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delete from xpagado6;

insert into xpagado6

select distinct a.type, a.invoice, a.datecr, a.to_1, a.from_1, a
.ctry_to, a.payout, a.payin,
a.idbank, a.netamt, a.telex, a.urgency,, a.handling,, a.status, a.copy,
a.receipt, b.tipo, b.idnbr, b.zona, b.castra,@datecr, b.val_comi
, a.branchpayer ,
e.postto, e.idnbr, e.zona, e.castra, , a.iva
from invoice a
inner join xbranc b on substring(a.invoice,1,3)=b.idnbr
inner join banks c on a.idbank=c.idbank
inner join banks d on c.pagador=d.idbank
inner join xbranc e on d.brcnb=e.postto
where (a.receipt between @datecr+ ' 00:00:00' and @datecr1+ ' 2
3:00:00') and e.tipo ='n'
and (a.status='P')
and a.type='M'
and (a.branchpayer is not null and len(rtrim(a.branchpayer)) = 3
and (a.branchpayer in (select branc from xoficinas where matriz
in(2)) or a.branchpayer in (select branc from xoficinas where online=0 and matr
iz=0 and castra='z' and zona=5 ))--and branc not in ('577','641')) )
and substring(a.idbank,1,3) not in ('326','037') and b.tipo in
delete from xpagado6 where postto in ('n52');
delete from xpagado6 where substring(invoice,1,3) in (select bra
nc from xoficinas where castra='t');
--update hrecicorrdbk set fecha_pag=x.receipt,pagx='T',comisionp
update hrecicorrdbk set fecha_pag=x.receipt,pagx='T',comisionpag
from hrecicorrdbk
inner join xpagado6 x on x.invoice=hrecicorrdbk.invoice
where x.tipo not in ('N')
--giros pagados Nacionales (captados por DELBANK pagados por Ofi
cinas de DTravel
--update xpagcon set ctacor='T',handling=x.netamt*(0.50/100)
update xpagcon set ctacor='T',handling=0.47
from xpagcon
inner join xpagado6 x on x.invoice=xpagcon.invoice
where x.tipo in ('N')

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