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In this paper I will present two different qualitative researches - feminism and semiotics. Feminist
research is a part of critical tradition. In Encyclopedia of Feminism (in Beasley, 1999, p. 27) it is
defined as the advocacy of women's rights based on a belief in the equality of the sexes, and in its
broadest use the word refers to everyone who is aware of and seeking to end women's subordination
in any way and for any reason. This definition is similar to concerns feminist research deals with.
Core of this kind of research are invisibility and exploitation of women, especially in public areas,
such as workplace, media, government, etc. and also in private spheres (Prasad, 2005). Skeggs (in
Letherby, 2003, p. 5) differentiates feminist research from other by claiming that feminist research
begins from the premise that the nature of reality in western society is unequal and hierarchical.
This means that feminist research is not only dealing with political but also academic issues. (Kelly
in Letherby, 2003). Feminist researchers are concerned with understanding what happens in
womens (and also mens) lived by doing non-exploitative researches. Latter is important because
through time not many researches took the non-exploitative aspect in consideration when doing
researches (Leatherby, 2003). Feminist tradition can be further divided into radical feminist
tradition and feminist poststructural tradition. First one has its roots in Marxs social theory. Class is
replaced by gender, which raises questions about womens oppression in exploitation in different
institutions, such as family, industrial capitalism, bureaucracy, education, science, and the media
(Ferguson in Prasad, 2005, p. 163). Key concept of radical feminist tradition is ideology which tries
to explain how and why are women placed into subordinate positions and also why do accept them
(Martin in Prasad, 2005). Second one is close to Michael Foucaults work and is therefore interested
in language and power in social spheres (Weedon in Prasad, 2005). We could also say it is in some
extent connected to semiotics and representations through language and discourses and how these
influence or represent gender identities (Prasad, 2005). Discourses are important for poststructural
tradition because through them different roles, sexes and social groups are OBLIKUJEJO and
gendered (Flax in Prasad, 2005). Even though there are two different traditions ZNOTRAJ feminist
research, both deal with same concept or themes: sex and gender, patriarchy, labor and sexuality.
Sex and gender is very important theme in feminist research tradition. Sex refers to anatomical
difference between two biological sexes (female and male sex). We are dealing with biology and
body. When we talk about

gender, we deal with social construction of a sex (vab 2002).

Differences between genders are a product of culture and do not TEMELJITI on natural (Jereti in
Prijon, 2012). Gender has NADOMESTIL sex in political sphere (Archer and Lloyd in Prijon
2012). That means that differences between woman and a man IZHAJATI from cultural and not
biological. If we sum up: sex refers to woman/man, while gender to feminine/masculine (Prijon

2012). Close to this theme is sexuality that is also connected to biological and cultural construction
of sexes. Even more, it subsumes the notions of both sex and gender, as well as the articulation
between them. Sexuality refers to the entire configuration of sexual behaviors, feelings, and
mindsets that can be found in any social situation (Caplan in Prasad, 2005, p. 171). Patriarchy is
another important issue feminist research deals with. I mentioned before that feminist research is
concerned with womens exploitation - patriarchy is a good example of it. Term refers to
systematic nomination of women by men that is achieved, sustained, and reproduced primarily
through the male control of economic, social, and cultural institutions (Ferguson in Prasad, 2005,
p. 169). Typical patriarchies are workplaces and organizations (Prasad 2005). When speaking of
workplaces we should also take into consideration labor, which is yet another feminist research
theme. Labor and workplaces are one of the spheres where gender division shows through wage
differences (Prasad 2005). For example, men are usually employed in better paid jobs and work
positions while women often work in underpaid jobs or are paid less for same jobs as men.
Hollywood is a great example of this - actors are paid more than actresses.
Semiotics (and structuralism), second chosen tradition, are part of a bigger, so called tradition of
deep structure. Semiotics are interested in signs and how they make meaning in different social
spheres (Eco in Prasad, 2005). There are quite a few important concepts that we need to understand
before doing a qualitative semiotic research. One of the fathers of semiotics, Saussure, was
interested in signs and their meaning. Signs are SESTAVLJENI of signifiers and signified. Signifier
is form of a sign, while signified represents it's concept. For example signifier can be a word tree
while signified is a concept to which it refers - a plant with KRONJA and DEBLO. These days
signifier often stands for material form of a sign, that is something we hear, see, feel, etc. They need
to be connected, otherwise the meaning and presentation get lost. This connection is called
signification (Chandler, 2007). He organised signs in paradigms and syntagmas. Paradigms are
collections of signs, from which we pick one unit, but at the same time it isnt necessary we only
pick one; we can pick more of them (for example alphabet). Paradigms have two ZNAILNOSTI:
first rule is, that all units in paradigm have something in common; second rule is that all units in
paradigm are LOENE between each other (we have to differ between signifiers and signifieds in a
paradigm). Syntagma is a message that is made when one unit from paradigm unites with other
units (for example: syntagma of words in sentence). Syntagma is also SESTAVLJENA of rules and
conventions, from which a combination of units is made (for example grammar) (Fiske 2005).
Furthermore, Saussure distinct between language and parole (Rossi in Prasad, 2005). Langue are
basic rules of a particular grammar and are cant be changed, while parole takes more flexible
approach and deals with individuals allotment of language or grammar. Another important concept

in semiotics that is relevant for qualitative research is Barthes two-stepped meaning. He

differentiated between two types of meaning: denotative and connotative. Denotative meaning is the
actual, literal meaning of a word or a sign, while connotative meaning deals with subjective
meaning of a sign (Fiske, 2005). Last but not least, when we are dealing with semiotic analysis, we
have to be aware of possibility that the text we are analysing contains some sort of a myth. Myths
are dominant discourses of contemporary cultures. They operate through codes and serve to
ideological function of naturalisation (Chandler 2007). Myths are therefore result of a society class
that has NADVLADAL history. Meanings of a myth contain this history but at the same time deny

their meanings as natural. Myths can naturalise their meaning by

connecting them to a certain VIDIK of nature. They are not universal for a specific culture;
dominant myths are the only that exist. Besides myths also exist counter-myths which IZZIVAJO
dominant myths. Barthes has also noticed another VIDIK of myth - so called dynamism: myths can
change quickly, because they have to PRILAGODITI to new needs or values of a society (Fiske


Yes I explained the purpose, the research questions, the moethodology and the results

Beasley, C. (1999). What is Feminism?: An Introduction to Feminist Theory. London: Sage

publications Ltd; Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications Inc; New Delhi: SAGE Publications India
Pvt Ltd.

Chandler, D. (2007). Semiotics: The Basics. London; New York: Routledge

Fiske, J. (2005). Uvod v komunikacijske tudije. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za drubene vede.

Letherby, G. (2003). Feminist research in theory and practice. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Prasad, P. (2005).Crafting qualitative research: working in the postpositivist traditions. New York:
M. E. Sharpe.

Prijon, L. (2012). Podrejenost ensk v zahodni drubi: Mit, realnost, ali klie?. Ljubljana: Zaloba


b, Alenka. 2002. Divided We Stand Teme in dileme tudij spolov. V Cooltura, uvod v
kulturne tudije, ur. Ale Debeljak, Gregor Tomc, Mitja Velikonja in Peter Stankovi, 195210.
Ljubljana: Scripta.

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