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hit [strike] on, against; bump [knock] into,



be hit by a bullet
hit the target in the center
hit the bull'seye

miss the target.

. The stone hit [caught] him on the head.
. The ball hit the wall and bounced of it.
. Seasonal changes in
temperature are caused by the angle at which the sun's rays strike the earth.
(), . The arrow was aimed at the
pivot of the fan, but it missed (its mark).
. The rain was beating hard against the window.
. The waves were breaking on the rocks.
. These shoes pinch my toes.
, . It was when I was
getting of the car that my shoulder brushed hers [touched hers lightly].


. You're hitting the ball very well today!

Your batting is very good [You're batting very well] today.
Your shots are very good [You're striking the ball very well] today.

() incur divine punishment
; prove [turn out (to be)] right

guess right [wrong]
. Today's weather forecast proved right.
8 . Weather forecasts are about 80 percent
accurate these days.
. You have guessed nearly right.You're not far of
[from] the truth.


win first

2 (). I won second prize [I got a secondprize ticket]

in the raffle.

succeed; be [prove] a success;

make a hit

be [prove] a failure
be unsuccessful
. The concert last night was a success.
, . The film was quite a hit, especially with
. Melons have turned out well this year.We've had a
bumper crop of melons this year.

shine on, into

() be exposed to the rain

warm oneself at the fire; bask [bathe] in
the sun

a place in the sun

a sunny place

put something in the shade; keep something out of the sun ,

. This room gets very little sun [sunshine].The
sun shines [The sunlight finds its way] into this room for only a very short time.
. It may be [Perhaps it is] due to long
exposure to the rain.
(). I dozed of, warming myself in
the kotatsu.

undertake; take something in hand; take charge

of something

take charge of somebody's defense; take [hold] a brief for somebody
. Nobody ofered to take the job
on.Nobody took it on himself to do the job.

, face somebody [something]; deal with somebody [something];
go at something
go at somebody

. The two parties joined hands in this

matter against the Liberal Democratic Party.
. The enemy seemed
irresistibly powerful, far surpassing our ability to withstand them.
. Take your chance.Nothing venture nothing win.


be assigned to one

be called on to

. The job was assigned to him.He was called on [

upon] to take on the job.
. I was asked [called on] to speak in the conversation
(). I took a backrow seat in the classroom
so as not to be picked on (to answer the teacher's questions).


treat somebody harshly [unkindly]
be hard on somebody.
, . I
know you've had a bad day, but there's no need to take it out on your wife that

sound somebody (out) on a matter; tap somebody
for a loan

() check something against

look up a word in a dictionary

consult a dictionary for the meaning of a word
. Shall I try to sound him out on it [to
sound out his views on it]?
. I asked [made inquiries] at a
number of places but could not find where he was [his whereabouts].


correspond to; be equivalent to; be worth

1,000 yen

fall on.

. It is not accurate to call him an avantgarde

painter.The term avantgarde painter' doesn't fit him.
(). There is no English word or expression
that is the exact equivalent of amae.There is no English exactly equivalent to
1 . How much [What] was one
dollar worth in Japanese yen in those days?

. What relation is he to you?

. That would be rude [impolite].
. The Emperor's Birthday falls on Sunday.


be [get] poisoned by what one has eaten;

disagree with one

be affected by the (summer) heat

be made ill [sick] by eating spoiled fish
get foodpoisoning from [be poisoned by] some fish (that one ate)

be poisoned [made ill] by bad water

. It seems that something he ate there
disagreed with him.
. The food won't do you any harm.

on this occasion
at this junction

in choosing [in the choice of] books.

. When choosing [picking] (one's)
friends, what is the most important thing?

do not have to do; need not do

. You shouldn't be surprised to
hear that he has been elected President.His success in the election for
President is nothing to be surprised at.

(easily) beat [defeat] any opponent one happens to meet.

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