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Reading, old and new version

Reading comprehension
Comprehension levels
Skills that are important for Comprehension
Comprehension Strategies
How to improve Reading comprehension

Reading, Old and New version


Before the people uses modern materials. They use rock painting, cuneiform
or picture writing in order for them to express ideas and the readers will just
looking at it and analyzing what is all about. Some uses hyroglypics (stone
wall of temples and tombs) and scrolls but the most contribution to the
progress of ancient civilization is letter-symbols or the alphabet.


As a modern man you are surrounded by reading materials from mass media
(newspaper, magazines advertising, etc)

Including internet and phone.

What is Reading Comprehension?

Reading comprehension is the ability to read text, process it and

understand its meaning. An individual's ability to comprehend text is
influenced by their traits and skills, one of which is the ability to make
inferences. If word recognition is difficult, students use too much of their
processing capacity to read individual words, which interferes with their
ability to comprehend what is read. There are a number of approaches to
improve reading comprehension, including improving one's vocabulary and
reading strategies.


Comprehension for a long time, has been seen a reading a given passage,
after which you answer questions based on the material. You may have been
told also to answer all questions in complete sentence and not to answer
question starting with the word Because.

In comprehension is knowing the levels of meaning. If you are able to tell

what level of meaning question are asking you about, you will become better
at answering them.

Comprehension levels

Level One : Literal

Level Two :


This level is knowing what is actual stated which includes facts and details,
rote learning, and memorization.

When they first approach brand new information, readers at the literal level
of comprehension.

Example: What is the name of the game that Ellaine likes to play?

Level Three: Applied/critical

Daniel likes to play football. His sister, Ellaine, likes to play football with his
brother and friends. Mother does not allow her to play the game with them but
Ellaine always find a way to play without his mother knowing.
If your answer is football, you are correct! The answer is clearly stated on the


At this level, readers are attempting to understand what the author meant by
what she/he said in the story, paragraph or textbook. It is presumed that they
have already memorized certain fact at the literal level and now they are
attempting to see the implications of the authors words.
Example : It means that the Interpretive can be derived when you compare
your experience with what you read.
For instance: If your experience resembles that of a characters feelings and
why they do the things they do.


This involves taking what was said (literal) and what was meant by what was
said (interpretive) and then extending (apply) the concept or ideas beyond the

Readers analyze or synthesize information and apply it to other information.

Example :The answer lie in your value system or they should reflect how will
your life will be changed by what you have read.

Being familiar with the levels of meaning will help you know what
answers the examiners and teachers are looking for in
Comprehension lessons.




Skills that are important for Comprehension

Understand the words


Find facts and details

Identify tone/mode

Find main ideas

Identify theme

Figure out the sequence

Identify characterization

Find cause-effect

Distinguish fact from fiction

Make inferences

Find bias or propaganda

Comprehension Strategies

Comprehension Strategies can be labeled in different ways.




Determine important ideas

Extensive Reading


Intensive Reading

Using background knowledge



Monitoring and repairing



It is used to quickly identify the main Idea of a text.

It is used if you want to see if an article may be an interest in your research.

It is quickly to gather information, or gist.


It is used to find a particular piece of information.

Scanning is also used to when you first find a resource to determine whether
it will answer your questions.

Extensive Reading

It is used to improve our general understanding of a subject and includes

reading longer text for pleasure, as well as business books.

It is used for general knowledge of business procedures.

Intensive Reading

It Is used in shorter texts in order to extract pacific information. It includes

very close accurate reading for detail.

It is used to grasp the details of a specific situation. In this case, it is

important to understand each word, number, or fact.


It is used to able to create sensory images in the readers minds so they will
more engaged of the content of the text and will better understand what they

Monitoring and repairing understanding

This mean being to aware whether you or not understand what you read.
Being able to stop and use strategies to clarify what is confusing, whether it
is due to unfamiliar vocabulary or lack of background knowledge is important
to achieve comprehension.


This involves evaluating, sorting, sifting through information that is known

and new and recognizing it into a larger idea or concept.

Determine important ideas

This means learning to differentiate between the main or key ideas in a text
and information that is less essential, or that serves as supporting details.


It is drawing upon readers background knowledge and connecting this with

new information.

Inferring carries readers comprehension of the text to a new level,

encouraging them to create a deeper understanding between what is stated
and what they know.

Using background knowledge

This refers to the ability to the readers to relate what they read; they make
connections with the text, foster their comprehension, and develop their
knowledge as readers.


The ability to generate questions that demonstrate the student s are

synthesizing, evaluating, and attempting to clarify what they read.

This leads to greater understanding of the content and foster further research
and exploration

How to Improve Reading Comprehension?

1. Develop a broad background

2. Know the structure of paragraphs
3. Identify the type of reasoning
4. Anticipate and predict
5. Look for the method of organization
6. Create motivation and interest
7. Pay attention to support cues
8. Highlight, summarize, and review
9. Build a good vocabulary
10.Use systematic reading technique like SQR3
11.Monitor effectiveness

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