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Chapter 21 - The Age of the Masses and the Zenith of Modernism 1914-1945

Chapter 21
The Age of the Masses and the Zenith of Modernism 1914-1945

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following was an ultimate result of the Treaty of Versailles?
A. strengthening the German economy
B. stripping Britain of control over Mosul and Basra
C. strengthening the Ottoman Empire
D. creation of the kingdom of Iraq

2. Which of the following is true of Japan during the Great Depression?

A. It pursued imperialist goals in the Far East.
B. It sought economic and military aid from the United States.
C. It replaced its monarchy with a parliamentary democracy.
D. Its economy and government collapsed almost simultaneously.

3. The April 1917 event that helped determine the outcome of World War I was the
A. entry of the United States into the war on the side of the Allies.
B. Germans' initiation of unrestricted submarine warfare.
C. entry of Turkey into the war on the side of the Central Powers.
D. collapse of the currency in Italy.

4. The democratic political system in Germany between the Versailles Treaty and the rise of
Hitler was known as the
A. Berlin Republic.
B. Bonn Republic.
C. Weimar Republic.
D. Potsdam Republic.

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Chapter 21 - The Age of the Masses and the Zenith of Modernism 1914-1945

5. Which of the following eventually became a totalitarian state after World War I?
A. Italy
B. Russia
C. Germany
D. All these answers are correct.

6. The European country that suffered most from the Great Depression was
A. Germany.
B. France.
C. Italy.
D. Spain.

7. About which of these ideas did Lenin and Marx NOT agree?
A. Economic conditions determine the course of history.
B. History leads inevitably to a communist society.
C. A dedicated communist elite is necessary to initiate revolutionary change.
D. The goal of history is a society run by and for the workers.

8. Fascism supported
A. the supremacy of individual expression.
B. the fusion of the people into one "spirit".
C. representative democracy.
D. free enterprise.

9. Who of the following was a European fascist leader in the 1930s?

A. Mussolini in Italy
B. Blum in France
C. King Alfonso of Spain
D. Tito of Yugoslavia

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Chapter 21 - The Age of the Masses and the Zenith of Modernism 1914-1945

10. World War II began with Germany's invasion of which country?

A. Austria
B. Czechoslovakia
C. France
D. Poland

11. The leading symbol of America's dominant role in popular culture was
A. Igor Stravinsky.
B. Babe Ruth.
C. Walt Disney.
D. Louis Armstrong.

12. Who of the following was a pioneer of stream-of-consciousness writing?

A. Virginia Woolf
B. George Orwell
C. Ernest Hemingway
D. Langston Hughes

13. Which novel reflected the author's debt to popular hardboiled detective fiction of the
A. Joyce's Ulysses
B. Woolf's To the Lighthouse
C. Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises
D. Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury

14. Which novel was a satire on Stalinist Russia?

A. Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway
B. Orwell's Animal Farm
C. Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover
D. Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises

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Chapter 21 - The Age of the Masses and the Zenith of Modernism 1914-1945

15. What modernist symbol was intended to reflect the hollowness of contemporary life?
A. Yeats's Byzantium
B. Eliot's "waste land"
C. Hughes's river
D. Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County

16. Langston Hughes's poetry reflected

A. the values of the late Roman poets.
B. his anguish as a black man in a white world.
C. his hatred of totalitarian governments.
D. his black separatist politics.

17. By 1914, nations in Europe had adopted or implemented all EXCEPT which of the
following technological advancements that increased the destructiveness of war?
A. the 75 mm field cannon
B. machine guns
C. tank battalions
D. rail systems for moving troops and supplies

18. Who wrote Their Eyes Were Watching God?

A. Zora Neale Hurston
B. Langston Hughes
C. W. E. B. DuBois
D. T. S. Eliot

19. Which literary work is an example of "epic theater"?

A. Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway
B. Joyce's Ulysses
C. Brecht's Threepenny Opera
D. O'Neill's Long Day's Journey into Night

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Chapter 21 - The Age of the Masses and the Zenith of Modernism 1914-1945

20. Which author's philosophy helped to lay the groundwork for logical positivism?
A. Wittgenstein
B. Heidegger
C. Sartre
D. Heisenberg

21. Existentialism is concerned primarily with

A. defining terms.
B. clarifying statements.
C. living an authentic life.
D. spiritual values.

22. A key value in Sartre's existentialism is

A. the limits to human choice.
B. submission to forces beyond one's control.
C. faith in God.
D. personal responsibility.

23. Which of the following is a school of philosophy dedicated to defining terms and
clarifying statements?
A. existentialism
B. constructivism
C. logical positivism
D. stream-of-consciousness

24. The scientist who headed the team that built the first atomic bomb was
A. Einstein.
B. Heisenberg.
C. Planck.
D. Oppenheimer.

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Chapter 21 - The Age of the Masses and the Zenith of Modernism 1914-1945

25. What was the first art style launched in 1917 by the young Soviet Union?
A. cubism
B. de Stijl
C. constructivism
D. logical positivism

26. Mondrian's Composition with Blue and Yellow is

A. a photograph of dancers in Times Square.
B. an example of the de Stijl movement.
C. a neorealist representation of dancers in action.
D. a surrealist design charged with erotic elements.

27. Which statement about Picasso's Guernica is NOT correct?

A. It is a protest against Franco's unbridled warfare.
B. It is executed in a modified cubist style.
C. Its vivid colors express the artist's rage.
D. It offers disturbing images in rectangular forms.

28. Dada artists were famous for their

A. outrageous acts.
B. spiritual values.
C. humanistic beliefs.
D. pure abstraction.

29. Surrealist art was inspired by the theories of

A. Marx.
B. Freud.
C. Einstein.
D. Heisenberg.

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Chapter 21 - The Age of the Masses and the Zenith of Modernism 1914-1945

30. The most influential exponent of Dada was

A. Picasso.
B. Duchamps.
C. Malevich.
D. Mondrian.

31. Who of the following was a leading surrealist?

A. Beckmann
B. Matisse
C. Dal'
D. O'Keeffe

32. Frida Kahlo expressed her creative talents best as

A. an artist of the neoclassical school.
B. a poet of the Harlem Renaissance.
C. a painter of many revealing self-portraits.
D. a playwright of existential dramas.

33. Which painter led the de Stijl movement?

A. Mondrian
B. Malevich
C. Picasso
D. O'Keeffe

34. Beckmann's The Departure has the structure of a

A. photograph.
B. mosaic.
C. triptych.
D. carpet.

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Chapter 21 - The Age of the Masses and the Zenith of Modernism 1914-1945

35. International-style architecture was characterized by

A. sleekness and lack of ornamentation.
B. the classical orders.
C. Gothic towers.
D. ornamented facades.

36. Which film director pioneered the montage technique?

A. Orson Welles
B. D. W. Griffith
C. Cecil B. DeMille
D. Sergei Eisenstein

37. Who is famous primarily for photographs taken for the Farm Security Administration?
A. Margaret Bourke-White
B. Henry Luce
C. D. W. Griffith
D. Dorothea Lange

38. Duke Ellington's suite Such Sweet Thunder was inspired by

A. Shakespeare.
B. African American spirituals.
C. World War II.
D. jazz.

39. Which composer's Mechanical Ballet was inspired by machine-oriented culture?

A. Igor Stravinsky
B. Charles Ives
C. Aaron Copland
D. George Antheil

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Chapter 21 - The Age of the Masses and the Zenith of Modernism 1914-1945

40. Which work by Orson Welles is often called America's best film?
A. Citizen Kane
B. The Birth of a Nation
C. Triumph of the Will
D. Intolerance

41. Which of the following musicians created a ballet that draws on a Shaker folk tune?
A. William Grant Still
B. Leopold Stravinsky
C. Aaron Copland
D. George Antheil

42. According to your text, which of the following was the "greatest legacy of mass culture to
the twentieth century"?
A. skyscrapers
B. stream-of-consciousness literature
C. film
D. Heisenberg's uncertainty principle

43. What was controversial about the films of Leni Riefenstahl?

A. rejection of standard story form
B. glorification of the Nazi Party
C. their procommunist message
D. criticism of the machine age

44. What Newtonian concept did Einstein's theory overturn?

A. the relationship between energy and mass
B. the theory of relativity
C. the laws of inertia
D. fixed dimensions of time and space

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Chapter 21 - The Age of the Masses and the Zenith of Modernism 1914-1945

45. According to suprematism, what was supreme over every other element of life?
A. military power
B. ethnicity
C. feelings
D. material needs

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Chapter 21 - The Age of the Masses and the Zenith of Modernism 1914-1945

Essay Questions
46. Discuss the scientific advances made between 1914 and 1945. Show what relationship, if
any, these advances had to the era's politics and culture.
Answers will vary

47. How did historical events affect political and economic ideologies between 1914 and
Answers will vary

48. Discuss World War I and its peace settlement. What impact did the war and its aftermath
have on politics and culture?
Answers will vary

49. Discuss developments in film during the Age of the Masses.

Answers will vary

50. Describe conditions in the Great Depression, focusing on the countries that suffered most
and least. What impact did economic failure have on the era's politics?
Answers will vary

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Chapter 21 - The Age of the Masses and the Zenith of Modernism 1914-1945

51. What is totalitarianism? Compare and contrast the two types of totalitarian governments
that arose after 1917. What were the origins of these governments, their accomplishments,
and their failures? What part, if any, did these totalitarian regimes have on the outbreak of
World War II?
Answers will vary

52. What two schools dominated philosophy during this era? What was the goal of each
school, and who were its leaders? How did these developments in philosophy mirror events in
the wider culture?
Answers will vary

53. Discuss World War II, its causes, major events, turning point, and peace settlement.
Answers will vary

54. Define mass culture. What were its contributions between 1914 and 1945?
Answers will vary

55. How did black American intellectuals, writers, and musicians redefine their place in
American life during this period? Focus in particular on the Harlem Renaissance and the
writers Hughes and Hurston.
Answers will vary

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