Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2


(5): 5

___1__ The report has page numbers, is double-spaced, is in Times 12-point font, and has one
inch margins

___2__ No personal language (I, me) or quotes are used

___2__ The report has been proof read and is free of grammatical and spelling errors

Introduction (20): 18

___4__ A description of the topic being investigated is provided

___3__ Prior research findings on the topic are reviewed and support the hypothesis proposed:
not quite clear how this previous work is helping you to interpret the question set out at the

___4__ It is clear how I am extending prior research and why this extension will expand our
knowledge about psychology

___3__ A statement of the study hypothesis is made is justified based on the background
information provided: the idea of what dogs understand seems to get lost here. Not clear how
different behaviors will point to different hypotheses and where the hypotheses are coming
from within the existing lit

___4__ Citations of research articles, the readings, or the lecture are included for ideas or
findings that are not my own.

Method (5): 4

___2__ A description of who the participants are is provided (number, age, sex)

___2__ A description of exactly what was done in the study is provided so that others would be
able to replicate it: a few places here where I had questions on the method

Results (10): 9

___1__ A reminder of the hypothesis is presented: no info provided here

___4__ A statement of how the independent variable affected/related to the dependent
variable is made.

___4__ Presentation of the findings is clear and is supported with a description, numbers, or a
graph of the findings.

Discussion (20): 17

___2__ The findings are summarized: I think there shouldve been more about how your
particular results could stand as evidence of dogs understanding. There were some good
studies cited here, but it wasnt clear how they tied in with your results

___4__ A statement about whether the study hypotheses are supported is made

___3__ The weaknesses/limitations of the study are noted and how they may have affected the
results is discussed: more needed here

___4__ Future research directions that relate to the study are suggested

___4__ If applicable, the implications of the results to the real world or psychology more
generally are discussed.

Total: 53/60

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