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Teora de la contradiccin

(Biblioteca Uniandes)
Engels, Friedrich. La subversin de la ciencia por el seor Eugen Dhring:
"AntiDuhring". Barcelona: Crtica, 1977
Fougeyrollas, Pierre. Contradiction et totalit: surgissement et dploiements de
la dialectique. Paris: Les Editions de Minuit, 1964.
Havemann, Robert. Dialctica sin dogma: ciencia natural y concepcin del
mundo. Barcelona: Ariel, 1967
Meyer, Matthew. Reading Nietzsche through the ancients: an analysis of
becoming, perspectivism, and the principle of non-contradiction. Boston: De
Gruyter, 2014.
Mller-Lauter, Wolfgang. Nietzsche: his philosophy of contradictions and the
contradictions of his philosophy. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1999.

Markovic, Mihailo. Dialctica de la praxis. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu Editores,

Zeleny, Jindrich. Dialctica y conocimiento. Madrid: Ediciones Ctedra, 1982.

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