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Rapid Manufacturing

coaled with a suitable binder layer, cnn ulso he sintered for direct p1udw.:tion of
mt:tal tooling ins~rts and sand cores and cavities. More inforn1ation ah~ut tlw rapid
tooling applications of the SLS process can he found in Chapter 7.

Chapter 3 Characteristics and Capabilities oj"RI' Systems

casting. In particular, it features a low ash content and is compatible with standard
foundry practices. Processing CastForm creates porous low-density patterns that arc
subsequently infiltrated with a low-ash foundry wax to yield patterns containing
45':'0 polystyrene and 55% wax. The material properties of TrueFQrm and CastForm
are summarised in Figure 3.17.

Build Chamber Dimensions

Beam Delivery System


!-Computer System
System Dimensions

Power Requirements
Nitrogen Requirements
Jiigure 3.13 Sinterstation 2500 Plus (Courtesy DTM Corp.)
Atmospheric Requirements

Currently, two nylon-based muterials an; available conunercially tc.Jr !he SLS
process (DuraForm Polyamide and DuraFonn Glass-filled). Typically, the nylonbased materials are used for the production of prototypes for testing or parts with
W()rking features such as hinges, snap fits or clips. DuraForm prototypes can be
relatively easily finished to a smooth appearance [DTM, 2000bj. The production of
Nylon parts is generally cost effective when a small number (1-5) of part:; is
required. The properties of nylon materials are summarised in Figure 3.15. An
example of a part built in Dura Form PAis shown in Figure 3.16.
Another group of SLS materials is used for producing casting patterns. Currently,
two materials, TrucForm and CastForm, are employed for building pllttcrns.
TrueForm, an acrylic-based powder, is processed at relatively low temperatures
compared with nylon which limits shrinkage to 0.6% [Van de Cromeu:rt .:1 al.,
1997} and is for making parts with good accuracy hut moderate strength. The
density of Trucl'orm parts can vary trom 70 to 90% depending on build parameters
and they can be polished to a mirror-like finish. CastForm, a polystyrene-based
powder, wa:; introduced by DTM in 1999. This new material ofters signiticant
advantages over TrucForm when employed to produce patterns for inv(;stn;cnt


38lw x 330v x457H


50- or 100-Watt C0 2 (Beam Diameter'' 0.420 mm)

M3ST Galvanometers, 3 axis
Scan Speed= 5,000rnm!sec
Positional Accurac~ = 50mm
Windows NT OS
. DTM Sinterstation System Software
Materialize NV, Magics RP<II> Software
Pentium-based controller
Process Station = 2133 w x 1346u x 1981 Hmm
Computer Cabinet = 609 w x 609D x 1828 11 mm
Chiller= 533wx 838x 914H mm
Breakout Station I Air Handler I Sifter, Vacuum
240 VAC, 12.5KVA, 50/60Hz, 3-phasc
---Purity= 99.9%
Minimum Press'ure = I. 7 bars
Continuous Flo~ Rate =_l2_!E~ - - - - - - - Temperature Range= 15" to 27" C
Relative Humidity = <60%

Figure 3.14 Sinterstation 2500''1';' system specifications

SLS materials are cheaper than the resins used for SL, non-toxic and safe and may
be sintcred with relatively low-powered lasers. However, nylon parts need a long
cooling cycle in the machine before they can be removed. For example, nylon
composite parts require 6-8 hours to cool down. The materials employed by the
system are sensitive to the different heating and laser parameters and each material
requires distinct settings. These can be difficult and time-consuming to set.

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