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Character Breakdown

Legally Blonde the musical is the epitome of an ensemble

show. The age range for the characters is 21 65. There
are multiple opportunities for cameos, and featured parts
in dances, songs, and scenes.
Elle Woods (20s)
The quintessential Valley Girl who follows her ex-boyfriend to Harvard Law School and realizes that she has more to offer
than just a pretty face and a bubbly personality. A true triple threat with a soprano belt.

Emmet Forrest ( 20s)

A smart and sensitive law student who takes Elle under his wing. A strong singer and actor with good comic timing.

Margot, Serena, Pilar (20s)

Elles sorority sisters. Margot, Serena, and Pilar are Elles entourage who follow her through the story acting as a Greek
chorus. Strong singers and dancers with good comic timing and youthful energy.

Paulette Buonofuonte (30s mid 40s)

Owner of Hair Affair, a local salon, who is friends with Elle and longs to find a man for herself. Brash and funny, Boston
accent a plus, a strong singer with a soprano belt.

Professor Callahan (40 s mid 50s)

A pompous and manipulative law professor at Harvard. A shark in the courtroom who will win at any cost.
Warner Huntington III (20s)
Attractive, but pompous. Charm and charisma. Breaks Elles heart. Will do whatever it takes to achieve his
dream of becoming a senator.
Vivienne Kensington (20s)
Overachieving, smart and savvy law student. Intellectually driven, yet feels threatened by Elles presence at
Enid Hoops (20s)
Feminist law student at Harvard.
Kyle B. OBoyle (late 20s to mid 30s)
Attractive, physically fit, UPS delivery man. Paulettes dream man. May double with another role. No singing,
but featured in the River Dance number.
Brooke Wyndham ( late 20s mid 30s)
An exercise video star and former sorority girl. Needs a high level of aerobic stamina while singing.

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An actor/actress may be cast in two or even three roles listed below
Sundeep Padamadan (20s)
Foreign Harvard law student. Former leader of his country. May double with another role. Featured in The
Harvard Variations.
Aaron Schultz (20s)
Smug and arrogant Harvard law student. Featured in The Harvard Variations.
Nikos Argitakos (early 20s mid 30s)
Brooke Wyndhams pool boy. Featured presence in Gay or European. May double with another role.
Carlos ( early 20s mid 30s)
Nikos best friend. Money note in Gay or European. May double with another role.
Leilani (20s)
Delta Nu sorority sister.

Kate (20s)
Delta Nu scholastic chair. Featured in What You Want.

Grand Master Chad (20s)

UCLA frat boy. Featured in What You Want.

Winthrop, Pforzheimer, Lowell ( 40s 60s)

Harvard Law admissions officers.
Dewey (30s mid 40s)
Paulettes trailer-trash ex- husband. Character actor who may double with another role. One scene with a few
lines, but no singing.
Chutney Wyndham (mid 20s mid 30s)
Brooke Wyndhams jealous step-daughter. Featured in the courtroom as a witness. Character actress who may
double with another role.
Whitney (20s)
Harvard law student whose father is next in line to be the Speaker of the House.

Elles Mom and Dad ( 40s mid 50s)

High society socialite and rich golfer respectively.
Judge, court stenographer, D.A. Joyce Riley, TV reporter ( any age)
Featured characters in the courtroom trial of Brooke Wyndham.
Cashier at Hair Affair, Colorist at Hair Affair (any age)
Prisoners at Bostons Womens Correctional Facility, UCLA students, Harvard Law students, courtroom
spectators, Sales personnel, (all ages)

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