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Ms. Barlotta
Unit: Triangles and Trigonometry
Topic: Area of a Triangle
Lesson #1
Learning Objective(s):
Students will review finding the area of a triangle using base and height.
Students will review how to find a side of a triangle using sine, cosine, and tangent.
Students will discover the derivation of the area of a triangle formula using
Students will practice using the formula K = 21 abSinC
New York State Learning Standard:
G.SRT.8 Use trigonometric ratios and the Pythagorean Theorem to solve right triangles in
applied problems.
G.SRT.9 Derive the formula A = 1/2 ab sin(C) for the area of a triangle.
Smart board
Worksheets: Area of a Triangle
Calculators (optional)
Math Notebooks
Do Now:
On the worksheet.
Go over any questions students might have from the homework.
Give students four minutes to complete the Do Now and go over it with them.
Give them a more challenging problem they need to discover how to solve using prior
Have them derive the area formula of a triangle using trigonometry.

Go through some practice problems with them.

Show students how to enter a program in their calculators that allow them to substitute
given numbers into the formula.
Complete a quick demonstration with geogebra showing that no matter how we change
the triangle, entering the correct sides and angle will give us the correct area.
Have students break up into groups.They will create their own triangle on construction
paper and then tape the pipe cleaners along it. They will find the length of two
adjacent sides of the triangle they created using a ruler. Then they will measure the
angle between those two sides with the given protractor. They will then determine the
area of their triangle using our new formula.
Go through three important things they should have taken away from the lesson and
summarize the lesson.
Have them complete their exit slip and let them know their homework is on the next
Sum up the lesson for the students. Have them state three important things they learned
from the lesson.
Assignment (Homework):
Worksheet in packet

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