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The separation of Panama

There was just after one year of the completion of the Thousand Days' War, when
Panama seceded from Colombia. This was a blow to Colombian therefore the isthmus,
as an important point in world trade, was a source of income.
Panama: a privileged place
The geographic and economic importance of Panama is that because it is located in the
center and be the place where there is less distance between the Pacific and the Atlantic
coast of the American continent, it was much easier to transport goods and people
between countries Atlantic and Pacific. It was as Panama became an epicenter of world
trade. In the nineteenth century, the expansion of capitalism suggested to several
countries, including Colombia, the need to improve communication between the two
coasts of the isthmus. With this idea, the Colombian government hired an American
company to build a railroad that communicated the city of Colon, located on the Pacific
coast, Panama City, located on the Atlantic coast. The work was inaugurated in 1855.
The need to build a canal
Although the railroad was carrying large volumes of goods, the rapid growth of world trade
soon became obsolete as time. It was thus the need to build a canal that would allow
large ships in traffic emerged. Of course, Colombia did not have enough money to carry
out the construction work. By 1880, Colombia sold the rights to build the Panama Canal
to a French company, but it went bankrupt and was unable to complete its construction.
US interests
The failure of the French in the construction of the canal, gave Americans the opportunity
to make this work. The interest of the US government was that this would strengthen it
as a global economic power. Therefore, the Americans quickly began talks with the
Colombian government to negotiate a new concession and build the canal. By then,
began the Thousand Days' War, which delayed the negotiations.
The Herran-Hay treaty
In 1902, Colombia signed with the United States- Herran-Hay Treaty which fixed the
conditions of the construction of the Canal. Terms of the deal were considered by
Colombian senators as disadvantageous, and in August 1903, decided not to ratify it. The
US government, which had threatened Colombia with Panama take the department
should not ratify the treaty, supported a part of the Panamanian elite, led by Jose Agustin
Arango, to seek the Panamanian independence from Colombia. In return, the nascent
country should confirm with the US government a treaty for the construction of the canal.
Thus it was that the November 3, 1903, Panama declared its independence from

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