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Descriptive research


2. 2. DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH Descriptive research is used to obtaininformation
concerning the current status of thephenomena to describe "what exists" withrespect to
variables or conditions in a situation. The methods involved range from the surveywhich
describes the status quo, the correlationstudy which investigates the relationshipbetween
variables, to developmental studieswhich seek to determine changes over time.
3. 3. DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH Descriptive research can be either quantitative
orqualitative. It can involve collections of quantitative information thatcan be tabulated
along a continuum in numerical form,such as scores on a test or the number of times a
personchooses to use a-certain feature of a multimediaprogram, or it can describe
categories of information such asgender or patterns of interaction when using
technologyin a group situation. Descriptive research involves gathering data thatdescribe
events and then organizes, tabulates, depicts,and describes the data collection
4. 4. DESCRIPTIVE STUDIES Descriptive studies, primarily concerned withfinding out
"what is," might be applied toinvestigate the following questions: Do teachers hold
favorable attitudes toward usingcomputers in schools? What kinds of activities that
involve technology occurin sixth-grade classrooms and how frequently do theyoccur?
What have been the reactions of schooladministrators to technological innovations in
teachingthe social sciences? How have high school computing courses changedover the
last 10 years?
5. 5. Developmental StuDieS Trend Studies - Used to make predictions fromsocial trends,
economic conditions,technological advances, etc. to future status The purpose of
developmental studies is toassess changes over an extended period oftime. For example,
developmental research would be anideal choice to assess the differences in academicand
social development in low-income versus high-income neighborhoods. It is most
common when working with children assubjects for obvious reasons and can be
undertakenusing several methods
6. 6. trenD analySiS The term "trend analysis" refers to theconcept of collecting
information andattempting to spot a pattern, or trend, inthe information Although trend
analysis is often used topredict future events, it could be used toestimate uncertain events
in the past,such as how many ancient kings probablyruled between two dates, based on
datasuch as the average years which otherknown kings reigned.
7. 7. InterrelatIonshIpstudIes Correlation Studies - Determine the extent ofthe relationship
between two or more variables "Correlational research involves collecting datain order
to determine whether, and to whatdegree, a relationship exists between two ormore
variables." Usually examine a complex, major idea byseeing how lesser variables relate

to it If variable doesnt relate, can drop from furtheranalysis If variable relates, can do a
more expensive causal-correlational or experimental study
8. 8. hIstorIcal research Historical research - mean gathering data fromsituations that have
already occurred and performingstatistical analysis on this data just as we would in
atraditional experiment. Since historical research relies on data from the past,there is no
way to manipulate it. Studying the grades of older students, for example, andyounger
students may provide some insight into thedifferences between these two groups, but
manipulatingthe work experience is impossible. Therefore, historical research can often
lead to presentday experiments that attempt to further explore what hasoccurred in the

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