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Every incident in your life is being used and in part even orchestrated by Me in preparation for times ahead, valuable lessons
for your life, or simply milestones you find orientation by, if you live according to the Spirit. (I:46)
Change your life and the lives of those around you! (I:49)
Even the dark times, the seeming downhill slopes of your life have in reality been uphill slopes in My direction.
Dont miss out on your purpose in life by being distracted with 2 nd bests! (I:50)
Love, light and life, they are one, and they are to be desired. (I:52)
Let Me be the sunshine of your life!
He that soweth to the spirit will reap life: the more time you invest in the Spirit by delving into My Word, the more life you will
reap. (I:57)
If you wouldnt let people and the situation around you distract you so much from the fact that everyday with Me could be an
exciting new adventure, you would enjoy life a lot more! (I:67)
Strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life and few there be that find it (Mt.7:14).
Be My called-out ones, the set-apart ones, different from the norm. Dont be cold and cruel and normal, but warm and loving,
caring and sharing, even if the whole world will call you crazy.
The normal way is the way of death. The road to life requires faith. Its not normal. Its not the rut that millions tread upon day
in day out. (I:69)
Life is a School in which you are being tested, taught and prepared for greater purposes hereafter. (I:82)

Be not entangled in the affairs of this life, for this is battle time! (I:95)
Your life is meant to be lived for Me and for others. (I:97)
Theres more to life than what meets the eye. (I:120)
I am the difference between life and death. For I am Life, and without Me, youre dead. Lifeless, motionless, dead. (I:124)
Everything I allow to happen in your life someday soon will all make perfect sense. When you will come face to face with the
final, complete picture of your life, every seemingly meaningless stroke will have a perfect purpose. (I:125)
Enjoy life as the gift that it is! Enjoy this School as the gift that it is! (I:132)
My way up is down, to the death of self; self-confidence, self-reliance, self-sufficiency. And up on the wings of a glorious
resurrection from the ashes of that death: a new creature that doesnt need to worry how its going to accomplish or cope with
this, that and the other, but who simply rises above by My power. (I:144)
My message is the magic that will change lives and bring life to others who were as good as dead. You can give a meaning to
their lives. (I:146)
Sometimes a mans accomplishments are not recognized until his life is over and his fleshly presence is taken away. (I:154)
There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Often what seems right to you in your
own mind, only results in spiritual death. The sacrificial option, the option of laying down your life for Me, of taking up your
cross, the option of truly denying yourself and your own desires, that's the only option that truly results in life. (I:417)
I'm showing the world through the death of My saints that I came to "deliver them who through fear of death were all their
lifetime subject to bondage," (Heb.2:15) and that I can deliver them, too. Many have come to believe in Me through witnessing the
way My people die. (II:138)
My death was actually My zenith, My absolute destiny; there was nothing higher to be achieved or accomplish than what I did
through My death. So, stop viewing death as a defeat! It will just be the proof of the pudding that you were willing to live and to
die for what you've been preaching and teaching. That's what makes the difference: you're not to be another teacher of mere
dead facts and figures, but teaching others the eternal way of life! (II:178)
So, life is tough... Well, guess what? You're not alone. So life is not a vacation... Welcome to the club of those who found that
out a long time ago!
Welcome to the jungle of real life! Sorry if what life hands you doesn't always come on a nice civilized silver platter! But the
outwardly ugly people are sometimes (if not often) the inwardly beautiful, and vice versa. (2011:37)

Life is tough, but its tough for a reason! (2011:53)

Let this life help you see the need for the next, the missing piece and fulfillment of the yearning of your soul, that aching that
tells you that something down there is just not quite right... And remember that it will be worth it all!
That which is to come is going to make up for all you've had to and will yet ever go through, and you'll know then that is has
been worth it all! (2011:66)
Life will always present situations to you in which you will feel like running away from them, but running away is not the
solution. The way to cope with them is turning to Me for answers. (2011:74)
Theres a lot more to life and the universe than meets the naked eye, as people have begun to find out, and this fact is
testimony to the way I work. Im anything but superficial. (2011:77)
Life may be hard at present, but its going to get harder, and it behooves you to appreciate these times instead of complaining
about them, for if you think this is as tough as it gets, you aint seen nuthin yet.
So when life tends to overwhelm you, think about how much worse things could be and most likely will be very soon, and make
the most of what youve got right now, because it wont last forever. (2011:100)
Essentially what it takes in order to lead a better life: you have to put something into it in order to get something out of it in
return. Nothing comes from nothing. If you want something, youre going to have to put something into it first. (2011:105)
This life doesnt offer an endless amount or flow of resources, but I do. One good reason to hang with Me is that I never run out
of stuff, which is perhaps another lesson people are eventually going to catch up on while going through this life: that it pays
to cling to the Eternal, as opposed to its finite and temporal counterparts (2011:111)
Accept whatever it is that life hands you!
Take what youre given with grace!
The older you get, and the more your life starts to hang by a thread, the more you begin to realize the extent to which your life
is in My hands, and maybe it will even help you to realize how much of a gift each day is that youre given.
Part of the things that come at you in life are designed for you to find strategies to handle them. (2011:112)
You stand the chance to lose just about anything in this life, but you can never lose Me. In fact, you have to count on the fact of
loss in this life, but it will only reinforce the fact of what you cannot lose: My Presence in your life. (2011:113)
Lifes a pain sometimes, maybe even much of the time, but I promise that if you take it with a grain of salt and a healthy portion
of humor, itll be a lot less bitter. (2011:116)
Your life may look like one hell of a mess compared to many of theirs, but what Im trying to prove is that even My
disorganization is better than mans type of organization.
So, be not perplexed by the mess that your life sometimes seems to be, and the fact that I expect you to see My hand even in
the midst of all that chaos. (2011:121)
The ugly reminder of death is cropping up every now and then, and if theres one thing people shun being reminded of, its their
But thats why it pays to keep your eyes on the One Who has overcome death; and isnt that what faith is all about? (2011:130)
Its not so much about finding something out there that you havent got yet, as making the best of what you do have, even if it
may be quite a challenge. (2011:149)
Life was meant to be a voyage for seekers for more, not settlers for less. You often wonder how could life be so imperfect?
But thats just the thing, it wasnt meant to be your ultimate destination, but rather the mere beginning of a voyage and quest
for something much greater than what could be found there. The greatest danger lies in allowing yourself to be deceived into
thinking that the goal of your journey might lie within that visible realm and all it has to offer, for there is so much more, and
there are so much greater things to be discovered by those who refuse to believe that their here and now is all that life and by
life I mean something greater than your earthly span has to offer.
Those who dont believe that there is more to life usually dont believe in a Giver of Life, either. They just take it all for granted
as something that simply happened, and evolution or coincidence or luck or whatever simply entitles them to grab whatever
they claim as theirs. (2012:2)
The way up on lifes roller coaster ride is hard and rough and exhausting, and youre only up on the peak for a short while
before it rapidly goes downhill again. (2012:21)
Just when you think life has run out of challenges, it usually cooks up a new variety, asking, Lets see Hows he going to
handle this?

Have you ever wondered why life is such a mess at times? Why it might be that things go awry, and what you might possibly
be able to do from preventing them to be that way? Could it be that life could be much less of a mess if youd let Me handle
more of it by committing it into My hands in prayer? (2012:50)
Sometimes people get so hung up on the things about and around life, the things that enable them to survive, etc., that they
forget all about the main thing, life itself. They dont really put their all into living because theyre so busy making a living
I have come to bring life and life abundant, and that your joy might be full. I dont want you to live life at half the steam and
power that it potentially could fully render for you.
Its time for a new step and for applying new methods, learning new ways and using new tools to make the most out of life.
You always regret the loss of something good, but you must realize that as long as Im in charge of your life, there will always
be something better that awaits you after giving up a good thing.
Tuning into Me is whats going to make your life enjoyable and truly worth living.
Im offering you the opportunity to enjoy the difference between real life and mere survival.
When youre in sync with My tune of life, youll be able to overcome, rise above and tune out all the negative frequencies and
input of the temporal realm, along with its painful manifestations.
Thats why the martyrs died joyfully. (2012:52)
If you want to improve your world, your life, why not begin with you and whatever you can do to improve it?
Some things simply are your job. Its the garden of your life. (2012:53)
Imperfect means: not complete. It isnt destined to last. The greatest break of all, like death, will be the end, and thats the main
trademark that distinguishes temporal things from the eternal. (2012:60)
You mustnt start worrying that Ive forsaken you, when you cant exactly see where your life is headed and the sense of it all
seems to elude you somehow.
Theres going to be enough thats good to preserve from your life at the end of the day, even if it seems as if the majority of it
may have been useless or a waste of time. (2012:74)
Death, or the end of your world, isnt to be dreaded but to be welcomed as the beginning of the new, the better the best.

When it all comes down to it: What is your life, if not a vapor thats here a little while and then its gone? And what matters
when its over? How much money you will have earned? - Certainly not. Those who base their feelings of achievement and
success on these materialistic criteria are oblivious of their ultimate destination called death, and leave themselves utterly
unprepared for the event.
Whereas, no matter how unsuccessful you may have been throughout your life, if you know Me and are in touch with Me,
youll be better prepared for it.
After all, that was one of the main purposes of My coming: to free men from the fear of death, and they could be free from it if
they wouldnt constantly run the other way, evade and avoid Me and put all their cards and money on the here and now, as if it
would never end, only worsening the illusion and the problem, trying to buy themselves as much time on earth as they possibly
can before the event they stubbornly refuse to face: the bitter end. (2012:96)
Some folks really made a dent and left an impact on society and history. But others did their best, too, and were never heard of.
Its definitely not about who gets the most glory in this world, and much less who gets in the most working hours or rakes in
most of the money. Its more about what you did with what you were given, and showing gratitude and a humble attitude even
when what youre handed doesnt seem to be all that much of a lucky strike.
Maybe thats a theme for you to hold on to and remember: Die trusting! As opposed to living a life void of any sort of faith
and trust in anything worthwhile (2012:98)
Im famous for bringing forth new life from the death of the old. Thats My signature all throughout creation, and a guiding
theme of My story: Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die (2012:110)
Find Your Dream means, find out what it is. What exactly is your adventure that will make your life a story to tell?
life simply isnt about trying to make it easier. Real life is about accepting the ever growing challenges before you and
accepting them as My program to make a better man out of you, above your own that would seek to make things easier

Experience should have told you a little bit about how things actually run in life. They dont get easier. (2012:138)
Yours is a hard life compared to others, but hard lives have a reward in store for them, which those choose to forgo who have
all the rewards in the here and now. (2012:149)
Learning is what lifes all about, and if you hate that, then youve got a problem with life itself, and it may not be so much life
being the problem as you yourself.
Just because life cannot always be just that pink, fluffy dream youd ideally dream it up to be doesnt mean its all bad. So,
yeah, it gets tough sometimes. Maybe its even tough most of the time But trust Me, you wouldnt want to be on the side of
those who have it all too comfortable! (2012:150)

Your faith is based on resurrection from the dead. And thats one thing about the Father: He can raise life out of the blue from
just about anything, even stone cold dead matter, if He wants to, or a seemingly dead outfit (2012:159)
Life is a series of crises that is meant for you to tackle, take on and endure somehow. It begins with the crisis of birth and ends
with the crisis of death, with a million other little or bigger crises strewn in in-between.
The clue is in remembering the Christ when youre in a crisis, the Messiah, the promised way out of this whole mess that you
mankind have gotten yourselves into.
Choose to live, rather than wanting to die and give in! (2013:7)
The impact of the reality of life can be overwhelming, making it seem as though its all there is and all there ever will be. Its
hard to imagine the unknown, what comes afterwards. But you know that afterwards is inevitable for every human being, so
why not as well prepare for it somehow, mentally, instead of totally ignoring it the way most people do?
You dont have to get there shocked and unprepared.
Have a little sense and really live life to the full, the way its meant to be lived, and youll make a difference with your life! Your
life will tell a tale that speaks louder than words, like a moving, living picture, illustrating the stark contrast to all the grey
emptiness that the sea of meaningless lives poured into the empty, temporal things, represents.
Which of the two do you think is really more boring: the meaningless, short-sighted and frightened chase of the masses, or a
life lived and powered by faith and the courage to do things differently? (2013:19)
Life can hardly ever be perfect enough.
Eden itself wasnt capable to satisfy that yearning, not without presenting the blatant contrast to it, not without letting man
experience first what sort of paradise he can build with his own hands and letting him go his own way. (2013:21)
My motto was and is: Fear not them which kill the body (Mt.10:28)!
I said, He that loses his life for My sake shall find it (Mt.10:39) life indeed. (2013:77)
The paths of life and death are before you constantly to choose the better Why would you ever choose the worse? (2013:111)
Its a very popular line and theme these days: Its my life, or, Life is ours, we live it our way but is it? - Really? That
would be correct if nobody had given it to you in the first place. But that is what many people utterly fail to see, acknowledge
and recognize: What is there that thou hast not received? (2013:115)
If life seems painful and ugly to you, theres usually a reason for it Perhaps to make you remember or realize that theres
something better than this painful, short, earthly life, something that will turn out a lot better and make you sure that it was by
far not the best to await you
Sometimes the painful parts of the temporal life make you long for the better, make you seek something better, even if many
people dont, and think that this temporal life is all there is (2014:22)
When a place makes you disrespect life and prefer death, you can imagine that Id advise you to choose and find another one
to move to and live
I dont want you to disrespect life. Thats rather something the enemy would try to get you to do. (2014:41)
Lives being rough are the kind of times you need in order to really trust in Me. See, life doesnt always continue and go on in
the same old way, and when its going down its better to have learned to trust in Me.
If you look at whats going on in and around life, its a bit scary until you can get ahold of Me helping you. Its pretty important
for you to get ahold of that and learn to trust in Me! You must seek Me so you can find Me, and its sort of important that I take
over the meaning of and importance in life. (2014:44)
Do you believe in life after death, or dont you? If you believe in life after death, then its time for you to put some action into
that faith. (2014:76)
What if your physical life comes closer to an end? Dont you think its time again to put more of your trust back in Me? (2014:81)
The end of the merely physical life is coming to everyone. And being able to look at it with a positive view shouldnt be
something too bad; especially when you believe in Salvation. So, it should be viewed with a positive look, your after-life; and
see the rest of your physical one as an opportunity to prepare for it, instead of focusing mostly on the way to make more
money down there (2014:110)
There is a common end of life for everyone on this planet except for those whove received Me, and will experience eternal
life hereafter, by faith in what I have taught My followers and disciples. (2014:121)
Nothing lasts forever down on Earth in this life and the present world, which has been pretty much taken over by the Enemy,
and thus reduced all things and shortened human life.
Its good for you to find out that theres a vast difference between this life youre living now and what comes thereafter
Youll find out that what the life hereafter has in store for you is going to be a whole lot more and better than what the present
life may have had and the good things turning out to last forever, not to be lost (2014:124)

The end of the human life on earth is a reality that ought to be learned to cope with. (2014:132)
Life can teach you between right and wrong, good and bad, through personal experiences, which always means a stronger
lesson to be learned than what some teacher may have told you Life will teach you, and therell be a point and time youll be
grateful for it. Better than not knowing exactly what to stand for, what to believe in and what convictions to have. Even if
some of the experiences and lessons youve had to go through to learn were ugly in your life. (2014:145)
Life is something like a gift of the Father, and you should appreciate it as such, and not just rely on yourself to keep it going!

If lifes a little rough right now, trust in the Hereafter thats to come, and that itll be worth it all, whatever is unpleasant that you
might have to go through right now. The Hereafter will make it worth it all! (2014:181)
The end of each life happens, and its good to spend some time preparing for it.
All in all, thats what faith is all about: believing theres more than all this present life has to offer.
If life is hard harder than it used to be, just learn to deal with it and handle it! (2014:195)
Everybody has to deal with physical death in this life, as I did, but all I can tell you if you believe in Me and have received Me is,
whats comin up for you will be so much better! So, dont be scared of it, but look forward and up to it, and dont be too scared!
Life after death isnt something to be scared of, but for believers something to look forward to. (15:33)
If this earthly life confuses you and irritates you in some ways, just look forward to the better one thats coming up ahead!

Who gives life in the first place? - The mechanical functions of the system, or your God and Creator?
If the latter is your faith and belief, continue to trust and lean on to it, and not what the system is teaching its subjects to
believe! According to them, the life begun through birth will end through death. So, no wonder that all the money you can earn
during those years of life play the most important part for them who believe that. But you had settled for faith in Me and a
greater life beyond this one youre leading right now. (15:110)
If your current state of life is keeping you humble, see it as an advantage!
See all the negative things that have happened in your life to make you humbler as something not all that negative! (15:113)
Why do you think We, as Creators of it all, organized it in such a way that life on earth is presently only temporary? - Whereas
the one Up Here is the lasting one? (15:122)
Life as a toughie and rough trouble to learn to put up with it is quite a challenge. But it was never promised that it would stay
easy all of the time.
Life may not be as easy as it used to be, but trust Me that Ill help and see you through it, anyway. (15:128)

You cant take that life for granted down there it just might end suddenly and without any warning, which might be
one of the reasons why Im trying to encourage you to become more heavenly-minded so that next time something
grave happens, youll be prepared for your arrival in your lasting Home! (15:134)
Hang on to Me, and you will see: Lifes end will be victory! (15:145)
Get ready for the real Life afterwards, and offer that chance to as many others as you can that are receptive enough for it, and
not too side-tracked by the materialism the enemy uses to divert them! (15:147)
Death from that earthly life isnt the worst thing to expect and have to deal with, as long as you belong to the right Side! (15:149)
Life just isnt supposed to be all perfect.
I know, its not perfect but whos ever said, thats what life on earths supposed to be all about?
In fact, lifes state, so far from perfect, is part of whats supposed to arouse the desire for Heaven in some folks the better
Place, run by a better Boss and God than the pretender having taken over His creation down there (15:166)
So that earthly life doesnt strike you as so pleasant anymore, does it? And your only hope for an alternative is what youve
heard from and about Me, and the Hereafter, what the belief in Me promises folks after that current life of yours down there.
Can you just go through it along with Us sufferers who had to live and die a hard way, in order to bring hope to others in
something greater hereafter thatll be worth it all? (2015:182)
Trust in Me, that I wont let you down, and even through death you will turn out as a winner Up Here! (2015:183)
Its tough when the past times of your life seem so much more glorious, more anointed, easier and more pleasant than the
present ones, but see it as one of the advantages of the eternal passage of life hereafter: therell be no more passages of the
past youll be looking back at with pain because you were feeling stronger and better back then
Death for the saved is not an end, but merely a change, and one to something better than the former! (2015:191)

See, this life, and all its got to give, will be over soon. And all you can have left will be the things youve been offered in the
spirit, and have accepted and allowed to bring some kind of fruit in you. - Maybe not as tangible as material things, but more
lasting, instead And that, ultimately, will turn out to make things more worthwhile. Dont you think? (2015:195)
Life may be rough right now, and you may not like it and feel like desiring to get out of there at times and make it to your new
and better Home, but then youve got to trust Me for the fact that theres still an important job, task and purpose for you to fulfill
down there, so youve got to stick to it, that position down there, and preferably: as victoriously and with as positive an attitude
as you can and somehow ought to manage with My help! (2015:203)
Just remember that the time you spend on earth isnt endless, but may be over unexpectedly soon So, be ready for your
eventual arrival Up Here, and remember that your time down there isnt endless. So, be prepared for the Hereafter and an
eventual end of your situation down there.
Remembering that shouldnt keep you in a state of complaining, either, but rather of preparation, along with remembering your
job to let others know about whats coming in the thereafter
Knowing how quickly it may all be over down there you should pull yourself together and present the best behavior you can
possibly come up with, remembering to be a testimony and a witness, in order to help others to find their way Up Here as well!

Yes, life may be tough, but it's time you learn how to deal with it. (2015:245)
Theres a greater and better world and life hereafter, without death, that will make more sense than what youre having to go
through now, and dont let the enemy wipe out that faith in the better Hereafter! (2016:9)
The end of that life for believers is like a whole new beginning. (2016:62)

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