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Daily Lesson Plan

KDI: Approaches to Learning engagement, reflection
KDI: Social and Emotional Development sense of competence, community, moral development
KDI: Physical Development and Health fine-motor skills, body awareness
KDI: Language, Literacy, and Communication comprehension, speaking, vocabulary, phonological awareness, alphabetic knowledge, reading, concepts about
print, book knowledge, writing
KDI: Mathematics number words and symbols, counting
KDI: Creative Arts music, movement
KDI: Science and Technology classifying, communicating ideas, drawing conclusions
KDI: Social Studies community roles, decision making, history
Students will enter the classroom and put away their snacks and folders in their mailboxes. Afterwards, they will be invited to spend time looking at and reading
books in the book area or to sign in at the table.
We will sing the Good Morning Song and discuss who is going to be the schedule mover, the line leader, and the door holder. Then we will look at the messages
on the message board. Students will be invited to write and state the number poems for the numbers 4-6 before each message is introduced.
1. Picture of Rest Time schedule sign on board, will discuss how we have been having trouble remembering the rules for rest time, but yesterday did go
better, together will make a list of rules to follow for rest time
2. Picture of an unicorn, a quilt, a queen, and an umbrella on the board, students will state what they see, we will discuss how they are all mixed together
and need to be sorted, student will come up and sort them by words that start with u and words that start with q, will practice making the /q/ sound and
both /u/ sounds
3. Picture of clouds and some snow, picture of Outside Time schedule sign with an arrow pointing to a Special Time schedule sign, will state how its
supposed to snow and rain, so we might have to stay inside in the morning and the afternoon, will discuss how we will go to the cafeteria in the morning
and the gym in the afternoon if we have to


We will discuss the weather and what day of the week it is.
KDI: Approaches to Learning initiative, engagement
KDI: Social and Emotional Development sense of competence, building relationships
KDI: Physical Development and Health fine-motor skills
KDI: Language, Literacy, and Communication comprehension, speaking, vocabulary, phonological awareness, alphabetic knowledge, reading, writing
KDI: Mathematics number words and symbols, counting, shapes, patterns
KDI: Creative Arts art, appreciating the arts
KDI: Science and Technology observing, experimenting
KDI: Social Studies decision making
Materials: Shaving cream, smocks
Transition: Pretend to be a bee to small group table
Content: Each student will sit at the table wearing a smock. Shaving cream will be placed in front of each student. Students will spread out the shaving cream on
the table. Students will practice writing and drawing with the shaving cream. Some will practice writing and sounding out letters and words. Others will practice
writing their numbers and drawing pictures.
Early: Students may not try to write/draw anything specific. They may just explore the texture of the shaving cream by running their fingers through it making
random marks and lines. They may make something without having a set plan. After creating it and observing it, they will state what it is or looks like.
Middle: Students may ask you to model how to write/draw something specific like a number or a letter. They may ask for you to spell out a word for them, as they
write it on their own.
Later: Students will want to write numbers past 1 10. Theyre drawings will have lots of detail. They will sound out words that they want to write on their own

using inventive spelling.

KDI: Approaches to Learning initiative, engagement
KDI: Social and Emotional Development sense of competence, building relationships
KDI: Physical Development and Health fine-motor skills
KDI: Language, Literacy, and Communication comprehension, speaking, vocabulary, writing
KDI: Mathematics number words and symbols, counting, part-whole relationships, shapes, data analysis
KDI: Science and Technology classifying, communicating ideas, drawing conclusions
Materials: Sheet of paper, markers, tanagrams, buttons, baskets
Transition: Pretend to be a bee to small group table
Content: Each student will be provided with a basket of shapes (squares, diamonds, triangles, rectangles, and circles). We will discuss how we will be making a
bar graph using our shapes. Students will be asked to sort their shapes. Students will sort them by what type of shape each one is. Afterwards, students will group
all the squares, diamonds, triangles, rectangles, and circles together. Then we will get out the graph paper and write numbers 1-20 as students state each number
and help to write them. Students will take turns counting how many squares, diamonds, triangles, rectangles, and circles there are. We will record the information
down on the bar graph (squares 20, diamonds 15, triangles 10, rectangles 5, circles 5). Then we will discuss which we have the most of and the least of
by comparing the numbers to one another. Also, we will discuss how we have an equal amount of rectangles and circles.
Early: Students may not to be able to identify all of the shapes and their attributes. Most likely they will need help from the teacher or a peer when it comes to
sorting. Students might be able to count to 10, but not past 10.
Middle: Students will be able to identify all shapes and may name some attributes. They will be able to count slightly past 10 and will be able to know how to
write numbers 1 10. They will be able to state which shape we have most of and which shape we have least of.
Later: Students will be able to identify all shapes and their attributes. They will be able to count up to 20 and know how to write most numbers 10 and higher.
They will be able to compare numbers to one another and combine and separate quantities.
KDI: Approaches to Learning initiative, engagement, planning
KDI: Social and Emotional Development sense of competence, building relationships
KDI: Language, Literacy, and Communication comprehension, speaking, vocabulary
KDI: Mathematics number words and symbols, part-whole relationships
KDI: Creative Arts pretend play
KDI: Science and Technology communicating ideas
KDI: Social Studies geography, decision making, history
Materials: Cash register, $5.00, $10.00, and $20.00 bills, shopping cart, baskets, globe
Transition: Pretend to be a bee to small group table
Content: Each student will be provided with a basket. Inside the basket will be a $5.00, $10.00, and $20.00 bill. Students will be told that they will be going on an
adventure/trip. Students will engage in a conversation about the place they would like to travel. After choosing the location, we will discuss what we need to go
shopping to buy items to take with us on our trip. Students will pretend to be customers. They will take turns using the shopping cart to place items, from around
the classroom, inside the shopping cart that they would like to purchase for their trip. After placing the items in the shopping cart, students will go to the teacher
who is pretending to be a cashier. The teacher will state how much each item is and students will give the money to the teacher.
Early: Students will choose the same place a peer said he/she would want to travel to. They will pick random items that you might not necessarily need to take
with you on a trip. Student will purchase items, but will need help in identifying which bill to use.
Middle: Students will choose a place that is familiar to them that they would like to travel to that they may have traveled to before or will be traveling to. They


Work Time


Work Time


may not know where this place is located. Students will pick items that they feel they would need to take on a trip. Students will purchase the items, and will be
able to identify some of the bills that they need to use.
Later: Students will choose a place to travel to that is familiar to them. They will know information about this place or know where it is located. They will choose
items that you would need to take with you on a trip and give a reason as to why its important to have them. Students will purchase the items, and will be able to
identify all three bills. They may be able to add the bills together to give you a different amount.
KDI: Approaches to Learning planning, engagement
KDI: Language, Literacy, and Communication comprehension, speaking, vocabulary
KDI: Creative Arts pretend play
KDI: Social Studies decision making
The area card chart will be spread out across the table and a container with different animals will be placed in front of the students. Each will be asked to choose
an animal to pretend to be and place the animal on the areas where he/she would like to go play. He/she will be encouraged to state the name of the animal and
where that animal lives, to state the name of the areas he/she placed the animal on, to state what he/she would like to do while in those areas, and to state who
he/she would like to play with.
Teachers will be there as facilitators, guides, and role models during work time. They will help students to extend their knowledge and level of thinking by
nudging them when appropriate. Teachers will observe students, take notes, and engage in activities with them. Teachers will offer help and support when needed.
Teachers will incorporate new knowledge that they learned from their professional development classes and incorporate them into the classroom during this time.
Students will hear the chimes for the first time. They will know that there is 5 more minutes left to play. When they hear the chimes the second time, they will
start to sing the Clean-Up Song.
KDI: Approaches to Learning engagement, reflection
KDI: Language, Literacy, and Communication comprehension, speaking, vocabulary
KDI: Creative Arts pretend play
Students will be provided with a paper towel tube. They will be asked to pretend that it is either a telephone or a telescope. Students will take turns using the
telescope or telephone by standing on up and stating the name of the areas that they played at, stating something specific that they did in each of the areas, and
naming the other students that they played with.
KDI: Approaches to Learning planning, engagement
KDI: Social Studies decision making
After putting away their rest time belongings, students will go to the planning chart that is on the door. Each student will find his/her letter link and choose the
areas in which he/she wants to play at. Each student will find those specific area cards and place them behind his/her letter link.
Teachers will be there as facilitators, guides, and role models during work time. They will help students to extend their knowledge and level of thinking by
nudging them when appropriate. Teachers will observe students, take notes, and engage in activities with them. Teachers will offer help and support when needed.
Teachers will incorporate new knowledge that they learned from their professional development classes and incorporate them into the classroom during this time.
Students will hear the chimes for the first time. They will know that there is 5 more minutes left to play. When they hear the chimes the second time, they will
start to sing the Clean-Up Song.
KDI: Approaches to Learning engagement, reflection
KDI: Language, Literacy, and Communication comprehension, speaking, vocabulary
KDI: Physical Development and Health gross-motor skills
Each group will be given a bucket and a ball. Students will be asked to go to a carpeted area within the classroom. The bucket will be placed down away from the
students. Students will take turns trying to throw the ball into the bucket to make a basket. They will sit and watch one another go. Once a student makes a
basket, he/she will sit down and name the areas where he/she played, state what he/she did in those areas, and state who he/she played with.
KDI: Approaches to Learning engagement
KDI: Physical Development and Health gross-motor skills
KDI: Creative Arts music, movement, pretend play
Materials: Song book, name sticks
Transition: Play a game of Simon Says
Content: The song book will be put out along with the container with the name sticks. A stick will be drawn and that student will get to pick what song we will be
singing. Also, that student will pick what body part we will tap to keep a steady beat when we are singing the song I Wonder What Song Hell/Shell Pick Today.
Depending on the song picked students may choose how we are going to act out the song. Also, we may experiment with singing the song loud, fast, quiet, or


Outside will point out changes within the environment due to weather, provide them with materials (balls, buckets, shovels, etc.), go along with and play the
games they come up with
Snack will have meaningful conversations, try to model decontextualized text, go along with and play the games they come up with, bring over books to read,
sing songs or say rhymes/poems together

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