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358, 2nd Floor, 8th Main, Viveknagar,
Bangalore 560 047. Ph: 25714897
Dr. G. Francis Xavier , Ph.D.,
The Trainers Trainer




Mind emits some kind of electrical waves on the basis of the metabolic functioning of the body.
The scientists who study the human mechanism were able to detect and measure the existence
of these waves. A gadget called electroencephalograph (EEG) is used to measure the pattern of
emitting these waves. They are categorized into four types viz. (1) BETA WAVES (2) ALPHA
WAVES (3) THETA WAVES & (4) DELTA WAVES. It is measured in terms of certain number
of cycles per second. When the mental cyclic waves go beyond 14 cycles per second, they are
called Beta waves. They are being emitted when a person is in the wakeful state with full of
activity of one kind or the other. Alpha Waves are noticed when they are between 7 and 14
cycles per second. The mental state at this level is said to be calm and quiet, cool and collected,
serene and tranquil. This is the state of the mind which is said be more productive and creative.
Theta Waves are measured between 4 and 7 cycles per second. It is a state of drowsiness of the
mind. The consciousness of the person is blurred. This is a state before deep sleep. When a
person has deep sleep he emits Delta waves which are below 4 cycles per second. At this state
the person is totally unaware of his external stimuli.



Totally relaxed position of the mind is called Alpha Waves of Mental State.
The productivity and creativity of a person will be at its peak when the mind

reaches Alpha State. This is the best time to take important decisions. One
is at a happy frame of mind. Negative feelings and attitudes are completely
eschewed from the consciousness. Alpha Waves cannot be present when a
person is in a depressed and stressful situation. It is the most desirable
state of mind.



Everyone has to reach this state of mind every day before going to sleep.
When a person does not get sleep due to stress, tension, anxiety and
worries, he will not reach the Alpha Waves of mental state. Therefore, he
cannot get peaceful sleep. Only in the absence of stress and worries, a
person can reach Alpha State and then slips into slumber. All meditational
techniques bring Alpha Waves. The practitioner of meditation will not find
any difficulty to reach Alpha Waves of Mental State.



The most difficult problem for any person is to maintain Alpha State of the
Mind most of the time. This is possible by living in the present and also by
practicing AWARE & BEWARE technique. Constant vigilance of the mental
processes are needed to maintain this state.



SURYA NAMASKAR (Salutation to the Sun)

SPECIAL REMARKS: If there is not much time to practice Asanas, Pranayama
and Mediation, Soorya Namaskar alone will bring the benefits of all types of
Yogic practices.

This Asana combines in it the benefits of physical exercise, Asanas and also
Pranayama. It is a multi-stage Asana. Being a combination of various
Asanas it combines in itself the benefits of all those Asanas.

In this Asana there are 12 spinal positions. The vertebral column is bent
forward and backward alternately with deep breathing. There is contraction
on the abdomen and diaphragm when the body is bent forward. When the
body bends backward the chest expands and deep breathing occurs
automatically. In this way flexibility increases and breathing is corrected.

This Asana is done preferably in the morning facing the rising sun, Start
doing it three times only and gradually increase the number.

TECHNIQUE: Position One-Stand erect with the hands relaxed at the sides.
Inhale and join the palms in Namaskara Mudra (prayer pose) on the chest.
Breathe normally and concentrate on the benefits that you derive by doing
this Asana.

Position Two: Inhale and raise the arms high. Bend backward as far as
possible. Hold in the breath.
Position Three: Without bending the knees, bend forward while exhaling, till
the palms touch the floor. Without lifting the heels off the floor, touch the
knees with the head.

Position Four: Without inhaling, bend the left knee and stretch the right leg
as far back as possible until the palms rest on the floor. The weight of the
body should now be supported on the two hands, the left, foot, the right
knee and the right toes. Hold the breath.

Position Five: Exhale as you straighten the left leg to place the left foot
beside the right foot. Raise the buttocks and the head up, with the heels
touching the floor. The body should form two sides of triangle with the legs
and arms unbent.

Position Six: Lower the body to the floor so that the toes of both the feet,
the two knees, the chest, the hands and the chest touch the floor. The hips
and abdomen should be raised. Do not breathe.

Position Seven: While inhaling, raise the body from the waist up by
straightening the arms. Bend as far back as possible. The spine should be
bent to the maximum.


Eight: This is the repetition of position five. Exhale and lift the

body. Keep the feet and heels flat on the floor.

Position Nine: This pose corresponds to position four, with the legs in
alternate positions. Inhale and bring the right foot in line with the hands.
The left foot and knee should touch the floor. Look slightly up.

Position Ten: Exhale and bring the left leg forward. Keep the knee straight.
Bring the head down to the third position.

Position Eleven: This is a repetition of position two. Inhale and raise the
arms and bend backward.

Position Twelve: Exhale. Drop the arms and relax.


1. Brings remarkable lightness of body, buoyancy of mind and general

feeling of youthfulness. 2. Strengthens in general the neck, arms, back
shoulders, thigh, knee, waist, calf muscles and ankles. 3. For women it
improves and develops busts, removes menstrual disorders, renders child
bearing less painful, It improves quantity and quality of milk in nursing
mothers. 4. Activates sluggish glands. 5. Retards obesity.


SARVANGHA ASANA (Shoulder Posture)

Special Remarks: This is a good substitute for Shirsa Asana (Headstand
Pose). This Asana is particularly suitable for persons who take up Yoga
Asana after the age of 40.

Technique: Lie on the back with the hands alongside . Slowly raise the legs
with slow, gradual and constant inhalation. Throughout, the legs must be in
straight line with the trunk and the hips. Support the back on the sides with
the hands. Now start exhaling, and raise the legs upward towards the sky.
The trunks and the legs should extend straight upwards with the neck
forming a right angle, the chin pressing against the chest. The whole weight
of the body should be thrown on the shoulders and the elbows. Remain in
this posture for as long as possible with normal breathing.

Benefits: 1. Stimulates thyroid glands. 2. Tones up the nervous and

reproductive systems. 3. Adjusts improper body growth. 4. Improves
functioning of vocal cords. Good for singers, teachers, and

orators. 5.

Removes respiratory defects in the lungs through internal activation.

6.Brings out phlegm from the chest and relief to asthmatic patients. 7.
Cures functional disorders of the eyes, ears, nose and throat. 8.Energizes

sex glands and thereby cures impotency, frigidity, lack of sexual power. 9.
Sends extra supply of blood to face and forehead, prevents lines and
wrinkles in the face, preserves youthful look. 10. Improves memory,
intelligence and imagination.


MATYA ASANA (Fish Posture)

Technique: Sit in Padma Asana(Lotus Pose) or Sukha Asana (Comfortable
Pose). Without raising the knees locked in Padma Asana or Sukha Asana,
gradually bend backwards and lie on the back. Rest the elbows on the floor.
Bend the head backward and make an arch by bending the backbone. Rest
the head on the floor. Breathe normally throughout.

Benefits: 1. Activates the spine and all the muscles of the back. 2. Gives
massaging effect to the facial tissues- wrinkles disappear-youthful look is
preserved. 3. As the chest is thrown open deep breathing is rendered
possible-helps to remove the spasm from the bronchia: tube and relieves
asthma. 4. Tones up the pituitary and pineal glands. 5. Removes
constipation and massages all internal organs in the abdomen. 6. Broadens
the chest, corrects hunch back and thereby ensures physical beauty. 7.
Helps diabetes by improving their general metabolism. 8. Relieves inflamed
and bleeding piles.


HALA ASANA (Plough Posture)

Special Remarks: In Tantra Yoga this Asana is considered as one of the best
to tone up sexual powers. It invigorates, energizes and nourishes all the
sexual glands and thereby considerably improves sexual potency. It also
corrects impotency, frigidity and sexual disinterest.

Technique: Lie on the back with the hands alongside, palms down. While
inhaling, lift the legs together slowly. Do not bend the legs. Slowly raise the
hip and lower half of the body till the toes touch the floor, beyond the head.
Exhale while doing so. Keep the legs straight. Relax the body and remain in
the final posture for a comfortable period of time. Breathe normally.

Benefits: 1. Activates the functioning of the abdominal organs, particularly

the kidneys, the liver and pancreas. 2. Cures certain types of diabetes as it
helps to improve the secretion of all the glands in the abdomen. 3.Cures
enlargement of the liver and the spleen, 4. Regulates the activities of the
thyroid and thereby balances all the bodys metabolic rates. 5.Improves the
blood circulation for the brain and thereby contributes to intelligence,
alertness and memory. 6. Brings agility and energy. 7. Activates the
abdominal muscles, the rectal muscles and the thighs. 8. Eliminates piles.


CHAKRA ASANA (Wheel Posture) :

Technique: Lie on the back with the feet apart. Bend the legs and arms and
place the palms on the floor a little behind the head, fingers pointing
towards the feet. Then, with an effort raise the body above the ground and
make an arch of the body. Inhale while doing so. The entire body should rest
on the feet and hands. Stay in this position as long as you can hold the
breath. Exhale when you resume the normal position.

Benefits: 1. Helps to maintain the spine flexible even during old age. 2.
Develops the muscles of the back, the neck, the spine and the shoulders. 3.
Beneficial to the entire nervous and glandular system. 4. Tones up the
nerves serving the organs of sight, hearing, smell and taste. 5. Improves
blood circulation in the brain, which contributes to intelligence and
alertness. 6. Improves the eyesight, texture and complexion of the skin. 7.
Good for people suffering from gastric trouble and sluggish liver. 8.

Activates the intestines. 9. Gives relief in cases of constipation, flatulence

and asthma.


YOGA MUDRA ASANA (Yoga Seal Posture)

Special Remarks: This Asana is highly extolled in Yogic literature for
awakening, Kundaline Shakti. The dormant Kundalini Shakti is awakened by
remaining in this posture for a long time.

Technique: Sit in Padma Asana or Sukha Asana. Hold the hands back. While
exhaling, slowly bent forward, bringing the forehead to the floor. Remain in
this posture as long as you feel comfortable. Inhale and assume the original
sitting posture. Repeat this for three times.

Benefits: 1. Crossing the hands behind the back expands the chest and
increases the range of shoulder movements. 2. Brings suppleness to the
spine. 3. Increases digestive power. Prevents pot belly. Removes fat. And
eliminates constipation. 4. The pressure of the folded hands in the crossed
position and bending forward stimulates the pancreas, the liver and the
spleen. 5. Circulation of blood to the head improves.


BHADRA ASANA (Good Posture)

Technique: Sit with the legs stretched out. Fold both the legs inwards
simultaneously so that their soles touch each other all along. Hold the feet
with both hands and draw them towards the genitals so that the heels
touch the genitals. Press both the knees to keep them in contact with the
floor. Keep the trunk and neck erect. With your hands you may swing the
legs up and down. Breathe normally throughout.

Benefits: 1.Makes the legs and feet supple. 2. Exercise both the superficial
and deep muscles of the inner thigh. 3.Strengthens the muscles and
ligaments of the euro-genital region. Tones up the nerves, the muscles and
the circulatory system of the perineum and the genital organs of both men
and women. 4. Prevents erotic dreams and involuntary discharge. 5.
Improves the quality of the seminal fluid. 6. Improves sexual performance
considerably. Removes premature ejaculation and prolongs erection during
coitus. 7. Strengthens the circulatory and neuromuscular system of the
female euro-genital organs and improves the chances of conception. One of
the best postures to improve sexual Virility.


ARDHA MATSYENDRA ASANA (Half Spinal Twist Posture)

Technique: sit with the legs stretched out in front. Bend the left leg and
place it under the right buttock so that the upper end of the heel touches
the upper end of the thigh. Place the right foot on the floor just outside the
left knee. Place the right hand across the back. Catch hold of the right toes
with the left hands. The left hand should be straight and kept outside the
right knee. While exhaling, twist the body as far right as possible. Stay in
this posture as long as you feel comfortable. Breather normally Return to
the sitting posture while inhaling. Repeat with alternate limbs.

Benefits: 1. Provides maximum flexibility to the spine. 2. Removes all

defects of the spine and all the spinal nerves are toned up. 3. Due to the
internal activation by this Asana, disorders of the kidneys, spleen, liver,
stomach, intestine and bladder are corrected. 4. Tones up the pancreas










strengthened. 6. Compresses the abdominal part and thereby removes

constipation and dyspepsia and improves digestion. 7. This Asana offers
protection against the enlargement of the prostate and bladder. 8. This is
one of the best postures for prevention and cure of diabetes.


PASCHIMOTTAN ASANA: (Back Stretching Posture)

Technique: Lie flat on the back with arms parallel to the body and the legs
together. Inhale deeply and stiffen the body. Slowly raise the head and
chest and sit up, keeping the knees rigid and the legs on the floor. Now
exhale and bend further to catch hold of the toes. Then slowly bend till the
face rests on the knees. While inhaling., return to the sitting position and
then lie flat on the back with the arms parallel to the body. Repeat three to
five times.

Benefits: 1. According to Yoga Shastra, rigid spine is symptomatic of old

age. A flexible spine brings youthfulness. This Asana makes the spine
flexible and corrects all disorders of the spine such as backache. 2. The
solar plexus and the nervous system of the spine and gently stimulated and
freed from congestion. 3. Activates muscular pains especially in the lumbar
and dorsal regions and the legs. 4. Removes excess fat from the stomach
and hips. 5. The waist, the stomach and the thighs become slimmer. It is
particularly good for women for reducing excess fat and for developing a
graceful figure.6.Abdominal muscles and organs are toned up. 7. The
pancreas, liver, kidneys and bladder are invigorated. Removes disorders of
the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, intestines and spleen. 8. Removes all kinds
of stomach trouble. Improves digestive power and cures constipation. 9.
Prevents ulcers. 10. This is good for persons having low blood pressure. 11.
Renews vigor and vitality in sexual activity. 12. One of the best postures to
improve digestive power.


SHAVA ASANA (Relaxation Posture)

Technique: Lie on the back with the hands alongside. Keep the whole body
loose and straight and the eyes closed throughout. Now relax all the
muscles of the body but without making the slightest movement. No

tension should remain in any part of the body. If someone were to raise your
arm or leg it should fall as if lifeless. The mind should be absolutely clear.
Imagine that you are sinking into the ground. Breathe normally, and while
exhaling, let your mind feel that your body is going deeper down into the
earth. Be aware that you are relaxing and you should not fall asleep. Take
care to relax every part of the body. Direct the blood mentally to flow to a
particular part of the body, and in course of consistent practice you may
actually feel a quantity of blood rushing to that part. That part gets
complete relaxation. This process of relaxation may start from the toes
leading up to the face. When all the nerves are calmed down you will feel
completely relaxed and refreshed. If your relaxation is perfect and total
energy flows from the back of the head towards the heels.

The best way for quick relaxation is to breathe out and leave a pause. The
time that we spend in outer retention is the point of relaxation. Breathe in
and breathe out and leave a pause is one cycle. If you want to have total
relaxation, you may repeat this cycle for 20 times.

Benefits: 1. This Asana ensures complete relaxation and perfect ease. 2.

Induces calmness of the mind. 3.It is the best antidote for the stresses of
modern life. 4. When the muscles, nerves and the other organs are fully
relaxed, they gain strength and their normal health is restored. 5. Reduce
blood pressure. 6. Removes insomnia. 7. Enables the practitioner to make
up with fewer hours of sleep. 8. Turns the mind inward and makes one
introspective. 9. Acts as prophylactic against heart diseases in general . 10.
Eminent cardiologists all over the world prescribe this posture to speed up
the recovery of patients convalescing from heart diseases. 11. If one can do
this Asana perfectly, the feeling of relaxation that comes out of this Asana
will be found to be far superior to the one experienced from tranquilizers
and sedatives.


PATTERNS OF BEHAVIOUR: By and large, the behavioral patterns of people may be

grouped into three broad categories (a) Passive b) Aggressive, and c) Assertive.
Passive behaviour is indirect and communicates a message of inferiority. A Person
behaving passively will allow others to win and he will become subservient to the
needs and rights of others. Most of the time he would feel himself to be a victim
of the whims and fancies of others. Aggressive behaviour communicates an
impression of superiority and disrespect. Aggressive persons place their wants,
needs and rights above those of others. Though aggressive persons may win the
deal but lose the sympathy and consideration of others. In the long run the loss is
greater than the gain. Assertive behavuiour is active, direct, honest and also
polite. It communicates an impression of self-respect, self-confidence and respect
for others, Assertive persons view their wants, needs and rights as equal with
those of others. An assertive person wins by influencing, listening, and
negotiating so that others choose to cooperate willingly. This behaviour leads to
success without retaliation and encourages honest and open relationships.

SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY : To develop positive assertiveness, one should know

self-fulfilling prophecy. It is a phenomenon that results in our experiencing what
we expect to experience., Our lives are full of examples of this phenomenon. Ill
never get this finished on time and then proved right. Have you noticed that
some people approach situation with an I cant do this attitude and experience
problesm and failure, while others appraoch the same situaions with an I cant
do this attitude and experience problems and failures, while others appraoch the
same situations with an I can attitude and succeed?

Expectations and attitudes are powerful influences on actual outcomes. Every

day, subtle messages are delivered which communicate strong expectations.
Expectations, beliefs, attitudes, and values are communicated constantly through

our words, facial expression, posture eye contact, voice tones, and behaviour.
Without intending to, we influence others and reinforce in them what we expect
from them. Thus we get just what we thought we would. People who expect
things to go wrong, invariably have just such experiences again and again. If you
want to develop positive expectations. This can be achieved by practicing the
technique of Positive Mental Imagery. It is nothing more than using your
imagination to visualize yourself saying and doing things successfully and
assertively. Envision siutations where you SEE yourself being assertive. FEEL
confident, powerful, and effective. HEAR your voice sound strong and steady.
EXPERIENCE the satisfaction and pleasure of being assertive. Do this repeateadly.
The more powerful your mental image and expectation, the greater the success
you should experience. Positive Mental Imagery is an exercise requiring conscious
effort. This will influence our sub-concious mind.

THE ROLE OF EMOTIONS: Human beings are emotional creatures! All of us have
feelings of some sort every waking moment. The emotional component of
developing our assertiveness can be one of our most challenging undertakings.
You may believe that being assertive you may hurt the feelings of others. It is not
true. FEELINGS ARE A CHOICE. If words, actions, or events make someone angry,
frightened, or sad, they have no choice. However, simple observation proves that
different people have different feelings about exactly the same event. Therefore,
it is the person receiving the words, action or events that chooses an emotional









accomplish if you will not accept responsibility for your own feelings. We









behaviour, events, etc.), B-Emotional dialogue or self-talk, and C-Emotion. The

whole process may happen in less than a second, but all three steps are always
involved whenever we have an emotional response to some-things. By allowing
others to MAKE YOU FEEL, you give the power to others. Assettiveness requires us
to accept responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, and behaviour and requires us
to respect the thoughts, feelings, and behaviour of others. An important part of

developing assertiveness is expressing your emotions. Many people

dont do

that. The assertive way to express feelings is to sayI feel., I felt..,I am

feeling, I have..,

I am., etc. What follows each phrase is a word

describing a feeling. First of all you must be AWARE OF YOUR OWN FEELINGS.
Whenever you feel an emotion, stop and ask, What am I feeling mad, sad, glad,
scared? When you identiffy your feeling, make youself aware of the underlying
selftalk associated with it.

ASSERTIVE BEHAVIOUR: To communicate thoughts, feelings, and opinions

assertively, you need to choose words that are direct, honest, appropriate, and
respectful. Some words do not fit these criteria and therefore cannot be delivered
assertively. Use I-statements rather than you-statements. Example: You
always interrupt my stories!(Aggressive statement)-I would like to tell my
storeis without interruptions. (Assertive Statement). Use clear, direct requests or
directives (commands) when you want others to do something rather than
hinting, being indirect, or presuming.

You can increase your success rate and

improve relationships by using the direct, honest, assertive words.

BODY LANGUAGE:Perhaps even more essential is HOW YOU SAY THEM Your
delivery of the message makes all the difference. It is known as body language.
Every thing becomes important when a message is being delivered: voice, tone
volume, inflection, pace: eye contact or lack of it: facial expression; gestures,
movements, or lack thereof; posture; muscle tension; clothing, hairs style, eye
glasses, etc., Staying aware of all aspects of body language continuously is not
possible. Having some awareness is very important in your assertiveness training.
Dont be discouraged. You dont have to constantly monitor all aspects of body
language to be axsertive. You need to learn some body language signals to
accompany your words that would help others to perceive your assertive
behaviour. Be positive and assertive.



1. THE BASICS OF BIO-RHYTHM: The theory states that from birth to death each of us is
influenced by three internal cycles -the physical , the emotional and intellectual. 2. The physical
cycle takes 23 days to complete-the mental 28 days and the intellectual 33 days. 3. On the day of
birth, each of the cycles starts at a neutral baseline or zero point. From there it begins to rise in a
positive phase, during which the energies and abilities associated with each cycle are high. It
reaches the peak at the middle point-11.5 days, 14 days and 16.5 days respectively for the three
cycles. 4. Since the three cycles last for different number of days., they very rarely coincide and
cross the baseline at exactly the same time(only at birth and every 58 years plus 66 or 67 days
thereafter). Therefore, some will be high and others will be low. 5. They represent mostly the ebb
and flow of energy. 6. Our weakest and most vulnerable moments are the days of cross-over from
one phase to another, called critical days. 7. We switch a light bulb on or off, since it is then that the
bulb is most likely to burn out, not when the switch is in one of its positions or phases. 8.By
calculating and studying your bio rhythms in advance, you can know what to expect and can do
much to avoid the worst. 9. The rhythm might be regulated by secretions of certain glands like
pineal, thyroid and pituitary. 10. Bio-rhythm theory is very psychoanalytic theory-both describe
internal states of thought, body and perception which should be apparent to the individual. 11. Of
the three great rhythms the physical is the shortest and least ambiguous. 12. One of the most
sophisticated devices for calculating biorhythms was introduced recently by the Japanese, who are
most active practitioners of biorhythm today, particularly in the field of industrial safety. 12. This is
now applied in the field of airline crashes, traffic accidents and medical fields.
2. IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICAL RHYTHM: The physical cycle lasts for 23 days, and during the
first half of the cycle (the first 11.5 days) physical aspects are ascending. We give off energy with a
prodigality that peaks about the sixth day of each new physical cycle. It is during the first half of
the cycle that we are strongest. We can work very hard and for a longer period. We are most
resistant to diseases, better coordinated, and generally in better physical condition. During the
second 11.5 days of the physical cycle, the body is recharging and energy is being accumulated.
Naturally we tire more easily during those days, need more rest and are unlikely to behave

vigorously. We are weak and vulnerable to diseases. It is a passive phase in contrast to the very
active first half of the cycle. It is only during the critical days of the cycle, when the rhythm is
changing from positive to negative or vice versa, that the physical rhythm becomes so erratic and
unstable that extra caution is necessary.
3. IMPRTANCE OF EMOTIONAL RHYTHM: It is also called sensitive rhythm. It has a positive
of 14 days and negative phase of the same length. During the first, positive two-week phase, we are
inclined to react in positive and constructive ways to most events. We get along better with other
people and with ourselves, so the first half of the emotional cycle is the best time for undertaking
projects requiring cooperation, of positive attitude and creativity. In its 14-days negative phase we
are recharging our emotional powers. This is why industrial and transportation accidents are more
likely to occur during a persons negative emotional phase as feelings affect judgement. Since we
tend to the sensitive, short-tempered, and negative on days of emotional recharging, these are not
the best days for team work or for making job or family decisions. An emotionally critical day,
particularly when it is combined with critical day in either the physical or intellectual cycle,
definitely calls for all available precaution. Since emotional rhythm shifts from positive to negative
(or vice versa) every two weeks and begins of the day of birth. Every emotionally critical day from
then until the day of death will occur at this two-week interval. If you were born on a Friday, every
other Friday will be critical. Hence it needs no complex calculations.
4. IMPORTANCE OF INTELLECTUAL RHYTHM: Life can be called a continual learning process.
Hence it is very valuable to know about positive phase (16.5 days), our minds are more open, our
memories more retentive, and our ability to put together time for encountering new, unfamiliar
situations that call for quick comprehension and adaptation such a s a new job or a visit to a foreign
country. Efforts at self-improvement through reading and education will also be more fruitful
during this period. During the negative phase, people do not become stupid or dull. They are
simply less inclined to deal openly with new subjects or situations, mainly because they lack the
high levels of intellectual; energy needed to do so with ease. It states more about our inclinations
than about what we will actually do. If you have to make an important decision, or talk to others
about matters of vital concern, it would be wise to avoid doing so on a critical day of your
intellectual cycle.
5. COMPUTATION OF RHYTHMIC CYCLES: The simplest way to calculate the cycle is to find out
the number of days that we have lived since our birth and divide it by23, 28 or 33 days./ when we
do not have any balance for 23, then it is a critical day for physical cycle and the same holds goods

for other cycles. Once we find out the exact day where there is no balance, from that day we can
chalk out our rhythmic cycles for physical, mental and emotional days.
6. A WORD OF CAUTION: Treat these cycles as precautionary measures rather than take it too far
and worry yourself to its extremity.



External stimulation and enriched environment would increase brain size and brain cells.


With proper stimulation brain can continue to grow with increased intelligence even after
seventy, eighty and ninety years.


Strenuous intellectual exercises cause the brains of healthy people to get stronger.


Bodies dont wear out from over use but decline from underuse-use it or lose it; it holds good
for brain too!


National Institute of aging. We can absolutely keep our brain as resilient and young as it was
when we were eight or ten years old.


Creative humans whose brains continue to develop and produce fine work far into old ageBernard Russell, Bernard Shaw, S.Radhakrishana, Visveswariah, and many others.


Senility is a part of disease, not part of aging process.


The more you learn, the greater is your capacity to learn. The more you put into your memory,
the more powerful your memory becomes.


The ultimate creative capacity of the brain, for all practical purposes, infinite.


Brain is only about 2 percent of body weight but uses 20 percent of oxygen intake - the great
energy consumer.


Creative thinkers have a richer and denser network, with greater numbers of interconnections
between their neurons-this can accommodate a wider range of ideas, feelings, sensations,


Extreme stress has ruinous effect on our ability to learn and think. Modern stresses are subtle,
insidious or indirect pressures.


Fight or Flight Response: Some external event is interpreted by the brain as being a threat.
Certain parts of the brain release neurochemicals that have a wide range of effects throughout
the body, directed toward mobilising bodys energies toward fighting or fleeing.


Sugar pours into the blood stream for quick energy, the heart rate speeds up to pump more
blood, breathing becomes more rapid, blood flow shifted from digestion, muscles become rapid
and tight, sweating starts, more oxygen intake, body temperature rises adrenaline rush.


Humans have a second innate reflex that is almost the mirror image of the fight or flight


Instead of mobilising our bodies for outward activity, this second system mobilises our bodies
resources for inward activity.


The effects of the response are: reduced heart rate, blood pressure and sweating, increased
functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relaxation of muscles, increase in percentage of oxygen
and blood flowing to the brain, brain waves change beta to alpha and theta. This reaction is
called Relaxation Response.


This state of relaxation, the quieting effect, is not only pleasant and stress relieving, but also
leads to superior performance on both mental and physical tests.


Dr.Herbert Benson of Harvard Medical School has innovated the concept Relaxation ResponseEssential conditions are: A constant stimulus-a sound, word or phrase repeated silently or
audibly, or fixed gazing at an object. Purpose is to shift from logical, externally oriented
thought to passive attitudes. Meditation brings Relaxation Response.


Mind machines are also designed to do through light, sound and body vibrations.


We are more able to learn to alter old pattern, to trigger, our brains to new growth, when we are
in non-ordinary state or consciousness state which increase brain fluctuations.


It contradicts the accepted notion that learning comes through practice and repetition, to do
with conditioning.


Educationists, scientists and psychologists now explore a variety of techniques for enhancing
the ability to learn among children and adults. Such techniques are: Drawing, guided imagery,

meditation, rhythmic breathing, singing, story telling, dancing and relaxation. Studies show that
all these techniques can lead to dramatic increase in the ability to acquire and remember and
make creative use of information and ideas. All these techniques are used in TAP YOUR
GENIUS Program.

Brain boosters are: (1) Focusing (2) Creative Thinking (3) Brain synchronisation (4) Super
Learning (5) Twilight Learning.


Focusing: Deals with a series of focusing steps that turn attention away from external
environment and increase awareness of subtle emotional states and physical sensations-constant
awareness of ones own thoughts, emotions and actions would lead to focusing of the mind.


Creative thinking: Synthesising in an original and creative way-difficult technical concept

suddenly made clear showed an abrupt change in brain- wave patterns- in theta range-Eureka


Brain Synchronisation: When a meditator reaches a state of deep awareness and intense mental
clarity, the two hemispheres of the brain-which ordinarily generate brain waves of different
frequencies and amplitude become synchronised, both hemispheres generating the same brain


Superlearning: Georgi Lozanos technique of superlearning can result in astounding increase in

the ability of the students to absorb, process, store, manipulate and recall information. The
techniques are deep relaxation combined with synchronised, both hemispheres generating the
same brain waves.


Twilight Learning: When a brain is in a Theta state (3-7cps), moments between waking and
sleep, in such an altered states of consciousness a lot of work gets done very quickly. This is
called hypnagogic state or Twilight State. Theta state is conducive for memory, learning and
also creative thinking.


Scientists had assumed that certain developmental functions are completely dependent on
timing-if the brain is not allowed to develop the function while in a state of plasticity, it will not
be able to alter its structure when it reaches maturity.


Hemispheric dominance is constantly shifting. When brain waves were carefully compared, it
becomes quite clear that one hemisphere dominates for a while then gives way to the other,

with each dominating got periods ranging anywhere from twenty-five minutes to two hundred
minutes, with an average of about two hours.

In deep meditation the two hemispheres of the brain become synchronised. This hemispheric
symmetry is the single most outstanding EEG characteristic of higher states of


The power of the brain to reprogram itself is enormous, particularly when you set up a
motivational structure of people to do it.


Activate Right hemisphere: When we breathe through the left nostril the right hemisphere of
the brain is activated. An Experiment: The editor breathed through his left nostril and sudden
bursts of activity appeared in his right hemisphere.


In Children up to the age of 14 the most commonly produced frequency is theta, while for
adults it is beta. As an individual grows into adulthood theta decreases and beta increases. By
bringing the mind to theta, it is possible to return to freer, childlike mental state.


Every culture has used some technique for restricting awareness to a single, unchanging source
of stimulation for a more or less lengthy period of time. This restriction of attention is used for
a variety of purposes: to attain a state of ecstasy, gain spiritual insight, escape pain and
suffering, obtain new wisdom, enhance creativity, gain access to special mental and physical
powers, improve health or alleviate sickness, become one with the universal force, increase
sensory acuity, cleanse the door of perception, become a better human being. Specific
techniques are many. Buddhists concentrate on their breathing.


Among the proven results of deep meditation are: (a)Stress reduction (b)Deep relaxation
(c)Altered brain-wave activity (d)Hemispheric synchronisation (e)Increased powers of attention
(f)Improved reaction time (g) Increased sensory acuity.


Meditation works by taking advantage of a quirk in our nervous system-when we focus our
attention on an unchanging input, our consciousness reaches a point of blank- out, in which we
experience what is variously called the void, nothingness, infinity,

satory, timelessness,

Samadhi, one - pointedness , the annihilation of memory, attaining peace and tranquillity.

Benefits of meditation are: a high level of mental clarity, increased intelligence and creativity,
improved reactions, keener attention and concentration, deep relaxation, better coordination,
intensified sensory acuity. These benefits of meditation can be directed toward spiritual or

religious ends, but they can just as easily be used for playing tennis, writing better poetry,
mastering the piano, memory, doing maths, intensifying your sexual experiences.

One study of long-term meditators showed, they were merely relaxed without the strong alphatheta waves and brain synchronisation.


For stimulating the brain, the drugs may not be the answer. They assault the whole brain at
once. Who knows, the future psychiatric treatment may consist of auto-hypnosis, meditation,
exercise, diet modification and so on.


The main factor is stimulation. Certain types of experience or stimulation or environmental

influences can cause the release of beneficial and desirable brain chemicals. Example:
Meditation & Memorising and Reproducing 100 digits numbers. Simply smiling or laughing, a
recent study shows, is a quick way to boost levels of some brain juices.


Practical Tips:
(a) Eat a high protein and low carbohydrate diet
(b) Feed your brain with negative ions spend time in parks, sea shore, mountain, open space,
(c) Practise Pranayama and Meditation
(d) Alcohol is an enemy of your brain
(e) A clogged intestine means a clogged brain
(f) Drink more than your usual amount of pure water
(g) Observe brain rhythms give 20 minutes break for every 90 120 minutes of mental work
(h) Learn to alternate left and right brain dominance through nostril breath
(i) Apply reflexology to alternate left and right brain
(j) Silence saves your energy and increases brain power
(k) Apply Aware and Beware technique to increase brain power
(l) Brain diets are : Brahmi, Soybean, Dhal, Lady Finger, Cows Milk, Rose Water, Apple,
Ginger, Wheat Germ, Whole Grain, Dark Leafy Vegetables, Date Fruits, Egg, Fish and
(m)Ginseng is brain power elixir

(n) Drink gold imprinted water put a gold coin in two tumblers of water boil till it is
reduced to one drink one tea spoon at a time
(o) Vitamin E is a brain power tonic
(p) Exercise is still a vital key to better brain all Yogasanas preferably Shirsasana
(q) Dr. Win Wegner of Japan Hold breath under water for one hour a day cant be done at a
stretch for one month practice improves IQ by 10 to 15 percent
(r) Brain gets stimulated in deep concentration
(s) The best way to stimulate the brain is to memorise anything using creativity, imagination,
visualisation and picturisation
(t) Brain impulses travel 5 to 10 percent faster in the female women can process information
and generate solution to mental problems faster than the average men.



In this unified universe, mysterious forces are at work, moving beneath the
external fabric of things like the invisible currents of the sea. Their effects
are all around us, but most of us do not recognize their true nature.


The universe is like an ocean. The great tide move through it invisibly and
men are swept about them, but are sometimes strong enough to master
and use them.


One of the laws that may seem to be mysterious is the Law of Business
which follows a particular pattern observed and codified by the collective
result of painstaking research garnered over the last few hundred years by
one of the greatest and most secret Organisations of all time in the USA.
(The name of the organisation is not mentioned.)


This cycle starts on the day when the association or business came into
existence. One should know the exact date of the commencement of your
business in order to work out its cycle. It is definitely not the financial year.
If there is no documented starting date, try to find out the date of the
business opened its doors, or when the name plate of the company was put
up. In the case of business that has changed hands or has taken on new
name, then that should be the date of the business that has changed hands
or has taken on a new name, regardless of how long it had been operating
before that date.


Mark off the commencement date for the business on a calendar. Space out
the dates, 52 days apart, measuring 7 periods in a year. The significance of
the seven period are given below:

The business will find great success in advertising and promotion-Excellent time
to build up sales and goodwill-Time to solicit endorsements from prominent

people and concerns that will result in favourable publicity and eventually
increase sales-Contract with government officials will go smoothly- Best time to
enhance its name, reputation and prestige.

Best time to make changes in employees and their duties, temporary changes in










propositions- Non favorable to enter into any new agreements or to make any
long term plans Verbal agreements are likely to be ignored at a later date or
contact prospective customers or buyers.

All growth factors should

be pushed to the utmost-Favorable time to collect

money any payments due-avoid law courts and confrontation with business
enemies- however legal matters connected with positive growth and expansion
will meet with a favourable reaction and should be pushed- watch out for
accidents, diasters or trouble from competitors and enemies.

This is the time to initiate the largest publicity and advertising campaignPromotion to customers and the public will have greater success- good period to
draw up new agreements, contracts, transfers and similar documents good time
to deal with publications and journalists, diplomats and negotiators- be on guard
against tricky agreements, lest they might give trouble later on.

Excellent time for expansion and financial success-new investments best period
for selling, collection of outstanding accounts and even bad and doubtful debtsgood time for winning a favourable decision in courts-most favourable time to

expand to foreign lands or to deal with international concerns- good period for
promoting relations and business affairs with public utility companies.

You can comfortably let your business proper on its own-give your chief executive
and managers a vacation-business will carry on just as well in their absence- good
period for the business dealing with luxury goods-good period to establish
personal relationship with your customers in order to help the business in the
further- an excellent time for buying stock and bonds or promoting the finances
of the company through sound investments. A good time to form partnerships,
combines subsidiary corporations or alliances aimed at expansion.

It is a period of reconstruction- do not start any new activity dont go into
advertising or into expansion of new line or another department- hold up all plans
until this period is over- if you want to abandon certain factory sites in favour of
better ones, then this the best period to do so- no new alliances or contracts
should be entered into- great diplomacy is to exercised, both within the business
and outside it- caution and discretion should govern every action.


Remember that your personal life cycle and your business cycle are different - If
your birthday and the date of business should coincide, then this is the best
combination of all if the business is entirely your own, you may be guided by the
conditions governing your personal life cycle, as these will be more influential
than those controlling your business-by understanding the nature of your
business cycle you are forewarned about any mishap that may take place- by
knowing what might happen, and if you are alert to its possibility, you can take
effective counter- measures to prevent any mishap from becoming a total

disaster- if the business is not your own and you are only a partner or small
investor, then the cycle of the business will be the controlling factor- if you are
holding a position of trust and responsibility, then the future success of the
business hinges on your decision and you must obviously consider the business
cycle first.




Concentration is the power of the mind, through fixed habit and practice, to keep your mind on
one subject until you have thoroughly mastered it.


It may also mean the ability to throw off the effects of habits which you wish to discard, and
power to build new habits that are more of your liking. It means complete self-mastery.


Concentration is the ability to think as you wish to think; the ability to control your thoughts
and direct them to a definite end; and the ability to organize your knowledge into a plan of
action that is sound and workable.


Ambition and desire are the chief factors, which enter into the act of successful concentration.


Desire whatever you may, and if your desire is within reason and if it is strong enough. The
power of concentration will help you attain it.


Nothing was ever created by a human being which was not first created in the imagination,
through desire and then transformed it into reality through concentration.


When you concentrate your mind on a particular project, fact of a nature closely related to that
project will pour in from every conceivable source. The theory is that a deeply seated desire
to accomplish a project, when once planted in the right sort of mental soil serves as a center of
attraction or magnet that attracts to it everything that harmonises with the nature of the desire.


Learn to fix your attention on a given subject, at will, for whatever length of time you choose,
and you will have learned the secret passage way to power and plenty. This is concentration.


There are a few causes that will make you mind wander: Physical-illness, shock, accident,
restlessness; indolence, lack of interest, morbid anxiety, habit of drifting; social-monotony of
daily work, highly specialised duties narrowing the mental sphere.


It is necessary to attend only to a few subjects so as to do well in them. Narrow your range and
intensify your focus.


Trace your own cause of mind wandering and follow a stringent method of work so as to enable
you to concentrate on one thing at a time for at least half an hour.


If you want to develop extraordinary memory, it is necessary to develop the power of

concentration. You cannot recall what you have never concentrated with much attention. If the
original experience is vague, the result will be vague. If you sow inattention you must not look
for a rich harvest of recollections. If your mind wanders, you get a mass of vague and
unorganized data. Let your mind concentrate, and mass is changed into a classified and easily
recollected whole.


Discovery and originality are the result of concentration. No man gets brilliantly original ideas
about which he has thought little and of which he knows nothing at all.






1. Creativity is the discovering of something that is novel and unique but also
useful or relevant or economical or elegant or valuable.
2. The product or outcome of a creative effort must be both significant and
strikingly different from the beaten track.
3. Creativity may also be identified with openness in expressing feelings,
receptivity to ideas, concern for others, desire to grow as a person and
actualize ones potential as a human being.
4. Those who are IQ scores are not necessarily creative and vice versa.
5. Creative person often thinks the unthinkable and does the undoable.
6. Mostly creative persons are mad after pursuing truth with an anxiety to
produce something useful to the society.
7. Creative individuals tend to prefer a life of both imagination and practicality.
8. Even ordinary people can be trained to be more imaginative without
relinquishing their hold on practicality.
9. Creative outcome is characterised by novelty and relevance, while a noncreative outcome may be novel but not useful.


The creative process consists of four overlapping stages:

a) Preparation
b) Incubation
c) Illumination
d) Verification.


Preparation involves the investigation of the problem in all direction.

Incubation is the letting go of the problem by the conscious mind and allowing
it to ferment below the level of consciousness. Illumination is being struck by a
solution in a eureka-like experience. Verification is the evaluation or
verification of the solution.

An interesting point noted by researchers is that creative ideas whether in

the arts or the sciences frequently occur only after very hard labour at the
problem. But curiously the creative idea may come as a flash during reverielike states when the conscious, analytical mind has been coaxed away form
the problem.

Creative ability can certainly be improved through the following process

a) There should be a burning desire to be creative. This would facilitate you
to channelise all your mental energy into creative process.
b) If you are interested to invent something new in the field of engineering
or electronics you should familiarise with yourself the different patterns
obtained in the field.
c) It is essential to keep yourself updated by learning as much as possible
in the field of your interest.
d) Immerse yourself in a climate of creativity. Constant effort is needed to
be a creative personality. Continuous experimentation is needed. Keep a
small note book with you all the time, even while sleeping. Whenever
you get creative ideas, write them down.

e) There are no set rules or principles for creative action or thinking. One
should have the mental attitude that there is so much there in the
universe to explore.
f) You can be more creative and productive when your mind is calm and
quiet, serene and tranquil. A disturbed mind can never produce any
creative ideas. Therefore, learn to reach and maintain ALPHA WAVES OF
MENTAL STATE all the time, if possible.

The world was built by practical people who knew how get into an

imaginative frame of mind, listen to the imagination and build on the ideas
they could find.

The Mental Blocks for creative activity are:

a) I am not very creative
b) I strictly follow rules and regulations
c) There is right answer for everything
d) This doesnt seem to be logical
e) I am very practical in my approach
f) I dont want to make any mistakes
g) Creative people are all mad fellows
h) I dont want to waste my time with frivolous things.


The way to explode the mental blocks is to be aware of such mental block

and plunge into action and start generatiing creative ideas.



a) Develop an attitude to be creative
b) Search for new ideas based on your past knowledge and experience
c) Try various approaches
d) If you are not able to get anywhere, try some crazy, foolish, impractical
and even useless ideas.

e) Break the rules occasionally

f) Explore for ideas outside your fields
g) Have the faith that truth is all around, you have to explore according to
your needs and requirements.
h) The best way to get good ideas is to get a lot of ideas through brain
storming. You may not be able to use all of them but of the number you
generate, you may find a few that are worthwhile.
i) For development of creative ideas follow imaginative phase and also
practical phase. The motto of imaginative phase is to generate and play
with ideas and that of practical phase is to evaluate the ideas generated
and execute them.
j) Be an artist and also a judge. The open minded attitude of the artist
typifies the kind of thinking you use in the imaginative phase when you
are generating ideas. The evaluative outlook of the judge represents the
kind of thinking you use in the practical phase when you are preparing
ideas for execution.
k) Frame a few what if questions. Example: What if animals became more
intelligent than people? What if Mr. P. C. Sorcar (a magician) made Dr.
Xavier to disappear from the session all of a sudden? Etc., Such as as if
questions would stimulate the thinking process and thereby facilitate for
the generation of some useful creative ideas. It is also a powerful way to
get your imagination going.
l) Challenge the rules, if necessary. This does not mean that you should do
anything illegal, immoral and unethical. Dont fall in love with a certain
approach. Then you will not be able to see the merits of alternative
m) Necessity is the mother of invention but playful attitude is certainly its
father. When you are in a playful mood, your defenses are down but
mental blocks are loosened, concern for rules is absent, practicality is

given the backseat, no guilt conscience for being wrong, when you win
you win and when you lose you learn.
n) Group thinking may not be very conducive for generating creative ideas.
In a group, people would tend to get approval of others.
o) If you enjoy what you do you will come up with more ideas.
p) Getting into a humorous frame of mind not only loosens you up, it
enhances your creativity.
q) Using metaphorical language with fun and humor would add colour and
flavor to creativity Examples: Life is like a Vada. It is delicious when it
is fresh and warm. It will be hard if not cooked properly. The hole in the
middle is a mystery. Without that hole it wont be a Vada. HAVE FAITH


Everything in this world is subject to cyclic law. The earth revolves in its axis
every twenty-four hours, creating day and night. It travels around the sun every
365 days, resulting in the change of season. We human beings have our cycles,
but unlike the earth and the tress and season, we control, to a large degree, the
course of our existence. Therefore, we need no longer be the slaves to the whims
of fate. Of all living things, man alone is unique in being able to think and act

Just as our lives are divided into period of seven years so each year of our lives is
made of seven period . Each period comprises of approximately fifty two days.

The first period commences from the date of your birthday. Each one of these









opportunities that can be availed of, or problems that can be solved. Based on
this you can have your decision-making process.

FIRST PERIOD: Period of opportunity- time to ask favours-seek employment get

business concessions apply for loans- form partnership build credit standing
and reputation- time to push yourself forward with determination.

SECOND PERIOD: Excellent time for moving about-plan short journeys- propitious
for changes- start and finish within that period itself. Not for permanent changesunfavourable to borrow or lend- dont speculate in the stock market or gamble in
any way.

THIRD PERIOD: Brings great inflow of energy- best time to improve your healthbuild your business- good period to deal with enemies and competitorsunfavourable period to deal with women excellent period for women to appeal
to men- arguments and troubles should be avoided.

FOURTH PERIOD: Good period for spiritual and mental growth-writing books and
creative work- not good for marriages, hiring help or buying homes and businessrobbery and deception may take place.

FIFTH PERIOD: Period of greatest success in personal affairs- prosperity improvesmore confidence and sociability-begin new ventures- plan large business
negotiations- undertake long journeys.

SIXTH PERIOD: Period of rest, relaxation and amusement- buy stocks and bonds
ask favours from women- pleasure trips.

SEVENTH PERIOD: More critical period- cause distress- mind becomes despondent
easily discouraged- excellent time for inventing- patents and copy rights- least
favourable for starting anything new.


This case study is taken from the book TOTAL RECALL- HOW TO BOOST YOUR
MEMORY POWER written by John Minninger, Ph.D.

Anders Ericson of the University of Colorado and William G. Chase of CarnegieMelon University set out to discover if the digit span of the average person could
be increased. They found a hardy volunteer with normal memory capacity and
they tested his digit span. They kept retesting SF, as they called him, without
giving any instructions. He soon began to invent his own methods to increase his
digit span. When SF was first tested he had a digit span of seven. When he was
through his digit span was eighty! This is considered as the world record for digitspan memory. Was he really genius in disguise, or did he discover a new way to
use his memory? Heres what he did.

For 1 hour a day 3 day to 5 days a week, for 20 months- 230 hours of effort- SF
was given a standard digit- span test. For the first four sessions, his digit span
remained in the normal range, 7 to9. During this time, he either rehearsed the
entire digit sequence or divided into two groups and rehearsed each group.
Sometimes he noticed patterns like 6-5-4 or 4-2-4 but mostly he just tried to
remember random numbers.

But things were about to change. SF was competitive runner and had lots of
running times in his long term memory. At the fifth session he began relating the
random numbers read to him with the known running times in his memory.
Naturally, only a few numbers would match up, but he went on to construct
additional pegs. For instance, 3492 would be 3 minutes 49. 2 seconds an
excellent speed for running a mile. Following this would be 893 which he would
interpret as 89.43 years, a very old runner.







1. Choose a specific aim in life. There will be perennial flow of energy throughout
your life.
2. As long as your objectives are kept alive, the energy flow would be continuous.

3. Realise the fact that energy is not sold in the form of pills or tablets or lotions
in bottle. It flows from your thought patterns.
4. Positive thoughts generate abundant energy, whereas negative thoughts sap
even the energy that is already in existence.
5. Start on a new project. Energy would flow endlessly.
6. Tiredness is a disease. It does not come from a virus. It comes from boredom,
lack of interest, a need for a goal, a target in life.
7. As long as we love and appreciate life, we continue to enjoy ever flowing
8. One of the ways to conserve energy is to keep silence and avoid unnecessary
9. It is not the physical frame of the body that produces more or less of energy,
but the mental state of equipoise a happy, joyous and meaningful direction
produces more energy in a person.

Mind never gets old. However, if it is not activated through constant work it

may become inactive. Busy mind never ages.


When a person has an irresistible desire to accomplish a goal in life, he

would be supplied with perennial flow of energy.


Self-confidence generates energy. It comes from preparedness.


Have a daily target of work to be done and you will have endless energy to

accomplish the task on hand.


Energy builders are happiness, laughter, love, affection, kindness, helping

others, agreeability, hope and confidence.


People who have abundant energy are less prone to suffer from diseases

caused by stress.

A young man rushes to old age the moment he feels that he has nothing to

do in this world.

Secret of having energy is proper planning of each day.


People with dreams to shoot at in life generate the energy to get things

done., So to stimulate energy, have yourself a day dream.


Three reasons to cause executives to lose energy are

a) Fear to accept responsibility
b) Fear to delegate authority and
c) Fear of sickness


Lack of energy does not go down the hereditary line.


Music restores energy.


Fear of failure robs you of your energy.


The more a person pursues his target

in life the greater would be the

energy his thought waves would produce.


Mind is a great control box over the body. It can generate energy for you or

drain it off, depending upon the nature of your thoughts.


Successful living means perennial flow of energy in a person.


People who must constantly make decisions of what to eat, wear each day

burns up needless energy.


Some of the de-energizing mental blocks are:

a) My mare is not faithful,
b) My sex drive is failing,
c) My friends are not true,
d) My life is useless etc.,


It is experimentally proved that man does not expend any energy during

mental work

Learn the art of keeping busy. Activity generates energy.


Do the things you like. You would be happy and content and burn up less



The best way to energetic life is to meditate.



1. Set your personal and organisational GOALS

2. Maintain your DIARY with specific emphasis on your accomplishments rather

than narrating events.

3. Spend every day five minutes, before going to bed, to decide the WORK TO
BE DONE on the next day. Keep them in the order of priorities.

4. Develop Time Consciousness. Reflect seriously on how you spend your time
Productivity or unproductively-Creatively or Recreatively- or Destructively

5. Consider yourself as a PRODUCT and make every effort to improve the quality
of the product.

6. Make your STAFF to set their own goals. Let them know clearly and
specifically what they are expected to do.

7. Dont hesitate to APPRECIATE their good work, then and there. Be specific in
your appreciation.

8. When MISTAKES are committed reprimand their behavior; telling them what
they did wrong, how you feel about it and remind them that they are valuable
and worthwhile.

9. Have weekly MEETING at an appointed time with clear cut agendas. Review
the activities. If committees or sub-committees are appointed, allocate to each
member specific work.


Be tough and nice. Maintain SILENCE. The less you talk, the more you are


1. Take plenty of grape juice to remove one-sided head-ache
2. Make a paste of salt and pepper and apply on the forehead to get relief from
simple headache.
3. Equal quantities of cardamom, betel leaves and clove are ground into paste
and applied on the forehead.
4. Cut a betel leaf into two halves length wise, gently warm the leaves over the
fire and apply over each temple.
5. To remove headache associated with cold and nasal congestion, a paste of
turmeric powder, a pinch of quick lime with milk or water is applied over the
nose, temples and forehead.
6. Prepare a paste of betel leaves, pepper and boiled rice (not cooked), the paste
is heated in a small vessel, get it cooled and applied on the forehead (a tested

HEART PROBLEM: The strengthen the Heart:

1. Prepare decoction out of white lotus petals, mix this decoction with milk and
drink this in the morning and evening.
2. One teaspoon of tulsi and juice and honey may be taken in the morning and
3. Before going to bed drink cows milk in which add the powder of gallant
4. Honey and lemon juice be added in hot water, taken before going to bed.
5. A mixture of gooseberry juice (amla) and cows ghee is a good tonic for heart
6. Liberal use of onion and garlic is said to be good for hear problems
7. Burn a silk cloth and the ash is taken in honey.
8. Eat dates regularly.

1. Thirupalathi (an ayurvedic medicine) may be taken in hot water
2. Fry garlic in ghee, mix this in rice and eat.
3. White onions shredded and fried in ghee may be taken as such or mixed with
4. Daily eat one gram of powdered gallnut (Harara) along with a little old
jaggery moistened with water if necessary.

1. Prepare powder out of cardamom and take at 3 grams in the morning and
evening for a week only.
2. Take tulsi seeds, soak them in water over night. Pound them in the morning,
mix in milk and take in empty stomach.

3. Eat plenty of well ripped plantain.

4. Drumstick, leaves and flowers in any form
5. Garlic and onion
6. Gin Seng Tea or capsule
7. To prolong sexual activity: Take raw drumstick, open and insert tender
arecanut, bind the drumstick with thread, cover with red clay, keep it for two
moths. Then take the arecanut and eat. Its antidote is lemon juice.

SMOKING: To neutralise the bad effects of smoking-smokers, snuffers and tobacco

eaters should frequently eat pineapple so that the bad effects of nicotine poison
are neutrlised.

1. Boil milk and add with it kas kas powder and drink this before going to bed.
2. Eat raw onion at supper
3. Bhakya kumbhaka meditation would help immensely for sleeplessness

1. Coconut and coconut milk
2. Soup of cabbage
3. Take plenty of fruits and vegetables in all form.


1. Very often we are our own worst enemy as we foolishly build stumbling blocks
on the path that leads to success and happiness.
2. The causes of failure lie within a wide and confusing area: the culture we live
in, our definitions of the two words, success and failure, our personal
psychological make-up.
3. The following are the ten common causes of failure:
a) Blaming others
b) Blaming oneself
c) Lack of specific goals
d) Choosing the wrong goals
e) Short cut steps
f) Taking long roads
g) Neglecting little things
h) Quitting too soon
i) Burden of the past
j) Illusion of success.
4. BLAMING OTHERS: It is the primitive and juvenile mind that seeks the cause of
fears and failure outside oneself. The practice of blaming others accounts not
only for perhaps half our failures, but also for our failure to cash in on failure.
5. BLAMING ONESELF: Instead of wrestling with the problem behind the failure
and struggling to resolve it - to prevent its recurrence - we blame ourselves.
Never feel sorry for yourself at any cost. This kind of tendency may lead from
self-blame to self-depreciation to self-contempt and then even to selfdestruction. Excessive self-blame opens the door to guilt feelings and closes
the door to self-development.

6. LACK OF SPECIFIC GOALS: A fellow must know where he wants to go, if he is

going to get anywhere. No substantial achievement is possible without a
specific goal.
7. CHOOSING WRONG GOALS: When gold or glory, power or place, become a
fixed idea, we are usually blinded not only to the needs of others, but also in
our own needs, to the needs of our inner selves. This is a great sadness to
discover after many years of struggle that attaining the object of your efforts
will not bring happiness.
8. SHORT CUT: Many of us instinctively choose the shortest, easiest, quickest way
to success, only to discover that the success was illusory. Hard work is rarely
pleasurable. But conquest of matter, mind, or soul is pleasurable, it is
conductive to well-being, to happiness. Too often the shortcut, the line of least
resistance, is responsible for evanescent and unsatisfactory success.
9. LONG ROAD: Too often if you wait or travel too long, you never reach home.

NEGLECTING LITTLE THINGS: It is the little things that count. Vital battles

have been lost for the want of a nail. A good executive keeps his finger on the
little things. We must appreciate the details.

QUITTING TOO SOON: Men dont fail; they give up trying. Often it is failure.

To quit when we are ahead would be silly; to quit when we are behind is even
sillier. It requires will to hold on a little longer.

BURDEN OF THE PAST: memories of the past can infuse us with courage and

confidence and creative power; or they can bind us in a dark shroud of

dejection and defeat. Remember that life is growth, and increasing to grow, in
fearing the new, we deny life.

ILLUSION OF SUCCESS: The most dangerous moment comes with victory.

Victory loses its value unless we use it as a means to even greater ends.

If you want to become a Genius, kindly follow the suggestions given below and try
to imbibe the qualities of a Genius in your day-to-day life as far as possible.

1. In your wakeful state, be AWARE of your thoughts, feelings and actions.

2. Have always a PROJECT on hand, saturate all your consciousness for its
successful completion.

3. THINK more about the implementation of the Project, rather than feeling too
much about the problems to be confronted in this regard.

4. The more you think the greater is the possibility of generating CREATIVE
IDEAS. Rigidity is the enemy of creativity.

5. Only when you are able to FORGET YURSELF completely and devote all your
attention, you can achieve something Great and Outstanding in Life.

6. Try to LEARN each and every moment of your wakeful state, particularly
relating to your Vocation or Project.

7. Never consider yourself as a FINISHED PROJECT. Develop the virtue of humility

which would lead you to know more and more about your field of activities.

8. Never be afraid of FAILURE. You may rather welcome it. For a determined mind,
failure would accelerate the process of growth. You may consider that no one
ever fails but only quit trying. Hence, continue to persevere until your goal is

9. Apply your IMAGINATION to whatever you do.


Dont strive for PERFECTION, however just try to do anything well.


Try to move forward at a STEADY PACE. Consider Life as a journey and not a



Dont seek out HONOURS, as most people do. Just do the things for the joy

of doing it.


Set yourself free from the OPINIONS OF OTHERS. Dont bother about

whether some one likes what you had done or said. Be always internally
directed, rather that getting worried about what others may think of your
actions and behaviour.

Accept yourself as a UNIQUE PRODUCT. No one is superior to you and no

one is inferior to you. You are what you are.


Play the role of a CHILD, enjoying every moment happily.


Accept OTHERS as they are


Eliminate all EMOTIONS that are self-destructive.


Never argue with anybody. Everyone is right from his or her own point of

view. There is no use of being an Arguer or a hot Debater. You may simply

state your views and listen to others. Recognise the futility of convincing


If you want to become a real genius in this world, your values should never

be local. You should go beyond the confines of family, community, city, state or
country. Consider yourself belonging to HUMAN RACE. In this way you are not
patriotic to a special boundary.


When you devote all your attention and concentration on completion of a

project, the thought of earning money, position or award should never cross
you mind. You have to work for the INTERNAL SATISFACTION that you derive in
your work. This attitude would develop your expertise to a considerable extent
and in the ultimate analysis you would be the gainer.



1. Drink three glasses of hot water in the early morning or lemon and honey
mixed with hot water.

2. Before taking bath dip your eyes in a bucketful of water. This can be done
whenever you feel fatigued or tired. This would activate your optical nerves
and you feel refreshed and relaxed. This will also improve your eyesight.

3. When travelling in bus or train practice Meditation. You may also do Ujjayi
Pranayama, recollecting 100 Mental Files.

4. Do all the 5 Pranayamas every day for 15 minutes without fail. If possible learn
to practice a few Yogic Asanas in the morning.

5. Constantly be AWARE of your thoughts, feelings and actions and BEWARE

when they slip down to bad and impure aspects. This is one of the profound
techniques that will transform your life towards spiritual enhancement.

6. Our life is nothing but our thought and emotions. We are able to learn better
and produce more creative ideas only when the mind is clam and quiet, cool
and collected, serene and tranquil. To achieve this repeat this sentence every

7. Constantly make an analysis of your CONCIOUSNESS which is nothing but

stream of thoughts. Make a series of queries to yourself, whether that stream
is full of muddy water, sewage collection, or crystal clear one. The more we
have negative emotions and attitudes, fear and worries, sensitive to the
remarks of others, etc., will not speak of a pure and crystal clear
consciousness. Make earnest attempt to purify the consciousness as far as

8. Make it a point not to develop any hatred or enmity towards anybody, not even
misunderstanding. If the consciousness is developed with full of love and
affection to each and everybody without any consideration and expectation,
our life will become glorious and marvelous.

9. Develop the virtue HUMILITY for enhanced human relationship. Dont have any
EXPECTATION from anybody, at any cost, and your relationship with others will
be enchanting.


Consider that everything is FOR OUR OWN GOOD. Behave in a PRO-ACTIVE

manner. Your behavioral patterns should definitely be different from that of

others, for better. Remember several stories given in the Program. Generate
more energy through activity and enthusiasm. Happy frame of mind is a sure
way to have more energy.


Whenever you could find time register and reproduce 50 to 100 digit

numbers. This will stimulate and boost your brain power to a remarkable
extent. This is my personal experience. Just as a fun you can dot it and people
FOREIGN COUNTRIES. You can continue to have the mind of a youngster even
at an advanced old age. One should have patience and perseverance.
Remember that the world champion on digital memory could reproduce only
91- digit numbers. Further, it will improve your power of concentration and willpower. You can quantitatively measure your power to concentration through
this technique.


As far as possible maintain inner and outer SILENCE. This will save much of

your energy. You can be effective and efficient executive if your follow this
suggestion. Remember this fact, that every word you utter to someone
becomes your COMMITMENT.


Sing TAP SONG, when depressed or melancholic. Do this vigorously with

dance, if situations are conducive,.


Preserve the notes supplied to you in this program and whenever you could

find time, go through them, reflect on the points contained therein, and also
try to implement with conviction and earnestness.


Read Sankalpa as frequently as possible. In a day, it should be read at least



Try to be at Alpha Waves of Mental State, most of the time. When your mind

is calm and quiet without any emotional upheavals, you are at Alpha level. It is
not very difficult to reach Alpha level. But only to maintain that state of mind
throughout the day requires practice, patience and perseverance.


Constantly remember the sentence LIFE IS A SERIES OF CHOICES. Once you

believe in this proposition, you hold responsibility for your own life without
blaming others for your own problems and sufferings. The thoughts that you
have at any point of time of your choice and the emotions that you entertain
is also your choice. Thus you have no right to blame others for your failure.


It is better to concentrate our attention on our ACHIEVEMENTS and

Prosperity. Let us make every effort to contribute something useful and

productive to the society.


Have always a small note book for writing down the ideas that flash into

your mind at expected circumstances. Keep a torch in your bed to note down
the ideas even during dead of night.


When you have the tendency to procrastinate repeat the statement: BEGIN

THE WORK WILL BE COMPLETED. If possible, repeat the whole poem starting
with Are you in earnest?


When you feel diffident and depressed repeat to yourself : HAVE FAITH THAT




Have always a Project and work on it. Unless you have a specific burning

desire, it is impossible to achieve anything great in life.


Have firm faith and belief that you can be extraordinarily CREATIVE in

everything you do. All outstanding achievers are creative personalities.


To improve your self-image the best technique to be used is to visualize

yourself as having a vibrant self-image. Project yourself into the screen of a TV.
Enact the role you would like to play in life. Just let loose your imagination as if
you had already achieved quite a lot in life and the press persona are taking up
your interview for publicity.


Follow the suggestions given above and your shall BLOSSOM FORTH INTO A








1. KNOW THYSELF is the most important axiom to tap your genius.

2. Prepare your BALANCE SHEET of Assets and Liabilities (Personal investments)
3. Choose a CAREER after your heart based on your Innate Talents.
4. Formulate Specific AIMS & OBJECTIVES which should totally synchronize with
your Innate abilities.
5. Aggressively pursue your Aims and Objrectives. Unless you become MAD, you
wont be able to achieve anything outstanding in this world.
6. Activate your SUBCONSCIOUS MIND through Meditational Techniques.
7. Reach ALPHA WAVES OF MENTAL STATE and maintain it throughout your
wakeful state.
8. Recollection of your MENTAL FILES alone would constitute a technique.
9. Whenever you could find time memorise 100 digit numbers just for the fun of
it. This would increase your confidence in your mental ability, in addition, that
others would consider you a genius.

Apply in your day to day life the principles and practice of TIME AND


Make it your daily habit to sing TAP SONG whenever it is possible- either

aloud or silently.

Develop the skill in PUBLIC SPEAKING. This is the sort cut to distinction in

any walk of life.


CONFIDENCE AND COURAGE can be developed through constant

acquisition of knowledge and equipment of special skills and abilities.


Mind has two functions-THINKING AND FEELING-train your mind in such a

way that it should think most of the time than feel.


Thinking process would result in generating CREATIVE IDEAS. Ideas are

very important for our growth and progress. Catch hold of them-note it downhave a torch in your bed.


If you PRODUCE RESULTS, the society will pay you in abundance,

irrespective of who you are. Remember Illayaraja and Rahman.


Dont argue with anyone. No one has found the ultimate truth in this world.

EVERYONE IS RIGHT from his/her point of view.


Show AFFECTION and love to each and everybody, no matter who it is.

This can be done through developing cosmic consciousness.


What OTHERS WILL THINK of me a great myth. No one is thinking of you.

Everyone is busy in thinking about himself or herself.


Learning and training should be a continuous process. Each and every

second of your wakeful state should be treated as an occasion of learning

and training.

Have firm belief in the enormous CAPACITY OF THE MIND. It can

accommodate any amount of information which would be useful in times of


Take care of your HEALTH dont depend too much on drugs or doctors.


If you want to amass FABULOUS WEALTH follow the principles enunciated.


CYCLIC LAWS of personal life may help you to take important decisions.


MENTAL BLOCKS are nothing but negative attitudes, which should be

exploded at any cost through constant watching of your inner thinking and

To develop INVENTIVE GENIUS stimulate the right Hemisphere of the brain

through the technique given.


Have always a PROJECT on hand and apply psycho-cybernetic techniques

to implement them.

Hold a constant PICTURE OF YOURSELF as vibrant, dynamic, confident

and success minded personality.


ONE MINUTE GENIUS should be saturated in your mental consciousness

as frequently as possible.


Tap your Genius involves the attainment of SUPREME JOY AND

HAPPINESS in life- to attain this, remember AWARE AND BEWARE.



1. If you want to succeed well in life, the first step you should take is to set
specific goals in life.

2. The goals can be internal and external.

(a) Internal goals are intended to develop certain desirable habits and
virtues like honesty, sincerity, punctuality, purity, hard work etc., You
can set goals to develop such qualities and thereby improve your
personality. This is the basic requirement for success in life.
(b) External goals are chosen to achieve something GREAT & OUTSTANDING
in life. They deal with your contribution to the society. For example,
writing a book, establishing an institution, serving the society as a good
professional like doctors, engineers, teachers, lawyers, singers, actors,

3. Unless you have specific aims and goals in life you would tend to drift. Many
youngsters do not have any specific aim in life. They simply dream to have
fabulous wealth, good family, a lucrative job, enjoy scintillating health and in
general a happy life. It is similar to that of a person simply asking for a ticket
at the railway station without mentioning the destination. The goals must be
pinpointed and specific. Vague dreams and ambitions will lead you no where.
Further no one can get anything worthwhile in life over night. They should be

meticulously sought after with proper planning and achieve them with diligent

4. You should have a clear cut vision in your mind as to the type of person you
should emerge within a period of ten or fifteen years from now. Cultivate the
habit of visualizing for a big future. The size of your thinking determines the
level of your achievement.

5. The goals that you choose should synchronize with your inner urge, inborn
talents and natural inclination to do something in preference to all the rest.
This cannot be offered to you either by psychologists or counselors. There
should be a burning desire to achieve something great in life. Otherwise life
will not be pleasant and adventurous. You would be able to enjoy every
moment of your wakeful state with the kind of activity that you simply enjoy
doing. It should never be a burden or work for you.

6. The moment you have specific goals in life, you generate perennial energy to
accomplish your goals. When you are totally committed to achieve something
your energy level will be remarkable. If the goal you want to achieve is after
your heart you will never experience even an iota of tiredness or boredom.
This is the secret of all geniuses in this world who are able to contribute
something substantial and wonderful of the benefit of mankind.

7. Your guiding principle should be to achieve your goal one step at a time. A
very great achievement is nothing but a series of small accomplishments
achieved over a long period. Constantly have a burning desire to do something
GREAT in life and you are sure to ACHIEVE whatever you want through proper



The following are some of the statements for you to THINK OVER and decide
whether they constitute Achievement or Prosperity and give your answer

1. Becoming an IAS officer (P)

2. Getting admission into a Medical/Engineering College (P)
3. Getting a Gold Medal in the Olympics (P)
4. Going to USA for studies (P)
5. Doing exercises regularly (A)
6. Learning the operation of a computer (A)
7. Becoming a Doctor/Engineer (A)
8. Getting into a film as a playback singer/actor/actress (P)
9. Getting the affection of your parents/ Wife/Husband (P)

Improving ones own health (A)


Learning to drive a car/motor cycle (A)


Being handsome/beautiful (P)


Constructing a house in Bombay/Madras (P)


Developing concentration, memory and will power (A)


Getting a good bridegroom/bride (P)


Visiting various countries in the world. (P)


Finishing 100 meter race in 12 minutes (A)


Developing love and affection for everybody in the world (A)


Developing the qualities of an executive (A)


Becoming a multimillionaire (P)


Becoming a good tennis player (A)


Joining TAP YOUR GENIUS program (P)


Being happy and cheerful all the time (A)


Writing a book ( A)


Publishing an article in The Times of India (P)


Staying in Hotel Leela Palace, Bangalore (P)


Becoming a saint. (A)


Giving up an undesirable habit (A)


Studying for 15 hours a day. (A)


Passing entrance exam of Indian Institute of Management (P)

Achievement is what you can do/contribute at your level, whereas prosperity is

what you get from the society for your achievement. It may be in terms of money,
name, fame, award, or reward. The former is internal and within your control and
the later is external. While choosing an aim in life our main attention should be
focused on Achievements rather than on Prosperity.

If we want to achieve something GREAT & OUTSTANDING in life we should always

be productive and creative at every second of our wakeful state. We should
constantly saturate our attention on acquiring knowledge and developing skills in
the field in which we are deeply interested, based on our innate talents and



1. Dont expect to reform yourself overnight. We are all very much creatures of
habit. Habits have become part of our personality.

2. Cleansing campaign should have period of preparation gradually acclimatise

yourself towards a new, changed personality.

3. A resolution to overcome the bad habit should be given a chance to permeate

our minds for a short while before we try to carry it out. A resolution is like the
concrete foundation of a house should be given to set before we start
building on it.

4. Dont resolve to discard too many habits at a time. There should be a process
of selection in your preparatory period that should boil down to one or two
relatively simple resolutions to carry out. Pick on a minor vice which you dont
like about yourself.

5. Set yourself a target date to test your will power and strength. Three months
or more ahead-note in your diary. A dead line will sub-consciously urge you
to do your best to prove yourself to yourself.

6. It is easier to stick to habits that deal with specific aspects of your personalityinstead of resolving to improve your behaviour with your spouse, it is better to
resolve not to scatter your clothes all over the house.

7. Tell a friend what you are trying to achieve. Ask him or her to remind you of
the resolve within a stipulated time.

8. Jot down on pieces of paper the reminders and pin them inside the cupboard
and drawers to remind you constantly or write down the resolutions on every
third or fourth page of your calendar or diary.


Most of us have a mistaken notion about happiness. We equate it with fun and pleasure. Pleasure
comes out of what we do and happiness is derived from what we have done. Fun is what we experience
during an act, while happiness is what we experience after an act. It is a deeper, more abiding emotion.
Pleasure and fun are finite and happiness is infinite. Eating, sleeping, mating and all other fun- filled
life like watching a tennis match, attending a party in a five- star hotel, travelling in an expensive car
may be considered as pleasure and cannot be viewed as a moment of happiness. The fun activities
referred to above may bring us certain amount of relaxation and make us to forget our pressing
problems of life but will never bring us the true happiness. Many are under the impression that cine
starts are the happiest person on earth as they can command whatever the luxury they want. But the
fact is that these very people are victims of depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, divorces and even
suicides. Their life is a standing testimony to prove that what they seem to enjoy in life do not bring
real happiness.
There are four dimensions of happiness :
a) Creative Activity

b) Inter personal relationship

c) Cosmic Consciousness
d) Self-mastery.

(a) CREATIVE ACTIVITY: The more we are active, producing tangible results that
are useful to the society, the greater is the chances of our happiness. When an
author writes a book, he derives the greatest happiness. The monetary reward
that he gets in the form of royalty is a pittance when compared to the real joy
of creation. A person who enjoys what he does is showing the way for true
happiness. All those who attained name and fame are those who concentrated
in contributing something useful to the society without bothering for monetary
returns. They blossom forth into geniuses in the ultimate analysis by
concentrating their total attention in creation. When we create something new,
we become like God, who is the creator of the whole universe. It is not in
receiving that we are happy but in giving and contributing. In Yogic parlance, it
is stated that a person who is happy with his work is a Karma Yogi.

(b)INTER PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP: when a person has no hatred, jealously,

resentment, anger, irritation, malice, and not even misunderstanding towards
anybody, who is always full of love and affection for everybody is a happy
person in this world. Happiness is positive feeling which can be shown without
any consideration. If a person shows love and affection towards another
person with a view to deriving any benefit, then it may amount to business
and cannot get the true happiness. It is an attitude of the mind which can be
consciously developed over a period. When the mind reaches a stage of purity
of love, affection, sympathy, consideration, empathy, concern, it is filled with
ever flowing happiness and joy. Such a person is called a Bhakthi Yogi.

(c) COSMIC- CONSCIOUSNESS: The world is filled with mysteries and wonders. Do
we know for certain why we were born in a particular place and to certain

parents? When do we die? In a train accident many die and a few escape
without any hurt. Can we fathom the reason for the death of so many in such
an accident? Some children are born mentally retarded. Why is it so? There are
innumerable situations like that for which we have no answer. Very recently,
many people died of earthquake in Gujarat State. Why should it happen to
such poor and innocent people? What have they done to deserve such a
punishment. Many things that happen like that cannot be explained through
biological reasoning. We have to simply accept them as the natural
phenomenon. If we worry over such things for which we have no control, we
shall be tormented with fear and agony. We wont be able to be happy.
Accepting the inevitable is one of the dimensions of happiness.

Further, do you realize the magnitude of the universe? How big is it? There are
trillions and trillions of suns and stars. In the cosmic design, the mother earth
is a tiny tot. If the earth itself is a tiny tot, how big is India and how big are we
in the cosmic design? When we develop this kind of cosmic consciousness,
what we get in life is the development of the virtue called humility. The more
we are humble, the greater is the possibility to attain true happiness. Saints
and seers are the happiest persons in this world as they have developed the
sterling quality of humility. One who has understood the mysterious
phenomenon of this universe is called a Jnana Yogi.

(d)SELF MASTERY: The last dimension of happiness is derived from self-mastery. A

person who is capable of controlling his body, mind and emotions is said to be
truly happy. People who fall easy prey to all sorts of undesirable habits, like
smoking, drinking, drug addictions are not only wasting their money but
become victims to a variety of diseases. The more we are able to have
mastery over our self, the possibility of attaining happiness is greater.
Development of sterling qualities like, purity, honesty, sincerity, loyalty,
truthfulness, generosity, confidence, courage, require self-mastery. One who

has developed these virtues could be considered as truly a happy person. Such
a person is a king (Raja) of kings. In Yogic language he is a Raja Yogi.

Happiness is a positive state of the mind which can be obtained, paradoxically

through sacrifice, suffering and strenuous labour and not in wallowing in luxury
and indulging in all kinds of unwanted pleasures. In the ultimate analysis,
pleasures, may bring suffering, whereas, suffering and sacrifice for a noble
cause will crown one with glory and happiness.



ATTITUDES: Have firm faith in the adaptive mechanism of your body. Dont
be too much concerned with your health and unnecessary worry spoil the
charm of maintaining good health.


DIET: Eat only when hungry. Avoid the foods that are not conducive to your
health. Whenever you feel hungry eat plenty of seasonal fruits. See that
you take balanced food. Over eating should be avoided at any cost. When
ill, fasting is the best solution.


SLEEP: Sleep less and live longer is the axiom. Too much sleep would
bring lethargy and sap your energy. Constantly engage yourself in
Productive and creative activity. When need arises take short naps to
recoup yourself.


YOGA: Be regular in your practices of Asana, Pranayama, Shatkarma and

Meditation, at least for half an hour every day. It is one of the important
ingredients to maintain scintillating health.


ENERGY: Positive thinking, purposeful living, pin-pointed goal in life and

enthusiastic activity generate perennial flow of energy.


NATURE- CURE: For all minor illnesses, recourse to nature-cure methods.

Avoid synthetic medicines as far as possible.


HABITS: Develop habits that are conducive to good health and avoid which
are detrimental.


SEX: Sex with genuine love and affection stimulates the body mechanism.


ALPHA WAVES: Try always to be at Alpha Waves of Mental State. Aware

and Beware technique would help you.


MODERATION: The grounding rule of SCINTILLATING HEALTH is moderation

in everything. Be conscious of this at all time of your wakeful state.



1. DEVELOP COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS: Practice meditation dealing with Cosmic

Consciousness. This would develop in you the virtue of HUMILITY which is the
basic necessity for enchanting human relationship. Saints are worshiped not
for their talents or abilities but for their humility. Everybody likes a person who
is humble. Therefore, cultivate the virtue of humility and you have gained the
mastery of human relationship.

2. PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN RELATIONSHIP: Learn to appreciate and encourage

rather than condemn, blame or flattery. Try to figure out the good points while
talking to others. Concentrate on what he wants rather than what you would
like to talk. Get the other persons point of view and see things from his angle.
Develop a sense of genuine interest in others. Greet people with animation
and enthusiasm. Learn to deal with people with heart warming smile, a
genuine one. Smiling costs nothing but creates much in terms of goodwill of
others. Try to remember the names of the persons with whom you interact-a
mans name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in any
language-Develop the habit of listening to others attentively-Encourage others
to talk about themselves.

Talk in terms of other mans interest- Almost everyone considers himself very










conversation and dealings-Emerson said: Every man I meet is in some way

my superior; and in that I can learn of him. Make a pious resolution at this
moment itself that you are not going to argue with anybody to win your case.

Remember the dictum that everyone is right from his or her own point of view
- listen patiently and express your view, but never argue to convince a person-

Never ridicule and abuse anybody under any circumstance and for anythingDont tell a person he is wrong- use your diplomacy-

If you are wrong, admit quickly and emphatically. Begin a conversation in a

friendly way-make him to say yes, Yes to all your proposition at the

Dont talk much about your petty accomplishments. Liberally give credit to the
ideas of others - Try honestly to see things from other persons point of viewBe sympathetic with the other persons ideas and desires- The best way to get
things done is to stimulate competition, a healthy one- If you want to point out
the mistakes indirectly- Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the
other person- Instead of giving direct orders you may begin with asking
questions Praise even the slightest improvement- This will inspire for further

The best way to develop enchanting human relationship is to develop

HUMILITY and also not to have any EXPECTATION from anybody for anything.

3. STORY MEDITATION: I love you darling (9)- old man in Kerala (1) - an author
and his wife (162)- a beggar and a beautiful lady (189)- a business man in a
railway station (97)- Lincoln and his General (108)- a little girl and her brother
(107)-king, general and chains of love (85). Note the numbers in bracket refer
to the story number in the book Inspiring Stories for Successful Living by Dr. G.
Francis Xavier.


We live in a world of competition. Job opportunities are scarce, but the applicants
are numerous. Therefore, you have to take advantage of every interview carefully
and be fully prepared for it. Here are a few hints for you to adopt:

1. First and foremost, remove the mental block that interview are mere eyewash. They select only those person with money or recommendations. This
can happen only in government organisations and not in private sectors. Even
government organisations look for competent persons at higher and executive

2. Be on time for any interview. Never be late.

3. Be neat and clean. Comb hair properly.

4. Try to gather as much information as possible regarding the company or

organization for which you appear for interview- its product- usagesheadquarters and branches- all relevant information relating to the post you
applied for.

5. Be prepared to give a brief description of yourself with particular reference to

your strengths and weaknesses.

6. Dont talk about your poverty and need to secure a job to maintain a large
family. They are not charitable institutions to support you. You should be able
to highlight the aspect that in what way you are able to contribute to their

organisation. Give more emphasis on your achievements and your ability to


7. Answer to the point: Dont deviate or drift from the question asked. Never
argue with the interviewer. There is no point in winning an argument and
losing the job.

8. During any interview, more than the knowledge of the candidate, what they
are interested in is your attitude and character. Every institution

wants an

honest, sincere and hard working person with the requisite knowledge and skill
for the post he had applied for.

9. Speak clearly and distinctly. Never look nervous. Have eye contact with the





1. Kundalini Yoga is of great scientific parapsychic and metaphysical interest. It

is a direct path to highest consciousness. John Woodroffe.

2. It is a process of conscious cooperation with evolution.

3. Within each of us there lies a vast potential of energy and power which, when
properly understood and directed will lead to previously unimagined heights of
perception and awareness.

4. Phenomenal feats of Deshbandu: stopping pulses, heartbeats, rare feats of

archery, such as splitting of a hair and thread by an arrow shot- these are
achieved through Yoga and Pranayama.

5. Perhaps what is abnormal to men living in a lower plane of vibrations, is

normal to those who live on a slightly highest plane of vibrations.

6. Yoga is the science, which rises the capacity of the human mind to respond to
higher Vibrations and to perceive, catch and assimilate the infinite conscious
movements going on around us in the universe.

7. All the miracles performed by the long line of saints and sages of all times
were due to the knowledge of Yoga, the grandest of all sciences.

8. Kundaline is well known to the students of Yoga. It symbolises the power in the
form of a coiled serpent.

9. The Chakras are :

1) Muladhara
2) Swathisthana
3) Manipura
4) Anahata

5) Vishudhi
6) Ajna
7) Sahasrara


All practices in the form of Japa, Meditation, prayer, development of all

virtues are at best calculated only to awaken this serpent power and make it
pass through all the succeeding Chakra- from Muldhara to Shasrara Swami


MULADHARA CHAKRA: Located at the base of the spinal column-between

reproductive organ and anus- perineum corresponds to Sacro- Coccygeal

plexus- seat of Kundaline Shakthi or sexual energy- transformed into potential
motive force- related to earth element in nature- when stimulated it will begin
to rise to the next chakra associated with organs of excretion-Bija Mantra


SWADEHISTHANA CHAKRA: Located directly behind genital organ Prostatic

plexus- organs of reproduction- water element- Bija Mantra VAM.


MANIPURA CHAKRA: Situated within Sushumna Nadi near the regions of

navel controls digestive organs fire element in nature associated with

vitality and energy- solar plexus bija Mantra RAM.


ANAHATA CHAKRA: Situated near the region of the heart air element -

associated with heart and lungs- circulatory and respiratory- Bija Mantra YAM.


VISHUDDI CHAKRA: Base of the throat Larygeal Plexus influences vocal

cords - relates to Ether element in nature Bija Mantra Ham.


AJNA CHAKRA: Situated within Sushumana Nadi eyebrow centre

Cavernous Plexus used for concentration in many systems of meditation

bridge between physical, mental and psychic bodies by meditating on this
Chakra supramental faculties developed ESP clairvoyance, telepathy, etc.
subtlest of all the five elements of nature i.e. consciousness.


SAHASRARA: Not considered as a Chakra- supposed to contain all the other

Chakras abode of the highest consciousness superconsciousness a

desireless state of the mind - known as SAMADHI STATE the ultimate aim of
all yoga is to reach this state.


SIGNIFICANCE OF KUNDALINI: The five elements of nature assigned to the

first five Chakras and the consciousness representing the Ajna Chakra and
Sahasrara are only symbolic in approach and the real significance is that
through constant practices of yoga and Meditation the Yogi is expected to
transcend his personality from the grossest manifestation of worldly desires,
passions and instincts to that of the subtlest one of intuition, inspiration,
creativity and bliss which are the gate way to spiritual emancipation.


HOW TO AWAKEN KUNDALINI: Awakening Kundaline Shakthi refers to the

raising of ones energy level. This can be done through the four yogic paths,
a) Karma Yoga
b) Bhakthi Yoga
c) Jnana Yoga
d) Raja Yoga.


KARMA YOGA: It deals with ACTIVITY. When a person is intensely interested

in any activity, he displays tremendous amount of energy. He is not bothered

for money name or fame but deeply involved in productive and creative
activity which gives him immense joy and happiness in whatever he does.
Great personalities in the field of Art, Science and Literature are those who
awakened Kundalini Shakthi.


BHAKTHI YOGA : It refers to AFFECTION. When there is love and affection

for each and everybody without discrimination and consideration the energy
level of that person increases to a larger extent. Supreme joy and happiness
can be obtained when there is no enmity, jealously, hatred, resentment,
malice, prejudice etc., The consciousness attains the state of purity and bliss.
Most of the saints and seers are able to raise the Kundalini through love and
affection. Phenomenal feet of energy is shown on many instances by ordinary
persons in lifting a heavy car or other objects when his own child is about to be
crushed. This is instantaneous Kundalini.


JNANA YOGA: It is a Yoga of ANALYSIS. Wisdom is attained through analysis

and understanding of the mysterious phenomenon of nature. It goes deeper

into the knowledge of man, his life after death, the ultimate aim of life, the
creation of universe, etc., It is suitable to all those who can think objectively.
Contemplation on these aspects will lead to spiritual growth and emancipation.
All the spiritual leaders of the world could raise the Kundalini Shakthi through
JnanaYoga. It leads to the development of cosmic consciousness and virtue of
humility. Those who are humble will have no stress or tension in life. This will
produce enormous energy in a person.


RAJ YOGA: It is ANNIHILATION of self through mental discipline. It deals with

self mastery, for which prescribes eight steps of yogic practices. They are
1) Yama

2) Niyama
3) Asana
4) Pranayama
5) Prathyahara
6) Dharna
7) Dhyana
8) Sanmadhi
These steps are intended to awaken Kundalini Shakthi. When a person is able to
reach samadhi stage, he is supposed to have raised Kundalini from Muladhara
chakra to Sahasrara. One of the conspicuous results of practices of yoga is the
phenomenal increase in the energy level of the practitioner of yoga.



view to INCREASING THE ENERGY LEVEL in a person through intensive

concentration on his work or through love and affection, or through developing
wisdom by analysis and understanding or through the process of self-mastery
by practicing the eight steps of Yoga. These can also be achieved through a
combination of all these paths.


Real meditation is nothing but shifting our consciousness (stream of thoughts)

from self (refers to personal aspects) to something else. It is liberation from the
clutches of the lower senses and mind. It is transcendental in the sense that all
fears, desires longings and negative emotions are transcended. The meditator
reaches the superconcious state in which his whole consciousness becomes pure
and perfect.

Mantras can be used in meditation. A Mantra is a mystical energy encased in a

sound structure. Its vibration directly affects the chakras, or energy centres of the
body. It steadies the mind and lends to the stillness of meditation. The powers of
sound is tremendous. The Mantras that can be used in Meditation for various
purpose are given below.


For removing any disease:

Om Hrim Hansah

For sound health :

Om namo paramatmane para brahma mama sharrire pahipahi kuru kuru svash.
For Wealth :

(a) Aum Lakshmi vam shri Kamaladhram svaha

(b) Aum Shrim hrim shrim mahalakshmyai namaha.
For Sound Sleep:

For Long Life:

hroum aum jom sa aum bhurbhuvab svha aum

For Good health : Ram

For intellectual Growth: AIM

For Sexual Potency: KLING

For Heart Diseases: HRIM

Mantras Used In Transcendental Meditation:



Sikh Mantras: (a) Satnam (b)Vahe guru

Jain Mantras : (a) aum (b) Arhint (c) Arhirt siddha

Buddist Mantras: Buddham Sharanam Gachchami: Dhammam Sharanam Gachchami:

Sangham Sharanam Gachchhami.

Islamic Mantras (a) Bismilla Hirrahaman _ Nir _ Rahim

(b) Alla hu Allahu

Christian Mantras: Kyrie eleison, Christe Elesion, Kyrie Eleison.



I. Definition of MEDITATION:
1. It is making an inward journey.
2. It is a process of stilling the mind.
3. Me-dig-action is meditation.
4. It is emptying the mind
5. It is taking away our consciousness from external entanglement.
6. It is an altered states of consciousness.
7. It is making peace with finer self.
8. The barrier between the conscious and subconscious mind is removed.
9. It establishes a link between the higher regions of the mind and the waking


II. Benefits of MEDITATION:

1. Brings profound relaxation.
2. Slows down metabolic rate i.e. the rate at which the body burns oxygen and
food stuffs necessary for building up the body.
3. Heart rate slows down.
4. Blood flow increase due to reduction in the constriction of blood vessels.
5. Due to increased blood flow lactate produced during intense activity quickly
and effectively removed.
6. Lactate production is less when one is calm and serene.
7. Persons experiencing anxiety, stress and tension have a high level of lactate,
which is one of the symptoms of high blood pressure.

8. Reduction in lactate level

leads to deep relaxation which consequently

reduces high blood pressure.

9. Brings about improvement in psychosomatic diseases.

Improve intelligence, memory and emotional stability.


Brings mental discipline and thereby improves personality strength with

better social and vocational adjustment.


A meditator becomes physiologically different from a non-meditator.


Meditation brings far better and

profound relaxation inner peace and


The natural corollary of the constant practice of meditation is the inner

peace and harmony.


The stormy turmoils of the ebb and flow of the emotional torments of

everyday living are subsided and neutralized with the onset of deep

During meditation changes take place for better with regard to brain rhythm

(production of Alpha Waves), blood pressure, pulse rate, etc.,


Profound impact in curing incurable diseases like cancer. Dr.Carl Simonton

of USA has cured hundreds of terminal cancer patients through his C R V R

Meditational techniques.

III. Practice of MEDITATION:

The following are some of the Meditational techniques that one can practice with
advantage to manage stress effectively.
1. Simple Meditation Simply sitting for a desired period of time
2. Sabdha Meditation Aware of sound
3. Chitta Meditation On thoughts and Feelings
4. Trataka Meditation On an object or a picture

5. Soham Meditation On the mantra Soham synchronising with the breath

6. Baghya Kumbhaka Meditation On outer retention
7. Transcendental Meditation On Bija Mantras
8. Jnana Yoga Meditation On various questions pertaining to life and death
9. Subconscious Meditation On inspiring thoughts and quotations

Jala Samadhi Meditation On travelling in a boat in the ocean


Agni Samadhi Meditation On ones own body when it is dead


Zen Meditation On breath and counting


Creative Dynamic Meditation Combination of several techniques


Digital Meditation Registering and reproducing q00 digit numbers


Memory Files Meditation On Memory Filing System


Self-improvement Meditation On positive attributes for self-improvement


1. It is unique and innovative technique of blending the mechanics of Yogic

Meditation and Mind dynamics with the philosophy of self-improvement for the
purpose of regenerating the physical, mental

and emotional faculties for

better performance of the individual in his day-to-day life.

2. Mind Dynamics is another creative facet of meditation intended to activate the
subconscious mind for better productivity.
3. When meditation gets deeper and deeper, it opens the natural barriers
between the conscious and subconscious mind and thereby allowing free flow
of communication.
4. At this juncture, repetition of a short message will activate the subconscious
mind for the purpose of

changing the behavioural patterns and also to

developing positive attitudes toward life and health problems of the

individuals. This is Mind dynamics.
5. The uniqueness of creative dynamic meditation lies in its approach and
content. The practitioner can meditate any moment of their wakeful state by
alterning and expanding their consciousness for achieving something great
and valuable in life
6. No guru Sishya: relationship is established.
7. No specific technique is insisted upon.
8. A variety of Meditational technique are given and the practitioner can choose
any depending upon the situation need and mood.
9. No stipulated time is prescribed

Any wakeful state could be utilized for meditation.


Constant change of technique is permissible.


Even while travelling in a car, train, bus or plane meditation can be


The quint essence of process of Creative dynamic Meditation can be

summed up in two words, viz AWARE and BEWARE.


During wakeful state the practitioner should be aware of his thought

process, emotional upheavals and actions.


The moment the thought, word, emotion, or action slips down to negative

or impure aspects, he should be BEWARE to bring back to positive and purer


V. Some Practical Hints on MEDITATION:

1. Meditation should be taken more as a way of life than a mere ceremony to be
performed piously at an appointed time.
2. Efforts should be made to fully occupy the mind always with pure and positive

3. Mind should be allowed to attend only one thing at a time.

4. Instead of brooding over personal problems, it is better to concentrate on
some constructive activities intended to bring some beneficial results to
oneself and to the humanity at large.
5. When negative and impure thoughts intrude into the mind the same should be
banished immediately.
6. The mind should always be saturated with the theme Love for all and hatred
towards none. No event, however adverse should disturb the mind. It should
always be peaceful, tranquil and serene.


1. If you want to develop extraordinary, memory, you should bear in mind the
following aspects.

2. Your real possession is your memory. Everything you do is based on memory.

The mind is like a hard disc of a computer which can accommodate any
amount of information. Hard disc has its Limitation but not the mind.

3. All knowledge is but remembrance. THERE IS NO LIMIT TO THE CAPACITY OF

therefore, keep in mind there is no such thing as too much memory system.
Experience is your reaction to the stimuli.

4. There is no such thing as ultimate forgetting. Traces once impressed upon the
memory are indestructible. For example, take a glass of water. Put into it a

chalk piece. It gets dissolved in course of time. Though it is not visible its
impact is there. Same is the case with all our experiences.

5. We exercise our muscles and limbs. Similarly, memory can be exercised.

6. The capacity for memory differs from person to person. Through training, this
can definitely be improved.

7. When you get training in memory your capacity to memorize and reproduce
will improve.

8. The true art of memory is the art of attention. Memory and observation go
hand in hand.

You cant remember anything you do not observe. The eyes

cannot see if the mind is absent. It is extremely difficult to observe or

remember anything that you do not want to remember. Therefore, interest and
motivation are essential requisites for good memory.

9. When you get training in memory your capacity to memorize and reproduce
will improve.


The true art of memory is the art of attention. Memory and observation go

hand in hand. You cant remember anything you do not observe. The eyes
cannot see if the mind is absent. It is extremely difficult to observe or
remember anything that you do not want to remember. Therefore, interest and
motivation are essential requisites for good memory.


You should trust your capacity for memory. The more you trust it, the more

reliable and useful it becomes. When you try to write down everything without

any attempt to remember you are not trusting your memory. You have not the
confidence in your memory.


There is no such thing as good memory for one thing and bad memory for

another thing. It is a question of your interest. If you are interested, you can
remember anything you want, otherwise no.



You are able to absorb more when anything is done with full concentration.


Your absorption capacity is greater when the mind reaches Alpha Waves of

mental State. Therefore, before studying any book or any other material, bring
the mind to alpha level.


Application of the principle of Aware and Beware would remove absent-



Daily practice your Memory Files without fail. Recollecting Memory Files can

be treated as a meditational technique.


If it is possible you may go beyond 100 files. With the expansion of memory

files, you can do wonders and marvels in the field of memory.


Imagination and creative thinking form part of a strong system of memory.

Therefore, develop the faculty of creative thinking.


Everyday try to memorize 100 digit numbers as a matter of Sadhana and

this will improve your capacity for concentration to a considerable extent, in

addition to developing will- power, self-control and confidence in your mental


1. Develop Useful habits: Acquire habits that you can count on- not easy, but
once you have them it make life a lot easier.

2. Choose Some Goals: choose for yourself some goals that motivate you think
ahead of time what knowledge, skill or ability can you acquire that people
will pay for what would you enjoy doing that would be of value to others
what interests, hobbies, or talents do you have now that could be turned into a
worthwhile occupation.

3. Be Responsible for you : You are responsible for your own success or failure
none else the best investment you will ever make is in yourself you may
lose job or money, but no one can take your education, skills and talents away

you- remember this very firmly therefore to acquire knowledge and

skills at every moment of your wakeful state.

4. Use Psychology on yourself: Once you have chosen some goals for yourself
and have accepted responsibility for your own growth and prosperity, youve
made a big step forward you suddenly realize that you are in charge of your
mind, your life and your future.

5. Effective Study Habits: Outline a weekly study schedule for yourself- avoid
studying one subject too long- change to a different subject every hourschedule a brief period each day for reviewing lecture notes dont schedule
too much study time dont clutter your study table with too many unwanted
things arrange good lighting determine your concentration span and set up
study segments geared to your current span take short breaks after study
segments and along break each hour- keep a small note book where you write
down all the points you have to remember at your finger tips always study as
if you were preparing for your exams.

6. How to prepare for your exams : Survey each chapter thoroughly - generate
questions- read selectively to answer the questions in greater detail find
questions and answers that you had not predicted review the chapter by
practicing answering questions and summarizing the chapters keep a weekly
record of the number of questions and answers you generate for each class
when you take weekly practice tests in each subjects area, you will find that
exam panic will vanish if you prepare well for the exams then the night before
each exam you can relax and do very helpful things: Get good night sleep:

7. How to write your exams : Answering Essay Questions: Outline your answer
ensure that you include key ideas organize your answer define the terms
use sub headings and examples give attention to your language at the end
of the answer give bibliography this will add value to your answer write

8. Answering multiple Choice Questions: Eliminate the obviously incorrect answers first- go
back and check- normally what you feel at the first instance as the correct answer will invariably be
the right one never change an answer when rereading unless you are absolutely certain your new
answer is correct- attempt all the question if minus marks are not given- if minus marks are
assigned for incorrect answers you have to be more careful- Answering True False Questions: If an

answer is not immediately apparent, dont become frustrated. Simply move on to the next question
after answering all the questions, revise them dont change your answer from True or False or
False or True. Normally your first answer is likely to be correct Questions you are not sure of : if
you cannot find out the exact answer, you can probably surmise an approximation in some
subjects like maths marks are given for steps-

9. Other Aspects Relating to Your Personality Development: The grades or scores that you get should not be
assumed as indicators of how successful you are success means reaching a goal- if you do not set a specific
goal, you are neither successful nor unsuccessful if you want to achieve success then set challenging but
attainable goals that you sincerely want to reach- self chosen, then the motivation to reach it is much higher the
ultimate objective in life is to be productive and creative and thereby attain happiness in life such a person can be
considered as a genius in any walk of life in order to attain this state on has to work for a long period testing
oneself against tough, difficult tasks, trying over and over against failures in this process a unique strength
emerges - true genius is not blossomed by any external forces it does happen by itself it comes after you have
been highly involved, committed and working hard at something you people sitting around on drugs or chanting
mantras do not understand this phenomenon of blossoming into genius- only through constant effort and
persistence that you can bring into existence the unique qualities that are lying dormant within you improve
yourself image yourself image is a collection of experiences expectations and prediction about what you are
likely to do and what is likely to happen to you- for further details on self image you may after to the notes on
Self image Develop Friendship : when you are young you should cultivate the habit of developing abiding
friendship with as many persona as possible if you have sincere personal interest in others and if they discover
that you have attitudes and interests similar to theirs the fried ship would emerge naturally- friends fee l equal to
each other feeling of friendship cannot exist when you feel superior or inferior to someone- friends reveal their
inner selves to each other- they share personal feelings and private thoughts not usually revealed to others
friends accept each other as they are they experience each other as unique- Have self development Projects:
Read as many books as possible on Self improvement attend training programs dealing with personality
development they would motivate you to be more productive and creative- develop certain amount of self
control and will- power take a pious resolution that you should never fall prey to devilitation habits like
smoking, drinking and other drug addition- do regular exercise to maintain good health practice all the
Pranayama techniques without a single days break- read Sankalpa regularly- develop as many good qualities and
virtues- consider that a day spent without any improvement in one sphere or the other is a day lost celebrate
every day with some sort of progress in your personality development.


The best way to generate abundant energy and enthusiasm is through the practise of Pranayama. The following is the
material dealing with the Theory and Practice of Pranayama.

1. Life force.
2. The universal creative power.
3. Bio-cosmic energy
4. The divine mother energy
5. Vital force in everything
6. Primary cause
7. Cosmic organ energy
8. Universal energy
9. Ether
10. Cosmic energy


1. Pranayama is the control of bio-energy through the respiratory system.
2. Pranayama means a pause in the movement of breath
3. Pranayama refers to the process of control of life force through the act of
Pranayama may be defined as a systematic approach designed to
bring about perfect control over the flow of prana throughout the body by the application of certain methods and
techniques achieved through the regulation of physical breathing.


1. Deep breathing exercises are intended to maximize the absorption of oxygen into the body. To attain it,
vigorous exercise is resorted to; the result is that while oxygen absorption increases, energy is expended in
the exercise.

Pranayama, too, involves breathing exercises, but it is undertaken in restful posture, and a serene attitude of
mind without any dynamic movements, In this way, the intake of oxygen into the body out balances the

2. People by and large do not breathe properly. Poor breathing leaves a large quantity of air the lower lungs.
Leaves a large quantity of air in he lower lungs. Ordinary deep breathing exercise does not expel this residual

An essential feature of Pranayama is the introduction of inner and outer retentions. During inner retention the
concentration of carbon dioxide is expelled. Again deep inhalation fills the lungs with fresh air and thereby
minimizes the quantum of residual air.

3. Physical exertion and mental strain lead to production of carbon dioxide which results in tiredness. Deep
breathing does not remove this.

Since Pranayama involves neither physical exertion nor mental strain , production of carbon dioxide during
pranayama is negligible.

4. Ordinary deep breathing does not involve alternate breathing. Pranayama brings about inner organic and
natural harmony through alternate breathing.

5. A big chest capacity, which ordinary deep breathing is intended to develop, does not go far in maintaining
good health.

Health and dynamism is the result of the quantity and quality of the blood circulation throughout the system,
and not a big chest. In Pranayama, with each respiration, a large volume of blood is arterialised taking prana
to reach every cell in the body.


1. Pranayama begins with regulation of breath and ends in establishing full and perfect control over the life currents
or inner vital force (prana)
2. It helps us to regulate consciously our breathing to make it uniform and establish a balance between positive and
negative life currents.

3. During exhalation, the energy absorbed is distributed to all parts of the body. It is the positive state. During
inhalation we are in a negative receptive state.

4. It direct the flow of prana to all parts of the body uniformly, to revitalise the internal organs. And in course of
time we can produce currents of life force consciously with a simple command to the mind.

5. Breathing infuse prana into the body. Regular practice of pranayama enables us to absorb more prana than is
possible in ordinary breathing.

6. The brain and the nerve centres are charged with this excess of prana. Like a highly charged battery, one who has
stored a large supply of prana radiates strength and vitality.

7. Control of prana and control of the mind are correlated. When prana is controlled, mind is automatically

8. The mind, prana and the semen are intimately connected. If the seminal energy is controlled by continence, the
mind and prana are also spontaneously controlled.

9. It purifies the nadis (subtle channels or nerve passage through which prana passes through the whole body.)

10. With this purification, the body mechanism is elevated to higher level. The eyes sparkle, the voice becomes sweet
and melodious. The body emanates charm and attraction. Digestion improves.

11. All that takes place in breathing needs to be absorbed consciously. Each inhalation, draws in the more energy,
exhalation, distributes the energy drawn in.

12. Just as electricity, pranic currents can perform a variety of functions in different parts of the body. This is possible
only when the body is in prime condition and the flow of pranic currents is smooth. The disturbance of the pranic
currents in one form or the other may result in illness.

13. Pranayama keeps pranic currents flowing at appropriate voltages to suit the requirements of different parts of the

14. A regular practitioner of pranayama would never fall ill all his life. He is full of energy and enthusiasm. No need
for drink or tobacco to stimulate him.

15. Pranayama cures many disease, overcome anaemia, reduces eosinophilia counts. Patches in lungs disappear.
Vitality index rises. Hormonal and glandular imbalances rectified.


PRACTICE Sit in Vajra Asana. Keep your palms on the respective thighs, inhale through both the nostrils to the
fullest brim. Then forcibly exhale in rapid succession of expulsions through your mouth by forming Kaki Mudra
(make a narrow tube with your lips) Continue this process for three to five time.

1. Very useful in ventilating and cleaning the lungs.
2. Stimulates the cells and gives a general tone to the respiratory organs.


PRACTICE: Sit in Vajra Asana. Inhale through both the nostrils by gently contracting the neck, the chin slightly
touching the chest collar bone. In this posture the air will not have a free flow. It will be obstructed at the pharagneal
area. There will be a sibiliant sound when the air is passed through the back wall of the mouth.

1. Relieves coughing, aerates the lungs, removes phlegm, soothes the nerves and tones the entire nervous system.
2. Highly beneficial for persons suffering from high blood pressure. They can do it in reclining position.
3. Through this Pranayama one is able to have more intake of Prana.


PRACTICE: Sit in Vajra Asana. Place your left arm on your left thigh and your thumb and ring finger of the right
hand should gently touch each side of the nose keeping your index and middle fingers on your forehead. Close your
right nostril by slightly pressing the thumb and inhale through the left nostril. Then close both the nostrils by pressing
the ring finger and thumb and retain the breath after performing Jalandhara, Moola and Uddhyana Bandhas. Maintain
this position for as long as you feel comfortable. Then release the Bandhas and exhale through right nostril. Again
close both the nostrils and have outer retention. The breathe in through right nostril and retain as long as you feel
comfortable. Afterwards, breathe out through the left nostril and retain. This will be one round of Nadi Shodana
Pranayama without timings. Timings may be introduced after a few week of practice. This can be 3:6:6:3 or 4:8:8:4

1. Brings calmness and tranquillity and purifies the nadis.
2. Due to alternate breathing the flow of prana in the ida and pingala madies is equalized.
3. The blood system is purified of toxins and the blood receives a larger supply of oxygen than in normal breathing.
4. Breathing through left nostril activates the right hemisphere of the brain, which is the seat of intuition and
5. Breathing through right nostril stimulates the left hemisphere, the seat of logical and routine thinking. This
pranayama makes full utilization of the mental faculties.


PRACTICE: Sit in Vajra Asana. Close your fingers of both the hands keeping the thumbs inside and place them on
your thighs touching each other. Perform inhalation and exhalation rapidly with great vigour. The inhalation should be
mild, slow and long whereas the exhalation should be done quickly and forcibly by contracting the abdominal
muscles with a backward push for as many as sixty to eighty times at a stretch. There is no retention in this

1. It cleanses the skull portion.
2. Activates the brain cells.
3. Improves memory and intelligence.
4. Purifies the respiratory system and nasal passages.
5. Asthma is relieved.
6. Carbon dioxide is eliminated
7. Aids the heart to function properly.
8. It is clearly stated in yogic literature that the one practices this pranayama regularly over a period will never get
grey hair.


PRACTICE: Sit in Vajra Asana. Keep your eyes closed and the whole body relaxed. Breathe in deeply and softly as in
Ujjayi Pranayama. Feel that you are breathing through your throat only. Retain the breath inside and perform
Jalandara, Uddhyana and Moola Bandhas. Be in this position for as much time as you can comfortably hold the breath
inside with the Bandhas. Then slowly release Moola, Uddhyana and Jalandara Bandhas. This is one round and you
may do this for 10 to 15 times.

1. Brings strength and vitality.
2. Preserves excess prana in the Solar Plexus.

3. Enables the excess prana to be utilized in times of need.

4. Constant practice of this pranayama will enable one to lead a healthy life all his life.



It is postponing something that you know in your heart should be done now instead of later.

Most commonly used reasons for Procrastination:

1. It is unpleasant
2. It is not due yet
3. I work better under pressure
4. May be it will take care of itself if I just dont do anything
5. It is too early in the day
6. It is too late in the day
7. I dont have my papers with me
8. Its difficult
9. I dont feel like doing it now
10. I have a headache
11. Delay wont make much difference
12. It may be important, but it is not urgent
13. Somebody else might do it if I wait
14. I really mean to do it, but I keep forgetting
15. I dont know when to begin
16. I need a good stiff drink first

17. Im too tired

18. I m too busy right now
19. Its a boring job
20. It might not work
21. I need to sleep on it
22. I dont really know how to do it
23. There is a good TV program on
24. As soon as I start, somebody will probably interrupt.
25. It needs further study
26. My horoscope indicated this is the wrong time
27. Nobody is pressurizing me yet
28. If I do it now, theyll just give me something else to do
29. The weather is lousy
30. Its too nice a day to spend doing that
31. Before I start, I think Ill take a break
32. Ill do it as soon as I finish some preliminary tasks
33. My biorhythm cycles are not at their peak
34. Ill wait until the first of the year and make a New Years resolution
35. Its too late now, anyway.


One of the easiest ways to achieve our goal is to use visible reminders. These reminders should be stuck on as many
places as possible in the home, in the office and also in our vehicles. You can create your own reminders. The
following are some for your adoption:
1. Begin, the work will be done
2. Do it now
3. Tomorrow is never
4. Make today count

5. Procrastination prevents success

6. In just two days, tomorrow will be yesterday
7. Time is money
8. Do it anyway!
9. Get the now habit
10. Be a doer, not a dweller
11. Why wait?
12. Dont delay, do it now
13. Have a happy tomorrow: Do todays work today
14. If not today- WHEN?
15. Today: Use it or lose it
16. Use this day well
17. Life is leaking through your fingers
18. Do it before sundown
19. You dont find time, make it
20. Just do it!
21. Make it happen
22. Yesterday is a cancelled cheque, forget it; Tomorrow is a promissory note, dont count on it; today is ready cash:
Use it.
23. Due tomorrow? Do it now
24. Well begun is half done
25. If it is worth doing, it is worth doing now
26. Move ahead or move aside
27. Winners dont wait
28. Choose this day to use this day
29. Procrastination is the thief of time
30. Do the worst first (Source: Doing it now by Edwin C Bliss)





1. Have always a project on hand to work upon. What is a project? Anything you would like to accomplish within a
stipulated time for your own growth, prosperity and happiness is a project. For example, attending the
TRAINERS TRAINING PROGRAM itself could be considered as a project. Writing a book is a project for an
author, constructing a house is a project for a retired official, setting up a business is a project for another; etc.,

2. Once the goal is specifically set, the psycho-cybernetic technique can be applied.

3. The science of Cybernetics grew out of the work of physicists and mathematicians rather than that of

4. It is understood as the science dealing with the GOAL STRIVING AND GOAL ORIENTED BEHAVIOUR of
mechanical systems.

5. When the same principles applied to human behaviour to accomplish something great and outstanding in life
through completion of any project, it becomes PSYCHO CYBERNETICS.

6. There is an abundance of scientific evidence which shows that the human brain and nervous system operate
purposefully in accordance with the known principles of Cybernetics to accomplish goals of the individuals

7. The brain and nervous system constitute a marvelous and complex GOAL STRIVING MECHANISM, a sort of
built- in automatic guidance system which works for you as a SUCCESS MECHANISM or against you as a
FAILURE MECHANISM, depending on how YOU, the operator, operate it and the goals you set for it.

8. There is today irrefutable clinical evidence in the field of individual psychology, psychosomatic medicine and

















failure type personalities, the unhappiness- prone personalities and disease prone personalities are those who
have created a variety of mental blocks in their goal-striving mechanisms.

9. Self image psychology throws new light on this phenomenon and particularly with the power of positive
thinking and more importantly explains why it Works with some individuals and not with others.

10. Positive thinking does indeed work when it is consistent with individuals self image. It literally cannot work
when it is inconsistent with the self image until the self image itself has been changed.

11. The most important psychologic discovery of this century is the discovery of the SELF IMAGE.

12. Whether we realize it or not, each of us carries about with us a mental blueprint or picture of ourselves. It may be
vague and ill defined to our conscious gaze. This self image is our own conception of the sort of person I am .
It has been built up from our own BELIEFS about ourselves.

13. Most of these beliefs about ourselves have unconsciously been formed from our past experiences, our successes
and failures, our humiliations, our triumphs, and the way other people have reacted to us, especially in early
childhood. This is how we develop the personalities as success or failure type, happiness or unhappiness-type,

14. We mentally construct a self, or picture of a self. Once an idea or a belief about ourselves goes into this picture
it becomes true, as far as we personally are concerned. We do not question its validity, but proceed to act upon
it just as if it were true.

15. The SELF IMAGE sets the boundaries of individual accomplishments.

16. It defines what you can and cannot do. Expand the self image and you expand the area of the possible.

17. The development of the adequate, realistic self image will seem to imbue the individual with new capabilities,
new talents and literally turn failure into success.

18. The role of Psycho-cybernetics in changing the self image for better to accomplish any project is tremendous.

19. The science of Cybernetics does not tell us that man is a machine but man HAS and USES machine and that is
his brain and nervous system

20. The self-image can be changed through this system, for better or worse not by intellect alone, nor by acquiring
knowledge, but by EXPERIENCING.

21. Wittingly or unwittingly you developed your self image by your creative experiencing in the past.

22. It is not the child who is taught about love but the child who has experienced love that grows into a healthy,
happy, well-adjusted child. Our present state of confidence and poise is the result of what we have experienced
rather than what we have learned intellectually.

23. Actual, real-life experience can be hard and ruthless teacher. Throw a man in water over his head and the
experience may teach him to swim. The same experience may cause another man to drown.

24. Nothing succeeds like success. We learn to function successfully by experiencing success. Memories of the past
successes act as built-in-stored information which give us self-confidence for the present task. This is necessary
for accomplishing any project.

25. But how can a person draw upon memories of past successful experiences when he has experienced only failure?

26. This dilemma was solved by another important discovery which, for all practical purposes, allows us to
synthesize EXPERIENCE to literally create experience, and control it, in the laboratory of our minds.

27. Experimental and clinical psychologists have proved beyond a shadow of doubt that the human nervous system
cannot tell the difference between an actual experience and an experience imagined vividly and in detail.

28. You can acquire information from reading a book. But to experience you must creatively respond to
information. Acquiring information itself is passive. Experiencing is active. When you experience something
happens inside your nervous system and your midbrain.

29. To accomplish any project successfully, you should start with a very small project, which would bring definite
positive results. This will create in you the EXPERIENCE OF A SUCCESS- PERSONALITY. Then you may
proceed to take up a little bigger project

30. Unless the subconscious mind believes that it is possible, no one can accomplish anything worthwhile.

31. The method of

convincing the subconscious mind consists in LEARNING, PRACTICING AND

EXPERIENCING new habits of thinking, imagining, remembering, and acting in order to develop plan adequate
and realistic self image and use your Creative Mechanism to bring success and happiness by formulating and
implementing PROJECTS through the application of psycho- cybernetic TECHNIQUES.




Although the ability to speak well before groups may be absolutely essential in some professions, the need to do so
can arise in almost any line of work at one time or another, especially to speak before groups cannot only be
embarrassing, it can cost you a promotion or spoil a chance to demonstrate your experience at your job. Therefore, if
you want to be successful in any walk of life you should learn the art of public speaking.

One of the essentials of public speaking is that you should have burning desire to become a GREAT public speaker.
You should realize the fact that public speaking is the shortcut to distinction. Learning to speak in public is like
learning to cook, anyone can do it. If you are so inclined, you can certainly acquire the skills and master the

techniques required to make speech that is effective, eloquent and entertaining. Remember this: All good speakers
were bad speakers at first. It does not call for any particular talent, but it does take time and practice.

Choose a theme or a specific Topic. The theme should be relevant to the listeners. You should pick up the subject that
you know thoroughly well. This will make you more confident and comfortable. Fear and diffidence will emanate
only from an inadequate preparation and a lack of knowledge on your subject. This is the main reason why in
TRAINERS TRAINING program you are always made to speak about your personal experience and not on a
specific topic. Begin planning your speech. That way ideas will come gradually over a period of time. It is unwise to
attempt to formulate your speech on the night before you are due to deliver it. The more time you give yourself, the
clearer your thoughts will be. Having compiled your list of ideas, start to order them. Write your thoughts and ideas
around the central theme. At the initial stage it is preferably better that you write down your entire speech. Go through
the written material ruthlessly crossing out anything you are unhappy with or that seems too remote from your theme.
Include in your speech a few stories and personal anecdotes that will help make the speech more entertaining. Inject
humour where you can, but only if really relevant and funny.

Rehearse your own speech wherever it is possible and comfortable. Try them out on your family, provided they
should not treat it as a nuisance. The more you practice the more confident you feel, and the more confident you feel
the more relaxed your eventual performance will be. It is only when you are in complete command of yourself and
your material that your speech will seem spontaneous. Appearing to speak effortlessly is hard work.

Public speaking is an activity that involves mental and physical performances skills that are different from your social
conversational skills. Speaking well in public also involves systematic training and practice. When you stand before
an audience, you should consider yourself as an authority on the subject you are going to speak. Before speaking,
make a cursory survey of the audience: The opening sentence of the talk should arouse their curiosity to know more
from you. This can be done through the introduction of an interesting story, quotation, joke, anecdote, etc., With
regard to presentation, the following aspects may be looked into: not to bring prepared speeches, not to memorize the
speech, walk unhurriedly, not to exhibit the fear, look at the audience, feet may be kept apart, hands to hold them in
front, dress to suit the occasion, clear your voice, not to tap the mike but you may blow it to check whether it is
functioning, have gestures and articulation so as to create interest among the audience, voice should be sweet and
entertaining. For this purpose you may practice a Tongue Twister which is given below:


Be direct and to the point. If you choose your vocabulary carefully and make direct statements, your impact could be
considerable and your chances of boring your audience can be reduced. Keep your speech short. No speech will ever
be criticized for being too short; the same cannot be promised if it is too long! Before you start, and preferably before
you prepare your speech, you should find out exactly how long you will be required to speak, and then make every
effort to keep it within the time frame. One of the best ways to learn public speaking is through trial and error. Watch
your audience, it is up to you to handle it. As a speaker, you have the choice to choose your words, vary the speed,
tone and volume in order to produce the desired effect on your audience. If your audience gets restless, you know that
you are losing your hold, so you have to alter the course, direction, speed, content by throwing in a joke or a topical
observation. Sip at your glass of water. Regain your confidence and composure. A speaker is not required to speak
constantly or consistently at the same rate. If your audience begins to yawn, respect their fatigue. Then wind up as
quickly as possible. If the audience is not reacting to humour, then drop it. Keep as specially careful eye on the people
at the back. If they are shifting around while everyone else is still, then the reason is almost certain that they cannot
hear you properly. Speak up.

Your ending is important. End your speech with a laugh, a heart stirring or a thought provoking remarks. Your
success as public speaker largely depends on not how you start but how you finish your talk which the audience will
take home with them.



(application of the Principle of Psycho-cybemetics)

I take the following SANKALPA (Resolutions) for my own Growth and Prosperity

1. I firmly believe that I have the potential for Creative Genius.

2. I shall reach and maintain Alpha Waves of Mental State and thereby
generate Creative Ideas most of the time.

3. My time is the precious currency of my life which I utilize most

productively and creatively.

4. I shall cherish an ideal and devote myself for its realization.

5. I shall be so engrossed in a project that I simply cannot allow myself

to become ill or indisposed.

6. I shall seal the dead past, not to worry about the unborn future, but live
and enjoy the realistic present.

7. I fully believe that the only competition worthy of me is with myself. No

one is superior to me, no one is inferior to me. I am what I am.

8. I strongly endorse the view that success is not just money or position in
essence, it is the total fulfillment of my innate potential as a human

9. I shall enjoy whatever I do and finish any project within the stipulated
time frame.


I am the maker of my own destiny and try my best to be always

happy and cheerful.



1. Self-image is your own conception of the sort of person you are . It is a product of past
experiences, successes and failures, humiliations, and the way other people react to you, especially
in early childhood.

2. You build up a picture of yourself which you believe is true. The picture may be false in many
cases it is false, but you act as if it is true.

3. All you have to learn is how to change that picture by investing a little more time and energy in it.

4. The discovery

of self-image is certainly one of the important discoveries in the field of


5. All your actions and emotions are consistent with your self-image. You will act like that person you
think you are. If you think you are a failure type person, you will invariably find a way to fail,
no matter how hard you might try to succeed.

6. The self-image is the foundation stone of our whole personality.

7. The self-image can be changed. You are never too young or too old to change the self- image and
start a new, more productive, more creative life.

8. To really, live to find life enjoyable, you must have a realistic, adequate self-image, one that you
can live with. You must like and trust yourself. You must know yourself well.

9. What is your truth about yourself? Do you undervalue yourself? Most people do your truth is
truth not at all. You must understand that each of you. No matter how downtrodden has something
good to offer.

10. You are unique; this is an obvious truth. You should see this fact as a positive life force, not as a
fact to substantiate a feeling that youre inferior or superior. Inferiority and superiority are merely
opposite sides of the same coin and that the coin itself is counterfeit. For the simple truth, is that,
you are neither inferior nor superior to your fellow human beings.

11. The aim of self-image psychology is not to create a fictitious self which is omnipotent. Such an
image is as untrue as the inferior image of oneself. Our aim is to find the best we have in us
realistically, and to bring it out into the open.

12. Your imagination is so important because it can trigger off your success mechanism, the great
creative mechanism within you which can implement your success in life. Our automatic
mechanism seeks to reach objectives presented in the form of mental picture, which we create by
using our imagination.

13. To accelerate your determination to get more out of life, you must learn to use your great creative
mechanisms as a success mechanism, not as a failure mechanism. You must develop new ways of
thinking and imaging so that you will build a strong, reality- oriented self-image, which will give
nourishment to your success mechanism, leading the way to happiness.

14. How you acted yesterday doesnt matter; how you act tomorrow doesnt matter. See yourself as a
success; keep this image alive. As time goes on and you continue to use your imagination
positively, funneling information into your success mechanism, you may be surprised to find that
your new picture of yourself is becoming a reality.

15. Live your day spiritedly, doing your best achieve your goals and to live in harmony with your
fellows, realistically accepting yourself.

16. If you want to have peace of mind and better self-image, you must accept your limitations. Would
you rather drive yourself into a heart attack or relax with your human limitations? Ask yourself this
questions over and over, because it makes a lot of sense.

17. You should also learn the healing power of forgiveness. Tell yourself to stop holding grudgesagainst others and against yourself. You cannot afford this burden of resentment; you cannot have
peace of mind while you hate. Compassion and love are parents of relaxation. If you want inner
calm, make every effort to become more charitable and discard your grudges.

18. Step out on the stage of life and prepare to face the struggle. Take a mirror in your hand and apply
your make up. But first, what is the role you will try to play? Clown, villain or a hero? Failure or

19. Set goals that are reasonable but, at the same time, dont underrate your potential. See yourself as
youve been during your best moments. Recapture the feeling of what you can be in life and what

you can do. Youve got the raw material in you, each of you. Dig out your buried treasure and dont
be afraid to show it to yourself and to the world.

20. Once you have probed into your own mind and your own heart and you know what it is that you
want, then you are on your way to success that is genuine.

21. Success is an individual thing, so you must define it for yourself. Ask yourself what it is you want
to achieve, what it is that will make you feel most alive, most jojous. Forget what others would like
you to think- think of yourself. You are a unique human being, like no other on earth, and only you
can know your meaning of success.

22. First, select goals that are yours. Second, be sure that you are realistic interms of your talents and
the world you live in. Third, visualize your goals and use your imagination. You must replant your
mind, inserting seeds to success, seeds labelled the will to win.

23. Life should be a process of continuing growth until death. We watch cricket games on television
when we might be better off playing cricket. We have come to be watchers instead of doers
and have thus lost faith in our creative powers. We are becoming passive people who observe life
while it passes us by.

24. You must set worth while goals for yourself and believe in their worth no mater how insignificant
these goals might seem to someone else.

25. You can change your self-image and become more successful in life if you see the truth about
yourself, if you use your imagination to see yourself as you, youve been at your best and project
yourself through imagery into playing new roles that are within the limits of your physical and
emotional capabilities. If you can relax and accept your weaknesses, if you can feel compassion for
yourself as a human being alone in the universe you can see what is good in yourself and stop
torturing yourself with what is negative. for it is this pictorial concept of oneself as a failure that

makes one fail. And it is this generous, loving, giving self- image which basically makes a person
successful and happy.

26. Believe in yourself. The whole business of being successful is to rise above failure. To achieve
success by over-coming failure and rising above it is a far greater victory, for in that very act you
improve yourself-image and your stature of self-respect.


1. the modern world witnesses knowledge explosion. Printed material abound in abundance. With the result, the
necessity to read with greater speed and understanding has become sine qua non in the present day situation.

2. The aim of reading is to crack the shell of words and to grasp the kernal of thought. Reading is an active, positive
acquisition of ideas and this means the reader analyses, anticipates, compares, contrasts and evaluates.

3. The common impediments to speed and comprehension are : slow, laborious horizontal reading, subconscious
habit of saying each word mentally, moving the vocal chords, throat muscles, and lips; regression i.e reading first
and then looking back to determine what we have read, swing our head from side to side.

4. By reading vertically down the page instead using the age-old horizontal line-by-line movement the audio-vocal
reflexes are by passed, the brain learns to interpret large blocks of information at a time, and psychological
functions are put to their maximum use.

5. Mind has the ability to derive full meaning from pictures and ideas that are not seen as being fully complete. E
.G. CHENAI S TH CAPTL OF TAMNADU. Mind is able to bridge the gaps with little or no loss of meaning.

6. The rate at which mind can interpret symbols as seen by the eye is not the same in all individuals.

7. Nothing is more inhibiting to success than tension and doubt. Only with a relaxed and receptive attitude can you
know how to reach the goal of speed reading.

8. To step up comprehension, we should step up concentration. To step up concentration we should step up our
reading speed to as near the thinking speed as possible.

9. The speed reading technique consists in an entirely new approach; Your eyes must now learn to taken in an
overall view while seeming to disregard the individual words and components. The mind becomes active in
anticipating, demanding, assembling, and comprehending large blocks of information while the eyes float
smoothly down the page, stopping imperceptibly here and there as necessary to see larger and larger blocks of

10. Skipping and skimming are other methods of speed reading. They are not haphazard, helter-shelter methods of
reading. They are well- defined skills, products of conscious and continued practice.

11. Skimming is getting the essence of material without reading all of it. It involves judicious and selective skipping
of non-essential matter. It is not careless reading but careful reading of selected words, sentence, etc., Knowing
what to look for and how to pick it calls for an attitude, a technique and some judgement.

12. Skimming is gathering what we want as we fly along, catching what we desire, as we are on the wing.
Survey or preview is a primary step in our skimming process. We should also identify patterns of writing and find
the main idea in a paragraph. We have to cultivate a willingness to skip large portions of content without in any
sense feeling guilty.

13. Correspondence, memorandums, reports, newspapers, professional publications and books of different categories
can be dealt with much more efficiently each day, if you acquire the skill of speed reading.





Everybody wants to be happy. A person can really enjoy life only when he is free from stress, anxiety and tension.
We have at instinctual level three types of pleasures:
(a) Eating
(b) Sleeping
(c) Mating.
As a human being, apart from enjoying the above referred pleasures, it is necessary to derive four types of happiness:
(a) happy with our work/career/profession/job
(b) happy with the people with whom we interact
(c) happy in our outer world (accept the inevitable)
(d) happy with our inner world (total control over our thoughts, emotions and actions)



It is an inner experience over the outer situations. It is a kind of pressure over physical or mental or emotional sphere.
It is a non-specific response of the body to any change. It is a self-motivated inner stimulation. The manifestation of
stress could be tension, anxiety, worry or fear.



The following symptoms are noticed when a person is in stressful conditions:

(a) Heart beats faster
(b) Perpetually feeling tired
(c) Unhappy, tense and worried

(d) Stepping up of acceleration of nervous energy

(e) Depletion of psychic energy. Emotional stress may cause chemical changes and physical disturbance.
Stress disorders are not caused by a single factor, they are normally multifactoral responses.



It is established though various research projects that faulty adaptation to a variety of stress situations may result in
the following diseases.
(a) cardiovascular (Heart diseases)
(b) Metabolic (obesity)
(c) Digestive
(d) Kidney disease
(e) Sexual disturbances
(f) Infections
(g) Diabetes
(h) Cancer
(i) Allergy (asthma)
(j) Hypertension (blood pressure) etc.


Stress can be managed through the following methods and techniques:

(a) Raja Yoga Practices
(b) Meditation
(c) Alpha Waves of Mental State
(d) Silva Mind Control Method
(e) Feedback Methods
(f) Activating Subconscious Mind,
(g) Lighter side of life

(h) Wholesome philosophy in life.



The following steps may be taken to prolong longevity:

(a) Nurtritious food
(b) Exercise
(c) Moderate in everything
(d) Happy frame of mind
(e) Love and Friendship
(f) Devotion to ones career.



Raja Yoga Practices:

(a) Yama - Ahimsa, Sathya, Asteya, Brahamacharya, Aparigraha
(b) Niyama Soucha, Santhosha, Tapas, Swadhyaya, Ishwara Pranidhana
(c) Asana
(d) Pranayama
(e) Prathyahara
(f) Dharma
(g) Dhyana
(h) Samadhi

(a) II

Meditation shift your consciousness from self to something else- meditational practices: Refer to

chapter on Meditation


Alpha Waves of Mental State- All the meditational practices bring the mind to Alpha Waves. The real
problem is to maintain it throughout the day. When a person is able to be calm and quiet, cool and collected,
serene and tranquil, he is said to be at Alpha Waves of Mental State. This is possible by removing the mental
blocks from the consciousness.


Silva Mind Control Method This is nothing but the practice of Zen Meditation with Shambavi Mudra. This
technique would put anyone into Alpha Waves of Mental State.

Bio- feedback Methods: This technique has been designed with a view to making the practitioners of
meditation to observe his own brain waves while at the same time reflecting on his internal state of mind. It
is a mechanical device, operated by Electro Encephalo Graph (EEG), for presenting information externally
about what is happening internally.


Activating Subconscious Mind: In every human being is that limitless reservoir of power which can
overcome any problem in the world. The day you realize that your subconscious mind can solve your
problems, heal your body, and prosper you beyond your fondest dream, true and lasting happiness will come
into your life. The best way to activate the subconscious mind is to meditate and bring the mind to Alpha
Waves and give command to the subconscious mind. This will bring the desired result.


Lighter Side of Life: One of the best ways to overcome stress in a sublime manner is not to treat life in a
serious way. One should cultivate the habit of appreciating the lighter side of life. Books on wits and humour
should be read during stressful situations. If you occasionally laugh at yourself you have reached the highest
achievement of civilized man, and have attained the complete safeguard against inner arrogance and stress.


Develop a Wholesome Philosophy in life:

(a) Live in the present
(b) Accept the inevitable
(c) You are what you are
(d) There is no failure, but only results
(e) Whatever happens for your own good
(f) Convert minus into plus

(g) Dont expect justice and fairness

(h) Expecting gratitude is unrealistic
(i) Accept mysticism gracefully
(j) The best is yet to be.



(As per the research conducted by Holmes T H & Rahe in 1967)

Death of spouse




Marital separation from mate


Detention in jail or other institution


Death of a close family member


Major personal injury or illness




Being fired from work


Marital reconciliation with mate






Major change in the health or behaviour of a family member






Sexual difficulties



Gaining a new family member (birth or adoption)



Major business RE-adjustments (merger, reorganization , bank ruptcy)



Major change in financial state



Death of a close friend



Changing to a different line of work



Arguments with spouses



Loans more than 20 times your monthly income



Repayment of loan



Major change in responsibilities in work (promotion , demotion etc.,)



Son or daughter leaving home



In laws troubles



Outstanding personal achievements



Wife beginning or ceasing work outside the home



Beginning or ceasing formal schooling



Major change in leaving conditions (new home, etc)



Revision of habits habits



Troubles with the Boss



Major change in working hours or conditions



Change in residence



Changing to a new school



Major change in usual type of recreation



Major change in church activities



Major change in social activities



Taking a loan less that 5 months salary



Major change in sleeping habits



Major change in number of family get- together



Major change in eating habits






Christmas festivals



Minor violation of law (traffic rules)



1. Is there a magical formula for study a magician was asked his reply was HARD WORK
2. No Royal road to Learning
3. Royal road to learning it is hard, steep, rough road
4. It is also possible for you to activate your brain cells and increase your intelligence - a genius is
not born but made
5. Alexander Hamilton All the genius I have lies in this: When I have a subject in hand, I study it
profoundly. Day and night it is before me. I explore it in all its bearings. My mind becomes

pervaded with it. Then the efforts that I make are what people are pleased to call the fruits of
genius. It is fruit of labour and thought.
6. Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration Edison
7. You are bound to hear of people of average intelligence who have come up the hard way through
sheer determination and hard work. History is full of them.
8. Whether you are a poor student, an average student, or a good student, you can become a better
9. So you must be prepared to seat it out, to perspire, if you want to experience the joy of being a
2. What is hard work?
10. Hardwork If you just keep running round in circles people will believe you are hard working it
is not
11. When people have little work to do they stretch it out to fill the time. But in reality they are not
able to complete any task properly dragging a task causes boredom and even fatigue
12. Hard work implies making the maximum use of each minute of every hour you decide to spend on
study, and giving generously all the time you need to fulfill your study requirements.
13. Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing that
you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not. It is the first lesson which
ought to be learned, and however early a mans training begins it is probably the last he learns
thoroughly. T.H. Huxley.
14. Getting the maximum benefit out of all the time you invest in studying the real art in studying is
to achieve a great deal in as short a time as possible.

3. The key to successful study

15. Getting optimum results in the least time possible is efficiency You work almost automatically
with great ease and speed and obtain a high level of success

16. As you developed typing skill, you discovered that you were putting in less and less effort you
pressed the key automatically rapidly, accurately and easily you become efficient 13
17. What is said of typing applies to the learning of skills in other fields too, whether it is the guitar, or
basket ball or essay writing
18. Striving and struggling is the worst way you can set about doing anything the more effort you
make, the less effect you produce. Ease and strength, effort and weakness, go together B. Shaw

4. General guidelines to efficiency in study

(a) Use your potential to the maximum

(b) Increase your accuracy in learning
(c) Examine your study habits
(d) Have deadlines
(e) Count your success

19. (a) Use your potential to the maximum Potential refers to the qualities you possess within you
and which need to be developed many are blissfully ignorant of their potential 13
20. The engine of a speeding truck caught fire off a rather lonely highway driver called on a house
nearby - loaded with fire-extinguishers 400 of them - only doing his job he had not cared to ask
what he was carrying 14
21. Many of you may not have looked into yourself seriously to discover the talents hidden there. You
cannot become efficient in study unless you discover your strengths and capabilities and make
effective use of them 14
22. Following is a sample list of qualities (1) I have a fair/above average intelligence (2) I have a
powerful memory (3) I am quick at figures (4) I do not give up easily a problem (5) I am interested
in reading much add your other qualities 14
23. You will increase your confidence once you know your potential 14

23 (b) Increase your accuracy in learning: Continue making mistakes wrong with your methods of
learning - seek effective remedies
24 Examine your study habits - Answer honestly YES or NO (1) Do you know in the morning
how you are going to spend the day (2)Do you give enough time for study (3) Do you find
difficulty in starting to study? (4) Do you sit at your desk for hours on end but very little gets
done? (5) Do you do all your work in exhausting fits and starts? (6) Do you often have to work
under pressure (7) Work left unfinished? (8) Are you in the habit of procrastinating? Are you
satisfied with doing a job hurriedly, haphazardly rather than responsibly and methodically? (9) Are
you aware of method of your study?
25 (d) Have deadline: To increase your efficiency and effectiveness in study, you must set for yourself
a deadline for each task and do your best to stick to it. Most students work better under a little
pressure. A self- imposed deadline can provide the pressure you need to stick to your task until you
complete it.16
26 (e) Count your success: - Increase in your average marks teachers praise you for your progress
feedback satisfaction motivated to study even better learning will become an exciting and
satisfying process, not a dull, frustrating experience the taste of success will make you aim high
27 Magical formula Summary (1) have a definite reason to study (2) the highly motivated
student work hard for there is no royal road to learning hard work is the magical formula
genius can be cultivated One who is efficient has developed good study habits uses time
economically has mastered certain skills so as to study easily and effectively (3) General
guidelines (a) Know your potential, talents, use them fully (b) Increase your accuracy learning
by reducing your mistakes (c) have a right attitude to study set deadlines (d) use the feedback
you receive for further progress in study

Study Habits

28. You do not get as much studying done as you want waste a great deal of time flitting from one
thing to another difficulty in settling down to study you do not know how to handle your study time
to advantage so as to really accomplish something

1. What are your study habits?

29. Do you keep a written study schedule?












31. Do you usually study every day in the same place?

32. Does your desk have anything on it that might distract you?
33. Is your time wisely distributed?
34. Do you spend too much time on less important subject?
35. Do you take time to get warmed up?
36. Do you generally study with music on?
37. Does too much of social life interfere with your study?
38. Are you aware of your own behaviour pattern of study?
39. Does dislike of certain subjects/teachers affect your study?
40. Keep a time-log minute by minute record of how you spend your study time. Do this for just one
41. Find out which areas you tend to waste time or which disturbances and distractions you have failed
to control

42. Saralas study pattern Sits for study desk in a mess rearranges - stretches out her arms how
much home work teachers dont have sense how they could be little more understanding picks up
English text book flops down on bed goes to telephone to call Vandana 7 minutes on English
assignments lies down on bed opens English book read tune the radio not to miss her
favourite program mother shouts at to shut down the radio shuts down radio reads for a few
minutes - see the watch what time grumbles English assignment not completed phone call
Anuradha enquired about maths assignment does Sanskrit assignment leave it and does some
make up - mother says it is time to go to bed - feels dog-tired maths - she feels she may fail takes
maths book tosses some pages and then go to sleep -

43. Countless surveys have shown that the above pattern is common to most students, especially those
in college. Such frittering away of time is the major stumbling block to effective study - try to solve it
slowly and carefully with practice and determination 43. Efficiency is not something that you get naturally by birth it has to be cultivated by constant and
deliberate practice of effective study skills
44. Skills are acquired through constant habit A habit is literally mean a garment or behaviour
pattern which has not grown naturally out of the body but has been put on externally. Habit becomes
second nature to a person
45. Without habit you would not be able to make any progress whatsoever the greater the number of
desirable habits you possess the more efficient will you be 25
46. Good study habits minimum of fuss and a maximum of concentration proper use of time keep
a regular routine and a well-ordered study schedule
47.The Value of a Schedule - Know what and when you are going to study very simple device, a
satisfactory study schedule - A schedule saves time - right thing at the right time not flitting from
one task to another - helps you to manage your time well prevents you from leaving things to chance
or to the mood of the moment prevents risk of postponing provide you with ample time for other
activities other than study
48. Why is a schedule necessary? Three types of activities school extra-curricular personal
there will be time for everything and everything in its time mind is methodical
49. The right approach to a study schedule - schedule too difficult to stick to it check what went
wrong give yourself a token reward prepare a schedule and let it serve as a goal towards which you
must work gives you the habit of study
50. How to prepare a schedule? Ideal time-table for study ? No follow the schedule of a person
topping the class No you have to take into consideration your own interests, abilities, availability
of time and behaviour pattern breakdown on paper of your daily activities where your time really
goes workable time table Indicate the number of hours you spend daily number of days per week
you spend for each activity arrange them in order of difficulty for you you must keep the least
subject for the end mind needs some cooling down divide your time for each day allocate definite
periods of study for each subject

51. Advantages of being specific save time in deciding prepared for the subject pencil
compass if you keep your time limits you will do justice to all your subjects discipline yourself to
tackle difficult tasks
52. Some general guidelines timing of learning - distributing study time five different subjects in
five hours than one subject for five hours short break seven to nine minutes not too long break - do
not take too many breaks - get up and stretch walk around get something to eat or drink mental
to physical - priorities lined up be fair to yourself your need should supercede your likes and
dislikes it is important to do the right thing than to do things right test how it works revise if
necessary critical look at it quite frequently see whether any temporary or permanent changes are
needed your schedule should be rigid enough to be effective yet flexible - convenient plan for the
weeks activities the earlier in the day you study, the more efficient will you be the more you can
study during the day, the more recreation you can schedule in the evening
53. How to make your time table work? Time table in your pocket book - wall study desk - hit
you in the eye and remind you what you should be doing - what particular work you are going to do regular place regular time
54. Study habits = summary most students who spend long hours in study generally waste - or fail
to use productively half the time a time log is an eye opener it gives you an idea of how you
spend your time a study schedule is a valuable tool - a well made workable study schedule will bring
you quick results regularity and patience are two virtues to be practised if you wish to stick to your
time table get into the habit and you will soon become an efficient student

Appendix How to Relax?

55. Tensions are a part of life all activity uses up energy job requiring concentration or careful
attention to detail excessive load of tension- losing a good deal of energy - energy is drained out
feel exhausted, fatigue sets in
56. Factors causing fatigue monotonous routine partly finished jobs work poorly done not
doing work you are fitted for all work and no play inactivity lack of interest and enthusiasm
pessimism indecision diffidence and timidity - too emotional worry fear bad habits rushed
feeling insecurity guilt inferiority complex

57. Normal to get tired at times chronic fatigue due to aimlessness - in life sense of failure
unexplainably and irritably tired - specialised treatment needed
58. Fatigue is the outcome of physical exhaustion - natures way of warning you limit of endurance
take a breather flush out the chemical poisons sustained physical effort good nights sleep
59. A reasonable measure of physical health and well-being is essential to all learning physical
discomfort low energy reduce enjoyment and interest in learning relaxation necessary
60. Relaxation: means of recuperating, restoring lost energy sports movies, parties , conversation
with friends., strolls real relaxation some thing more than this notice residual tension breathing
irregular heavy breaths - pulse-rate blood pressure and body temperature slightly higher body not
still - moving one or other parts of the body wrinkles on the forehead
61. Methods of Relaxation: (a) Progressive Relaxation muscles contract learn to prevent it
conscious of its presence aware of the muscular contractions purposefully and consciously relax
the tensed muscles - become a habit control your tensions automatically progressively relaxing all
the groups of muscles contract them, tense them purposefully, consciously feel the tension, the
tightness then relax them slowly - lie flat on your back eye muscles first head to toe - toe to top feel the tension being released from each of these areas (b) Differential Control _ not whole but only
those set of muscles continuous writing hand muscles contract and release (c) Long reading
tension in the neck - raise your shoulders as high as possible -count ten and then release - close your
eyes and roll your head clockwise and anti-clockwise - (d) Physical tension affects the eyes - eyestrain impaired vision - headache - relax the eyes massage the area around the eyes cup your
closed eyes bathe your eyes with cold water (e) General physical tension prolonged study break
change of activity once kind of mental activity to another (f) Yawning and stretching yawning
when bored - frees from constriction cat as your model - breathe in fresh air 42

Part Two - Study Skills

62. General Introduction previous part motivation and habit a study skill is a technique or
method for learning efficiency means short cuts in learning easily, quickly and skillfully three
basic skills (a) finding what you want (b) fixing it in your mind and (c) organising it for use make
a determined effort to use them in your study quality of study improve better use of study time

enjoy your work more efficiency in study pleasure in mastering even the most difficult subject
more independent and stand on your own leg succeed in other things

The Strategy of Study

63. Apply mainly to text-book kind of material Workable study-schedule ready to work hard
what you want to study next hour best possible use of the hour eager to learn as much as you can
what is the best way to go about it? 49
64. Own approach little tricks and techniques same material in some what different ways
different techniques are suited to different people 49
65. General rules differences in their individual styles
Five Basic Skills (a) Foreseeing (2) Inquiring, (3) Reacting, (4) Speaking out (5) Teleprinting

66. First Step Foreseeing seeing before when you know what is coming, you can get ready to
tackle it well suspense causes tension, even anxiety foresee the probable questions feel confident
plan little suspense is good - keeps you alert and prevents you from becoming complacent total
suspense is like walking blindfolded in a strange country foreseeing save you from many pitfalls
forewarned is forearmed familiar terrain plan your moves, your approach to it, confidently

67. The Aim Man who was lost in the forest wandered aimlessly got an idea hurried up the
highest peak climbed the tallest tree saw the forest steam that he could follow
downhill to the nearest house - - he took good note of certain landmarks found his way
68. Aim is to find your way through your text book rather easily overall view of the book
what to expect from it 51
69. Map of a territory photographs are then pieced together; a map is created mountains,
ravines, rivers, forests map serves as a useful guide to town-planners, engineers,
travellers signposts 51
70. Text book as a large terrain, each chapter is like a photograph of a particular area - several
signposts title, heading, sub-heading, illustrations etc.

have a good look at all the

photographs before you begin the journey trip with confidence direction the author is
71. The main purpose of the foreseeing technique is to help you get an overall view of the books
structure and content do not get lost in details travel smoothly and safely to the end 52
Procedure Title page authors name and his status publishing date authoritative author
well known - educational background - reputable publishers a responsible publisher
does not knowingly publish a book unless it is authoritative copy right indication year
revised reprinted how up-to-date
97 chemical elements have been discovered. This statement appeared in a textbook published in
1949. The following year, Californium, the 98 th element, was discovered. 53 Table of
contents the main part of the book provides you chapter by chapter, with the detailed
subject matter footnotes source of information pictures, tables, maps, graphs,
cartoons the best way the author uses to present particular ideas a picture is worth a
thousand words not skip them appendix additional information glossary technical
words bibliography list of books, pamphlets and magazines index topics presented
page numbers the important aspects appear

How to Foresee a Chapter learnt how to foresee a book as a whole by previewing and surveying
look before you leap take not of all the signposts in the chapter heading, subheadings,
words appear in italics or in darker print emphasise important terms, concepts and
principles summary and questions - - foreseeing is useful and necessary save you a lot
of time in the long run what you are reading and why your are reading you will be able
to concentrate better 55-56
Foresseing Summary: (1) Foreseeing means seeing before, predicting (2) Since forewarned is
forearmed, the technique reduces unnecessary tensions in study (3) the aim to get an
overall view, a feel of the book, before actually reading it. (4) a text book is well structured
from cover to cover. The chapters contain signposts like headings, subheadings, italics,
illustrations, graphs, and so on to guide the reader along (5) Foreseeing gives you a sense of
direction, it makes you confident in tackling the matter, it increases your power of

Second Step : Inquiring obtain information by asking questions makes the reader active not
passive powerful and flexible of study techniques a set of questions that you want answered
stimulus to learning for they give you a sense of purpose and keep you alert active researcher
passive browser
I keep six honest serving men
They taught me all I knew
Their names are What and Why and
When and How and Where and Who. Rudyard Kipling

An Inventory
Questions help you to be an active reader; they compel you to apply your ;mind to your study.
Develop the habit of asking plenty of questions - make an effort to ask questions, deliberately,
consciously. But once you have the habit the questions will pop up automatically 59
Students who read an assignment in order to answer questions based on it, understand the material
better, and remember it longer.

Inquiring in order to Foresee

An effective way of developing the art of inquiry is to practise asking questions. Some general
questions what is this book about? How is this book organised? Does it contain any illustrations,
instructional aids? What is its relationship ;to the course content? How can I use it effectively.
Summary The inquiry technique is like an interview. It implies a dialogue between the book and the
reader The aim To make you ask plenty of questions, so that the idea in a book come alive
Inquiring increases your concentration and forces you to take in specific details it helps you
understand the material better and remember it longer It also prepares you to face the examinations
more confidently. 64

Third Step Reacting suggests mental activity or alertness - Alexander Pope categorises those
who go through the motions of education passively as bookful blockheads or literate
ignoramuses 65

For the minds of such people are at rest while their eyes labour uselessly from word to word, paragraph after
paragraph, in the end they have not the slightest idea of what they have read, they learn nothing. 65

In order to become a critical reader, you should force the author to prove all his statements. Look out
for limitations, exceptions, contradictions, argumentsagainst those he puts forward
Summary Reacting prevents you from becoming a bookful blockheads Te aim is to keep you
mentally alert so as to get fully involved in all learning situations Reacting enables you to read
critically you learn to distinguish facts, assumptions and opinions 69

Fourth Step Speaking out Reciting orally what you have been studying matter remains
permanently in your mind During the pause close the book and try to recall what you have read
Summary an effective way of remembering information and transmitting knowledge The aim is to
ensure a high level of comprehension it reduces the rate of forgetting makes sure you have
understood gives practice for the examinations 75

Fifth Step Teleprinting distant printing imprinted on your memory as time passes you
experience a fading out of this printed material by going over the main points again repetition
Ebbinghaus, a German psychologist Meaningless Nonsense syllables - 41.8% forgotten in 20
minutes 55.8% in 1 hour 66.3% in 1 day and 78.9% in 1 month 77 Meaningful Material onethird in 2 days Half in 7 days and three-fourths in a month - fix what you learn firmly in the memory

Summary you teleprint information on your brain through regular repetition and review the aim is
to help you fix the matter firmly on your memory overlearning is one effective way of ensuring that
ideas get well printed on your memory 80


Poor readers are poorest achievers in schools and colleges 85 Speed is necessary Some do not
remember even half of what they read 85
Reading is a complex activity - integration of a number of important skills
Characteristics of a skilled reader (1) Read for specific purpose (2) Critical of the matter he reads
(3) Selective does not read word by word - read for ideas thought sequences - not all ideas or bits
of information have equal importance not all text needed - even skip them selects only the most
important ideas that apply to the specific purpose (4) Flexible approach to the matter poor reader
has only one reading rate same slow rate adapts his reading speed to his specific purpose
remember the main points in preparation for a test fairly slow writing down these points Social
Studies and English texts can be read much faster than science and mathematics When to read fast
and slow (6) Economises on time use no more time than is necessary for him to accomplish his
purpose in reading
A Fundamental Principle Reading furnishes us only with the materials of knowledge it is thinking
that makes what we read, ours unless we chew them over again they will not give us strength and
nourishment books are the window through which the soul looks out H.W. Beecher. Thinking,
unfortunately is alien to a good many students Few people think more than two or three times a year.
I have made an international reputation for myself by thinking once or twice a week. Shaw evaluating,
balancing and comparing

Thinking - thinking out is educative but thinking by itself, on life, on things in general must be
cultivated in order to develop a fully integrated personality the long years of education are mostly
concerned with knowledge fact is piled upon fact and little if any time is spent with the basic
technique of thinking skill in thinking is treated as a by-product that ought to follow detailed
attention to specific subjects we are all supposed to think, but only it seems in order to solve some
problem or to reach some decision we err by reading too much and out of proportion to what we
How to read for ideas? Readers, four categories (a) an hour-glass leaving not a trace behind (b)
sponge return it almost unaltered, only a little dirtier (3) jelly-bag what is pure to pass away
retain only the refuse and the dregs (4) slaves in the diamond-mines of Golconda casting aside
everything worthless, preserved only the pure gem - how easily you can locate the gem main ideas
in the text main idea of a paragraphWhere is the main idea placed in a paragraph? definition of a paragraph only one idea find that
one idea in a paragraph begins his paragraph by stating the main idea summary sentence artistic
purpose lead up to his main idea rather than start with it main idea is not expressed in a single
sentence or even made explicit at all make your own summary - reading to get the main ideas is
essential to good outlining
Paragraph Structure All paragraphs have a definite structure topic sentence (1) topic sentence at
the beginning (2) topic sentence at the end (3) topic sentence in the middle (4) two topic sentences
(5) Special type no single sentence can be said to carry the main idea Example rainbow and sun
Extracting important details A second major purpose in reading is to locate important details - I
get the main ideas, but not the details main detail is what the main idea is based upon - - it is a fact
or a group of facts - when you review the passage the first time pay more attention to the details rather
than to the main idea
Reading Comprehension- In order to correctly pick out the main idea and the important details you
must first understand the passage well - General Principles (a) passage easy, read fast (b) difficult
vary your speed (c) read the questions first, though given at the end (d) read the passage carefully
and critically, looking for the answers (d) answer the questions to the point base your answers only
on the information given in the passage dont add (e) watch out for the too-easy questions

Speed Reading Average student speed about 250 words per minute - possible 10,000 w.p.m.the
extra time that you get can be used for revision when a person is trained to read faster can
comprehend much faster speed helps your attention focussed on your reading - driving a car at a
speed of 10 km has more trouble concentration 70 km p.h concentration increases with reading rate
speed automatically brings about a certain rhythm in your reading rhythm helps comprehension
higher speeds force you to read by phrases rather than word by word
What is the Ideal Speed? no ideal speed speed should be flexible depending upon the purpose and
the toughness of the matter
How do you determine your speeding rate?

500/No. of Minutes = Speed in words per minute

What controls your reading rate? The eyes track across the page, and the mind takes in what the
eyes see interdependent speed improvement largely depends upon your eyes movement use your
eyes efficiently when you read, your eyes move from left to right forward sweep also move
quickly from right to left return sweep jerky stop-go-stop-go movements get the meaning or
words only when your eyes pause not when they are moving sees most clearly what it fixates the
number of words you see at one glance is called your recognition span the better reader you are the
fewer your eye pauses and wider your recognition span to improve your reading rate, you must
decrease your fixation pauses by increasing your recognition span
How can you improve your recognition span? Poor reader word by word - read group of words
develop a keen phrase sense read meaningful phrases
Rules for Reading by Phrases (a) Read by thought units (b) Read between the lines Read
rhythmically train your eyes to move at a regular pace or rhythm, from phrase to phrase, smoothly too many breaks make the going slow and uncomfortable
What are the factors that hinder reading speed? (a) talking to yourself say words aloud or if you
pronounce them softly with your ;lips or other speech muscles, you definitely slow down your reading
stop subvocalizing so you can read faster (b) head movements - keep the head still eyes move
along the line in a series of fixations (c) compulsive regression - stop and re-read it in order to
comprehend in reading each word is like a step forward to regress means to go back and forth
every few steps reader I not reading with a purpose his eyes wander back and forth aimlessly, just
as his mind does compulsive regression should not be confused with purposeful regression when you
reread a word or phrase in order to question, recall, or unravel a long train of thought (d) defective

eyesight blurring and dancing of the print blinking and watering of the eyes, inflamed eyelids, and
headaches after reading for quite a short while make sure your eyes are good health
Reading at leisure : reading is necessary for your mental development as well as for your growth as a
person. The mind is but a barren soil; it is soil soon exhausted and will produce no crop or only one
unless it be continually fertilised and enriched with foreign matter read for ideas read to understand
read to learn leisure reading widens your horizon, sharpens your perception, increases your word
power and knowledge - . make reading as a habit 15 minutes of reading 250 words per minute
250 X 15 = 3,750, 26,250 per week, 1,05,200 every month and 12,62,400 word per annum average
book 75,000 words 18 books in a year make books your friends reading is to the mind what
exercise to the body there is a world of difference between the tired man who wants a book to read
and the eager man who wants to read a book.
Some useful tips: read selectively what you expect purpose of magazine political business
sports advertising know the authors background watch out for hidden explosives
How to read a newspaper headlines and pictures two different newspapers opposing views

Summary (1) reading is a complex activity that requires many skill in order to be done effectively
(2) A skilled reader is purposeful, critical, selective, flexible, and economical to time (3) reading and
thinking make for high intelligence (4) reading and understanding means (a) locating the topic
sentence and main ideas in each paragraph (b) listing all the important details in a paragraph (5) speed
reading increases your comprehension speed in reading can be developed by practising eye
movements that increase recognition span phrase reading (6) speed reading is affected adversely by
vocalising (subvocal sounds) head movements )along the page) compulsive regression (backward
glances) defective eyesight (7) leisure reading to be done effectively requires sill it is necessary
exercise for the mind


The palest ink is better than the most retentive memory Chinese proverb take notes to remind you during lectures rough unorganised short-hand make notes when you organise your rough notes
put together all related ideas easy to read format
1. How good are you at notes Do you at times regret that you have not taken enough reading or
lecture notes more notes blanks and gaps how to combine books and lecture notes borrow
notes because your notes you cant understand use your notes effectively while studying
2. Why take notes To learn new fact and ideas into your own words impersonal to personal
point of view condense the material - to keep you mentally alert increases your absorption to
help you remember select the essential fact from the non-essential fact to keep you thinking superb mental training to review for the examinations
3. Taking notes in class note taking keeps their distractions away and forces them to concentrate
test is not given immediately factor of forgetting impossible to link all the main points correctly
good notes depend on selection of ideas -

you must learn to select critically only those

statements which are vital to the understanding of the topic under discussion satisfied with the
rough rather than finalised notes note-making must be done later during study-time blame
lecturers not organised, confusing examine the situation very sincerely - not spring from
laziness to escape hard work day dreaming Why lecture notes are useful (a) permanent
record for revision subsequent study (b) react intelligently enrich intake of knowledge (c)
means of checking the accuracy of what you think the lecturer said (d) see concretely not
abstractly through listening lecture notes help to stimulate organised thinking - reading text
books easy (f) note-takers obtain better results in tests and examinations than non-note taking
Facts that may be taken for granted (a) lecturer something definite to say his specialisation (b)
matter organised manner (c) emphasis most important points (a)use repetition , comparison,
contracts, analysis, illustrations, (e) speak faster than you take notes (f) either listen or write (g)
take notes to review the material or revive your memory (h) notes well organised are easier to
4. The Art of Listening School to college best education in the world by the worlds worst
teachers (college teachers) school teachers are well trained students should develop the art of
listening critically for better results There is good deal more to listening than just hearing sounds
paying attention to distinguished sounds and understanding spoken words - - active process the
good listener is constantly thinking, evaluating and making connections study skills hear,

analyse, select and record Goods listening is difficult reasons (a) speakers pace may not be
yours (b) cannot choose the time and place for listening cannot put aside a lecture (c)
distractions in the class room presence of others (d) conversation is a fleeting things what is
said gone the next (e) annoying mannerism (f) reactions of others may make you to pass fast
judgements Suggestions for better listening two kinds of listening good listening and not
listening at all (a) get ready important information may be in the very beginning - - first ten
minutes develop the power to listen well for the rest of the period (b) listen to listen
purposefully (c) do not let other sound distract you (d) wander serious effort asked a
question embarrassment (e) listen critically, thoughtfully and with understanding if you do
not understand a point ask questions (f) think ahead of your teacher as he speaks - What kind of
Note-book should you us one bound note-book fresh page heading date ring file loose
sheets of paper label each set of notes Rules for taking notes in class (a) Prepare for the
lecture - easier to listen to him right from the start (b) Do more listening than writing make
notes of the items emphasised by the lecturer repeats several times listen till you understand a
point before you write it down (c) take complete notes one point following the other - (d) be
highly selective - write in full only important quotations, specific facts such as dates, references,
formulas, etc (e) use your own short-hand (f) develop your system and stick to it (g) have an
attractive format (h) keep your note book neat (I) revise your notes after the lecture (j) write
questions turn headlines, sub-headings, key word and main-idea sentences into questions
5. Summary (1) Note-taking and note making are valuable tools for efficient stud. They help (a) to
personalise what you learn (b) to keep you mentally alert and concentrating (c) to provide you with
a written record that helps revision and memory (d) to give you mental training, thus increasing
your power f thinking (e) to keep you prepared for the examinations (2) To take effective lecture
notes: (a) develop listening skills (b) understand first then summarise (c) do not attempt to take
down word-for-word (d) use your own shorthand (e) be highly selective (f) take 'complete' notes
(3)For effective textual notes (a) reduce the matter to main ideas and important supporting details
(b) formulate questions and find answers to them from the text (c) write out the answers in your
own words

(d) outline a chapter or main section (e) mark your text book correctly for easy

reference (4) General tips (a) write all notes, even rough ones, legibly, neatly (b) organise your
notes in an easy-to-read format (c) leave space for remarks, additions, etc (d) revise your notes


1. Introduction: Is it passing examination without studying no presupposes previous chapters

examinations bring urgency to the life of students - bordering on panic hostelites night turns into
day no other activities radio switched on only to know the cricket score - atmosphere heavy
with tension these students are not studying throughout the year managed earlier without much
study begin studying each subject from the scratch rush for notes, guides efficient student not
like this he has his notes in order reviewing his notes ample time for planning not lose
confidence or sleep minimise anxieties, grievances, griping and emotional upset examination
2. Attitude towards examinations consider trials of life terribly upset - grades depends on
examinations personal esteem and career prospects on grades only lazy and inefficient student
has to fear no efficient student go with air of confidence and anticipation mild tension is
unavoidable general thinking brainy students get good grade average low grade not true if
the brain has not worked what should the brainy students do examinations are unfair, you may
feel may be but cant be helped tests only the memory power - no test how effectively the
students have incorporated what they learnt in the life examination measures only a very small
segment of his real worth as a person - he must learn to judge himself on the basis of his own
inner convictions rather than rely fully on his grades - pray God God helps those who help
themselves pray scientifically for strength and courage and determination for good memory
pray for wisdom to use the facts intelligently
3. Why Tests and Examinations measuring device to find out whether you have done your work how accurately you have learned your subject it checks how well you have mastered your subject
- reviewing devices to help in the learning process - good incentive for study examination best
method of learning - greatest aids to learning study better when test comes
General Preparation conscientiously apply effective study techniques over a period of time all
learning skills pay off at the examinations - general rule be prepared

for all the questions -

thorough mastery feel rested and emotionally stable and calm plan examination study schedule
time for other activities live a normal life - get your meals, sleep and recreation work only a little

harder than usual done a reasonable amount of revision no problem of sleeping go to bed early
staying whole night not good not alert in the examination difficult to organise the material for the
answers make up for the lost sleep later upset the schedule cutting down on other revision nap

(The materials on Study Techniques are taken from the book How to Study by Hedwig Lewis)



(ONE MINUTE GENIUS- Each item to be reflected for a minute)

1. BE crazy to be creative and original

2. Develop the abilities you already have.
3. Reply on yourself.
4. Perseverance is the key to any achievement
5. Dont doubt about your abilities on any account.
6. Determine to be something in this world and you will be something.
7. Genius is nothing but continued attention
8. Give to the world the best you have
9. Do not let the personal handicaps hold you back
10. Begin and the work will be completed.
11. Your own resolution to succeed is more important.
12. Let the aim be single
13. Pursue your aim aggressively and persistently.
14. No work can be done without sacrifice.
15. Prepare yourself in advance for new opportunity
16. The man who wins is the man who thinks he can.
17. Every man stamps his own value upon himself,

18. Dont get dejected over the rejection of others.

19. Cultivate the virtue of self-discipline.

20. Accept yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses

21. Each success achieved leads on to greater ones.
22. Your achievements show your own future.
23. You can constantly improve
24. Find happiness in your work.
25. A day without improvement is a day lost
26. Increase your personal dynamism and creative living.
27. Self-image sets the boundaries of your abilities.
28. Weep not for him who departs from life, for there is no suffering beyond death.
29. Memory is the treasure of the mind
30. If you do not plant knowledge when you are young, it will not give you shade when you are old.
31. Confidence is the key to unlock the doors to any achievement.
32. Knowledge and skills build confidence.
33. Search for the deepest inclination of your heart and follow it.
34. The past is to be dropped not because it is bad but because it is dead.
35. All suffering comes from a persons inability to sit still and be alone.
36. There is no such thing as failure. There are only results
37. People are your greatest resources
38. Accept the inevitable
39. Work regularly at growing
40. Live in the joyous expectancy of the best
41. Advance confidently in the direction of your own dreams.
42. You have the potential for greatness.
43. Dont label yourself as a failure
44. There is no abiding success without commitment.

45. Hard work lays genius on the line.

46. Find fault with yourself, not with others.
47. Today is the very life of life.
48. Have victory over self.
49. Clean your Inner or Subconscious Mind of all wrong mental pictures.
50. Make up your mind to do your level best each day.
51. Action is the supreme law of life
52. Show them, do not tell them.
53. Believe in effort, not in fate.
54. Dont wait, start right now.
55. Indulge in pure thoughts
56. Be yourself.. Imitation is suicidal
57. Cherish an ideal and devote yourself for its realization
58. Turn your liabilities into assets.
59. Dont expect that God can give you everything.
60. Prepare with patience.
61. Through firm devotion to duty man gains in excellence.
62. ACHIEVEMENT of whatever kind is the crown of effort and the diadem of thought.
63. Beautify your life with inner glow than outer show.


1. There are as many different definition of success as there are human beings.

2. Many tend to equate success solely with material possessions.

3. Success if it is to be meaningful, must be a personal thing.

4. It varies from individual to individual as personality varies.

5. Too often we conform to the outside world in our success patterns without thought or analysis, just as we
conform in other departments of living.

6. Success cannot be composed of outward signs or appearances, but only of intangible personal values stemming
from a mature philosophy.

7. When Gandhiji dies his earthly possessions were: a pair of spectacles a few simple garments a spinning wheel
a pair of chapels a book is he a success or a failure? A man is rich in the preparation of things he can let
alone. Life to Gandhiji seemed a process, a gradual divestment of needs. From a squalling infant in the cradle
who needs everything, the human being, if he lives successfully, gradually matures into an adult who needs
virtually nothing. This is not to say that poverty should be the goal.

8. Success is not just money or position in essence. It is the total fulfillment of your innate potential as a human

9. There are certain factors to be found in true success whether it be success of Tatas or Birlas or of a Mahatma

10. There are five dynamic factors in success




Accept ups and downs Take batting average into consideration


Pay the price




Love of humanity through your contribution

11. PURPOSE Develop purpose in life. Then you would feel that your energies and creative thought are taking you
somewhere, and there is satisfaction in that journey. Success to be true must have an abiding sense of purpose.
Otherwise, you may vegetate successfully, but you cannot live successfully.

12. BATTING AVERAGE You cannot expect every hour be filled with successful venture. There can be valleys of
failure. If you cannot bear a moment to failure, you can never taste success. You should be able to absorb
occasional failure, with close touch to reality that occasional failure is inevitable. In this process you would waste
less energy in fretting over it so that you may have more energy with which to bid for the success you seek.

13. PAY THE PRICE There is no success for free. The joy of success, you should understand must be obtained by
the effort you put into it. This is a mystical aspect of human character, which exists in all of us.

14. SATISFACTION: It differs from person to person. For one, satisfaction may stem from amassing a fortune but
for another may come from writing of a poem. Success must be enjoyed. It may be won with tears but it must be
crowned with laughter. Without the inner laughter, that is satisfaction, you can hardly be successful. Instead of
warmth inside there is barrenness. It all depends upon your own attitude.

15. LOVE OF HUMANITY success for the gratification of ones own cannot be termed a real success. You can be
considered as more successful to the extent that you are capable of showing love and affection to each and
everyone without discrimination. This can be demonstrated in your anxiety to contribute something useful to the
society at large.





1. Time is the SCARCEST resource.
2. Even GOLD worth crores is not so valuable as time.
3. Are you in EARNEST? Seize this very minute.



4. GOALS obtainable and objectively quantifiable.
6. GOALS and projects to be translated into monthly, weekly and DAILY ACTIVITIES.
7. Time LOG should be maintained.
8. Update your goals and strategies.


9. Aware of the LIMITATION of your time frame.
10. Allow time CUSHION. Provide for eventualities.
11. Prepare TO- DO- LIST every morning and also review it.
12. Group RELATED Activities to be taken together.
13. Priority to activities bringing RICH DIVIDENDS.



14. Intuitively know WHAT NOT TO DO.
15. Tactfully avoid many DEMANDS OF OTHERS on your time.
16. ASSERTIVENESS will pay in the long run.
17. Avoid PROCRASTINATION. Begin and then the work will be completed.
18. Punctuality
20. APPLY PARETOS RULES- 20 percent of what you do would yield 80 percent of the result- concentrate
on 20 percent.


21. MOTIVATE your staff to elicit cooperation.
22. Not to allow your staff to LEAN on you too much.

23. Not to involve in the FRICTION between your staff.

24. ABSENTEEISM should be viewed seriously.
25. Time consuming PROCEDURE modified to speedy ones.
26. Continuous TRAINING of staff.



27. Learn to use personal COMPUTERS
28. Draft simple and effective LETERS
29. Prepare REPORTS.
30. Improve COMMUNICATION abilities.
32. Acquire MEMORY skills.
33. Memorize CALENDAR.



34. Unexpected VISITORS
35. TELEPHONE calls.
36. PERSONAL interruptions.



37. Prepare TIME BUDGET for every unit of work.
38. Prepare a series of ACTION PLANS
39. DIARIES may be utilized for time budget.
40. REVIEW YOUR work in terms of time budget.
41. Totally devote all your attention to ONE PROJECT at a time.



42. Attend MEETINGS with proper agendas

43. Maintain proper FILING system.

44. DELEGATE judiciously.
45. Streamline PAPER WORK.



46. Maintain good HEALTH
47. Spend sufficient time with your FAMILY members.
48. RELAX comfortably during your free time.
49. Attend to most important work during PEAK ENERGY HOURS.
50. Read books and journals on Self-improvement



The following are some of the MOST I NSPIRING QUOTATIONS ON TIME MANAGEMENT: Go through them
carefully and diligently. They would definitely create in you a sense of Time consciousness and motivate you to
utilize your time most Productively and creatively:

1. Do you love life. Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.

2. Even gold worth crores is not so valuable as a single moment in ones LIFE. Therefore, he who wastes his time is
committing a serious crime.

3. If you choose to live a full life, you must appreciate the importance of time and of self-discipline. Appropriate
utilization of time enables you to enjoy both your work and your leisure. Self discipline means will power to do
those things you know should be done before doing the things you want to do because they are more enjoyable.
But attacking rather than procrastinating, you will often find time enough to do both. Since it is your time you are
spending, you should master your time, not let it master you. And you cant master your time until youre first
willing to master yourself.

4. Are you in earnest? Seize this very minute; What you can do, or dream you can, begin it; Boldness has genius,
power and magic in it, Only engage and then the mind grows heated; Begin, and then the work will be completed.

5. You have to live on this twenty-four hours of daily time. Out of it you have to spin health, money, content,
respect and the evolution of your immortal soul. Its right use, its most effective use, is a matter of the highest
urgency and of the most thrilling actuality. All depends on that. Your happiness, the elusive prize that you are all
clutching for, my friends, depends on that.

6. How do you begin each day? At what hour do you rise? How do you commence your duties? In what frame of
mind do you enter upon the sacred life of a new day? What answer can you give your heart to these important
questions? You will find that much happiness follows upon the right or wrong beginning of the day, and that,
when every day is wisely begun, happy and harmonious sequences will mark its course, and life in its totality will
not fall short of the ideal blessedness.

7. The way you elect to spend your time determines the quality of your life.



1. Your only limitations are those you set up in your own mind, or permit others to set up for you.

2. You should remember one very important thing that in life worth achieving is easy.

3. One of the most powerful forces in the world is the will of the man who believes in himself, who dares to aim
high, to go confidently after the things that he wants from life.

4. I can is the most powerful sentence. It is amazing how many people can use that sentence realistically. As you
attend the program TRAINERS TRAINING, you should be able to use this emphatic phrase as frequently as

5. You can do whatever you believe you can. You may not really know what you can accomplish until you try. Give
things a chance to happen. No life is more tragic than that of the individual who nurses a dream, an ambition,
always wishing and hoping, but never giving it a chance to happen. This should never happen in your life.

6. There is only one thing left after all the arguments are weighed and all the costs measured. Do it. Try it. Quit
talking about it and do it.

7. The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try it and the
faith to believe that it is possible

8. Dont get discouraged with the negative and cynical attitudes of other people., They may not be your enemies,
but it could be your own friends and family members. We can easily handle our enemies but we have to be more
cautious about your people who are very close to you but will not encourage you in your own pursuit.

9. It is common occurrence to find that someone would be keen to inform you, either through cynical look or
contemptuous tone of voice, that what you plan to do or accomplish would meet with failure. Dont lend your
ears to such tacit suggestion. The fellow who can not earn even twenty thousand a year would give you his
valuable suggestion why you can not make a lakh in a year.

10. If you have a dream, whatever it is, dare to believe it and to try it. Give it a chance to happen. If you have that
flame of a dream down inside you somewhere, thank God for it, and do something about it. And dont let anyone
else blow it out.

11. Believe you can, and Youll find that you can! You will be surprised at how many good things can happen.



1. Be a master, not a servant.

2. You can be a Master as a Professional or a Businessman.

3. To amass fabulous Wealth, one should necessarily be in business

4. The type of business one does has direct bearing on making fabulous wealth.

5. One should undertake business preferably in manufacturing or production

6. Get a new understanding of money

7. Love money. Dont say that money is wicked dont hate wealthy people

8. Bless every rupee that you send out and spend

9. Many wealthy people bless their money every morning and do it regularly.

10. Treat your money with respect, asking it to return to you multiplied thousand times. It will do so.

11. Be calculative of every pie you spend, but dont have penny wise and pound foolish attitude.

12. If you want to earn huge money you have to invest more money.

13. Build your reserves as much as possible.

14. Trade on Equity should be your guiding principle.

15. Dont hesitate to borrow for expanding your business but have certain amount of calculative risk

16. Never borrow from individuals but only from institutions.

17. Never lend loans, if necessary give it free to the extent possible

18. You have got to get the rich consciousness. Money is a magnet.

19. Carry always sufficient amount of money with you. Some of the wealthiest people in the world carry their money
around with them in rolls. In preference to hard cash, carry credit cards

20. Fold a five hundred rupee note half lengthwise, then fold it into three and carry this wherever you go

21. Rub shoulders with the wealthy.

22. Live in the best locality

23. Dont sleep too much. Be alert at all the time.

24. You must look, act and feel rich

25. Buy the best, whatever it might be, may be clothes, utensils, etc., if you can afford, try to have a car, telephone
and other things which would improve your self-image to become fabulously rich.

26. Constantly equip your knowledge and develop your skills in the field of your business.

27. Learn to understand and interpret the implication of your Financial Statements through the process of financial

28. If you want big money, no lies and cheating if you indulge in such things you would lose your credibility and
credit worthiness in the business circle.

29. Give as much as possible for charity.

30. Your attitude in doing business is to help people with quality product and services.

31. Concentrate more on what you can offer rather than on what you can grab as much as possible from the public.

32. Pay more attention to recruitment of people. Key positions should be entrusted to trusted, honest and efficient

33. Convert partnerships into private companies if formed among friends.

34. Understand and apply the principles and practices of Time and Stress Management.

35. Vedic Mantras to amass fabulous wealth:







1. Life is a series of .(Fill in the blanks)

2. God appears before you and promises to give you three things. What
would you like to get from God?

3. How can you develop intuition?

Intuition comes when the vessel of consciousness is emptied i.e. have total
surrender to God develop humility.

4. When do you live? When you are aware?

5. Should the mind work faster or slower?

A mind that concentrates is slow and that wavers is fast. A mind that is fast is
sick, a mind that is slow is sound and the mind that is still and silent is divine.

6. Is there a connection between passing urine and breathing?

Yes. When you are in the process of breathing you cannot pass urine. At least
for a fraction of second you have to stop your breathing to open the valve of
urine. This has great implication with regard to sexual function of the male.

7. Is it possible to preserve more Prana (Life Energy) in any part of your

body? Yes. Through Bandhatreya Pranayama it is possible to preserve more
Prana in the Solar Plexus of your body.

8. Do you believe that you own the property which you would never be
willing to part with even for a billion dollar?If somebody asks you to sell both of your eyes. How much would you take for
that. What about your kidneys, lungs, legs, hands, your wife, children etc., You

never think of the incredible riches that you possess but at the same time you
would be worried about what you do not have.

9. What is confidence? What is courage?

Confidence is your inner belief in your capacity to do something great and
outstanding, whereas courage is your ability to face the external forces. The
former is internal and the latter is external. In order to achieve something
great in life one should develop confidence and courage.


How do you develop confidence and courage?

Confidence comes out of equipping knowledge and skill in the field in which
you are interested. Courage can be developed only when you plunge into
action to undertake any kind of a project.


Is it possible to absorb more prana into your body through a

technique? If yes, how?Possible through Bandhatreya Pranayama.


What are the few factors conducive for long life?

Purpose in life, happiness, close relationship, moderate habits, stress-free life.


What are the techniques to activate your sexual glands? Bhadra

Asana, Moola Bhandha, Sitz Bath, Nauli,


What is the technique to activate all your brain cells for better

intelligence and creativity?



What is the technique to reduce your-tension instantaneously?

Bhakya Kumbhaka


What is the technique to prolong your sexual function?

By concentrating on your breath synchronizing with breathe in and breath



What is the one essential requirement to become fabulously rich,

without which no one can amass wealth on this planet?

Be a master and do business.


What is the technique to reduce the temperature of fever?

Ujjayi Pranayama.


What is the one action of ours that does not boost our brain

Watching TV


In your wakeful state what is the percentage of your thinking and

Less than ten percent


What is the technique to send abundant prana to the desired parts

of your body?
Prana Vidhya


What is the technique to quantitatively measure the power of your

Register and reproduce 100 digit numbers.


What is the technique to remember telephone numbers?

Through Memory Filing System


What is the technique to memorize 100-year calendar?

Memorize the codes for the year and month and make appropriate


What is the difference between tool and technique?

Tools are used in the physical field and techniques are employed in the mental,
emotional and spiritual fields. Example: Memory Filing System for mental field,
Meditation in the emotional field and prayer for spiritual field.


Which is the mental state conducive for creativity?

Theta state of the mind.


Which is the day on which you should not undergo any operation in

your life? Chart out your Bo-rhythm cycle and on any of the critical days one
should not undergo any operation.









relationship? Dont have expectations and develop humility.



What is the best remedy for most of our health problems? Fasting


What is the opposite of stress? Happiness


When do you get heightened pleasure in eating? At the time of



With whom you are likely to be unhappy in life? Those who are very

close to you


Why do good people suffer and bad and immoral people prosper?

People who are very bold and courageous plunge into action, risk their life and
money for any venture. At times they dont feel hesitant even to commit illegal
and immoral actions. Whereas a person who is not courageous feel hesitant to
do anything and remain to be a servant to one person or the other. Due to his
cowardice he may seem to be good but may not be in the inner world.
Therefore, it may look that good people suffer and bad and immoral people
prosper. It is a question of boldness and venturing.


When do you think effectively and creatively? When confronted with a

problem- when a question is asked when there is a burning desire to do

something great and outstanding in life.


What do you record in the neuron cells of your brain? Not what is

happening in the world but our reactions and interpretations.


What are the three main beliefs that prevent us from being happy?

People who entertain the following thoughts can never be happy in their life
(1)What I dont have is better than what I do Have.
(2)Having more is better, no matter how much I have.
(3)When I get what I want, I will be happy.


What is the difference between the minds of great people and

ordinary people?
Great people have purpose and ordinary people have only wishes.


What should you do to avoid criticism from your friends and

(1)Do nothing
(2)Say nothing
(3)Be nothing


What is the greatest guarantee of your health?

Harmony at your home, work place and yourself


What is the cause of cancer according to the latest research



What should you do when your cheerfulness is lost?

Act cheerfully.


What is the surest way to forgive and forget our enemies?

Get yourself absorbed in some cause infinitely bigger than yourself


What aspect of yourself that people would believe in you?

People may doubt what you say but they believe what you do.


Which is more important- theory or practice?

Both are important. Theory without practice is sterile. Practice without theory
is blind.


Do you get success in marriage by finding the right person?

Success in marriage is more than finding the right person. It is a matter of

BEING the right person.


Why should we love our enemies?

Because they will tell our faults.


What are we mostly afraid of?

Those who are very well known to us.


Which is the best way that you will never have to work a day?

Choose a career you love and youll never have to work a day. It is all fun for
you not work.


Do you expect your car to rise off and fly? Do you expect your dog

to speak English? What is the implication of these questions?

This would point up the absurdity of our expectation of ourselves. Accept



Do you possess your habits or do your habits possess you? Do you

have any habit that dominates you and says I am indispensable, you
cannot live without me. If you have such a habit give it a months holiday
so that you can know that you are the owner of yourself.


Do you own yourself or somebody else own you?

When someone tells you something which you feel insulted, you are not your
own. You can be manipulated by others. They can get you angry. In this way
somebody else own you.


What is an experience?
It is your reaction to the external stimuli.


Do you know that most of the thinkers who created industrial

empires were unschooled?

Crompton, Ford, Rockefeller, Edison, Carnegie, Arkwright.


Have you experienced being a genius at any point of time in your

Yes, at the time of writing examinations.


What is freedom?

Discipline is freedom. When you are able to control your thoughts, feelings and
actions you are a free person. Moreover you should be able to be free from all
the habits that bind you. The best example is smoking. When you are a
habituated smoker you have no choice of your own. Even in the dead of night,
if you have no cigarettes you will be compelled to go out and look for a shop
selling cigarettes.


What is the one common factor found among the people who lived

Purpose in life. Want to make more money is not a purpose. To establish an
industry, school or an organization could be purpose. Know the distinction
between Achievement and Prosperity.


An executive needs skills and qualities- to become successful what

should be their ratio? The ratio should be 20% skills and 80% qualities


Who is the person making a lot of commitments in his life?

One who talks too much about himself is making a lot commitments. Every
word that he utters is a commitment. Keep silent.


When inner silence goes out, outer silence takes its place. Explain

this statement
When you are not in good terms with the people who are close to you
(e.g.spouses) you lose your inner silence. With hatred feeling you would stop
talking to that person. In this way there will be outer silence.


How do you stimulate your brain?

The following aspects would stimulate your brain When you are in intense
concentration. When you memorize anything you have to concentrate. When
your mind is creatively engaged when solving problem when you exercise
your will power- the routine way of stimulating your brain is to do Pranayama
and Meditation.


How do you find out the sexual virility of a man?

There are two methods to find out. One is the presence of erection at the time
of waking up in the morning. The second one is the force with which a person
is urinating.


What is the short cut to distinction in public life?

Public speaking.


What is the difference between humility and inferiority complex?

Inferiority complex comes out of comparison with other persons, whereas

humility blossoms out of developing cosmic consciousness.


What is cosmic consciousness?-

The consciousness is saturated not with the self but with the whole universe.
Just observe the galaxy and the stars and sun on the horizon. In the cosmic
design, the mother earth is a tiny tot. If that be the case how big we are. This
kind of consciousness would develop in us the virtue of humility.


Would do leave your car in running condition in

your garage all

night? What is the implication of this question?

No one would consciously leave his car running in his garage all night.
Forgettingly he might do that. But that will be rare. In the same manner many

people are wasting their energy by indulging in negative emotions. In most of

the cases they are not aware that they are wasting so much of energy in the
process. If they are aware that they have negative emotions and that is
detrimental to their health and happiness they would try their best to change
their thought patterns.


Can you fall in live with tomorrow?

No. You shall never be able to marry her. The simple reason is that in reality
there is no tomorrow in existence.


How can you develop will-power?

Concentration is like focusing diffused beams of light in a single laser ray.

Concentration is power. When we can focus the mind one-pointedly, we are
already on the way to developing a powerful will-power.


What is the cheapest kind of medicine available on this earth?

Drinking five glasses of hot water in the early morning with two or three pearls

of garlic.


What money can buy for you and what it cannot buy?

Money can buy the most expensive bed but not sleep.
It can buy pleasure but not happiness
It can buy medicine but not health.
It can buy an excellent house but not a happy family.
You may think that it can buy the love of your girl friend. If that is the case it is
no more love but only business. The list can be added to any extent.


Who is a spiritual person?

One who becomes lighter and lighter with less and less attachment and no
emotional upheavals.


Which is the instance that would give you heightened happiness in

Anything that goes out of our body brings a feeling of pleasurable sensation,
such as sweat, urine, puss, phlegm, semen and in the ultimate analysis when
life goes out of our body we might experience the heightened form of
happiness in life. If we believe in this philosophy we shall never torment
ourselves with the fear of death.


Which one would provide you with more opportunity to be happy-

being born rich or poor?

Being born poor. Every progress and advancement that a poor man makes
brings him added joy. That many opportunities may not be available to a rich


What do you do when your watch goes slow or fast? What is the

implication of this question?

When you come to know that your watch is going slow or fast you will set it
right. On the same count you will never do it with human relationship. You
would always make an attempt to reform others and never for a moment think
of reforming yourself.


What is life? What is it composed of?

Life is nothing but a stream of consciousness. It is composed of thoughts,

feelings and actions.


How do you become a good conversationalist?

Listen carefully, ask pointedly, speak calmly, answer coolly and when you
have nothing to say stop talking.


Who is an absent-minded professor?

He is not absent-minded but present minded working on a project very

seriously with total devotion and commitment and thereby tend to forget


What are the two conditions for happiness?

(a) An overall purpose in life

(b)Crushing egotism.


What is a project?

Anything that you work on with an objective to accomplish. Joining the Tap Your
Genius program itself could be considered as a project.


What do you do with an unfinished house? Do you condemn it as

ugly and useless? What is the implication of these questions?

As regards unfinished house is concerned, we shall make an attempt to finish
the construction. We should look at ourselves as an unfinished house and
make an attempt to develop our personality day by day without condemning it
as useless.


What is the technique to have the baby of your choice- male or


There are two ways to do that.

(a) At the time of conception the husband should have right nostril breath
predominant and the wife should have left nostril dominant to get a male
child. This method is little more difficult to observe and practice.
(b)Another simple method is that calculation is to be made from the time of
menstruation. When conception takes place on the odd day after
menstruation that is, firth day or seventh day the child will be female and
on even days the child will be male.


When there is conflict between imagination and will power, which

one would win in the ultimate analysis?



Two persons take the same food and live in the same environment

one becomes a saint, the other a criminal. Why?

The type of the thoughts and emotions that are habitually entertained make
the difference in their lives.


What is the technique to bring out phlegm from your chest?

Ujjayi Pranayama


What is the technique to be free from kidney stone problem

throughout your life?

Drink five glasses of hot water in the early morning.


What is the technique to over come the fear of death in your life?

Practice Agni Samadhi Meditation.


Do you know the story of hare and tortoise? What is the implication

of that story? Consider tortoise as the time and you are the hare. If you want
to compete with the tortoise you have to utilize your time productively and
creatively without wasting even a single second.


Which is the best time that we reach Theta State of the mind

naturally without much effort?

In the early morning before we get up from the bed. This is the time that we
get creative ideas. Whenever you get any idea at this time you must note it
down very carefully. Keep always a notebook and a torch in your bed all the
time for this purpose.


Do you know what is bio-rhythm cycles?

Our body functions with rhythmic cycles. The physical rhythm (23 days),
emotional rhythm (28 days) and intellectual rhythm (33 days). For further
explanations refer to notes supplied.


What are the types of stress that you normally experience in life? It

is an individual question that you have to answer yourself.


What is the difference between a glutton and an ordinary person?

Glutton eats just for the pleasure of eating alone, with the result that he is
tempted to eat when he is not hungry too.


Which is the best way to get freedom? Overcome all the undesirable

habits in your life.


What is the difference between a gossip, a bore and a successful

person? A gossip talks about others, a bore talks about himself and a
successful person will talk good about you and your good qualities and


What type of relationship one should have in married life? Marriage

is that relation between man and woman in which the independence is equal,
the dependence mutual and the obligation is reciprocal.


How one should pray and work? Pray as though no work would help,

and work as though no prayer would help.


What is the difference between an optimist and a pessimist? The

optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds and the
pessimist fears this is so. The optimist makes every calamity into an
opportunity and the pessimist makes every opportunity into a calamity.


What is the core quality of a genius? Have a goal in life and continue to

persevere until the goal is reached, whether it takes five years or fifty years.


Consider Time as a person. What would you ask Him to do?

Backward, turn backward O Time in your flight. MAKE ME A CHILD AGAIN JUST


What are the four things that will not come back to you again?

(a) Spoken word

(b)Sped arrow

(c) Past life

(d)Neglected opportunity


How do we judge ourselves and how others judge us?

We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by

what we have already done.

100. What should be the main theme of religion?

The theme of religion is not to get a man to heaven, but to get heaven into

101. How do you get inner calm?

Inner calm is possible when you are not disturbed by the vicissitude of

102. How should we choose our friends?

Choose your friends for what they are and not for what they have.

103. What is the best form of prayer?

One who raises from prayer a better man, his prayer is answered. This would
mean that we should pray to develop virtues in us.

104. Sit loosely in the saddle of life. Explain its implication. Dont take
life too seriously.

105. It is better to wear out than to rust out. What does it imply?

Hard work is more glorious than lethargy.

106. Why is it that we rejoice at birth and grieve at a funeral?

We rejoice at birth and grieve at a funeral because we are not the person
involved. The child cries at the time of birth because of pain. A person gets rid
of all his pains and enjoys supreme joy and happiness at the time of death.

107. Time never takes off. Explain. Time is only a concept which indicates
the continuity of our existence. There is no break in time continuum.

108. It is magnificent to grow old, if one keeps young. What does it

imply? You have to age chronologically. There is no escape from it. But how do
you grow? This depends upon your attitude and thought patterns. If you are
energetic and enthusiastic in life having a purpose to fulfill you are keeping the
spirit of youth and thereby your growing old is definitely magnificent.

109. Every person has three characters. What are they?

(a) That which he exhibits
(b)That which he has
(c) That which he thinks he has.

110. What would you do to make your marriage successful?

A successful marriage is an edifice that must be rebuilt every day.

111. Which is the worst kind of poverty?

The worst kind of poverty is borrowing loans from an individual.

112. A good husband should be .. (DEAF) A good wife should be .


113. The . (BEST) is the cheapest.

114. Humility is the surest sign of .(.STRENGTH)

115. No entertainment is so cheap as . (READING), nor any pleasure


116. The first test of a truly great man is his ( HUMILITY)

117. What is bought is cheaper than .. (GIFT)

118. How do you distinguish material success from spiritual success?

Material success is what a man has and spiritual success is what a man is.

119. What is defeat?

Defeat is nothing but education, nothing but the first step to something better.

120. How that peace is better than war?

Peace is better than war because in peace sons bury their fathers, but in war
fathers bury their sons. In the modern war no one need to bury. Everyone
would be dead.

121. What is the difference between happy family and unhappy family?
All happy families resemble one another. Every unhappy family is unhappy in
its own way.

122. Who is learned and wise?

He who knows others is learned; he who knows himself is wise.

123. What is fashion?

Fashion is a form of ugliness, so intolerable that we have to change it every six

124. What should you do in the company of sensible men?

You should be doubly cautious of talking too much. By doing so we lose two
(a) Their good opinion
(b)Our own improvement.
What we have to say we know. What they have to say we know not. Therefore
it is better to keep silent in the company of sensible men.

125. What should you do to develop scintillating health?

(a) Banish your worries
(b)Temper your desires
(c) Restrain your emotions
(d)Spare your words
(e) Regard lightly success and failure
(f) Ignore sorrows and difficulties

(g)Drive away foolish ambitions

(h)Avoid great likes and dislikes
(i) Calm your vision and hearing
(j) Eat only when hungry
(k) Drink only when thirsty
(l) Eat little

Drink three glasses of water in the early morning

(n)Do all yogic exercises asanas, pranayama and meditation

126. What is personality?

It is the total YOU.
(a) your structure
(b)muscle tone
(c) nervous system
(e) the way you treat your friends
(f) approach your work
(g)treat your spouses and children
(h)relation to your parents
(i) skills and abilities
(j) your habits good and bad
(k) strengths and weaknesses
(l) bad temper


Your personality is the manifestation of every cell in your body.

128. What is the secret of success of Thomas Alva Edison?

He said that he had always been a total abstainer and singularly moderate in
everything but work.

129. What is the measure of success in this world?

(a) Lived well
(b)Laughed often
(c) Loved much
(d)Gained the respect of intelligent men
(e) Secured the trust of pure women
(f) Love of little children
(g)Accomplished his task
(h)Left the world better then he found it
(i) Never lacked appreciation of earths beauty
(j) Looked for best in others
(k) Give the best he has(l) His life was inspiration whose memory is a benediction.

130. How can you use intuition?

The following aspects are to be remembered to make use of your intuitive
(a) Do your home work as if that you have to acquire knowledge and skills
(b)Immerse yourself in the question and then relax.
(c) Trust your experience.

(d)Double-check your hunch.

There comes a time when you have to make the leap and trust your intuition.

131. Which is the best way to be happy?

The best way to be happy is to make others happy.

132. What is the quality of a saint?

The quality of a Saint is unconditional love for humanity and humility. This is
the statement of a saint. If someone in hatred were to pluck out my left eye, I
think I could look kindly at him with my right eye. If he plucked that one out
too, I would still have my heart to love him St. Francis of Sales.

133. What are the hallmarks of a genius?

The idiosyncrasies of the artists, the absentmindedness of the professor and
self-centered preoccupation of the thinkers these are the common
hallmark of a single minded devotion to a particular ideal.

134. What is the difference between natural scientists and divine

A natural scientist understands and dominates the forces of external nature. A
divine scientist will understand the internal forces of the mind.

135. How do your reach success?

Success is reached by being active, awake, ahead of the crowd, by aiming
high, pushing honestly, diligently and patiently, fainting not by determining to
win and striving to the end.

136. What are the indispensable conditions of success?

A double-minded man is unstable in all his way. A determined purpose in life
and a steady adhesion to it through all disadvantages are indispensable
conditions of success.

137. How do you become king of kings?

The command of ones self is the greatest empire a man can aspire unto, and
consequently, to be subject to our own passions is the most grievous slavery.
He who best governs himself is best fitted to govern others. He who reigns
within himself and rules his passions, desires and fears, is more than a king.

138. How do you role out master pieces from your hand?
If an artist, musician or author thinks all the time about the fame it will bring
him, his creation gives others the feeling of being tilted, artificial, because he
works only with one eye, the other eye he has on the fame he will get. But let
him do it because he wants to do some good, because he wants to give
expression to his creative urge, because he likes to do that thing, and then he
may get master pieces.

139. What is the best remedy for procrastination?

Repeat the following poems as frequently as possible whenever you feel
lethargic and lazy, inclined to postpone things.
Are you in earnest seize this very minute
What you can do, or dream you can
Begin it, boldness has genius power and magic in it
Only engage and then the mind grows heated
Begin and the work will be completed.

140. Where does success come from?

Success does not come from working hard. Success comes from playing hard.
Therefore, if you want success, you must position yourself so that the duties
that you perform, no matter how difficult or challenging, are considered play to
you and not work. If you do this, not only will you gain success, but you will
have fun doing it.

141. What is the purpose of meditation?

The purpose of meditation, paradoxically, is to learn to be without purpose.
Since nearly everything we do in life is done with some goal in mind, most of
our actions are only means to an end, pointing us continually toward a future
that does not exist. But meditation, when no goal disturbs it, allows
discovering the richness and profundity of the present moment. We begin to
realize the miraculous power of our own lives not as they will be, or as we
might imagine they once were at some golden time in the past, but as they
actually are. Meditation is one of the few things in life that is not about DOING
but about BEING.

142. What is love?

Love is a feeling of closeness of warmth, of understanding, of togetherness, of
oneness. Love is not a matter of what happens in life. It is a matter of what is
happening in your heart.

143. What is the best time to be happy?

Success is a journey, not a destination. Happiness is to be found along the
way, not at the end of the road for then the journey is over and it is too late.
The time for happiness is today, not tomorrow.

144. Which is the mark of true spirituality?

The more efficient the machine, the more silent and smooth it functions and
when it gives greater output of work. An inefficient machine such as a worn out
car is all fuss and noise with very little output of speed. Calm, silent, steady,
and efficient work, sustained by deep social feeling, is the mark of true

145. While breathing in, should the abdomen go inside or outside?


146. What is life? Give a true but humorous definition.

Life is a sexually transmitted disease.

147. How death can be used as a tool for doing?

(a) The fact that our days are numbered would stress the importance of choice
in the planning and living of life.
(b)Death encourages action. We only have so much time left so lets get going.
(c) Death encourages risk- going to die any way, why not take the risks that
make life more exciting, enjoyable. Near San Francisco people suffering
from AIDS do sky diving, rock climbing, etc.
(d)Reminds us how much we owe to the past and the future. Issac Amiss who
wrote hundreds of books, was asked what he would do if he had only three
months to live. He replied that he would type very fast.

148. What should you do to prevent ill health?

(a) Dont fill your lungs with smoke

(b)Dont glut your stomach with rich food

(c) Dont infiltrate your system with harmful drinks
(d)Dont punish your nervous system with pills to keep you awake
(e) Dont torture your body with pills to put you to sleep.
(f) Dont ignore the warning signals of nature (headache and body pain)
(g)Fast when you are ill.

149. What is the price that you pay for your hatred disposition?
When we hate our enemies, we give them power over us power over our
sleep, our appetite, our blood pressure, our health and happiness. Our enemies
dance with joy, if they surmised that they worry and lacerate us. Our hatred is
not hurting them at all, it only turns our own days and nights into a hellish

150. How can you build your mind temple for a glorious life?
Every man is a mind builder, whether he recognizes it or not. Every man must
perforce think, and every thought is another brick laid down in the edifice of
mind. Such brick-laying is done loosely and carelessly by vast number of
people, the result being unstable and tottering characters that are ready to go
down under the first little gust of trouble or temptation. Some, also, put into
the building of their minds large numbers of impure thoughts; there are so
many rotten bricks that crumble away as fast as they are put in, leaving
always an unfinished and unsightly building and one which can afford no
comfort and no shelter for its possessor. Debilitating thoughts of failure and
sickly thoughts of self-pity and self praise are useless bricks with which no
substantial mind temple can be raised.

151. How do you make your marriage a success?

To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot and love him a little. To
be happy with a woman love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.

152. How do you get unalloyed happiness?

To find real and unalloyed happiness it is necessary to live a clean upright life
and to enjoy the peace of an approving conscience.

153. What is cheerfulness?

Cheerfulness means a contented spirit, a pure heart, kind and loving
disposition, humility and charity, a generous appreciation of others, and
modest opinion of self.

154. Every one is selfish in this world How do you react to this
Fulfill his self centered nature and serve others more and more.

155. What is the best gift that parents can offer to their children?
Set an example through their life style.

156. Can you be angry without being in anger?

Yes. The anger of the parents with their little children is no anger at all. Even
when they beat their own children, it is being done with love.

157. What is the location of semen bag in our body?

Is it above or below the sex organ? Below

158. What is the technique to reduce the butterfly feeling before

addressing a group of people?
Take deep breathe in through the nostrils and take deep breathe out through
the mouth for five to ten times.

159. Which is the one autonomous functions of the body which can be
easily brought under voluntary control?

160. Who is rich? Who is poor?

A person who is satisfied with what he has is rich. A person in spite of multimillion dollars of possession, still greedy enough to have more and more is

161. When do you think and when do you feel?

When you are in the present you think. When you are in the past or future you
only feel.

162. What is humility? Give a metaphorical explanation. Sleeping on the

floor. Such people cannot fall. People who are humble cannot be hurt.

163. What is the best way to get good idea?

We get a lot of ideas through brain storming exercises. Professional
photographers take many pictures and select the best ones.

164. What should be your attitude when you read any book?

You should develop the feeling that you are conversing with the author. You
feel the sensation of being in the company of great people.

165. What is morality?

Dont harm others and dont harm yourself.

166. What is spirituality?

Be good to all & be good to yourself.

167. How do you easily play a joke on a man who likes to argue with
Agree with him.

168. How do you get perennial flow of energy?

Have a mission in life

169. Which is the easiest way to become richer and richer?

We can bedcome richer and richer by reducing our wants.

170. Which is the best and easiest way to become a winner in all you
Have the following attitudes in your attempts; WHEN YOU WIN YOU WIN, WHEN

171. What is the symptom of an enlightened person?

Total detachment & desireless state

Once a person reaches this stage his energy level will be the highest as there
is absolutely no stress and tension.

172. What is the difference between animals and human beings?

Human beings have awareness. We are conscious of our existence.

173. How can we grow old but never get old?

Through continuous process of learning we can grow old and never get old.

174. How can we make conflicts into personal growth?

(a) When your beliefs are challenged and you are forced to defend them, you
grow intellectually
(b)When you learn to resolve disputes you grow socially. When relationships
become so close that basic thoughts and feelings are exposed, you grow


Questions and answers on theoretical aspects

1. What are alpha waves of mental state?

Brain emits some kind of electrical waves on the basis of the metabolic
functioning of the body. These waves are mental waves. The frequency and
amplitude of these waves can be measured through a gadget called Electro
encephalograph. It is measured in terms of certain number of cycles per
second. Above 14 cycles per second is Beta Waves, 7-14 Alpha Waves, 4 -7

theta Waves and below 4 Delta Waves. Alpha Waves indicate the relaxed
position of the individual.

2. How do you reach alpha waves of mental state?

When a negative feelings and emotions are completely eschewed people reach
Alpha waves. All meditational techniques make one to reach Alpha Waves.

3. How do you maintain Alpha Waves of mental state?

Live in the present- practice Aware and Beware technique- have a constant
vigil over your mental processes.

4. What is aware and beware technique?

This is a technique derived from Zen Buddhism. It is one of the simplest
techniques to follow but producing profound results. One is required to be
AWARE of his thoughts, feelings and actions. One has to live in the present all
the time, not to reflect over the past or to project into the future with anxiety
and dismay. When the thoughts and emotions drift into negative and impure
aspects, one should be BEWARE of its implications and thereby change the
pattern of thoughts and feelings.

5. What are Asanas?

They are yogic exercises. A person is required to keep the body in a particular
position. There are 84,000 Asanas, of which only 12 Asanas are given in this
program which are considered to be classical postures.

6. What are the general benefits of Asanas?

They cater to the development of both body and mind and impart control over
the involuntary muscles of ones organism. Constant practice of Asanas will
bring the following benefits
Flexibility to the body-digestion improves- mind becomes alert and agilepeace of mind
Concentration and self-control- brings about nervous equilibrium develops
sense of balance-Tones the spinal nerves imparts a glow to the skin clears
the complexion elimination of waste from the body is improved and thus the
likelihood of disease reduced the sexual and generative organs are kept in
good condition,
Sexual ailments removed retards obesity throws out toxins and impurities
increases blood supply to the whole body and thereby strengthens the heart,
lungs, liver, stomach, kidneys and bowels prevents and cures all diseases
perennial flow of energy awakens kundalini ensure complete relaxation and
ease best antidote for the stresses of modern life

7. What are the patterns of behaviour of people? Grouped into three broad
(a) Passive
(b)Aggressive and
(c) Assertive

Passive behaviour:

Feeling of inferiority- allow others to win become

subservient to the needs and rights of others victim of the whims and fancies
of others

Aggressive behaviour : win the deal and lose the sympathies of others

Assertive behaviour: is a desirable one active, direct and honest wins by

influencing, listening and negotiating- leads to success without retaliation.

8. How should one develop Assertive behaviour:

Develop positive attitudes towards life never make the expression I cant
under any circumstances start with positive expectations envision
situations where you SEE

yourself assertive FEEL confident HEAR your

voice sound strong and steady EXPERIENCE the satisfaction and pleasure of
being assertive exercise positive mental imagery feelings are your choice
never develop the feeling that you would hurt the feelings of others the
assertive way of expressing your feelings is to use I statements I feel, I have,
I decide etc., - these statements should never be expressed with egotism
sincerity and humility should be present in expressing these statements how
you say them is very important to be assertive you should choose words that
are direct, honest, appropriate and respectful.

9. What are Bio- Rhythm cycles?

From birth to death each of us is influenced by three internal cycles, called biorhythm cycles the physical, the emotional and intellectual physical 23 days,
emotional 28 days and intellectual 33 days to complete.


What is the significance of these cycles?

They represent mostly the ebb and flow of energy these rhythms are
regulated by the secretions of certain glands like pineal, thyroid and pituitary
the vulnerable period in our life is the critical days- that the day on which the
cycle changes over from negative to positive and vice versa.


How should one use the knowledge of Bio- Rhythm cycles?

It is not necessary that we should look for the status of the bio-rhythm cycles
every day. This can be referred on certain important occasions such as to

undergo an operation not to undergo any operation on critical daysimportant decision can be taken during positive phase- when we feel unusually
lethargic and low ebb of energy this can be attributed to the cycle and we
need not have unnecessary worries about the general health of our body.


What are the techniques to boost our brain power?

Still and silent the mind concentration exercising will power pranayama
meditation- creative thinking singing story telling dancing and relaxation
mental puzzles stimulating right hemisphere of the brain smiling and


What are business cycles?

One of the laws that may seem to be mysterious is the Law of Business which
follows a particular pattern this is applicable to the business organizations it
has seven cycles a year business people can take advantage of these cycles
for taking managerial decisions.


What is concentration?

It is the ability of the mind to control attention and focus it on a given problem
until it is solved.


What are the advantages of concentration?

Every accomplishment is rendered through concentration discovery and

originality extraordinary memory get brilliant ideas through concentration.


What are the techniques to develop concentration?

(a) Trataka keep a lighted candle at your eye-sight level and stare at it until
the eyes get tears, then close the eyes and visualize the flame of the
candle in your inner eyes this develops concentration and hypnotic power.
(b)Power of concentration may be developed while reading read a paragraph
take a piece of paper and write the core points contained in that
(c) At the conclusion of hearing any lecture, just note down the important
points given by the lecturer or speaker if you have this objective in your
mind, you will definitely concentrate more on the lecture(d)When you are engaged in an activity, totally involve yourself in it without
drifting your consciousness to other aspects
(e) Memorizing 100 digit numbers would develop the power of concentration
to a great extent. This is the best way to measure your power of
concentration quantitatively
(f) Constantly be aware of your thoughts, feelings and actions. This would lead
to phenomenal improvement of concentration.


What is creativity? Creativity is the discovery of something that is novel

and unique but also useful, relevant, economical and valuable. It is

significantly different from the beaten track. It may also be identified with
openness in expressing feelings, receptivity to ideas, concern for others, desire
to grow as a person and actualize ones potential as a human being.


What are the techniques to develop creativity?

There are no set rules or pattern to develop creativity. If it can be brought

under certain regulations, it is no more creative. However the following
techniques may be used to develop creativity
(a) Consciously develop an urge to be creative

(b)Creativity is developed by generating ideas. This can be done through

brain-storming methods-accumulate a large number of ideas, whether
relevant or not then best and suitable ideas can be selected
(c) Keep the mind always calm and quiet, serene and tranquil. This is the best
mental state for creativity. A disturbed mind can never create ideas
(d)The mental blocks that I am not creative should be removed
(e) Acquire knowledge and skills in the field in which you are deeply interested
and involved and you are sure to get creative ideas in that field.
(f) Getting into a humorous frame of mind not only loosens you up, it enhances
your creativity
(g)Keep always a small note book to jot down the creative ideas that you get
at any moment of your wakeful state
(h)Sit in meditation, bring the mind to alpha level and try to get creative ideas
in your desired areas of interest.


What are cyclic laws of human life?

Everything in this world is subject to cyclic law. Our lives are also subject to
cyclic laws. They are divided into seven periods in a year, each consisting of
52 days commencing from the date of birth of an individual. These periods
indicate the different possibilities and opportunities that can be availed of or
problems that can be solved. We can take important decisions in our lives
based on these cyclic laws.


What is the world record for memorizing random digital numbers?

There are two references available in this regard

(a) The first reference is from a book Total Recall- How to Boost your Memory
Power by John Minninger., He recalls in his book the research undertaken
by Anders Ericson of University of Colorado and William G.Chase of
Carnegie-Melon University. They tested a person that they prefer to call him

SF. When SF was first tested he had a digit span of seven. For 1 hour a day,
3 to 5 days a week, for 20 months 230 hours of effort, SF was able to
memorize and reproduce a digit span of 80. This is considered as the world
record for digit span memory.
(b)The Guinness Book of World Record for random numbers is 91. This test was
conducted in London during December 1993 and reported in the daily
newspaper of Bombay AFTERNOON on January 7, 1994. The excerpts of the
news item are as follows: Jonathan Hancock, at the Student Memory
championship held at London, recalled back in the correct order 91 out of a
total of 120 random numbers which had been read out to him. His nearest
rival in that part of competition recalled just 34.


What is the significance and advantages of memorizing random

digital numbers? Michael Hutchison in his book Mega Brain writes as

follows: With proper stimulation, the brain continues to grow, producing
increased intelligence and more effective brain functioning even after seventy,
eighty or ninety. One of the best ways to stimulate the brain is to register and
reproduce 100-digit numbers through Memory Filing System. The advantages
are as follows;
(a) improves concentration to a remarkable extent
(b)subconscious mind would believe in the capacity of the mind to memorize
(c) will-power develops
(d)the more the brain is stimulated the greater is the possibility of maintaining
youthful look and spirit
(e) people would call you a genius.


How do you generate perennial flow of energy.

The following are the contributing factors:

(a) Calm and quiet mind
(b)Specific aim in life
(c) Project on hand all the time
(d)Positive thoughts and feelings
(e) Love and appreciate life
(f) Keep silence and avoid unnecessary talk
(g)Happy and joyous disposition
(h)An irresistible desire to accomplish a goal
(i) Self confidence
(j) Daily target of work to be done
(k) Energy builders: happiness, laughter , love, affection, kindness, helping
others, agreeability and hope
(l) Proper planning of each day

Listen to music

(n)A mission to serve others would generate perennial flow of energy.


What are the rules for executive effectiveness?

(a) Set personal and organizational goals

(b)Maintain diary of accomplishment
(c) Prepare to-do-list every day morning
(d)Develop time consciousness
(e) Develop personal qualities every minute of the day
(f) Make the staff to set their own goals
(g)Appreciate the good work done immediately

(h)Reprimand only for the mistakes committed and not the person in general
(i) Have regular weekly meetings to review the work done and to plan for the
(j) Be tough and nice and maintain silence.


What are the stress reduction plan for the executives?

(a) Dip the eyes in cold water in a bucket full of water

(b)Practice Bhakya Kumbhaka
(c) All pranayama techniques
(d)Aware and Beware
(e) Meditation
(f) Develop Cosmic Consciousness
(g)Develop wholesome philosophy in life


How one should conquer the common causes of failure?

(a) Life is a series of choices. Therefore, take responsibility for your own life
(b)Have specific goal in life
(c) Never recourse to short cut methods
(d)Take care of the minute details
(e) Never blame others for your failure
(f) Neither should you blame yourself as useless
(g)Analyze the causes of failure
(h)Never give up until the goal is reached.
(i) Never brood over the past failures
(j) Gain confidence on the past successes.


How should one develop the attributes of a Genius?

(a) Have always a project on hand

(b)Think more than feel
(c) Live in the present
(d)Generate creative ideas
(e) Forget yourself
(f) Learn each and every moment of your wakeful state
(g)Never consider yourself as a finished product
(h)Never be afraid of failure
(i) Apply imagination
(j) Dont strive for perfection
(k) Move forward at a steady pace
(l) Dont seek out for honors

Be free from the opinions of others

(n)Consider yourself as a unique product

(o) Play the role of a child
(p)Accept others as they are
(q)Eliminate self-destructive emotions never argue with anybody
(r) Consider yourself belonging to human race
(s) Work for the internal satisfaction
(t) Beautify your life with inner glow than outer show.


What are the techniques to be followed to blossom forth into a


(1)Practice Asanas, Pranayama and Meditation

(2)Live in the present with Aware and Beware technique
(3)Keep the mind still and silent
(4)Constantly make an analysis of your consciousness
(5)Develop love and affection for each and everybody








(7)Behave in a pro-active manner (e.g. the story of the couple)
(8)Register and reproduce 100-digit numbers as a fun
(9)Maintain inner and outer silence

Sing Tap Song


Read Sankalpa daily without fail


Be always at Alpha Waves of Mental State


Remember the sentence Life is a series of choices Never blame

others for your own failures.


Have a note book to note down the creative ideas you get at any

moment of your life


Never procrastinate. Remember the poem Are you in earnest?


Develop confidence by repeating to yourself. Have faith that I am

brave and intelligent


Have always a project on hand


Visualize all the time expecting the best in life


Spend your time productively and creatively


Observe all the simple rules to maintain good health.


How do you set goals and achieve them?

(1)The goals that you choose should synchronize with your inner urge, inborn
talents and natural inclination to do something in preference to all the rest.
(2)You should set your goals by yourself, no one should suggest this to you
(3)You would be able to enjoy every moment of your wakeful state with the
kind of activity that you simply enjoy doing
(4)The goals can be internal and external. Internal goals are intended to
develop certain desirable habits and virtues and external goals are chosen
to achieve something great and outstanding in life
(5)Goals must be specific and pin-pointed dream to have wealth, good
family, a lucrative job, enjoy scintillating health and in general a happy life
cannot constitute a goal. Vague dreams and ambitious will lead you no
(6)With proper planning goals must be achieved with diligent execution
(7)Short-term and long-term goals must be formulated with specific targets.
(8)Achieve these targets one step at a time
(9)Have a clear cut vision as to the type of person you should emerge within a
period of ten to fifteen years from now


Constantly have a burning desire to do something great in life.

How should one overcome undesirable habits?

(1)Choose one habit at a time to discard

(2)Set a dead line for overcoming it
(3)Inform a friend or relative that you have got rid of the habit (e.g.smoking)
(4)Pick up on a minor vice which you can confidently discard. This would give
you confidence to leave the major ones
(5)Keep reminders in all the places which you can see every now and then
(6)Develop will power to achieve your results.


What is happiness and how should one attain it?

Happiness is a mental state conducive for the well-being and health of an

individual. Pleasure and happiness are two different things. The former is
transient and the latter is permanent. Pleasure is derived through sensory
organs and happiness is drawn from the highest phenomenon of life.
Happiness is a positive state of the mind which can be obtained, paradoxically
through sacrifice, suffering and strenuous labor and not wallowing in all kinds
of unwanted pleasures. In the ultimate analysis, pleasures may bring suffering,
whereas, suffering and sacrifice for a noble cause will crown one with glory and
happiness. We attain happiness through the following ways:
1) Engage in creative activities which produce tangible results that are useful
to the society at large.
2) Develop love and affection for everybody on this earth when a person
reaches a stage of purity of love, affection, sympathy, consideration,
empathy, concern for others, he is said to be a happy person. Such a person
is called a Bhakthi Yogi.
3) Understand the mysteries and wonders of the world. Many things happen in
our lives that are beyond our control and comprehension. Accept them as
natural phenomenon. Accepting the inevitable is one of the dimensions of
happiness. This leads to the virtue of humility. One who has understood the
mysterious phenomenon of this universe is called a Jnana Yogi.
4) A person who is capable of controlling his body, mind and emotions is said
to be truly happy. We require self mastery to develop sterling qualities like
purity, honesty, sincerity, loyalty, truthfulness, generosity, confidence and
courage. One who has developed these virtues is truly a happy person.
Such a person is a king (Raja) of kings. In Yogic language he is a Raja Yogi.
Therefore, Yoga may be rightly called the Science of Happiness.


What are the requisites to develop scintillating health?

1) Attitude: Have firm faith in the adaptive mechanism of the body not to
have unnecessary worry about health
2) Diet: Eat when hungry. Eat plenty of seasonal fruits and vegetable, when ill,
3) Sleep: Less sleep is better. Take short naps.
4) Practice Yoga regularly
5) Energy: Have pin-pointed goal in life. Live with happy frame of mind.
6) Nature-cure: Avoid synthetic medicines. Recourse to nature-cure methods,
when ill.
7) Habits: Develop desirable habits and avoid detrimental ones.
8) Sex: Enjoy sex with a partner whom you love passionately
9) Alpha Waves : Try to be always in Alpha Waves

The best rule for scintillating health is moderation in everything you

do and feel.


How do you develop enchanting human relationship?

(1)Practice cosmic consciousness meditation and thereby develop the virtue of

(2)Dont have much expectation from anybody
(3)Appreciate and encourage others
(4)Develop genuine interest in others
(5)Greet people with animation and enthusiasm
(6)Have always genuine simile on your face
(7)Remember the name of the people. Take some efforts to memorize them.
(8)Talk in terms of other mans interest.
(9)Never argue. Everyone is right


Listen patiently


When you are wrong, admit quickly.


Dont talk much about your petty accomplishments


Give credit to other mans ideas


Point out the mistakes of others diplomatically


Remember some of the story meditations given in the program.


What are the useful tips to appear for an interview?

(1)Dont be anxious about the result of the interview

(2)Be on time
(3)Be neat and clean
(4)Gather information regarding the company
(5)Talk with confidence about your ability and politely accept your weakness, if
pointed out.
(6)Be frank and honest
(7)Answer to the point. Never deviate
(8)Never argue, even if you are right.
(9)Interviews are mostly conducted not to test your knowledge but your
attitude and character. Keep this in mind.


Speak clearly and distinctly. Never look nervous.

What are the techniques to awaken Kundalini shakthi: Kundalini is a

symbolic version of the vast potential energy and power embedded in every
human being. When it is properly understood and directed to perform at its
peak, the person will experience unimagined heights of perception and
awareness. All geniuses in this world have tapped this potential energy for

their stupendous accomplishments. The following techniques are used to

awaken Kundalini (potential energy)
(1)All practices in the form of Japa, meditation, prayer, development of all
virtues are at best calculated only to awaken this serpent power (kundalini)
and make it pass through all the succeeding chakras from Muladhara to
Sahasrara Swami Sivananda
(2)Practice of Asana and pranayama
(3)Through constant practice of Yoga and Meditation the practitioner is
expected to transcend his personality from the grossest manifestation of
worldly desires, passions and instincts to that of the subtlest one of
intuition, inspiration, creatively and bliss which are the gate way to spiritual
(4)Kundalini can be awakened through Karma Yoga: passionate desire for
creative activity - Bhakthi Yoga: through developing love and affection for
each and everybody without discrimination Jnana Yoga:


understanding the mysterious phenomenon of nature and with total

surrender to God and also Raja Yoga: through mental discipline by following
the path of eight steps of yogic practices. Only Raja yoga prescribes the
techniques of Asana, pranayama, concentration and meditation to awaken


What are the techniques of meditation? Meditation is the process of

shifting the consciousness from self to something else. It is to be treated as a

way of life. It is not doing but being. In order to reach the state of being, doing
is necessary. Such doing is called the techniques. They are as follows:
(1)Simple Meditation- just sit with an intention to meditate
(2)Sabdha Meditation aware of the sound











(4)Trataka Meditation aware of an object, symbol

(5) Soham Meditation- repetition of the word So-Ham, synchronizing with the in-breath and outbreath
(6) Bhaghya Kumbhaka Meditation- aware of the outer retention
(7) Transcendental Meditation it is a Mantra yoga Meditation- repeating a mantra silently
(8) Jnana Yoga Meditation asking series of question pertaining to life, death, creation, etc.
(9) Subconscious Meditation saturate the mind with sublime thoughts repetition of certain
quotations which are effective to inspire for better living

Jala Samadhi Meditation travel in a boat


Agni Samadhi Meditation observe your own body as dead and being burnt in pyre


Zen Meditation aware of the breathing and count its cycles


Creative Dynamic Meditation a combination of a variety of meditational techniques.


Digital Meditation Registering and reproducing 100 digit numbers


Self Improvement Meditation Repeating positive attributes I am Able.


What are the advantages of meditation?

(1) slows down metabolic rate

(2) heart rate slows down
(3) blood flow increases
(4) lactates effectively removed
(5) when one is calm and serene lactate production is less
(6) Presence of lactate is the symptom of blood pressure reduces blood pressure
(7) Improvement in psychosomatic diseases
(8) Improves intelligence, memory and emotional stability
(10) Mental discipline
(11) Better relaxation than sleep

(12) Inner peace and harmony

(13) Changes take place for better with regard to production of Alpha Waves, blood pressure and pulse rate
(14) Impact in curing incurable diseases e. g. Dr.Carl Simonton cured many terminal cancer patients through
C.R.V.R Meditational techniques C for conviction, R for relaxation through meditation, V for visualization and
R for Radiation treatment.

36. How does one develop extraordinary memory?

(1) The mental block that My memory is poor should be exploded
(2) There is no limit to the capacity of memory, the more you remember, the more you can remember
(3) There is no such thing as bad and good memory. It is only trained and untrained memory.
(4) Everyone can develop his capacity to memorize through Mental Filing system
(5) Interest and motivation are essential requisites for good memory
(6) Memory improves with concentration
(7) Absorption capacity is greater when the mind is at Alpha level
(8) Daily practice mental files. This can constitute Meditational technique
(9) Mental Filing System will also improve imagination and creativity.
(10)Try to memorize 100 digit numbers as a routine to develop concentration and memory.

37. What are the practices and benefits of Pranayama?

(a) Mukha Bhastika Pranayama ventilates and cleans - stimulates the cells and gives a general tone to the
respiratory organs.
(b) Ujjai Pranayama Relieves coughing, aerates the lungs, removes phlegm, soothes the nerve and tones the
entire system- good for persons suffering from high blood pressure intake of prana is more
(c) Nadi Shodhana Pranayama purifies nadis (subtle channels through which prana travels) brings calmness
and tranquillity- blood system is purified of toxins- activates right and left hemispheres of the brain due to
alternate breathing
(d) Kapalabhati Pranayama cleanses the skull portion, activates the brain cells improves memory and
intelligence purifies respiratory system and nasal passages- asthma is relieved carbon dioxide is
eliminated- prevents the growth of grey hair.

(e) Bandhatreya Pranayama brings strength and vitality preserves excess prana in the solar plexus- healthy
life all his life.

38. What is the best way to avoid Procrastination?


Use visible reminders to motivate you to do anything immediately

b. When you have the tendency to postpone repeat the following sentence as many times as possible until
you start doing something Begin and then the work will be completed.

39. How should one develop the art of Public Speaking?


Public speaking ability is to be considered as one of the skills that anyone can develop like driving and

b. One should have a burning desire to become a great public speaker


It takes time and effort to become a good speaker

d. Speak on the subject you know thoroughly well


Plan your speech well


Write only the points for reference and never write the whole speech

g. Have Mental rehearsal as many times as possible

h. Make your speech colourful with anecdotes, stories, quotations and life experiences

Never read written speeches


Be direct and to the point

k. Keep your speech short. Never exceed the time limit.


Choose appropriate words, vary the speed, tone and volume in order to produce the desired effect

m. Ending is very important- end you speech with a laugh, heart stirring or a thought provoking remarks.

40. How should one develop a vibrant Self-image?


Self-image is your own conception of the sort of person you are

b. You build a picture of yourself which you believe is true


All your actions and emotions are consistent with your self-image

d. Self-image can be changed for better


Never undervalue yourself. You have something good to offer.


You are unique, neither superior or inferior to anyone

g. The aim of self-image psychology is to find out the best we have and to bring it out into open
h. You must learn to use your great creative mechanism as a success mechanism

See yourself as a success. Keep this image alive


Your new picture to yourself will become a reality

k. Accept your limitations and live each day spiritedly


Stop holding grudges against others and against yourself

m. Set goals that are reasonable but dont underrate your potential
n. Think for yourself and ask for yourself what it is you want to achieve
o. Life should be a process of continuing growth until death
p. Believe in yourself. The whole business of being successful is to rise above failure
q. To achieve success by overcoming failure and rising above it is a far greater victory, for in that very act you
improve your self-image.

41. What are the techniques to master speed-reading?


the impediments to sped reading are to be avoided slow, laborious horizontal reading, subconscious habit of
saying each word mentally, moving the vocal chords throat, muscles and lips

b. learn to read vertically


learn to interpret large blocks of information at a time

d. develop confidence that you can read and comprehend without loss of meaning when you read fast

to step up comprehension you should step up concentration


skip and skim. They are well-defined skills born out of continued practice

g. find out the main idea in a paragraph

h. never miss to read the summary in each chapter.

The essential objective of the book is contained in the preface


Look for charts and diagrams to get the glimpse of the whole idea.

42. What are the techniques for Stress Management? ]


Raja yoga Practices

b. Meditation

Alpha Waves of Mental State

d. Aware and Beware


Bo-feedback methods


Activating subconscious mind

g. Develop lighter side of life

h. Develop wholesome philosophy in life.

43. How should you activate your subconscious mind? The best way to activate the subconscious mind is to select
short and effective sentences which are of motivating nature and repeat them as many times as possible. Example

Achievement of whatever kind is the crown of effort and the diadem of thought

b. Have faith that I am brave and intelligent


A day without improvement is a day lost

d. Give to the world the best I have


The best way to activate your subconscious mind is to read Sankalpa as many times as possible.

44. What are the essential components of Successful Living?


The concept of success varies from individual to individual

b. Success to be true must have an abiding sense of purpose


Dont expect every hour to be filled with successful venture. Absorb occasional failures gracefully

d. There is no success for free. Pay the price, you have the joy of success

The more you create the greater would be your success and satisfaction


Success for the gratification of ones own cannot be termed as real success. Do something for the humanity at

45. What are the techniques to be adopted for Time Management?


Develop time consciousness. This can be done by understanding the concept of time

b. Formulate goals and objectives Internal and external goals update your goals


Set priorities prepare to-do-list-concentrate on activities bringing rich dividends

d. Enhance your personal qualities-develop assertive behaviour-avoid procrastination by repeating the sentence
Begin and the work will be completed be punctual discard perfectionism

Develop Team Spirit Motivate your staff-give freedom to function independently modify time consuming
procedures train your staff


Refine professional skills learn computer write effective letters prepare reports communicate
effectively learn speed reading- acquire memory skills and memorize calendar

g. Deal with interruptions unexpected visitors telephone and manage skills and memorize calendar
h. Deal with interruptions unexpected visitors telephone and manage your stress effectively

Prepare time budget- action plans review work based on time budget take one project at a time


Organize Professional Life attend meetings with proper agendas maintain proper filing system delegate
judiciously streamline paper work

k. Organize Personal life Maintain good health spend time with family members relax read books and
journals attend important work during peak energy hours TIME MANAGEMENT IS NOTHING BUT

46. What are the principles to amass Fabulous Wealth


Be a master. A servant can never be able to amass wealth. He can get only regular salary based on the workinput

b. Undertake business to amass wealth


Get a new understanding of money dont hate money and rich people

d. Build reserves and invest more


Trade on Equity should be your guiding principle- never hesitate to borrow to start or to expand your


Institutionalized borrowing is better than individual borrowing

g. Develop rich consciousness carry sufficient money all the time buy the best in every thing live in a rich
h. Dont sleep too much and be alert all the time

Constantly equip your knowledge and skills in the field of your business


Learn to understand and interpret the financial statement of your business

k. Never recourse to cheating and lies you will lose your credibility. This wont work in the long run

Give as much as possible for public charity

m. Your attitude in doing business is to help people with quality product and services
n. Pay more attention to recruitment of people
o. Convert partnerships into private companies if formed among friends
p. Understand and apply the principles and practices of Time and Stress Management.

47. How should one develop extraordinary Will-Power?

1) Will power is that positive and creative function of the mind impels, propels and enables us to do chosen actions
in a definitive way, and avoid doing unchosen actions in an equally definitive way.
2) All actions are the manifestations of the will of man
3) Will is directed effort which carries a man through difficulties to success
4) All cases of weak will refer to some form of self-indulgence. A strong will means a group of strongly ingrained
habits of a coherent kind.
5) To cure a bad habit we must begin to form a better one.
6) Habit passes into character which is defined as a completely fashioned will. Every effort is an effort to strengthen
7) A single successful effort of moral volition, such as saying No to some habitual temptation, or performing some
courageous act, will launch a man on a higher level of energy for days and weeks, and thereby his will is
8) Every thought, especially thought charged with feeling, ends to become an action; repeated actions transmute into
9) Think success, dream success, believe it, speak it, and like it, and success will come your way.
10) Mental attitude is a far more powerful factor in developing will-power. Your thought, not your body is your real
11) Practice subconscious meditation to develop will-power. Bring the mind to alpha level and give effective
suggestion to discard your bad habits.
12) Developing will-power is a progressive education, not a sudden miracle.

1. Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) deals with how language, both verbal and non-verbal, affects our nervous

2. NLP provides a systematic framework for directing our own brain.

3. It is a science of how to run your brain in an optimal way to produce the results you desire

4. If I see anyone in this world producing a result I desire, I can produce the same result if I am willing to pay the
price and effort.

5. If you want to achieve success, all you need to do is find a way to model those who have already succeeded.

6. Modeling is the pathway to excellence.

7. Understand the Neuro physiological state you are in

8. Achieving State : Confidence, love, inner strength, joy, ecstasy, belief that tap great wellsprings of personal

9. Paralyzing State: Confusion, depression, fear, anxiety, sadness, frustration that leave us powerless.

10. We all go in and out of good and bad states.

11. Understanding state is the key to understanding change and achieving excellence.

12. A state is the sum of the millions of neurological processes happening within us. In other words, the sum of our
experience at any moment in time

13. How you say things to yourself about the situation at hand create the state you are in

14. Internal representation and physiology work together in a cybernetic loop.

15. Changing states involves changing internal representation and changing physiology

16. When you are feeling physically vibrant and totally alive, dont you perceive the world differently than when
youre tired or sick?

17. Internal representation and physiology are constantly interacting with each other to create the state we are in.

18. Internal representation is not a precise rendering of an event. It is one interpretation as filtered through specific
personal beliefs, attitudes, values, and something called metaprograms.

19. Since we dont know how things really are, but only how we represent them ourselves, why not represent them in
a way that empowers ourselves and others, rather than creating limitations?

20. If we form a representation that things will work, then we create the internal resources we need to produce the
state that will support us in producing positive results.

21. Behaviour is the result of state.

22. Beliefs are the compass and map the guide us towards our goal and give us the surety to now well get there.
Without beliefs people can be totally disempowered.

23. The surest way to create a belief that you can do something is to do it once, just once. If you succeed once, its far
easier to form the belief that youll succeed again. APPLY THIS TO MEMORISING 100 DIGIT NUMBERS.

24. If you want to succeed, it would be wise for you to choose your beliefs carefully.

25. Review your beliefs and decide which one you might change now.

26. You can create your own reality by acting ASIF. It is most effective when you put your physiology in the state
you would like to be.

27. Physiology is the most powerful tool we have for instantly changing states.

28. If you change your physiology i.e. your posture, breathing pattern, muscle tension, your tonality etc, you
instantly change your internal representation and your state.

29. N.L.P looks at the structure of the human experience, not what happened how you put together in your mind
what happened.

30. Nothing has any power over me other than that which I give it through my conscious thought.

31. We structure our internal representation through our five senses.

32. Three major modalities: visual, auditory and kinesthetic.

33. Many of us have certain keys within our own mind that trigger our brain to respond in a particular way.

34. Just as a movie director can change the effect his movie has on his audience, you can change the effect any
experience in life has upon yourself.

35. A director can change the camera angle, the volume and type of music, the speed and amount of movement, the
colour and quality of the image, and thus create any state he wants in his audience.

36. You can also direct your brain in the same way to generate any state or Behaviour that supports your highest
goals or needs.

37. When you feel physically tired or your muscles are weak or you have pain somewhere, you perceive the world
quite differently from when you feel rested, alive, and vital. Physiological manipulation is a powerful tool for
controlling your own state.

38. Physiology depends largely on a healthy level of biochemical functioning.

39. It assumes that you are cleansing and nurturing your body, not clogging and poisoning it.

41. Powerful ways to better health and energy:



b. eating water rich food


effective food combining

d. law of controlled consumption


fruit consumption



42. How do you get a craving for junk food, fast food, additives and chemicals? Create it by habit.


How are habits formed? Through pleasure and pain instincts. Our natural tendency is to experience pleasure
or to avoid pain.


How does one addicted to smoking or alcohol? Rehearsing in his mind repeatedly the pleasure it gives.


The best way to get rid of such habits is again to reprogram the mind to rehearse the harmful effect it brings
to the physiological structure of the body.


Neuro-linguistic programming is one way of conditioning the mind through constant AWARENESS of its



1. The first requisite for developing virility is to maintain excellent health.

2. Tantric Yoga uses sexual union as a vehicle to cosmic enlightenment. It also provides the clue to maintain good

3. Tantra teaches you to explore every aspect of your consciousness, expanding the five senses by awakening the
countless cells that lie dormant.

4. Since it deals with sex there were opposition from various quarters. Hence the techniques were kept secret for
hundreds of years.

5. The system of Tantric Yoga uses the most powerful energy sexual to penetrate spiritual realm.

6. Tantric methods are natural, life affirming, joyful, every act becomes part of your spiritual practice.

7. Love is the very essence of man which is expressed in sexual union.

8. Love is sex energy transformed.

9. In Tantra one can extend the climax to many minutes.

10. Tantra provides a system of techniques for prolonging orgasm in order to experience unity consciousness.

11. The state of enlightenment has been described as perpetual orgasm.

12. This concept has been taken by the West and developed to attain carnal pleasure and name it Multiple Orgasm.
This aspect will be discussed separately.

13. Tantric techniques are designed to attain enlightenment through sex.


14. The following techniques are used in Tantric Yoga



b. Pranayama

Dhyana Meditation

d. Mantra Sound symbol


Yantras - Visual manifestation of Mantras


Mudras gesture to activate body currents

g. Bandhas energy locks to conserve and move pranic energy

h. Maithuna sexual union

15. The purpose of these techniques is to build up a psychic reservoir of energy. One should learn to generate energy
at the navel centre or the solar plexus.

16. That energy reservoir also stimulates the sexual glands. The sexual glands are the key to any higher state of
consciousness. The purpose of tantric exercises is to strengthen those glands.



b. Sarvanga Asana

Matsya Asana

d. Hal Asana


Chakra Asana


Yoga Mudra Asana Bhadra Asana

g. Ardha Matsyendra Asana

h. Pachimottan Asana

Shava Asana


Mukha Bhastrika

b. Ujjayi

Nadi Shodhana

d. Kapalabhatti

Bhandhtreya Pranayama

19. DHYANA: Hong Sau Meditation Hong Sau is the internal sound that is going on within our body as we
inhale and exhale. The breath contains the mantra, which will take you to a very profound space.

20. Coordinate the mantra with the breath and visualization. As you inhale, take the sound Hong from the third eye
down the spinal column to the perineum. As you exhale, pronounce Sau mentally while bringing the energy up
the spine and out the third eye. This stimulates the pituitary gland. Hong sau, some-thing switch to So-huminhale Sau exhale Hong.

21. Just allow it to oscillate, until it reaches the point of breathlessness. You stop breathing externally and start
internally-not like holding your breath-breath stops, thoughts stop-pure state, free of thoughts.

22. You can use Hong-sau for spiritual purposes or at a sexual level to control climax.

23. MANTRAS: They are sounds of power, transcendental sounds which produce a reaction within the human body
and mind. Create a resonance between you and your inner depths. It is the sound, not its meaning.

24. The practice of mantra repetition is called Japa Yoga. Constant repetition of these sounds tunes out other stimuli,
resulting in withdrawal of the senses from the outer world.

25. The OM mantra centres ones thoughts and is good preparation of meditation. It brings relaxation and a sense of
peace within.

26. One secret of using a mantra is to decrease the volume with each repetition until you are able to internalize it, to
hear it in your mind. Using mantra activates certain Chakra.

27. A visual manifestation to activate certain chakras or even the brain for effective functioning.

28. In a separate sheet is given SRI YANTRA one of the Yantras to develop mental powers.

29. Mudras: Prana Mudra inhale as deeply as possible exhale contracting your belly- empty lungs completely
press you chin into your chest contract the anus and focus your attention on the anal area relax contraction,
chin and anus as you inhale slowly- repeat it.

30. Yoni Mudra It is a powerful techniques for sense withdrawal, allowing the mind to turn inward and observe
itself. This should be done by closing your ears, eyes, nose and mouth by your ten fingers.

31. Ashwini Mudra- contracting the anal sphincter creates a heat which you can physically fee.

32. Khechari Mudra close the mouth. Roll the tongue backward so that the normally lower surface touches the
upper palate. Try to bring the tongue tip as far as possible without strain.

Jalandara Bhanda

b. Uddhyana Bhanda

Moola Bhanda

33. Sexual Union Tantric techniques were developed primarily for men. The sexual process should be slow and
relaxed. No sexual goal and ego involvement. It is a transcendental sex on a higher level. If you can remain fully
conscious during sex, you can stay conscious through anything. Prolonged sex takes strength and stamina. You
must be in good physical condition to maintain this arousal. It needs control and dedication to the long range
results of yogic practices. The following are techniques to be adopted by men to delay orgasm.

Take a deep breath and hold for 16 counts.

b. Khechari Mudra

Roll the eyes counter Clock wise three times

d. Tense the anus muscles


Exhale and relax the anus muscles


Repeat three times, then continue sexual union. Once you have control, resume the contractions. Using these
techniques a man can prolong his sexual union for a longer period.

AVINASHA, Published by Kriya Jyoti Tantra Society, 633 Post Street, Suite 647, San Francisco, Ca, 94109 USA.


1. Today, techniques have been perfected to make multiple orgasm an option for almost every man.

2. The ability to control ones penis to literally stay up all night- is not the exclusive domain of Eastern masters.

3. When a man feels good about his sexuality, he feels good about himself. Sexual confidence creates greater
confidence in many other areas of a mans life. It strengthens self-image and it strengthens self-esteem.

4. Your penis is not a separate entity. When youre scared, your penis shows it. When you are excited, your penis
shows it. When youre depressed, your penis knows it.

5. PC muscle (pubcoccyeus muscle) plays a crucial role in the functioning of the penis. It is a group of muscles that
run from the public bone to the tailbone.

6. Male multiple orgasm depends on a strong PC muscles.

7. Place one or two fingers right behind your testicles. The muscle that you use to turn off the flow of urine from the
bladder is your PC muscle.

8. FIRST STAGE: Three times a day, flex the PC twenty times. You do not need to keep your finger on the PC. You
should be able to feel it move internally. PC exercises are easy and can be done anywhere in the car, at the
beach, or while siting at your desk.

9. A multiorgasmic man is able to maintain his erection, even though he has already had an orgasm, and continue
marking love from orgasm to orgasm with no ejaculation.

10. It is possible to have a full orgasm without a simultaneous ejaculation, and therein lies the key to becoming

11. Male multiple orgasm is nothing new. Eastern cultures, for example, have been aware of male multiple orgasm
and non ejaculatory orgasm (NEO) for many years, and it is not difficult to find references to it in their tantric

12. Alfred Kinsey, in his ground breaking book Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male, clearly noted that several
normal men reported having more than one ejaculation with the same erection.

13. SECOND STAGE: Sensual touching exercise. These are not sex acts. They are very loving, very pleasurable
ways of making contact with a partner. Pay attention to exactly where you are touching. Stay in the here and
now. Dont put any pressure on yourself or on your partner. Touching to please not to arouse. Mutual touching.
Most important thing is to stay as relaxed as possible. Just stay with the sensation.

14. THIRD STAGE: Aroused and Awake. Sexual arousal is actually a very complex and sophisticated process.
Arousal can be felt at different levels. Become more intimate with the subtle changes in your body during your
arousal. Arousal is a feeling; it is subjective sense of excitement that can be experienced throughout the body.
Erection is a very objective measure of hardness that is a direct reflection of blood flowing into the organ. A man
can feel very aroused incredibly aroused yet not be erect. Reach a peak means letting your arousal rise to a
certain level and then immediately letting it drop back down. Dont rush your peaks. Each up and down cycle
should take four or five minutes. Stretch them out. Let them build slowly. As your peaks get higher and higher, it
may become more and more difficult to relax. One way to overcome this is by taking deeper and deeper breaths
at each level. A strong PC muscle works like a good set of breaks in your car. You can use it to control your
arousal the way you use your breaks to control your speed. It is also the break you will use to hold back your
ejaculation while you are having an orgasm.

15. FIFTH STATE: Peak into a Plateau there are four different ways to stretch a peak into a plateau

Changing your breathing

b. Squeezing your PC Muscle


Changing your motion

d. Changing your focus. If you can have intercourse without putting any pressure on yourself or on your
partner, try having a few plateaus inside your partner. The most important thing is to just keep practicing, and
practicing and practicing.

16. SIXTH STAGE: Multiple Orgasm. Orgasm and ejaculation do not have to occur together. Having a nonejaculatory orgasm enables you to maintain an erection and continue intercourse. The technique is that as soon as
you have the sensation to ejaculate, squeeze your PC muscle as hard as you can for a few seconds and then open
your eyes. Take a really deep breath. All of the sensations of at least a partial if not a full, orgasm will be there.
But you will not ejaculate. Your PC has stopped your ejaculation while still allowing your body to go into
orgasm. Once you have experienced this partial or full orgasm you need to slow down for a while. Relax for a
few seconds youve earned it. You can continue thrusting, but it shouldnt be vigorous. It is not fair to expect
yourself to be perfect the first time and every item. The key to improvement is that one word: PRACTICE

17. This is a pleasure technique, not a birth control technique, and there are no grades here. Every little bit of control
makes a difference.

Tested and proven techniques are offered in this program to get the following benefits. (Items are kept at random

1. Reach Alpha Waves of Mental State.

2. Get total relaxation within a short spell of time.

3. Prevent the formation of kidney stones.

4. Stimulate your brain cells for intuition and creativity.

5. Remove absent-mindedness

6. Prevent grey hair

7. Get sleep peacefully.

8. Develop assertive behaviour

9. Chart your own bio-rhythm cycles

10. Boost your brain power through yogic techniques

11. Manage your stress comfortably

12. Improve your memory phenomenally you can register and reproduce even 100 digit numbers

13. Learn brain synchronization

14. Stimulate your Right Hemisphere of the brain for creativity and imagination.

15. Brain stimulation to release benefical and desirable brain chemicals for enhanced functioning of the brain.

16. Activate your sexual glands for better performance.

17. Develop peak performance and professional competency.

18. Get enlightenment technique is very simple but needs three Ds, Dedication, Determination and Devotion

19. Chart your own business cycless especially for business people.

20. Prevent all problmes relating to prostate gland

21. Prevent premature ejaculation

22. Quantitaqtively meausre your power of concentration

23. Be a winner all the time.

24. Learn decision making making process based on the cyclic laws of human life

25. Generate abundant energy throughout your life.

26. Develop positive attitudes of life

27. Decrease toxic effect of alcoholism for alcoholics

28. Simple home remedies for blood pressure, constipation, diabetes, headache, heart problem, piles, smoking,
sleeplessness and ulcer.

29. Memorize 100-year calendar a time saving device 30. Develop time consciousness

30. Develop time consciousness

31. Avoid procrastination

32. Absorb more prana (life energy) into your body.

33. Overcome undesirable habits

34. Have a baby of your choice- male or female

35. Develop enchanting human relationship

36. Useful tips to appear for an interview.

37. Send Prana to the desired parts of your body.

38. Awaken Kundalini Shakthi (dormant force of energy)

39. Learn 15 meditational techniques

40. Learn the meditational technique of Dr.Carl simonton who cured several terminal cancer patients through

41. Remember names and telephone numbers.

42. Prepare for and write exams- for students

43. Prolong your longevity.

44. Ventilating and cleansing the lungs

45. Balanced functioning of Right and Left Hemispheres of the brain.

46. Preserve excess prana in the Solar Plexus

47. Set goals and implement them through Psycho-cybernetic techniques

48. Explode your mental blocks

49. Develop confidence to speak in public

50. Activate your subconscious mind to achieve something Great and outstanding in life.

51. Develop vibrant self-image

52. Learn speed reading

53. Improve eye sight

54. Develop confidence and courage

55. Amass fabulous wealth

56. Learn to utilize your time productively and creatively

57. Develop Will-power

58. Remove fear of death

59. Develop cosmic consciousness

60. Learn Yogic Asanas and Pranayama for scintillating health

61. Stimulate your pituitary and pineal glands.



1. life is a series of .. (Fill in the blanks)

2. God appears before you and promises to give you three things. What would you like to get from god?

3. How can you develop intuition?

4. When do you live?

5. Should the mind work faster or slower?

6. Is there s connection between passing urine and breathing?

7. Is it possible to preserve more Prana (Life Energy) in any part of your body?

8. What is confidence?

9. What is courage?

10. How do you develop confidence and courage?

11. Is it possible to absorb more Prana into your body through a technique?

12. What are the few factors conducive for long life?

13. What are the techniques to activate your sexual glands?

14. What is the technique to activate all your brain cells gor better intelligence and creativity?

15. What is the technique to reduce your hypertension instantaneously?

16. What is the technique to prolong your sexual function?

17. What is the one essential requirement to become fabulously rich, without which no one can amass wealth?

18. What is the technique to reduce the temperature off ever?

19. What is the one action of ours that does not boost our brain power?

20. In your wakeful state what is the percentage of your thinking and feeling?

21. What is the technique to send abundant prana to the desired parts of your body?

22. What is the technique to quantitaively measure the power of your concentration?

23. What is the technique to remember telephone numbers?

24. What is the technique to memorize 100- year calendar?

25. What is the difference between tool and technique?

26. Which is the mental state conducive for creativity?

27. Which is the day on which you should not undergo any operation in your life?

28. What is the essential requirements for enchanting human relationship?

29. What is the best remedy for most of our health problems?

30. What is the opposite of stress?

31. When do you get heightened pleasure in eating?

32. With whom are you most u happy in life?

33. Do you think that good people suffer and bad and immoral people prosper?

34. When do you think effectively and creatively?

35. What do you record in the neuron cells of your brain?

36. What are the three main beliefs that prevent us from being happy?

37. What is the difference between the minds of great people and ordinary people?

38. What should you do to avoid criticism from your friends and relatives?

39. What is the greatest gurantee of your health?

40. What is the cause of cancer according to the latest research findings?

41. What should you do when your cheerfulness is lost?

42. What is the surest way to forgive and forget our enemies?

43. What aspect of yourself that people would believe in you?

44. Which is more important: theory or practice?

45. Do you get success in marriage by finding the right person?

46. Why should we love our enemies?

47. What are we mostly afraid of?

48. Which is the best way that you will never have to work a day?

49. Do you expect your car to rise off and fly? Do you expect your dog to speak English? What is the implication of
these questions?

50. Do you possess you habits or do your habits possess you

51. Do you own yourself or somebody else own you?

52. What is an experience?

53. Do you know that most of the thinkers who created industrial empires were unschooled? Who are they?

54. Have you experienced being a genius at any point of time in your life? If So, when?

55. What is freedom?

56. What is the one common factor found among the people who lived long?

57. An executive needs skills and qualities to become successful what should be their ratio?

58. Who is the person making a lot of commitments in his life?

59. When inner silence goes out, outer silence takes its place. Explain this statement with illustration.

60. How do you stimulate your brain?

61. What are the simple methods to find out the sexual virility of a man?

62. What is the short cut to distinction in public life?

63. What is the difference between humility and inferiority complex?

64. What is cosmic consciousness?

65. Would you leave your car in running condition in your garage all night? What is the implication of this question?

66. Can you fall in love with tomorrow?

67. How can you develop will-power?

68. What is the cheapest kind of medicine available on this earth?

69. What money can buy for you and what it cannot buy?

70. Who is a spiritual person?

71. Which is the instance that would give you heightened happiness in life?

72. Which one would provide you with more opportunity to be happy being born rich or poor?

73. What do you do when your watch goes slow or fast? What is the implication of these questions?

74. What is life? What is it composed of?

75. How do you become a good conversationalist?

76. Who is an absent- minded professor?

77. What are the two conditions for happiness?

78. What is a project?

79. What do you do with an unfinished house? Do you condemn it as ugly and useless> What is the implication of
these questions?

80. Wha is the technique to have the baby of your choice- male or female?

81. When there is conflict between imagination and will power, which one would win in he ultimate analysis?

82. Two persons take the same food and live in the same environment(e.g.brothers), one becomes a saint and the
other a criminal. Why?

83. What is the technique to bring out phlegm from your chest?

84. What is the tech nique to be free from kidney stone problem throughout your life?

85. What is the technique to overcome the fear of death in your life?

86. Do you know the story of hare and tortoise? What is the implication of that story?

87. Which is the best time that we reach theta waves of mental state naturally without any effort?

88. What are biorhythm cycles?

89. What are the types of stress that you normally experience in life?

90. What is the differ4ence between a glutton and an ordinary person?

91. Which is the best way to get freedom?

92. What is the difference between a gossip, a bore and a successful person?

93. What type of relationship one should have in married life?

94. How one should pray and work?

95. What is the difference between an optimist and a pessimist?

96. What is the core quality of a genius?

97. Consider TIME as a person. What would you ask him to do?

98. What are the four things that will not come back to you again?

99. How do we judge ourselves and how others judge us?


What should be the main theme of religion?


How do you get inner clam?


How should we choose our friends?


What is the best form of prayer?


Sit loosely in the saddle of life? Explain its implication.


It is better to wear out than to rust out. What does it imply?


Why is it that we rejoice at the birth and grieve at a funeral?


Time never takes off. Explain.


It is magnificent to grow old, if one keeps young. What does it imply?


Every person has three characters. What are they?


What would you do to make your marriage successful?

111.Which is the worst kind of pverty?


A good husband should be A good wife should be ..


The is the cheapest.


Humility is the surest sign of ..


No entertainment is so cheap as .., nor any pleasure lasting.


The first test of a truly great man is his..


What is bought is cheaper than ..


How do you distinguish material success from spiritual success?


What is defeat?


Why is it that peace is better than war?


What is the difference between happy family and unhappy family?


Who is learned and wise?


What is fashion?


What should you do in the company of sensible men?


What should you do to develop scintillating health?


Who is the man of wisdom?


What is personality


What is the secret of success of Thomas Alva Edison?


What is the measure of success in this world?


How can you use intuition?


Which is the best way to be happy?


What is the quality of a saint?


What are the hallmarks of a genius?


What is the difference between natural scientist and a divine scientist?


How do you reach success?


What are the indispensable conditions for success?


How do you become king of kings?


How do you role out master pieces from you hand?


What is the best remedy for procrastination?


Where does success come from?


What is the purpose of meditation?


What is love?


What is the best time to be happy?


Which is the mark of true spirituality?


While breathing in, should the abdomen go inside or outside?


What is life? Give a true but humorous definition.


How death can be used as a book for effective living?


What should you do to prevent ill health?


What is the price that you pay for your hatred disposition?


How can you build your mind temple for a glorious life?


What should be the attitude toward your married partner?


What is cheerfulness?


Everyone is selfish in this world. How do you react to this statement?


What is the best gift that parents can offer to their children?


Can you be angry without being anger?


What is the location of semen bag in our body? Is it above or below the sex organ?


What is the technique to reduce the butterfly feeling before addressing a group of people?


Which is the one autonomous function of the body which can be easily brought under voluntary control?


Who is rich? Who is poor?


When do you think and when do you feel?


What is humility? Give a metaphorical explanation.


What is the best way to get good idea?


What should be your attitude when yuread any good book/


What is morality?


What is spirituality?


How do you easily play a joke on a man who likes to argue with you?


How do you get perennial flow of energy?


Which is the easiest way to become richer and richer?


What is the symptom of an enlightened person?


What is the difference between animals and human beings?


How can you grow old but never get old?


How can we make conflicts into personal growth


What is the best investment for financial security?


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