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Marketing and

Audience Research
Online retail store
Jingtao Lin, N9255737

Tutor name: Ms Jenny Doig

Tutorial time: WED, 11:00am 12:00 pm
Word count: 1627

Jingtao Lin N9255737

Table of Conten

Executive Summary
1.0 Introduction and Background 3
1.1 Importance of the research.................................................................3
1.2 Scope of the report.............................................................................3
1.3 Research Problem/Question................................................................3
1.4 Aims and Objectives...........................................................................3
2.0 Method 4
2.1 Methodological considerations and assumptions................................4
2.2 Sample consideration.........................................................................4
2.3 Data collection and framework and analysis......................................4
3.0 Ethical considerations
4.0 Analysis
Table 1 (Objective 1):................................................................................6
Table 2 (Objective 2).................................................................................7
Table 3 (Objective 3).................................................................................7
Table 4 (Objective 4).................................................................................8
Table 5 (Objective 5).................................................................................8
5.0 Findings and Recommendations 9
Objective 1:...............................................................................................9
Objective 2:...............................................................................................9
Objective 3:...............................................................................................9
Objective 4:...............................................................................................9
Objective 5:.............................................................................................10
6. Limitations
7.0 Reference


Executive Summary
This report is in order to discover Australian consumers attitudes toward online retail
shopping. And this report is based on four interview transcripts which are conducting five
objectives. Then thematic analysis will be provided after coding these four transcripts.

Jingtao Lin N9255737

Moreover this report will consider about the ethics on marketing research and discuss the data
as well as provide some recommendations for marketing research. Finally, some possible
limitations of this report will be given.

1.0 Introduction and Background

1.1 Importance of the research
According to Australian Bureau of Statistics (2012), 83% of persons in Australian were
internet users and 76% of them will order goods or service via internet. This phenomenon
testifies that shopping online has become more and more common. In accordance with market

Jingtao Lin N9255737

segmentation theory, classifying online shoppers and finding out what motivates them to shop
online is important for marketing researchers to do market segmentation. Moreover, A
wrong decision making will cause amount of lose to companies. AlShatanawi (2014) claimed that marketing research can reduce the risk and
uncertainty for companies. This will help manager avoid making mistakes.

1.2 Scope of the report

Overall, this research covers English speaking adults in Australian who have shopped online
before. So people under 18 years old are not included. Limitation of this report is that the
scale of sample is small. Interview transcriptions might concentrate in 20 year-old to 30 yearold person. Hernndez (2011) said age is a crucial factor effect online shopping behavior,
especially for older people. Therefore, this report may create bias and is not persuasive.

1.3 Research Problem/Question

What are the determinants of Australian consumers attitudes toward online retail shopping?

1.4 Aims and Objectives

The aim of this report is to qualitatively explore the determinants of Australian consumers
attitudes toward online retail shopping. It is based on Specific objectives include:
i) To investigate general Internet usage behaviour of online retail shoppers;
ii) To identify what types of products people buy online;
iii) To explore perceptions of online retail shopping;
iv) To examine motivations for engaging in online retail shopping;
v) To understand online retail shopping behaviour.

2.0 Method
2.1 Methodological considerations and assumptions
This research is a kind of qualitative research, because it is subjective and conducted with
general research objects. Therefore exploratory research will be conducted in this report.

Jingtao Lin N9255737

Wilson (2010) claims exploratory research is often applied when researchers have less
knowledge about the problem. Problem in this research is specific to online shoppers attitude
towards to retail store, scope of this project becomes narrow and researchers have limited
knowledge about consumers attitude which requires them to apply exploratory research. It is
considered that exploratory research can help researcher to start the project and create a
clearly concept of the research problem. Hair (2014) classifies that advantages of this
research are that it can not only use the flexibility of sources but also it can increase
comprehension to researchers which help them create new ideas to assist with narrowing
scope of a project. Contrarily, Salkind (2006) said exploratory research may not be
convincing due to lack of statistical strengthen. Also, it might be susceptible and subjective
due to interpreter bias. Above all, data like formal structured interviews, pilot studies and case
studies will be collected. And under this research method, a suggested conclusion may be
provided instead of a conclusive conclusion.

2.2 Sample consideration

Four adult respondents are sample in this report who are interviewed by
non-probability sampling method. As Fosrster (2001) claimed, nonprobability sampling is a convenient method which can save time and
reduce cost. This research is conducted by marketing students in QUT and
each student will not have enough time to conduct a specific research.
Therefore, non-probability sampling enables them to investigate random
adult. But disadvantage is that we will not be able to make broad
generalizations about the entire population of people (Salkind, 2010).
Therefore this research is based on small sample to explore the problem which means it may
not be representative.

Jingtao Lin N9255737

2.3 Data collection and framework and analysis

It is considered that other data collection approaches for qualitative
research are time-cost, so firstly we conduct a paper-based question list.
Then we ask random people to participate by introducing the topic and
process of the interview. After confirming participant is adult and obtaining
signature in a form.

We will start interview and record the answer.

Because the structure of the question list is divided into 5 different parts,
so it is suggested to apply thematic analysis which is theoretically-flexible and
can be used within different frameworks. (Guest, 2012).

3.0 Ethical considerations

Ethic in marketing research is crucial. For researcher, maintaining an ethical approach during
research will increase the reputation of researcher and the research will be reliable. For
customers, an ethical considerations involved in market research is invasion of privacy which
means company may affect customers freedom.
AMSRS sets out the basic principles that must guide the actions of those who carry out or
use market, social and organisational research (AMSRS, 2014). This can protect
respondents rights. Also QUT have a high standard in conducting research, critical principles
are as follow. (QUT, 2015)
1. Research at QUT is undertaken in an ethical and accountable environment, based on shared
commitment by the University and its researchers to maintain a strong culture of integrity and
fair conduct
2. The QUT Code of Conduct for Research imposes requirements on researchers which are in
addition to the general ethical obligations for members of the University community set out in
the QUT Staff Code of Conduct
3. QUT expects that research data and primary materials will be properly collected, managed
and retained in accordance with relevant legislation and University policies
4. All researchers will be appropriately trained in relevant research policies and procedures
and the Universitys expectations for ethical and responsible behaviour.
QUT will well managed the data and create an ethical environment for students. Ethic
training will be given to students. Also, signature by all interview will be collected which can
protect participants right.
Above all, this research will be conducted in ethical way.

Jingtao Lin N9255737

4.0 Analysis
Guset (2012) claimed that thematic analysis is a qualitative analytic method for analyzing and
reporting patterns. In order to identifying different consumer behavior in online shopping, this
report will use thematic analysis to analyze following table. It can be clearly seen that online
store is popular due to lower price and convenience. Most of the people worry about the
information security in internet.

Table 1 (Objective 1):



Frequency of

Social media


Frequency of
shop online



Example from

This code relates to

the frequency of
internet usage which
indicates how much
time the respondent
spends online.

I use internet
all the day


This code relates to

what types of things
people usually do on
the Internet.

Using social
media like


This code relates to

how people access to
the Internet.

a. Laptop
b. Iphon5

Twice a

This code relates to

how often would the
respondent buy
things online

Twice a month


Jingtao Lin N9255737



This code relates to

the location that
people purchase
things online.

online at home

Table 2 (Objective 2)




Example from

What will


This code relates to

the types of things
people bought online.

a. clothes
b. books

Reasons of


This code relates to

reasons why people
shop online

a. Convenient
b. Cheaper


Example from
retailers do well
in online selling
a. Late dilivery
b. Low quality

Table 3 (Objective 3)
Coding colour Theme


shopping in

Do well

This code relates to

peoples attitude
toward online product

e of shop


This code relates to

peoples bad
experience when shop

Table 4 (Objective 4)


before shop




Example from

This code relates to

What types of
research do
respondent undertake
before making a
purchase online

different online
shop through

Jingtao Lin N9255737

price with
offline store


This code relates to is

there any value in
comparing online and
offline store prices
before buying?

a. Yes it is
b.This depends
on the price


Example from

Table 5 (Objective 5)


of shop




This code relates how

the respondents
encourage people to
get involve in online

a. Convenient
b. Awesome
price (Cheap)

Suggestion of
shop online

This code is relates to

what should people
be careful when shop

a. Donot put
b.Donot browse

5.0 Findings and Recommendations

Objective 1:
All respondents link to internet every day which means internet is inseparable in their life.
And they spend most of time on social media when they connect to internet. Also, they would
shop online twice a month. Above all, people no longer recognize internet as a toll for
working. Therefore, online store is a potential market for company which suggested them to
make the best use of social media. Company can advertise through social media to attract
more customers and increase its market share. Moreover, though most of respondents will
shop online at home by using their laptop, one of the respondents will use her cellphone. This
suggests company to develop software for cellphone, and update as well as maintain its
official website frequently.

Jingtao Lin N9255737

Objective 2:
From table 2, three respondents will buy clothes online and one respondent prefer buying
books online. They consider that online shopping is convenient and price is cheap. Therefore,
manager should pay attention to delivery service and price strategy. It is recommend to use
demand-based pricing to set the price. For example, using bundle pricing which means
offering several products for sale as one combined product (kerin, 2011). Because books and
clothes are always sold as a combo, this price strategy may stimulate consumers. Moreover, it
is necessary for manager to clearly classify different types of clothes and books in the

Objective 3:
Though all respondents satisfy with Australian retailers in online selling, some
bad experiences shared by them mostly are late delivery and low quality of









department. Company should require them keep flowing the packages to avoid
losing packages. Moreover, perfect packaging with goods will decrease the
physical damage to goods which can improve quality of products. Finally,
guarantee of free returning broken goods is essential.

Objective 4:
All respondents will browse different online shop for researching the introduction of their
desired products.

And comparison of price between online store and offline store is

necessary. Therefore, retailers should put specific information and relevant commends about
products in website. This will convince customers to buy them. Also, retailer can apply price
discrimination which means goods or services are sold at different prices from the same
provider (Grewal, 2015). Retailer can set lower price in online store. This can improve the
sales in online section. Moreover, odd-even pricing can be used in online store which can
create price advantage than other offline shop. According to Grewal (2015), odd-even pricing
is a psychological pricing tactic in which numeric value is utilized to affect the customer's
perception of product value. So after comparing customers may decide to buy online.

Jingtao Lin N9255737

Objective 5:
Respondents consider that though online shopping is convenient and
cheap, they are careful when shopping online, because they are afraid of
exposing their personal information. Internet security is always considered
an important issue. Hacker can steal customers information through
security flaw. Therefore, it is suggested retailer put more effort on
maintaining online store which can convince customers and build a good

6. Limitations
This research is based on small sample. Only hundreds interview transcripts are collected.
And this quality research may be bias and inaccurate. Besides, the four chosen respondents
are aged form 19 to 26. It is obvious that no older generation are involved in this research.
Different age will get different view to internet. Hernndez (2011) said age is a crucial factor
effect online shopping behavior, especially for older people. Moreover, analytical bias made
by researcher may influence the result.


Jingtao Lin N9255737

7.0 Reference
AMSRS. (2014). Code of Professional Behaviour. Australian Market and
Social Research Society. Retrieved from:
Australian Bureau of Statistics, (2012). 8146.0 - Household Use of
Information Technology, Australia, 2012-13, Retrieved from:
Al-Shatanawi, H., Osman, A., & Halim, M. S. A. (2014). The importance of
market research in implementing marketing programs. International
Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences,
3(2), 150-159. Retrieved from
Forster, J. J.Sample surveys: Nonprobability sampling. (2001), (pp. 1346713470) Elsevier Ltd. doi:10.1016/B0-08-043076-7/00499-X
Grewal, D., Levy, M., Mathews, S., Harrigan, P., & Bucic, T. (2015). Price,
Marketing. North Ryde, NSW: McGraw-Hill Education (Australia).
Guest, Greg & MacQueen, Kathleen M & Namey, Emily E (2012), thematic
analysis, Applied thematic analysis. Sage Publications, Los Angeles
Hernndez, B., Jimnez, J., & Martn, M. J. (2011). Age, gender and income:
Do they really moderate online shopping behaviour? Online Information
Review, 35(1), 113-133.
Hair, Joseph F & Lukas, Bryan & Miller, Kenneth E & Bush, Robert P (2014)
Marketing Research: Asia Pacific Edition (3rd Ed.) Melbourne, Australia:
Kerin, R. A., Hartley, S. W., & Rudelius, W. (2011). Price, Marketing: The
core. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Responsible conduct of
research, 2015, Retrieved from:
Salkind, Neil J, Nonprobability sampling , Encyclopedia of Research Design
(2010). Sage Publications. 922-926
Salkind, Neil J. (2006). Exploring research. 125-127, Upper Saddle River
Publications, N.J: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Jingtao Lin N9255737

Wilson, A. M. (2010). Marketing research: An integrated approach : Solving

business problems : The value of marketing research. Frenchs Forest,
N.S.W: Pearson Australia.


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