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Introduction: A very good morning to our beloved Madam Izzati and fellow friends .

Today I want to
give a speech about ways to reduce the number of road accidents. Many people are involved in road
accidents. Some are killed. Many more are injured. Vehicle accidents are a very big cause of death in
our society, and where the government is often called upon to improve safety.
Thesis statement: There are many ways to reduce the number of road accidents such as Improve
signage, raise speed limits only on the safe roads and get drunk drivers of the road.




Improve Signage
A. Uniform interstate signage so that the road users know their speed limits.
1. 25 MPH at city streets ; Foot-long street signs were fine.
2. 34-45 MPH at suburban roads .
3. 55 MPH at country roads.
B. Need bigger and more signs to inform the road users clearly.
1. The corner of the street .
2. Announce the next street.
3. The street beside the traffic light.
Raise speed limits only on the safe roads to prevent any accident.
A. The road location.
1. Highways- Motorists would leave dangerous back roads where they can drive fast
because of limited police patrols.
2. Back roads- moving traffic from back roads to major highways was a factor in the
decrease of traffic accidents since the 1995 repeal of the national 55 MPH speed
B. Size of the vehicle.
1. Lower speeds for bigger vehicle.
C. The time.
1. Lower speeds for night than day.
Get drunk drivers off the road because they will harm themselves as well as the other
road users.
A. Discouraging people from driving drunk or otherwise impaired is a proven method of
reducing traffic accidents.
1. Campaign to ask people not to drive distracted:a. Eating.
b. Reading a map.
c. Talking on a cell phone.
d. Arguing with passengers.
2. Public awareness and messages targeted at bartenders.
B. Lower blood-alcohol limits.
1. Making more people aware that even a little alcohol impairs their driving .

Closing : Thus, the government should improve the signage by standardizing interstate signage and
enlarging the size of the signboards and put more signs on the road. Furthermore, road users should
know where and when they can raise their speed. Other than that, the drunk drivers should be
restricted from driving, so the bartenders also have to play their vital roles in this effort of reducing the
number of alcoholics on the roads. Accidents hurt, safety doesnt. In conclusion, everybody has their
own responsibility in making the road safer for them as road users. Therefore, we have to try our best
to avoid any accidents on the road. I am very thankful to the audience for lending me your ears.

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