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In the lecture , the professor made the several points about then effect of forest

fire. The professor argues that forest fire can actually be good for the forest , not
bad. The talk by the professor however ,is different from the reading. According to
the reading , forest fires are harmful to the land and should be stopped. But the
professor casts doubt about on the reading.

The first point the teacher makes is that if there are too many trees , it is hard for
some trees to get light and nutrition. This means that trees are not healthy . The
professor's point is different from the reading. The reading passage states 5hat it is
good to have a lot of trees in the forest . But the lecture shows that too many tree
is actually bad for the forest.

Another point made by the professor is that burning a forest actually puts more
nutrients into the land. This is not what the reading says. The reading says that
fires take nutrients out of the soil , However , the professor says there are more
nutrients at the top for plants use.

In conclusion , the professor challenges the claims made in the reading passage by
showing that forest fires are sometimes needed for a healthy forest.

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