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The Philosophy

Gian Singh

Searching Alternative

TEHRIK Publications
383/6 Fatehpuri Colony
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The Philosophy

The Guide
This section, in a way, is in continuation of previous
one relating to vision; philosophy though connotes
something more profound. So, before venturing into
defining the way one needs to look at things, it will be
appropriate if first it is realised what available
philosophies in main contend. Since people in general
have been made to think about philosophy as an abstract
subject for idlers, it scares busy bees.
In our context it is important to keep on track and
avoid any possibility of derailment. Useless pursuit of
abstracts for mere intellectual exercise or indulge in it
like entertainment is not our taste, neither relevant to
the subject of this appraisal. Let us then talk a little in
this section about philosophy and its role in life of
individuals as well as society, though a concerted
effort is on to discount importance of philosophy as
something dispensable or at best a subject to pursue
at leisure. It is a recent phenomenon; say around six
decades in India that philosophy is discounted and
pushed as a subject which stands detached from
practical life. Those who are behind it, intend to blunt
thinking faculty of people so that they do not invest

The Philosophy

Searching Alternative

energy in analysing events and take sermons at face

value without murmur. This ensures status quo
to survive without any serious challenge to untruth.
In fact, it is philosophy that holds key to unravel the
hidden meaning to events and postulates as guide.
Simply said, philosophy embodies a system of thought
derived from practical life that human society lives
through and a logical presentation of some social values
and cherished ideals pertinent to progress in human
relations. Basically philosophy has two variants: one,
materialist philosophy and the other, idealist philosophy.
One rests on taking cognizance of physical nature while
the other links it to idea that is central to what exists.
Matter and Idea are made distinct categories that
respectively form basis of categorising philosophies. In
physics matter is a category that exists to change, can
be felt so, through our sense organs and can be known.
In philosophy, matter is an epistemological category; a
name given to certain distinct characteristics common
to things that exist. The force of motion in matter is
basically internal. These three defining principles or
characteristics of matter reflect in motion as:
1. Since matter exists in motion and in a state of
constant change, which defines that it is a
struggle basically between opposites within
leading to change from quantitative to
qualitative and vice-versa, from simple to
complex and vice-versa, lower to higher.
2. Motion has it in negation of negation

The Philosophy

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3. Motion in matter denotes Struggle and Unity

of Opposites
Idealist philosophy, Adhyatmvad in India, on the other
hand, is a system of thought that believes idea as central
to existence of universe and believes that some supernatural power outside matter is the cause of its motion.
It has three variants in Indian idealist philosophy i.e
Aduvetwad, Duvetwad, Tretvad. One takes a single
element or force as source of origin that makes this
universe move, second takes two forces in combination
as source, while the third believes three basic elements
in combination as a basic source. Here, motion is subject
to outside force; much of it rests on faith that is not
subject to inquiry. Despite, various interpretations of
idealist philosophy have led to hundreds of variations
of faith worldwide leading to unresolved contests.
These two sets of philosophies have contradicting
elements as basis respectively to exist with nothing to
reconcile, except if at all, on peripheries. Twentieth
century saw sharp contest between these two sets of
philosophies for supremacy to interpret universe with
the help of armed states full of resources and power.
The armed power of those who claimed to work for
materialist philosophy for hegemony lost control of state
structure after over seven decades of last century and
those who are still in possession of armed state structure
having faith in idealist philosophy are desperate to claim
death for their rival, forgetting that basically it is a
struggle between two system of thought and not state

The Philosophy

Searching Alternative

powers. Those who lost race are poor on state strength.

It is yet to be proved that materialist philosophy has
lost relevance, all because of losing an experiment/
practice on the strength of a lost armed state power.
The materialist philosophy is for life as it exists and
intends to exist. It is not, as is commonly made out, a
guide to mad race or craze for materialist possessions
and pursuit of wild consumerism.
Materialist philosophy does cognise idea as a force with
humanity on its onward march, yet not its original
progenitor. Idea itself is the product of a material
condition. It denies, however, that idea forms the base
that propels nature to move.
Idealist philosophy is for eternal salvation working hard
t h ro u g h c o bwebs o f m ate r i a l wo r l d . On e i s
communitarian in approach based on historical
materialism, which once became driving forces in search
of breaking status quo for social change in major part
of twentieth century. The other basically caters the
individual for salvation in eternal peace by breaking
grip of material world; it works on Individual as is its
main thrust for salvation.
Both philosophies have respective social, cultural
modes and mores for smooth survival in commensurate with defining principles of each and are made
to change prevalent traditions, customs to its
requirement, may or not with consent -mostly
through contrived consent.

The Philosophy

Searching Alternative

It is recognised that life without philosophy is like living

in a deep pool not knowing where to drift for the stair
up before losing breath. Philosophies are views to
interpret the world, past, present and future with an
explanation circumscribed by its context, as torchlight
is needed in darkness. These are not disposable as
worthless items of luxury, nor a decorative piece to
adorn. Philosophy has a practical value.
It may be underlined: Any specific philosophy emerges
out of concrete conditions of respective times as a
possible answer to problems humanity faces in its stride
to move ahead. Some may stick; others fall by side as
irrelevant in course of time. In a world of differing
interests, these give views to interpret and serve
humanity, giving reason for contending interpretations.
Nonetheless, all philosophies have one common
characteristic: these come, serve and changes with
times. Idle or abstract thoughts do not serve any one
and are useless for society to remain as guide.
So, to be sure, philosophy is not dreary theory or
something abstract material to know at ease. As part of
normal life, it gives insight to problems. Philosophy is
vision, to find ones own path, day or night. The clear
vision makes journey happy and fruitful. Without vision
or coloured one fatal accident is in store. To theorems,
philosophy provides guidelines for proper use.
Let us narrate: Philosophy of life is a social science
with a system of thought that makes things easier to
understand in their varied dimensions and goes to make

The Philosophy

Searching Alternative

society richer in knowing things for good and bad,

legitimate or illegitimate, helpful or damaging. It helps
analytical process to understand side of your truth.
Philosophy gives that insight. A vision is created, which
empowers to walk through firewall.
If one attains capability to know things properly it may
do good in general but harms those who deal in darkness
and ignorance. Societys gain is their loss and their gain
is loss to society. Interests of each collide with interests
of the other. The law of opposite works like that.
The ideology of rulers is to rule and perpetuate it.
They create their own system of logic in the interests
of minority rule they serve and subdue the ruled with
as refined subterfuges as required, changing stances at
need. Since these rulers have to oversee market
economy for better operation in a world of un-equals
under industrial-commercial dispensation, they have
devised philosophy of individualism to run things
smoothly. Rational individual is the central figure for
it. It is a system of thought that goes for an atomised
society, totally dependent on state structure.
The state establishment under such dispensation uses
all its tools, including political establishment, to fulfil
its assigned task and simultaneously make individualism
attractive, despite deep pock marks, for gullible to
embrace whatever cost to society.
A particular philosophy working behind this law of
opposite interests is weaving through dark alleys of a

The Philosophy

Searching Alternative

design in order to pepper out rough edges in course of

its operation. Myths are created, recreated constantly
with sharp eye on followers.
Principles of various hues are floated to keep faith in
the system intact. The theory of Fate is one such
principle. To turn man into a human resource for the
use of capital is another new invention in this game of
deception through the philosophy of plunder. The
inevitability of authority is another gem they have
created to make oppression essential. Many still explain
inequality as orderly and essential element in nature,
to justify injustice in human society.
Apart from media, professional academia spins fine for
the state to breathe easy. It helps in colouring vision of
the people in light of changing stance from the
leadership for keeping system kicking.
Today, speaking concretely, there is conflict of interest
between philosophy of life and philosophy of rulers
which is the philosophy of individualism to suit market
economy to flourish. Both of these work with their
distinctly corresponding cultural and social milieus for
smooth sail, while state works to keep society in tune
with its assigned task by its masters in economy.
Essentially, an industrial-commercial mode of production-cum-distribution, that relies on the market
operations, produce individualism hourly as a way of
life, as its labour-unit is an atomised, freely available
individual. It is a barren entity for the social milieu. To
keep flow in supply of requisite labour for these pursuits

Searching Alternative

The Philosophy

family bonds are put on sacrificing block first and

academia dutifully advance new norms of behaviour
for young with fresh consciousness on individual rights.
The rationale behind current campaign unleashed
against patriarchy feudalist mindset, conservative
uncouth of rural areas by media, political establishment and academia is to remove cultural roadblock to serve liberalisation, privatisation and
globalisation push in India. This is done under a specific
philosophy of robbers by advancing individualism. In
contest with such philosophy of robbers, common
people must master its own. They cannot do without it
unless hara kari is the object or one has decided to
follow executioners in blind faith.
For a pulsating life it is imperative to master the
philosophy of life by all those who understand an old
but somewhat vague saying that man is social animal
in the first instance. Life cannot go without it.
All those who are living with no illusions of short cuts
to wealth and fame must realise that their own labour
will stand by them in a social milieu. Wealth is
essentially theft of social assets.


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