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Leading to a Bright Future

Year 1 Thu Thiem / Thao Dien Unit of Inquiry 1 Overview

Who We Are
Transdisciplinary Theme
Who we are: An inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values, personal, physical,
mental, social, and spiritual health; human relationships including, family, friends,
communities and cultures; rights and responsibilities, and what it means to be human.
Central Idea
Healthy relationships depend on developing a variety of skills and attitudes.
Function. Causation. Connection.
Related concepts
Relationships. Problem Solving. Cooperation. Fair Play.
Lines of Inquiry

How friends are made and kept

Why friends are needed

Characteristics that develop healthy relationships


Phonics, Spelling and Vocabulary

Hear, read and write initial letter sounds

Know the name and most common sounds associated with every letter in
the English alphabet.

Spell familiar common words accurately, drawing on sight vocabulary.

Grammar and Punctuation

Identify sentences in a text


Know that in English, print is read from left to right and top to bottom

Anticipate what happens next in a story

Talk about significant aspects of a storys language, e.g. repetitive refrain,

rhyme, patterned language

Enjoy a range of books, discussing preferences

Know the parts of a book, e.g. title page, contents


Develop a comfortable and efficient pencil grip

Form letters correctly

Speaking and Listening

Speak clearly and choose words carefully to express feelings and ideas
when speaking of matters of immediate interest

Converse audibly with friends, teachers and other adults

Take turns in speaking

Listen carefully to questions and instructions


Recite numbers in order (forwards from 1 to 100, backwards from 20 to 0)

Read and write numerals from 0 to 20

Count objects up to 20, recognising conservation of number

Use more or less to compare two numbers, and give a number which lies
between them

Order numbers to at least 20 positioning on a number track; use ordinal


Give a sensible estimate of some objects that can be checked by counting,

e.g to 30


Name and sort common 2D shapes (e.g. circles, squares, rectangles and
triangles) using features such as number of sides, curved or straight. Use them to
make patterns and models.

Recognise basic lines of symmetry

Problem Solving

Find many combinations.

Number puzzles.

During the first unit of inquiry, students in Physical Education will be involved in Adventure
Based Learning with a focus on the learner profile and team work. Students will be
actively engaged in a range of activities that will encourage them to get to know each
other, develop confidence and improve gross motor skills associated with a range of
Y1 and Y2 Swimmers are introduced to the first level of swim lessons for their age
group/class. Students become familiar utilizing training tools such as noodles and
kickboards and bubbles while learning beginner swim skills together with water games
and exercises to encourage fun and confidence. One swim teacher and one lifeguard on
duty at all times during class.



*Language focus: FRIENDSHIP

Year 1 will begin a Unit of Inquiry related to
the central idea: Healthy friendships
depend on developing a variety of skills and
attitudes. In VLC lessons we will inquiry
into main characteristics that develop
healthy friendships. We also focus on the
area of greeting and making new friends.
Students will learn how to greet others as
well as introducing themselves in
They will also participate in a variety
traditional games that require good
teamwork skills.

In unit 1, year 1 VNC will be focused on

Vietnamese phonics, the alphabet, storytelling, handwriting:

Phonics, alphabet and handwriting:

a, , , b, c, d,
Story-telling: Ra v th - story
about the rabbit and the turtle / kh
v ra-story about the monkey and
the turtle/ Chia phn story about

*Culture focus: MOON FESTIVAL

Moon festival focus on acknowledgement of
the date and traditional games.

In Music students will be singing songs connected to RELATIONSHIPS, focusing

on the Music Elements of Duration (staying time to a steady beat) and Pitch
(singing in tune). Songs will include Best Friends and Youve got a friend in me
from the Movie Toy Story. Students will also learn a Vietnamese a song about
Moon Festival: Chiec Den Long.
Central Idea: A variety of lines are used in creating an artwork.
Lines of Inquiry:

How do lines help to express ideas and tell a story in works of art?

How do I choose the appropriate lines for my art work to show emotions or tell a

Jeremey Fitzpatrick PYP coordinator

Bjorn Billson, Jo Hendren Year 1 teachers Thao Dien
Taylor Oughton, Loretta Wayth Year 1 teachers Thu Thiem

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