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Guidelines for Interactive Student Notebooks

7th Grade Social Studies

What is the Purpose of this Notebook?
The purpose of this notebook is to enable you to be creative, independent thinkers and
writers. Interactive Notebooks will be used for class notes as well as for other activities
where you will be asked to express your own thoughts and ideas, as well as process
information presented in this class.

What Materials Do I Need?

1. Spiral Notebook at least 100 pages with holes
2. Highlighters
3. glue sticks

4. colored pencils/markers
5. Blue and Black pens

How Should My Notebook be Organized?

Your notebook will be organized into a LEFT and RIGHT SIDE

What goes on the RIGHT SIDE of my Notebook?

The RIGHT SIDE of your notebook is reserved for teacher generated materials. These
materials may include:
Lecture Notes
Discussion Notes
Reading Notes

What goes on the LEFT SIDE of my Notebook?

The LEFT SIDE of your notebook will be used for a variety of different activities,
including HOMEWORK! This side should be the place where all of your creative and
artistic inklings come bursting forth! LEFT SIDE activities will ask you to demonstrate
your knowledge and understanding of new ideas and key concepts. The kinds of activities
for the LEFT SIDE of your notebook are as follows:
RAP: a writing activity where you will be asked to preview new
material or review what you have already learned. RAP writings are
assigned by the teacher.
PERSONAL RESPONSE: a writing activity where you will explore
your opinions of and ask questions about class discussions, readings,
and activities.
WORKING IT OUT: An activity in which you will be asked to
present new ideas in a way that is meaningful to you. WORKING IT

OUT activities are assigned by the teacher, but you will have a choice
as to how to express what you have learned.
TIME OUTS: are notebook entries which need to be completed in
addition to regular notebook assignments. TIME OUTS must relate to
the discussions, readings, and activities that have been completed for
class. YOU will include TIME OUTS on the left side of your
notebook, wherever there is extra space. Sometimes extra pages will
be set aside for TIME OUT activities. TIME OUTS must be neatly
written and have at least three colors and a border. Use TIME OUT
activities to sharpen the look of your notebook, not clutter it. Examples
of TIME OUT activities are:
1. A completed Close Read of a newspaper, magazine,
or internet articles .
2. Original drawings with 3-4 sentences describing the
illustration and its importance the topic of study
3. Crossword puzzles, word searches or word jumbles
using key terms or concepts related to the
information studied.
4. poetry, diagrams, song lyrics, and test questions (you
must include the answers with the questions)
5. More to be determined

How Will my Notebook be Graded?

Notebooks will be checked periodically for completeness, about every five weeks. All
class notes and notebook assignments must be included, EVEN IF YOU WERE
ABSENT. An important part of your notebook is its visual appearance and organization.
Your notebook should be neat and each entry should be titled and dated. Not only will
your notebook account for of your social studies grade each quarter, but you will also
be able to use it for end of the unit tests. Therefore, it is important that you keep up to
date on assignments and not lose your notebook. If you expect to earn an A- or higher,
you must take time to consistently complete high quality work and include TIME OUT
I have read and understood the requirements for the 7th grade Social Studies Notebook.
Student Signature

Parent/Guardian Signature

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