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Tests carried out during pregnancy

June 2014
Blood tests
HCG hormone levels
Knowing your blood group and Rhesus Negative
Detect Syphilis
Detect HIV (AIDS)
Check you are protected against hepatitis B
A full blood count
Check your immunity to German measles (Rubella)
Detecting Diabetes during pregnancy
Detecting Down syndrome and other abnormalities
Urine Testing
Ultrasound - at what stage?
First ultrasound
Second ultrasound
Additional ultrasounds
Diagnostic ultrasound
Private Ultrasounds

Blood tests
A urine test is remains the first test to confirm pregnancy, however, some doctors may request a
blood test it can:

HCG hormone levels

Determine the HCG hormone levels which confirms the pregnancy and how well it is progressing

Knowing your blood group and Rhesus Negative

A rhesus (Rh) negative means that the mother can develop antibodies against her baby if it is Rh
positive. It is not usually a problem in the first pregnancy. If a mother is Rh negative an injection
of Anti D is usually given to the mother within 72 hours of childbirth. In some units Anti D
injections can be given at 28 and 34 weeks as well as after childbirth. There is no risk during
the first pregnancy, but can be a problem for subsequent babies The risk occurs during a

pregnancy following a miscarriage or a termination. Your blood

group will be confirmed in your first antenatal visit . Pregnant
women will therefore be screened for abnormal antibodies during
early pregnancy, during the 6th month of pregnancy and if she is
known to be Rh negative and or if she has previously received a
blood transfusion.

Detect Syphilis
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection, which if left untreated can
lead to miscarriage and stillbirth.

Detect HIV (AIDS)

This test is not mandatory but strongly recommended and
widely accepted by most pregnant women.
If you already have HIV then there is a 1 in 6 chance of your baby becoming infected. Getting an
early diagnosis is therefore crucial as treatment can reduce the risk of transmission to your baby.
The blood test is confidential and does affect your ability to obtain insurance.
For more information about HIV and AIDS

Check you are protected against hepatitis B

This blood test is taken as part of the routine antenatal blood tests. Hepatitis B is a virus
that affects your liver and the infection is easily transmitted to the baby. Finding out if you have
Hepatitis B or are a carrier allows the doctors to vaccinate the baby at birth and also other family
members. For more information about hepatitis

A full blood count

This blood test is performed at the beginning of your pregnancy and during the 6th month of
your pregnancy. It is to detect if you are anaemic which is treated with iron and folic acid tablets.

Check your immunity to German measles (Rubella)

The presence of antibodies means that the mother is immune. German measles can causes fetal
abnormalities in up to 90% of cases especially in the first 8 to 10 weeks. Ideally it is advised to
check your immunity to Rubella before getting pregnant. If you do not have any antibodies then it
is strongly advised to get vaccinated before conceiving. During pregnancy a low or negative
result requires vaccination after giving birth and measures must be taken to avoid coming into
contact with anyone with the infection. If during your pregnancy you come into contact with
anyone with German measles or develop a rash and you're not immune you must seek medical
attention immediately.

Detecting Diabetes during pregnancy

Gestational diabetes occurs in approximately 1 in 400 pregnancies and some women will remain

diabetic after delivery. If glucose is detected in your urine then an 'oral glucose tolerance test'
(OGTT) is performed: -a venous blood sample is measured before and after a sugar drink and if
glucose levels are raised then a diagnosis is made. An OGTT test is also offered to women with
risk factors </gras> (overweight, family history of diabetes, women aged over 40 years, women
from Asia, North Africa, West Indies, with a history of fetal abnormality). Women who develop
diabetes have a risk of delivering a bigger baby and having a more difficult delivery.

Detecting Down syndrome and other abnormalities

The alphafetoprotien (AFP) blood test along with ultrasound can help detect chromosomal and
structural disorders. Conditions such as Down's syndrome, cystic fibrosis, dwarfism and spina
bifida. The test is performed at about 15 weeks. High levels of AFP are associated with spina
bifida and low levels can indicate a high risk of Down's syndrome. If Down's syndrome is
suspected amniocentesis may be offered. For more information about down's testing go to;

Urine Testing
A urine analysis may find
The presence of sugar, which can be indicative of gestational diabetes. Diabetes would be
confirmed by a blood test.
The presence of protein (albumin) , may be a sign of high blood pressure (hypertension).
Pregnancy induced hypertension or toxemia can cause severe complications.
Leucocytes and Nitrates can suggest the presence of bacteria indicating urinary infection,
which must be treated.

Ultrasound examination is essential to check for
defects, perform measurements of the baby and
monitor growth. It's important to calculate the age of
the baby, check the position of placenta, and see if
there's more than one baby and for some parents to
determine the sex of the child. Seeing your baby for
the first time during your 12 week ultrasound
examination can be a special moment. It is during
this examination that parents see their baby
established in the womb and that its heart is beating. It
can also cause anxiety for some parents as they fear discovering defects and abnormalities.
Ultrasound is performed using an ultrasound probe which is put on the tummy of the mother.
A gel is applied to the surface of the abdomen to facilitate the transmission of ultrasounds. The
emitted ultrasounds are reflected differently depending on tissue density. They are then
converted into signals by a computer system and visualised onto a monitor as images. All
expectant mothers should be aware that ultrasound does not detect all abnormalities. No test is
100% accurate, therefore, it is important to realise that there is no guarantee all defects will be

diagnosed. Some fetal scanning units like you to have a full bladder before your scan because it
offers a better picture quality.

Ultrasound - at what stage?

First ultrasound
The first ultrasound is recommended at 12 weeks of pregnancy. This ultrasound allows to
Check fetal development by obtaining measurements of the head, neck, length of body
Know the exact date of pregnancy
Check for more than one baby
Detect certain malformations
Detect the risk of chromosomal abnormalities
Locate the placenta
Reassure the parents that the child is normal...
In some cases, a Doppler examination may be required: This test measures the flow in the
blood vessels of the uterus and umbilical cord, the size of the umbilical cord from the uterine
artery and or the cerebral artery of the fetus.

Second ultrasound
The second ultrasound, called ultrasound morphology, is scheduled between 20 and 22 weeks.
It examines in detail the fetal anatomy. It helps identify defects. It often identifies the baby's
gender: up to 70% of couples want to know the sex of their unborn child. It helps to find the
exact location of the placenta and assess fetal growth.

Additional ultrasounds
Occasionally additional ultrasounds are done from 24 weeks onwards to:
Monitor growth or abnormalities detected in earlier ultrasounds.
Check the position of the placenta
Clarify the position of the baby in the womb.
It is possible to perform an ultrasound at any time of pregnancy in cases of suspected
abnormalities or if health of the mother is compromised.

Diagnostic ultrasound
When an abnormality is suspected during an ultrasound screening or if there is a significant
risk of fetal abnormalities, a referral to a more specialist fetal scanning unit is required.
Ultrasound is used when Chorionic Villus sampling (CVS) or Amniocentesis is required. <gras>
An ultrasound is safe performed under strict medical care and you should know that doing an
ultrasound does not affect the fetus.

Private Ultrasounds
Beware of private companies that perform 'keepsake' ultrasound examinations. Ensure they have
the appropriate equipment, are suitably qualified and are trained and experienced to carry out
such examinations. Having an ultrasound for non-medical reasons is not recommended. File
created with the collaboration of Claire Gabillat
Examens pendant la grossesse - Prise de sang, etc. Exmenes en el embarazo Untersuchungen
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