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Which one is more active, eastern Indonesia or western

Indonesia is an island country. Indonesia is located on 6LU 11LS, and 95BT
144 BT. Indonesia is located between 3 macro plate, that is Eurasia plate, IndoAustralia plate, and Pacific plate. In a theory, Indonesia was made about 55 million
years ago. Indonesia was made by three plate, Hindia plate, Filipina sea plate, and
Eurasia plate. That plate is moved to each other and they crashed. Hindia plate
move north, and has movement speed about 7 cm a year. Filiphine sea move west,
and has movement speed about 8cm a year. Eurasia plate is stable. The plate is
movement then met in a crash zone that is called Subduction zone.
There are tectonic phenomena in western Indonesia. In western Indonesia
there are volcanic bows. Volcanic bows is a volcano that is located in Sumatra and
straight to Nusa tenggara. The volcano made a linear. In western part there is
seismic gap in Sumatra west coast. The gap is caused by activity of Eurasia plate
and Indo-Australia plate. The plate is move and they release energy that can
caused an earthquake. The earthquake is about 3 to 5 richter scale, but if the
earthquake break fault lines in can caused 8 9 richter scale earthquake. The
seismic gap can caused great earthquake because it is fold up like a catapult and
release an energy. Example of the seismic gap is megathrust Andaman that is the
main cause of tsunami aceh, it caused 9.1 richter scale earthquake.
There are also tectonic phenomena in eastern Indonesia. In eastern Indonesia
there is a plate rotation in sea of Sulawesi. It caused by plate interaction between 3
Pacific plate, Eurasia plate, and Indo-Australia plate. Activity of the plate causing the
plate to collapse, and the collapsed plate turn into micro plate. Micro plate are
Filipina plate and caroline plate. Interaction of plate causing tectonic earthquake
that is more than 6 richter scale. There is also magmatic activity in eastern
Indonesia. The activity is causing many mountain erupted. One of the mountain is
Soputan mountain, the mountain is causing 276 lava dome and 70 tectonic
earthquake that is 2 ritcher scale. There is also stretched in bottom of eastern sea,
and caused a magma to construct a mountain under the sea.
In conclusion seismic and tectonic in eastern Indonesia is more active than in
western part. It is because in eastern has more complex tectonic structure. There
are 3 macro plate and 2 micro plate, the plate movement is active. The tectonic
plate is caused mountain under the sea is erupt, and there are many new mountain
that is constructed by the magmatic activity

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