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9th Grade Health and Physical Education

Teacher Contact Information:

Mr. Scott Cortazzo
Room 111
Course Overview:
This Health and Physical Education course provides the students with an understanding of their
physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being. The course meets the Pennsylvania state
standards and National standards for 9th grade health and physical education. Students will gain
knowledge through the use of projects and activities that will enable them to study how the
human body moves and adapts to physical activity.
Course Objectives:
Students will keep a notebook, preferably in digital form on the iPad, on their daily
physical activities.
Students will participate in interactive lessons designed to enhance classroom discussions
Students ebook health book will be used as a key resource throughout the Health portion
of the course, having quizzes and exams based off book information and assigned
research articles.
Books and Materials:
Textbook Glencoe Health ebook
Charged iPad
Research articles will be digitally provided when necessary.
Course Rules:
Be Prepared
Wear proper P.E. footwear, i.e. sneakers, school required P.E. uniforms, hair tied back
Participation is required in every activity, no exceptions. Athletes must dress even on
game days.
Participate with full effort and seriousness in all activities
Play Fair
Adhere to the rules and instructions of the lesson
Display honesty during all activities
Allow equal opportunity for others to participate
Play Safe
Cooperate with teacher and classmates
Show good Sportsmanship in all activities
Always be in control of your movements
Be Respectful
Listen to instructions, wait until you are told to move to begin the activity
Respect not only your classmates, but equipment and the property that we use in class

1st offense verbal warning
2nd offense warning and be required to sit and receive zero (0) for participation on the
3rd offense Demerit will be considered and parent/guardian will be contacted
No uniform The student will require to compose a two page paper on Mr. Cortazzos
choice of research topic to earn back the days participation points. The paper will be due
within one day of receiving the assignment, if it is not turned in, the student will receive a
zero(0) for participation points on the undressed day. Paper will be double spaced, size
12 Times New Roman, front and back with citations.
Physical Education Grading:
Grading will be based off the total points from the following: Participation, Effort, Fitness
Projects, Quizzes, and Skill Assessments.
Physical Education Requirements:
Students are required to be dressed and ready for class within 5 minutes after the bell
Students must be in proper uniform
o School issued Shirt and Shorts Purchased at Ravine Inc.
o White socks
o Clean gym shoes
o No Jewelry
o Uniforms must be washed weekly or as needed
If a student does not dress properly for class, they will receive half credit for the day and
are still required to participate. If a student does not participate, they will receive a zero
for participation that day and be given the writing assignment. Modifications will be
given for sick or injured students.
Athletes must participate fully in class and dress even on game days, no exceptions.
Students will have 5-10 minutes to change prior to the end of the period to change and or
Students will not be dismissed until the locker room area is clean.
A teacher in both the male and female locker room areas will always supervise students.
At no time should students be in the locker room unsupervised.
Locker Rooms:
Students are responsible for their own locker and making sure it is locked after each use.
Locks will be distributed to each student and recollected upon the course ending.
Any lost or stolen items in the locker room are not the schools responsibility.
The locker room will be locked when not being used.
All student valuables, except iPads when being used, will be locked in the locker room.
No student will be permitted in the locker room during class.
Health Grading:
Grading will be based off the total points from the following areas: Projects, Homework, Tests,
and Participation.
Health Requirements and Expectations:

Students should expect to fully utilize their school issued iPad. It will be required for
students to have them for each class and to be fully charged. Students with no iPads will
be given additional assignments.
iPads will only be used when directed. Failure to comply with BG iPad usage rules will
result in loss of iPad privileges.
Students are expected to have work completed the day it is due. Failure to turn work in
on time will result in 50% credit one (1) day late, and a zero after two (2) days late.
The majority of assignments will be turned in through their eBackpack, unless otherwise
directed by the teacher. Submission dates and times may vary and will clearly be posted
in eBackpack.

Students are expected to attend class each day and arrive on time. When an absence occurs,
students will have the number of days they were absent to turn in their work. The late
assignment policy listed above will be applied when work is not submitted on time. Due
assignments being on eBackpack, students are encouraged to work on their assignments while
absent, thus keeping on track with the course.
Students absent on P.E. Days will need to complete the two page writing assignment listed
previously to make up the days participation points.
Grading Scale:
94 100
93 85
75 84
70 74
Below 70


** Extra Credit: Extra credit points may be earned to any student who volunteers or
participates in a community wellness event such as 5k race, obstacle course, triathlon, etc.
Official Bib/Registration and official times with your name must be given to the teacher to earn
*This syllabus is subject to change, if changes are made, a new syllabus will be provided.

I have read and understand the rules and expectations of the Health and Physical
Education course for 2016-2017.
Students Signature


Parents Signature


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