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The date of the start of the history of the United States is a subject of
debate among historians. Older textbooks start with the arrival of Christopher
Columbus on October 12, 1492 and emphasize the European background, or they
start around 1600 and emphasize the American frontier. In recent decades American
schools and universities typically have shifted back in time to include more on the
colonial period and much more on the prehistory of the Native peoples.[1][2]
Indigenous people lived in what is now the United States for thousands of
years before European colonists began to arrive, mostly from England, after 1600.
The Spanish had small settlements in Florida and the Southwest, and the French
along the Mississippi River and the Gulf Coast. By the 1770s, thirteen British
colonies contained two and a half million people along the Atlantic coast east of the
Appalachian Mountains. In the 1760s, the British government imposed a series of
new taxes while rejecting the American argument that any new taxes had to be
approved by the people (see Stamp Act 1765). Tax resistance, especially the Boston
Tea Party (1774), led to punitive laws (the Intolerable Acts) by Parliament designed
to end self-government in Massachusetts. American Patriots (as they called
themselves) adhered to a political ideology called republicanism that emphasized
civic duty, virtue, and opposition to corruption, fancy luxuries and aristocracy.
All thirteen colonies united in a Congress that called on them to write new
state constitutions. After armed conflict began in Massachusetts, Patriots drove the
royal officials out of every colony and assembled in mass meetings and conventions.
Those Patriot governments in the colonies unanimously empowered their delegates
to Congress to declare independence. In 1776, Congress declared that there was a
new, independent nation, the United States of America, not just a collection of
disparate colonies. With large-scale military and financial support from France and
military leadership by General George Washington, the American Patriots rebelled
against British rule and succeeded in the Revolutionary War.
The peace treaty of 1783 gave the new nation the land east of the Mississippi
River (except Florida and Canada, and Spain disputed the Mississippi Territory until
1795) and confirmed Great Britain's recognition of the United States as a nation. The
central government established by the Articles of Confederation proved ineffectual at
providing stability, as it had no authority to collect taxes and had no executive officer.
Congress called a convention to meet secretly in Philadelphia in 1787 to revise the
Articles of Confederation. It wrote a new Constitution, which was adopted in 1789. In
1791, a Bill of Rights was added to guarantee inalienable rights. With Washington as
the Union's first president and Alexander Hamilton his chief political and financial
adviser, a strong central government was created. When Thomas Jefferson became
president he purchased the Louisiana Territory from France, doubling the size of the
United States. A second and final war with Britain was fought in 1812.

Table Of Manner
Table manners are the rules of etiquette used while eating, which may also include
the appropriate use of utensils. Different cultures observe different rules for table
manners. Each family or group sets its own standards for how strictly these rules are
to be enforced
Modern etiquette provides the smallest numbers and types of utensils
necessary for dining. Only utensils which are to be used for the planned meal should
be set. Even if needed, hosts should not have more than three utensils on either side
of the plate before a meal. If extra utensils are needed, they may be brought to the
table along with later courses.[5]
A table cloth extending 1015 inches past the edge of the table should be used for
formal dinners, while placemats may be used for breakfast, lunch, and informal
suppers.[6] Candlesticks, even if not lit, should not be on the table while dining during
daylight hours.[7]
Men's and unisex hats should never be worn at the table. Ladies' hats may be worn
during the day if visiting others.[8]
Phones and other distracting items should not be used at the dining table. Reading
at a table is permitted only at breakfast, unless the diner is alone. [9] Urgent matters
should be handled, after an apology, by stepping away from the table.
If food must be removed from the mouth for some reasona pit, bone, or gristle
the rule of thumb according to Emily Post, is that it comes out the same way it went
in. For example, if olives are eaten by hand, the pit may be removed by hand. If an
olive in a salad is eaten with a fork, the pit should be deposited back onto the fork
inside one's mouth, and then placed onto a plate. The same applies to any small
bone or piece of gristle in food. A diner should never spit things into a napkin,
certainly not a cloth napkin. Since the napkin is always laid in the lap and brought up
only to wipe one's mouth, hidden food may be accidentally dropped into the lap or
onto the host's floor. Food that is simply disliked should be swallowed. [10]
The fork may be used in the American style (in the left hand while cutting and in the
right hand to pick up food) or the European Continental style (fork always in the left
hand). (See Fork etiquette) The napkin should be left on the seat of a chair only
when leaving temporarily.[11] Upon leaving the table at the end of a meal, the napkin
is placed loosely on the table to the left of the plate. [12]

American Table Etiquette

Once You Are Seated
At a formal meal, you will more often than not find that your plate and flatware have
already been set before you have been seated. Do not get nervous on seeing the
array of utensils which you will have to tackle during the course of the meal. Just
start by taking the napkin from the plate; unfold it and lay it across your lap. You will
also notice a wide array of spoons, forks and knives around your plate; do not get
boggled by their multitude. Just remember, age old traditions guarantee that at a
correctly laid table, the flatware on the outside are used first. There, that is one
problem solved.
To Begin With

Once the food is served, start only when all of those seated at the table have
been served. If the hosts insist that you start immediately then wait till at least
two people have been served around you.

Make sure you are not the only person eating at the table. Always wait for the
hostess to signal the start of the dinner.

The Knives, The Forks & The Spoons: The American Way

The flatware arranged on the sides of the plate come in different sizes and forms
and, as it can be understood, they all serve different purposes. There are
different forks for fish, oyster and meat.

The American way of eating with the fork and the knife is different from the
European or the Continental method.

While Cutting

The handling of the flatware is no different from the European method while
cutting. The fork is held in the left hand using the first knuckle of the third finger
and is supported by the thumb.

The index finger provides force from the top. While cutting, the tines hold a bite
sized portion of the food in place while the knife is used to cut. The knife is held
in the right hand with the index finger along the blunt side of the knife guiding it.

While Eating

Where the American style differs is after the cutting. While the European method
allows you to eat the cut food with the fork in the left hand, the American method
requires you to lay down the knife, switch the fork to the right hand and then eat
the food.

American style also insists that you eat some food items using only the fork,
without the aid of the knife. The list of such food items includes some
uncooperative dishes like peas!

Eat without touching the table. Assume an upright posture. You are allowed to
lean forward but do not rest your elbows on the table.

While eating, make sure that you follow all the decorum of the meal. If you have
to serve yourself, use the appropriate utensils for the purpose.

Do not talk with your mouth full. If you have to reply to a query by a fellow guest,
always wait till you have swallowed before replying.

Passing The Food

Always remember to request to pass the food item that you need. Thank the
table once you have received what you needed.

If someone else has requested for an item, then take the item and place it to
your right. The person next will pass it to his right until it reaches the required
person. No item is passed in any other manner.

You have to remember to never use an item which has been given to you for
passing to another person.

From Mouth To Plate

If, by any chance, you have to bring back the food that you have placed in your
mouth, to the plate, it must be done in the same manner that it was put in to the

mouth, i.e. with the fork, spoon or the hand. Examples include lemon pips or
seeds of other fruits like strawberries, plums etc.

Foods brought back from the mouth in the most un-presentable conditions are
accorded the privilege of being surreptitiously whisked away into the napkin.

Cutlery Position

The position of the fork and knife on the table also indicate your intentions to the

If you need a second helping, place the fork and the knife parallel to each other
on the right side of the plate. This leaves space for the food.

If you have finished your meal and have no intention of taking any more, then
place your fork, tines up, and knife blade, sharp side in, with the handles resting
at five oclock position of your plate and tips pointing to ten oclock.

Remember that on all occasions the tines and the blade of the knife point
towards you.

The spoons are generally used to drink the soup. They should be used in a
manner that you scoop the food facing away from you. The logic is that in this
manner you will not splash yourself with the food. Scoop till the spoon is full twothirds then consume it.

Once used, never let any utensils touch the table. You have to arrange them on
the side of your plates.

There are also certain food items that you are allowed to eat with your hands.
This list includes avocado, bread, bacon and sandwich among others but these
items do not make many appearances at a formal meal table.

The Napkin Tale.

The napkin is placed on your lap before the meal. It serves the purpose of

smothering your lips. But you must also keep in mind that the napkin must not be

If the napkin happens to fall on the floor, the formal settings prevent you from
picking it up yourself. You must inform those serving and ask for a fresh napkin.

Once the meal is completed, place the napkin loosely beside your plate. Make
sure you do not crumple or fold it.

Last, but not the least, once you have enjoyed the meal and returned home,
make sure you thank the hosts for having invited you.

As you can see, the general guidelines of American eating etiquette are not very
different from any table manners across the world; it is just the handling of the cutlery
that makes American table etiquette unique. Practice the above guidelines for a
smart impression on the American table.

Indonesia People
Makan Pake Tangan
Semua orang juga tahu yang namanya makan ya pake tangan bukan pake kaki. Tapi
yang dimaksud disini tuh makannya langsung pake tangan nggak pake garpu atau
sendok. Kenapa menggunakan tangan? Bukan karena perkara nggak sopan,
melainkan karena makannya akan lebih terasa nikmat kalau pake tangan. Indonesia
adalah negeri yang memegang tepa selira dan unggah ungguh atau sopan santun.
Kebanyakan orang Indonesia makan dan melakukan sesuatu dengan tangan kanan.
Iya kan? Hal ini karena kita sejak kecil diajari tentang tangan baik atau tangan
bagus oleh orang tua kita, yaitu tangan kanan.
Makan pake tangan biasanya dilakukan kalau makan ayam atau model lalapan.
Apalagi kalau setelah makan kamu bisa bebas menjilat-jilat bumbu makanannya.
Sangat tidak disarankan untuk makan pake tangan saat kamu menyantap hidangan
berkuah seperti Soto Ayam ataupun mie macam Bakmie Ayam.
Pokok Nasi
Orang Indonesia tuh kalau nggak makan nasi namanya ya nggak makan. Makan
lauk pauk sebanyak apapun, kalau belum pake nasi, anggapannya adalah belum
makan. Padahal udah kekenyangan tapi tetep aja dibilang belum makan karena
nggak pake nasi.
Kalau di luar negeri makan karbohidrat nggak lebih dari 40 %, kebalikan banget
sama disini. Negara kita ini memang menjadi salah satu penghasil beras terbesar

dari sejak jaman nenek buyut, kita sudah sering mengonsumsi nasi putih. Mau itu
porsi kuli, porsi Rumah Makan Padang maupun porsi nasi kucing, nasi putih selalu
jadi pilihan.
Nah, karena nasi merupakan makanan pokok sehari-hari di setiap hidangan
Nusantara, maka sudah menjadi kebiasaan dimana pada saat makan, nasi adalah
menu pertama yang disendokan ke atas piring, bukan lauk.
Lebih Nikmat Makan Sambel Sama Lalapan
Yang namanya sambel dan lalapan itu udah topping wajib untuk para pecinta kuliner
Indonesia. Dengan menambahkan sambel saat makan, selera makan pun jadi
meningkat drastis . Nggak heran makanya sampe ada kurang lebih 300 jenis sambel
yang ada di Indonesia dari berbagai macam daerah. Apa-apa yang kurang enak,
dicocol pake sambel jadi enak.
Sambel kesukaan orang Indonesia ini tentunya bukan sambel olahan pabrik botolan.
Melainkan sambel tradisional yang dibuat dengan tangan dan rempah yang
melimpah ruah. Bicara soal sambel juga nggak akan lepas dari lalapan. Lalapan
umumnya berisi sayur kol, timun, dan tomat. Biasanya dihidangkan dengan
penyetan sejenis tempe penyet, lele penyet, ayam penyet, dan bebek penyet.
Cinta Kerupuk
Sensasi bunyi kriuk-kriuk dari kerupuk memang sangat digemari oleh orang
Indonesia. Gurih dan renyahnya itu yang nggak bisa di gambarkan. Kehadiran
kerupuk sering kita jumpai hampir di setiap tempat makan di Indonesia. Mulai dari
warung soto, warung lalapan, warung mie ayam, sampai warung pecel semuanya
ada kerupuknya.
Jenis kerupuk di Indonesia juga banyak, mulai dari kerupuk bawang, kerupuk ikan
tenggiri, rempeyk udang, dan masih banyak lagi. lucunya, kebiasaan unik pecinta
kerupuk di Indonesia ini macem-macem guys, ada yang digadoin, ada yang
dicelupin ke kuah sampe lembek, bahkan makan nasi dengan makanan pelengkap
sambel + kerupuk sudah membawa kenikmatan yang sangat tinggi.
Doyan Jeroan
Hampir 80 % orang Indonesia itu doyan sama jeroan. Mulai dari jeroan sapi, jeroan
ayam, jeroan ikan seperti paru-paru, jantung, otak, usus, macem-macem deh. Kalau
bule biasanya nggak doyan makan jeroan begitu, nggak cocok juga kali di lidah
mereka. Selain nggak cocok, kolestrolnya juga ampun-ampunan.
Jeroan memang sangat enak sehingga banyak orang Indonesia yang gemar
mengonsumsi makanan yang satu ini. Tapi guys, mengonsumsi jeroan atau perut
seperti usus, hati dan lainnya ternyata bisa mempengaruhi kesehatan kita lho.
Kandungan purin yang tinggi didalam jeroan bisa menyebabkan penyakit asam urat.
Walapun makanan ini mengandung manfaat yang baik bagi kesehatan namun jika
dikonsumsi secara berlebihan itu nggak baik bagi kesehatan tubuh.

Tahu dan Tempe yang Tak Terpisahkan

Duo lauk protein nabati ini paling sering muncul di meja makan. Selain karena nutrisi
dan harganya yang pas di kantong mayoritas orang Indonesia juga selalu makan
tahu dan tempe dalam satu piring. Iya kan? Selama ini, makanan berbahan dasar
kacang kedelai tempe dan tahu sering dianggap sebagai makanan kampung dan
kurang bergengsi. Namun siapa sangka, makanan yang dianggap kurang istimewa
di Indonesia ini justru menjadi makanan yang populer dan mahal di Eropa.
Hal yang perlu kamu banggakan, kamu bisa makan tahu dan tempe dengan sangat
merdeka di Indonesia. Kenapa? Karena di Belanda, untuk menikmati satu potong
tahu saja, harganya cukup mahal, mencapai 10 Euro atau setara dengan 151 ribu
rupiah. Wow!
Makan Cabai Rawit Mentah-mentah
Makan cabai rawit secara mentah-mentah merupakan hal yang sangat biasa bagi
orang Indonesia, apalagi jika di duetkan dengan gorengan pasti akan lebih nikmat
rasanya. Kalau di luar negeri cabe rawit harus diolah dulu guys sebelum di
Cabai juga baik buat kesehatan kamu lho. Gimana enggak? Cabai merupakan
sumber vitamin A,B,C dan E, serta ditambah mineral seperti molybdenum, mangan,
folat, kalium, thiamin, dan tembaga. Cabai juga menghasilkan vitamin C tujuh kali
lebih banyak daripada jeruk dan pro vitamin A yang lebih banyak daripada wortel
yang sangat diperlukan bagi tubuh. Keren!
Yang Enak, Dimakan Terakhir
Inilah salah satu kebiasaan makan unik di Indonesia, makanan paling enak
dihabiskan paling akhir. Biasanya di piring udah ada pembagian sendiri-sendiri. Yang
paling enak dan yang lumayan. Yang paling enak di sampingin, buat terkahir. Yang
dimakan duluan yang lumayan terus yang terakhir yang paling enak. Seringnya sih,
lauk pauk kayak kuning telur, daging, ikan, kulit ayam dan sejenisnya.
Bahkan ada juga nih yang punya ritual menghabiskan lauk sampai tulangnya bersih
dari daging. Bebeapa orang di Jawa menyebutnya krokot-krokot tulang. Ini berlaku
jika kamu makan ceker ayam, tengkleng dan sejenisnya. Mungkin ada sensasi dan
kenikmatan tersendiri bagi orang Indonesia saat melakukan sesi makan krokotan ini.
Bawang Goreng, Acar, Pete, Serundeng
Makanan pelengkap yang satu ini nih yang biasanya dihidangkan dengan nasi.
Bawang goreng punya sensasi gurih dan sedap banget. Kalau pete rasanya segar
tapi berefek membuat mulut kamu bau lho. hehehe. Sedangkan acar sangat pas bila
disandingkan dengan hidangan mie atau nasi goreng. Naha, kalau serundeng lebih
pas lagi sebagai pelengkap nasi dan ikan bandeng goreng, gurame goreng, ayam
goreng ataupun bebek goreng.
Makan Sambil Angkat Kaki

Angkat kaki saat makan sudah menjadi ciri khas orang Indonesia, meski nggak
semuanya seperti itu tapi hampir sebagian mayoritas masyarakatnya lebih memilih
mengangkat kakinya satu saat sedang bersantap.
Entah ada apa dengan yang namanya mengangkat satu kaki ke atas kursi saat lagi
makan, kayaknya udah the best position lah! Apalagi saat kamu makannya di Warteg
lesehan, satu-satunya tempat dimana kamu bisa makan makanan rumahan yang
enak dengan lahap, harga murah, dan bebas, tanpa peduli table manner! Ah, santai
aja guys, table manner yang cukup santai di Indonesia ini membuat kamu bissa
bebas menikmati makanan dengan lahap tanpa perlu takut akan adanya batasan.
Sebelum Makan, Di Foto Dulu
Ini biasanya yang begini anak-anak muda di Indonesia. Jadi sebelum makan kalau
jaman dulu itu berdoa, sekarang malah kudu upload instagram dulu. Kalau kayak
gini salahin Instagram aja! Semenjak maraknya food blogger dan food grammer,
makan jadi kurang hits kalau nggak difoto dulu.
Ketika makanan datang di meja, jepret sana-sini dulu, dari samping, dari atas, dari
bawah, sambil koprol, kayang, naik-naik kursi segala macem agar dapet angle yang
pas, biar hasil foto yang dimasukin ke instagram hasilnya bagus dan banyak dapet
likes dari para followers. Makanan yang dipilih pun tentunya yang tampilannya oke
punya, bukan kayak nasi pecel yang asal campur-campur gitu yah guys.




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