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We're on a mission to help mankind live healthier, longer. Every day billions of people struggle
for better healthcare. We want to change that. Globally.
This starts with helping them find the best doctors and culminates into a single intelligent
healthcare account for the entire family that securely stores all their healthcare data so they
can make better healthcare decisions.
Rules Are for Fools, We're Driven by Values
We believe values are more important than rules. At Practo our values are not just principles
for our products or our company but they in many ways define who we are as people.
Foremost amongst our values is do-great.
do great is our belief that whatever we do, we must always do it the best. That good is not
good enough. That our desire for excellence stems not from want of rewards or recognitions
but from the sky high expectations we have of us.
do great maximize impact,
be bold,
focus on the user,
move fast,
think long-term,
be open
Every day, we work on problems no one has dared to solve before. Were dreamers, thinkers
and doers all rolled into one. We have audaciously, galactically big dreams - because thats
what it takes to truly change the world and improve healthcare access for humanity.
Being the pioneers in the segment we have been successful in implementing a
technology model that caters to doctors and patients in the most efficient way,
which sets us apart from other players in the market says Shashank ND, Founder &
CEO of Practo, a company he started in 2008.
Health start up Practo had an intense 2015. They raised $120 million in funding, added six
businesses to their kitty, made five acquisitions, launched in four countries and recruited
around 1,200 people.
They became the world's largest appointment-booking platform, clocking around 40 million
appointments annually.


Practo Search- enables consumers to find choose a healthcare provider from 2,00,
000 doctors, 10,000 hospitals, 8,000 diagnostic centers and 4000+ wellness/fitness
centers. Free for consumers and healthcare providers.
Practo Ray- launched in 2009 is for doctors to digitally prescribe lab tests and
generate digital lab reports for patients. This is available in India, Philippines,
Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and Brazil.
Diagnostic Search- Practo App launched diagnostic search center in their app which
enables users to search for medical tests. In September 2015, Practo launched its
services in Indonesia.
Practo Consult- Enables tele-medicine by allowing consumers to get free answers
from verified doctors.
Practo Order- Currently in pilot, enables medicine delivery.
Practo HIMS- Complete SaaS based HIMS software for hospitals. Currently powers
hospitals in over 15 countries.

Practo Tab- Hardware product used by doctors to manage their practice. Strong
demand from doctors who manage multiple clinics as well as for delivering healthcare
in rural/remote areas with poor connectivity. Has full offline mode for Practo Ray
Practo OPD SaaS Software- Enables hospitals to get better patient management
including significantly reduced wait times and enables enterprises to track efficiency
across their various hospitals.
In March 2016, Practo extended its services to Brazil. Practo's platform is also available
in the Portuguese language.
Practo Healthfeed- Enables consumers to get free access to high quality health
content written by doctors.

Acquisitions and Partnerships

FitHo- In April 2015, FitHo, a Delhi based fitness tech startup was acquired by Practo
for an undisclosed amount.
Genii- In July 2015, Practo acquired Mumbai based firm Genii
InstaHealth- In September 2015, Insta Health was acquired by Practo for $12 Million
(Rs. 80 Crore) The deal was a mix of cash and equity and saw 100 employees of Insta
Health Join Practo
Qikwell- On 24 September 2015, Practo acquired Qikwell for an undisclosed amount
which was a mixture of cash and stock options. Practo used Qikwell's technology to
improve the booking experience across its product suite.

On 16 November 2015, Practo and Uber announced Global Partnership to help people reach
doctors easily. This Partnership spans across India, Indonesia, Philippines and Singapore.
For the last two years, Practo has partnered with players such as Lenovo and Samsung to
build the enterprise hardware solutions (tablets and kiosks); the in-built software is Practos
own proprietary operating system.
Practo ties up with Twitter
Firm launches a Twitter handle @AskPracto, which will enable users get responses to their
queries by doctors on the Practo Consult platform. The service has been launched in three
countriesIndia, the Philippines and Singaporeand will be gradually rolled out in other


Series A Sequoia Capital invests 25 Crore in Practo
Series B Practo raised $30Million (Rs 185 Crore) in Series B round funding from Sequoia
Capital and Matrix Partners
Series C Tencent Holdings Limited, a Chinese investment holding company invested $90
Million (Rs. 573 Crore) in series C Investment in Practo. The deal valued Practo at $525 Million
(Rs. 3,348 Crore)
Google Capital and DST Global Founder, Russian Billionaire Yuri Milner has made personal
investments of $5 Million in Practo.

Growth Strategy
The 100-city plan, therefore, is rooted in real demand. Currently, Practo has a presence in 50
Indian cities and is aiming to touch another 50 by the end of this year. (It also points out that
about 30 percent of its traffic on the search platform is driven from outside the top six cities in
Localisation, Shashank says, will be the key to penetrate deeper into such markets and reach
out to a larger population. In our practice management software, we have already started
using vernacular language, explains Shashank. For example, when a patient gets a message
from a doctor who is using our software regarding the patients appointment, reminder, etc,
the doctor can select a language based on the city and the patient gets the message in the
local language such as Kannada, Tamil, Gujarati and Marathi.
At present, Practo offers an option of about 10 regional languages in its software product.
There is also a plan to move its search interface from just English to at least three more local
languages, including Hindi, by the end of 2016. This localisation extends to overseas markets
as well. In Indonesia, Practos search (and software) interface is in the local language, Bahasa,
while it is in Portuguese in Brazil.
Also, in July, Practo is looking to launch a call option for consumers in India with regard to
doctor consultations, beyond the online option. Kshitij Bhotika, vice president (products),
Practo, says the doctor ranking algorithm used by them is dependent on the quality. We use
feedback and various methods to understand whether the doctor is relevant to the patient or
not, she says. We also take patient feedback on the doctors. The feedback is made public
on the site. It doesnt matter if the doctor is using our software or not.

Flanking its core offerings is the business of enterprise hardware solutions (tablets and kiosks
built for managing digital records in hospitals and clinics). The company claims to sell around
a thousand units, including tablets and kiosks, each quarter.

The demand for these products is higher in tier II and III cities as doctors buy customised
tablets to manage medical records, patient appointments, feedback and registration.



Po litic a l

E c o n o m ic s

S o c ia l

Te c h n o lo g y

Le g a l

W ith
c a m p a ig n s
like M a ke in
In d ia , sta rt
u pse c o m m e rc e
got push
fro m th e
g o v e rn m e n t
re g u la tio n s
b e e n b e tte r
fo r s e c to r
h e lp Pa y T M
in v e sto rs
like A liB a b a
a p a rt fro m
M e d ia te k .
A p p ro v e d
a s B h a ra t
B ill Pa y m e n t
S y s te m .
Ta x
e x e m p tio n s ,
S e lfc e rtifi c a tio n
s fo r 3
y e a rs b y
g o v e re n tm e
n t fo r s ta rt
u ps.

In d ia is th e
fa ste s t
g ro w in g
econom y
w ith 7 .6 %
lic e n s in g fo r
Pa y m e n t
b a n k s in
A c c o rd in g
to N C A E R ,
In d ia 's
m id d le c la s s
p o p u la tio n
in 2 0 2 5 -2 6
is like ly to
m o re th a n
d o u b le fro m
th e 2 0 1 5 -1 6
le v e ls o f
1 1 3 .8
m illio n .
It is a lso
e s tim a te d
th a t
a v e ra g e
w a g e s w ill
q u a d r u p le
b e tw e e n
2013 and
W ith o n lin e
b a n k in g a n d
tra n sfe rs
re a d ily
in c re a sin g
th e re is a
s h ift to
C a sh le ss
E c o n o m y.
Lo w e r
in te rst ra te s
fo r s ta rt
u ps.

E c o m m e rc e
m a rke t s iz e
e x p e c te d to
g ro w m o re
th a n 1 0 0
b illio n b y
a c c o rd in g to
M o rg a n
S ta n le y.
T h e in te rn e t
p e n e tra tio n
a ls o g o in g
to d o u b le in
n ex t 5
y e a rs .

Ta rg e te d
m id d le c la ss
s o c ie tyO ne
p la tfo rm fo r
e v e ry th in g .
C u s to m e rs
n e e d fo r
lo w e r ra te s
like g e ttin g
o ff e rs a n d
d isc o u n ts .
M any
in itia tiv e s
g iv in g so c ia l
re c o g in itio n
. E x a m p le s
re c h a rg e o f
R s .3 0 w o r th
o f ta lk -tim e ,
fre e o f c o s t
d u rin g
fl o o d s .
M ic ro lo a n s
fo r
u n d e r p riv ild
la u n c h e d in
Fe b ru a ry
in itia tiv e M ila a p , th e
o n lin e
m ic ro le n d in g
p o rta l
w h e re u s e rs
c o u ld m a ke
c o n trib u tio n
e v e ry tim e
th e y
re c h a rg e d
a t Pa y tm .
G e ttin g
a s s o c ia te d
w ith IP L in a
c o u n try
w h e re
c ric ke t is a
re lig io n .

W ith u s e o f
s m a rtp h o n e
s , Pa y T M
s w itc h e d to
m o b ile
a p p lic a tio n s
to fa c ilita te
c u sto m e rs .
S a fe ty o f
p riv a te
in fo rm a tio n
is c o n c e rn
fo r
c u sto m e rs ,
s o n e e d s to
b e e q u ip
w ith la te s t
te c h n o lo g y
fo r in su rin g
Te c h n o lo g y
u p g ra d e fo r
e x p e rie n c e
like in sta n t
re c h a rg e ,
b o o k in g
w ith a
m in u te fo r
m o v ie , b u s,
a u to s e tc .

E v e ry
c o u n try h a s
d iff e re n t
ru le s a n d
re g u la tio n s ,
a s its b e s t
fo r o p e n
m a rke t it
m ig h t h a v e
c h a lle n g e s
w h e n try to
o p e n in
o th e r
c o u n trie s .
W ith w a lle t
a n d o th e r
p e rs o n a l
in fo rm a tio n
of each
c u s to m e r in
Pa y T M
n e e d s to b e
c a re fu l o f
le g a l iss u e s .


E n v iro n m e n t
W ith
c u s to m e rs
b e c o m in g
in c re a s in g ly
c o n c e re n d
e n v iro n m e n
t, Pa y T M
n e e d to
p ro m o te
e n v iro n m e n
ta lly
frie n d ly
p ro d u c ts .
W ith
c a sh le s s
m o n e y in
dem and,
le s s
c irc u la tio n
o f p h y s ic a l
m o n e y w ill
h e lp
e n v iro n m e n
ta l c a u s e .
U sin g
re c y c la b le
and non
w a s te fu l
p a c k a g in g .

As their is ecomerce and cashless economy on boom, relatively less

chances of getting substituted in near future.
Diversified Product Categories and Technology Infrastructure.

Diversified portfolio:
a)Recharge and utilities: Top-ups for Mobile, DTH, Data Card and utilities
like landline & electricity
b)Entertainment : Movies and events ticket
c)Travel: IRCTC, buses, flights, hotels Jugnoo- auto rickshaws
d)Online shopping centre for various categories like fashion, electronics,
books, automotives, industrial supplies etc.
e)Food: Mother Dairy booths in Delhi/ NCR

New market exploring third form of commercial transaction D2C Direct-toconsumer

Rather than shelling out crores of money on advertisements they lured
customers by giving discounts and cashback coupons.
Wallet making cashless money as centre.

Key Investors like Alibaba, Ratan Tata, and MediaTek.

Easy User interface
Initiator in the market therefore maximum market share.


Difficult to




of supliers in
case of
High switching

Threat of
technologies are
High capital
Strong brand
names are
Retaliation can
be their by

Fast industry
growth rate
Relatively few
Diversity of
competitors is
differntiation is

Buyer Power
Large number of
Buyers dont need
Buyers' switching
cost is less
differentiation as in
amount of offers,
easy user interface


High level of
substitues for
Cash can always
be alternative
for wallet

Acquired Self Service
Mobile marketing
platform Mobivite for
upto $500K
Create mobile website
Get into Mcommerce
Increasing supplier base
by enabling small
businesses platform

Introduced Immediate
Payment Service (IMPS)
Faster transaction
between wallets and
any bank
Better customer
Handling more cash
inflow through
customers wallets

Collaboration with PVR
and Cinepolis

New market
Entertainment business
Increasing Customers

Acquired Plustxt for
under $2M

Funding from Jack MaS
Alibaba and Ratan Tata

Create cross messaging
platform for customers
Better customer
User friendly

Monetory cash inflow
Aluring other investors
in for more investments
Using cash for getting
into new strategies like
marketing, increasing
market size,acquiring
other resources etc.

Entrying into Travel
market Partners with
IRCTC, Bus tickets

PayTM and Jugnoo

New market
IRCTC being the largest
customer base, partner
with them gives
More customer base for
Differentiator, more
recoginition compared
to competitors

Collaboration with Mother
New market
Food line
Delhi/ NCR customers
getting tapped

New market
Larger share in Travel
with Jugnoo into auto
rickshaw market

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