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Produsele DUROL GS 5400V sunt grunduri anticorozive monocomponente pe baza de

rasini alchidice si fosfat de zinc. Buna rezistenta la ceata salina, buna rezistenta la caldura
si umiditate, buna rezistenta la apa si stropiri cu produse petroliere (uleiuri minerale,
benzina, motorina, hidrocarburi, etc.), buna rezistenta la variatii de temperatura,
caracteristici mecanice bune, buna aderenta la suport, buna rezistenta la intemperii.
DUROL GS 5400V products are one-component anticorrosive primers based on alkyd resins and
zinc phosphate. Good resistance to salt spray, good resistance to heat and humidity, good
resistance to water and sprinkling with petroleum products (mineral oils, petrol, gas, hydrocarbons,
etc.), good resistance to temperature variations, good mechanical characteristics, good adherence
to substrate, good weather resistance.


Recommended use

Sunt indicate ca strat primar sau intermediar in sistemele de protectie a reperelor din
metal care se exploateaza in mediu marin, in industria petroliera, industria chimica si
industria alimentara, care lucreaza in medii cu agresivitate clasa 1m -3 m.
Sunt recomandate pentru protectia anticoroziva a suprafetelor metalice noi, precum si
pentru intretinerea sau repararea suprafetelor care au mai fost vopsite.
Sunt utilizate pentru:
-finisari de vagoane, lucrari de vopsitorie CFR cum ar fi protectia anticoroziva a podurilor
metalice de cale ferata, a instalatiilor si a elementelor metalice de la linia de contact, etc.;
-protectia constructiilor supraterane apartinand retelelor electrice;
-protectia anticoroziva a constructiilor metalice: poduri, structuri de rezistenta, confectii
metalice diverse, s.a.;
-in domeniul naval la suprastructura navelor si platformelor marine.
They are recommended as primary or intermediate coats in protective systems for metal parts
exploited in the marine environment, oil industry, chemical industry and food industry, which work
in environments with aggressiveness of 1m -3 m class.
They are recommended for the anticorrosive protection of new surfaces and for the maintenance or
repairing of previous painted surfaces.
They are used for:
-finishing of wagons, railway painting works, like metallic railway bridges anticorrosive protection,
installations and metallic elements of the contact line, etc.;
-over ground buildings protection which belong to the electric nets;
-anticorrosive protection of metallic constructions: bridges, resistance structures, different metallic
confections, etc.;
-within the field of ships to ships superstructure and marine platforms.

Temperatura de lucru

90 - 100C max.


Produsele GS 5400V sunt omologate tehnic de Autoritatea Feroviara Romana AFER cu

Certificat de Omologare Tehnica Feroviara seria OT Nr.: 169/2002 si OT Nr.: 172/2002.
Produsele GS 5400V sunt certificate de Germanischer Lloyd (Nr : 47 603 -03HH) ca
materiale de propagare lenta a flacarii.
Produsele au agrement tehnic Nr: 004- 07 /643-2002 elaborat de INCERTRANS Bucuresti
si emis de Comisia de Agrement Tehnic in Constructii a MLPTL- Bucuresti.

Service temperature


GS 5400V products are technically homologated by ROMANIAN RAILWAY AUTHORITY with

Certificate of Railway Technical Homologation series OT No.: 169/2002 and OT No.: 172/2002.
GS 5400V products are approved as low flame spread materials by Germanischer Lloyd
(No 47 603 - 03 HH).
The products have technical agreement Nr: 004 - 07/ 643 -2002, drawn up by INCERTRANS Bucharest, issued by Technical Agreement Committee in Construction of MLPTL Bucharest.

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Se fabrica intr-o gama variata de culori si nuante, conform cartelei proprii, cartelei
RAL 841GL sau conform mostrei furnizate de client.
They are manufactured in various colour shades in accordance with the proper colour card,
RAL 841 GL colour card or with the purchasers sample.






Volum de solide

44% approx.


SREN ISO 2811-1: 2002

Duritate Persoz, min.

1.25 kg/l approx.

(at 20 C)
100 -130 s
(at 20 C, cup, 4 mm)
50 s

Aderenta, grila de 1 mm

SREN ISO 2409 :2003

Uscare, approx.

(at 20 C, 50 5% rel. hum.)



Volume solids

Specific gravity

Timp de scurgere
Flow time

Persoz hardness, minimum

Adherence to substrate, 1 mm grid


IL-DC- 09
SREN ISO 1522 :2002

ASTMD 1640:2003
4 hours
7 hours
12 luni de la data fabricatiei, in conditiile respectarii prevederilor de ambalare si
depozitare. In functie de conditiile de depozitare, inaintea utilizarii se recomanda
amestecarea produsului.

Dry to touch (Tip B)

Dry to handle (Tip D)

Valabilitate in ambalaj

Shelf life

12 months from the production date, with the observance of the storage and packing
Depending on the storage conditions, it is recommended to stir the product before use.


Metoda de aplicare

pensulare / roluire

pulverizare aer

pulverizare airless

Diluant utilizat / Dilutie

D 551 (10 - 12%)

D 551 (12 -15%)

D 551 (5 - 10%)


3 - 4 atm.

150 - 170 atm

Diametru duza

1.8 - 2.5 mm

0.018 - 0.022

Curatare instrumente

D 551 thinner

Grosime strat umed

90 m approx.

SREN ISO 2808: 2002

Grosime strat uscat

* 40 m approx.

SREN ISO 2808:2002

* Grosime tipica strat uscat :40- 50 m

Application method
Thinner / Thinning

Nozzle orifice

Cleaning of tools

Typical wet film thickness

Typical dry film thickness

brushing (touch up) / rolling

air spraying

airless spraying

* Typical dry film thickness : 40-50 m

Interval de reacoperire

Vezi mai jos REACOPERIRE

See RE-COATING below

Consum teoretic

112.5 g /m approx. - 40 m
11.2 m /l approx. - 40 m

Re-coating interval

Theoretical spreading rate

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Consum practic
Practical spreading rate



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Randamentul practic este functie de conditiile de aplicare (geometria suprafetei, metoda

de aplicare, conditiile de mediu) si poate fi 1.2 - 1.5 x randamentul teoretic.
Practical spreading rate depends on the application conditions (surface geometry, application
method, environmental conditions) and can be 1.2 - 1.5 x theoretical spreading rate.


Nu se recomanda amestecarea produselor seria GS 5400V cu alte produse.

(alte produse = diluanti, agenti de curatare- altele decat cele recomandate de producator).
Mixing GS 5400V series products with other products is not recommended.
(other products = thinners, cleaners - others than those recommended by producer)


Gradul de pregatire a suportului este determinant in obtinerea performantelor sistemului

de protectie. Suportul nu trebuie sa aiba defecte de suprafata (suprapuneri de material,
fisuri, stropi de sudura, etc.).
Suprafete metalice noi: sablare la gradul Sa 2 in conformitate cu SRENISO 8501-1:2002
sau 2 conform STAS 10166 / 1- 77, pregatirea suprafetei realizandu-se in conformitate cu
SREN ISO 8504-1:2003, SREN ISO 8504-2:2003, SREN ISO 8504-3:2003.
Se desprafuieste apoi suprafata cu aer comprimat.
Suprafete metalice vechi: indepartare vopsea veche, degresare cu detergent,
indepartarea sarii sau a altor contaminanti prin curatare cu apa (la presiune ridicata),
sablare la minim Sa 2 sau curatare mecanica la gradul St 3 (periere energica in directii
perpendiculare), desprafuire. Se evita lustruirea suprafetelor.
The degree of substrate preparation is decisive for the protective system performance. The
substrate should not present surface defects (material overlapping, cracks, welding drops, etc.).
New metallic surfaces: abrasive blasting at Sa 2 in accordance with SRENISO 8501-1:2002 or 2 in
accordance with STAS 10166 / 1 -77, surface preparation is achieved in accordance with SREN ISO
8504-1:2003, SREN ISO 8504-2:2003, SREN ISO 8504-3:2003. Then the surface is dedusted with
compressed air.
Old metallic surfaces: removal of the existing paint, degreasing with detergent, removal of salt or
other contaminants by high pressure fresh water cleaning, abrasive blasting minimum Sa 2 or
mechanical cleaning at St3 (strong brushing in perpendicular directions), dedusting. The surface
polishing should be avoided.



Grundurile seria GS 5400V se vor aplica pe suprafete curate si uscate, ce vor avea
temperaturi peste temperatura punctului de roua, pentru evitarea condensarii umiditatii pe
suport. Umiditatea relativa va fi de max. 70%. Aplicarea decurge in conditii optime daca se
asigura o temperatura a mediului ambiant si a amestecului de 10 - 30C.
GS 5400V series primers should be applied only on dry and clean surfaces with temperatures above
the dew point temperature in order to avoid condensation. The relative humidity should be of max.
70%. Application is made under optimal conditions if is ensured a temperature of the ambient
environment and mixture of 10 - 30C.


Grundurile seria GS 5400V sunt destinate acoperirilor profesionale.

GS 5400V series primers are destined to professional uses.

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Se conditioneaza produsul la temperatura de 10 - 30C si se omogenizeaza bine. Inainte

de aplicare se dilueaza produsul in proportiile recomandate sau in proportiile necesare
pentru a obtine grosimile de pelicula cerute.
Astfel pregatite, grundurile seria GS 5400V se pot aplica:
-pe suprafete metalice noi sablate la minim Sa 2 1/2 sau pregatite prin curatare mecanica
gradul la St3;
-pe suprafete metalice care au mai fost acoperite, pregatite corespunzator prin curatare
mecanica la gradul St3;
-ca strat primar in sistemele de protectie alchidice ale suprafetelor din otel;
-ca strat intermediar, aplicate peste grunduri epoxidice: seria G 3202-1, G3201, G 3200S,
GSP 3200;
Straturile succesive de grund seria GS 5400V se pot aplica dupa uscarea completa la aer
(min. 9 ore la 20C) a stratului anterior sau in sistem ud-ud, aplicat prin pulverizare la
35-40 minute de la aplicarea primului strat.


The product should be conditioned at 10-30C and thoroughly homogenized. Before application the
product should be thinned in recommended proportions or in necessary proportions for obtaining the
required thickness of the film.
Thus prepared the GS 5400V series primers can be applied:
-over new metallic surfaces blasted minimum Sa 2 or prepared by mechanical cleaning at St3;
-over metallic surfaces coated before, properly prepared by mechanical cleaning at St3;
-as primary coat in alkyd protection systems of steel surfaces;
-as intermediate coat applied over epoxy primers: G 3202-1, G 3201 series, G 3200S series, GSP
3200 series.
Successive coats of GS 5400V primer can be applied after complete air drying (min. 9 hours at
20C) of the previous coat, or in wet- on- wet system, applied by spraying 35 - 45 minutes after the
application of the first coat.


In conditiile unei ventilatii suficiente, intervalele optime de reacoperire pentru grundurile

seria GS 5400V, la temperatura de 20C, sunt urmatoarele (pentru o grosime de strat
uscat de 40 m):


Under conditions of sufficient ventilation the optimum re-coating intervals for GS 5400V series
primers (40 m dry film thickness), at 20C temperature, are as follows:

GS 5400 V

ES 5400 V
7 zile
7 days

24 h
24 h

7 zile
7 days

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Inainte de reacoperire, dupa expunerea in medii contaminate, suprafetele vor fi bine

curatate prin spalare cu jet de apa la presiune ridicata, urmata de uscare. In cazul
depasirii intervalului maxim de reacoperire, se va proceda la o asperizare a suprafetei
pentru a se asigura o buna aderenta pentru straturile urmatoare.
Atingerea intervalelor maxime de reacoperire, asigurarea unei bune aderente, precum si
bune proprietati mecanice implica asigurarea urmatoarelor:
-grundul trebuie aplicat intr-o grosime de strat uscat in jurul valorii de 40 m;
-stratul de grund obtinut trebuie sa fie uniform, de buna calitate si fara urme de pulverizare
-conditiile de uscare vor fi conform celor specificate la punctul CONDITII DE APLICARE
pana la intarirea completa;
-suprafetele TREBUIE sa fie perfect curate inaintea reacoperirii.
Suprafetele vopsite pot fi expuse doar pentru scurte perioade de timp direct la lumina
solara (UV), altfel intervalele de reacoperire maxime nu mai sunt valabile.
Before re-coating, after exposure in contaminated environment, clean the surface thoroughly by
(high pressure) fresh water jetting and let it dry. If the maximum re-coating interval is exceeded,
roughening of the surface is necessary to ensure good intercoat adhesion to following coats.
For reaching the maximum re-coating intervals, ensuring a good adherence as well as good
mechanical properties the following conditions should be ensured:
-the primer has a dry film thickness as near as possible to 40 m;
-the film formed is uniform, qualitative and "dry spray- free";
-the drying conditions are according to the APPLICATION CONDITIONS until full cure is obtained;
-the surfaces MUST be completely clean before re-coating.
The coated surfaces can be exposed only for short periods directly to sunlight (ultra-violet light),
otherwise the maximum re-coating intervals are not valid.



Grunduri seria GS 5400V: bidoane metalice de 22l (20kg).

GS 5400V series primers: metallic buckets of 22l (20kg)

Toate operatiile de manipulare, transport, depozitare, utilizare se vor realiza respectand cu

strictete normele de prevenire a incendiilor, normele de protectia muncii si igiena sanitara.
Se interzice: prezenta oricaror surse de foc, vopsirea in spatii fara o ventilatie
corespunzatoare, contactul direct al pielii cu produsul respectiv, inhalarea prelungita a
vaporilor, ingerarea produsului.
All the operations of handling, transport, storage and use should be accomplished in strict
compliance with the fire prevention, safety and health norms. The presence of any fire source,
painting in areas without adequate ventilation, direct contact of skin with the respective product,
prolonged inhalation of vapors and ingestion of the product, should be forbidden.


Toate aceste date au caracter general privind performantele si utilizarea produsului, de

aceea recomandam testarea produsului in conditiile propriei tehnologii de aplicare a
Rugam consultati producatorul pentru lamuriri suplimentare.
All these data have a general character regarding the performance and use of the product; therefore
we recommend the testing of the product under conditions specific to the application technology of
the beneficiary.
Please contact the producer for further information.

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