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Glyn :


Glyn :


Glyn :

Glyn :
Glyn :
Glyn :
Glyn :
Glyn :
Glyn :


Well. Glyn youre been called the first male

supermodel. Would you agree with that?
Not really Trisha, to be honest, I think having a
famous designer as a wife helps up my profile,
and there are one or two other male models who
are household names.

Trisha: Nah. Glyn Anda telah disebut supermodel pria pertama.

Apakah Anda setuju dengan itu?
Glyn: Tidak benar-benar Trisha, jujur, saya pikir memiliki desainer
terkenal sebagai seorang istri membantu profil saya, dan ada satu atau
dua model laki-laki lain yang nama popular.

Was that how you got into the fashion world? I

mean through your wifes contacts.

Trisha: Itukah bagaimana Anda masuk ke dunia fashion? Maksudku

melalui kontak istri Anda.

Yes and no. I was working as a catwalk model

when I met Regina here in Milan she was
showing her latest collection and I had already
done bits and bobs of catalogue stuff, but it wasnt
until we got it together that I started appearing in
fashion magazines like Vogue and Vanity Fair.

Glyn: Iya dan tidak. Saya bekerja sebagai model catwalk ketika
saya bertemu Regina sini di Milan - ia menunjukkan koleksi
terbarunya - dan saya sudah mencoba berbagai macam barang
katalog, tapi itu tidak sampai kita mendapatkannya bersama-sama
bahwa saya mulai muncul dalam mode majalah seperti Vogue dan
Vanity Fair.
Trisha: Jadi telah membantu kemudian

So it has helped then?

Definitely. There are so many guys out there,
which makes it pretty competitive. Before Regina,
I really had to work at it I was constantly
sending out portfolios to agencies and doing
And now?
Its a lot different. I can pick and choose more or
So, if you dont like the look of a new collection
then you pass.
No, its not like that. I think a professional can
model anything whatever the color, pattern or
cut. Its the type of work that decides it for me.
What do you mean?
I dont do show seasons anymore. Ive been
sticking almost exclusively to print work.
And I hear you are planning a career change?
Yes, yes its true. Regina and I are setting up our
own agency so if you fancy a job as a scout,
Trisha, just let me know.
Its a competitive business
Yes, we know. But were going to be a bit
different in terms of what type of model were
looking for.
In what way?
Were trying to get away from the stereotypical
physical characteristics you know the men have
to be between six foot and six two, jacket size 4042, the women over five-ten and very slim or even
skinny that type of stuff.
Sounds great, but can shorter models really make
it in (fade out).

Glyn: Pastinya. Ada begitu banyak orang di luar sana, yang

membuatnya cukup bersaing. Sebelum Regina, aku benar-benar
harus bekerja dalam hal itu - saya terus-menerus mengirimkan
portofolio ke lembaga dan melakukan audisi.
Thrysa: jadi sekarang?
Glyn: Ini jauh berbeda. Saya bisa mengambil dan memilih lebih
atau kurang.
Trisha: Jadi, jika Anda tidak menyukai tampilan koleksi baru
kemudian Anda melewati.
Glyn: Tidak, itu tidak seperti itu. Saya pikir seorang profesional
dapat mencontohkan apa - apa pun warna, pola atau dipotong. Ini
jenis pekerjaan yang memutuskan untuk saya.
Trisha: Apa maksudmu?
Glyn: Saya tidak melakukan pertunjukan musim lagi. Aku telah
berpegang teguh hampir seluruhnya untuk mencetak Karya.
Trisha: Dan aku mendengar Anda merencanakan perubahan karir?
Glyn: Ya, ya itu benar. Regina dan saya mendirikan agency kita
sendiri jadi jika Anda suka pekerjaan sebagai pemandu bakat, Trisha,
Kabari saja .
Trisha: Ini adalah bisnis bersaing
Glyn: Ya, kita tahu. Tapi kami akan menjadi sedikit berbeda dalam hal
apa jenis model yang kita cari.
Trisha: Dalam hal apa?
Glyn: Kami sedang berusaha untuk menjauh dari karakteristik fisik
stereotip - Anda tahu orang-orang harus antara enam kaki dan enam
dua, jaket ukuran 40-42, perempuan lebih lima lewat sepuluh dan
sangat tipis atau bahkan kurus - jenis yang barang.
Trisha: Kedengarannya bagus, tapi bisa model pendek benar-benar
membuatnya di ... (fade out).


So, what did you think of the class this morning?

It was OK, but I dont think I learned very much.
Oh why not? I thought she was a good teacher.
I dont know, maybe she just to talk too much. I got bored of listening to her.
Yeah, but what she said was interesting. Especially when she explained the present
perfect. It sounded so easy.
Im not interested in the present perfect! I need to learn more words. It doesnt really
matter if my tenses arent quite right as long as people understand me.
She did give us some new words though.
I know but she didnt write any of them on the board. She was too busy talking.
I wrote them in my book if you want to copy them. I know that if I dont write new
words down Ill never remember them.
Thanks. Ill give your book back to you tomorrow. If I dont see a word written
down I can never remember it either and I need to write it down myself to help my
What about the phonemic chart? Did you find that useful?
Yes, although I found it really difficult to hear the difference in the sounds she made.
Yes, Ill need to practice them too. If we use the chart every lesson though I think it
might help you to remember new words. If you can see the sound you need to make
it might be easier.
Yeah, I think youre right. Ups, Maybe you should be my teacher !

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