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Matrix skills 226

Biofeedback damage is only dangerous when youre in VR mode. Unless the

attack says otherwise, biofeedback is Stun damage if you are using cold-sim VR
and Physical damage in hot-sim VR. You resist biofeedback damage with
Willpower + Firewall.

Dumpshock is 6 biofeedback damage & -2 DP on all dice for 10-WIL minutes

If you fail an Attack action, your targets security software

rejects your code, corrupting it and sending it back
where it came from. If it was normal data, then your system
could check it for errors, but in this case its some pretty
vicious stuff designed to avoid Firewalls. For every net hit
the target got on its defense test, you take 1 box of Matrix
damage, which you cant resist.
If you fail a Sleaze action, the targets Firewall software
detects the intrusion and places a mark on you. A
device immediately informs its owner, a host launches
IC. If the target already has three marks on you, it doesnt
get another, but it still does the informing and launching.
All Attack and Sleaze actions are illegal
The moment
you perform an illegal action (Attack or Sleaze), you get
an Overwatch Score, or OS, that your gamemaster uses
to track how much evidence youve been leaving in your
wake. When you perform an Attack or Sleaze action,
your OS increases by the number of hits the target gets
on its defense test.
The Overwatch Score also increases as time goes by.
If the demiGODs have time to analyze your activities,
theyll notice traces of your passing and will start to get
closer and closer. Every fifteen minutes after you first
start tallying an OS, it increases by another 2D6 (rolled
by the gamemaster in secret).
When your Overwatch Score hits 40, the jig is up.

The nastiness that follows is called convergence. The

grids demiGOD converges on your trail, and then the
fun begins. First, they hit you for 12 DV Matrix damage,
which you resist normally. Then they force your persona
to reboot, erasing all of your marks and dumping you
from the Matrix (causing dumpshock if you were in VR at
the time). As if that wasnt enough, they also report your
physical location to the owner of the grid you were just
using and the host you were in (if you were in a host),
so you might have to deal with some real-life security
forces coming to track your ass down.

Switching to silent running is a Simple Action. Running silent imposes a 2 dice

pool modifier to all of your Matrix actions due to the processing power needed to
cover your tracks.

You can illegally

change a devices owner with a Hardware toolkit and
an Extended Hardware + Logic [Mental] (24, 1 hour)

test. A glitch on that test results in the item sending a

report to the authorities.
LOGIC + Intuition are offensive skills. Willpower is defensive.
PAGE 245 for programs

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