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MAY 2016













Should Parenting Classes be Compulsory?

Good morning Ladies and gentle man, (a token of appreciation is needed) brothers
and sisters for your willingness to attend my speech today. First of all, a many thanks
especially to The Toast Master Club for invite myself to delivery my speech here on the
topic, Should parenting classes be made compulsory. Ladies and gents, did you people
know why parent need parenting classes? My fellows, with the turn of this century,
researchers have found that with proper care and good parenting, children were able to
achieve their full potential. Therefore were able to achieve higher education and career
paths thus eliminating poverty and delinquencies. Because of proper parenting, children
develops positive thinking, become confident, have self-esteem, able to solve problem,
(transition signal needed) acquires a love for learning which is essential for life-long
learning and many more.
Ladies and gents, parenting classes can give us better insight into our style of
parenting, so that we can become the best parent we can be because the classes are
designed around the child development, parenting and discipline methods, effective
communication and most important are how to deal with feelings. This course will
provide you with resources, skill and techniques to be your references and guidance to
use at home when interacting with your children. This is because, mostly parenting
classes will teach parents to understand their own roles as a parent and be a good parent
to their child. Besides, parenting classes offered opportunity to learn basic parenting
skills, practise positive guidance, ask questions about safety and many more.
Now ladies and gents, by knowing the benefits and the need for parenting, then,
should parenting courses be made compulsory? Please ask your own self ladies and gents.
Either you say yes or no, now lets see what the advantages of parenting courses being
made compulsory is. First, it is because of all parents having to learn and be educated in
parenting skills so that we can be very good parents to our children. Secondly is (the
verb is is not needed here) , to be in the know of how to, not only care but to meet the
basic needs such as love and attention for the child. Third is (refer to what was
mentioned above), they unlearn many taboos which otherwise, would hinder and is
inappropriate for the bringing up the children in which they, the parents themselves, were
brought up with. Fourth, is to illiterate (wrong choice of word) parents would be better


informed about the health, safety and nutrition of the child to avoid sudden deaths and
diseases. Fifth, parents would place more important role in sending the child to school.
Why should (who?) send the child to school?
Ladies and gents, the needs why should sending the children to school is to know
the developments of children in order to bring them up to their full potential. Besides
that, we (missing verb) also able to know the developmental stages of the child both
physically and mentally when they are go to school. As parents, we have to know the
basic care of the child and must know the proper nutrition for the child needs
(development is better suited for this context). Why we as a parent must know all of
this kind of (redundant) things? It (missing verb) because, our children are like plants.
They need to be nurtured with love and care, in order to be prepared for the future as
shown in picture 1.1.

Picture 1.1 Children like a plant. Need proper care and love.

Other than that, our children also need a practice and guidance everyday while, we
shower them with love and care every day (everyday is spelled as one word) as needed
until they can learn to choose and make decision by their own (redundant) self as in
picture 1.2 below,

Picture 1.2. Illustration importance of regular attendance.

Besides that, our children growth and learning is in stages which cannot be forced or
hurried. At the early stage, from birth to six years old, it is the most important period to
develop their skills holistically as in a picture 1.3 and picture 1.4 as below,
Picture 1.3: The illustration of the children growth and learning stages.


3 Years 4 Years

5 Years

6 Years

7 Years

Picture 1.4: Human brain development Synapse Formation

This picture shows that children brain development will go through by stages of

At Birth

6 Years Old

14 Years Old

So, ladies and gents, which (this is better suited for this sentence) is the reason
why we need parenting courses being (redundant) made compulsory because we have to
learn many things to be a good parent to our child now and in their future and their
lifetime. Thats why as a parent we need the following skills to be effective such as
patience, determination, confidence, genuineness and concern, openness, friendly
firmness, effective communication and an understanding of the meaning of behaviour.
Why we as a parent need all of this? Why we need to be patient with our
children? Why (missing verb) we need to be openness (open is enough) with our
child? Ladies and gents, we need all of this to build their self-esteem because it is
important that we discipline (who?) in a way that teaches responsibility by motivating
our children internally, to build their self-esteem and make them feel loved. If our
children are disciplined in this respect, they will not have a need to turn to gangs, drugs,
or sex to feel powerful or belong (to a group). Ladies and gentleman, our childs selfesteem is greatly influenced by the quality time we spend with them, not the amount of
time that we spend.


Keep on listening and learning by this courses ladies and gents (ummm what?),
have we ever know and keep on thinking how to make a children understand what we
talked to them especially toddlers? My fellows, to make them understand or response to
us is by speaking the same languages. Why should speak the same language? Lets refer
to picture 1.3 below,

Picture 1.3: Picture shows the illustration of importance of cooperation

between teachers and parents and community.
In a community situation like these, people get to know the happenings in school
and know that the child receive holistic education such as practicing good manners, selfdiscipline, moral values, health and hygiene. It is also hoped that the parents and
community practices what the children are being thought.
But then, ladies and gents, therere (this is unacceptable in a written paper,
though accepted in oral communication ) also disadvantages of parenting courses are
made compulsory such as some parents feel compelled or being forced or unwilling and
are disgruntle (hanging sentence). In this case, they attend for the sake of attending
therefore they learn half-heartedly and if this situation happens the parents might blame
the child for the situation and they might be absent from the course which will cause
incomplete learning.
So, ladies and gents, should parenting classes be made compulsory? Ask yourself
ladies and gents. As for me, to be a good, excellent and educated parents of a child,
parenting classes are compulsory because we will know how to deal in every problem
and cases that happen in future. All of stages of parenthood can be challenging and
children definitely do not come with instruction manual. A good child comes from good
parenting skills.
Last but not lease ladies and gents, once again, should parenting classes must be
compulsory? Back home ladies and gents, practice all of what you have learn to day


(today is spelled as one word) in my speech to educate your children at home and Ill
bet sooner or later all of us realise that parenting classes must be (missing verb)
compulsory because theres (the adjective many indicates that there are more than
one thing, hence correct term should be there are) many things useful we learnt
through the courses or classes. Thats all my dear friends, ladies and gents for today.
Hope we all can learn new way to educate our children with hope our children become
someone better and for us as a parent, hope we all will be a good and effective parents to
our children and community soon.
Thank you.
(Weigold, 2014)









(Ireland, 2014)
Ireland, K. (12. Mar 2014). Why Should Parents Takes Parenting Classes. From:


21 June 2016.
(Gentleman, 2012), (31


compulsory/. Retrieved: (23 June 2016).

(Schreiber, Parenting 101:The Benefit of Parenting Classes, 2011)
Schreiber, T. (26. september 2011). Parenting 101:The Benefit of Parenting Classes.
From: Retrieved: (25
June 2016)
(Haines, 2007)
Haines, H. (21 July, 2007). Should You Take Parenting Classes? Retrieved: 25 June 2016


(Comunity, 2009)
Comunity, T. P. (9 June, 2009). Top 5 Benefits of Attending Parenting Classes.
Retrieved: 25 June 2016, from:

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