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The Honorable of adjudicators
The Honorable of audience
Ladies and Gentlemen
Assalammu'alaikum Wr.Wb.
First of all, let us pray toward praise and thanks to Allah SWT. Because of grace and
grant, we all can be present in this place, in English Speech Competition.
HIV ( Human Immunodeficiency Virus ) is a virus that can cause AIDS . This virus
attacks the human immune system and attack ( immunity ) of the body , so the body becomes
weak in fighting infection . In other words , the presence of this virus in the body will cause a
deficiency immune system . HIV is a terrible disease is still one of the main causes of death
among men and women and the developing and developed countries .
HIV is a virus that is usually transmitted from one person to another through sexual
contact . People who have been infected with the HIV virus will be exposed to a disease caused
by the HIV virus , which is AIDS . The HIV virus that has entered into the person's body will not
cause visible symptoms that sufferers look physically normal as not being affected by the disease
. However, please be aware , though outside drai HIV appear normal , but he can transmit the
virus to others in ways that may not be realized by the patient .
AIDS ( aquired immunodeficiency Snydrome ) is the final stage of an infectious disease
caused by the HIV infection to organ systems of the body including the brain causing damage to
the immune system . Symptoms of HIV AIDS does not just immediately arise . But he would
arise if it had been years .
The symptoms of HIV disease AIDS is :
1 . Prolonged high fever
2 . Patients will experience shortness of breath , coughing , chest pain and fever
3 . Loss of appetite , and vomiting all the
4 . Experiencing chronic diarrhea
5 . Patients will lose body weight up to 10 % below normal .
6 . cough berekepanjangan
7 . Fungal infections of the mouth and esophagus
8 . Swollen lymph nodes throughout the body ( below the ears , neck , armpits , and groin )

9 . less memory
10 . headache
11 . difficulty concentrating
12 . Response limbs slowed
13 . Often pain and tingling in the hands and feet
14 . Experiencing low blood pressure
15 . Tendon reflexes were less
16 . Chicken pox virus attacks and smallpox fire
17 . Hair skin tissue infections
18 . Dry skin with patches .

Transmission HIV-AIDS is :
1 . Sex
2 . Oral sex
3 . Anal sex
4 . transfusion
5 . The use of shared needles ( acupuncture , tattoo needles , piercing fragrant ) .
6 . Between mother and baby during pregnancy , birth and lactation .

HIV- AIDS medicine :

1 . NRTIs ( nucleoside or nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors )
2 . NNRTI ( non - nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors )
3 . PI ( protease inhibitor ) Fusion Inhibitors

How to prevent HIV- AIDS is ;

1 . Do not engage in sexual relations outside of marriage

2 . Do not keep changing sexual partners
3 . Abstrinensi ( not having sex )
4 . Use a condom , especially for high- risk behavior groups should not be a blood donor
5 . A mother who was diagnosed HIV positive should not be pregnant .
6 . The use of disposable syringes should
7 . Stay away from drugs .

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