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YOU Can Unlock the Secret

7 Surefire Law of Attraction Techniques You Can Use

TODAY to Transform Your Life


Table of Contents
About the Author

Ask: Focus on the positive

Ask: Having a goal worth failing for

Believe: Goal Cards

Believe: A modern twist on vision boards

Receive: Be ready and willing


Receive: Meditation


Final stage: Energize your life




the Can Unlock the Secret by Leon
This may sound like a bold claim, but first you have to understand the fundamentals behind it.

The Law of Attraction plays an important part, if not the biggest part, in unlocking the secret but its not the
only part. As you may know there are three stages to getting all that you want out of life. First you have to Ask
for what you want. Then you have to Believe you can achieve it. And finally you Receive.
Where most people go wrong is they ask for what they dont really want. They go for the money, or the
lifestyle, or the big house and this isnt what they want not in their heart of hearts. The result of which is
they dont believe its going to happen, so they never get to the receiving stage.

The 7 step approach

As with most things in life you have to do some preparation before starting. Diving straight in isnt going to
have the desired effect and may even put you off ever trying again.
First you have to get yourself into a positive, confident, relaxed state whereby you can decide what it is you
truly want to ask for.
Then you need to hand it over to the Universe and believe what you desire is coming to you on time. You have
to remain focused on your goals and remind yourself daily what it is youre going after, and why.
Finally, you have to just let go, put yourself in an open and willing-to-receive state. Dont worry if there are
no signs that the outcome is unfolding, just relax and expect it to happen.

About me
I started my personal development journey several years ago when a close friend told me about Bob Proctors
You Were Born Rich.
This series of DVDs was recorded at a live seminar where both Bob and John Kanary covered a range of
amazing ideas such as Terror Barriers, Changing your Paradigm, Living in Abundance and of course, the Law
of Attraction all of which were completely new to me.
I spent quite some time thinking why didnt I know about this sooner!?
That in-turn led me to Napoleon Hills classic Think and Grow Rich, widely acclaimed as the most
influential book on success ever published. Then came Rhoda Byrnes The Secret, The Strangest Secret by
Earl Nightingale and a whole host of other books, videos, webinars and seminars followed.
Most recently I attended a Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within four-day event, where I lost my voice
(and a lot of sleep) and even walked on fire!

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Ask: Focus on the positive

The first and most fundamental step in using the Law of Attraction is to focus on the positive.
This might sound like a throwaway statement, after all if thats all it took wed all have everything our hearts
desire. But its very easy in todays society to get knocked off course, dragged into negative conversations at
work or by simply turning on the TV and catching the evening news.
One minute youre ready to take over the world, the next, the little voice inside your head is saying "I cannot
do this" and youre listening to it.
There are many reasons why focusing on the positive will help you move towards your dreams, instead of
away from them. Outlined below are the main four you should be aware of to keep you focused.

Whether you believe it or not, you are capable of so much more than you think.
When you focus on the positive, more often than the negative, you will begin to see small changes taking
place. Over time youll start to think you can actually do things that you normally wouldnt think you could.
And more importantly, youll start acting on this belief.
Positive action is what makes everything work and confidence plays a big part in this.

If you dont think youre worthy of your goals and dreams who else is going to believe you? Doubting yourself,
your self-worth and belittling your achievements isnt going to get you anywhere!
You have to realize youve done some amazing things already and you should acknowledge and celebrate this.
Once you start seeing your past wins for what they truly are, your self-esteem will grow.
Combine this with your newly found confidence and youll start to see amazing things taking shape.

Removing all the negative from your life can have an amazing effect on your stress levels.
One way is to remove yourself from certain situations and/or spend less time with certain individuals. You
know what and who these are, they might even be loved ones, but spending your life in a negative vibration is
doing you harm.
Another is to stop worrying so much. Focusing on the negative leads us to create movies in our minds of
situations that will probably never happen, but we end up worrying about them just the same.
Sounds too easy? Stay positive, remove negative situations, stop worrying so much and watch your stress
levels plummet.

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Its hard to keep pushing towards your goals if you havent got the motivation to do so. The first little hurdle
comes along and we throw in the towel.
If you can find the right mindset, keep focused on the target despite what challenges might come your way,
and youll move heaven and earth to make them happen. Thats the secret to getting where you want to be.
Thats the motivation youve been looking for all these years.
Having a goal big enough to fight for, and believing you can do it.

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Ask: Having a goal worth failing for

Most people fall into two categories with respect to goal setting:
1. They either set goals but never achieve them, or
2. They dont even set them in the first place.
If you asked the average person on the street what their goals where, what their five-year plan was, what they
wanted to achieve by the end of the year they would probably look at you blankly then quietly walk away.
Those who do set goals, usually set unrealistic ones and/or do them under duress. New Years Eve for
example, a good time to set bad goals!
The first thing you need to realize about setting goals is that they need to be strong ones. Goal setting can be
very powerful and if you set goals that are not only strong, but attainable, you can see incredible results in a
relatively short period of time.

Be specific
The universe has a sense of humor.
If you are not crystal clear on what it is you want, the universe will fill in the gaps, and sometimes that can
give you an interesting twist you werent necessarily expecting!
Spend the time to really flesh out your goals. Put into place all of the intricacies, all the fine details, make a
complete picture of how your life will be once you attain your goal.
Remember, the point of your goals is to lead you to success, so make them all-encompassing and remove any
room for error or interpretation.

You cant get to point B if you dont know where point A is

Sounds simple, but how can you be expected to reach your goals when you dont know where you currently
are, and in what direction youre headed?
Take some time and just sit down and evaluate where you are in your life. Before you get into the specifics of
what it is you want, and in what timeframe, just focus on the now.
Decide whether you are okay with the way your life is right now, and if not, determine how much better it
would be if you attained your goals.

Pause for thought

There is a school of thought that your goals should be big, really BIG, and scary too. If you already know how
to achieve something you wont be motivated enough to go and do it.
However, if they are too big, most people wont even start as theyll be overwhelmed.

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I believe you have to gauge the size of your goals to your mindset, push yourself enough so that theyre scary,
just not too scary. Over time, as you start to achieve some of your goals, you will realize that youre more
inclined to push the boundaries, further and further each time you go after something new.
Remember, make the goal big enough that its worth failing for.
You wont have to apologize to anyone, including yourself, if you make it halfway to the stars instead of all
the way to the moon.

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Believe: Goal Cards

So you know where you are, youve decided on your goals and youre ready to release them into the Universe.
Now youre going to need effective systems to help you prioritize, focus and get your main goal burned into
your subconscious mind.

A goal card is one way to achieve this

First of all, choose your main goal. The one that would change your World the most. Then you need to find
yourself a business card or credit card sized piece of paper or card this will be your goal card.
Now write across the top of the card the date you want to have achieved this goal.
This not only gives you a point of focus but Parkinson's law states work expands so as to fill the time
available for its completion. This basically means the amount of time you give yourself to complete your
goal is the amount of time it will take!
Beneath this, write down your goal in an affirmation style. Basically focus on using positive words, not what
youre trying to avoid, as the subconscious mind cant understand negative words such as dont. It will
interpret I dont want to be poor as I want to be poor. Instead say I am wealthy.
Also, be specific. If youre familiar with SMART goals they should be Specific and Measurable. Say how much
you want to be worth, not just richer. Say how many pounds you want to lose and by when.
A great way to start is I am so happy and grateful now that I
Finally sign the card, as this reinforces your commitment to achieve your goal.

Now for the science bit

Read it at least twice a day, once in the morning and again at night.
Carry your goal card with you everywhere you go. Whenever you have a spare moment, any kind of break in
your day, take it out of your pocket and read it.
Every time you do this, youll think about your goal and focus on the end result.
The reason this works your subconscious mind takes everything literally. It only accepts commands given to
it in the present tense, with personal, positive emotions. Plus, it accepts them most readily when they are
repeated with faith, gratitude and an already-having-received attitude.
Constant, Spaced, Repetition is the key.

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Believe: A modern twist on vision boards

By now youve probably heard of vision boards.
Its where you cut out all of the things you want in life from brochures and magazines, pin them onto a
corkboard and look at it as often as you can. This in-turn, provides you with inspiration and helps you reach
your goals through positive visualization.
They work because your mind sees in pictures.
Whenever you think of something; your car, your house, your children; an image of that flashes onto the
screen of your mind. Its almost as if you have a projection screen right through the center of your head. So, as
the mind is visual, it naturally responds well to a vision board.
Ive been using them for years and have found that focusing on just one thing at a time has reduced the time
to achievement immensely.
Now this doesnt mean you cant have a vision board with all of your dream houses, holiday destinations and
material objects scattered all over it, hey if that works for you keep doing it! But for me, a simplified approach
with a clear message really sinks in deep.
It removes all of the clutter and helps organize my mind for success.

My approach
First of all, I dont cut out images and pin them onto a physical board.
I know this goes against the theory of using something tangible, something real, the same as when writing
down notes makes you remember more because of the physical pathways made in your brain. But as I spend
most of my day at work, and most of that time Im sat in front of my laptop (like most of us are these days) I
use my wallpaper as my vision board.
I pick just one goal and place 6 different, yet related, images in a 3 x 2 grid across my screen. Over this I write
one word in capitals, something like BELIEVE or EXPECT. is a great free tool for creating these.
Now whenever I switch on the computer, plus several times throughout the day, I see my highly focused
vision board. I cant get away from it!
The last time I used this method, I wanted to buy an amazing apartment in a marina. I wasnt sure where the
funds where coming from, I didnt know if the one I wanted was still available, there were all sorts of
obstacles in my way and reasons for it not to happen.
So I scanned in 6 images from the property brochure, made a wallpaper with the word BELIEVE across it and
looked at it every day.
Within 3 months Id moved in!

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Things to remember
Always find pictures that represent feelings and possessions that you want to attract to your life
Consider adding a picture of yourself from a happy time for positive reinforcement
Avoid negativity, you dont want mixed or unsure feelings looking back at you
Dont go too crazy so it becomes cluttered or overwhelming
Break all the rules and do whatever feels right for you.

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Receive: Be ready and willing

Once youve given your goals over to universal intelligence and you believe you can achieve them, you have to
open yourself up and be ready and willing to receive.
This may sound counter-intuitive, after all youve just asked for want you really want, but most people still
arent ready for this third stage. Their old habits and beliefs make them feel unworthy.
None of this is true. Its all in your mind.
You give YOURSELF permission to be receive. To be big. To be powerful. To be worthy.
As you feel worthy of receiving small things you will naturally become worthy of receiving larger things. You
have created a huge chasm that sits between you and that which you desire. Now is the time to heal this rift,
close the chasm and allow the riches you truly deserve to flow easily to you.

In this modern consumer-driven world we take for granted what we have in our lives. We think there is always
something better out there and that we deserve more, whether we are ready to receive it or not. But we also
know that this isnt how the Law of Attraction works.
Gratitude is one of the most powerful aspects when it comes to the Law of Attraction. It not only raises your
vibration and imprint, but it also allows you to be thankful for everything you have been provided with thus
far and brings you in harmony with that which you seek.
There is always something to be thankful for. If you are finding it hard to be grateful, clear your mind and
focus on your breathing. Once you have a steady rhythm, start by being grateful for being alive, for breathing
fresh air, for a place to rest your head.
From there expand your thinking to your health, your friends and family, your pets, job, possessions
whatever gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.
By letting your heart overflow with gratitude, and being grateful for what you already have, you will start
seeing your goals, dreams, and desires manifest in your life.

Vacuum law of prosperity

One of the reasons many people follow the Law of Attraction is because it will inevitably lead to good things
coming into their lives. But what they may not understand is the good cannot take the place of the bad, if the
bad still remains.
Put simply, what are you still holding on to that you need to release?
Now this may be piles of junk in your garage, old clothes in your closet or furniture and electrical items in
storage. It might be your crummy, low-paying job or an old relationship that you just cant let go of.
Whatever it is, you have to make space for the good which you desire.

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The Vacuum law of Prosperity will work in all areas of your life but you have to do your part:
If you want new shoes, give some of the ones you have away
If you want new clothes, clean out your closet (create a vacuum) and donate them to charity
If you want better friends give up some of your old, negative ones
If you want more hugs, give some away!
It takes a certain amount of faith to do this, you have to be willing to let go of things without any guarantee
youll be compensated. But once you realize that nature abhors a vacuum and the inherent nature of the
universe is good, youll soon understand that the space which you create will be filled with good.

If you think about the Law of Attraction and what the Universe can give us, you will realize it's simply a cycle
of giving and receiving. If you give positive energy, you will receive positive energy. If you give gratitude, you
will receive more things to be grateful for.
If you create a space for this positive energy, the energy which you receive will only serve as proof of the Law,
so you will attract more success and more abundance into your life.

[ Video ] Find the Missing Ingredient

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Receive: Meditation
Another great technique to help you relax and just let the Universe do its thing is Meditation.
It has long been used by many people to get a handle on the stress in their lives, but it can also increase your
happiness, boost your energy levels and give you a better nights sleep.
The two properties Im most amazed by are its ability to sharpen your focus and concentration as well as
aiding with personal growth.

Where to begin
Start off by loosening the muscles in your tense body. Its all in your mind, from your feet to the tip of your
head, you have the mind power to allow yourself to be relaxed. Feel the feeling of pleasure move throughout
your body as you stretch your legs out as far as you can and sink into your chair with your back straight.
Then once relaxed, just focus on your breathing slowly in, slowly out.
In through your nose, out through your mouth.
Breathing in the happiness, breathing out the negativity.
Youll notice that as you relax and just focus on your breathing your mind will start to wander. Theres
nothing wrong with this, it will help you identify the negative experiences and thoughts in your life, but dont
dwell on them.
Rather use your new, relaxed state to let go of all your past mistakes, release those old grudges and worries.
Then, when you can, clear your mind and just focus on your breathing once again.

Rome wasnt built in a day

Meditation can be done by anyone and does not require experience.
The only thing a beginner to meditation must know is that practice makes perfect as there may not be
immediate results but the long-term benefits are boundless.
As you meditate every day, you will uncover the breathing techniques that work best for you and the quickest
way for you to clear your mind and focus just on your breathing.
This in turn, will help awaken the mind and the body. You will begin to feel more awake and energized during
the day and even if you have to force yourself out of bed every morning, you should work hard to try to
meditate every day.
If it helps, you can focus on a physical spot on the wall when first starting out.
With daily meditation, you will be happier, more carefree and considerate towards others. Use this to your
advantage and keep meditating so you can grow spiritually.

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A helping hand
No matter how long you have been meditating, there are going to be days when you can't shut off the random
thoughts buzzing around in your head.
When this happens you may wish to consider a guided meditation instead.
Put simply, a guided meditation is meditating with a guide to help you along the way. This can be done by
joining a class, hiring a private guide to help you or simply by downloading and listening to pre-recorded
meditations. The choice of how you choose to do this is completely up to you.
Using the Law of Attraction, when you look for peace, you can find peace. When you want to clear your mind,
show your body that you clear your mind and take control of what you want to achieve.

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Final stage: Energize your life

Youve decided upon and Asked for what you want. You have the mechanisms in place to focus on them and
Believe theyre coming. And you have the mindset and openness to Receive them once youre truly aligned
with them.
So whats the seventh step?
Keeping your mind and body in peek condition is essential in allowing the three stages of the Law of
Attraction to enfold.
If youre having a bad day, think your goals are unrealistic or you dont feel like meditating, then all of the
amazing progress youve made so far will start to retract.
Now this doesnt mean you have to be full on 24/7, but you should try and stay in a positive vibration as
often as you can. This keeps your older habits dormant and helps you achieve greatness and make it through
each and every day at your best.

Healthy eating
The easiest way to energize your life is to change your diet. We all know we should eat five portions of fruit
and vegetables every day but how many of us are actually doing it?
After all, its so easy to join in with the office mentality its only one doughnut and another cup of coffee!
So with that in mind, here are some eating habits that you should stick with when it is time for a change:
Embrace those Veggies
You may not enjoy Brussels sprouts or asparagus, but they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. Also adding
spinach or kale to your next fruit smoothie means getting your greens without noticing the taste.
Dont Eat Unnecessary Sugars, Salts and Fats
This should go without saying! Most processed foods have excessive sugars, salts and fats that are not needed
in a healthy diet. Staying away from these can be the biggest change you can make.
Portion Sizes
These sometimes get out of hand. Eating smaller, more frequent meals can help keep your weight under
control. Also, by doing this youre beating the urge to snack on those unhealthy options.

Drinking water
Overlooked by most people is the effect of drinking enough water has on the body.
It is recommended by health care providers everywhere that you should be drinking four to six, eight ounce
glasses of water each day. By drinking throughout the day, youre keeping yourself hydrated while also giving
your stomach the illusion of being full.
It can also help with headaches, constipation and fatigue, all by alleviating mild dehydration. Plus, if you keep
yourself well hydrated you should have less skin problems like blemishes, acne and even wrinkles!

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Ive heard that water also helps with joint and muscle pain, kidney and urinary tract Infections, dizziness,
tired eyes, muscle fatigue, and more.
Water is readily available and staying hydrated requires little effort. If you dont like the bland taste of water
alone, try spicing it up with mint leaves or lemon slices.

Regular exercise
This is the one thing most people struggle with.
Were advised to participate in some form of structured physical activity at least three times each week to
help preserve our health. Plus, it doesnt need to take hours and hours down the gym to achieve this.
Heres three simple options to get you started:
10,000 Steps a Day
This is the walking equivalent of getting enough water in your system on a daily basis. A person's body is not
designed to sit in one position and needs to be active in order to stay healthy.
Feeling a bit more active? This can help you increase your strength while also upping the amount of cardio
you get. This can be an ideal way to lose weight and give you a stronger heart and lungs.
Simple exercises
Create yourself a small circuit of basic exercises like press-ups, squats and lunges. Squats are one of the best
ways to get your abs get tighter and your legs toned but pick whatever works best for you.

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The Law of Attraction, also known as the Great Law, the Law of Laws or the Secret, can inspire people to look
at their lives from a positive perspective. It can materialise incredible results into their lives when they pay
attention to their thoughts, visualize their goals, turn those goals into affirmations and realise them into the
The Secret can turn anyone's life around if he/she is willing to follow the right steps and make a lifestyle that
is more rich and plentiful than it was before.
Remember there are three stages to the Secret:
1. Ask for what you want
2. Believe you can achieve it
3. Be ready to Receive
And whether you truly believe this will work for you or not, why not give it a go. After all, if your ways not
working, why dont you try ours?
As Napoleon Hill said: whatever the mind can conceive, and believe, the mind can achieve.
I hope this guide will help you on your own journey through the Law of Attraction and you can unlock your
own secrets in time.


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