnb. He would co::ne barkiWJ!lth~ hzr
!!1ld find that the dcvkc was s;iU set on the same doh as when he willk&1 oot of the nffice and It w;w
wmking fith:, So evcrybody+m: happy.
Ali nfllril. apm:rypln i3 nnw bemg repiaced hy hard <.6ence m these crlllfCfUitef l've artaruicd ll
numN<t tA'Ibcm.. racy say dcctr:icity :s me ttnng which IJlJkffi? you bette, e1c., elK. Al any 11.l1:e this 'Nlb lht
fk!iltltJl ;;late of nffall$ in 1llR3 when; lor nf people who did 1101 krEW the <.hffcr~ Mtvicm frequency
anJ pabe rtpetitK>n mtc arui had never hem! ofh~terodyr>01 ar.d l:armocJcs. wer< lw'>l; ing l0t !he Holy
Grail Ttc way tbcy OOI'lr.aUy did th!~ t!hly put thp OOx Lr, the dnpe addtct and ~~ "i:l!lhl jtw jn&glt: n dial
t:t.-'!d S:lj', How docs !his feeL ~w dcm; tins fed. how does !his feel"' Jt Wl!S a fairly emp1rit:al proxss. How
&.:my ofycu read ill~ Orrmi ar:ick in Ja:-.m.:-j lci8J'f Y;:u rcn1ioe theu lhatthc mai,, ;Cctet ofmakiLg till:
fetiot'_ bt-:ltl w~ to t\viddl;:: the kr_t>j bc3lill.* at ~l:o~ une It~} did r.ol kr.ov; what the frcq!.ll'rt>b \\\'tt, fl
hlls kerr fulrly well estabiishro 1urt tOO; (II';: snmu,;..:ed wito ;-. ;m1Si:o '"llpeU1(rt we of
b~t'l+\'~n <:.J a:1d lll hertz.,. Tl:.e e::.loc:Wlmr_ini!'i (11 an.>und 4 lle:tt, :be Cilk:epllallril. at arothet nurt1her, dt.,
tiC. -:;:-h.;.; wock l:as Deen very ;vell doill!mrott:d and v~ry wrJI rcphcau:d by a numoer of s,:;'"rt!i fc
laboratories. So wl:at we- ck-etde-d 111 do in, n'-lr hm:, wa:! pu1 a:! frft!:!Cso frequende~ simulta,.wc~>ly. Nm..
MnC pcoplt: said, "Well, shonk!n't yon C.o 11.0.i then &notha and then anothe' "And -,n lutiled mt not to
be this way at all lfyoc. hav;: al-L Q .:;ircnil yoa ,'ilJ1 pu! wh!k- noJ.Sr into It and ring the t'iltert, r-.ght'1 And
th~ brain is an exceedingly Hi 0 tirC'Uit It appe:~r~ In h:wc a Q m errtaru of th;; neurund constmcts of
around },000. Which 1> runazingly high_

What is Q? Q 1s thr llgc~re ofment. Q mean-, the band pr.;s versus the energy required. A crystal set
will get all the radio statwn<> in the urN~~ ()nee. A super her&rmlyne or TRf will get narrower and narrower
lnnd\~idth.lfyon hav~ a tnple or dm1ble conv~rmon ,;uper heterodyne, yo-~ can separate t\-V(l stall<>ns that are
"'iL'lin a kilohertz of each -other, The difftTtm~~ between thMe i~ the Q oftbe cirC'Jit. "-ll!eh i~ tuning t0 the
signal. The higher the Q ilic lowcr the band pasfl, the lei\s th(' !lltCrf('r<:r..:e.
We t_.a-.e at ,,f!he frequ<"l(wt ,nnnhmwo'.lt!y. This _generate~ a ~ine wave of ten hem at milli- voits
and it require> about 25 \Vltfl m,nunum thr>;1:(11<] w ~mu!ate !},em_ \Ve usc a!l200 frequencies. 1,\'ould y<;>u
hh hl >.ee the !lfl<Xtnm analy~i~ A' thj,'! We p<:': t!Jem in bcodh;~. We think that some: phys!oloy ... fiX
;).>::hlllpl~ ar; old pcrsouJ:td ~ ~er:mn u:ight ;-w:-...: ~hght!y diih~rcnt frcqucncie;;. Se when we are h>t:mg
the b&a -endo:p::~ie~ w~ <:ente! i': Fvr example if tim jg the tur_ge! I'Teq~~,-,~:.\ """' p-J! oc~ cuang!J {!!l ea;h 01Ce
lif it ie :he~ thrc~ ntagc -ange,: <mvephai<N. ,_"tttCho'-:mur:e~ and heta-er.dnrphi:l'i. These seem w te the
IOOH m::uve kuu"><~m neurotrau.>nHllN< We've med a h1t nf;; o;ho':_gtlll approacl:: mstead uf a rifle. \\'hen 1\e
wurk the lower frcquenc.w:; for tho eJJX:dwhmine"' earl: nne of ilic:sc Qu;;tcrs sh<>w tac &Jrnullan<'mh
frequen:.:y spet:tnu:u by F&st fmmer Ttansfnrm ( FF1) ea;::h lllilh..'lecomL ln each o!ll' tl:ousandt-.1! nf a s:<md,
this bwx!le "f energy 1$ ii!.ipp!i;;" "-> ;!;..: pmn!f Nn~~.- it\-'!:!."> rather difficult m du that beuru,se we had k' buy
mven;e Fmmer tru!J:;funn, filii! >JI \\lutfJnd:n:w::n!alf would recombine and !Je'"eNdy!l<'!n g~c "s <'"<actly
the ;;pec:trum that v.-c Wlll\ v !hlW a pn1m tll the ligh1arui yon have white 1,wu, you can JePilrute thirt
m!l! nxt nnmge, :rdlnv,\ green
.1e, :udign vinlet. You caureerunbllie tb= ..,nh :hret' h-~c calms to get
white, bill you h.tW Pl-'> in 1!

fmd 1t's rtm !i t:tmlr!u;>u

oolonk attillrt with a f~pe, if you IV' at a fil!m-e><.-mthmr,


'lll7Jl0011i)Jii1'lil,p,,,wr-----------------------------::;G(Ii' 1" o! G6

"'"" ,_
,.-,. ""'
"'"""'"' ''""""M'

c .,< >, *"'*''''-_;;_ F""'"'"""'<co;e,., ,._,,e


'"""'"'* ''-""" --~

------ ------ ------- --- ------- --------~'"'"'-'' -----------------







',i ' '






.,. '
' ,___







'" ' ,,


""" ''"

Fast Fourier Transfonn (FFT) Spectrum Analysis in the Frequency Domain of the original BT5
So we developed a :.y:.tem. We broke the price barrier, most of the umts on the market, sold for
$5,000 up. This Brain Tuner has everythmg that was necessary for the brain to rehabilitate it's own
production ofneuro-tran~mJtter~- In the meantime we had found about 200 pounds ofhtcrature-at least 1
have that many boxes full of Xerox matena\ that friend:. had :.ent me-literally cardboard cartons full. My
fihng ~y<;tem is abysmaL T'm ~"T)' neative----1 just pile it in boxe:. and hope I can find it later. Of the work
that had bee:n done absolutely estahlishJng that any :.tres:.-related syndrome~ and this is why the
p:.ychologi~ts hate th1s de~ice. The stress-related symptoms d1at are recognized are: insomnia, addiction,
anxiety and deprcss10n. That about 95% of the people who use these devices for a period of less than a
month, find compktc reversal ofthe-;e >}mptom:,_ And here the p<;ychologists that have been talking to them
for years at $50 to $75 an hour. The pharmacologists have been giving them mood-elevating, depressing and
altering drugs since the good old day~ ofMilltown and into the more elaborate pharmacology....
So narurally there wa~ a gr,e Jl deal of resistance to this type ofteehnology 'io ngbt now there's this
politlcal ha~sle happening over II 1ct that even the Carnegie Report, the ~tudy h~t~k at the rum of the
century, tried to damn all of the c mni~ med1cme that had been proven back m rl1c 1~90's to be highly
effective_ And you know who fur
I tho:.e :.tudies. It's very much like the Amen m Tobacco industry
saying that the lmk between lt1n~
cer and smokmg? There isn"t any. So we co i go on and on about this.
Basically that's what the device t
hat's how 1 started to do it [ hated to sec pc' .:- bcmg charged $1,000 a
and grew and grew_
day and the thing just grew and ~;

Rev1sed November2002

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;x:::t,::' ;fi;;f"



p"""""' "'""'""' " ""'""""' '"""" '"~




' !










Fast Fourier TrMsform (FFT)


Analys!$ 11'1 ttw Frequency tmmain of the Improved BT5pro

TENS Devices and the Putitics of Health

Appare>lily a n:'-'lllber ofTE~"S (;Jtanerm;. Elt.:ITD t.: e."'''e Stimubtirm) device~ like the Acq.;Silm and
Accu.<icvpe !ire bemg u.<ed in sports medicine. Bm they are lxlmcally be1ng u~ed to reheve pauL TENS llTHt~
have been ar(lll[)d for about lOO )'~ttr::;. \Vlwn Nom Shealey 8aw ill<> litlle devi<~ fhrm the tnrbcr .Wop lh1!

':!ad an inciuctinr wiland a !las~li;;htban(':!'y a"d a handle thatYQU roll up andd1u.~ yom back. IX' had
:lwt~ght t::lis .,...,_~a goud .dea Jrd lnvvgh: rm one nfth~ iiot tu.;::ni~tcrizOO TENS ..mih By the way, m.:res
an mt..'!'esllng rto<y. 1he St.:mlev:. ( OOlfl'llllY wa~ purdused by Johmon & Jchrsm. l'm SUft' yout\'i a' of U;;gaHtm th:.t c;,me down. And a few yeaN agn. the president cf St:mtceh. to.ll J<.Jh.n:wn & k<imsnJL
xhKh iii 0:)1' of the lard">!St p1ll ' .. m.uf~"'l:UUT:N in the 1Jmted States. tlwy make 1:; leiK!I, Sup::r l)'tencl ar.d
w!:mt havK yi:'u.., ..l:-_rndred;; oi c r produ<ots. They li:d~ them to court saybg, "_"'tt' .e !<4ppretH4 thi:i


Paq di Q11lS

TI:ey won. 'I1w )1ldge smd, "!n J(J yems orr the ben;;h. I tww; e<~ s.xm a Ul<)!:'e flagcmt HGhlllOtl of
trust" (d:us v.ta; rezmrtrrl m a number of magazine artidcs.) Johnsmt & Johnsen appealed !he I 30 millioo
dvl:m- wd!,.~l agnmil Jobnron & JOlmsoo and lOll! :he appat Tiv: invC~ttmi' of tlw Stcmtecll ""iliclJ n
onh one ofnmyb;;
or 10 ITNS rntF:>, then got back lu moo.~ Tilt: Jmig~ponled cut !tat it wal't to lhe
?;.i''llllbge <if J"llllS.:>t! & Johns.m tu have Hlythmg tu n:'Jeve pain iftl:x:y W<:te
lh~ busice>~~ of telling
TyleaJL Sv thai's r, Jlli!rtrOfP'JbEe nocord tl:ar :he drug <:ompr.:lieJ try tc ,up;!!'CS.'i lth type of recl!nology_
Thai. ww. a pr~tty big law~;.'it-n
maili: a kt of~riiln~>-



TI:at':> typical,, y.a: scewcr;) n~t dealmg wi:h a ,;denHI'ieproJ!em witt. :hi;; type of
irn;!nmwnlation, we'!' dcalmg with a socKJ,pobti~al-erormmio,; jlT(Jb1wt'. Th~ governmeo:li un one hand
scb>idizes the tobw:co growets and en the other hand ~y~ )'NihuV.: tCl put a warning on !he package>. But
the t(bacGo (lfO"Vert generate sc much tax revenue that they're m thl,, double biud,
Tim, thing is a political problem not a scientific en~. 1l1e 5m:ne thmg N haj'lpcning with the new
emergillg dNt:l:'Ollit medical dcvR'CS. Gcrl::ct!lel}' ha~ oome u:the mo~i iUllJ7>ng thitlg~. th.: Mora Unityou're fam1lilll' wich rha: _ tne Den:1a:ron. T!'.tose 1:1ing:.; do ah:nost p:Jy~h!C dJJgtJofliic Wtlrk. And yct they" m
tt1taLy rnulawOO in :his Wllnt:ry. Andr.::as ha> to smugr;lc !)esc things in~!l thet:n ~_grirulmral teHing

Shmdd we charge rruore m!)Iley'! We"" bad nne Ct>IDf>hUr.C frn:n a llUrnbe!- uf prvfes~ional nocn. Th..."'Y
;;ay "Fot aoos 1hke, take that thing and put rt in a g;ea:, b;g 00-.:, pul" lm of dials Jr.d bells ;mf! whi~tlcs
lind hglrtemrtl:mg <l>nde~ and swit:h~ "" rt, nil of;dm;b wm.;ld ba dammy im:ideofuily, :md chnrgc five or
si~ t!'!ml&l.OO tfuilan fer it Then people w.ll hav: i\l;th in L" And ; :>icy well thnt's t.TimmaL" Bnt anyw<~y
tbn: \my philNmphy_

Early Research studies

Okily, the results cft':lis. ""drug arli':m:>: were gc:.T&l00 in !he US several years OCfo:x Meg learned
about the J,,~,:,,; ir_ Hong Ko:1g And the Wl>t .!f~F'hiT~ ~n 6i& '''af. funded ;ry t;,e ~euro Sysa'Tlli <,;mup in
G;:.r\imd TeJ-:as. How many ofy;:m havct.card cf the':(;UtiYe Mo::Jkey stwl;,- Trris ,.=;;: wa> funCcC by the
{'\:opl~ brought Li:m -,ox out onginaEy m J()70 Tni& u before D::. WCil had his r;eroml!pity, hi&
at-tHlCill&l dtscovery, with th~ heroin addkw m Hong Kong.1 da.ln'coeahro yon cmtld give monkeys ukerli.
BLd v.hOit they had done was to aggravate them enough 10 where they had ukers and put the device en their
iiCilf!Uttcrurc points. They found that within about t:hree days they had reversed the pH. the add tty, and the
mnnkl'ys got bcttcr-thc control grm1p. AU of this wcrk had been thoroughly done long before till\ curr~mt
;;ra of rc-sllmulatio.'l of ilcc:rcst. The rat studic5 had been done boih in San Francisco and m Hong Ken g. ThiC
chnJmru:ography had O~CCJ drmc here in tnr Uuhcd St:ttcs, ;;o n wa> w~ll contr(lHed
Like ~l:k---::tonic- mOO!c-me, ,.Jh:ro w~ were looking~: patcrus. we a p<~tent ir' : ~'B shQwmg a
fdlov. witi) clcr:trodt\i !x-b:nd bn r~~ Okay, IIN3, ?cfore Ll:.e Harri;;oo ,-\.:;t. same .:'.U ~mne yoa:s hofore the
Hlltriso:t Act )'eu ccdd go inw .;:uy dmgstnro .:md bu-; morpl:ine sulf-.rte M_"liliers -.;vho>o bllbC!l cnc< co;>IJ
buy 'llmpk soothiug >yrup, whmh was sugar and mo:phiru:. She d gwe a tcaspO<m t0 the baby and the lmby
WDuldnt cry :mymorc. Tiwro wcn- qui!: n fu-,. m.klicts. The srnff""'s leg;U. there Wliii ""centro~ 1 mean
marijuana \\'aS legal After J:tw A<' 1 mmlber of people who were nymg tv g.;t off fui~ had furgotrtm thl!l
Jround tS<mwehad a bdl of o k mrc addk!:i m lhis coontry. 1be wti<IWJ who vax roltg;owl were sipping
mnic whJC:t W:tS about 200 prnnf ohd for :h:;ir JwaJtl:, takmg bittru ;m what a\ tynu In other w<.',
WIC had about tile snme addl~tkt
.-1. And tili& wurk had been expmdalwu: \ :.;: ~5 yea:s ago and fuen
agait: supp~ t>y what we fut
tt:e ruling cia;;;;; ufthe tWaro>, !he pbarmoo' i:.(ld t:.C p:::ople


Rev1sed November 2002

Pcigc i6 or 86

for n:nl:mg you better_ _ Fisher, no reklllnn to Jerry, hud <lrnw tl:i;; work in (9'\2 and
19-35 and h;J 1 ;mmbcr llfputenm. Rememb;;r\he Fisher lnrtrument Company that W3S tna.ku-gdm;n:ical
stimu.!atmg devices back 40 yerus crso. Okay, th.m oecn in the Me;.uu:re, they haC explored in g<cal
dept}> rhe wa.vt fOllllS, :he tfeq:m:wies, :he appbcllfi::m mode~ ao-.J wtu:.lmv~-you.
to take your money

Bob .Becks Early Research

Tl:lere ';;a replica nflhe work I Jid '" 197lltl J %9 I l>;.;gau buJdu,g ciliieill b10teedh;;ck
cqmpnwut-TIIK.C Braill"1FeAmplificrs. I had one foot (>"i eac:t banana pwl, J had bern a l'ticn!W. .md I am
r>w a kovk, so we sort af ;!"acid!~ t:l1s chawn. So I luvc IO.Jght b,feedbad eLls= al UCLA, USC
Vilanma Uriv~n;ily nflhwail, S:Mt.. And whrni "'"'~doing tin~ ihr hc::alth rm:~!or!!ls, I abo badu;;~e"C&.i
tn lhe p~ych;c nndagrilur-d. In !1mvl1i1 1 wu~ able to make brainw,.ve recardings oftme oflhe !lr-ec:: hvmg
-:>ioodline P<.1lyne<nm Kahuna~ I "<11:l aEe to make b:11inwave EEG rec<.m!JBJ,!~ ofl-.eximn::iM<'tii hke Jclm Ott
in Llll:'!;,J;ter Coun~~nn ndatlon to the felluw 1vho d!C the"''"" on hghl and colmrr. J hliYe "ork~d with
Amcn;-;m ln:lian mOOieinc m~n. I've wutkNI w1th K5thryn Col<':man before she died. And i'ht lct me nm a
llltlc telc::rnctry test Wh('ll $he was; knocking thet:~ do\\TI a1 !he Auditomnn. We founC almost
mvanah!; Liu.t when ihc.y were in :hdr working: s1ate----WhKil w;v,.o:.!y a few se-ernJds--yrru re hett you gor
the mfnrmab.m you come hat;k, yoo can talk aboot li for hM:n.. l\', a fu!ih, in the r.vkkling of"'"l eye. :h~y
were :~howmg about a 7.83 hertz, iilmO!\t pure ooltcft:nt maybe 20 mitrovolt sigm: fwnM,; to v~dpitlll
w..J<:ilim:. That's bct>.veen F 1 auU F:! in the standcd :v>menehture system W halfwa;- bf:twee.n !) 1 aud (12 if
ym:"re an encepilal'-'~- In othe: word<. th<> third c.,YL ... whkh :.hf!'l't wt-cle bruin alpha_ Over and <WN
again we filUNi !heoe frequcnci~~ in people \\-Jth remar:k~hk t:alcrl~h""kPi. rndionic> npemtoh, dow;cr::;,
'!ihatl:lllllS, Wllt& Uo<v1:o~-s., mystic,, goldon don, pr:esl' and p:rwste.\se>------lf they were auihente One of our
early ca~c; Will>, wdl r d bct:ar n menticu \he p::rron 's n;nue, an<? ifs a worl::! famous nac:te
But a~ aay rotc ~ vq;; utrigued. enmosh to \\Uilt t<J discover ttl: <:OUilllOU d~:nmmnator . yet ll<:D2c- (lf
rile~ pctSons 1'-'00.kl ~ak. tu tk o:hets_ Kathryn Cnlana-n thought !twa;; thr tl!Md ()fthe lamb that ChriH
had died iilr your sin Mid t:-at's lht ::mly way to go _ and "f!me of the Amtrkan lndiilll medidne moo
th::mght i; was m the sacred c=rwat me gourds ant m: femhcrs.1furnis il:!ld Leon<: 'li\d cer.ain stone~ mat
were 1lc d""d~ing pla;x: ofthe anc~stral spmK WelL Kathty" w(>uld ihiuk tillv W% h<>mhl:fl ;md Marms
v.-oul::! absolUU>Cy laugh 11t a ii;ll<>w- in a ham ill Larn:asterCouNy we:tring a blaek :-mr rctwwn ml'iuight ~nd
dawn drawing ~hexm1 ,;,gm!ls ;o h-les> lTJ: !xu:.H. So al\e~ '<'t'd Jeen it euuugh lime~;, 1 devdoped very
:;.nmitr.:e magnt<.mncters, wt_,:::;, I ;teillo Ihe gc.,emment for anh u"!;moarine warfuro, ~hal would detect !hi~
carth icnosphere <:avity ~csona-.-,.;e. And ir_ a few

::33cs~nm ~nougi:> 1<::

m;\ke a ootid sc.entific



ell.o"gh to be m.trnmely iruc:re~l 111g l!flwdoial!y--we lmmd that ilwre v"'m pht!$elock ___ iffq'J<:":I~')'.
amplitude, etc. betweenlliJt persnn's EEG ~igr:aturc and !ho eurtbs brrmwnvc- :'!selL ~ow ttm; was tt=~>>.
''11"U'i I r.:p.mcri on lt in :;r:;, w-td then did t1 rtm-e formal paper in 1977.
We'd milet you learn

w enter alttrOO. m.:es !htOllf':l EEG bofeedbaclt in:mood <.~fhavin;; it dow: til

you_ I teuh. etas><.> back eaK N.\.:;Hiooally. whae rhcy hav? a I'H.<tnh<:r ~f per1p!e v;.to gee mt<1 !his stiw: "~t'Y


f'"'!" II of Bo

The Mind as a Hologram

What does tlw:i .!.lle3ll? 1t me:m5 tbllt sume people wrth r$mlrkahk ta!t:utt, Ull!} be one in <.!Jhl
tlwusarul are sens:tive enoogh tu rune to this cm,mu; dod< Wheu futJ sy:U'Inuu:t.e t!:w1r bnu!l\>'ll\t witil
thH mgn.d, they cau lll:n= infunuatiC!l. in tile OOhlgram, which u. nnrnully nnr ru:measfulc exwpt in J!l
llltN~d s~.&~:e c:f cuUs.:IVI.!!ille5S. If we take a hdogram mth hehum.neoo lffllX lightwbtch happm~ L> be 632.b
l!<~fi\Ht>eiXr$ mid try to play thathologr:nn bock: wi:h a C&l'bondioxi<k la,er nr anything clw. \Ve've gct
gxdmg~. Th<!'t hnlugrlllll. at least in the old faslllu.1.l syg;:m not th~ ,b;homa!<::>, must be played bm:k m
!hut ~pocdk\cngth ufli;;ht. lfir docsr.'ty()ll ga~bl~ tt~ !mage. Jlu: jpl~>grupbk mmd . ....Vitti w&S very
hut scvcti~l years ago as a wpv.: uf wrrvcrsllti0.1 .. , llav;d D<llm, oi<Jvur~e th!:i m his !ltoory, aad C.ffi
P"thrnm lh:mght it ..-as a g<>llC idea and gm on boilro

ft i~ mcv. fairly :;mam tb:u the mfm! J> a hologra::u, if a(lslwlogmp:~il4lly Tfyou OJt a pJ.:';Ute in half

if )'\lt. Gl..i half cf yc\1! \rain ou.L lik~ v.-c had a

ll(ll)lb:;r ol'hydroer.cephahte>. that hod a brain .Jbout rht size of a grape and we htld vekrnns cm::~iug back
from Kot~ll, 'hctnmn, World Wa J am12, that had 9\J'h ofthdr hram missmg, They hadn't forg_<:Jrtcr! 90% of
t:1e'x fannly-the; h.J.d remembered every sillzle pW$01'1. lt wa:.n:r us though yo11 had thmwn ha1fofthe
infonnation a".'JY. So, Ihat suggested :hat tlw hmm wa> proces.dnz mfurmution like a lfyou break
thllt holc>gram mto ~maHer and srnJller pi~c~>, )'<lU ,;t1ll have th~ whole picture b>Jt in le~~ debil. But you
~an't ~e~ that ptclure unless you have thm spectfk c>:.<.'ltation froquency of, m the ca.~~ ofhdium, neon,
wluch ~~the most commmJ, l"t'jllays that inhwmation. So as a metaphor on1y, if the per~\m ha> by dcm of
medt!alirm, rehgious praetkr., t:akiug s=d mu"hrooms or whatever, the peNm does manage to illt that
frequem:y in h1s brainwavo.> patkrn_, it s~em" (<> make hlm more ruucuable to a!\ of this information.
w:;d W_row half of it away. you e lohi h;;lfrh~ d~:u. Bu:

N-ow Ens c' iciterestillg bctmhe tf uuc hmin, (H!f mmd, l$ a hologram and if you a'l\.1 you and you arc
exmmg b:reriglct nrr;, ;ro:(re a part Df Jt. Vr'r1ch mean~ t'1Jt ,(you <:till a.xcss whii: is in your mmd,
qmmtu;n pby,ic~ s::y' there's nu rca>un l'lby y&; can't [1(:(;:'% the wlmk thing. Thou art that. You ar~ iu trJe
universe, ::he u11i'~~ i~ .n /'PU. Y.Ju am G:1d. ',\'hak:<er it fhrnu:H:):'! is t.c: tl:ere you ha'-'" JUS! a :ink bttt:y
fh::e of <1, i: 1~n , flS ;;l".arp, il i:;;n '( a~ high :VA<llu!Joo as ~ryou Wct' evcrybc-Cy at the ~ :anc !mt you c;t,'l
ok :!, Any ~:,::.:nan tf pet'llt'>:l w!'w ',; und~;-g011e Jny k1:ld 11f n:ytm::\1 discipline , , . can ,:,monsuak: iliis ... $;;>
what tbl mean.~ tc us is t!wt maybe lh:.t mao~ num&;;r 'l.llJ hertz is 1hc pi~~ w the ai;Jh&-:hcta bcrdfr,~>.lplm if 1\'~t':'i 1:l t<> a1:v>uL, they us(ld t<l .uy !4, we thlW aay uv, tT;;;ausc tirt:te's a l.:lf!pu m rhe gap. Them is
asUJ.Ily <~<ms.if.<:r<Yl tv lx-4 4l 7, Sc Sot 7Js3 u; ri)1t Jlicre ottht bi-pllasx boNer betwem :he alpha-theta,
We '"e kn<tl-l-11 10r yeats lhat illcta m13ht hz !he a:tCl.\ we llC'.X:SS .:reatiity, Yn-' Te(;Uil tha: Them~
EdiHm. Bcrna:rd Bcm<k. many JXCPk\ would take a lmk caruap when !hey were &almg "With a ;mrtiruhu:
knclty problem. They would ~y. ! will have !be t:U'l\\tt .vhtn J Wilk;; Jj)" ru;d 11saally ~y woolct, The
reasoo fo-r thaUlidn't cmcrz unhl mutiy, tn&l!y yctiN afl:tt the ili.'1.Uil of these peuple who had lxcn W>il.l tlwi

Anumbcrofu;; 1JIJC fuls EXl:t:nlqUC today. Jt was rle!lklnstrmud ilia: w!ren you gp to ~tccp, the
hyprmgngie ~\3\f ~;oing ilu.>n w~hH'IS to 'llctepbg, tM: h.yj!nupt>mp:c ooming up fwm ~Jeep Ul nm1ml
I'OOodOU\f'..5S ... Yt>ll pa:s:l throJth thn iilpbiAheta border and tlnrt might be whe-royou ac(t5S me
tnformail<'l txt<l'l1l:ll to )'()trt iiw n : tv0JS !')'*lctn Now. yon can ~" !ill a._-gt;:nent ,..,., th:.:;,l':u: great ideas
,;,>Wll fun:u~;h hmory from ili;: u r.:w~ of .:aK-t:Jus tCt inven:ID:n c: n;any oiher thll!)'- hi:iw ~rOO
shnultaneccsly at :~laces all twe,'
plm:et. So that mear.s that mayb<' lli.,en Sh drake- ti> nz!::-u~: ~here
h a mo:phogcucu.: frcld and th~
yile tbs IS the l:cJt way tc Hccess tht~

Nl"~< ~t;ing

::>ack h, "\Vlm: does thl8




be stuuu!ated with smaJ


hat wa~ hwught in from Genn~ny ThiS is t1:w Vil>lWctunit that many of the
l!llportant {J<Ooplc in Germany have to w~llf \wcauHc it re-~yncln'onizes the left 1Ul-d nght hemi>phere firing .
with thlt lmlc Jwgnetic p~ setter ... when they're fi.> partiClllllr!y dn.tres>ed b~<.:m.>se they're doilef !O
the l:.ustcrn lwu Curtam nan~mi;ters th:m we- are. Th15 'wrk l:a<. alsc btenJmw by Delgado who!:Jarl :u
leave the UmveNJiy of :'lew Me:uro and 1!0 w Sp&in bxaus.: In,; work wa:> w wntrrv~1;;ial. It\ bten dor
by Rut.SAiict t/ hit VA lt:ospital ootl'J'rt m Urma Linda. It has be.:nrephcateC by >1..\IY number of pecpk
bmh itt ;he open li!i.""taure and in the !ttli::lligence oonmnmity 113 a fooL Your brain can be 5tmulattd :n go
illlO thciw tmrtln:lu ~ ... Sc, mstcJd or d btrng witthcrnft, this is zmeJ"!!ln;t as lhe medicine, the
Wt1%Wtl~ of the futw~: lnstead of dtnp{:bg ocid to alter <Arrrcio\lhl!CES, dltll: ;w;; fill' more beuigu "''ays
'Stil!ators. I brOiighl

thi~ u~e

Well, 1 weWrl ray !!::at >zi.-::Jl.:;e an;; rchgion are 0.:1 a colllliit<l c-0:mG if they !wen': collided ~lang
:imc ago. ! wotdd say tha: wt n:~w lll!\t ll<:tet:<fic proof :hat m!l!l, a.~ a ~ioco<mic 1'\:..'li!fl~"Wf i~ tn.:wcndnus1y
s~rtSltivc tv

these very small stimuli_ "The~ arc three to five hundre-d -papers on thh; 4lpic in t.lJe hard-c:lte
sdeutit1c Htcmlum. Now if you choos~ (('challenge me on that figure l will take y(oU I 0 to l in a bet. lfs an
exp!o;;wn of it:f<lrmmion! Years agu we were a piece of meat. Today, w<' ilte a flnely-tutwd m,;trume!'rl that
can actCil$ illfJrmntxm edericr ll' m1r~el~e" and de somet;Hng with it-'JriU, it bttcl:. r m h>l:J ahem J W;;
whe:1 BOO :V1nnn>c gave::. d::mr:nstra~._,,._ fur :h;:: CIA andb: was cl>_alle:1ged wl.m;e llt~ hm!y This
happ.;;;cd in Mal)l.trd ift gel the story ~tnugl:l frum fr_e r_awl office t:f sutfax weapaMy that fT!msmcd Jt.
That's !he t\unk work;; bru::k lhere m Wble Onki, Mmylimd. Bcb ac-tually v.ent l<l fue <btmt site, g<lt into
the saf,.;. _read ihe dJU ii!ld Clll"ll<: bad::_ II Wll~ !at Vcttf,eJ oo a doubk blind ksL Hall dlt JY'AiJ'fe m thai
nmm gt>l JP 1nd ,;aid, "Gee that's ir:'.e:re->tmg-1 'l.-ooricr 1l0W ::.c dirilL !t has W be~ l..!lld of .t rri~\._" Ar:d
t::-K'I: wet: uncJr.\\:ar>u~ about it b:~- Th~ei.- <'l41ity st:rcture could r:ot adn-il th~:, da:t!m it. th& S<!viei!' l:a.-e
been d~Xr.g ll'l1> tbr a long time and ohere are some ?:x>pk ov'<l!" !'.e.-e thatane m'! tr.p tf 11. l':'s the '-ta!lenge tc
your bclids!tuclnre thm stopt ... we!! we could ou foreY~. Ouc of the irnpllca!iO!l~ oftb~ is thm ""'have
new technology for euhMdng comocious11e"s rapidly, safdy, right now, with no side effectr.----that w0rk5 lOr
at !cast 30% of the pv;mlahon. The brain tUilers work for W:lt>ut 95%, the mag;llclie ~nmulahon r;)f nnly
aboc: ;:me th~rd. S(' that 1~ ~no mtans perl(,tted. But at !1.:-1)' n:t~ th!S has been r=rdlcd fi>f aM\It 2Pyean;
and 11 work$


Placement of the Electrodes

Jhc cl~ g~J lx:h:nd tl1.:: cars. You might wa:~! to know how this happene<:i. Trnditioually lb.e
pJim for sumu!at:ice f1X" e1ee!w-acupunrture for rer:aiu types of ~m-g:ery l:l .1-:6, which is in 6:: ~rn:. De 3.P'"~
!hafs call~ tl:e !::~an lung pt:<nlm da~hlCa: acup1111<.1:ue. DL \Vt:n wa~ m~er!ir.g numbcr 30 nceCJ.~s. 1 thmk
It wr.s 3 tenths Jf !> millimc!er hC\lath th-t ~mface uft!lc ~khat a 30 ..:~gree oi:'<gle. An::! he wao Ftling-th:is
JS at: m the openlw:rnt~il}.J:or dip$ to Jhe>-e reedit::. Meg Paiter>l<">n tOnnd a spot on the mastilld
pro:::c-ss rigt: up tcre dt Jhe tap uf the miL mi:!g external d~ctnxb, nv-f p\:'.,.,:t-iltmg che ,;kt:'<, no blood am!
gms, tha: WW> just as cft:X:nve. The neun1-:.y:;tcrrn; peupl~ in <i.mng a ~~ud:r, (:mr.d tUat by fur!b: = t
d:l,;xtive 1potis lhts llifie- l'>fllkiW l:tehind :00 lY~G the temp:;Tal wtmdibular!frifll Thl~ aceesc;e,; vari:ms
tcupm:eture poin!s en wtar o enlled tht tri:pi.e wil:flllilr.

Jvct lt need b:> be pla::ed? With de::'Jtr-.ttcupll!lcturc, anywi:en: :.ctwe<:n a half am.!
three i)Uat!CN of 3\l mch Mil 1111!1 h;! lt INca<&:: the cun:::nt u; ;hffu:;,zit, Tae dectr01l5 being cflgbt dMrg~
Wtll &spt:t'lt :he t;ldy, WJ an;whe: e near t:!!>t li! effective.
HI' >I


H&w It Should


Wdl, yet: may ;l\lti;;e a:.:mg ifyw don't dean, Tht";e';;the nl I I!XIk a bath hvf01'C I came here but l
fed a httle ud ou my tkiu 11 's a nnHer uf wat.w1 <lf"J 1f yoo cle11n that """' w>ih a hule swtlb of ak:cllnlnnd
get good coota;;t, there is !l<) 11mg, it's a very plem;a:ut wrt vfbuumg :.runulatron.

Ycu ;my fud mere ;m nne ;;ide thill! the ether Moot pccpk will fed 11 differ~ in ~1imulu:; ""<me
side or the ether wd tn puwe \hat i!" s you and net the irnitrnm;:::rt, &'Imply !1Jru your he;od ull the way one way
and all thc "-'llY ~he othcr and YflU'U find tli4': tile locus will shift What you're g~>ttwg th<cre ~~ lhe (hiferenee
ofthe bm""'lectrc ::m1sde ll:n;im -plu,; or minu~ the AC nm:ung in oo tfw de,.wdes.
What m:unlitude ~~ neL"e~~ry? Yet ;urn Jt up ro ilie pciru wl:ere it's l:ms:..:~~!ly l.m(:Qmiin-mhl<'. tl!tn
h."'m rt down 10 .,.i:wm it',; c::mtfur::h'>!e. [n aboo; 1() you 'U find thatycu'U w;:cl:un~t ;md you'Uh;n-,._
to mm tt high;:::- mtd higher Your hcey builds up a ro!trnr..::t w iL

Length of a Session

there any ruesbo1d on ha;i::;g ytnrr ;-.e;_m.Hra.nfll:1i:ue.."l! l!li;nu;awJ> The ilihag~ .. all uf the

plateaus '"Ia,~ :~n r:otted by most offut wori::etA at btl!\\'ft)ll ZD and )fo mhN!C~. 4i! m:..1utes ;s reC lmc. ff
yoo g'-l 45 mmutc>;, t':tey xogin eommg d:>~~e'tl the mliti ~~de f>frh<: slrp.. Jt ~>.Dn': do any damage bt.\ you
Will und(l the booeilt\ S:>, we fiX'Omm~::ld !hat th~ &v1x b.;- mOO rJr only al:lom 20 to Jtl minutes a day
TuJ much <neCJcme is worse than uot cttough. 5<!. tt1 the ca~l" nf art aleohnht ! .; ::..110 DT's, bedndd.:n,
thrnwmg up. yoa kn"w really in ooc; ;;hap~-wc say :wo SC!{St0tK 4() minate~ i:'l the m<:>r::ting ruJd 40 m::.::rutes
~~ mght, ada). \\1wnthe per.wn L> ,ore or Jcso back wgetbet we 3ay iliM cut that iJock wn to 40 minutes
NJ(:<! a day. Th~t seems t" be enol

Page 3C &86

VilJat abo at site cffeds'' The mmt uuublcsill'tlC side citu:t ihJtLu 0=> noted al:ruosl: utlivcruilly 1~
tha: Ji ,timul:rte\ h.u.."ld dre:atnittg, ::tume peop!.e wtlo lliwc been stlut off from t!:tdnir.::;;ro:. lllf'O ..1 litde alarmed,
at firm,

lr it possible ll> n;p!a::t ;~r :tdilictirm will) an ndd;ctwn tn the Bmir Twter':Nn. We've had a probkm
\\lrth 11 f.J1K alcoholic-; who vre'vc gottcu oC''N;J.y 11 fifrb vf 'Wt<.+ a day. Alld h;:;o fuel "'I great~~: JWmd:ed
Wl:er th~y Wt:"JI ba~"k, drmki.I:Q!; mly t'<'\) fifth !I!~Cy go1 tile Siirne effect till: tl;e: ;>.Ould on (J!le. We beheve
that dli> 1s the dcafh '*'~h and 5m(e God gaw: tlJo<e l'""Pk fre~ will and tlmy' "~ .:ht)ocn to ;meoiheh7.e
themr.elve,,, that's their chcict _But lf they to k1<lk whatever it 1~, it "'0rk~ lr only w1lfko aOOul 4 5%
effectively with tobacco_ With Dr. Ehzabcth Long' work with lleroin, ml'rphil'le, it's been about 95%. With
Valium and Librium about 95%_ The only thing that we can't klck ahnoslnlS!iu'ldy h tclrotco. That';; th~
most nddicttve :mbstaffe known tv man.

Other Henefibi-Mcmocy, Depression., Anxiety, fnsomnia

are the benefits il you dun'! lnve au aJdwtion? Hn!> is a:mtber tme u! lhe <>n:rtlmg Nhl&--eJT~~.

My O\V'tl h.dy had haJ a spmal blot:k '*hon her dm!gllh:u'u1m B 25 yc:an; o!d wns bortL Smct thill Ume she
timid 1'l<>t fl:'mcmbcr !dcphon.:: 'tlllmhen '" addi'Clls:> w:ry wdl She !Ouml ancr ~he'd lm.m U!l Ji tmc &; til!lt
sb: was nr...!!!ll!lg :ebp1mm: numbct'.. d:d not n~ the Wlephm:c book. .. " fUld U\illlbcrt t::wt the had kr,;; ... n

:w J.tlfit<, ear:vn whcl' sh: wrukOO ill ll>;mspux.., \'1-'IZ'.X: c::>ming 'J?c-k

Y:m T find tha: yN: C{lJ:; rect~ll!ilte. ;,-nrl

-pl:iCN thi! y0u tt:ough! you had !m;t, t"h~y'n:j;Ht there. ltd;;oo amazbg lt_mg~ to !I~ m~mory. I: IS u.~
"f"'<'ific i\~r ,tp:w reduction. lf ytm have any ry;,c of 11nxn:ny, C:~pcessior_. Tnsmnma_ Tf it\, d1nmw 11 takef
about 3 ,;,eek,,_ Thi:; is a unJv~rsal Cllnsi<~nt that has been ropli<:-atcd in any mnnbcr of ~rudtcg, !fit'\ acut~ 1t
tak<" hbout a week.
Due>:> ;J ir:1prove intdlige.-.ce'> W3at th~y found in~ S!Ud..."TTI r.tudy a1 !he U-ni;;m,.ify uft~(!lt~\Jna,
again ttn'> J~ a.:ces&ih!o in the !ite;-4ti.Jre. t~Je:.- W'-'I:"C wttkfug (>:'\ ~tctdeut~ whn had ~mi'Oty ~h'ut fililiil e,;;uw;.
and~ kll($" I've bea>lhcre, year> agn f;nU..:Jatdy Ard afux 6cy had rffil<>'t'-C. :he ..n>.>ety~ th freexir &, !heir
tQ~ wt"rl up Sv the SJery wa9 spread aroml<i fir a w'llik fum lh(st> tlm1gs >mprnved >nklligeuce But it
tutrn"lil Dut ti'!atfuJt mt'l what was happer~ing \Yhl\t had l'.app<-:~P-<1 >h !hat >hey had re.h<red ~purw1'}
memmy Apt'llrtnilytl:;;:y were then !etc> aoocs9 !OC infnrmatmn m u ~hmterperiod oft:me ~ml smce fQ
tests :ire gruiled agamA acbck, they were getring bg!ror mmrcs. Su 1\ w;nn'l mtelligmr:e, rt w.m ~unply
mcmo:y :hat had been wbabihtated Arul tb~ wa;; ccntroVer'iial fmm ~: 1"<72 to 74. Ihkre were lll\ !he!,c
argurn~l!< '"the htnrar.:re ahoo: why was t!Jis ;Jenron pcrfMu:mg bctl.,.- aOO tt;, fir-"' subtio:J w"~ 'Simply
:hat t:-x m;;mory had been r~d. ~-n t'ti:J;;. w.-:mh appt~rently wh<'n t~ 'mr.n ~~':lined, (he n~"ro-4;n!nSI'mttcr.>
are in ba!mict,
With t~(l!; ttl doprc-~~11111_ hthilml cari:mruJtc require~ bln0d lW~ays, th~ dosage is fairly cnt~eru. in
most of the stu.die~. again rlrllllJk hlind, a 1nost amazing thing hnppen~'<J i,; orne of lhese si:'.Jd1eo. The
doctor:s, who had dot:c t!:wru, ar ' i hay~ me or two 11:: the~e from the Univ~r~i~~ of\Yi~cousffi, ~;;nd tlmt we
C.;:,pc mrr colleague~ che.;:J;; ;:,ut HltR_ W.o ~ar;' t rmagme anything being:~~~~ e ~]._Lll\'.o "'-,J yei we've gone
over our ~rudi:::s tCf!Wdly. 'Jo
.;:a 'l;~J-X>ml':>le 5<:ientist put :hat mhos rqmr 1< o;o'": ;Jr' "- di;,d;u;ner, l
fixmd miller lltilhuing And ;>< . ,::o;._,;; spe~'ificoJiy a4lre% !!t:~w-~'latOO ~;m.- "'"'' anC: tit !he lnp of that
an~kty lmd d.::pr0<w>n
,j we don't krmw d allyT>ne wl!<:' ,k:zs!!"! ]lZ' ., taste of fu~'3!.' oo m:mtt
h;:r_,- wclllxit.U'c.:L how wdl
Jd, how high on pot, or IDw ou Vnliurll, Lv Jttl orv:;hat ha~ you :!mt
tlxry grt :u be,

Wbt-'fl th~ Brain Tun~r is used, doc~ t>w pla<:e someone m a beta state or alpha ~tate m something
like that'! Not neces~arily. lt s:mply addr:JSSe> the stress-rela!ed :;>.rmpt= of depll!'SsJOn, aiD.Jcty, msDmnia
or !lddicmm. hyportecsion. vou nawe it. You see 80'% of the hospital beds ill till; country. maybe 100. Me
o~cupied people who hnve psythL>t\Jffidtic adoe::Jt& m:rl most of these are IDJW tra~ea':J:!e tu ~ir<:hll. \Vhen
yoo relwve the stress. yon'r;: gnmg to reverse that mrrditiU!l. There wa~ a time wh~n they tl:o'Jght rlMl
a:ayhctbere was G.'lk o~rvro disoo>es thm hHdr:o tre'is ::elated syn.dromes. hkc ca:x.'>:L !"ow. of coo~~ <1\
bc.::t show:t that rhcre am vw,t piiyth030!Uitic .fiwtors in even tilm. S::. the poim it> yon ean ha:rily fllllllC m:ry
cxis:ing CO:kiition thm lt oot ~treo:; wlateci Un1 :.::.dy has a marvelous abilir.t :c heal t:self if t: has the prnp<r
lhillg;; :o work wlih. And ,fyoa ndink that body wtth Wlllil of it'~ oormalizcd ~t.raLSnmter. they
apparemly wont fu="than an,;tthiug ehe t<;, t:ormalize t!:.e body.

Learning Disorders
Dr. Hurn iu!: bt<\t, woWing wi!h people with dyslaxia and ah.c f"mds that she cl!llrctynchrooizc lhcir

kft ruillrig:ht h!mis~. ThH is mea>tll"l:'d ith pbotn...stiiilllius. U you flash a strobe light arthe closed eyes
of a chlld with dyslexia and moosuc !he cvck:d patcnrial, the photo ;;timuhls, that's mkcn off of the
ocdpillll, yoo'!J :find !har !he ~ig:ndl wil! ~~mve from nuc "YO ala difkrmt timethau it will tilt oilier You can
sa this on an o'>tillcscopc \\.1uchmt"m" rhat tl){' mni<: n{'rYt: i,; tiDt pro::e~Hing iliat data cOOemltly.Afu:r
the Bmln TUner is med, the fmng of me ne\U"Qf!S ~re r<:set, m that they're a!l marclllng to tl:c sound ofthc
d~-illc pcNiOO c:m rudfor a wilile after that C!iJ"->8aro v;ithnnl palming, without going Lhrough
the usual smtt:.g;ics oft pet~m ~~ l.':::t:; So, yt'U O:'lfl call it a brnin wave syn~::rt'oo.izcr, )tr;
~cat! it a gol:>blOOy gook lfll"s w"rldng :.loo'tfl'\ it

Pain Relief
-=:-b.c B:'liiri k"!e! t&n be u;ed :N pain :diet lt'~ 11 s~p.~<t J.EN!:> or J :"ll.lli.<::llia:k_'flm E!et:tric ~cr:~
Stimulator.! was g()ing to 1unch whh r .. ul at riw Amo!lSi!ldu: a crmple -of weeks ag-o and~ !rip?ed over (11
was very embar.rnssintl o~ otthe::<~ :in; :hillJts and hav~ !, about !U y~ ofJu:io.l slapped
as I was goin_l!, en to the cc;:ncnt. And Tl;>;o~.;., l don't know whcdwr 1 broke th~ S:>n~u1 thio was
e:~tremely pamfuL 1 c:mldn't ~\(l:t] n'"''"C lt. And I limught "Holy ww what a the ma:ter wttL me?" S;, I ,get
the Brain Tun~-r. put inm rhe area and the nex1 &ly I had fall mobility an<i oo pam. Theld the elemodes on
my hand for about 10 miUIJtes So, it'<> a ~upert> TEN'S twit But we'' \ell it for thin purpoHe. Meg
Pattm-son, when I first met her, was \H':aring h~r !:>ruin tll!ler, the Pharmacon llllit tn her bdt wnh the
electroOO-, taped 011 her back. She had 1ow bao~ pam. But you C!l1lllot use <1 TENS t.lllit for a Bram1 urwr
h<X:ause lherc's a DC offset. Any DC t.b<h~ th<>nwk cauoe~ smt>ll ~}nopt<e polari7.atlon. Like dccuol>st:;,
Do nr>l us~ a TENS ur.1t as a Brain TUncrbm you can u~c a Bruiv Tunr a~ a TENS unit All ht:tb are
chtekcrJ~, not ~n cluchm; are bros.

Why Bob Beek did not have his Brain Tuner FDA Appr#ved
Jr'lbs dcvi.;:;;: is arrro"ed by rile l'ood and DrugAdmmisuru:ion. il w:ll have- ro hfl'le a l1t:le label on it
6a.r say;; tits Jl:ega: 1n "~ :r.msport_ selL etc., :his J.;v,ce w1t1lout;;. med1(al rre~cnptioo. ft w11l llave w go
up in p::\C~ :he public won't be ;JJ:<k to a...-.:c% ll. :hey Ml1 ta.~ w g0 :o 11 med:u1 d0Mtrand get a
p.."\:scriprioc fur 1:. TENS unt:'i t3.' -JH S$ ro buitd. s.;ll fur atmut );500 In SfJ()O Bw. :he dt,.:t<r~ u: ilwt
Lnkss c coots J!xmt S.:5HO n <q't Jtdne 1: wil1 be anoth:r t!p oif_lf 11 w &ppr,wcd by ilm ford and Drug
A<:mmistruooJt ;; wi!l no; hi' .>~L- ~le bv 6;; people who wantt:~xcepl J! a Vd'"'fbgh prKfl.


-h.,. bibliography is not specific to t~e Bock: Brain Tuner. The research Is specific to Cranial
Electti!v'tll Slimi.Jiation-the tech'lology -Dr\ wl1ich the Bral'l Tuner m oased.
1 l\t:hl#, KA Km,q; K. ll~Q S~DrMa, K Co 'eOO~s:eep" lhero[!', The Ps)'dloboc Ouii<!OO), VtU2 p. 1f 27 lootl
2- Asi"JP, c Afollow op truay oi wtum:.I!!!JP i%1/t)p!w! Peycflnllry; Vol.B, p, 115 '17 1974
3. S;uab~Sl, A/t(:l;)d F.. . DJJ, Trootmerd of im;omnia in Ue_pressed prnt.ent> by hypnom; nnd rorebrol eleclr()trt!irnpy
Th" Amerir:ar Joomai of ChntCIJ! HypnOMl Vat 1g p 120 122, 197e4 Brand, J. Elemmsl~p thornpy fur migrmna and 1\Mda<:ll~ m fiill!ctf(llhempeutJ<; Sleep and Elemroorn>srhi!S!il Vol 11, Prwe<lding2 of 11m
SW>t'IO :nt~m~MMI $'fl'llPOlllu"' Grac.Aun.a, 19&!), Edllor. F.M Wagnede.-, Exnsrpta MediGa, ilmSt<lllllm. 1971\ p 11~ 11!}.
5-. llm'lerman !; __ ;;,ill!_ R _Sn;ay<Ja, '<., anJ e!J'll, !< Mc<JI!icat.oo flfP300:>mp:flllt.le and other eleetrco~y>~iul<lgrcal
parErne1'2"> <1 d' .g ~ilu$6 b'/ t:a" ul ekJiwl sl.J~.Z3m Cu;mo/ rll6'<l[.WI'c ~~~ \tol4ll ~ 5!>6 590 Oct. 1990.
6:. Broce. D<tA-; ",~Co, 00~ R~ttM~al Sau fl., MD Cha,:;e. '" uil'liJI"flml ~a,;,r.esafld 17 ~iiroidt. w1~ ca~:'tll&~
mao! (olo:lrolliq>/ Lii=Htl> i;l/ !tw ,\te."11:4<Uf'l!9.'!!, '.Cil M p.fi7 5$ J,;i 19E
"' Srow~, t-. Se:Wr!!!ltm!HHni:hlkl:::roolew\ Anarr;w;!, lbJ 30. p 402 4;:, Mar Hl7:
& ('.a""'iqi.R D,PhD ~00\'#IS$ M f MA Thil0lsi:J>deie~;;en-swr~ar&i!St00~
rne ..'w1na: d 1'#.-wJw!""" Mm..,; ~ va; 161 ~ 1:&4 nr 1975
R C'\ldio. Ahil\ MD ~ lrui.?P'.IS ~ t.\W It( aqb~ !:nm 'i'~ - Tire h'{C/i."1J';; TimeS, S!lpl 19$8.
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!!rmicyw}; VoL2 p243247J%(!
11 ~f'ot!im!~t!mirOO(lRWNil i))fJ!t!M~H~. V;{ 117.1'474,0<:1 1$7(1
~:a Nwntoo W'!lP! Ill~ i~ !l fJ!WM.J<YJr1ml ct PcfC!lWI7 Yd. m. ;:. .wr--48. Mar i\\i\5_
1l Cru':in. R.,ROO!E<l"' JWT, aru.1 Lv,lold. G.C.J. Ati:\Mr.:A$$'r.l'f'~crope!itc~ct~ol
hi, broil MOOV".-SYe tines& T'e &JitllJwrll$!!~/:y \\;! 11i\ p "86 7$, ltN 1\lG;\
1:: r,(l...~f. 'W . Fakel B.L, Gaat:er, K '0 and '.lo'.t C.!i. A<Ml'ljla~:-, cill!la~~ t&:m~ llf.!1
~"J)tli!:an'urc7mrk Ulo; 011~ lf!&ll11rnl! .841J+.~ tm1 $o1 ,?~;>;>.-o \-V:-5 ; ! 71_ Mar. it$)
H ~"'*'\'- '< P , Faow a , an-:~ h. Eli-'G tlli'twd~;p; aAGJ&l'<' hi nlnr; ali ndaobn \i!o,"
hi ctn:- nilHl!l onse: ~l'l!a .!k...,,:"---"16< aru $e11lcQd!it'OO. llllt ' r.1e;0 :;s; S..;;! 197!1
15. Cox, Ails W., MD ao~ <!'""", l'l ti Mel '-k"ro!O"t 1lm11Py. t p'Bii<II\<W"f !nflO" (,If c,. ~r..,;: Q" ;:'(Ojcal aclvtt
of fomO'""'
ilirearetil'Ui~ 1<4/."'i)l/S ).y>/Cm. WUll. p:<45 J4l, liay. i97t.
1;}. O)moo~. AM Coger_ R W., and Seraft!,eld!J,, ;::_A Hc<it'mml Gt~!l1!111 \e'>e't n 'M" <1"11119 clodro'<leep
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17_ Emflll"" JA C- Does eiectrcsieep mawro nawr~' r.te<>(l'! CJodroorGQfl}m/ogmphy and GliiiiCi!l Neumplws<o!Pgy, Vol 35. r 663 664,

10. England R R. T!eatillent of mgrame headache utJI1~n~ carobr~l el~ctiNiiJmuliltioo Ma~Wrs Th'"'' Nortll Texss
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19. F;ti9h~tf. J.P., MJ,l. Brwm S_~ M D. aM C~viir JE_ E:Dc:trodeep t'Qrapy: ~ wntral,(!<J dou~,e b/IM iiUJdy
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15 i) ZQ 2~ 1tl74.
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2<1 fiW11M\,ltl. MD

~moo 001\'h"al~apy(~\. -~! Tk>~.J<YJr1mi


13' p.SS'id .hm .:-4

2': F~ l!.l Ui)ln,'l};!(-'M',_ d ," h::sioop in 0rooiG onmary ~ .h::Mw d Gtoo8'! PsrdwWy Y.YJS. p.W: ~. Oct. JB!:l
:f. F!MieL S.L. &Jd:bhJer 11. aMl 8
,. f Tk> ..Woi ~ d<r'-4'(11llufij)'; oo Mlt<t!$01 ,,~.miG 'r$m'l'<lmli i&.-';n)'?>>f:
~ wr.! .5,_.~,.JSa, Vif +
-D IT~~.., n \r!-.,.,~ EJ:Swr. r M 'A';ifiw~ p 12) ;,:;
21 G!n-O"'W', L -w"P ~ R.-\ :
:to,~ ll>}j ~W<t-t lt!l-oo " n \i11Al~ v :ryi:H or
Ht;"+lW ~~;..~ Ji},r,'fiJ of 2;e
ihft'WJI' """E<;E';,,.,.,;~ "~"1' ';:l 0 t 'd '\t Ju' F4
iJ 8 oo-:;,_ ~ .. (") iilid lf"'l< DE
~ :;;'>II ape!C&bon rf :w-l&:!il h!r:s :'i!"iill dn:tt:rh->
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f~ (lf 41w']y m!d '\pl:o<'llt!li!'ttl!!no'-

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h!;a,."<rtt.r.hldNffi<!SS i'syc''<lll:lqi?i fktt{,ta J!H!f_ V<.;s,. Ph M:l< 'f"l
B1 VW fli<Ml""""- C i. ;md MEJ1o;, C S 0'0 8K:irl:Ne<p iherap\' a ;:w'jp]Jml Jidy d ;is clhd in amlj
~IS Cl!ll!'ffim fr"--'fflif D' Fsr;!h11- '/<i i5 ~.?' .l z J> Art '800
S: Wtv,;.,tvd!ll, F'd r~~ "Iii' l'JJ1 e _, ;'l"tlli#ep .-. poo:ce if .'Wvo:-.;;W t>Ji1 urw;:m e b'C'"'""l' %1'tlil (ll).-te'"""l A""-""' ,
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84 Wffi \lWC F 'AA Tc,e ifea][feC
''Cif'f<~ 1hlo"~'' :h<l u!eif~l'l~klfp ;m EEG ot"O'' T' J"11m!d
/Vmvous g(!fj Montm DI"~ASO, L'("
I(If. 120, J\.~9 1973

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Mli'g& Brpin Power, Mlc'lael Hutchoon, 1994.

Super-Learning 2000, S'lolla Os:rander & Lynn Schroeder, 1994.
Energy Medicine, The Scientific Basis, by James L. :)S(;Ilman, 2000.


Spectrum The Who!istic News Magazine, Janu:'lry!Fe:Jrufey 1995



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nfamw;ty, 220 hosplal mx! IX'yclm:i!.r:ic inpm)CQ!t (l'ii::.;.;.d 1111 fwt!i l"'l!l$;tflfud lf';; St16g$$ ISSSEEIII
ih<; lmtmc111 for J;J.l!X!Ill Mltdmrus per Jay fu:rdi:ret< ''icl:; ~1111. Wl- lti$)
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